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- #==============================================================================
- #
- # ▼ Triacular - Steal Shop v1.06
- # -- Last Updated: 2019.03.13
- # -- Level: Easy, Normal
- # -- Requires: n/a
- #
- #==============================================================================
- #==============================================================================
- # ▼ Introduction
- # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- # This script allows stealing of items in scene shop, made for RPG Maker VX Ace.
- #
- # Please give credit to Triacular
- # free for non-commercial and commercial uses
- #==============================================================================
- ($imported ||= {})[:Triacular_ShopSteal] = 1.06
- #==============================================================================
- # ▼ Versions Updates
- # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- # 2019-01-26 - Initial script - Triacular
- # 2019-01-27 - Reduced duplicate parts - Triacular
- # 2019-02-12 - Added switch to disable script - Triacular
- # 2019-02-13 - Added alias, removed global switches - Roninator2
- # 2019-03-03 - Changed to not show the number window - Roninator2
- # 2019-03-13 - Several Changes. Listed below - CaRaCrAzY_Petrassi
- # ▼ [Compatibility]
- # Moved all classes inside a namespace module
- # Changed the use of Aliasing to Method Wrapping
- # Added a component module for wrapping extension objects
- # Moved all Scene_Shop's new methods to an extension class
- # Added version data to $imported global variable
- # ▼ [Convenience]
- # Moved constants to the module root
- # Transformed the DICE constant into VARIABLE_STEAL_BONUS
- # ▼ [Features]
- # Displays the Stealing Success rate insteand of item's price.
- # Added a constant for controling the [steal] command's position in the list
- # Added a switch to enable or disable steal command mid-game
- # Added a constant for inputing a formula for General Stealing Success Rate
- # Entries in the shop that has zero percent chance of stealing are disabled
- # Added notetag support for editing Custom Stealing Success Rate formulas
- #==============================================================================
- #==============================================================================
- # ▼ Notetags
- # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- # This script support the following notetags:
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # <steal: x>
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This will add a custom calculation method for a particular item. This
- # means that the default Success Rate formula will be replaced for this one.
- # x : formula
- #
- # Considerations about the Formula:
- # The formula is an actual piece of code that will be evaluated, its final
- # output must be a number between zero and one that will be converted into a
- # percentage; and these are the following values that will be passed to it:
- # a : Game Party (Same thing as $game_party)
- # b : item (The item itself)
- # p : item's price (converted to float, used for calculating divisions)
- #
- # Examples:
- # <steal: a.agi / p>
- # <steal: 0.5>
- # <steal: a.agi / (a.agi + p / 10.0)>
- #==============================================================================
- #===============================================================================
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Module used for namespacing the Shop Steal System
- # Everything about this system is contained inside this module.
- #===============================================================================
- module TRIACULAR
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * ID of the Switch that enables the script
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * ID of the Switch that will become ON when stealing fails
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * ID of the Switch that enable/disable the shop's [Steal] command at runtime
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * ID of the Variable responsible for giving a percent bonus to steal chance
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * [Steal] command's name in the Shop's command list
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOCAB_STEAL = "Steal"
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Steal command's position at Shop's command list
- # Useful if you want the [Steal] command to appear between [Buy] or [Sell]
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Dynamically increases the number of columns in Shop's command list to fit
- # the [Steal] command entry.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * General Stealing Success Rate formula usef for all items lacking a Custom
- # Stealing Formula notetag.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # a : Game Party (Same thing as $game_party)
- # b : item
- # p : item's price (converted to float, used for calculating divisions)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- STEAL_FORMULA = "a.agi / p"
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Maximum Stealing Rate chance
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #=============================================================================
- # ** Component
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Component used to avoid poluting the engine classes with new methods.
- #=============================================================================
- module Component
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Forwards calls from a class public interface through an attribute
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Public instance method calls from a given class are forwarded to the
- # given attribute.
- #
- # By design, method calls from super classes are not forwarded. You
- # should explicitly invoke this command again for each super class you
- # need its calls forwarded.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def forward(klass, attribute)
- klass.public_instance_methods(false).each do |meth|
- define_method(meth) { |*args| self.send(attribute).send(meth, *args) }
- end
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Adds itself as a component attribute into a compositor class
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This command is equivalent to reopenning a class definition and adding
- # a getter for lazily loading and retrieving a component's instance.
