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- CreateThread(function()
- local rE = {}
- rE.Bypasses = {
- Events = {
- "anticheese",
- "anticheat",
- "antilynx",
- "discordbot",
- "EasyAdmin:CaptureScreenshot",
- "screenshot",
- "cheat",
- "ncpp",
- "ViolationDetected",
- "godModePass",
- "godModeFail",
- "adminGodmodeCheck",
- "illegalWeapon",
- "ybn_ac",
- "x_anticheat",
- "CMG:ban",
- "Choco:",
- "alpha-tango-golf",
- "foundyou",
- "AntiBlips",
- "AntiSpectate",
- "CarlosLR-AC",
- "globalAC:trigger",
- "NWAC",
- "AC:Sanction",
- "ChXa"
- },
- Args = {
- {"This player tried to bypass the anticheat", "ChocoHax"},
- {"This player tried to stop the anticheat", "ChocoHax"},
- {"This player injected a mod menu", "ChocoHax"},
- {"🍫 AntiChocoStop", "ChocoHax"},
- {"🍫 AntiTeleport", "ChocoHax"},
- {"AntiSpectate", "ChocoHax"},
- {"AntiBlips", "ChocoHax"},
- {"🍫 Secly", "ChocoHax"},
- {"ChocoHax", "ChocoHax"},
- {"HentaiCore", "HentaiCore"},
- {"`ForceSocialClubUpdate` Removal", "ATG"},
- {"Ham Mafia Executor Detected", "ATG"},
- {"Table Emptying in Resource", "ATG"},
- {"Malicious Function Usage", "ATG"},
- {"Player Health above MAX", "ATG"},
- {"Weapon Damage Modified", "ATG"},
- {"Anti-Resource-Restart", "ATG"},
- {"Manipulation Detected", "ATG"},
- {"Native Draw Detection", "ATG"},
- {"Inventory Exploiting", "ATG"},
- {"RedENGINE detection", "ATG"},
- {"Injection detected", "ATG"},
- {"BlacklistedWeapon:", "ATG"},
- {"Anti-Resource-Stop", "ATG"},
- {"Godmode Activated", "ATG"},
- {"AntiModelChanger", "ATG"},
- {"Infinite Health", "ATG"},
- {"Menu Detection", "ATG"},
- {"Cheat Engine", "ATG"},
- {"#GetHammed", "ATG"},
- {"Native Function", "Sanction"},
- {"BAN", "Sanction"}
- },
- tfi = TriggerServerEventInternal,
- global = _G
- }
- function rE.Bypasses:CheckEvent(event)
- for k, v in pairs(rE.Bypasses.Events) do
- if event:lower():find(v:lower(), 1, true) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function rE.Bypasses:CheckArgs(args)
- for k, v in pairs(args) do
- if type(v) == "string" then
- for z, x in pairs(rE.Bypasses.Args) do
- if x[1]:lower():find(v:lower(), 1, true) then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function TriggerServerEventInternal(event, payload, length)
- if rE.Bypasses:CheckEvent(event) then
- return
- end
- local unpacked_payload = msgpack.unpack(payload)
- if rE.Bypasses:CheckArgs(unpacked_payload) then
- return
- end
- return Citizen.InvokeNative(0x7FDD1128, event, payload, length)
- end
- CreateThread(
- function()
- for k, v in ipairs( do
- if k == "TriggerClientEventInt" or k == "HandleConfig" then
- table.remove(, v)
- end
- end
- while true do
- _G =
- Wait(0)
- end
- end
- )
- function IsExplosionInSphere(...)return false end;function NetworkIsInSpectatorMode()return false end;function ShutdownAndLoadMostRecentSave()return true end;function ActivateRockstarEditor()return end;function ForceSocialClubUpdate()return end;function fuckmedaddy()return end
- CreateThread(function()
- local frozen_ents = {}
- local frozen_players = {}
- local friends = {}
- local camX, camY, camZ
- local lift_height = 0.0
- local lift_inc = 0.1
- local rc_camX, rc_camY, rc_camZ
- local notifications_h = 64
- local dict = {
- Citizen = Citizen,
- math = math,
- string = string,
- type = type,
- tostring = tostring,
- tonumber = tonumber,
- json = json,
- utf8 = utf8,
- pairs = pairs,
- ipairs = ipairs
- }
- dict.Citizen.IN = Citizen.InvokeNative
- local vector_origin = vector3(0, 0, 0)
- local FM = {
- DynamicTriggers = {},
- Painter = {},
- Util = {},
- Categories = {},
- List = {},
- PlayerCache = {},
- Config = {
- Vehicle = {
- Boost = 1.0
- },
- Player = {
- CrossHair = false,
- Blips = true,
- ESP = true,
- ESPDistance = 1000.0,
- Box = false,
- Bone = false,
- OneTap = false,
- Aimbot = false,
- AimbotNeedsLOS = true,
- TriggerBotNeedsLOS = true,
- TPAimbot = false,
- TPAimbotThreshold = 40.0,
- TPAimbotDistance = 2.0,
- RageBot = false,
- TriggerBot = false,
- NoDrop = false,
- AimbotFOV = 90.0,
- AimbotBone = 1,
- AimbotKey = "MOUSE1",
- AimbotReleaseKey = "LEFTALT",
- TriggerBotDistance = 500.0,
- TargetInsideVehicles = false
- },
- UseBackgroundImage = true,
- UseSounds = true,
- UseAutoWalk = false,
- UseAutoWalkAlt = false,
- ShowKey = "TAB",
- FreeCamKey = "HOME",
- RCCamKey = "=",
- DisableKey = "-",
- ShowText = true,
- SafeMode = true,
- MenuX = 300,
- MenuY = 300,
- NotifX = nil,
- NotifY = nil,
- NotifW = 420,
- CurrentSelection = 1,
- SelectedCategory = "category_1",
- UsePrintMessages = false
- },
- Name = "Cabron",
- Version = "0.0.0c",
- Enabled = true,
- Showing = false,
- Base64 = {},
- Tertiary = {255, 205, 0, 255},
- MenuW = 923,
- MenuH = 583,
- DraggingX = nil,
- DraggingY = nil,
- CurrentPlayer = nil
- }
- local known_returns = {
- ["That file doesn't exist."] = true,
- ["Error opening file."] = true,
- ["Tried to save but data was null."] = true,
- ["Error deleting config. It doesn't exist."] = true,
- ["Successfully saved config."] = true,
- ["Successfully deleted config."] = true
- }
- local current_config = "fm_default"
- local function _count(tab)
- local c = 0
- for _ in dict.pairs(tab) do
- c = c + 1
- end
- return c
- end
- FM.Base64.CharList = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
- function FM.Base64:Encode(data)
- return (data:gsub(".", function(x)
- local r, b = "", x:byte()
- for i = 8, 1, -1 do
- r = r .. (b % 2 ^ i - b % 2 ^ (i - 1) > 0 and '1' or '0')
- end
- return r
- end) .. "0000"):gsub("%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?", function(x)
- if (#x < 6) then return '' end
- local c = 0
- for i = 1, 6 do
- c = c + (x:sub(i, i) == '1' and 2 ^ (6 - i) or 0)
- end
- return self.CharList:sub(c + 1, c + 1)
- end) .. ({'', '==', '='})[#data % 3 + 1]
- end
- function FM:SetConfigList()
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return end
- HandleConfig("save", "__fm_config_list.json", dict.json.encode(FM.List))
- end
- function FM:BuildIdentifier()
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return end
- local out = HandleConfig("load", "__fm_statistics.identifier")
- if out == "That file doesn't exist." or out == "Error opening file." then
- local identifier = FM.Base64:Encode("Name=" .. FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")()) .. ":Seed=" .. dict.math.random(5, 5 ^ 3) .. ":Build=" .. FM.Version)
- HandleConfig("save", "__fm_statistics.identifier", identifier)
- FM.Identifier = identifier
- return
- end
- FM.Identifier = out
- end
- function FM:GetConfigList()
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return {} end
- local out = HandleConfig("load", "__fm_config_list.json")
- if out == "That file doesn't exist." or out == "Error opening file." then
- FM.List = {
- [current_config] = 1
- }
- FM:SetConfigList()
- return {}
- end
- if known_returns[out] then
- FM:AddNotification("Failed to fetch configs. See console for details.")
- FM:Print("[CONFIG] Failed to load config list: ^1" .. out .. "^7")
- return {}
- else
- return dict.json.decode(out) or {}
- end
- end
- function FM:CopyTable(tab)
- local out = {}
- for key, val in dict.pairs(tab) do
- if dict.type(val) == "table" then
- out[key] = FM:CopyTable(val)
- else
- out[key] = val
- end
- end
- return out
- end
- function FM:IsFriend(ped)
- local id = FM:GetFunction("NetworkGetPlayerIndexFromPed")(ped)
- if not id or id < 0 then return false end
- return friends[FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(id)]
- end
- FM.DefaultConfig = FM:CopyTable(FM.Config)
- FM.List = FM:GetConfigList()
- FM.ConfigClass = {
- Load = function(cfg)
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Your build (" .. _Executor_Strings[_Executor] .. ") does not support custom configs.", 15000) end
- local out = HandleConfig("load", (cfg or current_config) .. ".json")
- if out == "That file doesn't exist." or out == "Error opening file." and (cfg or current_config) == "fm_default" then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Creating config for the first time.")
- return FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- if known_returns[out] then
- FM:Print("[CONFIG] Failed to load ^3" .. (cfg or current_config) .. "^7: ^1" .. out .. "^7")
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to load config. See console for details.")
- else
- local _config = dict.json.decode(out)
- if dict.type(_config) == "table" then
- FM.Config = _config
- FM.Config.SafeMode = true
- FM.ConfigClass.DoSanityCheck()
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Config loaded.")
- FM:Print("[CONFIG] Loaded config ^3" .. (cfg or current_config) .. "^7.")
- else
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- FM:Print("[CONFIG] Failed to save ^3" .. (cfg or current_config) .. "^7: ^1Invalid data.^7")
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to load config. See console for details.")
- end
- end
- end,
- DoSanityCheck = function()
- for key, val in pairs(FM.DefaultConfig) do
- if FM.Config[key] == nil then
- FM.Config[key] = val
- end
- if type(val) == "table" then
- for k2, v2 in pairs(val) do
- if FM.Config[key][k2] == nil then
- FM.Config[key][k2] = v2
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end,
- Delete = function(name)
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return end
- local out = HandleConfig("delete", name .. ".json")
- if out == "Successfully deleted config." then
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to delete config. See console for details.")
- return FM:Print("[CONFIG] Failed to delete ^3" .. name .. "^7: ^1" .. existing .. "^7")
- end
- end,
- Rename = function(old, new)
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return end
- local existing = HandleConfig("load", old .. ".json")
- if existing == "Error opening file." or existing == "That file doesn't exist." then
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to rename config. See console for details.")
- return FM:Print("[CONFIG] Failed to rename ^3" .. old .. " to ^3" .. new .. "^7: ^1" .. existing .. "^7")
- end
- end,
- Exists = function(name)
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return end
- local existing = HandleConfig("load", name .. ".json")
- if existing == "Error opening file." or existing == "That file doesn't exist." then
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to rename config. See console for details.")
- return false
- end
- return true
- end,
- Write = function(name, cfg)
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return end
- cfg = FM:CopyTable(cfg)
- cfg.Player.AimbotTarget = nil
- cfg.SafeMode = nil
- cfg = dict.json.encode(cfg)
- local out = HandleConfig("save", name .. ".json", cfg)
- if known_returns[out] and not silent then
- local good = out:find("Successfully")
- if not good then
- FM:Print("[CONFIG] Failed to save ^3" .. current_config .. "^7: ^1" .. out .. "^7")
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to save config. See console for details.")
- elseif silent == false then
- FM:Print("[CONFIG] Saved config ^3" .. current_config .. "^7.")
- end
- end
- end,
- Save = function(silent)
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return end
- local config = FM:CopyTable(FM.Config)
- config.Player.AimbotTarget = nil
- config.SafeMode = nil
- config = dict.json.encode(config)
- local out = HandleConfig("save", current_config .. ".json", config)
- FM.List[current_config] = FM.List[current_config] or (_count(FM.List) + 1)
- if known_returns[out] and not silent then
- local good = out:find("Successfully")
- if not good then
- FM:Print("[CONFIG] Failed to save ^3" .. current_config .. "^7: ^1" .. out .. "^7")
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to save config. See console for details.")
- elseif silent == false then
- FM:Print("[CONFIG] Saved config ^3" .. current_config .. "^7.")
- end
- end
- end
- }
- local boundaryIdx = 1
- local function dummyUseBoundary(idx)
- return nil
- end
- local function getBoundaryFunc(bfn, bid)
- return function(fn, ...)
- local boundary = bid or (boundaryIdx + 1)
- boundaryIdx = boundaryIdx + 1
- bfn(boundary, coroutine.running())
- local wrap = function(...)
- dummyUseBoundary(boundary)
- local v = table.pack(fn(...))
- return table.unpack(v)
- end
- local v = table.pack(wrap(...))
- bfn(boundary, nil)
- return table.unpack(v)
- end
- end
- local runWithBoundaryEnd = getBoundaryFunc(dict.Citizen.SubmitBoundaryEnd)
- local function lookupify(t)
- local r = {}
- for _, v in dict.ipairs(t) do
- r[v] = true
- end
- return r
- end
- local blocked_ranges = {{0x0001F601, 0x0001F64F}, {0x00002702, 0x000027B0}, {0x0001F680, 0x0001F6C0}, {0x000024C2, 0x0001F251}, {0x0001F300, 0x0001F5FF}, {0x00002194, 0x00002199}, {0x000023E9, 0x000023F3}, {0x000025FB, 0x000026FD}, {0x0001F300, 0x0001F5FF}, {0x0001F600, 0x0001F636}, {0x0001F681, 0x0001F6C5}, {0x0001F30D, 0x0001F567}, {0x0001F980, 0x0001F984}, {0x0001F910, 0x0001F918}, {0x0001F6E0, 0x0001F6E5}, {0x0001F920, 0x0001F927}, {0x0001F919, 0x0001F91E}, {0x0001F933, 0x0001F93A}, {0x0001F93C, 0x0001F93E}, {0x0001F985, 0x0001F98F}, {0x0001F940, 0x0001F94F}, {0x0001F950, 0x0001F95F}, {0x0001F928, 0x0001F92F}, {0x0001F9D0, 0x0001F9DF}, {0x0001F9E0, 0x0001F9E6}, {0x0001F992, 0x0001F997}, {0x0001F960, 0x0001F96B}, {0x0001F9B0, 0x0001F9B9}, {0x0001F97C, 0x0001F97F}, {0x0001F9F0, 0x0001F9FF}, {0x0001F9E7, 0x0001F9EF}, {0x0001F7E0, 0x0001F7EB}, {0x0001FA90, 0x0001FA95}, {0x0001F9A5, 0x0001F9AA}, {0x0001F9BA, 0x0001F9BF}, {0x0001F9C3, 0x0001F9CA}, {0x0001FA70, 0x0001FA73}}
- local block_singles = lookupify{0x000000A9, 0x000000AE, 0x0000203C, 0x00002049, 0x000020E3, 0x00002122, 0x00002139, 0x000021A9, 0x000021AA, 0x0000231A, 0x0000231B, 0x000025AA, 0x000025AB, 0x000025B6, 0x000025C0, 0x00002934, 0x00002935, 0x00002B05, 0x00002B06, 0x00002B07, 0x00002B1B, 0x00002B1C, 0x00002B50, 0x00002B55, 0x00003030, 0x0000303D, 0x00003297, 0x00003299, 0x0001F004, 0x0001F0CF, 0x0001F6F3, 0x0001F6F4, 0x0001F6E9, 0x0001F6F0, 0x0001F6CE, 0x0001F6CD, 0x0001F6CF, 0x0001F6CB, 0x00023F8, 0x00023F9, 0x00023FA, 0x0000023, 0x0001F51F, 0x0001F6CC, 0x0001F9C0, 0x0001F6EB, 0x0001F6EC, 0x0001F6D0, 0x00023CF, 0x000002A, 0x0002328, 0x0001F5A4, 0x0001F471, 0x0001F64D, 0x0001F64E, 0x0001F645, 0x0001F646, 0x0001F681, 0x0001F64B, 0x0001F647, 0x0001F46E, 0x0001F575, 0x0001F582, 0x0001F477, 0x0001F473, 0x0001F930, 0x0001F486, 0x0001F487, 0x0001F6B6, 0x0001F3C3, 0x0001F57A, 0x0001F46F, 0x0001F3CC, 0x0001F3C4, 0x0001F6A3, 0x0001F3CA, 0x00026F9, 0x0001F3CB, 0x0001F6B5, 0x0001F6B5, 0x0001F468, 0x0001F469, 0x0001F990, 0x0001F991, 0x0001F6F5, 0x0001F6F4, 0x0001F6D1, 0x0001F6F6, 0x0001F6D2, 0x0002640, 0x0002642, 0x0002695, 0x0001F3F3, 0x0001F1FA, 0x0001F91F, 0x0001F932, 0x0001F931, 0x0001F9F8, 0x0001F9F7, 0x0001F3F4, 0x0001F970, 0x0001F973, 0x0001F974, 0x0001F97A, 0x0001F975, 0x0001F976, 0x0001F9B5, 0x0001F9B6, 0x0001F468, 0x0001F469, 0x0001F99D, 0x0001F999, 0x0001F99B, 0x0001F998, 0x0001F9A1, 0x0001F99A, 0x0001F99C, 0x0001F9A2, 0x0001F9A0, 0x0001F99F, 0x0001F96D, 0x0001F96C, 0x0001F96F, 0x0001F9C2, 0x0001F96E, 0x0001F99E, 0x0001F9C1, 0x0001F6F9, 0x0001F94E, 0x0001F94F, 0x0001F94D, 0x0000265F, 0x0000267E, 0x0001F3F4, 0x0001F971, 0x0001F90E, 0x0001F90D, 0x0001F90F, 0x0001F9CF, 0x0001F9CD, 0x0001F9CE, 0x0001F468, 0x0001F469, 0x0001F9D1, 0x0001F91D, 0x0001F46D, 0x0001F46B, 0x0001F46C, 0x0001F9AE, 0x0001F415, 0x0001F6D5, 0x0001F6FA, 0x0001FA82, 0x0001F93F, 0x0001FA80, 0x0001FA81, 0x0001F97B, 0x0001F9AF, 0x0001FA78, 0x0001FA79, 0x0001FA7A}
- function FM:RemoveEmojis(str)
- local new = ""
- for _, codepoint in do
- local safe = true
- if block_singles[codepoint] then
- safe = false
- else
- for _, range in dict.ipairs(blocked_ranges) do
- if range[1] <= codepoint and codepoint <= range[2] then
- safe = false
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if safe then
- new = new .. dict.utf8.char(codepoint)
- end
- end
- return new
- end
- -- Used to clean player names.
- function FM:CleanName(str, is_esp)
- str = str:gsub("~", "")
- str = FM:RemoveEmojis(str)
- if #str >= 25 and not is_esp then
- str = str:sub(1, 25) .. "..."
- end
- return str
- end
- local _natives = {
- ["TriggerEvent"] = {
- func = function(eventName, ...)
- if not eventName then return end
- local payload = msgpack.pack({...})
- return runWithBoundaryEnd(function() return TriggerEventInternal(eventName, payload, payload:len()) end)
- end
- },
- ["TriggerServerEvent"] = {
- func = function(eventName, ...)
- if not eventName then return end
- local payload = msgpack.pack({...})
- return TriggerServerEventInternal(eventName, payload, payload:len())
- end
- },
- ["DestroyCam"] = {
- hash = 0x865908C81A2C22E9
- },
- ["GetCurrentServerEndpoint"] = {
- hash = 0xEA11BFBA,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ResultAsString()
- end
- },
- ["GetCurrentResourceName"] = {
- hash = 0xE5E9EBBB,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ResultAsString()
- end
- },
- ["GetGameTimer"] = {
- hash = 0x9CD27B0045628463,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger() end,
- },
- ["GetActivePlayers"] = {
- hash = 0xcf143fb9,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsObject() end,
- return_as = function(obj) return msgpack.unpack(obj) end
- },
- ["GetVehicleMaxNumberOfPassengers"] = {
- hash = 0xA7C4F2C6E744A550,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["FindFirstVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x15e55694,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[1]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["FindNextVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x8839120d,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[2]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["EndFindVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x9227415a,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1]
- end
- },
- ["FindFirstPed"] = {
- hash = 0xfb012961,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[1]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["FindNextPed"] = {
- hash = 0xab09b548,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[2]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["EndFindPed"] = {
- hash = 0x9615c2ad,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1]
- end
- },
- ["FindFirstObject"] = {
- hash = 0xFAA6CB5D,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[1]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["FindNextObject"] = {
- hash = 0x4E129DBF,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[2]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["EndFindObject"] = {
- hash = 0xDEDA4E50,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1]
- end
- },
- ["GetPlayerServerId"] = {
- hash = 0x4d97bcc7,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetNumResources"] = {
- hash = 0x863f27b,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger() end
- },
- ["GetResourceByFindIndex"] = {
- hash = 0x387246b7,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsString()
- end
- },
- ["LoadResourceFile"] = {
- func = function(...)
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return end
- local args = {...}
- return dict.Citizen.IN(0xEB01A, LoadResourceFile(args[1], args[2]))
- end
- },
- ["RequestCollisionAtCoord"] = {
- hash = 0x07503F7948F491A7,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- local x, y, z
- if dict.type(args[1]) == "table" or dict.type(args[1]) == "vector" then
- x = args[1].x
- y = args[1].y
- z = args[1].z
- else
- x = args[1]
- y = args[2]
- z = args[3]
- end
- return x, y, z, dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["GetEntityCoords"] = {
- hash = 0x3FEF770D40960D5A,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector()
- end
- },
- ["RemoveBlip"] = {
- hash = 0x86A652570E5F25DD,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[1])
- end
- },
- ["GetNuiCursorPosition"] = {
- hash = 0xbdba226f,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.PointerValueInt(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueInt() end
- },
- ["DoesEntityExist"] = {
- hash = 0x7239B21A38F536BA,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsEntityDead"] = {
- hash = 0x5F9532F3B5CC2551,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsPedDeadOrDying"] = {
- hash = 0x3317DEDB88C95038,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsPedShooting"] = {
- hash = 0x34616828CD07F1A1,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["PlaySoundFrontend"] = {
- hash = 0x67C540AA08E4A6F5,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]
- end
- },
- ["GetPedInVehicleSeat"] = {
- hash = 0xBB40DD2270B65366,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["HasAnimDictLoaded"] = {
- hash = 0xD031A9162D01088C,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["CreatePed"] = {
- hash = 0xD49F9B0955C367DE,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.type(args[2]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[2]) or args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["CreatePedInsideVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x7DD959874C1FD534,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.type(args[3]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[3]) or args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["NetworkHasControlOfEntity"] = {
- hash = 0x01BF60A500E28887,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["SimulatePlayerInputGait"] = {
- hash = 0x477D5D63E63ECA5D
- },
- ["ResetPedRagdollTimer"] = {
- hash = 0x9FA4664CF62E47E8
- },
- ["IsVehicleDamaged"] = {
- hash = 0xBCDC5017D3CE1E9E,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["ToggleVehicleMod"] = {
- hash = 0x2A1F4F37F95BAD08
- },
- ["NetworkGetPlayerIndexFromPed"] = {
- hash = 0x6C0E2E0125610278,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["ResetPlayerStamina"] = {
- hash = 0xA6F312FCCE9C1DFE
- },
- ["GetEntityAlpha"] = {
- hash = 0x5A47B3B5E63E94C6,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["IsEntityVisible"] = {
- hash = 0x47D6F43D77935C75,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end,
- return_as = function(int) return int == 1 end
- },
- ["AreAnyVehicleSeatsFree"] = {
- hash = 0x2D34FC3BC4ADB780,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end,
- return_as = function(int) return int == 1 end
- },
- ["IsEntityVisibleToScript"] = {
- hash = 0xD796CB5BA8F20E32,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end,
- return_as = function(int) return int == 1 end
- },
- ["NetworkExplodeVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x301A42153C9AD707
- },
- ["DisplayRadar"] = {
- hash = 0xA0EBB943C300E693
- },
- ["SetCursorLocation"] = {
- hash = 0xFC695459D4D0E219
- },
- ["SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier"] = {
- hash = 0xCE07B9F7817AADA3
- },
- ["SetPedArmour"] = {
- hash = 0xCEA04D83135264CC
- },
- ["SetEntityLocallyInvisible"] = {
- hash = 0xE135A9FF3F5D05D8
- },
- ["SetVehicleDoorsLockedForPlayer"] = {
- hash = 0x517AAF684BB50CD1
- },
- ["SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers"] = {
- hash = 0xA2F80B8D040727CC
- },
- ["SetVehicleDoorsLocked"] = {
- hash = 0xB664292EAECF7FA6
- },
- ["SetVehicleTyresCanBurst"] = {
- hash = 0xEB9DC3C7D8596C46
- },
- ["SetVehicleMod"] = {
- hash = 0x6AF0636DDEDCB6DD
- },
- ["SetPedCoordsKeepVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x9AFEFF481A85AB2E
- },
- ["SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier"] = {
- hash = 0x93A3996368C94158
- },
- ["GetFirstBlipInfoId"] = {
- hash = 0x1BEDE233E6CD2A1F,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetGroundZFor_3dCoord"] = {
- hash = 0xC906A7DAB05C8D2B,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], args[3], dict.Citizen.PointerValueFloat(), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["GetBlipInfoIdCoord"] = {
- hash = 0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector()
- end
- },
- ["GetNumVehicleMods"] = {
- hash = 0xE38E9162A2500646,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["SetVehicleModKit"] = {
- hash = 0x1F2AA07F00B3217A
- },
- ["SetPedToRagdoll"] = {
- hash = 0xAE99FB955581844A
- },
- ["SetVehicleFixed"] = {
- hash = 0x115722B1B9C14C1C
- },
- ["SetPedKeepTask"] = {
- hash = 0x971D38760FBC02EF
- },
- ["NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity"] = {
- hash = 0xA11700682F3AD45C,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["RemoveWeaponFromPed"] = {
- hash = 0x4899CB088EDF59B8
- },
- ["SetNetworkIdSyncToPlayer"] = {
- hash = 0xA8A024587329F36A
- },
- ["SetNetworkIdCanMigrate"] = {
- hash = 0x299EEB23175895FC
- },
- ["DoesCamExist"] = {
- hash = 0xA7A932170592B50E
- },
- ["CreateCam"] = {
- hash = 0xC3981DCE61D9E13F
- },
- ["GetGameplayCamRot"] = {
- hash = 0x837765A25378F0BB,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector()
- end
- },
- ["GetCamRot"] = {
- hash = 0x7D304C1C955E3E12,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector()
- end
- },
- ["StartShapeTestRay"] = {
- hash = 0x377906D8A31E5586,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetShapeTestResult"] = {
- hash = 0x3D87450E15D98694,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.PointerValueInt(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueInt(), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end,
- return_as = function(...)
