
Info On John

Sep 30th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. From what I know John Blevius is a 64 - 65 year old man who seems strong for his age he is close with guns and he has a Unknown plague 2 of them from what me and my friend has figured out we think he has The Plague and Tuberculosis both are very serious he can be found coughing often ingame it seems to be winter in his game we figured out a few of his family members the only ones we have heard from is John Rebecca James Angelo and Jack they have been ingame seen there's also 3 mysterious men in the family that we have heard only a little bit of Daniel Blevius I found and I'm pretty sure he was mentioned on a note ingame there's a broken down ship in the background of the game me and my friend believe it is haunted because John always acts weird around it keep in mind it's 1371 there so not as much Technology is there as today he's even met with some other myths called The Ideals from what I heard he didn't feel comfortable around them John is said to be a Stone Cold Killer with proof I have found headless bodies Coffins and even unburried bodies I have a theory that John is a Villain in the myth and all the others are good some of his family members of what I heard of is scared of John he deals with James and others Daily it is also acted that John is afraid of his mother I think he was abused as a child when me and my friend first met him he was saying things like a villager ate a rat and it spreaded the plague John can be comedic sometimes by saying stuff like "I'm gonna do the thing with his lips" there's also multiple officers after John named Mac and Michael there's a mysterious man named Callum Elrod from what I hear Callum thinks John is the worst Murderer in the world and this is a bonus thing John reminds me of Jack Sparrow and Arthur Morgan lol it isn't smart to make John mad as the amount of guns he has I've even seen him commit murders he seems to of grown a beard and his hair has grown his game looks completely different from before this is all the info I have but uh one time I was ingame with Rebecca and she kept on mentioning different people like Elizabeth Jared Blevius? alright that's it for me.
  2. Well we think he's gonna die in the myth because he has been getting weaker by the second.
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