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- <boolean> != <expression> <expression> ; returns true if two expressions are not equal
- <boolean> < <number> <number> ; returns true if the first number is smaller than the second.
- <boolean> <= <number> <number> ; returns true if the first number is smaller than or equal to the second.
- <boolean> = <expression> <expression> ; returns true if two expressions are equal
- <boolean> > <number> <number> ; returns true if the first number is larger than the second.
- <boolean> >= <number> <number> ; returns true if the first number is larger than or equal to the second.
- <boolean> ai_allegiance_broken <team> <team> ; returns whether two teams have an allegiance that is currently broken by traitorous behavior
- <boolean> ai_conversation <conversation> ; tries to add an entry to the list of conversations waiting to play. returns FALSE if the required units could not be found to play the conversation, or if the player is too far away and the 'delay' flag is not set.
- <boolean> ai_is_attacking <ai> ; returns whether a platoon is in the attacking mode (or if an encounter is specified, returns whether any platoon in that encounter is attacking
- <boolean> and <boolean(s)> ; returns true if all specified expressions are true.
- <boolean> core_save_name <string> ; saves debug game state to core\<path>
- <boolean> custom_animation <unit> <animation_graph> <string> <boolean> ; starts a custom animation playing on a unit (interpolates into animation if last parameter is TRUE
- <boolean> custom_animation_list <object_list> <animation_graph> <string> <boolean> ; starts a custom animation playing on a unit list (interpolates into animation if last parameter is TRUE
- <boolean> device_group_set <device_group> <real> ; changes the desired value of the specified device group.
- <boolean> device_set_position <device> <real> ; set the desired position of the given device (used for devices without explicit device groups
- <boolean> game_all_quiet ; returns FALSE if there are bad guys around, projectiles in the air, etc.
- <boolean> game_is_authoritative
- <boolean> game_is_cooperative ; returns TRUE if the game is cooperative
- <boolean> game_reverted ; don't use this for anything, you black-hearted bastards.
- <boolean> game_safe_to_save ; returns FALSE if it would be a bad idea to save the player's game right now
- <boolean> game_safe_to_speak ; returns FALSE if it would be a bad idea to save the player's game right now
- <boolean> game_saving ; checks to see if the game is trying to save the map.
- <boolean> mcc_mission_segment <string>
- <boolean> not <boolean> ; returns the opposite of the expression.
- <boolean> objects_can_see_flag <object_list> <cutscene_flag> <real> ; returns true if any of the specified units are looking within the specified number of degrees of the flag.
- <boolean> objects_can_see_object <object_list> <object> <real> ; returns true if any of the specified units are looking within the specified number of degrees of the object.
- <boolean> or <boolean(s)> ; returns true if any specified expressions are true.
- <boolean> player0_joystick_set_is_normal ; returns TRUE if player0 is using the normal joystick set
- <boolean> player0_look_pitch_is_inverted ; returns TRUE if player0's look pitch is inverted
- <boolean> player_action_test_accept ; returns true if any player has hit accept since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_action ; returns true if any player has hit the action key since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_back ; returns true if any player has hit the back key since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_grenade_trigger ; returns true if any player has used grenade trigger since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_jump ; returns true if any player has jumped since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_look_relative_all_directions ; returns true if any player has looked up, down, left, and right since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_look_relative_down ; returns true if any player has looked down since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_look_relative_left ; returns true if any player has looked left since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_look_relative_right ; returns true if any player has looked right since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_look_relative_up ; returns true if any player has looked up since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_move_relative_all_directions ; returns true if any player has moved forward, backward, left, and right since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_primary_trigger ; returns true if any player has used primary trigger since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_action_test_zoom ; returns true if any player has hit the zoom button since the last call to (player_action_test_reset).
- <boolean> player_camera_control <boolean> ; enables/disables camera control globally
- <boolean> recording_play <unit> <cutscene_recording> ; make the specified unit run the specified cutscene recording.
- <boolean> recording_play_and_delete <unit> <cutscene_recording> ; make the specified unit run the specified cutscene recording, deletes the unit when the animation finishes.
- <boolean> recording_play_and_hover <vehicle> <cutscene_recording> ; make the specified vehicle run the specified cutscene recording, hovers the vehicle when the animation finishes.
- <boolean> render_lights <boolean> ; enables/disables dynamic lights
- <boolean> script_finished <string> ; Returns true if the continuous, dormant or startup script was finished.
- <boolean> script_started <string> ; Returns true if the continuous, dormant or startup script was started.
- <boolean> show_hud <boolean> ; shows or hides the hud
- <boolean> show_hud_help_text <boolean> ; shows or hides the hud help text
- <boolean> sound_eax_enabled ; Returns true if EAX extensions are enabled
- <boolean> unit_custom_animation_at_frame <unit> <animation_graph> <string> <boolean> <short> ; starts a custom animation playing on a unit at a specific frame index(interpolates into animation if next to last parameter is TRUE
- <boolean> unit_get_current_flashlight_state <unit> ; gets the unit's current flashlight state
- <boolean> unit_has_weapon <unit> <object_definition> ; returns TRUE if the <unit> has <object> as a weapon, FALSE otherwise
- <boolean> unit_has_weapon_readied <unit> <object_definition> ; returns TRUE if the <unit> has <object> as the primary weapon, FALSE otherwise
- <boolean> unit_is_playing_custom_animation <unit> ; returns TRUE if the given unit is still playing a custom animation
- <boolean> unit_solo_player_integrated_night_vision_is_active ; returns whether the night-vision mode could be activated via the flashlight button
- <boolean> vehicle_test_seat <vehicle> <string> <unit> ; tests whether the named seat has a specified unit in it
- <boolean> vehicle_test_seat_list <vehicle> <string> <object_list> ; tests whether the named seat has an object in the object list
- <boolean> volume_test_object <trigger_volume> <object> ; returns true if the specified object is within the specified volume.
- <boolean> volume_test_objects <trigger_volume> <object_list> ; returns true if any of the specified objects are within the specified volume.
- <boolean> volume_test_objects_all <trigger_volume> <object_list> ; returns true if any of the specified objects are within the specified volume.
- <game_difficulty> game_difficulty_get ; returns the current difficulty setting, but lies to you and will never return easy, instead returning normal
- <game_difficulty> game_difficulty_get_real ; returns the actual current difficulty setting without lying
- <long> abs_integer <long> ; return the absolute (non-negative) value of an integer
- <long> bit_test <long> <short> ; <flags> <bit_index>
- <long> bit_toggle <long> <short> <boolean> ; <flags> <bit_index> <on_or_off>
- <long> bitwise_and <long> <long> ; <lhs> AND <rhs>
- <long> bitwise_flags_toggle <long> <long> <boolean> ; <value> <flags> <on_or_off>
- <long> bitwise_left_shift <long> <short> ; <value> LHS <bit_count>
- <long> bitwise_or <long> <long> ; <lhs> OR <rhs>
- <long> bitwise_right_shift <long> <short> ; <value> RHS <bit_count>
- <long> bitwise_xor <long> <long> ; <lhs> XOR <rhs>
- <long> game_time ; gets ticks elapsed since the start of the game.
- <long> game_time_authoritative ; gets ticks elapsed since the start of the game (relative to the sim authority).
- <long> get_executing_running_thread ; Retrieves the current executing thread index
- <long> sound_impulse_time <sound> ; returns the time remaining for the specified impulse sound.
