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- ---------------------------------------------
- -- Ime i prezime:
- -- Broj indeksa:
- ---------------------------------------------
- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.ALL;
- entity Printer is port (
- iCLK : in std_logic;
- iRST : in std_logic;
- iPRINT : in std_logic;
- iADD_PAPER : in std_logic;
- iAMOUNT : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- oPRINT : out std_logic;
- oERROR : out std_logic
- );
- end entity;
- architecture Behavioral of Printer is
- signal sEMPTY : std_logic;
- signal sPAPER_EN : std_logic;
- signal sSLEEP_EN: std_logic;
- signal sSLEEP_TC: std_logic;
- signal sPRINT_EN: std_logic;
- signal sPRINT_TC: std_logic;
- signal sSLEEP_CNT : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- modul 60
- signal sPRINT_CNT : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --modul 15
- signal sPAPER_CNT : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- type state_type is (IDLE, SLEEP, CHECK_PAPER, PRINT, ERROR);
- signal state, state_next : state_type;
- ---
- begin
- --registar stanja (asinhroni reset)
- process(iCLK,iRST) begin
- if(iRST ='1') then
- state <= IDLE;
- elsif(rising_edge(iCLK)) then
- state <= state_next;
- end if;
- end process;
- --automat
- process(state,state_next,iPRINT,sSLEEP_TC,sEMPTY,sPRINT_TC) begin
- case (state) is
- when IDLE =>
- if (iPRINT = '1') then
- state_next <= CHECK_PAPER;
- elsif(sSLEEP_TC = '1') then
- state_next <= SLEEP;
- else
- state_next <= IDLE;
- end if;
- when SLEEP =>
- if(iPRINT = '1') then
- state_next <= IDLE;
- else
- state_next <= SLEEP;
- end if;
- when CHECK_PAPER =>
- if(sEMPTY = '0') then
- state_next <= PRINT;
- elsif(sEMPTY = '1') then
- state_next <= ERROR;
- else
- state_next <= CHECK_PAPER;
- end if;
- when ERROR =>
- state_next <= IDLE;
- when PRINT =>
- if(sPRINT_TC = '1') then
- state_next <= IDLE;
- else
- state_next <= PRINT;
- end if;
- when others =>
- state_next <= IDLE;
- end case;
- end process;
- --funkcija izlaza automata
- oPRINT <= '1' when state = PRINT else '0';
- oERROR <= '1' when state = ERROR else '0';
- sSLEEP_EN <= '1' when state = IDLE else '0';
- sPRINT_EN <= '1' when state = PRINT else '0';
- sPAPER_EN <= '1' when state = CHECK_PAPER else '0';
- --brojac 1 (brojac za neaktivno stanje)
- process(iCLK,iRST) begin
- if(iRST = '1') then
- sSLEEP_CNT <= (others=>('0'));
- sSLEEP_TC <= '0';
- elsif(rising_edge(iCLK)) then
- if(sSLEEP_EN = '1') then
- if(sSLEEP_CNT = "111011") then -- 59 binarno
- sSLEEP_CNT <= (others=>('0'));
- sSLEEP_TC <= '1';
- else
- sSLEEP_TC <= '0';
- end if;
- else
- sSLEEP_CNT <= (others=>('0'));
- sSLEEP_TC <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- --brojac 2 (brojac za stampanje)
- process(iCLK,iRST) begin
- if(iRST = '1') then
- sPRINT_CNT <= (others=>('0'));
- sPRINT_TC <= '0';
- elsif(rising_edge(iCLK)) then
- if(sPRINT_EN = '1') then
- if(sPRINT_CNT = "1110") then -- 14 binarno
- sPRINT_CNT <= "0000";
- sPRINT_TC <= '1';
- else
- sPRINT_TC <= '0';
- end if;
- else
- sPRINT_CNT <= "0000";
- sPRINT_TC <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- --brojac 3(brojac za papir)
- process(iCLK,iRST) begin
- if(iRST = '1') then
- sPAPER_CNT <= (others=>('0')); --nisam siguran za ovo
- sEMPTY <= '1';
- elsif(rising_edge(iCLK)) then
- if(sPAPER_EN = '1') then
- if(iADD_PAPER = '1') then
- end if;
- if(sPAPER_CNT = "00000000") then
- sEMPTY <= '1';
- else
- sEMPTY <= '0';
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- end Behavioral;
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