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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding : utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Binjo @ 2009-06-01 16:35:41
- # Reverse 4 phun...
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import os, sys
- from ctypes import *
- from pythoncom import *
- from struct import pack, unpack
- k32 = windll.kernel32
- libc = cdll.msvcrt
- nt = windll.ntdll
- # Malicious index rating:
- # Executables: 4
- # Code : 3
- # STRINGS : 2
- # OLE/NOPs : 1
- g_IndentNum = 0
- g_macro_flg = 0
- g_macro_dir = ''
- g_f_name = ''
- g_f_size = 0
- g_f_cnt = None
- g_power = 0 # indicate the malicious power
- A8 = c_byte * 8
- g_aOfficeSig = A8( 0xD0, 0xCF, 0x11, 0xE0, 0xA1, 0xB1, 0x1A, 0xE1 )
- A6 = c_byte * 6
- g_FldzSig = A6( 0xD9, 0xEE, 0xD9, 0x74, 0x24, 0xF4 )
- g_CallPopSig1 = A6( 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x58 )
- g_CallPopSig2 = A6( 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x59 )
- g_CallPopSig3 = A6( 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5A )
- g_CallPopSig4 = A6( 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5B )
- g_CallPopSig5 = A6( 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5E )
- g_CallPopSig6 = A6( 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5F )
- g_CallPopSig7 = A6( 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5D )
- A5 = c_byte * 5
- g_FS30Sig1 = A5( 0x64, 0xA1, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00 ) # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR FS:[30]
- g_FS30Sig2 = A5( 0x64, 0x8B, 0x1D, 0x30, 0x00 ) # MOV EBX,DWORD PTR FS:[30]
- g_FS30Sig3 = A5( 0x64, 0x8B, 0x0D, 0x30, 0x00 ) # MOV ECX,DWORD PTR FS:[30]
- g_FS30Sig4 = A5( 0x64, 0x8B, 0x15, 0x30, 0x00 ) # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR FS:[30]
- g_FS30Sig5 = A5( 0x64, 0x8B, 0x35, 0x30, 0x00 ) # MOV ESI,DWORD PTR FS:[30]
- g_FS30Sig6 = A5( 0x64, 0x8B, 0x3D, 0x30, 0x00 ) # MOV EDI,DWORD PTR FS:[30]
- A3 = c_byte * 3
- g_NopSig = A3( 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 )
- APIZ = [
- 'UrlDownloadToFile',
- 'GetTempPath',
- 'GetWindowsDirectory',
- 'GetSystemDirectory',
- 'WinExec',
- 'IsBadReadPtr',
- 'IsBadWritePtr',
- 'CreateFile',
- 'CloseHandle',
- 'ReadFile',
- 'WriteFile',
- 'SetFilePointer',
- 'VirtualAlloc',
- 'GetProcAddr',
- 'LoadLibrary']
- def usage():
- """usage - show help here
- """
- h = k32.GetStdHandle( 0xFFFFFFF5 ) # STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
- print "\nUsage:\n------\n",
- print "OfficeMalScanner <PPT, DOC or XLS file> <scan | info> <brute> <debug>\n",
- print "\nOptions:\n",
- print " scan - scan for several shellcode heuristics and encrypted PE-Files\n",
- print " info - dumps OLE structures, offsets+length and saves found VB-Macro code\n",
- print "\nSwitches: (only enabled if option \"scan\" was selected)",
- print " brute - enables the \"brute force mode\" to find encrypted stuff\n",
- print " debug - prints out disassembly resp hexoutput if a heuristic was found\n",
- print "\nExamples:\n",
- print " OfficeMalScanner evil.ppt scan brute debug\n",
- print " OfficeMalScanner evil.ppt scan\n",
- print " OfficeMalScanner evil.ppt info\n",
- print "\nMalicious index rating:\n",
- print " Executables: 4\n",
- print " Code : 3\n",
- print " STRINGS : 2\n",