- <object> list_get <object_list> <short> ; returns an item in an object list.
- <object_list> ai_actors <ai> ; converts an ai reference to an object list.
- <object_list> local_players ; returns a list of the living player units on the local machine
- <object_list> players ; returns a list of the players
- <object_list> players_on_multiplayer_team <short> ; returns a list of the living player units on the MP team
- <object_list> vehicle_riders <unit> ; returns a list of all riders in a vehicle
- <passthrough> begin <expression(s)> ; returns the last expression in a sequence after evaluating the sequence in order.
- <passthrough> begin_random <expression(s)> ; evaluates the sequence of expressions in random order and returns the last value evaluated.
- <passthrough> cond (<boolean1> <result1>) [(<boolean2> <result2>) [...]] ; returns the value associated with the first true condition.
- <passthrough> if <boolean> <then> [<else>] ; returns one of two values based on the value of a condition.
- <passthrough> set <variable name> <expression> ; set the value of a global variable.
- <real> * <number(s)> ; returns the product of all specified expressions.
- <real> + <number(s)> ; returns the sum of all specified expressions.
- <real> - <number> <number> ; returns the difference of two expressions.
- <real> / <number> <number> ; returns the quotient of two expressions.
- <real> abs_real <real> ; return the absolute (non-negative) value of a real
- <real> ai_living_fraction <ai> ; return the fraction [0-1] of living actors in the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <real> ai_strength <ai> ; return the current strength (average body vitality from 0-1) of the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <real> device_get_position <device> ; gets the current position of the given device (used for devices without explicit device groups
- <real> device_get_power <device> ; gets the current power of a named device
- <real> device_group_get <device_group> ; returns the desired value of the specified device group.
- <real> get_pitch_rate <short> ; gets the yaw rate for the given player number
- <real> get_yaw_rate <short> ; gets the yaw rate for the given player number
- <real> max <number(s)> ; returns the maximum of all specified expressions.
- <real> min <number(s)> ; returns the minimum of all specified expressions.
- <real> objects_distance_to_flag <object_list> <cutscene_flag> ; returns minimum distance from any of the specified objects to the specified flag. (returns -1 if there are no objects, or no flag, to check
- <real> objects_distance_to_object <object_list> <object> ; returns minimum distance from any of the specified objects to the specified destination object. (returns -1 if there are no objects to check
- <real> objects_distance_to_position <object_list> <real> <real> <real> ; returns minimum distance from any of the specified objects to the specified position. (returns -1 if there are no objects to check
- <real> physics_get_gravity ; get the current global gravity acceleration relative to halo standard gravity
- <real> pin <real> <real> <real> ; returns the first value pinned between the second two
- <real> real_random_range <real> <real> ; returns a random value in the range [lower bound, upper bound
- <real> sound_get_effects_gain ; Returns the game's effects gain
- <real> sound_get_gain <string> ; absolutely do not use this either
- <real> sound_get_master_gain ; Returns the game's master gain
- <real> sound_get_music_gain ; Returns the game's music gain
- <real> unit_get_health <unit> ; returns the health [0,1] of the unit, returns -1 if the unit does not exists
- <real> unit_get_shield <unit> ; returns the shield [0,1] of the unit, returns -1 if the unit does not exists
- <short> ai_command_list_status <object_list> ; gets the status of a number of units running command lists: 0 = none, 1 = finished command list, 2 = waiting for stimulus, 3 = running command list
- <short> ai_conversation_line <conversation> ; returns which line the conversation is currently playing, or 999 if the conversation is not currently playing
- <short> ai_conversation_status <conversation> ; returns the status of a conversation (0=none, 1=trying to begin, 2=waiting for guys to get in position, 3=playing, 4=waiting to advance, 5=could not begin, 6=finished successfully, 7=aborted midway
- <short> ai_going_to_vehicle <unit> ; return the number of actors that are still trying to get into the specified vehicle
- <short> ai_living_count <ai> ; return the number of living actors in the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <short> ai_nonswarm_count <ai> ; return the number of non-swarm actors in the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <short> ai_status <ai> ; returns the most severe combat status of a group of actors (0=inactive, 1=noncombat, 2=guarding, 3=search/suspicious, 4=definite enemy(heard or magic awareness), 5=visible enemy, 6=engaging in combat.
- <short> ai_swarm_count <ai> ; return the number of swarm actors in the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <short> camera_time ; returns the number of ticks remaining in the current camera interpolation.
- <short> hud_get_timer_ticks ; returns the ticks left on the hud timer
- <short> list_count <object_list> ; returns the number of objects in a list
- <short> list_count_not_dead <object_list> ; returns the number of objects in a list that aren't dead
- <short> numeric_countdown_timer_get <short> ; <digit_index>
- <short> random_range <short> <short> ; returns a random value in the range [lower bound, upper bound
- <short> recording_time <unit> ; return the time remaining in the specified unit's cutscene recording.
- <short> scenery_get_animation_time <scenery> ; returns the number of ticks remaining in a custom animation (or zero, if the animation is over).
- <short> sound_get_supplementary_buffers ; Get the amount of supplementary buffers
- <short> structure_bsp_index ; returns the current structure bsp index
- <short> unit_get_custom_animation_time <unit> ; returns the number of ticks remaining in a unit's custom animation (or zero, if the animation is over).
- <short> unit_get_total_grenade_count <unit> ; returns the total number of grenades for the given unit, 0 if it does not exist
- <short> vehicle_load_magic <unit> <string> <object_list> ; makes a list of units (named or by encounter) magically get into a vehicle, in the substring-specified seats (e.g. CD-passenger... empty string matches all seats
- <short> vehicle_unload <unit> <string> ; makes units get out of a vehicle from the substring-specified seats (e.g. CD-passenger... empty string matches all seats
- <unit> unit <object> ; converts an object to a unit.
- <unit> vehicle_driver <unit> ; returns the driver of a vehicle
- <unit> vehicle_gunner <unit> ; returns the gunner of a vehicle
- <void> TestPrintBool <string> <boolean> ; Prints the specified boolean with the format '<string> = '<boolean>' to the Shell.
- <void> TestPrintReal <string> <real> ; Prints the specified real with the format '<string> = '<real>' to the Shell.
- <void> activate_nav_point_flag <navpoint> <unit> <cutscene_flag> <real> ; activates a nav point type <string> attached to (local) player <unit> anchored to a flag with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine, this will fail
- <void> activate_nav_point_object <navpoint> <unit> <object> <real> ; activates a nav point type <string> attached to (local) player <unit> anchored to an object with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine, this will fail
- <void> activate_team_nav_point_flag <navpoint> <team> <cutscene_flag> <real> ; activates a nav point type <string> attached to a team anchored to a flag with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine, this will fail
- <void> activate_team_nav_point_object <navpoint> <team> <object> <real> ; activates a nav point type <string> attached to a team anchored to an object with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine, this will fail
- <void> ai <boolean> ; turns all AI on or off.
- <void> ai_allegiance <team> <team> ; creates an allegiance between two teams.
- <void> ai_allegiance_remove <team> <team> ; destroys an allegiance between two teams.
- <void> ai_allow_charge <ai> <boolean> ; either enables or disables charging behavior for a group of actors
- <void> ai_allow_dormant <ai> <boolean> ; either enables or disables automatic dormancy for a group of actors
- <void> ai_attach <unit> <ai> ; attaches the specified unit to the specified encounter.