- local ret = {...}
- return ret[1], ret[2] == 1, ret[3], ret[4], ret[5]
- end
- },
- ["AddExplosion"] = {
- hash = 0xE3AD2BDBAEE269AC
- },
- ["CreateVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0xAF35D0D2583051B0,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["SetPedIntoVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0xF75B0D629E1C063D
- },
- ["SetPedAlertness"] = {
- hash = 0xDBA71115ED9941A6
- },
- ["TaskVehicleDriveWander"] = {
- hash = 0x480142959D337D00
- },
- ["CreateObject"] = {
- hash = 0x509D5878EB39E842,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["DeletePed"] = {
- hash = 0x9614299DCB53E54B,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[1])
- end
- },
- ["DeleteEntity"] = {
- hash = 0xAE3CBE5BF394C9C9,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[1])
- end
- },
- ["DeleteObject"] = {
- hash = 0x539E0AE3E6634B9F,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[1])
- end
- },
- ["DeleteVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0xEA386986E786A54F,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[1])
- end
- },
- ["NetworkRequestControlOfEntity"] = {
- hash = 0xB69317BF5E782347,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["GetModelDimensions"] = {
- hash = 0x03E8D3D5F549087A,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1], dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector()
- end
- },
- ["GetEntityModel"] = {
- hash = 0x9F47B058362C84B5,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["SetEntityAsMissionEntity"] = {
- hash = 0xAD738C3085FE7E11
- },
- ["SetEntityRotation"] = {
- hash = 0x8524A8B0171D5E07
- },
- ["SetEntityLocallyVisible"] = {
- hash = 0x241E289B5C059EDC
- },
- ["SetEntityAlpha"] = {
- hash = 0x44A0870B7E92D7C0
- },
- ["SetEntityCollision"] = {
- hash = 0x1A9205C1B9EE827F
- },
- ["SetEntityCoords"] = {
- hash = 0x06843DA7060A026B
- },
- ["GivePlayerRagdollControl"] = {
- hash = 0x3C49C870E66F0A28
- },
- ["GetHashKey"] = {
- hash = 0xD24D37CC275948CC,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.tostring(args[1]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetVehiclePedIsIn"] = {
- hash = 0x9A9112A0FE9A4713
- },
- ["PlayerPedId"] = {
- hash = 0xD80958FC74E988A6,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger() end
- },
- ["GetPlayerPed"] = {
- hash = 0x43A66C31C68491C0
- },
- ["HasModelLoaded"] = {
- hash = 0x98A4EB5D89A0C952,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["SetPedCanRagdoll"] = {
- hash = 0xB128377056A54E2A
- },
- ["RequestModel"] = {
- hash = 0x963D27A58DF860AC,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1]
- end
- },
- ["SetTextFont"] = {
- hash = 0x66E0276CC5F6B9DA
- },
- ["SetTextProportional"] = {
- hash = 0x038C1F517D7FDCF8
- },
- ["HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded"] = {
- hash = 0x0145F696AAAAD2E4
- },
- ["RequestStreamedTextureDict"] = {
- hash = 0xDFA2EF8E04127DD5
- },
- ["GetActiveScreenResolution"] = {
- hash = 0x873C9F3104101DD3,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.PointerValueInt(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueInt() end
- },
- ["IsDisabledControlJustPressed"] = {
- hash = 0x91AEF906BCA88877,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsDisabledControlJustReleased"] = {
- hash = 0x305C8DCD79DA8B0F,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsDisabledControlPressed"] = {
- hash = 0xE2587F8CBBD87B1D,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsDisabledControlReleased"] = {
- hash = 0xFB6C4072E9A32E92,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsControlJustPressed"] = {
- hash = 0x580417101DDB492F,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsControlJustReleased"] = {
- hash = 0x50F940259D3841E6,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsControlPressed"] = {
- hash = 0xF3A21BCD95725A4A,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsControlReleased"] = {
- hash = 0x648EE3E7F38877DD,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["ClearPedTasks"] = {
- hash = 0xE1EF3C1216AFF2CD
- },
- ["ClearPedTasksImmediately"] = {
- hash = 0xAAA34F8A7CB32098
- },
- ["ClearPedSecondaryTask"] = {
- hash = 0x176CECF6F920D707
- },
- ["SetEntityProofs"] = {
- hash = 0xFAEE099C6F890BB8
- },
- ["SetCamActive"] = {
- hash = 0x026FB97D0A425F84
- },
- ["RenderScriptCams"] = {
- hash = 0x07E5B515DB0636FC,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]
- end
- },
- ["GetEntityForwardVector"] = {
- hash = 0x0A794A5A57F8DF91,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector()
- end
- },
- ["RequestAnimDict"] = {
- hash = 0xD3BD40951412FEF6
- },
- ["SetTextScale"] = {
- hash = 0x07C837F9A01C34C9
- },
- ["SetTextColour"] = {
- hash = 0xBE6B23FFA53FB442
- },
- ["SetTextDropShadow"] = {
- hash = 0x465C84BC39F1C351
- },
- ["SetTextEdge"] = {
- hash = 0x441603240D202FA6
- },
- ["SetTextOutline"] = {
- hash = 0x2513DFB0FB8400FE
- },
- ["ClearPedBloodDamage"] = {
- hash = 0x8FE22675A5A45817
- },
- ["SetEntityHealth"] = {
- hash = 0x6B76DC1F3AE6E6A3
- },
- ["NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer"] = {
- hash = 0xEA23C49EAA83ACFB
- },
- ["SetTextCentre"] = {
- hash = 0xC02F4DBFB51D988B
- },
- ["BeginTextCommandDisplayText"] = {
- hash = 0x25FBB336DF1804CB
- },
- ["BeginTextCommandWidth"] = {
- hash = 0x54CE8AC98E120CAB
- },
- ["EndTextCommandGetWidth"] = {
- hash = 0x85F061DA64ED2F67,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ResultAsFloat()
- end
- },
- ["GetTextScaleHeight"] = {
- hash = 0xDB88A37483346780,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ResultAsFloat()
- end
- },
- ["DrawSprite"] = {
- hash = 0xE7FFAE5EBF23D890
- },
- ["FreezeEntityPosition"] = {
- hash = 0x428CA6DBD1094446
- },
- ["GetPedBoneIndex"] = {
- hash = 0x3F428D08BE5AAE31,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetPedBoneCoords"] = {
- hash = 0x17C07FC640E86B4E,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector()
- end
- },
- ["SetPedShootsAtCoord"] = {
- hash = 0x96A05E4FB321B1BA
- },
- ["GetEntityBoneIndexByName"] = {
- hash = 0xFB71170B7E76ACBA,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.tostring(args[2]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords"] = {
- hash = 0x1899F328B0E12848,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- local x, y, z
- if dict.type(args[2]) == "table" or dict.type(args[2]) == "vector" then
- x = args[2].x
- y = args[2].y
- z = args[2].z
- else
- x = args[2]
- y = args[3]
- z = args[4]
- end
- return args[1], x, y, z, dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector()
- end
- },
- ["AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName"] = {
- hash = 0x6C188BE134E074AA
- },
- ["EndTextCommandDisplayText"] = {
- hash = 0xCD015E5BB0D96A57
- },
- ["IsPedInAnyVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x997ABD671D25CA0B
- },
- ["GetEntityHeading"] = {
- hash = 0xE83D4F9BA2A38914,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsFloat()
- end
- },
- ["AddBlipForCoord"] = {
- hash = 0x5A039BB0BCA604B6
- },
- ["SetBlipSprite"] = {
- hash = 0xDF735600A4696DAF
- },
- ["SetBlipColour"] = {
- hash = 0x03D7FB09E75D6B7E
- },
- ["SetBlipScale"] = {
- hash = 0xD38744167B2FA257
- },
- ["SetBlipCoords"] = {
- hash = 0xAE2AF67E9D9AF65D
- },
- ["SetBlipRotation"] = {
- hash = 0xF87683CDF73C3F6E
- },
- ["ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip"] = {
- hash = 0x5FBCA48327B914DF
- },
- ["SetBlipCategory"] = {
- hash = 0x234CDD44D996FD9A
- },
- ["BeginTextCommandSetBlipName"] = {
- hash = 0xF9113A30DE5C6670
- },
- ["GetPlayerName"] = {
- hash = 0x6D0DE6A7B5DA71F8,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ResultAsString()
- end
- },
- ["EndTextCommandSetBlipName"] = {
- hash = 0xBC38B49BCB83BC9B
- },
- ["DrawRect"] = {
- hash = 0x3A618A217E5154F0
- },
- ["IsEntityInAir"] = {
- hash = 0x886E37EC497200B6
- },
- ["DisableAllControlActions"] = {
- hash = 0x5F4B6931816E599B
- },
- ["TaskWanderStandard"] = {
- hash = 0xBB9CE077274F6A1B
- },
- ["TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x9A7D091411C5F684
- },
- ["SetMouseCursorActiveThisFrame"] = {
- hash = 0xAAE7CE1D63167423
- },
- ["SetMouseCursorSprite"] = {
- hash = 0x8DB8CFFD58B62552
- },
- ["GiveDelayedWeaponToPed"] = {
- hash = 0xB282DC6EBD803C75
- },
- ["ApplyForceToEntity"] = {
- hash = 0xC5F68BE9613E2D18
- },
- ["GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord"] = {
- hash = 0x34E82F05DF2974F5,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- local x, y, z
- if dict.type(args[1]) == "table" or dict.type(args[1]) == "vector" then
- x = args[1].x
- y = args[1].y
- z = args[1].z
- else
- x = args[1]
- y = args[2]
- z = args[3]
- end
- return x, y, z, dict.Citizen.PointerValueFloat(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueFloat(), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["NetworkIsPlayerTalking"] = {
- hash = 0x031E11F3D447647E,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["SetDrawOrigin"] = {
- hash = 0xAA0008F3BBB8F416
- },
- ["ClearDrawOrigin"] = {
- hash = 0xFF0B610F6BE0D7AF
- },
- ["GetRenderingCam"] = {
- hash = 0x5234F9F10919EABA,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger() end
- },
- ["GetGameplayCamCoord"] = {
- hash = 0x14D6F5678D8F1B37,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector() end
- },
- ["GetFinalRenderedCamCoord"] = {
- hash = 0xA200EB1EE790F448,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector() end
- },
- ["GetGameplayCamFov"] = {
- hash = 0x65019750A0324133,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsFloat() end
- },
- ["ObjToNet"] = {
- hash = 0x99BFDC94A603E541,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["StatSetInt"] = {
- hash = 0xB3271D7AB655B441,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1], args[2], args[3], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic"] = {
- hash = 0x2B1813ABA29016C5
- },
- ["SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines"] = {
- hash = 0xE05E81A888FA63C8
- },
- ["GetDistanceBetweenCoords"] = {
- hash = 0xF1B760881820C952,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsFloat()
- end
- },
- ["SetEntityHeading"] = {
- hash = 0x8E2530AA8ADA980E
- },
- ["HasScaleformMovieLoaded"] = {
- hash = 0x85F01B8D5B90570E,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["RequestScaleformMovie"] = {
- hash = 0x11FE353CF9733E6F,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.tostring(args[1]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["BeginScaleformMovieMethod"] = {
- hash = 0xF6E48914C7A8694E
- },
- ["EndScaleformMovieMethodReturnValue"] = {
- hash = 0xC50AA39A577AF886,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger() end
- },
- ["ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamInt"] = {
- hash = 0xC3D0841A0CC546A6
- },
- ["ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamTextureNameString"] = {
- hash = 0xBA7148484BD90365
- },
- ["DisableControlAction"] = {
- hash = 0xFE99B66D079CF6BC
- },
- ["PlayerId"] = {
- hash = 0x4F8644AF03D0E0D6,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger() end
- },
- ["ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords"] = {
- hash = 0x867654CBC7606F2C,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], dict.type(args[9]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[9]) or args[9], args[10], args[11], args[12], args[13]
- end
- },
- ["ClearAreaOfProjectiles"] = {
- hash = 0x0A1CB9094635D1A6
- },
- ["GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord"] = {
- hash = 0x6C4D0409BA1A2BC2,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector(), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["SetExplosiveMeleeThisFrame"] = {
- hash = 0xFF1BED81BFDC0FE0
- },
- ["GetCurrentPedWeaponEntityIndex"] = {
- hash = 0x3B390A939AF0B5FC,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetSelectedPedWeapon"] = {
- hash = 0x0A6DB4965674D243,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["PedSkipNextReloading"] = {
- hash = 0x8C0D57EA686FAD87
- },
- ["GetMaxAmmoInClip"] = {
- hash = 0xA38DCFFCEA8962FA,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.type(args[2]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[2]) or args[2], args[3], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetAmmoInClip"] = {
- hash = 0x2E1202248937775C,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.type(args[2]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[2]) or args[2], dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[3]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsPlayerFreeAiming"] = {
- hash = 0x2E397FD2ECD37C87,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsPedDoingDriveby"] = {
- hash = 0xB2C086CC1BF8F2BF,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt"] = {
- hash = 0x2975C866E6713290,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[2]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsPlayerFreeAimingAtEntity"] = {
- hash = 0x3C06B5C839B38F7B,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["DisablePlayerFiring"] = {
- hash = 0x5E6CC07646BBEAB8
- },
- ["SetFocusPosAndVel"] = {
- hash = 0xBB7454BAFF08FE25
- },
- ["SetCamCoord"] = {
- hash = 0x4D41783FB745E42E
- },
- ["SetCamActive"] = {
- hash = 0x026FB97D0A425F84
- },
- ["SetCamFov"] = {
- hash = 0xB13C14F66A00D047
- },
- ["SetCamRot"] = {
- hash = 0x85973643155D0B07
- },
- ["SetCamShakeAmplitude"] = {
- hash = 0xD93DB43B82BC0D00
- },
- ["UpdateOnscreenKeyboard"] = {
- hash = 0x0CF2B696BBF945AE,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger() end
- },
- ["CancelOnscreenKeyboard"] = {
- hash = 0x58A39BE597CE99CD
- },
- ["SetVehicleFixed"] = {
- hash = 0x115722B1B9C14C1C
- },
- ["SetVehicleDirtLevel"] = {
- hash = 0x79D3B596FE44EE8B
- },
- ["SetVehicleLights"] = {
- hash = 0x34E710FF01247C5A
- },
- ["SetVehicleBurnout"] = {
- hash = 0xFB8794444A7D60FB
- },
- ["SetVehicleLightsMode"] = {
- hash = 0x1FD09E7390A74D54
- },
- ["GetCamMatrix"] = {
- hash = 0x8f57a89d,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector(), dict.Citizen.PointerValueVector()
- end
- },
- ["DoesEntityHaveDrawable"] = {
- hash = 0x060D6E96F8B8E48D,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsEntityAnObject"] = {
- hash = 0x8D68C8FD0FACA94E,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsEntityAVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x6AC7003FA6E5575E,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["SetNewWaypoint"] = {
- hash = 0xFE43368D2AA4F2FC
- },
- ["HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront"] = {
- hash = 0x0267D00AF114F17A,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["HasEntityClearLosToEntity"] = {
- hash = 0xFCDFF7B72D23A1AC,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsEntityAPed"] = {
- hash = 0x524AC5ECEA15343E,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["GetControlInstructionalButton"] = {
- hash = 0x0499D7B09FC9B407,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], args[3], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsString()
- end
- },
- ["DrawScaleformMovie"] = {
- hash = 0x54972ADAF0294A93
- },
- ["SetFocusEntity"] = {
- hash = 0x198F77705FA0931D
- },
- ["DrawLine"] = {
- hash = 0x6B7256074AE34680
- },
- ["DrawPoly"] = {
- hash = 0xAC26716048436851
- },
- ["GetEntityRotation"] = {
- hash = 0xAFBD61CC738D9EB9,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsVector()
- end
- },
- ["TaskPlayAnim"] = {
- hash = 0xEA47FE3719165B94
- },
- ["TaskVehicleTempAction"] = {
- hash = 0xC429DCEEB339E129
- },
- ["AttachEntityToEntity"] = {
- hash = 0x6B9BBD38AB0796DF
- },
- ["SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer"] = {
- hash = 0x6DB47AA77FD94E09
- },
- ["SetSuperJumpThisFrame"] = {
- hash = 0x57FFF03E423A4C0B
- },
- ["SetPedMoveRateOverride"] = {
- hash = 0x085BF80FA50A39D1
- },
- ["DisplayOnscreenKeyboard"] = {
- hash = 0x00DC833F2568DBF6
- },
- ["GetOnscreenKeyboardResult"] = {
- hash = 0x8362B09B91893647,
- unpack = function() return dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsString() end
- },
- ["SetEntityVisible"] = {
- hash = 0xEA1C610A04DB6BBB
- },
- ["SetEntityInvincible"] = {
- hash = 0x3882114BDE571AD4
- },
- ["TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents"] = {
- hash = 0x90D2156198831D69
- },
- ["GiveWeaponToPed"] = {
- hash = 0xBF0FD6E56C964FCB
- },
- ["SetPedAccuracy"] = {
- hash = 0x7AEFB85C1D49DEB6
- },
- ["SetPedAlertness"] = {
- hash = 0xDBA71115ED9941A6
- },
- ["TaskCombatPed"] = {
- hash = 0xF166E48407BAC484
- },
- ["SetPlayerModel"] = {
- hash = 0x00A1CADD00108836,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.type(args[2]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[2]) or args[2]
- end
- },
- ["GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel"] = {
- hash = 0xB215AAC32D25D019,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsString()
- end
- },
- ["SetPedRandomComponentVariation"] = {
- hash = 0xC8A9481A01E63C28
- },
- ["SetPedRandomProps"] = {
- hash = 0xC44AA05345C992C6
- },
- ["SetVehicleEngineOn"] = {
- hash = 0x2497C4717C8B881E
- },
- ["SetVehicleForwardSpeed"] = {
- hash = 0xAB54A438726D25D5
- },
- ["SetVehicleCurrentRpm"] = {
- hash = 0x2A01A8FC
- },
- ["IsModelValid"] = {
- hash = 0xC0296A2EDF545E92,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsModelAVehicle"] = {
- hash = 0x19AAC8F07BFEC53E,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return dict.type(args[1]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[1]) or args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["IsPedWeaponReadyToShoot"] = {
- hash = 0xB80CA294F2F26749,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["SetPedComponentVariation"] = {
- hash = 0x262B14F48D29DE80
- },
- ["GetEntityHealth"] = {
- hash = 0xEEF059FAD016D209,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetAmmoInPedWeapon"] = {
- hash = 0x015A522136D7F951,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.type(args[2]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[2]) or args[2], args[3], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetMaxAmmo"] = {
- hash = 0xDC16122C7A20C933,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.type(args[2]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[2]) or args[2], dict.Citizen.PointerValueIntInitialized(args[3]), dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetAmmoInPedWeapon"] = {
- hash = 0x015A522136D7F951,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.type(args[2]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[2]) or args[2], args[3], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetPedPropIndex"] = {
- hash = 0x898CC20EA75BACD8,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetPedPropTextureIndex"] = {
- hash = 0xE131A28626F81AB2,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetPedDrawableVariation"] = {
- hash = 0x67F3780DD425D4FC,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetPedTextureVariation"] = {
- hash = 0x04A355E041E004E6,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["GetPedPaletteVariation"] = {
- hash = 0xE3DD5F2A84B42281,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsInteger()
- end
- },
- ["SetPedPropIndex"] = {
- hash = 0x93376B65A266EB5F
- },
- ["SetPedAmmo"] = {
- hash = 0x14E56BC5B5DB6A19
- },
- ["SetAmmoInClip"] = {
- hash = 0xDCD2A934D65CB497,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], dict.type(args[2]) == "string" and FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(args[2]) or args[2], args[3], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway()
- end
- },
- ["GetDisabledControlNormal"] = {
- hash = 0x11E65974A982637C,
- unpack = function(...)
- local args = (...)
- return args[1], args[2], dict.Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway(), dict.Citizen.ResultAsFloat()
- end
- },
- ["TaskLookAtEntity"] = {
- hash = 0x69F4BE8C8CC4796C
- },
- ["PointCamAtEntity"] = {
- hash = 0x5640BFF86B16E8DC
- }
- }
- local _bad = {}
- local _empty = function() end
- local bad = function(...)
- if not _bad[dict.tostring(...)] then
- FM:Print("[NATIVE] Invalid GetFunction call: ^1" .. dict.tostring(...) .. "^7")
- _bad[dict.tostring(...)] = true
- end
- return _empty
- end
- function FM:GetFunction(name)
- if not _natives[name] then return bad(name) end
- if _natives[name].func then
- return _natives[name].func
- elseif _natives[name].hash then
- _natives[name].func = function(...)
- local args = {...}
- local data = _natives[name]
- local hash = data.hash
- if data.unpack then
- if data.return_as then return data.return_as(dict.Citizen.IN(hash, data.unpack(args))) end
- return dict.Citizen.IN(hash, data.unpack(args))
- else
- if data.return_as then return data.return_as(dict.Citizen.IN(hash, table.unpack(args))) end
- return dict.Citizen.IN(hash, table.unpack(args))
- end
- end
- return _natives[name].func
- end
- end
- FM.Keys = {
- ["ESC"] = 322,
- ["F1"] = 288,
- ["F2"] = 289,
- ["F3"] = 170,
- ["F5"] = 166,
- ["F6"] = 167,
- ["F7"] = 168,
- ["F8"] = 169,
- ["F9"] = 56,
- ["F10"] = 57,
- ["~"] = 243,
- ["1"] = 157,
- ["2"] = 158,
- ["3"] = 160,
- ["4"] = 164,
- ["5"] = 165,
- ["6"] = 159,
- ["7"] = 161,
- ["8"] = 162,
- ["9"] = 163,
- ["-"] = 84,
- ["="] = 83,
- ["BACKSPACE"] = 177,
- ["TAB"] = 37,
- ["Q"] = 44,
- ["W"] = 32,
- ["E"] = 38,
- ["R"] = 45,
- ["T"] = 245,
- ["Y"] = 246,
- ["U"] = 303,
- ["P"] = 199,
- ["["] = 39,
- ["]"] = 40,
- ["ENTER"] = 18,
- ["CAPS"] = 137,
- ["A"] = 34,
- ["S"] = 8,
- ["D"] = 9,
- ["F"] = 23,
- ["G"] = 47,
- ["H"] = 74,
- ["K"] = 311,
- ["L"] = 182,
- ["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21,
- ["Z"] = 20,
- ["X"] = 73,
- ["C"] = 26,
- ["V"] = 0,
- ["B"] = 29,
- ["N"] = 249,
- ["M"] = 244,
- [","] = 82,
- ["."] = 81,
- ["LEFTCTRL"] = 36,
- ["LEFTALT"] = 19,
- ["SPACE"] = 22,
- ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70,
- ["HOME"] = 213,
- ["PAGEUP"] = 10,
- ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11,
- ["DELETE"] = 178,
- ["LEFT"] = 174,
- ["RIGHT"] = 175,
- ["UP"] = 172,
- ["DOWN"] = 173,
- ["NENTER"] = 201,
- ["MWHEELUP"] = 15,
- ["MWHEELDOWN"] = 14,
- ["N4"] = 108,
- ["N5"] = 60,
- ["N6"] = 107,
- ["N+"] = 96,
- ["N-"] = 97,
- ["N7"] = 117,
- ["N8"] = 61,
- ["N9"] = 118,
- ["MOUSE1"] = 24,
- ["MOUSE2"] = 25,
- ["MOUSE3"] = 348
- }
- FM.Notifications = {}
- local function _clamp(val, min, max)
- if val < min then return min end
- if val > max then return max end
- return val
- end
- function FM:EquipOutfit(data)
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()
- FM:GetFunction("SetPlayerModel")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), data.model)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedPropIndex")(ped, 0, data.hat, data.hat_texture, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedPropIndex")(ped, 1, data.glasses, data.glasses_texture, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedPropIndex")(ped, 2, data.ear, data.ear_texture, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedPropIndex")(ped, 6,, data.watch_texture, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedPropIndex")(ped, 7, data.wrist, data.wrist_texture, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 0, data.head.draw, data.head.texture, data.head.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 1, data.beard.draw, data.beard.texture, data.beard.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 2,,,
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 3, data.torso.draw, data.torso.texture, data.torso.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 4, data.legs.draw, data.legs.texture, data.legs.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 5, data.hands.draw, data.hands.texture, data.hands.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 6, data.feet.draw, data.feet.texture, data.feet.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 7, data.accessory_1.draw, data.accessory_1.texture, data.accessory_1.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 8, data.accessory_2.draw, data.accessory_2.texture, data.accessory_2.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 9, data.accessory_3.draw, data.accessory_3.texture, data.accessory_3.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 10, data.mask.draw, data.mask.texture, data.mask.palette)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(ped, 11, data.auxillary.draw, data.auxillary.texture, data.auxillary.palette)
- end
- function FM:StealOutfit(player)
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player)
- FM:EquipOutfit({
- model = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(ped),
- hat = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropIndex")(ped, 0),
- hat_texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropTextureIndex")(ped, 0),
- glasses = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropIndex")(ped, 1),
- glasses_texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropTextureIndex")(ped, 1),
- ear = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropIndex")(ped, 2),
- ear_texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropTextureIndex")(ped, 2),
- watch = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropIndex")(ped, 6),
- watch_texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropTextureIndex")(ped, 6),
- wrist = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropIndex")(ped, 7),
- wrist_texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPropTextureIndex")(ped, 3),
- head = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 0),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 0),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 0)
- },
- beard = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 1),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 1),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 1)
- },
- hair = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 2),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 2),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 2)
- },
- torso = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 3),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 3),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 3)
- },
- legs = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 4),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 4),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 4)
- },
- hands = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 5),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 5),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 5)
- },
- feet = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 6),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 6),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 6)
- },
- accessory_1 = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 7),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 7),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 7)
- },
- accessory_2 = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 8),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 8),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 8)
- },
- accessory_3 = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 9),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 9),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 9)
- },
- mask = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 10),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 10),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 10)
- },
- auxillary = {
- draw = FM:GetFunction("GetPedDrawableVariation")(ped, 11),
- texture = FM:GetFunction("GetPedTextureVariation")(ped, 11),
- palette = FM:GetFunction("GetPedPaletteVariation")(ped, 11)
- }
- })
- end
- function FM:RequestModelSync(model, timeout)
- timeout = timeout or 2500
- local counter = 0
- FM:GetFunction("RequestModel")(model)
- while not FM:GetFunction("HasModelLoaded")(model) do
- FM:GetFunction("RequestModel")(model)
- counter = counter + 100
- Wait(100)
- if counter >= timeout then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- function FM.Util:ValidPlayer(src)
- if not src then return false end
- return FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(src) ~= nil and FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(src) > 0
- end
- function FM:SpawnLocalVehicle(modelName, replaceCurrent, spawnInside)
- CreateThread(function()
- local speed = 0
- local rpm = 0
- if FM:GetFunction("IsModelValid")(modelName) and FM:GetFunction("IsModelAVehicle")(modelName) then
- FM:GetFunction("RequestModel")(modelName)
- while not FM:GetFunction("HasModelLoaded")(modelName) do
- Wait(0)
- end
- local pos = (spawnInside and FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) or FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 4.0, 0.0))
- local heading = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) + (spawnInside and 0 or 90)
- local vehicle = FM:GetFunction("CreateVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(modelName), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, heading, true, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedIntoVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), vehicle, -1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleEngineOn")(vehicle, true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleForwardSpeed")(vehicle, speed)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleCurrentRpm")(vehicle, rpm)
- end
- end)
- end
- local _text_input
- function FM:DrawTextInput()
- if not _text_input or _text_input == "" then return end
- FM.Painter:DrawText(_text_input, 4, false, self:ScrW() / 3.25, self:ScrH() / 2.7, 0.4, FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3], 255)
- end
- function FM:GetTextInput(TextEntry, ExampleText, MaxStringLength)
- _text_input = TextEntry .. " (DO NOT PRESS ESCAPE / RMB)"
- FM:GetFunction("DisplayOnscreenKeyboard")(1, "", "", ExampleText, "", "", "", MaxStringLength)
- blockinput = true
- while FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 2 do
- if FM.Showing then
- FM:DrawMenu()
- end
- self:DrawTextInput()
- Wait(0)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 2 then
- if FM.Showing then
- FM:DrawMenu()
- end
- _text_input = nil
- local result = FM:GetFunction("GetOnscreenKeyboardResult")()
- blockinput = false
- FM:GetFunction("CancelOnscreenKeyboard")()
- return result
- else
- if FM.Showing then
- FM:DrawMenu()
- end
- _text_input = nil
- blockinput = false
- FM:GetFunction("CancelOnscreenKeyboard")()
- return nil
- end
- end
- function FM.Util:DeleteEntity(entity)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(entity) then return end
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(entity)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAsMissionEntity")(entity, true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("DeletePed")(entity)
- FM:GetFunction("DeleteEntity")(entity)
- FM:GetFunction("DeleteObject")(entity)
- FM:GetFunction("DeleteVehicle")(entity)
- end
- local sounds = {
- ["INFO"] = {
- times = 3,
- name = "DELETE",
- },
- ["WARN"] = {
- times = 1,
- name = "Turn",
- },
- ["ERROR"] = {
- times = 3,
- name = "Hack_Failed",
- }
- }
- local last_sound = 0
- function FM:AddNotification(type, msg, timeout)
- timeout = timeout or 10000
- if FM.Config.UseSounds and last_sound <= FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() then
- local sound = sounds[type] or {}
- for i = 1, sound.times or 1 do
- if and sound.dict then
- FM:GetFunction("PlaySoundFrontend")(-1,, sound.dict, false)
- end
- end
- last_sound = FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() + 200
- end
- for _, v in dict.ipairs(self.Notifications) do
- if (v.RawMsg or v.Message) == msg and not self.Notifications[_ + 1] then
- v.Count = (v.Count or 1) + 1
- v.RawMsg = v.RawMsg or v.Message
- v.Message = v.RawMsg .. " ~w~(x" .. v.Count .. ")"
- v.Duration = (timeout / 1000)
- v.Expires = FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() + timeout
- return
- end
- end
- local notification = {}
- notification.Type = type
- notification.Message = msg
- notification.Duration = timeout / 1000
- notification.Expires = FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() + timeout
- self.Notifications[#self.Notifications + 1] = notification
- FM:Print("[Notification] [" .. type .. "]" .. ": " .. msg)
- end
- function FM:DoNetwork(obj)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(obj) then return end
- local id = FM:GetFunction("ObjToNet")(obj)
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic")(id, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines")(id, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetNetworkIdCanMigrate")(id, false)
- for _, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- FM:GetFunction("SetNetworkIdSyncToPlayer")(id, src, true)
- end
- end
- function FM:GasPlayer(player)
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ped) then return end
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(ped)
- local dest = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneIndex")(ped, 0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local origin = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneIndex")(ped, 57005), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- for i = 1, 5 do
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(origin.x + dict.math.random(-1, 1), origin.y + dict.math.random(-1, 1), origin.z - 1.0, 12, 100.0, true, false, 0.0)
- Wait(10)
- end
- local pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local fence_u = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(-759902142, pos.x - 1.5, pos.y - 1.0, pos.z - 1.0, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(fence_u)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(fence_u, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(fence_u, true)
- Wait(10)
- local fence_r = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(-759902142, pos.x - 1.5, pos.y - 1.0, pos.z - 1.0, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(fence_r)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(fence_r, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(fence_r, true)
- Wait(10)
- local fence_b = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(-759902142, pos.x - 1.5, pos.y + 1.85, pos.z - 1.0, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(fence_b)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(fence_b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(fence_b, true)
- local fence_l = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(-759902142, pos.x + 1.35, pos.y - 1.0, pos.z - 1.0, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(fence_l)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(fence_l, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(fence_l, true)
- FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions["PREMADE"]["SWASTIKA"](ped, 10.0)
- end)
- end
- function FM:TazePlayer(player)
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player)
- local destination = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local origin = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, 57005, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2)
- FM:GetFunction("ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords")(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, destination.x, destination.y, destination.z, 1, true, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("WEAPON_STUNGUN"), FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true, false, 24000.0)
- end
- function FM:HydrantPlayer(player)
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player)
- local origin = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2)
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z - 1.0, 13, 100.0, (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) and false or true), false, 0.0)
- end
- function FM:FirePlayer(player)
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player)
- local origin = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2)
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z - 1.0, 12, 100.0, (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) and false or true), false, 0.0)
- end
- local crash_model_list = {}
- local crash_models = {"hei_prop_carrier_cargo_02a", "p_cablecar_s", "p_ferris_car_01", "prop_cj_big_boat", "prop_rock_4_big2", "prop_steps_big_01", "v_ilev_lest_bigscreen", "prop_carcreeper", "apa_mp_h_bed_double_09", "apa_mp_h_bed_wide_05", "sanchez", "cargobob", "prop_cattlecrush", "prop_cs_documents_01"} --{"prop_ferris_car_01_lod1", "prop_construcionlamp_01", "prop_fncconstruc_01d", "prop_fncconstruc_02a", "p_dock_crane_cabl_s", "prop_dock_crane_01", "prop_dock_crane_02_cab", "prop_dock_float_1", "prop_dock_crane_lift", "apa_mp_h_bed_wide_05", "apa_mp_h_bed_double_08", "apa_mp_h_bed_double_09", "csx_seabed_bldr4_", "imp_prop_impexp_sofabed_01a", "apa_mp_h_yacht_bed_01"}
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:RequestModelSync(spike_model)
- local loaded = 0
- for i = 1, #crash_models do
- if FM:RequestModelSync(crash_models[i]) then
- loaded = loaded + 1
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #crash_models * 5 do
- for _ = 1, 2 do
- table.insert(crash_models, crash_models[dict.math.random(1, #crash_models)])
- loaded = loaded + 1
- end
- end
- FM:Print("[MISC] Loaded " .. loaded .. " model(s).")