- print " OLE/NOPs : 1\n",
- print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x14 ), #FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY ),
- print " I strongly suggest you to scan malicious files in a safe environment\n",
- print " like VMWARE, as this tool is written in C and might have exploitable bugs!\n",
- print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- return -1
- def save_decompressed_macro( name, buffer, idx ):
- """save decrompressed macro via RtlDecompressBuffer
- Arguments:
- - `name`:
- - `buffer`:
- - `idx`:
- """
- dec_data = create_string_buffer(0x800)
- final_size = c_ulong(0)
- nt.RtlDecompressBuffer(
- dec_data, # UncompressedBuffer
- 0x800, # UncompressedBufferSize
- c_char_p(buffer[idx+1:]), # CompressedBuffer
- 0xFFFFFF - idx, # CompressedBufferSize
- byref(final_size) # FinalUncompressedSize
- )
- try:
- if name == '': name = 'fvck'
- f = open( "%s\%s" % (g_macro_dir, name), 'wb' )
- f.write(dec_data.value)
- except Exception, e:
- print '[-] shit...%s' % e
- finally:
- f.close()
- def dump_data( title, data, length ):
- """dump specific length of data
- Arguments:
- - `title`:
- - `data`:
- - `length`:
- """
- char_table = '................................ !\"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`' \
- 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~...............................................................................' \
- '..................................................'
- libc.printf( "\n[ %s - %u bytes ]\n", title, length )
- if len(data) < length: length = len(data)
- for i in xrange(1, length+1):
- libc.printf( "%02x ", unpack('B',data[i-1])[0] )
- if i % 8 == 0: libc.printf(" ")
- if i % 16 == 0:
- libc.printf("| ")
- j = i - 16
- while ( j < i ):
- libc.printf( "%s", char_table[unpack('B', data[j])[0]] )
- j += 1
- libc.printf("\n")
- if length % 16 != 0:
- m = 16 - length % 16
- n = 16 - length % 16
- while n:
- libc.printf( " " )
- if n % 8 == 0 and m != 8:
- libc.printf(" ")
- n -= 1
- libc.printf(" | ")
- n = length - (16 - m)
- while n < length:
- libc.printf( "%s", char_table[unpack('B',data[n])[0]] )
- n += 1
- libc.printf("\n")
- print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n",
- def print_stream_info( f, stg ):
- """print stream info
- Arguments:
- - `f`:
- - `stg`:
- """
- if stg is None:
- ost = StgOpenStorage( f, None, 0x10, None, 0 )
- print_stream_info( None, ost )
- else:
- estat = stg.EnumElements()
- if estat:
- s_info = estat.Next()
- while s_info != ():
- i = 0
- global g_IndentNum
- while i < g_IndentNum:
- libc.printf(' ')
- i += 1
- s_name = ''
- x_name = create_string_buffer(0x400)
- libc.wcstombs( x_name, c_wchar_p(s_info[0][0]), 0x400 )
- for c in x_name.value:
- # for c in s_info[0][0].encode( 'ascii', 'ignore' ):
- if ord(c) > 122 or ord(c) <= 32: continue
- s_name += c
- libc.printf( c )
- if s_info[0][1] - 1 > 3:
- print " [TYPE: Unknown]\n",
- else:
- # python don't support switch...
- if s_info[0][1] == 1:
- print " [TYPE: Storage]\n",
- x_stg = stg.OpenStorage( s_info[0][0], None, 0x10, None, 0 )
- g_IndentNum += 1
- print_stream_info( None, x_stg )
- g_IndentNum -= 1
- elif s_info[0][1] == 2:
- print " [TYPE: Stream",
- macro = 0
- stream = stg.OpenStream( s_info[0][0], None, 0x10, 0 )
- s_len = s_info[0][2]
- if s_len > 0x4000: s_len = 0x4000 # !!!!!!!!!!
