
Vilgax deterioration

Sep 24th, 2024
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  1. Vilgax reached the threshold of his neurology long ago. He could not retain new information without discarding some old. His psyche was able to filter out "junk" memories first, useless chaff, but the process overtaxed his neurons. He was running new software on outdated hardware. He started to forget. He started to falter. At first, only his closest advisors were aware of what was happening, and they did not even understand the scope of the issue. Soon it was obvious to anyone in his retinue. Vilgax deteriorated, became even more aggressive, if such a thing were possible. Rumors spread, and social climbers snitched on the rumor-spreaders. The penalty for insulting the Emperor was execution. Vilgax called out for generals who had already met capital punishment.
  3. - Round 4
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