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- #include <Arduino.h>
- #include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
- int termesp = 0;
- int seresp = 0;
- void Blynkwrite(String str2);
- BLYNK_WRITE(V32) { //on/off serial esp to terminal
- if (param.asInt())termesp = 1; else termesp = 0;
- }
- BLYNK_WRITE(V33) { //on/off serial esp to serial
- if (param.asInt())seresp = 1; else seresp = 0;
- }
- // ....................................... recive string from serial
- bool stringComplete = false;
- String inputString = "";
- byte licznikodbioru = 0;
- int startrecive = 0;
- void printterm31() {
- terminal31.println("od " + (inputString));
- terminal31.flush();
- }
- void recivestrfromserial () {
- if (stringComplete) {
- if(seresp){ Serial.println("od " + (inputString)); }
- if(termesp){
- printterm31();
- }
- Blynkwrite(inputString);
- inputString = "";
- stringComplete = false;
- licznikodbioru = 0;
- startrecive = 0;
- }
- }
- void myserialEvent() { // string z Serial
- if (Serial.available()) {
- // licznikodbioru++;
- char inChar = (char);
- if (startrecive == 0) {
- if ((inChar == 'S') || (inChar == 'I') || (inChar == 'L') || (inChar == 'C') || (inChar == 'N') || (inChar == 'F')|| (inChar == 'O')) startrecive = 1;
- }
- if (startrecive == 1) {
- if ((inChar == '\r')||(inChar == '\n')) {
- stringComplete = true;
- inChar = '\0';
- inputString += inChar;
- startrecive = 0;
- } else inputString += inChar;
- }
- // if (licznikodbioru > 50) inputString = "";
- }
- }
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