- #
- # That means every instance of a composite class will wrap a lazy loaded
- # component instance through an automatically generated attribute.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def compose(composite, attr_name)
- component = self
- body = eval("proc { @#{attr_name} ||= }")
- composite.send(:define_method, attr_name) { instance_eval(&body) }
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Generates attribute readers for getting forwarded instance variables
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This method really breaks incapsulation. Use it only when dealing with
- # compositors that lack attr_readers.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def forward_reader(compositor, *args)
- args.each do |variable|
- define_method(variable) do
- self.send(compositor).instance_variable_get("@#{variable}".to_sym)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ** Window_ShopCommand
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Wraping and redefining methods inside Window_ShopCommand class
- #==============================================================================
- class ::Window_ShopCommand
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Wraping Methods for redefinition
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- old_make_command_list = instance_method :make_command_list
- old_col_max = instance_method :col_max
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Redefining method
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Updates the shining command effect
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- define_method :make_command_list do |*args|
- expectations = old_make_command_list.bind(self).(*args)
- return expectations unless $game_switches[SWITCH_ENABLE]
- command = {
- name: VOCAB_STEAL,
- symbol: :steal,
- enabled: $game_switches[SWITCH_COMMAND],
- }
- @list.insert([[COMMAND_POSITION, 0].max, @list.size].min, command)
- expectations
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get Digit Count
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- define_method :col_max do |*args|
- old_col_max.bind(self).(*args) + ($game_switches[SWITCH_ENABLE] ? 1 : 0)
- end
- #=============================================================================
- # ** Scene_Shop
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Wraping and redefining methods inside Scene_Shop class
- #=============================================================================
- class ::Scene_Shop
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Wraping Methods for redefinition
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- old_start = instance_method :start
- old_create_command_window = instance_method :create_command_window
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Redefining method
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Adding Steal Window creation to scene Start
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- define_method :start do |*args|
- expectations = old_start.bind(self).(*args)
- wy = @dummy_window.y
- wh = @dummy_window.height
- @steal_window =, wy, wh, @goods)
- triacular_shopsteal.create_steal_window
- expectations
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Redefining method
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Adding :steal handler to command window
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- define_method :create_command_window do |*args|
- expectations = old_create_command_window.bind(self).(*args)
- meth = triacular_shopsteal.method(:command_steal)
- @command_window.set_handler(:steal, meth)
- expectations
- end
- end
- #=============================================================================
- # ** Stealable_Item
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Class containing steal data to be inserted into RPG::BaseItem
- # Used almost exclusively to extract notetags about stealing.
- #=============================================================================
- class Stealable_Item
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Macros
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- extend Component
- compose RPG::BaseItem, :triacular_shopsteal
- forward RPG::BaseItem, :item
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Public instance attributes
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_reader :item # BaseItem wrapping this object
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Object Initialization
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(item)
- @item = item
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Calculates the chances of stealing this item
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def rate
- rate = steal_rate_formula.($game_party, item, item.price.to_f)
- rate += $game_variables[VARIABLE_STEAL_BONUS] / 100.0
- [[rate, 0].max, STEAL_RATE_CAP].min
- end
- private
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Formula for calculating the chances of stealing this item from a shop
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def steal_rate_formula
- @steal_rate_formula ||= retrieve_steal_rate_data
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Steal Rate formula from a retrieved notetag
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def retrieve_steal_rate_data
- if match_data = steal_rate_tag
- eval("lambda {|a, b, p| #{match_data[:value]} }")
- else
- Steal.default_rate
- end
- end
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Match_data from all matches of <steal: formula>
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def steal_rate_tag
- Notetag.scan_tags(note, :steal, :single).first
- end
- end
- #=============================================================================
- # ** Window_ShopSteal
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This window displays a list of steal goods on the shop screen.
- #=============================================================================
- class Window_ShopSteal < Window_Selectable
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Public Instance Variables
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_reader :status_window # Status window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Object Initialization
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y, height, shop_goods)
- super(x, y, window_width, height)
- @shop_goods = shop_goods
- refresh
- select(0)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get Window Width
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def window_width
- return 304
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get Number of Items
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def item_max
- @data ? @data.size : 1
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get Item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def item
- @data[index]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get Activation State of Selection Item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def current_item_enabled?
- enable?(@data[index])
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Get Price of Item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def price(item)
- @price[item]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Display in Enabled State?