- data = stream.Read( s_len )
- if (unpack( 'B', data[0] )[0] != 1 or
- unpack( 'B', data[1] )[0] != 22 or
- unpack( 'B', data[2] )[0] != 1):
- macro = 0
- else:
- for i in xrange(s_len - 3):
- if (unpack( 'B', data[i] )[0] == 1 and
- unpack( 'B', data[i+1] )[0] and
- (unpack( 'B', data[i+2] )[0] & 0xF0 == 0xB0)):
- macro = 1
- global g_macro_flg
- g_macro_flg = 1
- break
- if macro == 1:
- global g_macro_dir
- g_macro_dir = os.path.abspath( "%s\\%s-Macros" % (os.path.curdir, g_f_name) )
- if not os.path.isdir( g_macro_dir ):
- os.mkdir( g_macro_dir )
- save_decompressed_macro( s_name, data, i ) # FIXME
- for i in xrange( g_f_size ):
- if ( libc.memcmp( c_char_p(g_f_cnt[i:]), c_char_p(data), 5) == 0 ):
- print " - OFFSET: 0x%x - LEN: %lu]" % (i, s_len)
- break
- elif s_info[0][1] == 3:
- print " [TYPE: Lockbytes]\n",
- elif s_info[0][1] == 4:
- print " [TYPE: Property]\n",
- s_info = estat.Next()
- def print_opcodz( raw_data ):
- """print opcodz via Cadt.dll engine
- Arguments:
- - `raw_data`:
- """
- data = raw_data
- # cadt = cdll.LoadLibrary( 'Cadt.dll' )
- print ""
- # code = create_string_buffer(55)
- # asm = create_string_buffer(44)
- # menm = create_string_buffer(1024)
- # for i in xrange(0x10):
- # libc.memset( code, 0, 55 )
- # libc.memset( asm, 0, 44 )
- # c_len = windll.cadt.InstrDecode( c_char_p(data), code, 0 )
- # windll.cadt.InstrDasm( code, asm, 0 )
- # windll.cadt.MakeMnemonic( menm, asm, byref(c_int(1)) )
- # data = data[c_len:]
- # print "%s\n" % menm.value,
- from distorm import Decode, Decode32Bits
- l = Decode( 0x100, data, Decode32Bits )
- for i in l[:16]:
- print "%-20s %s" % (i[3], i[2])
- def main():
- """TODO
- """
- mode_flg = 0 # <scan | info> mode
- debug_flg = 0
- brute_flg = 0
- global g_power
- global g_f_cnt
- global g_f_size
- global g_f_name
- h = k32.GetStdHandle( 0xFFFFFFF5 )
- k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x03 ) # FOREGROUND_BLUE or FOREGROUND_GREEN
- # print title
- print "\n+------------------------------------------+\n",
- print "| OfficeMalScanner v0.41 |\n",
- print "| Frank Boldewin / |\n",
- print "+------------------------------------------+\n",
- arg_len = len(sys.argv)
- if arg_len < 3 or arg_len > 5:
- usage() # exit in usage...
- #
- # parse argvs
- #
- if sys.argv[2].upper() == "INFO":
- if arg_len != 3: usage() # exit in usage...
- print "\n[*] INFO mode selected\n",
- mode_flg = 1
- elif sys.argv[2].upper() == "SCAN":
- print "\n[*] SCAN mode selected\n",
- if arg_len > 3:
- i = 3
- while i < arg_len:
- if sys.argv[i].upper() == "DEBUG": debug_flg = 1
- if sys.argv[i].upper() == "BRUTE": brute_flg = 1
- i += 1
- else:
- usage()
- print "[*] Opening file %s\n" % sys.argv[1],
- try:
- f = open( sys.argv[1], 'rb' )
- g_f_cnt =
- f.close()
- except:
- print "\nCannot open file %s\n" % sys.argv[1]
- exit(-2)
- g_f_size = len(g_f_cnt)
- print "[*] Filesize is %lu (0x%x) Bytes\n" % ( g_f_size, g_f_size ),
- # skip GetFileSize/CreateFileMappingA/MapViewOfFile, since it's PYTHON ;-p
- # if libc.memcmp( byref(g_aOfficeSig), g_f_cnt, 8 ) != 0:
- # print "\nSorry, no PPT/DOC/XLS file!\n",
- # print "If this is an Office 2007 file it can be extracted\n",
- # print "with winzip and directly viewed with an XML-Editor!\n",
- # exit(-6)
- # else:
- # print "[*] Valid file format found.\n",
- if mode_flg == 1:
- """INFO"""
- g_f_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[1])
- # python's print will append a space...