- <void> ai_attach_free <unit> <actor_variant> ; attaches a unit to a newly created free actor of the specified type
- <void> ai_attack <ai> ; makes the specified platoon(s) go into the attacking state.
- <void> ai_automatic_migration_target <ai> <boolean> ; enables or disables a squad as being an automatic migration target
- <void> ai_berserk <ai> <boolean> ; forces a group of actors to start or stop berserking
- <void> ai_braindead <ai> <boolean> ; makes a group of actors braindead, or restores them to life (in their initial state
- <void> ai_braindead_by_unit <object_list> <boolean> ; makes a list of objects braindead, or restores them to life. if you pass in a vehicle index, it makes all actors in that vehicle braindead (including any built-in guns
- <void> ai_command_list <ai> <ai_command_list> ; tells a group of actors to begin executing the specified command list
- <void> ai_command_list_advance <ai> ; tells a group of actors that are running a command list that they may advance further along the list (if they are waiting for a stimulus
- <void> ai_command_list_advance_by_unit <unit> ; just like ai_command_list_advance but operates upon a unit instead
- <void> ai_command_list_by_unit <unit> <ai_command_list> ; tells a named unit to begin executing the specified command list
- <void> ai_conversation_advance <conversation> ; tells a conversation that it may advance
- <void> ai_conversation_stop <conversation> ; stops a conversation from playing or trying to play
- <void> ai_debug_communication_focus <string(s)> ; focuses (or stops focusing) a set of unit vocalization types.
- <void> ai_debug_communication_ignore <string(s)> ; ignores (or stops ignoring) a set of AI communication types when printing out communications.
- <void> ai_debug_communication_suppress <string(s)> ; suppresses (or stops suppressing) a set of AI communication types.
- <void> ai_defend <ai> ; makes the specified platoon(s) go into the defending state.
- <void> ai_detach <unit> ; detaches the specified unit from all AI.
- <void> ai_dialogue_triggers <boolean> ; turns impromptu dialogue on or off.
- <void> ai_disregard <object_list> <boolean> ; if TRUE, forces all actors to completely disregard the specified units, otherwise lets them acknowledge the units again
- <void> ai_erase <ai> ; erases the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <void> ai_erase_all ; erases all AI.
- <void> ai_exit_vehicle <ai> ; tells a group of actors to get out of any vehicles that they are in
- <void> ai_follow_distance <ai> <real> ; sets the distance threshold which will cause squads to migrate when following someone
- <void> ai_follow_target_ai <ai> <ai> ; sets the follow target for an encounter to be a group of AI (encounter, squad or platoon
- <void> ai_follow_target_disable <ai> ; turns off following for an encounter
- <void> ai_follow_target_players <ai> ; sets the follow target for an encounter to be the closest player
- <void> ai_follow_target_unit <ai> <unit> ; sets the follow target for an encounter to be a specific unit
- <void> ai_force_active <ai> <boolean> ; forces an encounter to remain active (i.e. not freeze in place) even if there are no players nearby
- <void> ai_force_active_by_unit <unit> <boolean> ; forces a named actor that is NOT in an encounter to remain active (i.e. not freeze in place) even if there are no players nearby
- <void> ai_free <ai> ; removes a group of actors from their encounter and sets them free
- <void> ai_free_units <object_list> ; removes a set of units from their encounter (if any) and sets them free
- <void> ai_go_to_vehicle <ai> <unit> <string> ; tells a group of actors to get into a vehicle, in the substring-specified seats (e.g. passenger for pelican)... does not interrupt any actors who are already going to vehicles
- <void> ai_go_to_vehicle_override <ai> <unit> <string> ; tells a group of actors to get into a vehicle, in the substring-specified seats (e.g. passenger for pelican)... NB: any actors who are already going to vehicles will stop and go to this one instead!
- <void> ai_grenades <boolean> ; turns grenade inventory on or off.
- <void> ai_kill <ai> ; instantly kills the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <void> ai_kill_silent <ai> ; instantly and silently (no animation or sound played) kills the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <void> ai_link_activation <ai> <ai> ; links the first encounter so that it will be made active whenever it detects that the second encounter is active
- <void> ai_look_at_object <unit> <object> ; tells an actor to look at an object until further notice
- <void> ai_magically_see_encounter <ai> <ai> ; makes one encounter magically aware of another.
- <void> ai_magically_see_players <ai> ; makes an encounter magically aware of nearby players.
- <void> ai_magically_see_unit <ai> <unit> ; makes an encounter magically aware of the specified unit.
- <void> ai_maneuver <ai> ; makes all squads in the specified platoon(s) maneuver to their designated maneuver squads.
- <void> ai_maneuver_enable <ai> <boolean> ; enables or disables the maneuver/retreat rule for an encounter or platoon. the rule will still trigger, but none of the actors will be given the order to change squads.
- <void> ai_migrate <ai> <ai> ; makes all or part of an encounter move to another encounter.
- <void> ai_migrate_and_speak <ai> <ai> <string> ; makes all or part of an encounter move to another encounter, and say their 'advance' or 'retreat' speech lines.
- <void> ai_migrate_by_unit <object_list> <ai> ; makes a named vehicle or group of units move to another encounter.
- <void> ai_place <ai> ; places the specified encounter on the map.
- <void> ai_playfight <ai> <boolean> ; sets an encounter to be playfighting or not
- <void> ai_prefer_target <object_list> <boolean> ; if TRUE, *ALL* enemies will prefer to attack the specified units. if FALSE, removes the preference.
- <void> ai_reconnect ; reconnects all AI information to the current structure bsp (use this after you create encounters or command lists in sapien, or place new firing points or command list points
- <void> ai_renew <ai> ; refreshes the health and grenade count of a group of actors, so they are as good as new
- <void> ai_retreat <ai> ; makes all squads in the specified platoon(s) maneuver to their designated maneuver squads.
- <void> ai_select <ai> ; selects the specified encounter.
- <void> ai_set_blind <ai> <boolean> ; enables or disables sight for actors in the specified encounter.
- <void> ai_set_current_state <ai> <ai_default_state> ; sets the current state of a group of actors. WARNING: may have unpredictable results on actors that are in combat
- <void> ai_set_deaf <ai> <boolean> ; enables or disables hearing for actors in the specified encounter.
- <void> ai_set_respawn <ai> <boolean> ; enables or disables respawning in the specified encounter.
- <void> ai_set_return_state <ai> <ai_default_state> ; sets the state that a group of actors will return to when they have nothing to do
- <void> ai_set_team <ai> <team> ; makes an encounter change to a new team
- <void> ai_spawn_actor <ai> ; spawns a single actor in the specified encounter and/or squad.
- <void> ai_stop_looking <unit> ; tells an actor to stop looking at whatever it's looking at
- <void> ai_teleport_to_starting_location <ai> ; teleports a group of actors to the starting locations of their current squad(s
- <void> ai_teleport_to_starting_location_if_unsupported <ai> ; teleports a group of actors to the starting locations of their current squad(s), only if they are not supported by solid ground (i.e. if they are falling after switching BSPs
- <void> ai_timer_expire <ai> ; makes a squad's delay timer expire and releases them to enter combat.
- <void> ai_timer_start <ai> ; makes a squad's delay timer start counting.