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def enable?(item)
- item && price(item) > 0 && !$game_party.item_max?(item)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Refresh
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- make_item_list
- create_contents
- draw_all_items
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Create Item List
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_item_list
- containers = [$data_items, $data_weapons, $data_armors]
- @data = { |goods| item = containers[goods[0]][goods[1]] }
- @price = Hash[ { |item| [item, item.triacular_shopsteal.rate] }]
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Draw Item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_item(index)
- item = @data[index]
- rect = item_rect(index)
- draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(item))
- rect.width -= 4
- draw_text(rect, "#{(price(item) * 100).to_i}%", 2)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Set Status Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def status_window=(status_window)
- @status_window = status_window
- call_update_help
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Update Help Text
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- @help_window.set_item(item) if @help_window
- @status_window.item = item if @status_window
- end
- end
- #=============================================================================
- # ** Steal
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Class containing additional data to be inserted into Scene_Shop
- #=============================================================================
- module Steal
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Default Stealing Success formula defined at the start of the script.
- # This formula is used for items lacking a <steal:formula> Notetag.
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.default_rate
- @default_rate ||= eval("lambda {|a, b, p| #{STEAL_FORMULA} }")
- end
- end
- #=============================================================================
- # ** Scene_ShopSteal
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Class containing additional data to be inserted into Scene_Shop
- #=============================================================================
- class Scene_ShopSteal
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Macros
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- extend Component
- compose Scene_Shop , :triacular_shopsteal
- forward Scene_Shop , :scene
- forward Scene_MenuBase, :scene
- forward Scene_Base , :scene
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Public Instance Attributes
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- forward_reader :scene, :command_window, :help_window, :dummy_window
- forward_reader :scene, :status_window , :goods , :viewport
- forward_reader :scene, :steal_window
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Public instance attributes
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_reader :scene # Scene wraping this object. The compositor.
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Object Initialization
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(scene)
- @scene = scene
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Create Steal Window
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_steal_window
- steal_window.viewport = viewport
- steal_window.help_window = help_window
- steal_window.status_window = status_window
- steal_window.hide
- steal_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_steal_ok))
- steal_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_steal_cancel))
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * The current selected item
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def item
- steal_window.item
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * [Steal] Command
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def command_steal
- dummy_window.hide
- activate_steal_window
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Category Steal [Cancel]
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def on_steal_cancel
- command_window.activate
- steal_window.hide
- status_window.hide
- status_window.item = nil
- help_window.clear
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Category Steal [OK]
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def on_steal_ok
- do_steal(1)
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Quantity Input [OK]
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def activate_steal_window
- end
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Execute Steal
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def do_steal(number)
- if rand <= item.triacular_shopsteal.rate
- $game_party.gain_item(item, number)
- activate_steal_window
- else
- $game_switches[SWITCH_STEAL] = true
- SceneManager.goto(Scene_Map)
- end
- end
- end
- #=============================================================================
- # ** Notetag
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Module for extrating Notetags
- #=============================================================================
- module Notetag
- class << self
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Extracts notetag data matching the given pattern type
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # note : The note field or string
- # tag : The tag's name i.e. :Expertise will search for <Expertise>
- # type : The notetag's pattern (:plain, :single or :pair)
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def scan_tags(note, tag, type)
- note.to_enum(:scan, pattern(tag, type)).map { Regexp.last_match }
- end
- private
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Return a regex for the given pattern to match the given tag_name
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def pattern(tag, type)
- method(type).(tag)
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Regex for retrieving a notetag containing only one value
- # base format: <tag_name> or <tag_name:opt>
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def plain(tag_name)
- %r{
- (?: <\s*#{tag_name}\s*) # < tag_name the tag name
- (?: :\s*(?<opt> .+?))? # : optional the optional value
- (?: \s*\/?>) # /> the tag closing
- }ix
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Regex for retrieving a notetag containing only one value
- # base format: <tag_name:value> or <tag_name:value,opt>
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def single(tag_name)
- %r{
- (?: <\s*#{tag_name}\s*) # < tag_name the tag name
- (?: :\s*(?<value>.+?)) # : value the second value
- (?: ,\s*(?<opt> .+?))? # , optional the optional value
- (?: \s*\/?>) # /> the tag closing
- }ix
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Regex for retrieving a notetag containing two values
- # base format: <tag_name:key,value> or <tag_name:key,value,opt>
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def pair(tag_name)
- %r{
- (?: <\s*#{tag_name}\s*) # < tag_name the tag name
- (?: :\s*(?<key> .+?)) # : key the first value
- (?: ,\s*(?<value>.+?)) # , value the second value
- (?: ,\s*(?<opt> .+?))? # , optional the optional value
- (?: \s*\/?>) # /> the tag closing
- }ix
- end
- end
- end
- end
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