- end)
- local crash_loop
- local notified_crash = {}
- function FM:CrashPlayer(player, all, strict)
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- local ATT_LIMIT = 400
- local CUR_ATT_COUNT = 0
- CreateThread(function()
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player)
- local playerPos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local selfPos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z, selfPos.x, selfPos.y, selfPos.z, true)
- if dist <= 500.0 then
- local safeX, safeY, safeZ = playerPos.x - dict.math.random(-1000, 1000), playerPos.y - dict.math.random(-1000, 1000), -200
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), _clamp(safeX, -2000, 2000) + 0.0, _clamp(safeY, -2000, 2000) + 0.0, safeZ)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Crashing " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(player)), 10000)
- local bad_obj
- for i = 1, ATT_LIMIT do
- if CUR_ATT_COUNT >= ATT_LIMIT or not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ped) then break end
- local method = dict.math.random(1, 2)
- if strict == "object" then
- method = 1
- elseif strict == "ped" then
- method = 2
- end
- if method == 1 then
- local model = crash_models[dict.math.random(1, #crash_models)]
- local obj = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z, true, true, true)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(obj) then
- bad_obj = true
- if not notified_crash[model] then
- FM:Print("[CRASH] Failed to load object ^3" .. model .. "^7")
- notified_crash[model] = true
- end
- else
- FM:DoNetwork(obj)
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(obj, ped, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, true, true, true, 1, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityVisible")(obj, false)
- crash_model_list[obj] = true
- end
- elseif method == 2 then
- local model = FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED[dict.math.random(1, #FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED)]
- local ent = FM:GetFunction("CreatePed")(24, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z, 0.0, true, true)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) then
- FM:DoNetwork(ent)
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(ent, ped, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, true, true, 1, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityVisible")(ent, false)
- crash_model_list[ent] = true
- end
- end
- Wait(0)
- end
- if bad_obj then
- self:AddNotification("ERROR", "Some crash models failed to load. See console for details.", 10000)
- end
- notified_crash = {}
- FM:CleanupCrash(player, all)
- end)
- end
- function FM:CleanupCrash(player, all)
- CreateThread(function()
- if crash_loop ~= nil and not all then return end
- crash_loop = not all and player or nil
- if crash_loop and not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(crash_loop) then
- crash_loop = nil
- end
- local timeout = 0
- while (all and timeout <= 180000) or (FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(crash_loop)) and timeout <= 120000) do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- Wait(100)
- end
- while true do
- if not FM.Enabled then return end
- for cobj, _ in dict.pairs(crash_model_list) do
- if FM:RequestControlSync(cobj) then
- FM:GetFunction("DeleteObject")(cobj)
- FM:GetFunction("DeleteEntity")(cobj)
- crash_model_list[cobj] = nil
- end
- end
- if #crash_model_list == 0 then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Cleaned up crash objects.")
- crash_loop = nil
- return
- else
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to cleanup " .. #crash_model_list .. " crash object" .. (#crash_model_list ~= 1 and "s" or "") .. ". Retrying in 5 seconds.")
- Wait(5000)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:RapePlayer(player)
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- local model = FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED[dict.math.random(1, #FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED)]
- FM:RequestModelSync(model)
- FM:GetFunction("RequestAnimDict")("rcmpaparazzo_2")
- while not FM:GetFunction("HasAnimDictLoaded")("rcmpaparazzo_2") do
- Wait(0)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player), true) then
- local veh = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player), true)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player))
- while not FM:GetFunction("NetworkHasControlOfEntity")(veh) do
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(veh)
- Wait(0)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAsMissionEntity")(veh, true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("DeleteVehicle")(veh)
- FM:GetFunction("DeleteEntity")(veh)
- end
- local count = -0.2
- for _ = 1, 3 do
- local c = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local x, y, z = c.x, c.y, c.z
- local rape_ped = FM:GetFunction("CreatePed")(4, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), x, y, z, 0.0, true, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAsMissionEntity")(rape_ped, true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(rape_ped, FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player), 4103, 11816, count, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, false, false, false, 2, true)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player))
- FM:GetFunction("TaskPlayAnim")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(player), "rcmpaparazzo_2", "shag_loop_poppy", 2.0, 2.5, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedKeepTask")(rape_ped)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedAlertness")(rape_ped, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskPlayAnim")(rape_ped, "rcmpaparazzo_2", "shag_loop_a", 2.0, 2.5, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityInvincible")(rape_ped, true)
- count = count - 0.4
- end
- end)
- end
- local car_spam = {"adder", "dinghy", "biff", "rhapsody", "ruiner", "picador", "sabregt", "baller4", "emperor", "ingot", "primo2", "velum2", "vestra", "baller", "fq2", "dubsta", "patriot", "rocoto", "primo", "stratum", "surge", "tailgater", "washington", "airbus", "tourbus", "taxi", "rentalbus", "banshee", "blista2", "bestiagts", "blistveh", "comet2", "buffalo", "coquette", "ninef", "dodo", "trash2", "radi", "jester", "jet", "tug", "bus", "dump"}
- function FM:CarSpamServer()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- for _, hash in dict.ipairs(car_spam) do
- self:RequestModelSync(hash)
- for _, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("CreateVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(hash), coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(ped), true, false)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- end)
- end
- local _use_lag_server
- local _use_hydrant_loop
- local _use_fire_loop
- local _use_taze_loop
- local _use_delete_loop
- local _use_explode_vehicle_loop
- local _use_explode_player_loop
- local _use_launch_loop
- function FM:LaggingServer()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- while _use_lag_server do
- for _, hash in dict.ipairs(car_spam) do
- self:RequestModelSync(hash)
- for _, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("CreateVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(hash), coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(ped), true, false)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- Wait(20)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:HydrantLoop()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- while _use_hydrant_loop do
- for _, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- if not _use_hydrant_loop then break end
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- FM:HydrantPlayer(src)
- end
- Wait(1)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:FireLoop()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- while _use_fire_loop do
- for _, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- if not _use_fire_loop then break end
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- FM:FirePlayer(src)
- end
- Wait(1)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:TazeLoop()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- while _use_taze_loop do
- for _, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- if not _use_taze_loop then break end
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- FM:TazePlayer(src)
- end
- Wait(1)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:DeleteLoop()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- while _use_delete_loop do
- local _veh = FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle") and FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- for veh in FM:EnumerateVehicles() do
- if not _use_delete_loop then break end
- if veh ~= _veh or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(veh)
- end
- Wait(1)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:ExplodeVehicleLoop()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- while _use_explode_vehicle_loop do
- local _veh = FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle") and FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- for veh in FM:EnumerateVehicles() do
- if not _use_explode_vehicle_loop then break end
- if veh ~= _veh or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkExplodeVehicle")(veh, true, false, false)
- end
- Wait(1)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:ExplodePlayerLoop()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- while _use_explode_player_loop do
- for _, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- if not _use_explode_player_loop then break end
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 7, 100000.0, true, false, 0.0)
- end
- Wait(1)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:LaunchLoop()
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- while _use_launch_loop do
- local _veh = FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle") and FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- for veh in FM:EnumerateVehicles() do
- if not _use_launch_loop then break end
- if veh ~= _veh or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- if FM:RequestControlSync(veh) then
- FM:GetFunction("ApplyForceToEntity")(veh, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 9999999.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true, true, true, true, false, true)
- end
- end
- Wait(1)
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:SpawnPed(where, heading, model, weapon)
- if not FM:RequestModelSync(model) then return self:AddNotification("ERROR", "Couldn't load model ~r~" .. model .. " ~w~in time.", 2500) end
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("CreatePed")(4, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), where.x, where.y, where.z, heading or 0.0, true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetNetworkIdCanMigrate")(FM:GetFunction("NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity")(ped), true)
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkSetNetworkIdDynamic")(FM:GetFunction("NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity")(ped), false)
- if weapon then
- FM:GetFunction("GiveWeaponToPed")(ped, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(weapon), 9000, false, true)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedAccuracy")(ped, 100)
- return ped
- end
- function FM:UnlockVehicle(veh)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) or not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(veh) then return end
- if not FM:RequestControlSync(veh) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to get network control in time. Please try again.", 5000) end
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers")(veh, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForPlayer")(veh, PlayerId(), false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLocked")(veh, false)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Vehicle unlocked.", 5000)
- end
- function FM:DisableVehicle(veh)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) or not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(veh) then return end
- if not FM:RequestControlSync(veh) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to get network control in time. Please try again.", 5000) end
- SetVehicleUndriveable(veh, true)
- SetVehicleWheelWidth(veh, 100.0)
- for i = 0, GetVehicleNumberOfWheels(veh) do
- SetVehicleWheelTireColliderSize(veh, i, 100.0)
- SetVehicleWheelSize(veh, i, 100.0)
- SetVehicleWheelTireColliderWidth(veh, i, 100.0)
- end
- SetVehicleLights(veh, 2)
- SetVehicleLightsMode(veh, 2)
- SetVehicleEngineTemperature(veh, dict.math.huge + 0.0)
- SetVehicleEngineOn(veh, true, true, true)
- SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(veh, true)
- ModifyVehicleTopSpeed(veh, 1.0)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Vehicle disabled.", 5000)
- end
- function FM:StealVehicleThread(who, veh, nodrive)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) or not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(veh) then return end
- FM:GetFunction("TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents")(who, true)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(who)
- local driver = FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(veh, -1)
- local timeout = 0
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(driver) then
- while FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(veh, -1) == driver and timeout <= 25000 do
- FM:GetFunction("TaskCombatPed")(who, driver, 0, 16)
- timeout = timeout + 100
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers")(veh, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLocked")(veh, 7)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["R"]) then
- self.Util:DeleteEntity(who)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Hijack cancelled.")
- return false
- end
- Wait(100)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(who)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskEnterVehicle")(who, veh, 10000, -1, 2.0, 1, 0)
- while FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(veh, -1) ~= who and timeout <= 25000 do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers")(veh, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLocked")(veh, 7)
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(veh)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["R"]) then
- self.Util:DeleteEntity(who)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Hijack cancelled.")
- return false
- end
- Wait(100)
- end
- else
- FM:GetFunction("TaskEnterVehicle")(who, veh, 10000, -1, 2.0, 1, 0)
- while FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(veh, -1) ~= who and timeout <= 25000 do
- timeout = timeout + 100
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers")(veh, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLocked")(veh, 7)
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(veh)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["R"]) then
- self.Util:DeleteEntity(who)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Hijack cancelled.")
- return false
- end
- Wait(100)
- end
- end
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(who)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents")(who, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleEngineOn")(veh, true)
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(veh)
- if not nodrive then
- for i = 1, 5 do
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleDriveWander")(who, veh, 120.0, 0)
- end
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers")(veh, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLocked")(veh, 2)
- return true
- end
- function FM:ScrW()
- return self._ScrW
- end
- function FM:ScrH()
- return self._ScrH
- end
- local print = _print or print
- function FM:Print(...)
- local str = (...)
- if not FM.Config.UsePrintMessages then return false end
- print("[Cabron Menu] " .. str)
- return true
- end
- function FM:GetMousePos()
- return self._MouseX, self._MouseY
- end
- function FM:RequestControlOnce(entity)
- if FM:GetFunction("NetworkHasControlOfEntity")(entity) then return true end
- FM:GetFunction("SetNetworkIdCanMigrate")(FM:GetFunction("NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity")(entity), true)
- return FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(entity)
- end
- function FM:RequestControlSync(veh, timeout)
- timeout = timeout or 2000
- local counter = 0
- self:RequestControlOnce(veh)
- while not FM:GetFunction("NetworkHasControlOfEntity")(veh) do
- counter = counter + 100
- Wait(100)
- if counter >= timeout then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- function FM:aG(aH, aI, aJ)
- return coroutine.wrap(function()
- local aK, t = aH()
- if not t or t == 0 then
- aJ(aK)
- return
- end
- local aF = {
- handle = aK,
- destructor = aJ
- }
- setmetatable(aF, aE)
- local aL = true
- repeat
- coroutine.yield(t)
- aL, t = aI(aK)
- until not aL
- aF.destructor, aF.handle = nil, nil
- aJ(aK)
- end)
- end
- function FM:EnumerateVehicles()
- return FM:aG(FM:GetFunction("FindFirstVehicle"), FM:GetFunction("FindNextVehicle"), FM:GetFunction("EndFindVehicle"))
- end
- function FM:EnumeratePeds()
- return FM:aG(FM:GetFunction("FindFirstPed"), FM:GetFunction("FindNextPed"), FM:GetFunction("EndFindPed"))
- end
- function FM:EnumerateObjects()
- return FM:aG(FM:GetFunction("FindFirstObject"), FM:GetFunction("FindNextObject"), FM:GetFunction("EndFindObject"))
- end
- function FM:GetClosestVehicle(max_dist)
- local veh, dist = nil, dict.math.huge
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- for vehicle in self:EnumerateVehicles() do
- local this = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(vehicle, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(vehicle) then
- local distance = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, this.x, this.y, this.z)
- if distance < dist then
- dist = distance
- veh = vehicle
- end
- end
- end
- if dist > (max_dist or 10.0) then return end
- return veh, dist
- end
- function FM:GetClosestPed(max_dist)
- local ped, dist = nil, dict.math.huge
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- for pedestrian in self:EnumeratePeds() do
- local this = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(pedestrian, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(pedestrian) then
- local distance = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, this.x, this.y, this.z)
- if distance < dist then
- dist = distance
- ped = pedestrian
- end
- end
- end
- if dist > (max_dist or 10.0) then return end
- return ped, dist
- end
- function FM:GetClosestObject(max_dist)
- local obj, dist = nil, dict.math.huge
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- for object in self:EnumeratePeds() do
- local this = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(object, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(object) then
- local distance = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, this.x, this.y, this.z)
- if distance < dist then
- dist = distance
- obj = object
- end
- end
- end
- if dist > (max_dist or 10.0) then return end
- return obj, dist
- end
- function FM:DeleteVehicles()
- local _veh = FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle") and FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- CreateThread(function()
- for veh in FM:EnumerateVehicles() do
- if self:RequestControlSync(veh) and (veh ~= _veh or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf) then
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(veh)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- function FM:RepairVehicle(vehicle)
- if vehicle == 0 then return false end
- FM:RequestControlOnce(vehicle)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleFixed")(vehicle)
- return true
- end
- local was_dragging
- function FM:TranslateMouse(wx, wy, ww, wh, drag_id)
- local mx, my = self:GetMousePos()
- if not self.DraggingX and not self.DraggingY then
- self.DraggingX = mx
- self.DraggingY = my
- end
- local mpx = self.DraggingX - wx
- local mpy = self.DraggingY - wy
- if self.DraggingX ~= mx or self.DraggingY ~= my then
- self.DraggingX = mx
- self.DraggingY = my
- end
- local dx = wx - (self.DraggingX - mpx)
- local dy = wy - (self.DraggingY - mpy)
- was_dragging = drag_id
- return wx - dx, wy - dy
- end
- local scroller_y
- function FM:TranslateScroller(sy, sh, by)
- local _, my = self:GetMousePos()
- if not scroller_y then
- scroller_y = my
- end
- local mpy = scroller_y - sy
- if scroller_y ~= my then
- scroller_y = my
- end
- return mpy
- end
- local text_cache = {}
- local function _text_width(str, font, scale)
- font = font or 4
- scale = scale or 0.35
- text_cache[font] = text_cache[font] or {}
- text_cache[font][scale] = text_cache[font][scale] or {}
- if text_cache[font][scale][str] then return text_cache[font][scale][str].length end
- FM:GetFunction("BeginTextCommandWidth")("STRING")
- FM:GetFunction("AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName")(str)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextFont")(font or 4)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextScale")(scale or 0.35, scale or 0.35)
- local length = FM:GetFunction("EndTextCommandGetWidth")(1)
- text_cache[font][scale][str] = {
- length = length
- }
- return length
- end
- function FM.Painter:GetTextWidth(str, font, scale)
- return _text_width(str, font, scale) * FM:ScrW()
- end
- function FM.Painter:DrawText(text, font, centered, x, y, scale, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextFont")(font)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextScale")(scale, scale)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextCentre")(centered)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextColour")(r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("BeginTextCommandDisplayText")("STRING")
- FM:GetFunction("AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName")(text)
- FM:GetFunction("EndTextCommandDisplayText")(x / FM:ScrW(), y / FM:ScrH())
- end
- local listing
- local function _lerp(delta, from, to)
- if delta > 1 then return to end
- if delta < 0 then return from end
- return from + (to - from) * delta
- end
- local color_lists = {}
- function FM.Painter:ListItem(label, px, py, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, id)
- if listing and not FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlReleased")(0, 24) then
- listing = nil
- end
- if not color_lists[id] then
- color_lists[id] = {
- r = 0,
- g = 0,
- b = 0
- }
- end
- local bool = FM.Config.SelectedCategory == id
- if bool then
- color_lists[id].r = _lerp(0.1, color_lists[id].r, FM.Tertiary[1])
- color_lists[id].g = _lerp(0.1, color_lists[id].g, FM.Tertiary[2])
- color_lists[id].b = _lerp(0.1, color_lists[id].b, FM.Tertiary[3])
- else
- color_lists[id].r = _lerp(0.1, color_lists[id].r, 255)
- color_lists[id].g = _lerp(0.1, color_lists[id].g, 255)
- color_lists[id].b = _lerp(0.1, color_lists[id].b, 255)
- end
- self:DrawRect(px + x, py + y, w, h, r, g, b, a)
- self:DrawText(label, 4, true, px + w / 2, py + y - 5, 0.34, dict.math.ceil(color_lists[id].r), dict.math.ceil(color_lists[id].g), dict.math.ceil(color_lists[id].b), 255)
- if self:Holding(px + x, py + y, w, h, id) or FM.Config.SelectedCategory == id then
- if not listing and FM.Config.SelectedCategory ~= id then
- listing = true
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local selector
- local list_choices = {}
- function FM.Painter:DrawSprite(x, y, w, h, heading, dict, name, r, g, b, a, custom)
- if not FM:GetFunction("HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded")(dict) and not custom then
- FM:GetFunction("RequestStreamedTextureDict")(dict)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("DrawSprite")(dict, name, x / FM:ScrW(), y / FM:ScrH(), w / FM:ScrW(), h / FM:ScrH(), heading, r, g, b, a)
- end
- local left_active, right_active
- function FM.Painter:ListChoice(label, options, px, py, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, id, selected, unbind_caller)
- list_choices[id] = list_choices[id] or {
- selected = selected or 1,
- options = options
- }
- local ret
- local lR, lG, lB = 255, 255, 255
- local rR, rG, rB = 255, 255, 255
- self:DrawText(label, 4, false, px + x, py + y, 0.4, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- local width = self:GetTextWidth(label, 4, 0.4)
- local left_x, left_y = px + x + (width - 16.0), py + y + 13
- if self:Holding(left_x + 18 - 9.1, left_y - 5, 38.4, 19.2, 13.5, id .. "_left") then
- if not left_active or left_active == id .. "_left" then
- lR, lG, lB = FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3]
- end
- if not left_active then
- left_active = id .. "_left"
- local cur = list_choices[id].selected
- local new = cur - 1
- if not list_choices[id].options[new] then
- new = #list_choices[id].options
- end
- list_choices[id].selected = new
- ret = true
- end
- elseif left_active == id .. "_left" then
- left_active = nil
- end
- local cur = list_choices[id].options[list_choices[id].selected]
- if not cur then
- cur = "NONE"
- end
- local cur_width = self:GetTextWidth(cur, 4, 0.4)
- if self:Holding(left_x + 18 + cur_width + 16.0 - 9.1, left_y - 5, 19.2, 13.5, id .. "_right") then
- if not right_active or right_active == id .. "_right" then
- rR, rG, rB = FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3]
- end
- if not right_active then
- right_active = id .. "_right"
- local cur = list_choices[id].selected
- local new = cur + 1
- if not list_choices[id].options[new] then
- new = 1
- end
- list_choices[id].selected = new
- ret = true
- end
- elseif right_active == id .. "_right" then
- right_active = nil
- end
- self:DrawText(cur, 4, false, left_x + 27, left_y - 14, 0.4, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- self:DrawSprite(left_x + 18, left_y + 2, 38.4, 27.0, 0.0, "commonmenu", "arrowleft", lR, lG, lB, 255)
- self:DrawSprite(left_x + 18 + cur_width + 16.0, left_y + 2, 38.4, 27.0, 0.0, "commonmenu", "arrowright", rR, rG, rB, 255)
- if self:Hovered(px + x, py + y + 8, width + 27 + cur_width, 10) and unbind_caller and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"]) and FM.Config[unbind_caller] ~= "NONE" then
- FM.Config[unbind_caller] = "NONE"
- list_choices[id].selected = -1
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- ret = false
- end
- return ret
- end
- local checked
- local color_checks = {}
- function FM.Painter:CheckBox(label, bool, px, py, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, id, centered, size)
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, 24) and checked then
- checked = nil
- end
- if not color_checks[id] then
- color_checks[id] = {
- r = 0,
- g = 0,
- b = 0,
- a = 0
- }
- end
- self:DrawRect(px + x, py + y, 20, 20, 25, 25, 25, 200)
- if bool then
- color_checks[id].r = _lerp(0.1, color_checks[id].r, FM.Tertiary[1])
- color_checks[id].g = _lerp(0.1, color_checks[id].g, FM.Tertiary[2])
- color_checks[id].b = _lerp(0.1, color_checks[id].b, FM.Tertiary[3])
- color_checks[id].a = _lerp(0.1, color_checks[id].a, 200)
- else
- color_checks[id].r = _lerp(0.1, color_checks[id].r, 20)
- color_checks[id].g = _lerp(0.1, color_checks[id].g, 20)
- color_checks[id].b = _lerp(0.1, color_checks[id].b, 20)
- color_checks[id].a = _lerp(0.1, color_checks[id].a, 0)
- end
- self:DrawRect(px + x + 2.5, py + y + 2.5, 15, 15, dict.math.ceil(color_checks[id].r), dict.math.ceil(color_checks[id].g), dict.math.ceil(color_checks[id].b), dict.math.ceil(color_checks[id].a))
- self:DrawText(label, 4, centered, centered and (px + w / 2) or (px + x + 25), py + y - 4, size or 0.37, r, g, b, a)
- if self:Holding(px + x, py + y, w, h, id) then
- if not checked then
- checked = id
- if FM.Config.UseSounds then
- FM:GetFunction("PlaySoundFrontend")(-1, "CLICK_BACK", "WEB_NAVIGATION_SOUNDS_PHONE", false)
- end
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local activated
- function FM.Painter:Button(label, px, py, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, id, centered, size)
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, 24) and activated then
- activated = nil
- end
- if not w then
- w = self:GetTextWidth(label, 4, size or 0.37)
- end
- if self:Holding(px + x, py + y, w, h, id) then
- self:DrawText(label, 4, centered, centered and (px + w / 2) or (px + x), py + y, size or 0.37, FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3], FM.Tertiary[4])
- if not activated then
- activated = id
- if FM.Config.UseSounds then
- FM:GetFunction("PlaySoundFrontend")(-1, "CLICK_BACK", "WEB_NAVIGATION_SOUNDS_PHONE", false)
- end
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- self:DrawText(label, 4, centered, centered and (px + w / 2) or (px + x), py + y, size or 0.37, r, g, b, a)
- return false
- end
- function FM.Painter:DrawRect(x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a)
- local _w, _h = w / FM:ScrW(), h / FM:ScrH()
- local _x, _y = x / FM:ScrW() + _w / 2, y / FM:ScrH() + _h / 2
- FM:GetFunction("DrawRect")(_x, _y, _w, _h, r, g, b, a)
- end
- function FM.Painter:Hovered(x, y, w, h)
- local mx, my = FM:GetMousePos()
- if mx >= x and mx <= x + w and my >= y and my <= y + h then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local holding
- function FM.Painter:Holding(x, y, w, h, id)
- if FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= -1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 2 then return end
- if holding == id and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, 24) then return true end
- if holding ~= nil and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, 24) then return end
- if self:Hovered(x, y, w, h) and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, 24) then
- holding = id
- return true
- elseif holding == id and not self:Hovered(x, y, w, h) or not FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, 24) then
- holding = nil
- end
- return false
- end
- local clicked
- function FM.Painter:Clicked(x, y, w, h)
- if clicked then
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, 24) then
- clicked = false
- end
- return false
- end
- if self:Hovered(x, y, w, h) and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustReleased")(0, 24) then
- clicked = true
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function FM:Clamp(what, min, max)
- if what < min then
- return min
- elseif what > max then
- return max
- else
- return what
- end
- end
- function FM:LimitRenderBounds()
- local cx, cy = self.Config.MenuX, self.Config.MenuY
- cx = self:Clamp(cx, 5, FM:ScrW() - self.MenuW - 5)
- cy = self:Clamp(cy, 42, FM:ScrH() - self.MenuH - 5)
- local nx, ny = self.Config.NotifX, self.Config.NotifY
- if nx and ny and self.Config.NotifW then
- nx = self:Clamp(nx, 30, FM:ScrW() - self.Config.NotifW - 30)
- ny = self:Clamp(ny, 30, FM:ScrH() - notifications_h - 30)
- self.Config.NotifX = nx
- self.Config.NotifY = ny
- end
- self.Config.MenuX = cx
- self.Config.MenuY = cy
- end
- function FM:AddCategory(title, func)
- self.Categories[#self.Categories + 1] = {
- Title = title,
- Build = func
- }
- end
- function FM:SetPedModel(model)
- if not self:RequestModelSync(model) then return self:AddNotification("ERROR", "Couldn't load model ~r~" .. model .. " ~w~in time.") end
- FM:GetFunction("SetPlayerModel")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), model)
- end
- function FM:GetPedVehicleSeat(ped)
- local vehicle = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(ped, false)
- local invehicle = FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(ped, false)
- if invehicle then
- for i = -2, FM:GetFunction("GetVehicleMaxNumberOfPassengers")(vehicle) do
- if (FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(vehicle, i) == ped) then return i end
- end
- end
- return -2
- end
- function FM:GetModelLength(ent)
- local min, max = FM:GetFunction("GetModelDimensions")(FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(ent))
- return max.y - min.y
- end
- function FM:GetModelHeight(ent)
- local min, max = FM:GetFunction("GetModelDimensions")(FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(ent))
- return max.z - min.z
- end
- function FM:Tracker()
- if not self.TrackingPlayer then return end
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.TrackingPlayer)) then
- self.TrackingPlayer = nil
- return
- end
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.TrackingPlayer, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- FM:GetFunction("SetNewWaypoint")(coords.x, coords.y)
- end
- function FM:DoFrozen()
- for src, bool in dict.pairs(frozen_players) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ped) and bool then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(ped)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(ped)
- FM:GetFunction("DisablePlayerFiring")(src, true)
- end
- end
- end
- local blips = {}
- function FM:DoBlips(remove)
- if remove or not FM.Config.Player.Blips or not FM.Enabled then
- if remove or #blips > 0 then
- for src, blip in dict.pairs(blips) do
- FM:GetFunction("RemoveBlip")(blip)
- blips[src] = nil
- end
- end
- return
- end
- for src, blip in dict.pairs(blips) do
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)) then
- FM:GetFunction("RemoveBlip")(blip)
- blips[src] = nil
- else
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- local head = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src))
- FM:GetFunction("SetBlipCoords")(blip, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
- FM:GetFunction("SetBlipRotation")(blip, dict.math.ceil(head))
- FM:GetFunction("SetBlipCategory")(blip, 7)
- FM:GetFunction("SetBlipScale")(blip, 0.87)
- end
- end
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)) and not blips[src] and src ~= PlayerId() then
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- local head = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src))
- local blip = FM:GetFunction("AddBlipForCoord")(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
- FM:GetFunction("SetBlipSprite")(blip, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip")(blip, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetBlipRotation")(blip, dict.math.ceil(head))
- FM:GetFunction("SetBlipScale")(blip, 0.87)
- FM:GetFunction("SetBlipCategory")(blip, 7)
- FM:GetFunction("BeginTextCommandSetBlipName")("STRING")
- FM:GetFunction("AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(src))
- FM:GetFunction("EndTextCommandSetBlipName")(blip)
- blips[src] = blip
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:DoAntiAim()
- if not self.Config.Player.AntiAim then return end
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- local ret, ent = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt")(src)
- if ret and ent == FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")() then
- local pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 18, 1.0, false, true, 10.0)
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:TeleportToWaypoint()
- local waypoint = FM:GetFunction("GetFirstBlipInfoId")(8)
- if not DoesBlipExist(waypoint) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "No waypoint!", 5000) end
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetBlipInfoIdCoord")(waypoint)
- CreateThread(function()
- for height = 100, -100, -5 do
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedCoordsKeepVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), coords.x, coords.y, height + 0.0)
- local foundGround, zPos = FM:GetFunction("GetGroundZFor_3dCoord")(coords.x, coords.y, height + 0.0)
- if foundGround then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedCoordsKeepVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), coords.x, coords.y, zPos + 0.0)
- break
- end
- Wait(5)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Teleported to waypoint.")
- end)
- end
- local esp_talk_col = FM.Tertiary
- function FM:DoESP()
- if not self.Config.Player.ESP then return end
- local spot = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if self.FreeCam and self.FreeCam.On and camX and camY and camZ then
- spot = vector3(camX, camY, camZ)
- elseif self.SpectatingPlayer and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SpectatingPlayer)) then
- spot = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SpectatingPlayer, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
- elseif self.RCCam and self.RCCam.On and rc_camX and rc_camY and rc_camZ then
- spot = vector3(rc_camX, rc_camY, rc_camZ)
- end
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ped) and ped ~= FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")() then
- local _id = dict.tonumber(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(src))
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, vector_origin.x, vector_origin.y, vector_origin.z)
- local dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(spot.x, spot.y, spot.z, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
- local seat = dict.tonumber(FM:GetPedVehicleSeat(ped))
- if seat ~= -2 then
- seat = seat + 0.25
- end
- if dist <= FM.Config.Player.ESPDistance then
- local pos_z = coords.z + 1.2
- if seat ~= -2 then
- pos_z = pos_z + seat
- end
- local _on_screen, _, _ = FM:GetFunction("GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord")(coords.x, coords.y, pos_z)
- if _on_screen then
- if self.Config.Player.Box then
- self:DoBoxESP(src, ped)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("NetworkIsPlayerTalking")(src) then
- self:Draw3DText(coords.x, coords.y, pos_z, _id .. " | " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(src), true) .. " [" .. dict.math.ceil(dist) .. "M" .. "]", esp_talk_col[1], esp_talk_col[2], esp_talk_col[3])
- else
- self:Draw3DText(coords.x, coords.y, pos_z, _id .. " | " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(src), true) .. " [" .. dict.math.ceil(dist) .. "M" .. "]", 255, 255, 255)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:DoBoxESP(src, ped)
- local r, g, b, a = 255, 255, 255, 255
- if FM:GetFunction("NetworkIsPlayerTalking")(src) then
- r, g, b = esp_talk_col[1], esp_talk_col[2], esp_talk_col[3]
- end
- local model = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(ped)
- local min, max = FM:GetFunction("GetModelDimensions")(model)
- local top_front_right = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, max)
- local top_back_right = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, vector3(max.x, min.y, max.z))
- local bottom_front_right = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, vector3(max.x, max.y, min.z))
- local bottom_back_right = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, vector3(max.x, min.y, min.z))
- local top_front_left = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, vector3(min.x, max.y, max.z))
- local top_back_left = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, vector3(min.x, min.y, max.z))
- local bottom_front_left = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, vector3(min.x, max.y, min.z))
- local bottom_back_left = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, min)
- -- LINES
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_right, top_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_right, bottom_front_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(bottom_front_right, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_back_right, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_left, top_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_back_left, bottom_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_left, bottom_front_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(bottom_front_left, bottom_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- -- Connection
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_right, top_front_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_back_right, top_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(bottom_front_left, bottom_front_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(bottom_back_left, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- end
- FM:AddCategory("Self", function(self, x, y, w, h)
- local curY = 5
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("GOD MODE", self.Config.Player.God, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "god_enabled") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- self.Config.Player.God = not self.Config.Player.God
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- end
- local _w = (self.Painter:GetTextWidth("TELEPORT TO COORDS", 4, 0.37)) + 2
- if self.Painter:Button("TELEPORT TO COORDS", x, y, w - _w, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "teleport_to_coords") then
- local x, y, z
- _x = FM:GetTextInput("Enter X Coordinate.", 0, 15)
- if _x and dict.tonumber(_x) then
- x = _x
- end
- if x then
- local _y = FM:GetTextInput("Enter Y Coordinate.", 0, 15)
- if _y and dict.tonumber(_y) then
- y = _y
- end
- end
- if x and y then
- local _z = FM:GetTextInput("Enter Z Coordinate.", 0, 15)
- if _z and dict.tonumber(_z) then
- z = _z
- end
- end
- if x and y and z then
- x = dict.tonumber(x) + 0.0
- y = dict.tonumber(y) + 0.0
- z = dict.tonumber(z) + 0.0
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), x, y, z)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Teleported to coords.", 5000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Cancelled.", 5000)
- end
- end
- local _w = (self.Painter:GetTextWidth("TELEPORT TO WAYPOINT", 4, 0.37)) + 2
- if self.Painter:Button("TELEPORT TO WAYPOINT", x, y, w - _w, curY + 25, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "teleport_to_waypoint") then
- FM:TeleportToWaypoint()
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("SEMI GOD MODE", self.Config.Player.SemiGod, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "semi_god_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.SemiGod = not self.Config.Player.SemiGod
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("ANTI AFK", self.Config.Player.AntiAFK, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "anti_afk") then
- self.Config.Player.AntiAFK = not self.Config.Player.AntiAFK
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("INFINITE STAMINA", self.Config.Player.InfiniteStamina, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "infinite_stamina") then
- self.Config.Player.InfiniteStamina = not self.Config.Player.InfiniteStamina
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("NO RAGDOLL", self.Config.Player.NoRagdoll, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "no_ragdoll_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.NoRagdoll = not self.Config.Player.NoRagdoll
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("INVISIBILITY", self.Config.Player.Invisibility, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "invisibility_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.Invisibility = not self.Config.Player.Invisibility
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("REVEAL INVISIBLE PLAYERS", self.Config.Player.RevealInvisibles, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "reveal_invis_players") then
- self.Config.Player.RevealInvisibles = not self.Config.Player.RevealInvisibles
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("FAST RUN", self.Config.Player.FastRun, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "fast_af_runna_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.FastRun = not self.Config.Player.FastRun
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("SUPER JUMP", self.Config.Player.SuperJump, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "big_jump_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.SuperJump = not self.Config.Player.SuperJump
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("SUPER MAN", self.Config.Player.SuperMan, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "super_man_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.SuperMan = not self.Config.Player.SuperMan
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- if self.Config.Player.SuperMan then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Press ~y~SPACE~w~ to go up / ~y~W~w~ to go forward.")