- <void> ai_try_to_fight <ai> <ai> ; causes a group of actors to preferentially target another group of actors
- <void> ai_try_to_fight_nothing <ai> ; removes the preferential target setting from a group of actors
- <void> ai_try_to_fight_player <ai> ; causes a group of actors to preferentially target the player
- <void> ai_vehicle_encounter <unit> <ai> ; sets a vehicle to 'belong' to a particular encounter/squad. any actors who get into the vehicle will be placed in this squad. NB: vehicles potentially drivable by multiple teams need their own encounter!
- <void> ai_vehicle_enterable_actor_type <unit> <actor_type> ; sets a vehicle as being impulsively enterable for actors of a certain type (grunt, elite, marine etc
- <void> ai_vehicle_enterable_actors <unit> <ai> ; sets a vehicle as being impulsively enterable for a certain encounter/squad of actors
- <void> ai_vehicle_enterable_disable <unit> ; disables actors from impulsively getting into a vehicle (this is the default state for newly placed vehicles
- <void> ai_vehicle_enterable_distance <unit> <real> ; sets a vehicle as being impulsively enterable for actors within a certain distance
- <void> ai_vehicle_enterable_team <unit> <team> ; sets a vehicle as being impulsively enterable for actors on a certain team
- <void> bind <string> <string> <string> ; binds an input device/button combination to a game control
- <void> breadcrumbs_activate_team_nav_point_flag <navpoint> <team> <cutscene_flag> <real> ; activates a nav point type <string> attached to a team anchored to a flag with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine or the improved navpoints setting is disabled, this will fail
- <void> breadcrumbs_activate_team_nav_point_object <navpoint> <team> <object> <real> ; activates a nav point type <string> attached to a team anchored to an object with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine or the improved navpoints setting is disabled, this will fail
- <void> breadcrumbs_activate_team_nav_point_position <navpoint> <team> <real> <real> <real> <string> <real>; activates a nav point type <string> attached to a team anchored to position xyz <real, real, real> named <_hs_type_string> and with a vertical offset <real>. If the player is not local to the machine or the improved navpoints setting is disabled, this will fail
- <void> breadcrumbs_deactivate_team_nav_point <team> <string> ; deactivates a nav point type attached to a team of name <_hs_type_string>
- <void> breadcrumbs_deactivate_team_nav_point_flag <team> <cutscene_flag> ; deactivates a nav point type attached to a team anchored to a flag
- <void> breadcrumbs_deactivate_team_nav_point_object <team> <object> ; deactivates a nav point type attached to a team anchored to an object
- <void> breakable_surfaces_enable <boolean> ; enables or disables breakability of all breakable surfaces on level
- <void> breakable_surfaces_reset ; restores all breakable surfaces
- <void> breakpoint <string> ; If breakpoints are enabled, pause execution when this statement is hit (displaying the given message).
- <void> camera_control <boolean> ; toggles script control of the camera.
- <void> camera_set <cutscene_camera_point> <short> ; moves the camera to the specified camera point over the specified number of ticks.
- <void> camera_set_animation <animation_graph> <string> ; begins a prerecorded camera animation.
- <void> camera_set_dead <unit> ; makes the scripted camera zoom out around a unit as if it were dead.
- <void> camera_set_first_person <unit> ; makes the scripted camera follow a unit.
- <void> camera_set_relative <cutscene_camera_point> <short> <object> ; moves the camera to the specified camera point over the specified number of ticks (position is relative to the specified object).
- <void> cheat_active_camouflage ; gives the player active camouflage
- <void> cheat_active_camouflage_local_player <short> ; gives the player active camouflage
- <void> cheat_all_chars ; drops all vehicles on player
- <void> cheat_all_powerups ; drops all powerups near player
- <void> cheat_all_vehicles ; drops all vehicles on player
- <void> cheat_all_weapons ; drops all weapons near player
- <void> cheat_give_some_gun ; drops shotgun
- <void> cheat_spawn_warthog ; drops a warthog near player
- <void> cheat_teleport_to_camera ; teleports player to camera location
- <void> cheats_load ; reloads the cheats.txt file
- <void> checkpoint_load <string> ; load a saved checkpoint
- <void> cinematic_abort ; aborts a cinematic
- <void> cinematic_screen_effect_set_convolution <short> <short> <real> <real> <real> ; sets the convolution effect
- <void> cinematic_screen_effect_set_filter <real> <real> <real> <real> <boolean> <real> ; sets the filter effect
- <void> cinematic_screen_effect_set_filter_desaturation_tint <real> <real> <real> ; sets the desaturation filter tint color
- <void> cinematic_screen_effect_set_video <short> <real> ; sets the video effect: <noise intensity[0,1]>, <overbright: 0=none, 1=2x, 2=4x>
- <void> cinematic_screen_effect_start <boolean> ; starts screen effect; pass TRUE to clear
- <void> cinematic_screen_effect_stop ; returns control of the screen effects to the rest of the game
- <void> cinematic_set_near_clip_distance <real>
- <void> cinematic_set_title <cutscene_title> ; activates the chapter title
- <void> cinematic_set_title_delayed <cutscene_title> <real> ; activates the chapter title, delayed by <real> seconds
- <void> cinematic_show_letterbox <boolean> ; sets or removes the letterbox bars
- <void> cinematic_skip_start_internal
- <void> cinematic_skip_stop_internal
- <void> cinematic_start ; initializes game to start a cinematic (interruptive) cutscene
- <void> cinematic_stop ; initializes the game to end a cinematic (interruptive) cutscene
- <void> cinematic_suppress_bsp_object_creation <boolean> ; suppresses or enables the automatic creation of objects during cutscenes due to a bsp switch
- <void> cls ; clears console text from the screen
- <void> core_load ; loads debug game state from core\core.bin
- <void> core_load_at_startup ; loads debug game state from core\core.bin as soon as the map is initialized
- <void> core_load_name <string> ; loads debug game state from core\<path>
- <void> core_load_name_at_startup <string> ; loads debug game state from core\<path> as soon as the map is initialized
- <void> core_save ; saves debug game state to core\core.bin
- <void> crash <string> ; crashes (for debugging).
- <void> damage_new <damage> <cutscene_flag> ; causes the specified damage at the specified flag.
- <void> damage_object <damage> <object> ; causes the specified damage at the specified object.
- <void> deactivate_nav_point_flag <unit> <cutscene_flag> ; deactivates a nav point type attached to a player <unit> anchored to a flag
- <void> deactivate_nav_point_object <unit> <object> ; deactivates a nav point type attached to a player <unit> anchored to an object
- <void> deactivate_team_nav_point_flag <team> <cutscene_flag> ; deactivates a nav point type attached to a team anchored to a flag
- <void> deactivate_team_nav_point_object <team> <object> ; deactivates a nav point type attached to a team anchored to an object
- <void> debug_camera_load ; loads the saved camera position and facing from camera_<map_name>.txt
- <void> debug_camera_load_name <string> ; loads the camera position and facing from <name>_<map_name>.txt
- <void> debug_camera_load_simple_name <string> ; loads the camera position and facing from camera_<name>.txt
- <void> debug_camera_load_text <string> ; loads the camera position and facing from a passed in string
- <void> debug_camera_save ; saves the camera position and facing to camera_<map_name>.txt
- <void> debug_camera_save_name <string> ; saves the camera position and facing to <name>_<map_name>.txt
- <void> debug_camera_save_simple_name <string> ; saves the camera position and facing to camera_<name>.txt
- <void> debug_menu_rebuild ; Reparses the debug menu from the text file.
