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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use List::AllUtils qw(onlyidx pairwise all indexes max sum product reduce);
- $| = 1;
- sub vec_sum ($$) { my ($v, $w) = @_; return ([pairwise {$a + $b} @$v, @$w]); }
- sub vec_minus ($$) { my ($v, $w) = @_; return ([pairwise {$a - $b} @$v, @$w]); }
- sub great_eq ($$) { my ($v, $w) = @_; return (all {$_} pairwise {$a >= $b} @$v, @$w); }
- my @Materials = ('ore', 'clay', 'obsidian', 'geode');
- # Read in Blueprints
- my %Blueprint;
- foreach my $line (map { chomp; [split /[:.]/] } <>) {
- my ($num) = (shift @$line) =~ m#Blueprint (\d+)#;
- foreach (@$line) {
- my ($type, $ore, $other) = m#(\w+) robot costs (\d+) ore(?: and (\d+))?#;
- my $idx = onlyidx {$_ eq $type} @Materials;
- $Blueprint{$num}[$idx][0] = int($ore);
- $Blueprint{$num}[$idx][$_] = 0 foreach (1 .. 3);
- $Blueprint{$num}[$idx][$idx - 1] = int($other) if ($idx > 1);
- }
- }
- sub run_blueprint {
- my ($num, $time_limit) = @_;
- my $best = -1;
- my $top_crackers = 0;
- my $bp = $Blueprint{$num};
- my $max_need = reduce {[map {max($a->[$_], $b->[$_])} (0 .. 3)]} ([0,0,0,~0], @$bp);
- my $old = 0;
- my %visit;
- my @queue = ([0, [1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]]);
- while (my $state = shift @queue) {
- my ($time, $robots, $mats, %passed) = @$state;
- if ($time > $old) {
- print ::stderr "[$num] Time $time (queue: ", scalar @queue, ") \r";
- $old = $time;
- }
- if ($time == $time_limit) {
- $best = max( $best, $mats->[3] );
- next STATE;
- }
- # ASSUME: catching up/getting ahead from 2 geode crackers behind isn't going to happen
- next STATE if ($visit{"@$robots:@$mats"}++ or $robots->[3] < $top_crackers - 1);
- # Possible builds: have resources, less than max number needed, not passed last turn
- my @builds = indexes {great_eq( $mats, $_ )} @$bp;
- @builds = grep { $robots->[$_] < $max_need->[$_] and !exists $passed{$_} } @builds;
- $mats = vec_sum( $mats, $robots );
- foreach my $rob (reverse @builds) {
- my $new_mats = vec_minus( $mats, $bp->[$rob] );
- my @new_robots = @$robots;
- $new_robots[$rob]++;
- push( @queue, [$time + 1, \@new_robots, $new_mats] );
- $top_crackers = max( $top_crackers, $new_robots[3] ) if ($rob == 3);
- }
- # Wait for something new, keep track of what we're passing on
- push( @queue, [$time + 1, $robots, $mats, map {$_ => 1} @builds] );
- }
- print ::stderr "[$num] Best: $best \n";
- return ($best);
- }
- my $part1 = sum map { $_ * &run_blueprint($_, 24) } sort {$a <=> $b} keys %Blueprint;
- print "\nPart 1: $part1\n";
- my $part2 = product map { &run_blueprint($_, 32) } (1 .. 3);
- print "Part 2: $part2\n";
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