
GTA V "ALAN 0" Plate Bug explanation

Oct 13th, 2020
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  1. Regarding the ALAN 0 plate bug
  2. Appears to occur when the vehicle type does not have any loaded plates already
  3. When the vehicle is spawned with an invalid plate index (-1 for example) this will occur
  5. Test code (FiveM):
  6. ```lua
  7. RequestModel("sultanrs")
  8. while not HasModelLoaded("sultanrs") do Wait(0) end
  9. local ped = PlayerPedId()
  10. local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped)
  11. local veh = CreateVehicle("sultanrs", pos, 0.0)
  12. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(veh, -1)
  13. SetPedIntoVehicle(ped, veh, -1)
  14. ```
  15. Result: spawns a Sultan RS with the "ALAN 0" plate (given no Sultan RS is spawned with a plate already)
  17. Other notes:
  18. Plate on the vehicle breaks and does not update if set to index -1, it will keep the original plate or update as noted below
  19. Plate can take text from other nearby vehicles or vehicles of same type rather than the "ALAN 0" text where available
  21. Spawn 3 vehicles with the ALAN 0 plate
  22. Set one of them to plate index 0 to fix the plate
  23. The other two will now show the same plate text as the fixed vehicle on the _HI/nearby model and ALAN 0 when on the non-_HI model (with the Sultan RS example at least)
  25. Conclusion:
  26. ALAN 0 seems to be a default fallback plate texture, not plate text.
  27. When possible it will show another available and compatible plate texture which does not represent the vehicles actual plate text.
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