- <void> debug_pvs <boolean> ; displays the current pvs.
- <void> debug_script_thread <string> <boolean> ; Verbose threads spew to log about script and function calls.
- <void> debug_scripting <boolean> ; Turn on/off hs script debugging.
- <void> debug_sounds_enable <string> <boolean> ; enables or disabled all sound classes matching the substring.
- <void> debug_teleport_player <short> <short>
- <void> determinism_debug_manager_enable_game_state_checksum <boolean> ; enable/disable determinism checkpoints
- <void> determinism_debug_manager_enable_log_file_comparision_on_oos <boolean> ; enables/disables determinism log file comparision on oos
- <void> determinism_debug_manager_enable_logging <boolean> ; enable/disable determinism logging
- <void> determinism_debug_manager_enable_trace <boolean> ; enable determinism tracing
- <void> determinism_debug_manager_set_consumer_sample_level <string> <long> ; sets sample level for a consumer
- <void> determinism_debug_manager_set_trace_flags <long> ; set which determinism debugging traces should be turned on
- <void> determinism_log_compare_log_files <string> <string> ; compares determinism log files
- <void> device_group_change_only_once_more_set <device_group> <boolean> ; TRUE allows a device to change states only once
- <void> device_group_set_immediate <device_group> <real> ; instantaneously changes the value of the specified device group.
- <void> device_one_sided_set <device> <boolean> ; TRUE makes the given device one-sided (only able to be opened from one direction), FALSE makes it two-sided
- <void> device_operates_automatically_set <device> <boolean> ; TRUE makes the given device open automatically when any biped is nearby, FALSE makes it not
- <void> device_set_never_appears_locked <device> <boolean> ; changes a machine's never_appears_locked flag, but only if paul is a BLAM!
- <void> device_set_position_immediate <device> <real> ; instantaneously changes the position of the given device (used for devices without explicit device groups
- <void> device_set_power <device> <real> ; immediately sets the power of a named device to the given value
- <void> display_scenario_help <short> ; display in-game help dialog
- <void> effect_new <effect> <cutscene_flag> ; starts the specified effect at the specified flag.
- <void> effect_new_on_object_marker <effect> <object> <string> ; starts the specified effect on the specified object at the specified marker.
- <void> enable_hud_help_flash <boolean> ; starts/stops the help text flashing
- <void> error_overflow_suppression <boolean> ; enables or disables the suppression of error spamming
- <void> event_debugger_break_category <string> <string> ; sets the debugger break level for a named category of network events
- <void> event_display_category <string> <string> ; sets the display level for a named category of network events
- <void> event_force_display_category <string> <string> ; sets the forced display level for a named category of network events
- <void> event_global_display_category <string> ; sets the global event display level
- <void> event_global_log_category <string> ; sets the global evetn log level
- <void> event_global_remote_log_category <string> ; sets the global remote evetn log level
- <void> event_halt_category <string> <string> ; sets the halt (assert/crash) level for a named category of network events
- <void> event_list_categories <string> ; lists all categories that exist under a particular category string
- <void> event_log_category <string> <string> ; sets the log level for a named category of network events
- <void> event_remote_log_category <string> <string> ; sets the remote log level for a named category of network events
- <void> events_disable_suppression <boolean> ; enable/disable event suppression
- <void> events_enabled <boolean> ; enable/disable all events
- <void> events_suppress_console_display <boolean> ; disables console display for events
- <void> fade_in <real> <real> <real> <short> ; does a screen fade in from a particular color
- <void> fade_out <real> <real> <real> <short> ; does a screen fade out to a particular color
- <void> game_difficulty_set <game_difficulty> ; changes the difficulty setting for the next map to be loaded.
- <void> game_lost ; causes the player to revert to their previous saved game
- <void> game_revert ; reverts to last saved game, if any (for testing, the first bastard that does this to me gets it in the head
- <void> game_save ; checks to see if it is safe to save game, then saves (gives up after 8 seconds
- <void> game_save_cancel ; cancels any pending game_save, timeout or not
- <void> game_save_no_timeout ; checks to see if it is safe to save game, then saves (this version never gives up
- <void> game_save_totally_unsafe ; disregards player's current situation
- <void> game_skip_ticks <short> ; skips <short> amount of game ticks. ONLY USE IN CUTSCENES!!!
- <void> game_speed <real> ; changes the game speed.
- <void> game_variant <string> ; set the game engine
- <void> game_won ; causes the player to successfully finish the current level and move to the next
- <void> garbage_collect_now ; causes all garbage objects except those visible to a player to be collected immediately
- <void> help <string> ; prints a description of the named function.
- <void> hud_blink_health <boolean> ; starts/stops manual blinking of the health panel
- <void> hud_blink_motion_sensor <boolean> ; starts/stops manual blinking of the motion sensor panel
- <void> hud_blink_shield <boolean> ; starts/stops manual blinking of the shield panel
- <void> hud_clear_messages ; clears all non-state messages on the hud
- <void> hud_help_flash_restart ; resets the timer for the help text flashing
- <void> hud_set_help_text <hud_message> ; displays <message> as the help text
- <void> hud_set_objective_text <hud_message> ; sets <message> as the current objective
- <void> hud_set_timer_position <short> <short> <hud_corner> ; sets the timer upper left position to (x, y)=>(<short>, <short>
- <void> hud_set_timer_time <short> <short> ; sets the time for the timer to <short> minutes and <short> seconds, and starts and displays timer
- <void> hud_set_timer_warning_time <short> <short> ; sets the warning time for the timer to <short> minutes and <short> seconds
- <void> hud_show_crosshair <boolean> ; hides/shows the weapon crosshair
- <void> hud_show_health <boolean> ; hides/shows the health panel
- <void> hud_show_motion_sensor <boolean> ; hides/shows the motion sensor panel
- <void> hud_show_shield <boolean> ; hides/shows the shield panel
- <void> inspect <expression> ; prints the value of an expression to the screen for debugging purposes.
- <void> kill_active_scripts ; Terminates all currently running threads.
- <void> kill_thread <long> ; Kill the specified thread
- <void> log_print <string> ; prints a string to the hs log file.
- <void> magic_melee_attack ; causes player's unit to start a melee attack
- <void> magic_seat_name <string> ; all units controlled by the player will assume the given seat name (valid values are 'asleep', 'alert', 'stand', 'crouch' and 'flee'
- <void> map_name <string> ; changes the name of the solo player map.
- <void> map_reset ; starts the map from the beginning.
- <void> multiplayer_map_name <string> ; changes the name of the multiplayer map
- <void> net_never_timeout <boolean> ;
- <void> numeric_countdown_timer_restart
- <void> numeric_countdown_timer_set <long> <boolean> ; <milliseconds>, <auto_start>
- <void> numeric_countdown_timer_stop
- <void> object_beautify <object> <boolean> ; makes an object pretty for the remainder of the levels' cutscenes.
- <void> object_can_take_damage <object_list> ; allows an object to take damage again
- <void> object_cannot_take_damage <object_list> ; prevents an object from taking damage
- <void> object_create <object_name> ; creates an object from the scenario.
- <void> object_create_anew <object_name> ; creates an object, destroying it first if it already exists.
- <void> object_create_anew_containing <string> ; creates anew all objects from the scenario whose names contain the given substring.
