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- Guidelines for moderating: (This document might be updated, last update was 2015-08-26)
- First of all, being a mod isnt a privilege, it doesnt entitle you to any special treatments. Expect to be demoted if you misbehave or go absent for a longer amount of time. All admins has the ability to promote and demote mods, they should also follow these guidelines. In case of staff abuse or disputes take screenshots!
- Secondly when you do moderate ensure that you're not hindering the game. Slaying people ultimately means that there is one less participant which could be more a punishment for everyone else then the single individual. That said apply slays where slays are necessary, if people are taking the piss and are being a bit too trigger happy, then deal with it.
- Don't deal with reports that you yourself is involved in unless you are a lone mod on the server. If a fellow staff decides to punish you then either reason with them or just take the slay, think of it from a player perspective.
- When dealing with reports wait for both parts to respond, you can also check the death replay (unless map changed) and establish what happened. If a reporteΓ© forgives the victim then leave it at that. If people report excessively in a false manner then apply the slay to the reporting player instead. Set a reason for the slay instead of using the default one. If people leave during slays they will stay, if you need to apply slays on players that has left use aslayid (its under the TTT tab).
- As for ban times, I'll leave that mostly up to the mods discretion. However keep an open mind about it, don't perma people for simple mistakes. But don't be afraid of perma-ing people that hack, ghost, is clearly mass rdming. As for ghosting, ensure they really are ghosting (check if they are friends on steam for example) and even take a round or two out to observer how they move when one of them is killed for example. If people are bickering about getting slain then ask them to talk with you into asay (@<message>) and answer with psay (!p <user> <message>). If they keep on bickering and you feel its becoming harassment then get rid of them if they continue. Same goes for harassment between players, get rid of the harasser, if they're both going at it and won't stop then give them both a shorter ban after appropriate warning.
- Remember communication is key, if there are more mods online and you're uncertain then ask what the others think. Never take out disputes between staff in public channels, if there are disputes between a staff talk to an admin, if its about an admin talk to me and if its about me, talk to me. Be careful with what you say and how you act, you're a moderator, obviously this applies to anyone mod or not.
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