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("MAGIC CARPET", self.Config.Player.MagicCarpet, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "magic_carpet_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.MagicCarpet = not self.Config.Player.MagicCarpet
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("FAKE DEAD", self.Config.Player.FakeDead, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "fake_dead") then
- self.Config.Player.FakeDead = not self.Config.Player.FakeDead
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("FORCE RADAR", self.Config.Player.ForceRadar, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "force_radar") then
- self.Config.Player.ForceRadar = not self.Config.Player.ForceRadar
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("HEAL", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "heal_option") then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityHealth")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 200)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedBloodDamage")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Healed.")
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("GIVE ARMOR", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "armor_option") then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedArmour")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 200)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Armour given.")
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("SUICIDE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "suicide_option") then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityHealth")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Killed.")
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.DynamicTriggers["esx_ambulancejob"] and self.DynamicTriggers["esx_ambulancejob"]["esx_ambulancejob:revive"] then
- if self.Painter:Button("REVIVE ~g~ESX", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "esx_revive") then
- FM:GetFunction("TriggerEvent")(self.DynamicTriggers["esx_ambulancejob"]["esx_ambulancejob:revive"])
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Revived.")
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- end
- if self.Painter:Button("REVIVE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "native_revive") then
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer")(FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()))
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Revived.")
- end
- end)
- FM:AddCategory("ESP", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 5
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("ESP", self.Config.Player.ESP, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "esp_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.ESP = not self.Config.Player.ESP
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("BOX", self.Config.Player.Box, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "esp_box_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.Box = not self.Config.Player.Box
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("BLIPS", self.Config.Player.Blips, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "esp_blips_enabled") then
- if self.Config.Player.Blips then
- self:DoBlips(true)
- end
- self.Config.Player.Blips = not self.Config.Player.Blips
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("CROSSHAIR", self.Config.Player.CrossHair, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "crosshair_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.CrossHair = not self.Config.Player.CrossHair
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("ESP DRAW DISTANCE: " .. self.Config.Player.ESPDistance, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "set_aimbot_fov") then
- local new = FM:GetTextInput("Enter ESP Draw Distance [35-50000]", self.Config.Player.ESPDistance, 7)
- if not dict.tonumber(new) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid distance.") end
- if dict.tonumber(new) < 35 or dict.tonumber(new) > 50000 then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid distance.") end
- self.Config.Player.ESPDistance = dict.tonumber(new) + 0.0
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "ESP Draw Distance changed to " .. self.Config.Player.ESPDistance .. ".")
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- end)
- local bone_check = {{31086, "SKEL_HEAD"}, {0, "SKEL_ROOT"}, {22711, "SKEL_L_Forearm"}, {28252, "SKEL_R_Forearm"}, {45509, "SKEL_L_UpperArm"}, {40269, "SKEL_R_UpperArm"}, {58271, "SKEL_L_Thigh"}, {51826, "SKEL_R_Thigh"}, {24816, "SKEL_Spine1"}, {24817, "SKEL_Spine2"}, {24818, "SKEL_Spine3"}, {14201, "SKEL_L_Foot"}, {52301, "SKEL_R_Foot"}}
- local aimbot_bones = {"SKEL_HEAD", "SKEL_ROOT", "SKEL_L_Forearm", "SKEL_R_Forearm", "SKEL_L_UpperArm", "SKEL_R_UpperArm", "SKEL_L_Thigh", "SKEL_R_Thigh", "SKEL_Spine1", "SKEL_Spine2", "SKEL_Spine3", "SKEL_L_Foot", "SKEL_R_Foot"}
- FM:AddCategory("Combat", function(self, x, y, w, h)
- local curY = 5
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("TRIGGER BOT", self.Config.Player.TriggerBot, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "trigger_bot_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.TriggerBot = not self.Config.Player.TriggerBot
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- local _w = (self.Painter:GetTextWidth("ANTI AIM", 4, 0.35)) + 20
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("ANTI AIM", self.Config.Player.AntiAim, x, y, w - _w - 10, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "anti_aim_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.AntiAim = not self.Config.Player.AntiAim
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("TRIGGER BOT NEEDS LOS", self.Config.Player.TriggerBotNeedsLOS, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "triggerbot_need_los_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.TriggerBotNeedsLOS = not self.Config.Player.TriggerBotNeedsLOS
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("AIMBOT", self.Config.Player.Aimbot, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "aimbot_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.Aimbot = not self.Config.Player.Aimbot
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("AIMBOT NEEDS LOS", self.Config.Player.AimbotNeedsLOS, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "aimbot_need_los_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotNeedsLOS = not self.Config.Player.AimbotNeedsLOS
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("TP TO AIMBOT TARGET", self.Config.Player.TPAimbot, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "tpaimbot_enabled") then
- self.Config.Player.TPAimbot = not self.Config.Player.TPAimbot
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("DRAW AIMBOT FOV", self.Config.Player.AimbotDrawFOV, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "draw_aimbot_fov") then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotDrawFOV = not self.Config.Player.AimbotDrawFOV
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("ONLY TARGET PLAYERS", self.Config.Player.OnlyTargetPlayers, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "only_target_players") then
- self.Config.Player.OnlyTargetPlayers = not self.Config.Player.OnlyTargetPlayers
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("TRIGGER BOT TARGET VEHICLES", self.Config.Player.TargetInsideVehicles, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "target_inside_vehicles") then
- self.Config.Player.TargetInsideVehicles = not self.Config.Player.TargetInsideVehicles
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("INFINITE COMBAT ROLL", self.Config.Player.InfiniteCombatRoll, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "infinite_combat_roll") then
- self.Config.Player.InfiniteCombatRoll = not self.Config.Player.InfiniteCombatRoll
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("~r~RAGE ~w~BOT", self.Config.Player.RageBot, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "rage_bot") then
- self.Config.Player.RageBot = not self.Config.Player.RageBot
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("NO BULLET DROP", self.Config.Player.NoDrop, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "no_bullet_drop") then
- self.Config.Player.NoDrop = not self.Config.Player.NoDrop
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("NO RELOAD", self.Config.Player.NoReload, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "no_reload") then
- self.Config.Player.NoReload = not self.Config.Player.NoReload
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("INFINITE AMMO", self.Config.Player.InfiniteAmmo, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "infinite_ammo") then
- self.Config.Player.InfiniteAmmo = not self.Config.Player.InfiniteAmmo
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("RAPID FIRE", self.Config.Player.RapidFire, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "rapid_fire") then
- self.Config.Player.RapidFire = not self.Config.Player.RapidFire
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("EXPLOSIVE AMMO", self.Config.Player.ExplosiveAmmo, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "explosive_ammo") then
- self.Config.Player.ExplosiveAmmo = not self.Config.Player.ExplosiveAmmo
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("ONE TAP", self.Config.Player.OneTap, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "one_tap_enabled") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- self.Config.Player.OneTap = not self.Config.Player.OneTap
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("AIMBOT BONE: ", aimbot_bones, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "aimbot_bone") then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotBone = list_choices["aimbot_bone"].selected
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("AIMBOT FOV: " .. self.Config.Player.AimbotFOV, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "set_aimbot_fov") then
- local new = FM:GetTextInput("Enter Aimbot FOV [35-500]", self.Config.Player.AimbotFOV, 7)
- if not dict.tonumber(new) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid FOV.") end
- if dict.tonumber(new) < 35 or dict.tonumber(new) > 500 then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid FOV.") end
- self.Config.Player.AimbotFOV = dict.tonumber(new) + 0.0
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Aimbot FOV changed to " .. self.Config.Player.AimbotFOV .. ".")
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("TRIGGER BOT DISTANCE: " .. self.Config.Player.TriggerBotDistance, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "set_trigger_bot_distance") then
- local new = FM:GetTextInput("Enter Trigger Bot Distance [10-10000]", self.Config.Player.TriggerBotDistance, 7)
- if not dict.tonumber(new) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid distance.") end
- if dict.tonumber(new) < 10 or dict.tonumber(new) > 10000 then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid distance.") end
- self.Config.Player.TriggerBotDistance = dict.tonumber(new) + 0.0
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Trigger Bot distance changed to " .. self.Config.Player.TriggerBotDistance .. ".")
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("TP AIMBOT THRESHOLD: " .. self.Config.Player.TPAimbotThreshold, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "set_tp_aimbot_threshold") then
- local new = FM:GetTextInput("Enter TP Aimbot Distance [10-1000]", self.Config.Player.TPAimbotThreshold, 7)
- if not dict.tonumber(new) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid distance.") end
- if dict.tonumber(new) < 10 or dict.tonumber(new) > 1000 then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid distance.") end
- self.Config.Player.TPAimbotThreshold = dict.tonumber(new) + 0.0
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "TP Aimbot threshold changed to " .. self.Config.Player.TPAimbotThreshold .. ".")
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("TP AIMBOT DISTANCE: " .. self.Config.Player.TPAimbotDistance, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "set_tp_aimbot_distance") then
- local new = FM:GetTextInput("Enter TP Aimbot Distance [0-10]", self.Config.Player.TPAimbotDistance, 7)
- if not dict.tonumber(new) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid distance.") end
- if dict.tonumber(new) < 0 or dict.tonumber(new) > 10 then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid distance.") end
- self.Config.Player.TPAimbotDistance = dict.tonumber(new) + 0.0
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "TP Aimbot distance changed to " .. self.Config.Player.TPAimbotDistance .. ".")
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- end)
- local function _is_ped_player(ped)
- local id = FM:GetFunction("NetworkGetPlayerIndexFromPed")(ped)
- return id and id > 0
- end
- local function rot_to_dir(rot)
- local radZ = rot.z * 0.0174532924
- local radX = rot.x * 0.0174532924
- local num = dict.math.abs(dict.math.cos(radX))
- local dir = vector3(-dict.math.sin(radZ) * num, dict.math.cos(radZ) * num, radX)
- return dir
- end
- local function _multiply(vector, mult)
- return vector3(vector.x * mult, vector.y * mult, vector.z * mult)
- end
- local function _get_ped_hovered_over()
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamCoord")()
- local _dir = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamRot")(0)
- local dir = rot_to_dir(_dir)
- local len = _multiply(dir, FM.Config.Player.TriggerBotDistance)
- local targ = cur + len
- local handle = FM:GetFunction("StartShapeTestRay")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, targ.x, targ.y, targ.z, -1)
- local _, hit, hit_pos, _, entity = FM:GetFunction("GetShapeTestResult")(handle)
- local force
- local _seat
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(entity) and FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(entity) and FM.Config.Player.TargetInsideVehicles and FM:GetFunction("HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), entity) then
- local driver = FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(entity, -1)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(driver) and not FM:GetFunction("IsPedDeadOrDying")(driver) then
- entity = driver
- force = true
- _seat = -1
- else
- local _dist = dict.math.huge
- local _ped
- for i = -2, FM:GetFunction("GetVehicleMaxNumberOfPassengers")(vehicle) do
- local who = FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(entity, i)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(who) and FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(who) and not FM:GetFunction("IsPedDeadOrDying")(who) then
- local s_pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(who, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local s_dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(hit_pos.x, hit_pos.y, hit_pos.z, s_pos.x, s_pos.y, s_pos.z, true)
- if s_dist < _dist then
- _dist = s_dist
- _ped = who
- _seat = i
- end
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(_ped) and FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(_ped) then
- entity = _ped
- force = true
- end
- end
- end
- if hit and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(entity) and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityHaveDrawable")(entity) and FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(entity) and (force or FM:GetFunction("HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), entity)) then return true, entity, _seat end
- return nil, false, nil
- end
- local _aimbot_poly = {}
- local function _within_poly(point, poly)
- local inside = false
- local j = #poly
- for i = 1, #poly do
- if (poly[i].y < point.y and poly[j].y >= point.y or poly[j].y < point.y and poly[i].y >= point.y) and (poly[i].x + (point.y - poly[i].y) / (poly[j].y - poly[i].y) * (poly[j].x - poly[i].x) < point.x) then
- inside = not inside
- end
- j = i
- end
- return inside
- end
- local function _is_ped_in_aimbot_fov(ped)
- local pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local showing, sx, sy = FM:GetFunction("GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord")(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
- if not showing then return false end
- return _within_poly({
- x = sx,
- y = sy
- }, _aimbot_poly.points)
- end
- local function _get_ped_in_aimbot_fov()
- local fov = FM.Config.Player.AimbotFOV
- local closest = dict.math.huge
- local selected
- for ped in FM:EnumeratePeds() do
- if not FM:IsFriend(ped) and (not FM.Config.Player.OnlyTargetPlayers or _is_ped_player(ped)) then
- local pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local showing, sx, sy = FM:GetFunction("GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord")(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
- if ped ~= FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")() and showing and (not FM.Config.Player.AimbotNeedsLOS or FM:GetFunction("HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), ped)) then
- local in_fov = _is_ped_in_aimbot_fov(ped)
- local us = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamCoord")()
- local dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, us.x, us.y, us.z)
- if in_fov and dist < closest then
- dist = closest
- selected = ped
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if selected and (not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM.Config.Player.AimbotTarget) or FM:GetFunction("IsEntityDead")(FM.Config.Player.AimbotTarget)) and not FM:IsFriend(selected) and FM:GetFunction("HasEntityClearLosToEntity")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), selected) then
- FM.Config.Player.AimbotTarget = selected
- end
- local _ped = _get_ped_hovered_over()
- if not FM.Config.Player.AimbotTarget and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(_ped) and not FM:IsFriend(_ped) and (not FM.Config.Player.OnlyTargetPlayers or _is_ped_player(_ped)) then
- local pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(_ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local showing, sx, sy = FM:GetFunction("GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord")(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
- -- and FM:GetFunction("HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), ped) then
- if _ped ~= FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")() and showing and (not FM.Config.Player.AimbotNeedsLOS or FM:GetFunction("HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), ped)) then
- local in_fov = _is_ped_in_aimbot_fov(_ped)
- if in_fov and not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM.Config.Player.AimbotTarget) then
- FM.Config.Player.AimbotTarget = _ped
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function _get_closest_bone(ped, _seat)
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamCoord")()
- local _dir = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamRot")(0)
- local dir = rot_to_dir(_dir)
- local where = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, where.x, where.y, where.z) + 25.0
- local len = _multiply(dir, dist)
- local targ = cur + len
- local handle = FM:GetFunction("StartShapeTestRay")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, targ.x, targ.y, targ.z, -1)
- local _, hit, hit_pos, _, entity = FM:GetFunction("GetShapeTestResult")(handle)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(entity) then
- entity = FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(entity, _seat)
- end
- if entity ~= ped then return false end
- local _dist, bone, _name = dict.math.huge, 0
- if hit then
- for _, dat in dict.ipairs(bone_check) do
- local id = dat[1]
- if id ~= -1 then
- local bone_coords = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, id, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local b_dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(bone_coords.x, bone_coords.y, bone_coords.z, hit_pos.x, hit_pos.y, hit_pos.z, true)
- if b_dist < _dist then
- _dist = b_dist
- bone = id
- _name = dat[2]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return bone, _dist, _name
- end
- function FM:DoAimbotPoly()
- local sx, sy =,
- local fov = self.Config.Player.AimbotFOV
- if not fov then return end
- if sx and FM:ScrW() == sx and sy and FM:ScrH() == sy and _aimbot_poly.fov == self.Config.Player.AimbotFOV then return end
- = FM:ScrW()
- = FM:ScrH()
- _aimbot_poly.fov = self.Config.Player.AimbotFOV
- _aimbot_poly.points = {}
- for i = 1, 360 do
- local x = dict.math.cos(dict.math.rad(i)) / FM:ScrW()
- local y = dict.math.sin(dict.math.rad(i)) / FM:ScrH()
- local sx, sy = x * fov, y * fov
- _aimbot_poly.points[#_aimbot_poly.points + 1] = {
- x = sx + ((FM:ScrW() / 2) / FM:ScrW()),
- y = sy + ((FM:ScrH() / 2) / FM:ScrH())
- }
- end
- end
- function FM:DrawAimbotFOV()
- for _, dat in dict.ipairs(_aimbot_poly.points) do
- DrawRect(dat.x, dat.y, 5 / FM:ScrW(), 5 / FM:ScrH(), FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3], 70)
- end
- end
- function FM:_rage_bot()
- for ped in FM:EnumeratePeds() do
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ped) and FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(ped) and ped ~= FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")() and not FM:GetFunction("IsPedDeadOrDying")(ped) then
- if not FM:IsFriend(ped) and (not FM.Config.Player.OnlyTargetPlayers or _is_ped_player(ped)) then
- if FM.Config.Player.OneTap then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), 100.0)
- end
- local destination = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local origin = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ped, 57005, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2)
- local where = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- if self.Config.ShowText then
- self:Draw3DText(where.x, where.y, where.z, "*RAGED*", 255, 55, 70, 255)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords")(origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, destination.x, destination.y, destination.z, 1, true, FM:GetFunction("GetSelectedPedWeapon")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()), FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true, false, 24000.0)
- if FM.Config.Player.OneTap then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), 1.0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:_no_bullet_drop()
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not FM.Showing and (not FM.FreeCam.On and not FM.RCCar.CamOn) then
- local curWep = FM:GetFunction("GetSelectedPedWeapon")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetCurrentPedWeaponEntityIndex")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local _dir = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamRot")(0)
- local dir = rot_to_dir(_dir)
- local dist = 99999.9
- local len = _multiply(dir, dist)
- local targ = cur + len
- FM:GetFunction("ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, targ.x, targ.y, targ.z, 5, 1, curWep, FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true, true, 24000.0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedShootsAtCoord")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), targ.x, targ.y, targ.z, true)
- end
- end
- function FM:_trigger_bot()
- local found, ent, _seat = _get_ped_hovered_over()
- if found and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(ent) and not FM:IsFriend(ent) and FM:GetFunction("IsPedWeaponReadyToShoot")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) and (not FM.Config.Player.OnlyTargetPlayers or _is_ped_player(ent)) and (not FM.Config.Player.TriggerBotNeedsLOS or FM:GetFunction("HasEntityClearLosToEntityInFront")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), ent)) then
- local _bone, _dist, _name = _get_closest_bone(ent, _seat)
- if _seat ~= nil then
- _bone = 31086
- end
- if _bone and not FM:GetFunction("IsPedDeadOrDying")(ent) then
- if FM.Config.Player.OneTap then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), 100.0)
- end
- local _pos = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(ent, _bone, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local where = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ent, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- self:Draw3DText(where.x, where.y, where.z + 0.2, "*TRIGGER BOT SHOOTING*", 255, 0, 0, 255)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedShootsAtCoord")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), _pos.x, _pos.y, _pos.z, true)
- if FM.Config.Player.OneTap then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), 1.0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:_aimbot()
- SetCamAffectsAiming(GetRenderingCam(), false)
- local _ped = _get_ped_in_aimbot_fov()
- if self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget and (not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget) or FM:GetFunction("IsPedDeadOrDying")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget)) then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget = nil
- end
- if self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget) and not FM:GetFunction("IsPedDeadOrDying")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget) then
- _ped = self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(_ped) and not FM:GetFunction("IsPedDeadOrDying")(_ped) then
- if not self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget = _ped
- end
- local where = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(_ped, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- local _pos = FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneCoords")(_ped, bone_check[self.Config.Player.AimbotBone][1], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if self.Config.ShowText then
- self:Draw3DText(where.x, where.y, where.z, "*AIMBOT LOCKED*", 255, 0, 0, 255)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction", 0, FM.Keys[self.Config.Player.AimbotKey], true)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys[self.Config.Player.AimbotKey]) then
- if FM.Config.Player.OneTap then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), 9999.9)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedShootsAtCoord")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), _pos.x, _pos.y, _pos.z, true)
- local _on_screen, sx, sy = FM:GetFunction("GetScreenCoordFromWorldCoord")(_pos.x, _pos.y, _pos.z)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCursorLocation")(sx, sy)
- if FM.Config.Player.OneTap then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), 1.0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:_tp_aimbot()
- local them = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local us = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(them.x, them.y, them.z, us.x, us.y, us.z)
- if dist > self.Config.Player.TPAimbotThreshold then
- local fwd = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityForwardVector")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget)
- local spot = them + (fwd * -self.Config.Player.TPAimbotDistance)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), spot.x, spot.y, spot.z - 1.0)
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, 0, true)
- end
- end
- function FM:DoAimbot()
- if not self.Config.Player.AimbotFOV or not self._ScrW or not self._ScrH then return end
- self:DoAimbotPoly()
- if self.Config.Player.AimbotDrawFOV then
- self:DrawAimbotFOV()
- end
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsPlayerFreeAiming")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")()) and not FM:GetFunction("IsPedDoingDriveby")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget = nil
- return
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys[self.Config.Player.AimbotReleaseKey]) then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget = nil
- end
- if self.Config.Player.RageBot then
- self:_rage_bot()
- end
- if self.Config.Player.TriggerBot then
- self:_trigger_bot()
- end
- if self.Config.Player.NoDrop then
- self:_no_bullet_drop()
- end
- if self.Config.Player.Aimbot then
- self:_aimbot()
- end
- if self.Config.Player.TPAimbot and self.Config.Player.Aimbot and self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget) and not FM:GetFunction("IsPedDeadOrDying")(self.Config.Player.AimbotTarget) then
- self:_tp_aimbot()
- end
- end
- CreateThread(function()
- while FM.Enabled do
- Wait(0)
- FM:DoAimbot()
- end
- end)
- FM:AddCategory("Model", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 0
- if self.Painter:Button("RANDOM COMPONENTS", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "skin_random") then
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:SetPedModel("mp_m_freemode_01")
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedRandomComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedRandomProps")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- end)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("MP GREEN ALIEN", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "alien_green") then
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:SetPedModel("mp_m_freemode_01")
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 1, 134, 8)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 2, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 3, 13, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 4, 106, 8)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 5, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 6, 6, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 7, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 8, 15, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 11, 274, 8)
- end)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("MP PURPLE ALIEN", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "alien_purple") then
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:SetPedModel("mp_m_freemode_01")
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 1, 134, 9)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 2, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 3, 13, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 4, 106, 9)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 5, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 6, 6, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 7, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 8, 15, 1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 11, 274, 9)
- end)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("COVID-19 PED", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "covid_19") then
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:SetPedModel("g_m_m_chemwork_01")
- end)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("CUSTOM MODEL", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "custom_model") then
- CreateThread(function()
- local mdl = FM:GetTextInput("Enter model name.", "", 50)
- if not mdl or mdl == "" then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Cancelled.", 5000)
- else
- FM:SetPedModel(mdl)
- end
- end)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("RESET PLAYER MODEL", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "ped_reset") then
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:SetPedModel("mp_m_freemode_01")
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedRandomComponentVariation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedRandomProps")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- end)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- end)
- local function _has_value(tab, val)
- for key, value in dict.pairs(tab) do
- if value == val then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function _find_weapon(str)
- if _has_value(all_weapons, str) then return str end
- for _, wep in dict.ipairs(all_weapons) do
- if wep:lower():find(str:lower()) then return wep end
- end
- return false
- end
- FM:AddCategory("Weapon", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 0
- if self.Painter:Button("GIVE ALL WEAPONS", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "give_self_all_weapons") then
- for _, wep in dict.ipairs(all_weapons) do
- FM:GetFunction("GiveWeaponToPed")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(wep), 500, false, true)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Weapons given!", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("GIVE SPECIFIC", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "give_self_specific_weapon") then
- local name = FM:GetTextInput("Enter weapon name", "", 30)
- if name then
- local wep = _find_weapon(name)
- if not wep then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Invalid weapon.", 5000) end
- FM:GetFunction("GiveWeaponToPed")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(wep), 500, false, true)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Weapon given!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("REMOVE ALL WEAPONS", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "remove_self_all_weapons") then
- for _, wep in dict.ipairs(all_weapons) do
- FM:GetFunction("RemoveWeaponFromPed")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(wep), 500, false, true)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Weapons removed!", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- end)
- local boost_options = {"1.0", "2.0", "4.0", "8.0", "16.0", "32.0", "64.0", "128.0", "256.0", "512.0"}
- FM:AddCategory("Vehicle", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 5
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("VEHICLE GOD MODE", self.Config.Vehicle.GodMode, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "vehicle_god_mode") then
- self.Config.Vehicle.GodMode = not self.Config.Vehicle.GodMode
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("BULLET PROOF TIRES", self.Config.Vehicle.BulletProofTires, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "bulletproof_enabled") then
- self.Config.Vehicle.BulletProofTires = not self.Config.Vehicle.BulletProofTires
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("DELETE VEHICLE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "delete_self_vehicle") then
- local veh = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) then
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "You must be in a vehicle to use this!")