- <void> object_create_containing <string> ; creates all objects from the scenario whose names contain the given substring.
- <void> object_destroy <object> ; destroys an object.
- <void> object_destroy_all ; destroys all non player objects.
- <void> object_destroy_containing <string> ; destroys all objects from the scenario whose names contain the given substring.
- <void> object_pvs_activate <object> ; just another (old) name for object_pvs_set_object.
- <void> object_pvs_clear ; removes the special place that activates everything it sees.
- <void> object_pvs_set_camera <cutscene_camera_point> ; sets the specified cutscene camera point as the special place that activates everything it sees.
- <void> object_pvs_set_object <object> ; sets the specified object as the special place that activates everything it sees.
- <void> object_set_collideable <object> <boolean> ; FALSE prevents any object from colliding with the given object
- <void> object_set_facing <object> <cutscene_flag> ; turns the specified object in the direction of the specified flag.
- <void> object_set_melee_attack_inhibited <object> <boolean> ; FALSE prevents object from using melee attack
- <void> object_set_permutation <object> <string> <string> ; sets the desired region (use "" for all regions) to the permutation with the given name, e.g. (object_set_permutation flood "right arm" ~damaged
- <void> object_set_ranged_attack_inhibited <object> <boolean> ; FALSE prevents object from using ranged attack
- <void> object_set_scale <object> <real> <short> ; sets the scale for a given object and interpolates over the given number of frames to achieve that scale
- <void> object_set_shield <object> <real> ; sets the shield vitality of the specified object (between 0 and 1).
- <void> object_teleport <object> <cutscene_flag> ; moves the specified object to the specified flag.
- <void> object_type_predict <object_definition> ; loads textures necessary to draw an object that's about to come on-screen.
- <void> objects_attach <object> <string> <object> <string> ; attaches the second object to the first; both strings can be empty
- <void> objects_delete_by_definition <object_definition> ; deletes all objects of type <definition>
- <void> objects_detach <object> <object> ; detaches from the given parent object the given child object
- <void> objects_dump_memory ; debugs object memory usage
- <void> objects_predict <object_list> ; loads textures necessary to draw a objects that are about to come on-screen.
- <void> pause_hud_timer <boolean> ; pauses or unpauses the hud timer
- <void> physics_constants_reset ; resets all physics constants to earthly values
- <void> physics_set_gravity <real> ; set global gravity acceleration relative to halo standard gravity
- <void> playback ; starts game in film playback mode
- <void> player0_look_invert_pitch <boolean> ; invert player0's look
- <void> player_action_test_reset ; resets the player action test state so that all tests will return false.
- <void> player_add_equipment <unit> <starting_profile> <boolean> ; adds/resets the player's health, shield, and inventory (weapons and grenades) to the named profile. resets if third parameter is true, adds if false.
- <void> player_effect_set_max_rotation <real> <real> <real> ; <yaw> <pitch> <roll>
- <void> player_effect_set_max_rumble <real> <real> ; DEPRECATED: Use player_effect_set_max_vibrate, this is only to keep compatibility with Custom Edition
- <void> player_effect_set_max_translation <real> <real> <real> ; <x> <y> <z>
- <void> player_effect_set_max_vibrate <real> <real> ; <left> <right>
- <void> player_effect_start <real> <real> ; <max_intensity> <attack time>
- <void> player_effect_stop <real> ; <decay>
- <void> player_enable_input <boolean> ; toggle player input. the player can still free-look, but nothing else.
- <void> players_unzoom_all ; resets zoom levels on all players
- <void> print <string> ; prints a string to the console.
- <void> print_binds ; prints a list of all input bindings
- <void> print_if <boolean> <string> ; prints a string to the console if the condition is true.
- <void> profile_load <string> ; Load any included builtin profiles and create profiles on disk.
- <void> quit ; quits the game
- <void> radiosity_debug_point ; tests sun occlusion at a point.
- <void> radiosity_save ; saves radiosity solution.
- <void> radiosity_start ; starts radiosity computation.
- <void> rasterizer_decals_flush ; flush all decals
- <void> rasterizer_fps_accumulate ; average fps
- <void> rasterizer_lights_reset_for_new_map
- <void> rasterizer_model_ambient_reflection_tint <real> <real> <real> <real>
- <void> rasterizer_reload_effects ; check for shader changes
- <void> recording_kill <unit> ; kill the specified unit's cutscene recording.
- <void> reload_shader_transparent_chicago
- <void> render_effects <boolean>
- <void> saved_film_disable_version_checking <boolean> ; disable saved film version checking
- <void> saved_film_play <short> <string> ; plays a saved film for given controller
- <void> saved_film_seek_to_film_tick <long> ; seeks to a film tick
- <void> saved_film_set_playback_game_speed <real> ; set the saved film playback speed
- <void> saved_film_set_repro_mode <boolean> ; set the saved film into repro mode (splitscreen users are created based on the number of splitscreen players that recorded the film
- <void> saved_film_toggle_debug_saving <boolean> ; toggle saving of last film to the debug output directory automatically after each game level
- <void> saved_films_delete_on_level_load <boolean> ; toggle deletion last saved film after loading a new game level
- <void> saved_films_show_timestamp <boolean> ; toggle showing timestamp for saved film playback
- <void> scenery_animation_start <scenery> <animation_graph> <string> ; starts a custom animation playing on a piece of scenery
- <void> scenery_animation_start_at_frame <scenery> <animation_graph> <string> <short> ; starts a custom animation playing on a piece of scenery at a specific frame
- <void> script_doc ; saves a file called hs_doc.txt with parameters for all script commands.
- <void> script_recompile ; recompiles scripts.
- <void> script_screen_effect_set_value <short> <real> ; sets a screen effect script value
- <void> set_pitch_rate <short> <real> ; sets the yaw rate for the given player number
- <void> set_yaw_rate <short> <real> ; sets the yaw rate for the given player number
- <void> show_hud_timer <boolean> ; displays the hud timer
- <void> sleep <short> [<script>] ; pauses execution of this script (or, optionally, another script) for the specified number of ticks.
- <void> sleep_forever [<script>] ; pauses execution of this script (or, optionally, another script) forever.
- <void> sleep_until <boolean> [<short>] ; pauses execution of this script until the specified condition is true, checking once per second unless a different number of ticks is specified.
- <void> sound_cache_dump_to_file ; dump dat stuff!
- <void> sound_cache_flush ; i'm a rebel!
- <void> sound_class_set_gain <string> <real> <short> ; changes the gain on the specified sound class(es) to the specified game over the specified number of ticks.
- <void> sound_enable <boolean> ; enables or disables all sound.
- <void> sound_enable_eax <boolean> ; Enable or disable EAX extensions
- <void> sound_enable_hardware <boolean> <boolean> ; Enable or disable hardware sound buffers
- <void> sound_impulse_predict <sound> <boolean> ; loads an impulse sound into the sound cache ready for playback.
- <void> sound_impulse_start <sound> <object> <real> ; plays an impulse sound from the specified source object (or "none"), with the specified scale.
- <void> sound_impulse_stop <sound> ; stops the specified impulse sound.
- <void> sound_looping_predict <looping_sound> ; your mom.
- <void> sound_looping_set_alternate <looping_sound> <boolean> ; enables or disables the alternate loop/alternate end for a looping sound.