- libc.printf( "\n-----------------" )
- i = 0
- while i <= len(g_f_name) and i <= 62:
- libc.printf( "-" )
- i += 1
- libc.printf("\n")
- k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x03 ) # FOREGROUND_BLUE or FOREGROUND_GREEN
- print "[OLE Struct of: %s]\n" % g_f_name.upper(),
- libc.printf( "-----------------" )
- i = 0
- while i <= len(g_f_name) and i <= 62:
- libc.printf( "-" )
- i += 1
- libc.printf("\n")
- print_stream_info( sys.argv[1], None )
- if g_macro_flg == 1:
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- print " The decompressed Macro code was stored here:\n\n------> %s\n" % os.path.abspath(g_macro_dir),
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- else:
- print "-----------------------\n",
- print "No VB-Macro code found!\n",
- else:
- """SCAN"""
- print "[*] Scanning now...\n\n",
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig1), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig2), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig3), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig4), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig5), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_FS30Sig6), g_f_cnt[i:], 5 ) == 0 ):
- print "FS:[30h] (Method 1) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0x6A and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x30 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x64 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x8B ):
- print "FS:[30] (Method 2) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0x33 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xB3 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x64 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+5] )[0] == 0x8B ):
- print "FS:[30] (Method 3) signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0x74 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC1 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x0D and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+5] )[0] == 0x03 ):
- print "API-Hashing signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- i = 0
- while ( i < g_f_size ):
- if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_NopSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 3 ) == 0 ):
- print "NOP slides signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- while unpack('B', g_f_cnt[i])[0] == 0x90: i += 1
- g_power += RATING_OLENOP
- i += 1
- for api in APIZ:
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if libc.memcmp( c_char_p(api), g_f_cnt[i:], len(api) ) == 0:
- print "API-Name %s string found at offset: 0x%x\n" % (api, i),
- if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
- g_power += RATING_STRS
- for i in xrange(8, g_f_size):
- if libc.memcmp( byref(g_aOfficeSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 8 ) == 0:
- print "Embedded OLE signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
- g_power += RATING_OLENOP
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0x55 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x8B and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xEC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x83 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xC4 ):
- print "Function prolog signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0x55 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x8B and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xEC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x81 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xEC ):
- print "Function prolog signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xFF and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x75 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xFF and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0x55 ):
- print "PUSH DWORD[]/CALL[] signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x34 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
- print "LODSB/STOSB XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x04 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
- print "LODSB/STOSB ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x2C and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
- print "LODSB/STOSB SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xD0 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC0 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
- print "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xD0 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC8 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0xAA ):
- print "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xC0 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC0 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xAA ):
- print "LODSB/STOSB ROL decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAC and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xC0 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0xC8 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+4] )[0] == 0xAA ):
- print "LODSB/STOSB ROR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x35 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
- print "LODSW/STOSW XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x05 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
- print "LODSW/STOSW ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0xAD and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+2] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+3] )[0] == 0x2D and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0x66 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+7] )[0] == 0xAB ):