- else
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(veh)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Vehicle deleted!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("SPAWN VEHICLE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "spawn_self_vehicle") then
- local modelName = FM:GetTextInput("Enter vehicle spawn name", "", 20)
- if modelName ~= "" and FM:GetFunction("IsModelValid")(modelName) and FM:GetFunction("IsModelAVehicle")(modelName) then
- FM:SpawnLocalVehicle(modelName)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Spawned vehicle " .. modelName, 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "That is not a vaild vehicle model.", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("REPAIR VEHICLE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "repair_vehicle") then
- local veh = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "You must be in a vehicle to use this!") end
- FM:RepairVehicle(veh)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Vehicle repaired!", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("MAX VEHICLE OUT", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "max_out_vehicle") then
- local veh = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleModKit")(veh, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleMod")(veh, 11, FM:GetFunction("GetNumVehicleMods")(veh, 11) - 1, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleMod")(veh, 12, FM:GetFunction("GetNumVehicleMods")(veh, 12) - 1, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleMod")(veh, 13, FM:GetFunction("GetNumVehicleMods")(veh, 13) - 1, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleMod")(veh, 15, FM:GetFunction("GetNumVehicleMods")(veh, 15) - 2, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleMod")(veh, 16, FM:GetFunction("GetNumVehicleMods")(veh, 16) - 1, false)
- FM:GetFunction("ToggleVehicleMod")(veh, 17, true)
- FM:GetFunction("ToggleVehicleMod")(veh, 18, true)
- FM:GetFunction("ToggleVehicleMod")(veh, 19, true)
- FM:GetFunction("ToggleVehicleMod")(veh, 21, true)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Vehicle maxed out.", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("VEHICLE ENGINE BOOST: ", boost_options, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "vehicle_boost") then
- self.Config.Vehicle.Boost = dict.tonumber(boost_options[list_choices["vehicle_boost"].selected])
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("UNLOCK CLOSEST VEHICLE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "unlock_closest_vehicle") then
- local closestVeh = FM:GetClosestVehicle()
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(closestVeh) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "No vehicle!") end
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Unlocking vehicle.", 5000)
- FM:UnlockVehicle(closestVeh)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("DISABLE CLOSEST VEHICLE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "disable_closest_vehicle") then
- local closestVeh = FM:GetClosestVehicle()
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(closestVeh) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "No vehicle!") end
- FM:DisableVehicle(closestVeh)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("DELETE CLOSEST VEHICLE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "delete_closest_vehicle") then
- local closestVeh = FM:GetClosestVehicle()
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(closestVeh) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "No vehicle!") end
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(closestVeh)
- end
- end)
- FM:AddCategory("Online", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 5
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("INCLUDE SELF", FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "online_include_self") then
- FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf = not FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("LAG SERVER", _use_lag_server, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "lag_server_out") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- _use_lag_server = not _use_lag_server
- FM:LaggingServer()
- if _use_lag_server then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Lagging server!", 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped lagger.", 10000)
- end
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("HYDRANT LOOP", _use_hydrant_loop, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "hydrant_loop_all") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- _use_hydrant_loop = not _use_hydrant_loop
- FM:HydrantLoop()
- if _use_hydrant_loop then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Water for all!", 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped water.", 10000)
- end
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("FIRE LOOP", _use_fire_loop, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "fire_loop_all") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- _use_fire_loop = not _use_fire_loop
- FM:FireLoop()
- if _use_fire_loop then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Fire for all!", 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped fire.", 10000)
- end
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("TAZE LOOP", _use_taze_loop, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "taze_loop_all") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- _use_taze_loop = not _use_taze_loop
- FM:TazeLoop()
- if _use_taze_loop then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Tazing for all!", 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped tazing.", 10000)
- end
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("DELETE VEHICLES LOOP", _use_delete_loop, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "delete_all_vehicles_loop") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- _use_delete_loop = not _use_delete_loop
- FM:DeleteLoop()
- if _use_delete_loop then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "No more cars!", 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped deleting.", 10000)
- end
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("EXPLODE VEHICLES LOOP", _use_explode_vehicle_loop, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "explode_vehicles_loop") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- _use_explode_vehicle_loop = not _use_explode_vehicle_loop
- FM:ExplodeVehicleLoop()
- if _use_explode_vehicle_loop then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Crisp cars for all!", 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped exploding.", 10000)
- end
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("EXPLODE PLAYERS LOOP", _use_explode_player_loop, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "explode_player_loop") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- _use_explode_player_loop = not _use_explode_player_loop
- FM:ExplodePlayerLoop()
- if _use_explode_player_loop then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "ISIS for all!", 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped exploding.", 10000)
- end
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("LAUNCH VEHICLE LOOP", _use_launch_loop, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "_use_launch_loop") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- _use_launch_loop = not _use_launch_loop
- FM:LaunchLoop()
- if _use_launch_loop then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Time to go to space!", 10000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped launching.", 10000)
- end
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.DynamicTriggers["esx-qalle-jail"] and self.DynamicTriggers["esx-qalle-jail"]["esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer"] then
- if self.Painter:Button("JAIL ALL ~g~ESX ~w~(SHIFT FOR REASON)", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "jail_all_bitches") then
- CreateThread(function()
- local reason = "^3#CabronMenu"
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- local _msg = FM:GetTextInput("Enter jail reason.", reason, 200)
- if _msg then
- reason = _msg
- end
- end
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local _id = dict.tonumber(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(src))
- FM:GetFunction("TriggerServerEvent")(self.DynamicTriggers["esx-qalle-jail"]["esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer"], _id, dict.math.random(500, 5000), reason)
- end
- end
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "All players jailed!", 10000)
- end)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- end
- if self.Painter:Button("REMOVE ALL WEAPONS", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "remove_everyones_weapons") then
- CreateThread(function()
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- for _, wep in dict.pairs(all_weapons) do
- FM:GetFunction("RemoveWeaponFromPed")(ped, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(wep), 9000, false, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Weapons removed!", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("GIVE ALL WEAPONS", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "give_everyone_weapons") then
- CreateThread(function()
- for id, src, wep in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache, all_weapons) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- for _, wep in dict.pairs(all_weapons) do
- FM:GetFunction("GiveWeaponToPed")(ped, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(wep), 9000, false, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Weapons given!", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("EXPLODE EVERYONE", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "explode_everyone") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- CreateThread(function()
- local _veh = FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle") and FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 7, 100000.0, true, false, 0.0)
- end
- end
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "ISIS Has entered the building!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("TURN ALL CARS INTO RAMPS", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "ramp_all_cars") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- local _veh = FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle") and FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:RequestModelSync("stt_prop_stunt_track_dwslope30")
- for vehicle in FM:EnumerateVehicles() do
- if vehicle ~= _veh or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local ramp = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("stt_prop_stunt_track_dwslope30"), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(ramp)
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(vehicle)
- FM:RequestControlOnce(vehicle)
- FM:RequestControlOnce(ramp)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(vehicle) then
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(ramp, vehicle, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, true, true, false, true, 1, true)
- end
- end
- Wait(50)
- end
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Turned all cars into ramps!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("TURN ALL CARS INTO FIB BUILDING", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "fib_all_cars") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- local _veh = FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle") and FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- CreateThread(function()
- for vehicle in FM:EnumerateVehicles() do
- if vehicle ~= _veh or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local building = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(-1404869155, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(ramp)
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(vehicle)
- FM:RequestControlOnce(vehicle)
- FM:RequestControlOnce(building)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(vehicle) then
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(building, vehicle, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, true, true, false, true, 1, true)
- end
- end
- Wait(50)
- end
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Turned all cars into FIB Buildings!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("DELETE VEHICLES", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "delete_all_vehicles") then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Deleting cars!", 10000)
- FM:DeleteVehicles()
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("VEHICLE SPAM SERVER", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "vehicle_spam_server") then
- FM:CarSpamServer()
- if not FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Unlimited vehicles!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("SWASTIKA ALL", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "swastika_all") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- CreateThread(function()
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ped) then
- FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions["PREMADE"]["SWASTIKA"](FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(ped) and FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(ped) or ped)
- Wait(1000)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Swastikas for all!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:Button("GAS ALL", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "gas_all") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- CreateThread(function()
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ped) then
- FM:GasPlayer(src)
- Wait(1000)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "All players gassed!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.DynamicTriggers["CarryPeople"] and self.DynamicTriggers["CarryPeople"]["CarryPeople:sync"] then
- if self.Painter:Button("CARRY ALL", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "carry_all") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- TriggerServerEvent(self.DynamicTriggers["CarryPeople"]["CarryPeople:sync"], -1, "misfinale_c2mcs_1", "nm", "fin_c2_mcs_1_camman", "firemans_carry", 0.15, 0.27, 0.63, -1, 100000, 0.0, 49, 33, 1)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Carrying all players!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- end
- if self.Painter:Button("~r~CRASH ALL (SHIFT FOR METHOD)", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "crash_all") then
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- local method = nil
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- local _method = FM:GetTextInput("Enter crash method. [object / ped / both]", "both", 10)
- if _method then
- method = _method
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Using " .. method .. " crash method.")
- end
- end
- CreateThread(function()
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() or FM.Config.OnlineIncludeSelf then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ped) then
- FM:CrashPlayer(src, true, method)
- Wait(500)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Crashing all players!", 10000)
- end
- end
- end)
- local was_godmode
- local was_boosted
- function FM:DoVehicleRelated()
- local curVeh = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(curVeh) then return end
- if self.Config.Vehicle.BulletProofTires then
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleTyresCanBurst")(curVeh, false)
- was_bulletproof = true
- elseif was_bulletproof then
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleTyresCanBurst")(curVeh, true)
- was_bulletproof = false
- end
- if self.Config.Vehicle.GodMode then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityInvincible")(curVeh, true)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsVehicleDamaged")(curVeh) then
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleFixed")(curVeh)
- end
- was_godmode = true
- elseif was_godmode then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityInvincible")(curVeh, false)
- was_godmode = false
- end
- if self.Config.Vehicle.Boost > 1.0 then
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier")(curVeh, self.Config.Vehicle.Boost + 1.0)
- was_boosted = true
- elseif was_boosted then
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier")(curVeh, 1.0)
- was_boosted = false
- end
- end
- FM:AddCategory("Freecam", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 5
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("FREECAM", self.FreeCam.On, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "freecam") then
- self.FreeCam.On = not self.FreeCam.On
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("FREECAM MODE: ", self.FreeCam.ModeNames, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "freecam_mode") then
- self.FreeCam.Mode = list_choices["freecam_mode"].selected
- self.FreeCam.DraggingEntity = nil
- lift_height = 0.0
- lift_inc = 0.1
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- end)
- FM:AddCategory("World", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 0
- if self.Painter:Button("9/11 BOMBING", x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "9_11_bombing") then end -- Fuck you
- end)
- local keys = {"TAB", "MOUSE3", "HOME", "DELETE", "PAGEUP", "PAGEDOWN", "INSERT", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10"}
- local disable_keys = {"-", "MOUSE3", "TAB", "HOME", "DELETE", "PAGEUP", "PAGEDOWN", "INSERT", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10"}
- local freecam_keys = {"HOME", "MOUSE3", "TAB", "DELETE", "PAGEUP", "PAGEDOWN", "INSERT", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10"}
- local rccar_keys = {"=", "MOUSE3", "TAB", "HOME", "DELETE", "PAGEUP", "PAGEDOWN", "INSERT", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10"}
- local aimbot_keys = {"MOUSE1", "MOUSE2", "MOUSE3", "LEFTALT", "LEFTSHIFT", "MOUSE2", "SPACE", "C", "X", "Z", "V", "F", "G", "H", "E", "R", "Q", "T", "Y", "U", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10"}
- local function _run_lua(resource, trigger)
- local args = FM:GetTextInput("Enter Arguments.", "", 100)
- local _args
- if not args or args == "" then
- _args = {}
- else
- local e, r = load("return {" .. args .. "}")
- if e then
- _args = e()
- else
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Execution failed. See console for details.")
- FM:Print("[LUA] Execution Failed (Arguments): ^1" .. r .. "^7")
- end
- end
- if dict.type(_args) == "table" then
- local amount = FM:GetTextInput("Enter repetitions.", 1, 10)
- if not amount or dict.tonumber(amount) then
- amount = 1
- end
- amount = dict.tonumber(amount)
- local _type = FM:GetTextInput("Enter method. [CL/SV]", "SV", 2)
- if _type == "CL" then
- for i = 1, amount do
- FM:GetFunction("TriggerEvent")(((not resource) and trigger or (FM.DynamicTriggers[resource][trigger])), _args)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "[CL] Running " .. ((not resource) and trigger or (FM.DynamicTriggers[resource][trigger])) .. " " .. amount .. " time(s)")
- elseif _type == "SV" then
- for i = 1, amount do
- FM:GetFunction("TriggerServerEvent")(((not resource) and trigger or (FM.DynamicTriggers[resource][trigger])), _args)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "[SV] Running " .. ((not resource) and trigger or (FM.DynamicTriggers[resource][trigger])) .. " " .. amount .. " time(s)")
- else
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Bad type.")
- end
- end
- end
- FM:AddCategory("Lua", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 0
- for resource, events in dict.pairs(self.DynamicTriggers) do
- for trigger, real in dict.pairs(events) do
- local _trigger = self.Painter:Button(trigger, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "dynamic_trigger_" .. trigger)
- if _trigger then
- _run_lua(resource, trigger)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- end
- end
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("SHOW KEYS PRESSED", self.Config.ShowControlsOnScreen, x, y, 5, self.MenuH - 105, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "onscreen_controls", false, 0.38) then
- FM.Config.ShowControlsOnScreen = not FM.Config.ShowControlsOnScreen
- end
- local custom = self.Painter:Button("EXECUTE TRIGGER", x, y, 5, self.MenuH - 80, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "execute_custom")
- if custom then
- local event = self:GetTextInput("Enter trigger.", "", 100)
- if event and event ~= "" then
- _run_lua(nil, event)
- end
- end
- local custom_lua = self.Painter:Button("EXECUTE LUA", x, y, 545, self.MenuH - 80, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "execute_custom_lua")
- if custom_lua then
- local code = self:GetTextInput("Enter lua code.", "", 2000)
- if code then
- local e, r = load(code)
- if e then
- e()
- else
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Execution failed. See console for details.")
- FM:Print("[LUA] Execution Failed: ^1" .. r .. "^7")
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local selected_config = "none"
- FM:AddCategory("Misc", function(self, x, y, w, h)
- local curY = 5
- local _width = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("Your build does not support to use of configs.", 4, 0.4)
- if _Executor ~= "redENGINE" then return self.Painter:DrawText("Your build does not support to use of configs.", 4, true, x + _width, self.Config.MenuY + 100, 0.4, 255, 255, 255, 255) end
- _width = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("CURRENT CONFIG: ~y~" .. current_config:upper(), 4, 0.4)
- self.Painter:DrawText("CURRENT CONFIG: ~y~" .. current_config:upper(), 4, false, (x + w / 2) - (_width / 2), y + curY, 0.4, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- curY = curY + 25
- _width = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("SELECTED: ~y~" .. selected_config:upper(), 4, 0.4)
- self.Painter:DrawText("SELECTED: ~y~" .. selected_config:upper(), 4, false, (x + w / 2) - (_width / 2), y + curY, 0.4, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- curY = curY + 25
- local cl_w = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("NEW CONFIG", 4, 0.4)
- if self.Painter:Button("NEW CONFIG", x, y, 545, self.MenuH - 80, cl_w, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "new_config") then
- selected_config = "none"
- local name = FM:GetTextInput("Enter the name of the new config.", "", 50)
- if name then
- if not name:find("fm_") then
- name = "fm_" .. name
- end
- FM.List[name] = _count(FM.List) + 1
- FM:SetConfigList()
- FM.ConfigClass.Write(name, FM.DefaultConfig)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Config created.", 10000)
- end
- end
- for name, cfg in dict.pairs(FM.List) do
- if self.Painter:Button("CONFIG: ~y~" .. name:upper(), x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "config_" .. name) then
- selected_config = name
- end
- if selected_config == name then
- local curX = 5
- local l_w = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("LOAD", 4, 0.4)
- if self.Painter:Button("LOAD", x, y, curX, self.MenuH - 80, l_w, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "load_config") then
- selected_config = "none"
- current_config = name
- FM.ConfigClass.Load()
- end
- curX = curX + l_w + 5
- local r_w = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("RESET", 4, 0.4)
- if self.Painter:Button("RESET", x, y, curX, self.MenuH - 80, r_w, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "reset_config") then
- selected_config = "none"
- FM.ConfigClass:Write(name, FM.DefaultConfig)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Config reset.", 10000)
- end
- curX = curX + r_w + 5
- local c_w = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("CLONE", 4, 0.4)
- if self.Painter:Button("CLONE", x, y, curX, self.MenuH - 80, c_w, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "clone_config") then
- selected_config = "none"
- local name = FM:GetTextInput("Enter the name of the config.", "", 50)
- if name then
- if not name:find("fm_") then
- name = "fm_" .. name
- end
- FM.List[name] = _count(FM.List) + 1
- FM:SetConfigList()
- FM.ConfigClass.Write(name, FM.Config)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Config cloned.", 10000)
- end
- end
- curX = curX + c_w + 5
- local rn_w = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("RENAME", 4, 0.4)
- if self.Painter:Button("RENAME", x, y, curX, self.MenuH - 80, rn_w, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "rename_config") then
- local old_name = name
- local new_name = FM:GetTextInput("Enter the name of the config.", "", 50)
- if new_name then
- if not new_name:find("fm_") then
- new_name = "fm_" .. new_name
- end
- selected_config = new_name
- FM.List[new_name] = FM.List[old_name] or (_count(FM.List) + 1)
- FM.List[old_name] = nil
- FM:SetConfigList()
- FM.ConfigClass.Rename(old_name, new_name)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Config renamed.", 10000)
- end
- end
- curX = curX + rn_w + 5
- local d_w = self.Painter:GetTextWidth("DELETE", 4, 0.4)
- if self.Painter:Button("DELETE", x, y, curX, self.MenuH - 80, d_w, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "delete_config") then
- selected_config = "none"
- current_config = "fm_default"
- FM.List[name] = nil
- FM.ConfigClass.Delete(name)
- FM:SetConfigList()
- FM.ConfigClass.Load()
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Config deleted.", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- end
- end)
- function FM:IndexOf(table, val)
- for k, v in dict.pairs(table) do
- if v == val or k == val then return (v == val and k) or v end
- end
- return -1
- end
- FM:AddCategory("Settings", function(self, x, y)
- local curY = 5
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("SHOW SCREEN ELEMENTS", self.Config.ShowText, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "text_settings_enabled", false) then
- self.Config.ShowText = not self.Config.ShowText
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("MENU SOUNDS", self.Config.UseSounds, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "menu_sounds", false) then
- self.Config.UseSounds = not self.Config.UseSounds
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("AUTO MOVE WITH MENU OPEN", self.Config.UseAutoWalk, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "auto_walk_enabled", false) then
- self.Config.UseAutoWalk = not self.Config.UseAutoWalk
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("AUTO MOVE WITH FREECAM / RC CAR", self.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "auto_walk_alt_enabled", false) then
- self.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt = not self.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("SAFE MODE", self.Config.SafeMode, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "safe_mode", false) then
- self.Config.SafeMode = not self.Config.SafeMode
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("DRAW BACKGROUND IMAGE", self.Config.UseBackgroundImage, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "use_bg_image", false) then
- self.Config.UseBackgroundImage = not self.Config.UseBackgroundImage
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:CheckBox("USE PRINT MESSAGES", self.Config.UsePrintMessages, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "use_print_images", false) then
- self.Config.UsePrintMessages = not self.Config.UsePrintMessages
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("TOGGLE KEY: ", keys, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "toggle_key", FM:IndexOf(keys, self.Config.ShowKey)) then
- self.Config.ShowKey = keys[list_choices["toggle_key"].selected]
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("DISABLE KEY: ", disable_keys, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "disable_key", FM:IndexOf(disable_keys, self.Config.DisableKey), "DisableKey") then
- self.Config.DisableKey = disable_keys[list_choices["disable_key"].selected]
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("FREECAM KEY: ", freecam_keys, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "freecam_key", FM:IndexOf(freecam_keys, self.Config.FreeCamKey), "FreeCamKey") then
- self.Config.FreeCamKey = freecam_keys[list_choices["freecam_key"].selected]
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("RC CAR CAM KEY: ", rccar_keys, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "rccar_key", FM:IndexOf(rccar_keys, self.Config.RCCamKey), "RCCamKey") then
- self.Config.RCCamKey = rccar_keys[list_choices["rccar_key"].selected]
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("AIMBOT KEY: ", aimbot_keys, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "aimbot_key", FM:IndexOf(aimbot_keys, self.Config.Player.AimbotKey)) then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotKey = aimbot_keys[list_choices["aimbot_key"].selected]
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- curY = curY + 25
- if self.Painter:ListChoice("AIMBOT RELEASE KEY: ", aimbot_keys, x, y, 5, curY, 200, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "aimbot_release_key", FM:IndexOf(aimbot_keys, self.Config.Player.AimbotReleaseKey), "AimbotReleaseKey") then
- self.Config.Player.AimbotReleaseKey = aimbot_keys[list_choices["aimbot_release_key"].selected]
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- end)
- FM:AddCategory("~r~KILL", function(self, x, y)
- FM.Showing = false
- FM.FreeCam.On = false
- FM.RCCar.On = false
- FM.Config = {
- Player = {},
- Vehicle = {}
- }
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- FM.Enabled = false
- FM:GetFunction("DestroyCam")(FM.FreeCam.Cam)
- FM:GetFunction("DestroyCam")(FM.RCCar.Cam)
- FM:GetFunction("DestroyCam")(FM.SpectateCam)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- FM:DoBlips(true)
- end)
- local scroller_pos
- local scroller_size
- local old_scroller
- local cur_count
- local scroller_max
- function FM:GetScrollBasis(count)
- if count <= 30 then
- return 1.0
- elseif count <= 40 then
- return 1.1
- elseif count <= 50 then
- return 1.66
- elseif count <= 60 then
- return 2.22
- elseif count <= 70 then
- return 2.77
- elseif count <= 80 then
- return 3.33
- elseif count <= 90 then
- return 3.88
- elseif count <= 100 then
- return 4.45
- elseif count <= 110 then
- return 5.0
- else
- return count / 13.18
- end
- end
- local halt
- local title_color = {
- r = 255,
- g = 255,
- b = 255
- }
- local mode = 1
- local function _do_title_color()
- if mode == 1 then
- local r, g, b = _lerp(0.025, title_color.r, FM.Tertiary[1]), _lerp(0.025, title_color.g, FM.Tertiary[2]), _lerp(0.025, title_color.b, FM.Tertiary[3])
- if dict.math.abs(FM.Tertiary[1] - r) <= 3 and dict.math.abs(FM.Tertiary[2] - g) <= 3 and dict.math.abs(FM.Tertiary[3] - b) <= 3 then
- mode = 2
- end
- title_color.r = r
- title_color.g = g
- title_color.b = b
- elseif mode == 2 then
- local r, g, b = _lerp(0.025, title_color.r, 255), _lerp(0.025, title_color.g, 255), _lerp(0.025, title_color.b, 255)
- if dict.math.abs(255 - r) <= 3 and dict.math.abs(255 - g) <= 3 and dict.math.abs(255 - b) <= 3 then
- mode = 1
- end
- title_color.r = r
- title_color.g = g
- title_color.b = b
- end
- end
- function FM:DrawMenu()
- _do_title_color()
- if self.Painter:Holding(self.Config.MenuX, self.Config.MenuY, self.MenuW, 15, "drag_bar") then
- FM:GetFunction("SetMouseCursorSprite")(4)
- local x, y = self:TranslateMouse(self.Config.MenuX, self.Config.MenuY, self.MenuW, 15, "drag_bar")
- self.Config.MenuX = x
- self.Config.MenuY = y
- elseif was_dragging == "drag_bar" then
- self.DraggingX = nil
- self.DraggingY = nil
- was_dragging = nil
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- if self.Config.NotifX and self.Config.NotifY and self.Config.NotifW then
- if self.Painter:Holding(self.Config.NotifX, self.Config.NotifY, self.Config.NotifW, 30, "drag_notif") then
- FM:GetFunction("SetMouseCursorSprite")(4)
- local x, y = self:TranslateMouse(self.Config.NotifX, self.Config.NotifY, self.Config.NotifW, 30, "drag_notif")
- self.Config.NotifX = x
- self.Config.NotifY = y
- elseif was_dragging == "drag_notif" then
- self.DraggingX = nil
- self.DraggingY = nil
- was_dragging = nil
- FM.ConfigClass.Save(true)
- end
- end
- self:LimitRenderBounds()
- if self.Config.UseBackgroundImage then
- self.Painter:DrawSprite(self.Config.MenuX + (self.MenuW / 2), self.Config.MenuY + (self.MenuH / 2), self.MenuW, self.MenuH, 0.0, "fm", "menu_bg", 255, 255, 255, 255, true)
- end
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX, self.Config.MenuY - 38, 90, 33, 10, 10, 10, 200)
- self.Painter:DrawText(self.Name, 4, false, self.Config.MenuX + 2, self.Config.MenuY - 37, 0.4, dict.math.ceil(title_color.r), dict.math.ceil(title_color.g), dict.math.ceil(title_color.b), 255)
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX, self.Config.MenuY, self.MenuW, self.MenuH, 0, 0, 0, 200)
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX, self.Config.MenuY, self.MenuW, 18, 30, 30, 30, 200)
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX, self.Config.MenuY + 16, self.MenuW, 2, self.Tertiary[1], self.Tertiary[2], self.Tertiary[3], self.Tertiary[4])
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX + 5, self.Config.MenuY + 23, 515 + 113, self.MenuH - 28, 10, 10, 10, 200)
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 111, self.Config.MenuY + 103, 280, self.MenuH - 108, 10, 10, 10, 200)
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 111, self.Config.MenuY + 65, 280, 35, 10, 10, 10, 200)
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX + 520 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 23, 283, 39, 10, 10, 10, 200)
- local list_pos = {}
- if not self.Util:ValidPlayer(self.SelectedPlayer) then
- self.Painter:DrawText("Online Players: " .. #FM.PlayerCache, 4, false, self.Config.MenuX + 530 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 68, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- if not scroller_pos then
- scroller_pos = 0
- end
- local plyY = self.Config.MenuY + 101 - scroller_pos * self:GetScrollBasis(#FM.PlayerCache)
- scroller_max = self.MenuH - 120
- scroller_size = old_scroller or scroller_max
- if cur_count ~= #FM.PlayerCache then
- scroller_size = scroller_max
- old_scroller = nil
- end
- local _players = FM.PlayerCache
- table.sort(_players, sort_func)
- for id, src in dict.pairs(_players) do
- table.insert(list_pos, {
- id = id,
- src = src,
- pos = dict.math.abs(self.Config.MenuY + 101 - plyY)
- })
- local color = {255, 255, 255}
- if friends[FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(src)] then
- color = {55, 200, 55}
- end
- if plyY >= (self.Config.MenuY + 92) and plyY <= (self.Config.MenuY + self.MenuH - 30) then
- if self.Painter:Button("ID: " .. FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(src) .. " | Name: " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(src)), self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, plyY, 5, 5, nil, 20, color[1], color[2], color[3], 255, "player_" .. id, false, 0.35) then
- self.SelectedPlayer = src
- end
- else
- if not old_scroller then
- scroller_size = self:Clamp(scroller_size - 23, 50, scroller_max)
- end
- end
- plyY = plyY + 23
- end
- halt = false
- if not old_scroller then
- old_scroller = scroller_size
- end
- if not cur_count then
- cur_count = #FM.PlayerCache
- end
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX + 5 + 100 + 5 + 415 + 265 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 108, 8, self.MenuH - 120, 20, 20, 20, 255)
- self.Painter:DrawRect(self.Config.MenuX + 5 + 100 + 5 + 415 + 265 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 108 + scroller_pos, 8, scroller_size, self.Tertiary[1], self.Tertiary[2], self.Tertiary[3], self.Tertiary[4])
- if self.Painter:Hovered(self.Config.MenuX + 5 + 100 + 5 + 415 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 103, 280, self.MenuH - 108) then
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, self.Keys["MWHEELDOWN"]) then
- scroller_pos = scroller_pos + 8
- scroller_pos = self:Clamp(scroller_pos, 0, self.MenuH - 120 - scroller_size)
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, self.Keys["MWHEELUP"]) then
- scroller_pos = scroller_pos - 8
- scroller_pos = self:Clamp(scroller_pos, 0, self.MenuH - 120 - scroller_size)
- end
- end
- if self.Painter:Holding(self.Config.MenuX + 5 + 100 + 5 + 415 + 265 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 108 + scroller_pos, 8, scroller_size, "scroll_bar") then
- FM:GetFunction("SetMouseCursorSprite")(4)
- local y = FM:TranslateScroller(self.Config.MenuY + 68, scroller_size, scroller_pos)
- scrolling = true
- scroller_pos = self:Clamp(y, 0, self.MenuH - 120 - scroller_size)
- else
- scroller_y = nil
- scrolling = false
- end
- else
- self.Painter:DrawText("Selected: " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(self.SelectedPlayer)) .. " (ID: " .. FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(self.SelectedPlayer) .. ")", 4, false, self.Config.MenuX + 530 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 67, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- local curY = 3
- if self.Painter:Button("BACK", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "go_back", false, 0.35) then
- self.SelectedPlayer = nil
- halt = true
- end
- if not halt then
- curY = curY + 20
- local spectate_text = ""
- if self.SpectatingPlayer and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SpectatingPlayer)) then
- spectate_text = " [SPECTATING: " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(self.SpectatingPlayer)) .. "]"
- end
- local track_text = ""
- if self.TrackingPlayer and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.TrackingPlayer)) then
- track_text = " [TRACKING: " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(self.TrackingPlayer)) .. "]"
- end
- if self.SelectedPlayer ~= FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")() then
- if self.Painter:Button("TELEPORT", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "teleport_player", false, 0.35) then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SelectedPlayer)
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ped, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("RequestCollisionAtCoord")(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(ped) and FM:GetFunction("AreAnyVehicleSeatsFree")(FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(ped)) then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedIntoVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(ped), -2)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Teleported to player.")
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- end
- if self.SelectedPlayer ~= FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")() then
- if self.Painter:Button("TRACK" .. track_text, self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "track_player", false, 0.35) then
- if self.TrackingPlayer ~= nil and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.TrackingPlayer)) then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped tracking " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(self.TrackingPlayer)))
- self.TrackingPlayer = nil
- else
- self.TrackingPlayer = self.SelectedPlayer
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Tracking " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(self.TrackingPlayer)), 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- end
- if self.SelectedPlayer ~= FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")() then
- if self.Painter:Button("SPECTATE" .. spectate_text, self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "spectate_player", false, 0.35) then
- if self.SpectatingPlayer ~= nil and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SpectatingPlayer)) then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Stopped spectating " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(self.SpectatingPlayer)))
- FM:Spectate(false)
- else
- FM:Spectate(self.SelectedPlayer)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Spectating " .. FM:CleanName(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(self.SpectatingPlayer)), 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- end
- if self.Painter:Button("EXPLODE", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "explode_player", false, 0.35) then
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SelectedPlayer), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 7, 100000.0, true, false, 0.0)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Player blown up.", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button(frozen_players[self.SelectedPlayer] and "UNFREEZE" or "FREEZE", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "freeze_player", false, 0.35) then
- frozen_players[self.SelectedPlayer] = not frozen_players[self.SelectedPlayer]
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Player " .. (frozen_players[self.SelectedPlayer] and "frozen" or "unfrozen") .. ".", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("GIVE ALL WEAPONS", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "give_player_all_weapons", false, 0.35) then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SelectedPlayer)
- for _, wep in dict.pairs(all_weapons) do
- FM:GetFunction("GiveWeaponToPed")(ped, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(wep), 9000, false, true)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "All weapons given.", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("REMOVE ALL WEAPONS", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "remove_player_all_weapons", false, 0.35) then
- local ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SelectedPlayer)
- for _, wep in dict.pairs(all_weapons) do
- FM:GetFunction("RemoveWeaponFromPed")(ped, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(wep), 9000, false, true)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Weapons removed.", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("GAS PLAYER", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "gas_player", false, 0.35) then
- FM:GasPlayer(self.SelectedPlayer)
- if not FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Player gassed!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("TAZE PLAYER", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "taze_player", false, 0.35) then
- FM:TazePlayer(self.SelectedPlayer)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Player tazed!", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("HYDRANT PLAYER", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "hydrant_player", false, 0.35) then
- FM:HydrantPlayer(self.SelectedPlayer)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Player sprayed!", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("FIRE PLAYER", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "fire_player", false, 0.35) then
- FM:FirePlayer(self.SelectedPlayer)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Player set on fire!", 10000)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("KICK FROM VEHICLE", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "kick_player_car", false, 0.35) then
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SelectedPlayer)) then
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Player is not in a vehicle!", 5000)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SelectedPlayer))
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Player kicked from vehicle!", 5000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("DISABLE VEHICLE", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "disable_player_car", false, 0.35) then
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SelectedPlayer)) then
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Player is not in a vehicle!", 5000)
- else
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Disabling vehicle.", 5000)
- FM:DisableVehicle(FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SelectedPlayer)))
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("RAPE PLAYER", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "rape_player", false, 0.35) then
- FM:RapePlayer(self.SelectedPlayer)
- if not FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Player raped!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- local friend_text = friends[FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(self.SelectedPlayer)] and "REMOVE FRIEND" or "MARK AS FRIEND"
- if self.Painter:Button(friend_text, self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "friend_toggle", false, 0.35) then
- friends[FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(self.SelectedPlayer)] = not friends[FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(self.SelectedPlayer)]
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.Painter:Button("STEAL OUTFIT", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "steal_player_outfit", false, 0.35) then
- FM:StealOutfit(self.SelectedPlayer)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Outfit stolen.", 5000)
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- if self.DynamicTriggers["chat"] and self.DynamicTriggers["chat"]["_chat:messageEntered"] then
- if self.Painter:Button("FAKE CHAT MESSAGE", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "fake_chat_message", false, 0.35) then
- local FMM = FM:GetTextInput("Enter message to send.", "", 100)
- local playa = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(self.SelectedPlayer)
- if FMM then
- FM:GetFunction("TriggerServerEvent")(self.DynamicTriggers["chat"]["_chat:messageEntered"], playa, {0, 0x99, 255}, FMM)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Message sent!", 10000)
- end
- end
- curY = curY + 20
- end
- if self.Painter:Button("~r~CRASH PLAYER (SHIFT FOR METHOD)", self.Config.MenuX + 525 + 113, self.Config.MenuY + 101, 5, curY, nil, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, "crash_online_player", false, 0.35) then
- local method = nil
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then
- FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.")