- <void> sound_looping_set_scale <looping_sound> <real> ; changes the scale of the sound (which should affect the volume) within the range 0 to 1.
- <void> sound_looping_start <looping_sound> <object> <real> ; plays a looping sound from the specified source object (or "none"), with the specified scale.
- <void> sound_looping_stop <looping_sound> ; stops the specified looping sound.
- <void> sound_set_effects_gain <real> ; Set the game's effects gain
- <void> sound_set_env <short> ; Change environment preset
- <void> sound_set_factor <real> ; Set the DSound factor value
- <void> sound_set_gain <string> <real> ; absolutely do not use this
- <void> sound_set_master_gain <real> ; Set the game's master gain
- <void> sound_set_music_gain <real> ; Set the game's music gain
- <void> sound_set_rolloff <real> ; Set the DSound rolloff value
- <void> sound_set_supplementary_buffers <short> <boolean> ; Set the amount of supplementary buffers
- <void> structure_lens_flares_place ; places lens flares in the structure bsp
- <void> sv_map <string> <string>
- <void> switch_bsp <short> ; takes off your condom and changes to a different structure bsp
- <void> time_code_reset ; resets the time code timer
- <void> time_code_show <boolean> ; shows the time code timer
- <void> time_code_start <boolean> ; starts/stops the time code timer
- <void> ui_widget_show_path <boolean> ; blah blah
- <void> unbind <string> <string> ; unbinds an input device/button combination
- <void> unit_aim_without_turning <unit> <boolean> ; allows a unit to aim in place without turning
- <void> unit_can_blink <unit> <boolean> ; allows a unit to blink or not (units never blink when they are dead
- <void> unit_close <unit> ; closes the hatches on a given unit
- <void> unit_doesnt_drop_items <object_list> ; prevents any of the given units from dropping weapons or grenades when they die
- <void> unit_enter_vehicle <unit> <vehicle> <string> ; puts the specified unit in the specified vehicle (in the named seat
- <void> unit_exit_vehicle <unit> ; makes a unit exit its vehicle
- <void> unit_impervious <object_list> <boolean> ; prevents any of the given units from being knocked around or playing ping animations
- <void> unit_kill <unit> ; kills a given unit, no saving throw
- <void> unit_kill_silent <unit> ; kills a given unit silently (doesn't make them play their normal death animation or sound
- <void> unit_open <unit> ; opens the hatches on the given unit
- <void> unit_set_current_vitality <unit> <real> <real> ; sets a unit's current body and shield vitality
- <void> unit_set_desired_flashlight_state <unit> <boolean> ; sets the unit's desired flashlight state
- <void> unit_set_emotion <unit> <short> ; sets a unit's facial expression (-1 is none, other values depend on unit
- <void> unit_set_emotion_animation <unit> <string> ; sets the emotion animation to be used for the given unit
- <void> unit_set_enterable_by_player <unit> <boolean> ; can be used to prevent the player from entering a vehicle
- <void> unit_set_maximum_vitality <unit> <real> <real> ; sets a unit's maximum body and shield vitality
- <void> unit_set_seat <unit> <string> ; this unit will assume the named seat
- <void> unit_stop_custom_animation <unit> ; stops the custom animation running on the given unit.
- <void> unit_suspended <unit> <boolean> ; stops gravity from working on the given unit
- <void> units_set_current_vitality <object_list> <real> <real> ; sets a group of units' current body and shield vitality
- <void> units_set_desired_flashlight_state <object_list> <boolean> ; sets the units' desired flashlight state
- <void> units_set_maximum_vitality <object_list> <real> <real> ; sets a group of units' maximum body and shield vitality
- <void> vehicle_hover <vehicle> <boolean> ; stops the vehicle from running real physics and runs fake hovering physics instead.
- <void> version ; prints the build version.
- <void> volume_teleport_players_not_inside <trigger_volume> <cutscene_flag> ; moves all players outside a specified trigger volume to a specified flag.
- <void> wake <script name> ; wakes a sleeping script in the next update.
- <boolean> allow_out_of_sync
- <boolean> breakable_surfaces
- <boolean> breakpoints_enabled
- <boolean> cheat_bottomless_clip
- <boolean> cheat_bump_possession
- <boolean> cheat_controller
- <boolean> cheat_deathless_player
- <boolean> cheat_infinite_ammo
- <boolean> cheat_jetpack
- <boolean> cheat_medusa
- <boolean> cheat_omnipotent
- <boolean> cheat_reflexive_damage_effects
- <boolean> cheat_super_jump
- <boolean> collision_debug
- <boolean> collision_debug_features
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_back_facing_surfaces
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_front_facing_surfaces
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_ignore_breakable_surfaces
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_ignore_invisible_surfaces
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_ignore_two_sided_surfaces
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_media
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_bipeds
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_controls
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_equipment
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_light_fixtures
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_machines
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_placeholders
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_projectiles
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_scenery
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_vehicles
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_objects_weapons
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_skip_passthrough_bipeds
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_structure
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_try_to_keep_location_valid
- <boolean> collision_debug_flag_use_vehicle_physics
- <boolean> collision_debug_phantom_bsp
- <boolean> collision_debug_repeat
- <boolean> collision_debug_spray
- <boolean> controls_enable_crouch
- <boolean> controls_enable_doubled_spin
- <boolean> controls_swap_doubled_spin_state
- <boolean> controls_swapped
- <boolean> debug_biped_limp_body_disable
- <boolean> debug_biped_physics
- <boolean> debug_biped_skip_collision
- <boolean> debug_biped_skip_update
- <boolean> debug_bsp
- <boolean> debug_camera
- <boolean> debug_collision_skip_objects
- <boolean> debug_collision_skip_vectors
- <boolean> debug_damage
- <boolean> debug_damage_taken
- <boolean> debug_decals
- <boolean> debug_detail_objects
- <boolean> debug_fog_planes
- <boolean> debug_framerate
- <boolean> debug_frustum
- <boolean> debug_game_save
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_force_coop
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_anger
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_assassins
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_bandanna
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_black_eye
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_blind
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_bonded_pair
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_boom
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_catch
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_eye_patch
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_famine
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_feather
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_fog
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_foreign
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_ghost
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_grunt_birthday_party
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_grunt_funeral
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_i_would_have_been_your_daddy
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_iron
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_malfunction
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_masterblaster
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_mythic
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_pinata
