

Jan 26th, 2016
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Bash 0.63 KB | None | 0 0
  1. set nocompatible
  2. " format
  3. set autoindent
  4. set backup
  5. set nu
  6. set smartindent
  7. set textwidth=80
  8. set showmatch
  9. set title
  10. set tabstop=4
  11. set shiftwidth=4
  12. set softtabstop=4
  13. set expandtab
  14. " syntax
  15. syntax on
  16. filetype indent plugin on
  17. " support 256 colors in Lion terminal
  18. set t_Co=256
  19. " files
  20. filetype on
  21. filetype indent on
  22. filetype plugin on
  23. " always show file name
  24. set modeline
  25. set ls=2
  26. set bg=dark
  27. set number
  28. set showcmd
  29. filetype indent on
  30. set cursorline
  31. set incsearch
  32. nnoremap <leader><space> :nohlsearch<CR>
  33. nnoremap B ^
  34. nnoremap E $
  35. set lazyredraw
  36. set backspace=2
  37. set background=dark
  38. colorscheme hybrid_material
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