- else
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- local _method = FM:GetTextInput("Enter crash method. [object / ped / both]", "both", 10)
- if _method then
- method = _method
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Using " .. method .. " crash method.")
- end
- end
- FM:CrashPlayer(self.SelectedPlayer, nil, method)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local curX = self.Config.MenuX + 7
- for _, data in dict.pairs(self.Categories) do
- local size = self.Painter:GetTextWidth(data.Title, 4, 0.34)
- if self.Painter:ListItem(data.Title, curX, self.Config.MenuY + 26, 0, 0, size + 29.6, 20, 0, 0, 0, 200, "category_" .. _) then
- self.Config.CurrentSelection = _
- self.Config.SelectedCategory = "category_" .. _
- end
- curX = curX + size + 29.6 + 2
- end
- if self.Config.CurrentSelection then
- self.Categories[self.Config.CurrentSelection].Build(FM, self.Config.MenuX + 5, self.Config.MenuY + 46, 515 + 113, self.MenuH - 28)
- end
- end
- local last_clean = 0
- function FM:Cleanup()
- if last_clean <= FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() then
- last_clean = FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() + 15000
- collectgarbage("collect")
- end
- end
- local was_showing
- local was_invis
- local was_other_invis = {}
- local was_noragdoll
- local was_fastrun
- local walking
- local magic_carpet_obj
- local preview_magic_carpet
- local magic_riding
- local was_infinite_combat_roll
- local was_fakedead
- local fakedead_timer = 0
- local last_afk_move = 0
- CreateThread(function()
- while FM.Enabled do
- Wait(0)
- if FM.Config.Player.RevealInvisibles then
- for id, src in dict.pairs(FM.PlayerCache) do
- src = dict.tonumber(src)
- if src ~= PlayerId() then
- local _ped = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(src)
- local where = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(_ped, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- local us = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(where.x, where.y, where.z, us.x, us.y, us.z)
- if dist <= 100.0 then
- local invis = not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityVisibleToScript")(_ped)
- if invis then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityLocallyVisible")(_ped, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(_ped, 150)
- FM:Draw3DText(where.x, where.y, where.z + 0.3, "*PLAYER INVISIBLE*", 255, 55, 55, 255)
- was_other_invis[src] = true
- else
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(_ped, 255)
- was_other_invis[src] = false
- end
- else
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(_ped, 255)
- was_other_invis[src] = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- function FM:DoCrosshair()
- if not FM.Config.Player.CrossHair then return end
- FM.Painter:DrawRect(FM:ScrW() / 2 - 1, FM:ScrH() / 2 - 7.5, 2, 15, FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3], 255)
- FM.Painter:DrawRect(FM:ScrW() / 2 - 7.5, FM:ScrH() / 2 - 1, 15, 2, FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3], 255)
- end
- local _was_anti_afk
- local sort_func = function(srcA, srcB) return srcA - srcB end
- CreateThread(function()
- while FM.Enabled do
- Wait(0)
- FM.PlayerCache = FM:GetFunction("GetActivePlayers")()
- local w, h = FM:GetFunction("GetActiveScreenResolution")()
- local x, y = FM:GetFunction("GetNuiCursorPosition")()
- FM._ScrW = w
- FM._ScrH = h
- FM._MouseX = x
- FM._MouseY = y
- if w and h and not FM.Config.NotifX and not FM.Config.NotifY then
- FM.Config.NotifX = w - FM.Config.NotifW - 20
- FM.Config.NotifY = 20
- end
- if not FM.Config.NotifW then
- FM.Config.NotifW = 420
- end
- FM:Cleanup()
- FM:DoESP()
- FM:DoAntiAim()
- FM:DoVehicleRelated()
- FM:DoBlips()
- FM:Tracker()
- FM:DoFrozen()
- FM:DoCrosshair()
- local keyboard_open = FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= -1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 2
- if not FM:GetFunction("HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded")("commonmenu") then
- FM:GetFunction("RequestStreamedTextureDict")("commonmenu")
- end
- FM:DrawNotifications()
- if walking and not magic_riding then
- local safe
- if not FM.Showing and FM.Config.UseAutoWalk and not (FM.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt and (FM.FreeCam.On or FM.RCCar.CamOn)) then
- safe = true
- elseif not FM.Config.UseAutoWalk and not (FM.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt and (FM.FreeCam.On or FM.RCCar.CamOn)) then
- safe = true
- elseif not FM.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt and (FM.FreeCam.On or FM.RCCar.CamOn) then
- safe = true
- end
- if not FM.Config.Player.AntiAFK and _was_anti_afk then
- safe = true
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.AntiAFK then
- safe = false
- end
- if safe then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- walking = false
- end
- end
- if not walking and not magic_riding then
- local safe
- if FM.Showing and FM.Config.UseAutoWalk and not (FM.RCCar.CamOn or FM.FreeCam.On) then
- safe = true
- elseif FM.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt and (FM.RCCar.CamOn or FM.FreeCam.On) then
- safe = true
- end
- if was_fakedead or fakedead_timer >= FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() then
- safe = false
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.AntiAFK then
- safe = true
- end
- if safe then
- walking = true
- local veh = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleDriveWander")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), veh, 40.0, 0)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("TaskWanderStandard")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 10.0, 10)
- end
- end
- end
- if FM.Showing then
- FM:GetFunction("DisableAllControlActions")(0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetMouseCursorActiveThisFrame")()
- FM:GetFunction("SetMouseCursorSprite")(1)
- FM:DrawMenu()
- if not was_showing then
- selected_config = "none"
- end
- was_showing = true
- elseif was_showing then
- if walking and not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityInAir")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- walking = false
- end
- was_showing = false
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys[FM.Config.ShowKey]) and not keyboard_open then
- FM.Showing = not FM.Showing
- end
- if FM.Config.FreeCamKey ~= "NONE" and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys[FM.Config.FreeCamKey]) and not keyboard_open then
- FM.FreeCam.On = not FM.FreeCam.On
- end
- if FM.Config.RCCamKey ~= "NONE" and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys[FM.Config.RCCamKey]) and not keyboard_open then
- if FM.RCCar.On then
- FM.RCCar.CamOn = not FM.RCCar.CamOn
- else
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "No RC Car is active!")
- end
- end
- if FM.Config.DisableKey ~= "NONE" and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys[FM.Config.DisableKey]) and not keyboard_open then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- FM.Enabled = false
- FM:Print("[MENU] Menu killed.")
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.ForceRadar then
- FM:GetFunction("DisplayRadar")(true)
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.FakeDead then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedToRagdoll")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 1000, 1000, 0, true, true, false)
- was_fakedead = true
- elseif was_fakedead then
- walking = false
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedToRagdoll")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 1, 1, 0, true, true, false)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- was_fakedead = false
- fakedead_timer = FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() + 1500
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.SuperJump then
- FM:GetFunction("SetSuperJumpThisFrame")(PlayerId())
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.Invisibility then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityVisible")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityLocallyVisible")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 150)
- was_invis = true
- elseif was_invis then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityVisible")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 255)
- was_invis = false
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityProofs")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), FM.Config.Player.God, FM.Config.Player.God, FM.Config.Player.God, FM.Config.Player.God, FM.Config.Player.God, FM.Config.Player.God, FM.Config.Player.God, FM.Config.Player.God)
- if FM.Config.Player.SemiGod then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityHealth")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 200)
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.InfiniteStamina then
- FM:GetFunction("ResetPlayerStamina")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")())
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.NoRagdoll then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedCanRagdoll")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- was_noragdoll = true
- elseif was_noragdoll then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedCanRagdoll")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- was_noragdoll = false
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.FastRun then
- FM:GetFunction("SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), 1.49)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedMoveRateOverride")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 2.0)
- was_fastrun = true
- elseif was_fastrun then
- FM:GetFunction("SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), 1.0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedMoveRateOverride")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0)
- was_fastrun = false
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.NoReload then
- local curWep = FM:GetFunction("GetSelectedPedWeapon")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- if curWep ~= FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("WEAPON_MINIGUN") then
- FM:GetFunction("PedSkipNextReloading")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- end
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.InfiniteAmmo then
- local curWep = FM:GetFunction("GetSelectedPedWeapon")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- local ret, cur_ammo = FM:GetFunction("GetAmmoInClip")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), curWep)
- if ret then
- local max_ammo = FM:GetFunction("GetMaxAmmoInClip")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), curWep, 1)
- if cur_ammo < max_ammo and max_ammo > 0 then
- FM:GetFunction("SetAmmoInClip")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), curWep, max_ammo)
- end
- end
- local ret, max = FM:GetFunction("GetMaxAmmo")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), curWep)
- if ret then
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedAmmo")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), curWep, max)
- end
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.InfiniteAmmo then
- local curWep = FM:GetFunction("GetSelectedPedWeapon")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- local ret, cur_ammo = FM:GetFunction("GetAmmoInClip")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), curWep)
- if ret then
- local max_ammo = FM:GetFunction("GetMaxAmmoInClip")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), curWep, 1)
- if cur_ammo < max_ammo and max_ammo > 0 then
- FM:GetFunction("SetAmmoInClip")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), curWep, max_ammo)
- end
- end
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.RapidFire and IsDisabledControlPressed(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not FM.Showing and (not FM.FreeCam.On and not FM.RCCar.CamOn) then
- local curWep = FM:GetFunction("GetSelectedPedWeapon")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("GetCurrentPedWeaponEntityIndex")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local _dir = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamRot")(0)
- local dir = rot_to_dir(_dir)
- local dist = FM.Config.Player.NoDrop and 99999.0 or 200.0
- local len = _multiply(dir, dist)
- local targ = cur + len
- FM:GetFunction("ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, targ.x, targ.y, targ.z, 5, 1, curWep, FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true, true, 24000.0)
- if FM.Config.Player.ExplosiveAmmo then
- local impact, coords = FM:GetFunction("GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- if impact then
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 7, 100000.0, true, false, 0.0)
- end
- end
- end
- if not FM.Config.Player.RapidFire and FM.Config.Player.ExplosiveAmmo then
- local impact, coords = FM:GetFunction("GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- if impact then
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 7, 100000.0, true, false, 0.0)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetExplosiveMeleeThisFrame")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")())
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.InfiniteCombatRoll then
- for i = 0, 3 do
- FM:GetFunction("StatSetInt")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("mp" .. i .. "_shooting_ability"), 9999, true)
- FM:GetFunction("StatSetInt")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("sp" .. i .. "_shooting_ability"), 9999, true)
- end
- was_infinite_combat_roll = true
- elseif was_infinite_combat_roll then
- for i = 0, 3 do
- FM:GetFunction("StatSetInt")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("mp" .. i .. "_shooting_ability"), 0, true)
- FM:GetFunction("StatSetInt")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("sp" .. i .. "_shooting_ability"), 0, true)
- end
- end
- if FM.Config.Player.MagMode then
- FM:DoMagneto()
- end
- FM:DoKeyPressed()
- end
- end)
- local _keys = {}
- function FM:DoKeyPressed()
- if not FM.Config.ShowControlsOnScreen then return end
- local offY = 0
- local count = 0
- for name, control in dict.pairs(FM.Keys) do
- if FM:GetFunction("IsControlJustPressed")(0, control) or FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, control) then
- table.insert(_keys, {
- str = name .. "[" .. control .. "]",
- expires = FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() + 5000
- })
- end
- count = count + 1
- end
- for _, key in dict.pairs(_keys) do
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")()
- local left = key.expires - cur
- if left <= 0 then
- table.remove(_keys, _)
- else
- local secs = (left / 1000)
- local alpha = dict.math.ceil(((left / 1000) / 5) * 255) + 50
- alpha = _clamp(alpha, 0, 255)
- offY = offY + 0.024 * _clamp(secs * 4, 0, 1)
- FM:ScreenText(key.str, 4, 0.0, 0.8, 1 - offY, 0.3, 255, 255, 255, alpha)
- end
- end
- end
- local function _do_riding()
- if not magic_riding then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(magic_carpet_obj)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(magic_carpet_obj, 0.0, rot.y, rot.z)
- else
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local carpet = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(magic_carpet_obj, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local head = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(magic_carpet_obj)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityHeading")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), head)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), carpet.x, carpet.y, carpet.z)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskPlayAnim")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), "rcmcollect_paperleadinout@", "meditiate_idle", 2.0, 2.5, -1, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- end
- local function _right_vec()
- local right = vector3(0, 1, 0)
- return right
- end
- local function _up_vec()
- local up = vector3(0, 0, 1)
- return up
- end
- local function _do_flying()
- if not magic_riding then return end
- FM.FreeCam:DisableMovement(true)
- if not IsEntityPlayingAnim(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), "rcmcollect_paperleadinout@", "meditiate_idle", 3) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskPlayAnim")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), "rcmcollect_paperleadinout@", "meditiate_idle", 2.0, 2.5, -1, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- local carpet = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(magic_carpet_obj, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamRot")(0)
- if not FM.FreeCam.On then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(magic_carpet_obj, rot.x + 0.0, rot.y + 0.0, rot.z + 0.0)
- local forwardVec = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityForwardVector")(magic_carpet_obj)
- local rightVec = _right_vec(magic_carpet_obj)
- local upVec = _up_vec(magic_carpet_obj)
- local speed = 1.0
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTCTRL"]) then
- speed = 0.1
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- speed = 1.8
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["W"]) then
- carpet = carpet + forwardVec * speed
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["S"]) then
- carpet = carpet - forwardVec * speed
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["SPACE"]) then
- carpet = carpet + upVec * speed
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["X"]) then
- carpet = carpet - upVec * speed
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(magic_carpet_obj, carpet.x, carpet.y, carpet.z)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), rot.x, rot.y, rot.z)
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), magic_carpet_obj, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, rot.x, FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(magic_carpet_obj), rot.z, false, false, false, false, 1, false)
- end
- local _no_combat
- local _was_no_combat
- CreateThread(function()
- while FM.Enabled do
- Wait(0)
- if _no_combat and not _was_no_combat then
- _was_no_combat = true
- elseif not _no_combat and _was_no_combat then
- _was_no_combat = false
- FM.FreeCam:DisableCombat(_no_combat)
- end
- if _no_combat then
- FM.FreeCam:DisableCombat(_no_combat)
- end
- end
- end)
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:RequestModelSync("apa_mp_h_acc_rugwoolm_03")
- FM:GetFunction("RequestAnimDict")("rcmcollect_paperleadinout@")
- while FM.Enabled do
- Wait(0)
- if FM.Config.Player.MagicCarpet then
- local our_cam = FM:GetFunction("GetRenderingCam")()
- if not magic_carpet_obj or not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(magic_carpet_obj) then
- local cur = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamCoord")()
- local _dir = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamRot")(0)
- local dir = rot_to_dir(_dir)
- local dist = 100.0
- local len = _multiply(dir, dist)
- local targ = cur + len
- local handle = FM:GetFunction("StartShapeTestRay")(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, targ.x, targ.y, targ.z, 1, preview_magic_carpet)
- local _, hit, hit_pos, _, entity = FM:GetFunction("GetShapeTestResult")(handle)
- if not preview_magic_carpet or not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(preview_magic_carpet) then
- _no_combat = true
- preview_magic_carpet = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("apa_mp_h_acc_rugwoolm_03"), hit_pos.x, hit_pos.y, hit_pos.z + 0.5, false, true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCollision")(preview_magic_carpet, false, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(preview_magic_carpet, 100)
- Wait(50)
- elseif hit then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(preview_magic_carpet, hit_pos.x, hit_pos.y, hit_pos.z + 0.5)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(preview_magic_carpet, 100)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(preview_magic_carpet, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(preview_magic_carpet, 0.0, 0.0, _dir.z + 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCollision")(preview_magic_carpet, false, false)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not FM.Showing then
- magic_carpet_obj = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("apa_mp_h_acc_rugwoolm_03"), hit_pos.x, hit_pos.y, hit_pos.z + 0.5, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(magic_carpet_obj)
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(preview_magic_carpet)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(magic_carpet_obj, rot)
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(preview_magic_carpet)
- _no_combat = false
- end
- else
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(magic_carpet_obj, true)
- _do_flying()
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local carpet = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(magic_carpet_obj, vector_origin)
- local dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, carpet.x, carpet.y, carpet.z)
- if dist <= 5.0 then
- FM:Draw3DText(carpet.x, carpet.y, carpet.z, "Press [E] to get " .. (magic_riding and "off" or "on") .. ".", FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3])
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["E"]) then
- magic_riding = not magic_riding
- _do_riding()
- end
- end
- end
- else
- _no_combat = false
- if preview_magic_carpet and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(preview_magic_carpet) then
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(preview_magic_carpet)
- end
- if magic_carpet_obj and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(magic_carpet_obj) then
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(magic_carpet_obj)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- CreateThread(function()
- while FM.Enabled do
- if FM.Config.Player.SuperMan then
- FM:GetFunction("GivePlayerRagdollControl")(PlayerId(), true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedCanRagdoll")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- FM:GetFunction("GiveDelayedWeaponToPed")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0xFBAB5776, 1, 0)
- local up, forward = FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["SPACE"]), FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["W"])
- if up or forward then
- if up then
- FM:GetFunction("ApplyForceToEntity")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 1, 0.0, 0.0, 9999999.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true, true, true, true, false, true)
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsEntityInAir")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) then
- FM:GetFunction("ApplyForceToEntity")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 1, 0.0, 9999999.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, true, true, true, true, false, true)
- end
- Wait(0)
- end
- else
- FM:GetFunction("GivePlayerRagdollControl")(PlayerId(), false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedCanRagdoll")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- end
- Wait(0)
- end
- end)
- FM.RCCar = {
- Cam = nil,
- On = false,
- Driver = nil,
- Vehicle = nil,
- CamOn = false,
- Keys = {
- NUMPAD_UP = 111,
- NUMPAD_DOWN = 112,
- NUMPAD_LEFT = 108,
- UP = 188,
- DOWN = 173,
- LEFT = 174,
- RIGHT = 175
- }
- }
- local _rc_on
- function FM.RCCar:MoveCar()
- FM:GetFunction("TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents")(self.Driver, true)
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(self.Vehicle)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleEngineOn")(self.Vehicle, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedAlertness")(self.Driver, 0.0)
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_UP) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.UP)) and (not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_DOWN) and not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.DOWN)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 9, 1)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlReleased")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_UP) and FM:GetFunction("IsControlReleased")(0, self.Keys.UP)) or (FM:GetFunction("IsControlJustReleased")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_DOWN) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlJustReleased")(0, self.Keys.DOWN)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 6, 2500)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_DOWN) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.DOWN)) and (not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_UP) and not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.UP)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 22, 1)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_LEFT) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.LEFT)) and (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_DOWN) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.DOWN)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 13, 1)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_RIGHT) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.RIGHT)) and (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_DOWN) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.DOWN)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 14, 1)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_UP) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.UP)) and (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_DOWN) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.DOWN)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 30, 100)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_LEFT) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.LEFT)) and (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_UP) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.UP)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 7, 1)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_RIGHT) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.RIGHT)) and (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_UP) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.UP)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 8, 1)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_LEFT) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.LEFT)) and (not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_UP) and not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.UP)) and (not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_DOWN) and not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.DOWN)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 4, 1)
- end
- if (FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_RIGHT) or FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.RIGHT)) and (not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_UP) and not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.UP)) and (not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.NUMPAD_DOWN) and not FM:GetFunction("IsControlPressed")(0, self.Keys.DOWN)) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleTempAction")(self.Driver, self.Vehicle, 5, 1)
- end
- end
- local rc_camRP, rc_camRY, rc_camRR
- local p, y, r
- local function approach(from, to, inc)
- if from >= to then return from end
- return from + inc
- end
- function FM.RCCar:GetCamRot(gameplay_rot)
- local car_rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(self.Vehicle)
- if not p and not y and not r then
- p, y, r = car_rot.x, car_rot.y, car_rot.z
- end
- p = approach(p, car_rot.x, 0.5)
- y = approach(y, car_rot.y, 0.5)
- r = approach(r, car_rot.z, 0.5)
- return car_rot.x, car_rot.y, car_rot.z
- end
- function FM.RCCar:Tick()
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesCamExist")(self.Cam) then
- self.Cam = FM:GetFunction("CreateCam")("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", true)
- end
- while FM.Enabled do
- Wait(0)
- if self.On then
- local rot_vec = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamRot")(0)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.Vehicle) then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(self.Driver)
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(self.Driver)
- self.CamOn = false
- self.On = false
- elseif not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.Driver) or FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(self.Vehicle, -1) ~= self.Driver or FM:GetFunction("IsEntityDead")(self.Driver) then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(self.Vehicle, -1))
- local model = FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED[dict.math.random(1, #FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED)]
- FM:RequestModelSync(model)
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(self.Driver)
- self.Driver = FM:GetFunction("CreatePedInsideVehicle")(self.Vehicle, 24, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), -1, true, true)
- end
- if self.On then
- self:MoveCar()
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers")(self.Vehicle, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLocked")(self.Vehicle, 2)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["E"]) then
- FM:GetFunction("PlayAmbientSpeechWithVoice")(self.Driver, insults[dict.math.random(1, #insults)], voices[dict.math.random(1, #voices)], "SPEECH_PARAMS_FORCE_SHOUTED", false)
- end
- end
- if self.CamOn and not _rc_on then
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamActive")(self.Cam, true)
- FM:GetFunction("RenderScriptCams")(true, false, false, true, true)
- _rc_on = true
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(self.Vehicle, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + (FM:GetFunction("GetEntityForwardVector")(self.Vehicle) * (FM:GetModelLength(self.Vehicle) * -0.85))
- rc_camX, rc_camY, rc_camZ = coords.x, coords.y, coords.z
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(self.Vehicle)
- rc_camRP, rc_camRY, rc_camRR = rot.x, rot.y, rot.z
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- walking = false
- elseif not self.CamOn and _rc_on then
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamActive")(self.Cam, false)
- FM:GetFunction("RenderScriptCams")(false, false, false, false, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetFocusEntity")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- FM.FreeCam:DisableMovement(false)
- _rc_on = false
- end
- if self.CamOn and _rc_on then
- local ent_pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(self.Vehicle, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + (FM:GetFunction("GetEntityForwardVector")(self.Vehicle) * (FM:GetModelLength(self.Vehicle) * -0.85))
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) and not FM.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt then
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- elseif FM.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt then
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- end
- FM:DrawIbuttons()
- FM.FreeCam:DisableMovement(true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetFocusPosAndVel")(rc_camX, rc_camY, rc_camZ, 0, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamCoord")(self.Cam, rc_camX, rc_camY, rc_camZ)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamRot")(self.Cam, rc_camRP + 0.0, rc_camRY + 0.0, rc_camRR + 0.0)
- rc_camX, rc_camY, rc_camZ = ent_pos.x, ent_pos.y, ent_pos.z
- rc_camRP, rc_camRY, rc_camRR = self:GetCamRot(rot_vec)
- rc_camZ = rc_camZ + (FM:GetModelHeight(self.Vehicle) * 1.2)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- FM.FreeCam = {
- Cam = nil,
- On = false,
- Modifying = nil,
- Mode = 1, -- FM.FreeCam.Modes["LOOK_AROUND"],
- Modes = {
- ["LOOK_AROUND"] = 1,
- ["REMOVER"] = 2,
- ["PED_SPAWNER"] = 3,
- ["OBJ_SPAWNER"] = 4,
- ["VEH_SPAWNER"] = 5,
- ["TELEPORT"] = 7,
- ["RC_CAR"] = 8,
- ["STEAL"] = 9,
- ["TAZE"] = 10,
- ["HYDRANT"] = 11,
- ["FIRE"] = 12,
- ["SPIKE_STRIPS"] = 13,
- ["EXPLODE"] = 15
- },
- ModeNames = {
- [1] = "Look Around",
- [2] = "Remover",
- [3] = "Ped Spawner",
- [4] = "Object Spawner",
- [5] = "Vehicle Spawner",
- [6] = "Premade Spawner",
- [7] = "Teleport",
- [8] = "RC Car",
- [9] = "Steal",
- [10] = "Taze Entity",
- [11] = "Hydrant Entity",
- [12] = "Fire Entity",
- [13] = "Place Spike Strips",
- [14] = "Disable Vehicle",
- [15] = "Explode Entity"
- }
- }
- function FM.FreeCam:Switcher()
- if not self.On then return end
- local cur = self.Mode
- local new = cur
- if self.DraggingEntity and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.DraggingEntity) then return end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["["]) then
- new = cur - 1
- if not self.ModeNames[new] then
- new = #self.ModeNames
- end
- self.Mode = new
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["]"]) then
- new = cur + 1
- if not self.ModeNames[new] then
- new = 1
- end
- self.Mode = new
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:Toggle(mode)
- self.On = not self.On
- self.Mode = mode
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:GetModelSize(hash)
- return FM:GetFunction("GetModelDimensions")(hash)
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DrawBoundingBox(entity, r, g, b, a)
- if entity then
- r = r or 255
- g = g or 0
- b = b or 0
- a = a or 40
- local model = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(entity)
- local min, max = FM:GetFunction("GetModelDimensions")(model)
- local top_front_right = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, max)
- local top_back_right = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, vector3(max.x, min.y, max.z))
- local bottom_front_right = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, vector3(max.x, max.y, min.z))
- local bottom_back_right = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, vector3(max.x, min.y, min.z))
- local top_front_left = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, vector3(min.x, max.y, max.z))
- local top_back_left = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, vector3(min.x, min.y, max.z))
- local bottom_front_left = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, vector3(min.x, max.y, min.z))
- local bottom_back_left = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, min)
- -- LINES
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_right, top_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_right, bottom_front_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(bottom_front_right, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_back_right, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_left, top_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_back_left, bottom_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_left, bottom_front_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(bottom_front_left, bottom_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- -- Connection
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_front_right, top_front_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(top_back_right, top_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(bottom_front_left, bottom_front_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawLine")(bottom_back_left, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- -- FRONT
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(top_front_left, top_front_right, bottom_front_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(bottom_front_right, bottom_front_left, top_front_left, r, g, b, a)
- -- TOP
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(top_front_right, top_front_left, top_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(top_front_left, top_back_left, top_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- -- BACK
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(top_back_right, top_back_left, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(top_back_left, bottom_back_left, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- -- LEFT
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(top_back_left, top_front_left, bottom_front_left, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(bottom_front_left, bottom_back_left, top_back_left, r, g, b, a)
- -- RIGHT
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(top_front_right, top_back_right, bottom_front_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(top_back_right, bottom_back_right, bottom_front_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(bottom_front_left, bottom_front_right, bottom_back_right, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawPoly")(bottom_back_right, bottom_back_left, bottom_front_left, r, g, b, a)
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:Crosshair(on)
- if on then
- FM:GetFunction("DrawRect")(0.5, 0.5, 0.008333333, 0.001851852, FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3], 255)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawRect")(0.5, 0.5, 0.001041666, 0.014814814, FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3], 255)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("DrawRect")(0.5, 0.5, 0.008333333, 0.001851852, 100, 100, 100, 255)
- FM:GetFunction("DrawRect")(0.5, 0.5, 0.001041666, 0.014814814, 100, 100, 100, 255)
- end
- end
- function FM:Draw3DText(x, y, z, text, r, g, b)
- FM:GetFunction("SetDrawOrigin")(x, y, z, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextFont")(0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextProportional")(0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextScale")(0.0, 0.20)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextColour")(r, g, b, 255)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextOutline")()
