
pgo windy plains chopper radio

May 1st, 2017
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  1. Project Gedol Odyssey
  3. Pilot: We are entering Windy Plains.
  4. Copilot: You can see for miles.
  5. Pilot: Sure can.
  6. Copilot: Oh, something in the distance.
  7. Pilot: Some sort of large fort.
  8. Copilot: Oh! It's an Orc fort! We better be cautious.
  9. Pilot: Yes, we have no weapons.
  10. Copilot: Best to go around.
  11. Pilot: Oh yes. Ah, smaller forts too.
  12. Copilot: Clear of the main fort.
  13. Pilot: Now for some others.
  14. Copilot: Something flying in the distance.
  15. Pilot: Ah, a Harpy.
  16. Copilot: Very nice.
  17. Pilot: Someone else, though seems to small to be...
  18. Copilot: It's a dragon! It's heading our way! Evasive action!
  19. Pilot: Sweet mercy! Right!
  20. Copilot: Uh oh! Here it comes!
  21. Pilot: Ah no! It flew into the rotors!
  22. Copilot: We're going down! Mayday! Mayday!
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