- print "LODSW/STOSW SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAD and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x35 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
- print "LODSD/STOSD XOR decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAD and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x05 and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
- print "LODSD/STOSD ADD decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xAD and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+1] )[0] == 0x2D and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+6] )[0] == 0xAB ):
- print "LODSD/STOSD SUB decryption signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if libc.memcmp( byref(g_FldzSig), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0:
- print "FLDZ/FSTENV [esp-12] signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig1), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig2), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig3), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig4), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig5), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig6), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 or
- libc.memcmp( byref(g_CallPopSig7), g_f_cnt[i:], 6 ) == 0 ):
- print "CALL next/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xEB and
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0]+2] )[0] == 0xE8 ):
- jmp_off = i + unpack('B',g_f_cnt[i+1])[0] + 2
- # call_va = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+1:jmp_off+5] )[0] # python is much simple
- call_va = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 1] )[0]
- call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 2] )[0] << 8
- call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 3] )[0] << 16
- call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off + 4] )[0] << 24
- if ( jmp_off + call_va + 5 < g_f_size and
- ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x58 or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x59 or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5A or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5B or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5E or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[jmp_off+call_va+5] )[0] == 0x5F ) ):
- print "JMP [0xEB]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i] )[0] == 0xE9 ):
- # jmp_off = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[i+1:i+5] )[0]
- jmp_off = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i + 1] )[0]
- jmp_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i + 2] )[0] << 8
- jmp_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i + 3] )[0] << 16
- jmp_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i + 4] )[0] << 24
- if ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+jmp_off+5] )[0] == 0xE8 ):
- # call_va = unpack( '<L', g_f_cnt[i+jmp_off+6:jmp_off+10] )[0] # python is much simple
- call_va = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i + jmp_off + 6] )[0]
- call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i + jmp_off + 7] )[0] << 8
- call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i + jmp_off + 8] )[0] << 16
- call_va += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i + jmp_off + 9] )[0] << 24
- if not call_va:
- if ( i + jmp_off + 10 < g_f_size and
- ( unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+jmp_off+10] )[0] == 0x58 or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+jmp_off+10] )[0] == 0x59 or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+jmp_off+10] )[0] == 0x5A or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+jmp_off+10] )[0] == 0x5B or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+jmp_off+10] )[0] == 0x5E or
- unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+jmp_off+10] )[0] == 0x5F ) ):
- print "JMP [0xE9]/CALL/POP signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: print_opcodz( g_f_cnt[i:] )
- g_power += RATING_CODE
- for i in xrange(g_f_size):
- if ( libc.memcmp( c_char_p("MZ"), g_f_cnt[i:], 2 ) == 0 ):
- pe_off = unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3C] )[0]
- pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3D] )[0] << 8
- pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3E] )[0] << 16
- pe_off += unpack( 'B', g_f_cnt[i+0x3F] )[0] << 24
- if ( libc.memcmp( c_char_p("PE"), g_f_cnt[i+pe_off:], 2 ) == 0):
- print "unencrypted MZ/PE signature found at offset: 0x%x\n" % i,
- if debug_flg == 1: dump_data( "PE-File", g_f_cnt[i:], 0x100 )
- g_power += RATING_EXEC
- if brute_flg == 1:
- print "\nBrute-forcing for encrypted PE- and embedded OLE-files now...\n",
- # TODO
- print "\n\nAnalysis finished!\n\n",
- if g_power:
- libc.printf( "---------------------------------------------" )
- i = 0
- while i < len(g_f_name):
- libc.printf("-")
- i += 1
- libc.printf( "\n%s seems to be malicious! Malicious Index = %02d\n", g_f_name, g_power )
- libc.printf( "---------------------------------------------" )
- i = 0
- while i < len(g_f_name):
- libc.printf("-")
- i += 1
- else:
- k32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( h, 0x07 ) # FOREGROUND_BLUE or FOREGROUND_GREEN or FOREGROUND_RED
- print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- print " No malicious traces found in this file!\n",
- print "Assure that this file is being scanned with the \"info\" parameter too.\n",
- print "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # EOF
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