- FM:GetFunction("BeginTextCommandDisplayText")("STRING")
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextCentre")(1)
- FM:GetFunction("AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName")(text)
- FM:GetFunction("EndTextCommandDisplayText")(0.0, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearDrawOrigin")()
- end
- function FM:DrawScaled3DText(x, y, z, textInput, fontId, scaleX, scaleY)
- local coord = FM:GetFunction("GetFinalRenderedCamCoord")()
- local px, py, pz = coord.x, coord.y, coord.z
- local dist = FM:GetFunction("GetDistanceBetweenCoords")(px, py, pz, x, y, z)
- local scale = (1 / dist) * 20
- local fov = (1 / FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamFov")()) * 100
- local scale = scale * fov
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextScale")(scaleX * scale, scaleY * scale)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextFont")(fontId)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextProportional")(1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextColour")(250, 250, 250, 255) -- You can change the text color here
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextDropShadow")(1, 1, 1, 1, 255)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextEdge")(2, 0, 0, 0, 150)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextDropShadow")()
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextOutline")()
- FM:GetFunction("BeginTextCommandDisplayText")("STRING")
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextCentre")(1)
- FM:GetFunction("AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName")(textInput)
- FM:GetFunction("SetDrawOrigin")(x, y, z + 2, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("EndTextCommandDisplayText")(0.0, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearDrawOrigin")()
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DrawInfoCard(entity)
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(entity) then return end
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local angle = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(entity)
- if frozen_ents[entity] == nil then
- frozen_ents[entity] = false
- end
- local str = {[[ Model: ]] .. FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(entity), [[ Pos: ]] .. ("x: %.2f, y: %.2f, z: %.2f"):format(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z), [[ Rot: ]] .. ("x: %.2f, y: %.2f, z: %.2f"):format(angle.x, angle.y, angle.z), [[ Frozen: ]] .. dict.tostring(frozen_ents[entity])}
- local y = coords.z
- for _, val in dict.pairs(str) do
- FM:DrawScaled3DText(coords.x, coords.y, y, val, 4, 0.1, 0.1)
- y = y - 0.35
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:CheckType(entity, type)
- if type == "ALL" then return FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAnObject")(entity) or FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(entity) or FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(entity) end
- if type == "VEHICLE" then return FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(entity) end
- if type == "PED" then return FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(entity) end
- return true
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:GetType(entity)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAnObject")(entity) then return "OBJECT" end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(entity) then return "VEHICLE" end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(entity) then return "PED" end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:Clone(entity)
- local type = self:GetType(entity)
- if not type then return end
- local where = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(entity, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(entity)
- if type == "OBJECT" then
- local clone = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(entity), where.x, where.y, where.z, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(clone)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(clone, rot)
- frozen_ents[clone] = frozen_ents[entity]
- self.DraggingEntity = clone
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Cloned object ~y~" .. entity)
- Wait(50)
- elseif type == "VEHICLE" then
- local clone = FM:GetFunction("CreateVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(entity), where.x, where.y, where.z, FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(entity), true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(clone, rot)
- frozen_ents[clone] = frozen_ents[entity]
- self.DraggingEntity = clone
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Cloned vehicle ~y~" .. entity)
- elseif type == "PED" then
- local clone = FM:GetFunction("CreatePed")(4, FM:GetFunction("GetEntityModel")(entity), where.x, where.y, where.z, FM:GetFunction("GetEntityHeading")(entity), true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(clone, rot)
- frozen_ents[clone] = frozen_ents[entity]
- self.DraggingEntity = clone
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Cloned ped ~y~" .. entity)
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:Remover(entity, type)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Delete"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}})
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(entity) and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityHaveDrawable")(entity) and self:CheckType(entity, type) then
- self:DrawBoundingBox(entity, 255, 50, 50, 50)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not FM.Showing then
- if entity == FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")() then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "You can not delete yourself!", 10000) end
- if _is_ped_player(entity) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "You can not delete players!", 10000) end
- self:DrawBoundingBox(entity, 255, 50, 50, 50)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Deleted ~y~" .. dict.tostring(entity), 10000)
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(entity)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:Attack(attacker, victim)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(attacker)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(victim) then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskCombatPed")(attacker, victim, 0, 16)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "~y~" .. dict.tostring(attacker) .. " ~w~attacking ~y~" .. dict.tostring(victim), 5000)
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(victim) then
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:StealVehicleThread(attacker, victim)
- end)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "~y~" .. dict.tostring(attacker) .. " ~w~stealing ~y~" .. dict.tostring(victim), 5000)
- end
- end
- local beginning_target
- function FM.FreeCam:PedTarget(cam, x, y, z)
- local rightVec, forwardVec, upVec = FM:GetFunction("GetCamMatrix")(cam)
- local curVec = vector3(x, y, z)
- local targetVec = curVec + forwardVec * 150
- local handle = FM:GetFunction("StartShapeTestRay")(curVec.x, curVec.y, curVec.z, targetVec.x, targetVec.y, targetVec.z, -1)
- local _, _, endCoords, _, entity = FM:GetFunction("GetShapeTestResult")(handle)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"]) then
- beginning_target = nil
- end
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(beginning_target) then
- beginning_target = nil
- else
- self:DrawBoundingBox(beginning_target, 0, 100, 0, 50)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["R"]) then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(beginning_target)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedSecondaryTask")(beginning_target)
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Cleared tasks for ~y~" .. beginning_target)
- beginning_target = nil
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(entity) and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityHaveDrawable")(entity) and not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAnObject")(entity) then
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not beginning_target then
- if FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(entity) then
- entity = FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(entity, -1)
- end
- beginning_target = entity
- end
- if beginning_target ~= entity then
- self:DrawBoundingBox(entity, 0, 122, 200, 50)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(beginning_target) then
- self:Attack(beginning_target, entity)
- beginning_target = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local selected_spawner_opt = 1
- local selected_weapon_opt = 1
- local asking_weapon
- local selected_ped
- local selected_weapon
- FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions = {
- ["PED"] = {"s_f_y_bartender_01", "a_m_y_beachvesp_01", "a_m_y_beach_03", "a_m_y_beach_02", "a_m_m_beach_02", "a_m_y_beach_01", "s_m_y_baywatch_01", "mp_f_boatstaff_01", "u_m_m_bikehire_01", "a_f_y_bevhills_04", "s_m_m_bouncer_01", "s_m_y_armymech_01", "s_m_y_autopsy_01", "s_m_y_blackops_01", "s_m_y_blackops_02"},
- ["WEAPONS"] = all_weapons,
- ["OBJECT"] = {"a_c_cat_01", "prop_mp_spike_01", "prop_tyre_spike_01", "prop_container_ld2", "lts_prop_lts_ramp_03", "prop_jetski_ramp_01", "prop_mp_ramp_03_tu", "prop_skate_flatramp_cr", "stt_prop_ramp_adj_loop", "stt_prop_ramp_multi_loop_rb", "stt_prop_ramp_spiral_l", "stt_prop_ramp_spiral_l_m", "prop_const_fence03b_cr", "prop_const_fence02b", "prop_const_fence03a_cr", "prop_fnc_farm_01e", "prop_fnccorgm_02c", "ch3_01_dino", "p_pallet_02a_s", "prop_conc_blocks01a", "hei_prop_cash_crate_half_full", "prop_consign_01a", "prop_byard_net02", "prop_mb_cargo_04b", "prop_mb_crate_01a_set", "prop_pipe_stack_01", "prop_roadcone01c", "prop_rub_cage01b", "prop_sign_road_01a", "prop_sign_road_03m", "prop_traffic_rail_2", "prop_traffic_rail_1a", "prop_traffic_03a", "prop_traffic_01d", "prop_skid_trolley_1", "hei_prop_yah_seat_03", "hei_prop_yah_table_03", "lts_prop_lts_elecbox_24", "lts_prop_lts_elecbox_24b", "p_airdancer_01_s", "p_amb_brolly_01", "p_amb_brolly_01_s", "p_dumpster_t", "p_ld_coffee_vend_01", "p_patio_lounger1_s", "p_yacht_sofa_01_s", "prop_air_bagloader2_cr", "prop_air_bigradar", "prop_air_blastfence_01", "prop_air_stair_01", "prop_air_sechut_01", "prop_airport_sale_sign"},
- ["VEHICLE"] = car_spam,
- ["PREMADE"] = {
- ["SWASTIKA"] = function(ent, offZ)
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- local where = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ent, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(ent) then
- where = vector3(where.x, where.y, where.z + 5.0)
- end
- if offZ then
- where = vector3(where.x, where.y, where.z + offZ)
- end
- local column = {
- ["up"] = {},
- ["across"] = {}
- }
- for i = 0, 7 do
- column["up"][i + 1] = {
- x = 0.0,
- y = 0.0,
- z = 1.0 + (2.6 * (i + 1)),
- _p = 90.0,
- _y = 0.0,
- _r = 0.0
- }
- end
- for i = 0, 8 do
- column["across"][i + 1] = {
- x = 10.4 + (-2.6 * i),
- y = 0.0,
- z = 11.6,
- _p = 90.0,
- _y = 0.0,
- _r = 0.0
- }
- end
- local arms = {
- ["bottom_right"] = {},
- ["across_up"] = {},
- ["top_left"] = {},
- ["across_down"] = {}
- }
- for i = 0, 4 do
- arms["bottom_right"][i] = {
- x = -2.6 * i,
- y = 0.0,
- z = 1.0,
- _p = 90.0,
- _y = 0.0,
- _r = 0.0
- }
- arms["top_left"][i] = {
- x = 2.6 * i,
- y = 0.0,
- z = 22.2,
- _p = 90.0,
- _y = 0.0,
- _r = 0.0
- }
- arms["across_down"][i + 1] = {
- x = 10.4,
- y = 0.0,
- z = 12.6 - (2.25 * (i + 1)),
- _p = 90.0,
- _y = 0.0,
- _r = 0.0
- }
- end
- for i = 0, 3 do
- arms["across_up"][i + 1] = {
- x = -10.4,
- y = 0.0,
- z = 11.6 + (2.6 * (i + 1)),
- _p = 90.0,
- _y = 0.0,
- _r = 0.0
- }
- end
- local positions = {column["up"], column["across"], arms["bottom_right"], arms["across_up"], arms["top_left"], arms["across_down"]}
- FM:RequestModelSync("prop_container_05a")
- for _, seg in dict.pairs(positions) do
- for k, v in dict.pairs(seg) do
- local obj = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("prop_container_05a"), where.x, where.y, where.z + (offZ or 0), true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(obj)
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(obj, ent, FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(ent) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneIndex")(ped, 57005) or 0, v.x, v.y, v.z + (offZ or 0), v._p, v._y, v._r, false, true, false, false, 1, true)
- Wait(80)
- end
- end
- end)
- end,
- ["DICK"] = function(ent)
- if FM.Config.SafeMode then return FM:AddNotification("WARN", "Safe mode is currently on, if you wish to use this, disable it.") end
- CreateThread(function()
- local where = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ent, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(ent) then
- where = vector3(where.x, where.y, where.z + 5.0)
- end
- FM:RequestModelSync("stt_prop_stunt_bowling_ball")
- local ball_l = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("stt_prop_stunt_bowling_ball"), where.x, where.y, where.z, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(ball_l)
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(ball_l, ent, FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(ent) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneIndex")(ped, 57005) or 0, -3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, false, true, false, false, 1, true)
- Wait(50)
- local ball_r = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("stt_prop_stunt_bowling_ball"), where.x, where.y, where.z, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(ball_r)
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(ball_r, ent, FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(ent) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneIndex")(ped, 57005) or 0, 3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, true, false, false, 1, true)
- Wait(50)
- local shaft = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("prop_container_ld2"), where.x, where.y, where.z, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(shaft)
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(shaft, ent, FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAPed")(ent) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedBoneIndex")(ped, 57005) or 0, -1.5, 0, 5.0, 90.0, 0, 90.0, false, true, false, false, 1, true)
- Wait(50)
- end)
- end
- }
- }
- local preview_object
- local preview_object_model
- local premade_options = {}
- local funcs = {}
- for name, func in dict.pairs(FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions["PREMADE"]) do
- table.insert(premade_options, name)
- table.insert(funcs, func)
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DeletePreview()
- if preview_object and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(preview_object) then
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(preview_object)
- preview_object = nil
- end
- preview_object = nil
- preview_object_model = nil
- end
- local bad_models = {}
- local _loading
- local notif_alpha = 0
- local doing_alpha
- local last_alpha
- local cur_notifs
- local offX = 0
- function FM.FreeCam:Spawner(where, heading, type)
- local name, options
- local cam_rot = FM:GetFunction("GetCamRot")(self.Cam, 0)
- if self.DraggingEntity and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.DraggingEntity) then return self:DeletePreview() end
- if type == "PED" then
- options = self.SpawnerOptions["PED"]
- if selected_spawner_opt > #options then
- selected_spawner_opt = 1
- end
- if preview_object then
- self:DeletePreview()
- end
- name = "Ped List" .. " (" .. selected_spawner_opt .. "/" .. #options .. ")"
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTCTRL"], 0), "Invisibility"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"], 0), "God Mode"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Select"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["E"], 0), "Clone"}})
- elseif type == "OBJECT" then
- asking_weapon = false
- selected_weapon_opt = 1
- options = self.SpawnerOptions["OBJECT"]
- if selected_spawner_opt > #options then
- selected_spawner_opt = 1
- end
- local cur_model = options[selected_spawner_opt]
- if preview_object_model ~= cur_model and not _loading then
- _loading = true
- CreateThread(function()
- if not FM:RequestModelSync(cur_model, 500) and not bad_models[cur_model] then
- _loading = false
- self:DeletePreview()
- bad_models[cur_model] = true
- return FM:AddNotification("ERORR", "Failed to load model ~r~" .. cur_model, 5000)
- end
- if bad_models[cur_model] then
- _loading = false
- self:DeletePreview()
- return
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("HasModelLoaded")(cur_model) then
- _loading = false
- self:DeletePreview()
- preview_object = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(cur_model), where.x, where.y, where.z + 0.5, false, true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(preview_object, where.x, where.y, where.z + 0.5)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(preview_object, 100)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(preview_object, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(preview_object, 0.0, 0.0, cam_rot.z + 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCollision")(preview_object, false, false)
- preview_object_model = cur_model
- end
- end)
- end
- if preview_object and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(preview_object) then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(preview_object, where.x, where.y, where.z + 0.5)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(preview_object, 100)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(preview_object, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(preview_object, 0.0, 0.0, cam_rot.z + 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCollision")(preview_object, false, false)
- end
- name = "Object List" .. " (" .. selected_spawner_opt .. "/" .. #options .. ")"
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTCTRL"], 0), "Attach (Hovered)"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Select"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["E"], 0), "Clone"}})
- elseif type == "PREMADE" then
- asking_weapon = false
- selected_weapon_opt = 1
- options = premade_options
- if selected_spawner_opt > #options then
- selected_spawner_opt = 1
- end
- if preview_object then
- self:DeletePreview()
- end
- name = "Premade List" .. " (" .. selected_spawner_opt .. "/" .. #options .. ")"
- elseif type == "VEHICLE" then
- asking_weapon = false
- selected_weapon_opt = 1
- options = self.SpawnerOptions["VEHICLE"]
- if selected_spawner_opt > #options then
- selected_spawner_opt = 1
- end
- if preview_object then
- self:DeletePreview()
- end
- name = "Vehicle List" .. " (" .. selected_spawner_opt .. "/" .. #options .. ")"
- end
- if asking_weapon then
- options = self.SpawnerOptions["WEAPONS"]
- name = "Weapon List (" .. selected_weapon_opt .. "/" .. #options .. ")"
- end
- FM.Painter:DrawText("~w~[~y~Cabron Menu~w~] " .. (name or "?"), 4, false, FM:ScrW() - 360 - 21 - offX, 21, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- local sY = 30
- local max_opts = 30
- local cur_opt = (asking_weapon and selected_weapon_opt or selected_spawner_opt)
- local count = 0
- local total_opts = (#options or {})
- local can_see = true
- for id, val in dict.pairs(options or {}) do
- if total_opts > max_opts then
- can_see = cur_opt - 10 <= id and cur_opt + 10 >= id
- else
- count = 0
- end
- if can_see and count <= 10 then
- local r, g, b = 255, 255, 255
- if (asking_weapon and selected_weapon_opt or selected_spawner_opt) == id then
- r, g, b = FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3]
- end
- FM.Painter:DrawText(val, 4, false, FM:ScrW() - 360 - 21 - offX, 21 + sY, 0.35, r, g, b, 255)
- sY = sY + 20
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["DOWN"]) and not FM.Showing then
- if asking_weapon then
- local new = selected_weapon_opt + 1
- if options[new] then
- selected_weapon_opt = new
- else
- selected_weapon_opt = 1
- end
- else
- local new = selected_spawner_opt + 1
- if options[new] then
- selected_spawner_opt = new
- else
- selected_spawner_opt = 1
- end
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["UP"]) and not FM.Showing then
- if asking_weapon then
- local new = selected_weapon_opt - 1
- if options[new] then
- selected_weapon_opt = new
- else
- selected_weapon_opt = #options
- end
- else
- local new = selected_spawner_opt - 1
- if options[new] then
- selected_spawner_opt = new
- else
- selected_spawner_opt = #options
- end
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["ENTER"]) and not FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["SPACE"]) and not FM.Showing then
- if type == "PED" then
- if not asking_weapon then
- selected_ped = options[selected_spawner_opt]
- asking_weapon = true
- else
- selected_weapon = options[selected_weapon_opt]
- local ped = FM:SpawnPed(where, heading, selected_ped, selected_weapon)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- SetEntityInvincible(ped, true)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTCTRL"]) then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityVisible")(ped, false)
- end
- FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Spawned ped.", 5000)
- end
- elseif type == "OBJECT" then
- local object = options[selected_spawner_opt]
- FM:RequestModelSync(object)
- local obj = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(object), where.x, where.y, where.z, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(obj)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(obj, 0.0, 0.0, cam_rot.z + 0.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTCTRL"]) and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.HoveredEntity) then
- FM:GetFunction("AttachEntityToEntity")(obj, self.HoveredEntity, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false, true, true, true, 1, false)
- end
- Wait(50)
- elseif type == "PREMADE" then
- local func = funcs[selected_spawner_opt]
- func(self.HoveredEntity)
- elseif type == "VEHICLE" then
- local model = options[selected_spawner_opt]
- FM:RequestModelSync(model)
- local veh = FM:GetFunction("CreateVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), where.x, where.y, where.z, 0.0, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(veh)
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["BACKSPACE"]) and not FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"]) and asking_weapon and not FM.Showing then
- asking_weapon = false
- selected_weapon_opt = 1
- end
- FM.Painter:DrawRect(FM:ScrW() - 360 - 21 - offX, 20, 360, sY + 8, 0, 0, 0, 200)
- FM.Painter:DrawRect(FM:ScrW() - 360 - 21 - offX, 49, 360, 2, FM.Tertiary[1], FM.Tertiary[2], FM.Tertiary[3], 255)
- end
- local rotP, rotY, rotR
- local dist = {0, 45, 90, 135, 180, -45, -90, -135, -180}
- local smallest, index = dict.math.huge, 0
- local function _snap(rot)
- for _, val in dict.pairs(dist) do
- local diff = dict.math.abs(val - rot)
- if diff <= smallest then
- smallest = diff
- index = _
- end
- end
- return dist[index] or rot
- end
- function FM:KickOutAllPassengers(ent, specific)
- for i = -1, FM:GetFunction("GetVehicleMaxNumberOfPassengers")(ent) - 1 do
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsVehicleSeatFree")(ent, i) and (not specific or specific == i) then
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(ent, i))
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedSecondaryTask")(FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(ent, i))
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(ent, i))
- end
- end
- end
- local _stealing
- local _stealing_ped
- function FM.FreeCam:DoSteal(ent)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"], 0), "Invisible"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"], 0), "Fuck Up Speed"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["R"], 0), "Kick Out Driver"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"], 0), "Steal (NPC)"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Steal (Self)"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}})
- if not self:CheckType(ent, "VEHICLE") then return end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"]) then
- CreateThread(function()
- _stealing = ent
- local model = FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED[dict.math.random(1, #FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED)]
- if not FM:RequestModelSync(model) then
- _stealing = nil
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to steal vehicle!")
- end
- local c = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(_stealing, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local x, y, z = c.x, c.y, c.z
- local out, pos = FM:GetFunction("GetClosestMajorVehicleNode")(x, y, z, 10.0, 0)
- if not out then
- pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(_stealing, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + vector3(dict.math.random(-3, 3), dict.math.random(-3, 3), 0)
- end
- local random_npc = FM:GetFunction("CreatePed")(24, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0.0, true, true)
- _stealing_ped = random_npc
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityVisible")(random_npc, false)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedAlertness")(random_npc, 0.0)
- local success = FM:StealVehicleThread(random_npc, _stealing)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleDriveWander")(random_npc, _stealing, 1000.0, 0)
- local timeout = 0
- if not success then
- _stealing = nil
- _stealing_ped = nil
- return
- end
- while FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(_stealing) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(_stealing, -1) ~= random_npc and not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityDead")(random_npc) and timeout <= 25000 do
- timeout = timeout + 10
- Wait(100)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(_stealing, -1) ~= random_npc then
- _stealing = nil
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to steal vehicle!")
- end
- _stealing_ped = nil
- _stealing = nil
- end)
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) then
- CreateThread(function()
- _stealing = ent
- FM:KickOutAllPassengers(ent)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), ent, -1)
- _stealing_ped = nil
- _stealing = nil
- end)
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["R"]) then
- CreateThread(function()
- _stealing = ent
- local driver = FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(ent, -1)
- FM:KickOutAllPassengers(ent, -1)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskWanderStandard")(driver)
- _stealing_ped = nil
- _stealing = nil
- end)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) then
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(ent)
- if FM:GetFunction("NetworkHasControlOfEntity")(ent) then
- FM:GetFunction("ModifyVehicleTopSpeed")(ent, 250000.0)
- return FM:AddNotification("SUCCESS", "Speed fucked!")
- end
- end)
- end
- self:DrawBoundingBox(ent, 122, 177, 220, 50)
- self:DrawInfoCard(ent)
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DoTaze(ent, endCoords)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Taze"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}})
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and _is_ped_player(ent) then
- self:DrawBoundingBox(ent, 50, 122, 200, 50)
- end
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) then
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and _is_ped_player(ent) then
- FM:TazePlayer(ent)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords")(camX, camY, camZ, endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z, 1, true, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")("WEAPON_STUNGUN"), FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true, false, 24000.0)
- end
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DoHydrant(ent, endCoords)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Hydrant"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}})
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and _is_ped_player(ent) then
- self:DrawBoundingBox(ent, 50, 122, 200, 50)
- end
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) then
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and _is_ped_player(ent) then
- FM:HydrantPlayer(ent)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z, 13, 100.0, false, false, 0.0)
- end
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DoFire(ent, endCoords)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Fire"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}})
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and _is_ped_player(ent) then
- self:DrawBoundingBox(ent, 50, 122, 200, 50)
- end
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) then
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and _is_ped_player(ent) then
- FM:FirePlayer(ent)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z, 12, 100.0, false, false, 0.0)
- end
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DoExplosion(ent, endCoords)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Explode"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}})
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and (_is_ped_player(ent) or FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(ent)) then
- self:DrawBoundingBox(ent, 50, 122, 200, 50)
- end
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) then
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and _is_ped_player(ent) then
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ent, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 7, 100000.0, true, false, 0.0)
- elseif FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(ent) then
- FM:GetFunction("NetworkExplodeVehicle")(ent, true, false, false)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("AddExplosion")(endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z, 7, 100000.0, true, false, 0.0)
- end
- end
- end
- local preview_spike_strip
- local spike_model = "p_ld_stinger_s"
- function FM.FreeCam:DoSpikeStrips(ent, endCoords)
- if not preview_spike_strip then
- preview_spike_strip = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(spike_model), endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z + 0.1, false, true, true)
- end
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetCamRot")(self.Cam, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(preview_spike_strip, endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z + 0.1)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityAlpha")(preview_spike_strip, 100)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(preview_spike_strip, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(preview_spike_strip, 0.0, 0.0, rot.z + 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCollision")(preview_spike_strip, false, false)
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) then
- rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(preview_spike_strip)
- local spike_strip = FM:GetFunction("CreateObject")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(spike_model), endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z - 0.2, true, true, true)
- FM:DoNetwork(spike_strip)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(spike_strip, rot)
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(spike_strip, true)
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DoDisable(ent, endCoords)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsEntityAVehicle")(ent) then
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) then
- FM:DisableVehicle(ent)
- end
- self:DrawBoundingBox(ent, 50, 122, 200, 50)
- end
- end
- local _stealing
- local _stealing_ped
- function FM.FreeCam:DoRCCar(ent, endCoords)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"], 0), "Invisible"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["X"], 0), "Spawn (NPC)"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["R"], 0), "Release Car (If Active)"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"], 0), "Steal (NPC)"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Steal (Force)"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}})
- if _stealing then
- self:DrawBoundingBox(_stealing_ped, 255, 122, 184, 50)
- return self:DrawBoundingBox(_stealing, 255, 120, 255, 50)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["R"]) and FM.RCCar.On then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Released RC Car!")
- _stealing = nil
- _stealing_ped = nil
- return FM:DoRCCar(false)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"]) and self:CheckType(ent, "VEHICLE") then
- CreateThread(function()
- _stealing = ent
- local model = FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED[dict.math.random(1, #FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED)]
- if not FM:RequestModelSync(model) then
- _stealing = nil
- return FM:AddNotification("Failed to steal vehicle!")
- end
- local c = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(_stealing, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local x, y, z = c.x, c.y, c.z
- local out, pos = FM:GetFunction("GetClosestMajorVehicleNode")(x, y, z, 10.0, 0)
- if not out then
- pos = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(_stealing, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + vector3(dict.math.random(-3, 3), dict.math.random(-3, 3), 0)
- end
- local random_npc = FM:GetFunction("CreatePed")(24, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0.0, true, true)
- _stealing_ped = random_npc
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityVisible")(random_npc, false)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedAlertness")(random_npc, 0.0)
- local success = FM:StealVehicleThread(random_npc, _stealing, true)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents")(random_npc, true)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleDriveWander")(random_npc, _stealing, 1000.0, 0)
- local timeout = 0
- if not success then
- _stealing = nil
- _stealing_ped = nil
- return
- end
- while FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(_stealing) and FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(_stealing, -1) ~= random_npc and not FM:GetFunction("IsEntityDead")(random_npc) and timeout <= 25000 do
- timeout = timeout + 10
- Wait(100)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(_stealing, -1) ~= random_npc then
- _stealing = nil
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to steal vehicle!")
- end
- FM:DoRCCar(random_npc, _stealing)
- _stealing_ped = nil
- _stealing = nil
- end)
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and self:CheckType(ent, "VEHICLE") then
- CreateThread(function()
- _stealing = ent
- local model = FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED[dict.math.random(1, #FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED)]
- if not FM:RequestModelSync(model) then
- _stealing = nil
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to steal vehicle!")
- end
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(_stealing, -1))
- local random_npc = FM:GetFunction("CreatePedInsideVehicle")(_stealing, 24, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), -1, true, true)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityVisible")(random_npc, false)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedAlertness")(random_npc, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents")(random_npc, true)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleDriveWander")(random_npc, _stealing, 1000.0, 0)
- _stealing_ped = random_npc
- if FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(_stealing, -1) ~= random_npc then
- _stealing = nil
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to steal vehicle!")
- end
- FM:DoRCCar(random_npc, _stealing)
- _stealing_ped = nil
- _stealing = nil
- end)
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["X"]) then
- CreateThread(function()
- local modelName = FM:GetTextInput("Enter vehicle spawn name", "", 20)
- if modelName == "" or not FM:RequestModelSync(modelName) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "That is not a vaild vehicle model.", 10000) end
- if modelName then
- local car = FM:GetFunction("CreateVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(modelName), endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z, dict.math.random(-360, 360) + 0.0, true, false)
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(car) then
- _stealing = car
- local model = FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED[dict.math.random(1, #FM.FreeCam.SpawnerOptions.PED)]
- if not FM:RequestModelSync(model) then
- _stealing = nil
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to steal vehicle!")
- end
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasksImmediately")(FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(_stealing, -1))
- local random_npc = FM:GetFunction("CreatePedInsideVehicle")(_stealing, 24, FM:GetFunction("GetHashKey")(model), -1, true, true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetPedAlertness")(random_npc, 0.0)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents")(random_npc, true)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleDriveWander")(random_npc, _stealing, 1000.0, 0)
- _stealing_ped = random_npc
- if FM:GetFunction("GetPedInVehicleSeat")(_stealing, -1) ~= random_npc then
- _stealing = nil
- return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to steal vehicle!")
