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- #NoEnv
- SendMode Input
- SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
- #SingleInstance, Force
- FirX := (A_ScreenWidth - A_ScreenWidth + 200)
- FirY := (A_ScreenHeight - A_ScreenHeight + 200)
- MidX := A_ScreenWidth / 2
- MidY := A_ScreenHeight / 2
- #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99000000
- #HotkeyInterval 99000000
- #KeyHistory 0
- ListLines Off
- Process, Priority, , A
- SetBatchLines, -1
- SetKeyDelay, -1, -1
- SetMouseDelay, -1
- SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
- SetWinDelay, -1
- SetControlDelay, -1
- CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
- CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
- MidX := A_ScreenWidth / 2
- MidY := A_ScreenHeight / 2
- ;Triggerbot = 0
- ;Sense = 3
- aim := 0x5D56EB
- ;GUI===============================
- Gui, Show, x%FirX% y%FirY% w100 h100, Runtime Broker
- Gui, -Caption
- Gui, Add, Text, x2 y2 gLeDrag, LeKrunk
- Gui, Add, Text, x-1 y10, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, x2 y20 vAimSet gAimbot, Aimbot
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, x2 y35 gFovBox vFov, Fov Box (1080p)
- Gui, Add, Checkbox, x2 y50 vTriggerbot, Triggerbot
- Gui, Add, Text, x2 y65, Aim Smooth:
- Gui, Add, Text, x65 y65 vSen w100, 3
- Gui, Add, Slider, x-3 y80 w105 vSense gOui ToolTip Thick8 Range1-10 NoTicks, 3
- Gui, Add, Button, x2 y100 w100 gCreds, CREDITS
- MyColor = EEAA99
- Gui OSD:+LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow
- Gui, OSD:Color, %MyColor%
- Gui, OSD:Font, s26
- Gui, OSD:Add, Text, vMyText cLime, Krunker Aimbot Activated
- Gui, OSD:Add, Text, vMyTexty cRed, for better version
- WinSet, TransColor, %MyColor% 155
- Gui, OSD:Show, x0 y0 NoActivate
- return
- Aimbot:
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- ~RButton::
- {
- While GetKeyState("RButton"){
- PixelSearch, TargetX, TargetY, 840, 420, 1080, 660, aim, 7, Fast
- If ErrorLevel = 0
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- if (AimSet == 1)
- {
- TargetX := TargetX + 42
- TargetY := TargetY + 30
- MoveX := ((TargetX - MidX) / Sense)
- MoveY := ((TargetY - MidY) / Sense)
- MouseMove, MoveX, %MoveY%,, R
- if (TriggerBot = 1)
- {
- Click, down
- }
- }
- else
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- if (Triggerbot = 1)
- Click, up
- }
- }
- return
- ~RButton up::
- {
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- if (Triggerbot = 1)
- Click, up
- }
- return
- Creds:
- Msgbox, 0, LeKrunk, Made By: HackerHansen And Leplix! `nThis Is Our Free Version `nMake Sure To Check Out Paid! `nMore Features + Better
- Oui:
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- GuiControl,,Sen, %Sense%
- return
- LeDrag:
- PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, A
- return
- FovBox:
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- if (Fov == 1) {
- CreateBox("01FF01")
- Box(840, 420, 240, 240, 1, 0)
- }
- else if (Fov == 0) {
- RemoveBox()
- }
- return
- return
- `::exitapp
- CreateBox(Color)
- {
- Gui 81:color, %Color%
- Gui 81:+ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +AlwaysOnTop
- Gui 82:color, %Color%
- Gui 82:+ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +AlwaysOnTop
- Gui 83:color, %Color%
- Gui 83:+ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +AlwaysOnTop
- Gui 84:color, %Color%
- Gui 84:+ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +AlwaysOnTop
- }
- Box(XCor, YCor, Width, Height, Thickness, Offset)
- {
- If InStr(Offset, "In")
- {
- StringTrimLeft, offset, offset, 2
- If not Offset
- Offset = 0
- Side = -1
- } Else {
- StringTrimLeft, offset, offset, 3
- If not Offset
- Offset = 0
- Side = 1
- }
- x := XCor - (Side + 1) / 2 * Thickness - Side * Offset
- y := YCor - (Side + 1) / 2 * Thickness - Side * Offset
- h := Height + Side * Thickness + Side * Offset * 2
- w := Thickness
- Gui 81:Show, x%x% y%y% w%w% h%h% NA
- x += Thickness
- w := Width + Side * Thickness + Side * Offset * 2
- h := Thickness
- Gui 82:Show, x%x% y%y% w%w% h%h% NA
- x := x + w - Thickness
- y += Thickness
- h := Height + Side * Thickness + Side * Offset * 2
- w := Thickness
- Gui 83:Show, x%x% y%y% w%w% h%h% NA
- x := XCor - (Side + 1) / 2 * Thickness - Side * Offset
- y += h - Thickness
- w := Width + Side * Thickness + Side * Offset * 2
- h := Thickness
- Gui 84:Show, x%x% y%y% w%w% h%h% NA
- }
- RemoveBox()
- {
- Gui 81:destroy
- Gui 82:destroy
- Gui 83:destroy
- Gui 84:destroy
- }
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