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_recession
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_sputnik
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_streaking
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_styx
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_thats_just_wrong
- <boolean> debug_ice_cream_flavor_status_thunderstorm
- <boolean> debug_inactive_objects
- <boolean> debug_input
- <boolean> debug_leaf_portals
- <boolean> debug_lights
- <boolean> debug_looping_sound
- <boolean> debug_material_effects
- <boolean> debug_motion_sensor_draw_all_units
- <boolean> debug_no_frustum_clip
- <boolean> debug_object_garbage_collection
- <boolean> debug_object_lights
- <boolean> debug_objects
- <boolean> debug_objects_biped_autoaim_pills
- <boolean> debug_objects_biped_physics_pills
- <boolean> debug_objects_bounding_spheres
- <boolean> debug_objects_collision_models
- <boolean> debug_objects_devices
- <boolean> debug_objects_names
- <boolean> debug_objects_pathfinding_spheres
- <boolean> debug_objects_physics
- <boolean> debug_objects_position_velocity
- <boolean> debug_objects_root_node
- <boolean> debug_objects_unit_mouth_apeture
- <boolean> debug_objects_unit_seats
- <boolean> debug_objects_unit_vectors
- <boolean> debug_objects_vehicle_powered_mass_points
- <boolean> debug_obstacle_path
- <boolean> debug_obstacle_path_on_failure
- <boolean> debug_permanent_decals
- <boolean> debug_physics_disable_penetration_freeze
- <boolean> debug_player
- <boolean> debug_player_teleport
- <boolean> debug_point_physics
- <boolean> debug_portals
- <boolean> debug_render_freeze
- <boolean> debug_scripting
- <boolean> debug_sound
- <boolean> debug_sound_cache
- <boolean> debug_sound_cache_graph
- <boolean> debug_sound_channels
- <boolean> debug_sound_channels_detail
- <boolean> debug_sound_hardware
- <boolean> debug_sprites
- <boolean> debug_structure
- <boolean> debug_structure_automatic
- <boolean> debug_trigger_volumes
- <boolean> debug_unit_animations
- <boolean> decals
- <boolean> director_camera_switch_fast
- <boolean> director_camera_switching
- <boolean> display_framerate
- <boolean> effects_corpse_nonviolent
- <boolean> error_suppress_all
- <boolean> find_all_fucked_up_shit
- <boolean> force_all_player_views_to_default_player
- <boolean> framerate_lock
- <boolean> framerate_throttle
- <boolean> game_paused
- <boolean> global_connection_dont_timeout
- <boolean> hs_verbose
- <boolean> loud_dialog_hack
- <boolean> model_animation_compression
- <boolean> object_light_interpolate
- <boolean> object_prediction
- <boolean> player_autoaim
- <boolean> player_magnetism
- <boolean> radiosity_lines
- <boolean> radiosity_normals
- <boolean> rasterizer_active_camouflage
- <boolean> rasterizer_active_camouflage_multipass
- <boolean> rasterizer_bump_mapping
- <boolean> rasterizer_debug_geometry
- <boolean> rasterizer_debug_geometry_multipass
- <boolean> rasterizer_debug_meter_shader
- <boolean> rasterizer_debug_model_vertices
- <boolean> rasterizer_debug_transparents
- <boolean> rasterizer_detail_objects
- <boolean> rasterizer_draw_first_person_weapon_first
- <boolean> rasterizer_dynamic_lit_geometry
- <boolean> rasterizer_dynamic_screen_geometry
- <boolean> rasterizer_dynamic_unlit_geometry
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_alpha_testing
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_decals
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_diffuse_lights
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_diffuse_textures
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_fog
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_fog_screen
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_lightmaps
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_reflection_lightmap_mask
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_reflection_mirrors
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_reflections
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_shadows
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_specular_lightmaps
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_specular_lights
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_specular_mask
- <boolean> rasterizer_environment_transparents
- <boolean> rasterizer_filthy_decal_fog_hack
- <boolean> rasterizer_floating_point_zbuffer
- <boolean> rasterizer_fog_atmosphere
- <boolean> rasterizer_fog_plane
- <boolean> rasterizer_fps
- <boolean> rasterizer_framerate_stabilization
- <boolean> rasterizer_framerate_throttle
- <boolean> rasterizer_hud_motion_sensor
- <boolean> rasterizer_lens_flares
- <boolean> rasterizer_lens_flares_occlusion
- <boolean> rasterizer_lens_flares_occlusion_debug
- <boolean> rasterizer_lightmaps_filtering
- <boolean> rasterizer_lightmaps_incident_radiosity
- <boolean> rasterizer_model_transparents
- <boolean> rasterizer_models
- <boolean> rasterizer_plasma_energy
- <boolean> rasterizer_profile_log
- <boolean> rasterizer_ray_of_buddha
- <boolean> rasterizer_safe_frame_bounds
- <boolean> rasterizer_screen_effects
- <boolean> rasterizer_screen_flashes
- <boolean> rasterizer_shadows_convolution
- <boolean> rasterizer_shadows_debug
- <boolean> rasterizer_smart
- <boolean> rasterizer_stencil_mask
- <boolean> rasterizer_water
- <boolean> rasterizer_water_mipmapping
- <boolean> rasterizer_wireframe
- <boolean> rasterizer_zsprites
- <boolean> recover_saved_games_hack
- <boolean> render_model_index_counts
- <boolean> render_model_markers
- <boolean> render_model_no_geometry
- <boolean> render_model_nodes
- <boolean> render_model_vertex_counts
- <boolean> render_shadows
- <boolean> rider_ejection
- <boolean> run_game_scripts
- <boolean> structures_use_pvs_for_vs
- <boolean> stun_enable
- <boolean> temporary_hud
- <boolean> terminal_render
- <boolean> weather
- <long> debug_leaf_index
- <long> debug_leaf_portal_index
- <long> debug_obstacle_path_goal_surface_index
- <long> debug_obstacle_path_start_surface_index
- <long> debug_score
- <long> model_animation_bullshit0
- <long> model_animation_bullshit1
- <long> model_animation_bullshit2
- <long> model_animation_bullshit3
- <long> model_animation_data_compressed_size
- <long> model_animation_data_compression_savings_in_bytes
- <long> model_animation_data_compression_savings_in_bytes_at_import
- <long> model_animation_data_uncompressed_size
- <long> slow_server_startup_safety_zone_in_seconds
- <real> collision_debug_height
- <real> collision_debug_length
- <real> collision_debug_point_x
- <real> collision_debug_point_y
- <real> collision_debug_point_z
- <real> collision_debug_vector_i
- <real> collision_debug_vector_j
- <real> collision_debug_vector_k
- <real> collision_debug_width
- <real> debug_obstacle_path_goal_point_x
- <real> debug_obstacle_path_goal_point_y
- <real> debug_obstacle_path_start_point_x
- <real> debug_obstacle_path_start_point_y
- <real> f0
- <real> f1
- <real> f2
- <real> f3
- <real> f4
- <real> f5
- <real> game_speed_value
- <real> model_animation_data_compression_savings_in_percent
- <real> mouse_acceleration
- <real> object_light_ambient_base
- <real> object_light_ambient_scale
- <real> object_light_secondary_scale
- <real> pad3_scale
- <real> rasterizer_detail_objects_offset_multiplier
- <real> rasterizer_far_clip_distance
- <real> rasterizer_first_person_weapon_far_clip_distance
- <real> rasterizer_first_person_weapon_near_clip_distance
- <real> rasterizer_lightmap_ambient
- <real> rasterizer_model_lighting_ambient
- <real> rasterizer_near_clip_distance
- <real> rasterizer_zbias
- <real> rasterizer_zoffset
- <real> sound_gain_under_dialog
- <real> sound_obstruction_ratio
- <short> developer_mode
- <short> freeze_flying_camera
- <short> pad3
- <short> player_spawn_count
- <short> radiosity_quality
- <short> radiosity_step_count
- <short> rasterizer_debug_model_lod
- <short> rasterizer_effects_level
- <short> rasterizer_frame_bounds_bottom
- <short> rasterizer_frame_bounds_left
- <short> rasterizer_frame_bounds_right
- <short> rasterizer_frame_bounds_top
- <short> rasterizer_lightmap_mode
- <short> rasterizer_mode
- <short> rasterizer_refresh_rate
- <short> rasterizer_stats
- <short> screenshot_count
- <short> screenshot_size
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