- end
- FM:DoRCCar(random_npc, _stealing)
- _stealing_ped = nil
- _stealing = nil
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- self:DrawBoundingBox(ent, 255, 255, 120, 50)
- self:DrawInfoCard(ent)
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:ManipulationLogic(cam, x, y, z)
- if FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= -1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 2 then return end
- self:Crosshair((FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityHaveDrawable")(self.HoveredEntity) and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.HoveredEntity)) or (FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityHaveDrawable")(self.DraggingEntity) and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.DraggingEntity)))
- local rightVec, forwardVec, upVec = FM:GetFunction("GetCamMatrix")(cam)
- local curVec = vector3(x, y, z)
- local targetVec = curVec + forwardVec * 150
- local handle = FM:GetFunction("StartShapeTestRay")(curVec.x, curVec.y, curVec.z, targetVec.x, targetVec.y, targetVec.z, -1)
- local _, hit, endCoords, _, entity = FM:GetFunction("GetShapeTestResult")(handle)
- if self.DraggingEntity and not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.DraggingEntity) then
- self.DraggingEntity = nil
- self.Rotating = nil
- lift_height = 0.0
- lift_inc = 0.1
- return
- end
- if FM.Showing then return end
- if notif_alpha > 0 then
- offX = _lerp(0.1, offX, 429)
- else
- offX = _lerp(0.1, offX, 0)
- end
- if not hit then
- endCoords = targetVec
- end
- if preview_spike_strip and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(preview_spike_strip) and self.Mode ~= self.Modes["SPIKE_STRIPS"] then
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(preview_spike_strip)
- preview_spike_strip = nil
- end
- if self:CheckType(entity, "ALL") then
- self.HoveredEntity = entity
- else
- self.HoveredEntity = nil
- end
- if self.Mode == self.Modes["REMOVER"] then return self:Remover(entity, "ALL") end
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Select"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["E"], 0), "Clone"}})
- if self.Mode == self.Modes["PED_SPAWNER"] then
- self:Spawner(endCoords, GetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(), "PED")
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["OBJ_SPAWNER"] then
- self:Spawner(endCoords, GetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(), "OBJECT")
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["VEH_SPAWNER"] then
- self:Spawner(endCoords, GetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(), "VEHICLE")
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["PREMADE_SPAWNER"] then
- self:Spawner(endCoords, GetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(), "PREMADE")
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["TELEPORT"] then
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Teleport"}, {"b_117", "Change Mode"}})
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not FM.Showing and hit then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), endCoords.x, endCoords.y, endCoords.z)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Teleported!", 2500)
- end
- return
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["RC_CAR"] then
- return self:DoRCCar(self.HoveredEntity, endCoords)
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["STEAL"] then
- return self:DoSteal(self.HoveredEntity)
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["TAZE"] then
- return self:DoTaze(self.HoveredEntity, endCoords)
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["HYDRANT"] then
- return self:DoHydrant(self.HoveredEntity, endCoords)
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["FIRE"] then
- return self:DoFire(self.HoveredEntity, endCoords)
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["SPIKE_STRIPS"] then
- return self:DoSpikeStrips(self.HoveredEntity, endCoords)
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["DISABLE_VEHICLE"] then
- return self:DoDisable(self.HoveredEntity, endCoords)
- elseif self.Mode == self.Modes["EXPLODE"] then
- return self:DoExplosion(self.HoveredEntity, endCoords)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.DraggingEntity) then
- if frozen_ents[self.DraggingEntity] == nil then
- frozen_ents[self.DraggingEntity] = true
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["DELETE"]) and not FM.Showing then
- if self.DraggingEntity == FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")() then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "You can not delete yourself!", 10000) end
- if _is_ped_player(self.DraggingEntity) then return FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "You can not delete players!", 10000) end
- self:DrawBoundingBox(self.DraggingEntity, 255, 50, 50, 50)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Deleted ~y~" .. dict.tostring(self.DraggingEntity) .. "~w~", 10000)
- FM.Util:DeleteEntity(self.DraggingEntity)
- self.DraggingEntity = nil
- lift_height = 0.0
- lift_inc = 0.1
- self.Rotating = nil
- return
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["E"]) then
- self:Clone(self.DraggingEntity)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"]) and not FM.Showing then
- local data = self.DraggingData
- if data then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(self.DraggingEntity, data.Position.x, data.Position.y, data.Position.z)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(self.DraggingEntity, data.Rotation.x, data.Rotation.y, data.Rotation.z)
- end
- self.DraggingEntity = nil
- lift_height = 0.0
- lift_inc = 0.1
- self.Rotating = nil
- return
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not FM.Showing then
- self.DraggingEntity = nil
- lift_height = 0.0
- lift_inc = 0.1
- self.Rotating = nil
- return
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["R"]) and not FM.Showing then
- self.Rotating = not self.Rotating
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(self.DraggingEntity)
- rotP, rotY, rotR = rot.x, rot.y, rot.z
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) and not self.Rotating then
- frozen_ents[self.DraggingEntity] = not frozen_ents[self.DraggingEntity]
- end
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(self.DraggingEntity, frozen_ents[entity])
- if self.Rotating and not FM.Showing then
- self:DrawBoundingBox(self.DraggingEntity, 255, 125, 50, 50)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["R"], 0), "Exit Rotate Mode"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"], 0), "Reset Position"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Stop Dragging"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"], 0), "Snap Nearest 45 Degrees"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"], 0), "Increment x" .. (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) and 1.0 or 15.0)}, {"t_D%t_A", "Roll"}, {"t_W%t_S", "Pitch"}, {"b_2000%t_X", "Yaw"}})
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["D"]) then
- rotR = rotR + (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) and 1.0 or 15.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- rotR = _snap(rotR)
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["A"]) then
- rotR = rotR - (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) and 1.0 or 15.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- rotR = _snap(rotR)
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["W"]) then
- rotP = rotP - (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) and 1.0 or 15.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- rotP = _snap(rotP)
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["S"]) then
- rotP = rotP + (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) and 1.0 or 15.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- rotP = _snap(rotP)
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["SPACE"]) then
- rotY = rotY - (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) and 1.0 or 15.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- rotY = _snap(rotY)
- end
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["X"]) then
- rotY = rotY + (FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"]) and 1.0 or 15.0)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- rotY = _snap(rotY)
- end
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(self.DraggingEntity, rotP + 0.0, rotY + 0.0, rotR + 0.0)
- self:DrawInfoCard(self.DraggingEntity)
- return FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(self.DraggingEntity)
- end
- local handleTrace = FM:GetFunction("StartShapeTestRay")(curVec.x, curVec.y, curVec.z, targetVec.x, targetVec.y, targetVec.z, -1, self.DraggingEntity)
- local _, hit, endPos, _, _ = FM:GetFunction("GetShapeTestResult")(handleTrace)
- local c = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(self.DraggingEntity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- local cX, cY, cZ = c.x, c.y, c.z
- local cam_rot = FM:GetFunction("GetCamRot")(self.Cam, 0)
- local rot = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(self.DraggingEntity)
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityRotation")(self.DraggingEntity, rot.x, rot.y, cam_rot.z + 0.0)
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, FM.Keys["["]) then
- lift_inc = lift_inc + 0.05
- if lift_inc <= 0.01 then
- lift_inc = 0.01
- elseif lift_inc >= 3 then
- lift_inc = 3
- end
- end
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, FM.Keys["]"]) then
- lift_inc = lift_inc - 0.05
- if lift_inc <= 0.01 then
- lift_inc = 0.01
- elseif lift_inc >= 3 then
- lift_inc = 3
- end
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, FM.Keys["C"]) then
- lift_height = lift_height + lift_inc
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, FM.Keys["Z"]) then
- lift_height = lift_height - lift_inc
- end
- if hit then
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(self.DraggingEntity, endPos.x, endPos.y, endPos.z + lift_height)
- self:DrawBoundingBox(self.DraggingEntity, 50, 255, 50, 50)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("SetEntityCoords")(self.DraggingEntity, targetVec.x, targetVec.y, targetVec.z + lift_height)
- self:DrawBoundingBox(self.DraggingEntity, 50, 255, 50, 50)
- end
- self:DrawInfoCard(self.DraggingEntity)
- FM:SetIbuttons({{FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["C"], 0), "Lift Up (+" .. lift_inc .. ")"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["Z"], 0), "Push Down (-" .. lift_inc .. ")"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["R"], 0), "Rotate"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTALT"], 0), "Toggle Frozen"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE2"], 0), "Reset Position"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], 0), "Stop Dragging"}, {FM:GetFunction("GetControlInstructionalButton")(0, FM.Keys["E"], 0), "Clone"}})
- return FM:GetFunction("NetworkRequestControlOfEntity")(self.DraggingEntity)
- end
- local ent = FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.DraggingEntity) and self.DraggingEntity or self.HoveredEntity
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(ent) and FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["E"]) then
- self:Clone(ent)
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) or beginning_target ~= nil then return self:PedTarget(cam, x, y, z) end
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.HoveredEntity) and FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityHaveDrawable")(self.HoveredEntity) and not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(self.DraggingEntity) then
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlJustPressed")(0, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"]) and not FM.Showing and not _is_ped_player(self.HoveredEntity) then
- self.DraggingEntity = self.HoveredEntity
- self.DraggingData = {
- Position = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(self.HoveredEntity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- Rotation = FM:GetFunction("GetEntityRotation")(self.HoveredEntity)
- }
- else
- self:DrawBoundingBox(self.HoveredEntity, 255, 255, 255, 50)
- self:DrawInfoCard(self.HoveredEntity)
- end
- end
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DisableMovement(off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 30, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 31, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 32, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 33, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 34, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 35, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 36, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 37, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 38, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 44, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 45, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 63, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 64, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 71, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 72, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 75, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 278, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 279, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 280, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 281, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisablePlayerFiring")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 24, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 25, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 37, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 47, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 58, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 140, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 141, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 81, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 82, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 83, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 84, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 12, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 13, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 14, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 15, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 24, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 16, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 17, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 96, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 97, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 98, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 96, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 99, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 100, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 142, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 143, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 263, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 264, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 257, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, FM.Keys["C"], off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, FM.Keys["F"], off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, FM.Keys["LEFTCTRL"], off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, FM.Keys["MOUSE1"], off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 25, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, FM.Keys["R"], off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 45, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 80, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 140, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 250, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 263, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 310, off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, FM.Keys["TAB"], off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, FM.Keys["SPACE"], off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, FM.Keys["X"], off)
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DisableCombat(off)
- FM:GetFunction("DisablePlayerFiring")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")(), off) -- Disable weapon firing
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 24, off) -- disable attack
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 25, off) -- disable aim
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(1, 37, off) -- disable weapon select
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 47, off) -- disable weapon
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 58, off) -- disable weapon
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 140, off) -- disable melee
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 141, off) -- disable melee
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 142, off) -- disable melee
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 143, off) -- disable melee
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 263, off) -- disable melee
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 264, off) -- disable melee
- FM:GetFunction("DisableControlAction")(0, 257, off) -- disable melee
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:MoveCamera(cam, x, y, z)
- if FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= -1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 1 and FM:GetFunction("UpdateOnscreenKeyboard")() ~= 2 then return x, y, z end
- if self.Rotating then return x, y, z end
- local curVec = vector3(x, y, z)
- local rightVec, forwardVec, upVec = FM:GetFunction("GetCamMatrix")(cam)
- local speed = 1.0
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTCTRL"]) then
- speed = 0.1
- elseif FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- speed = 1.8
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["W"]) then
- curVec = curVec + forwardVec * speed
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["S"]) then
- curVec = curVec - forwardVec * speed
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["A"]) then
- curVec = curVec - rightVec * speed
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["D"]) then
- curVec = curVec + rightVec * speed
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["SPACE"]) then
- curVec = curVec + upVec * speed
- end
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["X"]) then
- curVec = curVec - upVec * speed
- end
- return curVec.x, curVec.y, curVec.z
- end
- function FM.FreeCam:DrawMode()
- local name = self.ModeNames[self.Mode]
- FM:ScreenText("~w~[~y~Cabron Menu~w~] Freecam Mode: ~y~" .. name, 4, 1.0, 0.5, 0.97, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, 225)
- end
- local _on
- function FM.FreeCam:Tick()
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesCamExist")(self.Cam) then
- self.Cam = FM:GetFunction("CreateCam")("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", true)
- end
- while FM.Enabled do
- FM.FreeCam:Switcher()
- local rot_vec = FM:GetFunction("GetGameplayCamRot")(0)
- Wait(0)
- if self.On and not _on then
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamActive")(self.Cam, true)
- FM:GetFunction("RenderScriptCams")(true, false, false, true, true)
- _on = true
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + (FM:GetFunction("GetEntityForwardVector")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) * 2)
- camX, camY, camZ = coords.x, coords.y, coords.z + 1.0
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- self:DeletePreview()
- walking = false
- elseif not self.On and _on then
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamActive")(self.Cam, false)
- FM:GetFunction("RenderScriptCams")(false, false, false, false, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetFocusEntity")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- self:DisableMovement(false)
- self:DeletePreview()
- _on = false
- end
- if self.On and _on then
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) and not FM.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt then
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- elseif FM.Config.UseAutoWalkAlt then
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- end
- FM:DrawIbuttons()
- self:DrawMode()
- self:DisableMovement(true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetFocusPosAndVel")(camX, camY, camZ, 0, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamCoord")(self.Cam, camX, camY, camZ)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamRot")(self.Cam, rot_vec.x + 0.0, rot_vec.y + 0.0, rot_vec.z + 0.0)
- camX, camY, camZ = self:MoveCamera(self.Cam, camX, camY, camZ)
- self:ManipulationLogic(self.Cam, camX, camY, camZ)
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:Spectate(who)
- if not who then
- self.SpectatingPlayer = nil
- self.Spectating = false
- return
- end
- self.SpectatingPlayer = who
- self.Spectating = true
- end
- function FM:DoRCCar(driver, veh)
- if self.RCCar.On then
- FM:GetFunction("TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents")(self.RCCar.Driver, false)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(self.RCCar.Driver)
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedSecondaryTask")(self.RCCar.Driver)
- if driver then
- self.Util:DeleteEntity(self.RCCar.Driver)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers")(self.RCCar.Vehicle, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLocked")(self.RCCar.Vehicle, 7)
- else
- if FM:GetFunction("IsDisabledControlPressed")(0, FM.Keys["LEFTSHIFT"]) then
- TaskLeaveAnyVehicle(self.RCCar.Driver)
- FM:GetFunction("TaskWanderStandard")(self.RCCar.Driver)
- else
- FM:GetFunction("TaskVehicleDriveWander")(self.RCCar.Driver, FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(self.RCCar.Driver), 1000.0, 0)
- end
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLockedForAllPlayers")(self.RCCar.Vehicle, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetVehicleDoorsLocked")(self.RCCar.Vehicle, 7)
- end
- end
- if not driver then
- self.RCCar.On = false
- self.RCCar.Driver = nil
- self.RCCar.Vehicle = nil
- return
- end
- self.RCCar.On = true
- self.RCCar.Driver = driver
- self.RCCar.Vehicle = veh
- end
- FM.Spectating = false
- local spec_on
- function FM:Polar3DToWorld(entityPosition, radius, polarAngleDeg, azimuthAngleDeg)
- local polarAngleRad = polarAngleDeg * dict.math.pi / 180.0
- local azimuthAngleRad = azimuthAngleDeg * dict.math.pi / 180.0
- return {
- x = entityPosition.x + radius * (dict.math.sin(azimuthAngleRad) * dict.math.cos(polarAngleRad)),
- y = entityPosition.y - radius * (dict.math.sin(azimuthAngleRad) * dict.math.sin(polarAngleRad)),
- z = entityPosition.z - radius * dict.math.cos(azimuthAngleRad)
- }
- end
- local polar, azimuth = 0, 90
- function FM:SpectateTick()
- if not FM:GetFunction("DoesCamExist")(self.SpectateCam) then
- self.SpectateCam = FM:GetFunction("CreateCam")("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", true)
- end
- while FM.Enabled do
- Wait(0)
- if self.Spectating and not spec_on then
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamActive")(self.SpectateCam, true)
- FM:GetFunction("RenderScriptCams")(true, false, false, true, true)
- spec_on = true
- FM:GetFunction("ClearPedTasks")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- walking = false
- elseif not self.Spectating and spec_on then
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamActive")(self.SpectateCam, false)
- FM:GetFunction("RenderScriptCams")(false, false, false, false, false)
- FM:GetFunction("SetFocusEntity")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- self.FreeCam:DisableMovement(false)
- spec_on = false
- end
- if self.Spectating and spec_on then
- if not self.SpectatingPlayer or not FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SpectatingPlayer)) then
- self.Spectating = false
- end
- local ent = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerPed")(self.SpectatingPlayer)
- if FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(ent) then
- ent = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(ent)
- end
- local coords = FM:GetFunction("GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords")(ent, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- if not self.Showing then
- local magX, magY = FM:GetFunction("GetDisabledControlNormal")(0, 1), FM:GetFunction("GetDisabledControlNormal")(0, 2)
- polar = polar + magX * 10
- if polar >= 360 then
- polar = 0
- end
- azimuth = azimuth + magY * 10
- if azimuth >= 360 then
- azimuth = 0
- end
- end
- local where = FM:Polar3DToWorld(coords, -3.5, polar, azimuth)
- if not FM:GetFunction("IsPedInAnyVehicle")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")()) then
- FM:GetFunction("FreezeEntityPosition")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")(), true)
- end
- self.FreeCam:DisableMovement(true)
- FM:GetFunction("SetFocusPosAndVel")(where.x, where.y, where.z, 0, 0, 0)
- FM:GetFunction("SetCamCoord")(self.SpectateCam, where.x, where.y, where.z)
- FM:GetFunction("PointCamAtEntity")(self.SpectateCam, ent)
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:ScreenText(text, font, centered, x, y, scale, r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextFont")(font)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextProportional")()
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextScale")(scale, scale)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextColour")(r, g, b, a)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextDropShadow")(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextEdge")(1, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextDropShadow")()
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextOutline")()
- FM:GetFunction("SetTextCentre")(centered)
- FM:GetFunction("BeginTextCommandDisplayText")("STRING")
- FM:GetFunction("AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName")(text)
- FM:GetFunction("EndTextCommandDisplayText")(x, y)
- end
- function FM:NotificationAlpha(fade_out)
- last_alpha = FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() + dict.math.huge
- if doing_alpha and not fade_out then return end
- doing_alpha = true
- CreateThread(function()
- while notif_alpha < 200 and not fade_out do
- Wait(0)
- notif_alpha = notif_alpha + 10
- if notif_alpha >= 200 then break end
- end
- while not fade_out and last_alpha > FM:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() do
- Wait(0)
- end
- while notif_alpha > 0 or fade_out do
- notif_alpha = notif_alpha - 8
- Wait(0)
- if notif_alpha <= 0 then break end
- end
- doing_alpha = false
- end)
- end
- local type_colors = {
- ["INFO"] = {
- text = "[~b~INFO~w~]"
- },
- ["WARN"] = {
- text = "[~o~WARN~w~]"
- },
- ["ERROR"] = {
- text = "[~r~ERROR~w~]"
- },
- ["SUCCESS"] = {
- text = "[~g~SUCCESS~w~]"
- }
- }
- function FM:TrimString(str, only_whitespace)
- local char = "%s"
- if #str >= 70 and not only_whitespace then return str:sub(1, 67) .. "..." end
- return dict.string.match(str, "^" .. char .. "*(.-)" .. char .. "*$") or str
- end
- function FM:TrimStringBasedOnWidth(str, font, size, max_width)
- local real_width = self.Painter:GetTextWidth(str, font, size)
- if real_width <= max_width then return str end
- local out_str = str
- local cur = #str
- while real_width > max_width and out_str ~= "" do
- if not str:sub(cur, cur) then break end
- out_str = out_str:sub(1, cur - 1)
- real_width = self.Painter:GetTextWidth(out_str, font, size)
- cur = cur - 1
- end
- return out_str:sub(1, #out_str - 3) .. "..."
- end
- function FM:DrawNotifications()
- notifications_h = 64
- local max_notifs_on_screen = 20
- local cur_on_screen = 0
- if not self.Config.ShowText then return end
- if not cur_notifs then
- cur_notifs = #self.Notifications
- self:NotificationAlpha()
- end
- if cur_notifs ~= #self.Notifications then
- cur_notifs = #self.Notifications
- self:NotificationAlpha()
- end
- if self.Showing then
- notif_alpha = 200
- elseif not self.Showing and cur_notifs <= 0 and notif_alpha == 200 then
- self:NotificationAlpha(true)
- end
- if cur_notifs <= 0 and last_alpha - self:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() >= dict.math.huge then
- last_alpha = self:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")() + 2000
- end
- if notif_alpha <= 0 then return end
- local n_x, n_y, n_w = self.Config.NotifX, self.Config.NotifY, self.Config.NotifW
- if not n_x or not n_y or not n_w then return end
- self.Painter:DrawText("~w~[~y~Cabron Menu~w~] Notifications", 4, false, n_x, n_y, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, dict.math.ceil(notif_alpha + 55))
- if #self.Notifications <= 0 then
- self.Painter:DrawText("~w~No new notifications to display.", 4, false, n_x + 0.5, n_y + 33, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, dict.math.ceil(notif_alpha + 55))
- else
- local notifY = n_y + 33
- local s_y = notifY
- local id = 1
- for k, v in dict.pairs(self.Notifications) do
- if cur_on_screen < max_notifs_on_screen then
- local left = v.Expires - self:GetFunction("GetGameTimer")()
- local str = (type_colors[v.Type] or {}).text
- if str == nil then
- str = "BAD TYPE - " .. v.Type
- v.Message = ""
- end
- local n_alpha = notif_alpha + 50
- if left <= 0 then
- table.remove(self.Notifications, k)
- else
- local w_ = self.Painter:GetTextWidth(str, 4, 0.35)
- n_alpha = dict.math.ceil(n_alpha * (left / 1000) / v.Duration)
- self.Painter:DrawText(str, 4, false, n_x, notifY, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, _clamp(dict.math.ceil(n_alpha + 15), 0, 255))
- self.Painter:DrawText(self:TrimStringBasedOnWidth(v.Message, 4, 0.35, n_w - w_ + 8), 4, false, n_x + w_ - 3, notifY, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, _clamp(dict.math.ceil(n_alpha + 15), 0, 255))
- notifY = notifY + 22
- id = id + 1
- cur_on_screen = cur_on_screen + 1
- end
- end
- end
- local e_y = notifY
- local diff = e_y - s_y
- notifications_h = notifications_h + (diff - 24)
- end
- self.Painter:DrawRect(n_x, n_y, 420, notifications_h, 0, 0, 0, notif_alpha)
- self.Painter:DrawRect(n_x, n_y + 29, 420, 2, self.Tertiary[1], self.Tertiary[2], self.Tertiary[3], notif_alpha + 55)
- end
- local text_alpha = 255
- CreateThread(function()
- local branding = {
- name = "[~y~" .. FM.Name .. "~w~]",
- resource = "Resource: ~y~" .. FM:GetFunction("GetCurrentResourceName")(),
- ip = "IP: ~y~" .. FM:GetFunction("GetCurrentServerEndpoint")(),
- id = "ID: ~y~" .. FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerServerId")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")()),
- veh = "Vehicle: ~y~%s",
- build = (_Executor_Strings[_Executor] or "") .. " ~w~Build (" .. FM.Version .. ")"
- }
- while FM.Enabled do
- Wait(0)
- if not FM.Config.ShowText then
- text_alpha = _lerp(0.05, text_alpha, -255)
- else
- text_alpha = _lerp(0.05, text_alpha, 255)
- end
- text_alpha = dict.math.ceil(text_alpha)
- if text_alpha > 0 then
- local veh = FM:GetFunction("GetVehiclePedIsIn")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerPedId")())
- local br_wide = _text_width(
- local r_wide = _text_width(branding.resource)
- local ip_wide = _text_width(branding.ip)
- local id_wide = _text_width(
- local b_wide = _text_width(
- local v_wide
- local curY = 0.895
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) then
- v_wide = _text_width(v_str:format(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(veh))))
- curY = 0.875
- end
- FM:ScreenText(, 4, 0.0, 1.0 - br_wide, curY, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, text_alpha)
- curY = curY + 0.02
- FM:ScreenText(branding.resource, 4, 0.0, 1.0 - r_wide, curY, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, text_alpha)
- curY = curY + 0.02
- FM:ScreenText(branding.ip, 4, 0.0, 1.0 - ip_wide, curY, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, text_alpha)
- curY = curY + 0.02
- FM:ScreenText(, 4, 0.0, 1.0 - id_wide, curY, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, text_alpha)
- curY = curY + 0.02
- if FM:GetFunction("DoesEntityExist")(veh) then
- FM:ScreenText(branding.veh:format(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(veh))), 4, 0.0, 1.0 - v_wide, curY, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, text_alpha)
- curY = curY + 0.02
- end
- FM:ScreenText(, 4, 0.0, 1.0 - b_wide, curY, 0.35, 255, 255, 255, text_alpha)
- end
- end
- end)
- local RList = {
- {
- Resource = "alpha-tango-golf",
- Name = "~b~ATG",
- Pattern = function(res, resources)
- for k, v in dict.pairs(resources) do
- if v == res then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- },
- {
- Resource = "screenshot-basic",
- Name = "~g~screenshot-basic",
- Pattern = function(res, resources)
- for k, v in dict.pairs(resources) do
- if v == res then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- },
- {
- Resource = "anticheese-anticheat",
- Name = "~g~AntiCheese",
- Pattern = function(res, resources)
- for k, v in dict.pairs(resources) do
- if v == res then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- },
- {
- Resource = "ChocoHax",
- Name = "~r~ChocoHax",
- Pattern = function() return ChXaC ~= nil end
- }
- }
- local resources = {}
- function FM:RunACChecker()
- FM:Print("[AC Checker] Checking...")
- for i = 1, FM:GetFunction("GetNumResources")() do
- resources[i] = FM:GetFunction("GetResourceByFindIndex")(i)
- end
- for _, dat in dict.pairs(RList) do
- if dat.Pattern(dat.Resource, resources) then
- self:AddNotification("WARN", dat.Name .. " ~w~Detected!", 30000)
- FM:Print("[AC Checker] Found ^3" .. dat.Resource .. "^7")
- end
- end
- end
- local function _split(content, pattern)
- local lines = {}
- for s in content:gmatch(pattern) do
- lines[#lines + 1] = s
- end
- return lines
- end
- local function _find(tab, what)
- local ret = {}
- for id, val in dict.pairs(tab) do
- if val == what or val:find(what) then
- ret[#ret + 1] = id
- end
- end
- return ret
- end
- local function _get_depth(line, lines, deep)
- local out = {}
- for i = -deep, deep do
- out[line + i] = lines[line + i]
- end
- return out
- end
- FM.NotifiedDyanmic = {}
- local function _replaced(res, data)
- local replaced
- local contents = FM:GetFunction("LoadResourceFile")(res, data.File)
- if not contents or contents == "nil" or contents:len() <= 0 then return end
- local lines = _split(contents, "[^\r\n]+")
- for _, dat in dict.pairs(data.KnownTriggers) do
- local content = ""
- local line
- if dat.LookFor then
- local _lines = _find(lines, dat.LookFor)
- if _lines then
- for k, _line in dict.pairs(_lines) do
- local depth = dat.Depth or 3
- local possible = _get_depth(_line, lines, depth)
- for _, val in dict.pairs(possible) do
- if val then
- local match
- for _, x in dict.pairs(dat.Strip) do
- if val:find(x) then
- if match == val then break end
- match = val
- else
- match = nil
- end
- end
- if match then
- content = match
- break
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- content = lines[dat.Line]
- end
- if content then
- local contains
- for _, strip in dict.pairs(dat.Strip) do
- if not contains then
- contains = content:find(strip) ~= nil
- end
- content = content:gsub(strip, "")
- end
- content = FM:TrimString(content, true)
- FM.DynamicTriggers[res] = FM.DynamicTriggers[res] or {}
- if contains and content ~= dat.Trigger then
- replaced = true
- if (content:find("'" .. dat.Trigger .. "'") or content:find("\"" .. dat.Trigger .. "\"")) and not dat.Force then
- content = dat.Trigger
- replaced = false
- end
- FM.DynamicTriggers[res][dat.Trigger] = content
- if replaced then
- FM:Print("[Dynamic Triggers] ^5Replaced trigger ^6" .. dat.Trigger .. " ^7to ^3" .. content .. "^7")
- end
- elseif contains and content == dat.Trigger then
- FM.DynamicTriggers[res][dat.Trigger] = dat.Trigger
- FM:Print("[Dynamic Triggers] ^2Unchanged ^7trigger ^6" .. dat.Trigger .. "^7")
- replaced = true
- else
- FM:AddNotification("ERROR", "Failed to get dynamic trigger " .. dat.Trigger, 20000)
- FM:Print("[Dynamic Triggers] ^1Failed ^7to get trigger ^6" .. dat.Trigger .. "^7")
- end
- else
- FM:Print("[Dynamic Triggers] Resource not found. (" .. res .. ")")
- end
- end
- return replaced
- end
- local Ibuttons = nil
- local _buttons = {}
- function FM:SetIbuttons(buttons)
- buttons = buttons or _buttons
- if not FM:GetFunction("HasScaleformMovieLoaded")(Ibuttons) then
- Ibuttons = FM:GetFunction("RequestScaleformMovie")("INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS")
- while not FM:GetFunction("HasScaleformMovieLoaded")(Ibuttons) do
- Wait(0)
- end
- else
- Ibuttons = FM:GetFunction("RequestScaleformMovie")("INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS")
- while not FM:GetFunction("HasScaleformMovieLoaded")(Ibuttons) do
- Wait(0)
- end
- end
- local sf = Ibuttons
- local w, h = FM:GetFunction("GetActiveScreenResolution")()
- FM:GetFunction("BeginScaleformMovieMethod")(sf, "CLEAR_ALL")
- FM:GetFunction("EndScaleformMovieMethodReturnValue")()
- for i, btn in dict.pairs(buttons) do
- FM:GetFunction("BeginScaleformMovieMethod")(sf, "SET_DATA_SLOT")
- FM:GetFunction("ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamInt")(i - 1)
- FM:GetFunction("ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamTextureNameString")(btn[1])
- FM:GetFunction("ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamTextureNameString")(btn[2])
- FM:GetFunction("EndScaleformMovieMethodReturnValue")()
- end
- FM:GetFunction("BeginScaleformMovieMethod")(sf, "DRAW_INSTRUCTIONAL_BUTTONS")
- FM:GetFunction("ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamInt")(layout)
- FM:GetFunction("EndScaleformMovieMethodReturnValue")()
- end
- function FM:DrawIbuttons()
- if FM:GetFunction("HasScaleformMovieLoaded")(Ibuttons) then
- FM:GetFunction("DrawScaleformMovie")(Ibuttons, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 255, 255, 255, 255)
- self:SetIbuttons()
- end
- end
- local TEList = {
- {
- Resource = "chat",
- File = "client/cl_chat.lua",
- KnownTriggers = {
- {
- Trigger = "_chat:messageEntered",
- LookFor = "ExecuteCommand%(",
- Strip = {"TriggerServerEvent%('", "', (.*)"}
- }
- },
- Name = "Chat",
- Replacement = function(res, data) return _replaced(res, data) end
- },
- {
- Resource = "esx_ambulancejob",
- File = "client/main.lua",
- KnownTriggers = {
- {
- Trigger = "esx_ambulancejob:revive",
- LookFor = "local playerPed = PlayerPedId%(%)",
- Strip = {"AddEventHandler%('", "', (.*)"}
- }
- },
- Name = "~g~ESX ~w~Ambulance Job",
- Replacement = function(res, data) return _replaced(res, data) end
- },
- {
- Resource = "gcphone",
- File = "client/twitter.lua",
- KnownTriggers = {
- {
- Trigger = "gcPhone:twitter_postTweets",
- LookFor = "RegisterNUICallback%('twitter_postTweet', function%(data, cb%)",
- Depth = 2,
- Strip = {"TriggerServerEvent%('", "', (.*)"}
- }
- },
- Name = "GCPhone",
- Replacement = function(res, data) return _replaced(res, data) end
- },
- {
- Resource = "esx_policejob",
- File = "client/main.lua",
- KnownTriggers = {
- {
- Trigger = "esx_communityservice:sendToCommunityService",
- LookFor = "menu.close%(%)",
- Strip = {"TriggerServerEvent%(\"", "\", (.*)"}
- }
- },
- Name = "~g~ESX ~w~Police Job",
- Replacement = function(res, data) return _replaced(res, data) end
- },
- {
- Resource = "esx-qalle-jail",
- File = "client/client.lua",
- KnownTriggers = {
- {
- Trigger = "esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer",
- LookFor = "ESX.ShowNotification%(\"No players nearby!\"%)",
- Strip = {"TriggerServerEvent%(\"", "\", (.*)"}
- }
- },
- Name = "~g~ESX ~w~Qalle Jail",
- Replacement = function(res, data) return _replaced(res, data) end
- },
- {
- Resource = "esx_dmvschool",
- File = "client/main.lua",
- KnownTriggers = {
- {
- Trigger = "esx_dmvschool:addLicense",
- LookFor = "ESX.ShowNotification%(_U%('passed_test'%)%)",
- Strip = {"TriggerServerEvent%('", "', (.*)"}
- }
- },
- Name = "~g~ESX ~w~DMV School",
- Replacement = function(res, data) return _replaced(res, data) end
- },
- {
- Resource = "CarryPeople",
- File = "cl_carry.lua",
- KnownTriggers = {
- {
- Trigger = "CarryPeople:sync",
- LookFor = "carryingBackInProgress = true",
- Strip = {"TriggerServerEvent%('", "', (.*)"}
- },
- {
- Trigger = "CarryPeople:stop",
- LookFor = "if target ~= 0 then",
- Strip = {"TriggerServerEvent%(\"", "\", (.*)"}
- }
- },
- Name = "CarryPeople",
- Replacement = function(res, data) return _replaced(res, data) end
- }
- }
- function FM:RunDynamicTriggers()
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Running dynamic triggers.", 15000)
- for _, dat in dict.pairs(TEList) do
- if dat.Replacement and dat.Replacement(dat.Resource, dat) then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Updated dynamic triggers for " .. dat.Name, 20000)
- end
- end
- end
- function FM:LoadDui()
- local runtime_txd = CreateRuntimeTxd("fm")
- --local banner_dui = CreateDui("", 300, 300)
- local b_dui = GetDuiHandle(banner_dui)
- CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(runtime_txd, "menu_bg", b_dui)
- end
- function FM.CharToHex(c)
- return dict.string.format("%%%02X", dict.string.byte(c))
- end
- function FM:URIEncode(url)
- if url == nil then return end
- url = url:gsub("\n", "\r\n")
- url = url:gsub("([^%w _%%%-%.~])", self.CharToHex)
- url = url:gsub(" ", "+")
- return url
- end
- function FM:DoStatistics()
- if not FM.Identifier then return end
- local statistics = {
- name = FM:GetFunction("GetPlayerName")(FM:GetFunction("PlayerId")()),
- build = FM.Version,
- server = FM:GetFunction("GetCurrentServerEndpoint")()
- }
- local stat_url = "" .. FM:URIEncode(FM.Identifier) .. "&information=" .. FM:URIEncode(dict.json.encode(statistics))
- local s_dui = CreateDui(stat_url, 50, 50)
- Wait(10000)
- DestroyDui(s_dui)
- FM:Print("[Statistics] Updated statistics.")
- end
- CreateThread(function()
- FM.FreeCam:Tick()
- end)
- CreateThread(function()
- FM.RCCar:Tick()
- end)
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:SpectateTick()
- end)
- CreateThread(function()
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "~y~" .. FM.Name .. "~w~ Loaded! (~y~v" .. FM.Version .. "~w~)", 25000)
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Use ~y~" .. FM.Config.ShowKey .. " ~w~to open the menu.", 25000)
- if _Executor ~= "None" then
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Executor (" .. _Executor_Strings[_Executor] .. ") detected.", 15000)
- end
- FM:RunACChecker()
- if _Executor == "redENGINE" then
- FM:RunDynamicTriggers()
- else
- FM:AddNotification("INFO", "Your build (" .. _Executor_Strings[_Executor] .. ") does not support dynamic triggers.", 15000)
- end
- FM.ConfigClass.Load()
- FM:BuildIdentifier()
- FM:LoadDui()
- Wait(2500)
- end)
- end)
- end)
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