
Space Quest 2 strings

Jul 13th, 2018
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  1. Ok.
  2. You don't have the paper.
  3. You are
  4. You don't have the basket.
  5. There is nothing there that you can't already see.
  6. That does not
  7. I don't understand
  8. %m8"%w1"
  9. %m8"%w2"
  10. %m8"%w3"
  11. %m8"%w4"
  12. I'll get naked if you get naked. You go first.
  13. %m4%s1. Don't you remember?
  14. You foul-mouthed slime bucket. You're a living garbage skow.
  15. There isn't much fuel. You might want to save it.
  16. %v81,%v82 %v96
  17. You rub the berries all over your body. You now smell like a walking ammonia inhalant.
  18. You don't have those.
  19. Not right now.
  20. That would not be advisable at this time.
  21. Due to paralysis, you are only capable of displacing air.
  22. The paper in the basket is just fine.
  23. Sorry. %m23
  24. There is no need to mess with that.
  25. You do not possess the designated item.
  26. You'll have to be more specific.
  27. You don't need to do that now.
  28. Nobody is interested in your stupid gem.
  29. That isn't necessary in this game.
  30. %m4dressed in the standard issue excursion garment.
  31. You are attired in the smart-looking uniform of a Xenon Orbital Station employee.
  32. You would endanger yourself by doing that.
  33. That wouldn't be helpful now.
  34. Don't mess with the
  35. %m40 spore.
  36. "%v148 MINUTES UNTIL MELTDOWN," a synthesized voice cheerfully announces.
  38. Would you want your mother to hear you say that?
  39. You pull the puzzle out and give it a few spins. Instead of improving, it seems to be worse. Irritated, you stash it and go on with the adventure.
  40. Phew! These babies are pungent. You'll get no dates with these.
  41. Everything is already snug and secure. No need to wear it now.
  42. It's fine where it is.
  43. You get them near your mouth and notice the pungent scent. Wisely, you change your mind.
  44. You bear your normal manly scent.
  45. %m52 Not to mention what could be a powerful skunk repellent.
  46. I'll act like I didn't hear that.
  47. Don't waste your time.
  48. That's been done.
  49. Sorry. This game is in a NO JUMPING zone.
  50. You can't run.
  51. No way! You've already gotten in enough trouble in the past doing that.
  52. Let's don't, and say we did.
  53. That doesn't seem to be the correct action in this case.
  54. %m7seem to be in your sight now.
  55. %m7appear to be here to view.
  56. I don't think that is in view right now.
  57. %m7seem to be available at this time.
  58. There is nothing here by that name which can be acquired.
  59. You can't obtain that here.
  60. Your legs will take you where you want to go (in most cases, anyway).
  61. That's not the way to get there.
  62. That is not currently one of your options.
  63. How would you like to do that?
  64. That was pleasant.
  65. That act would lack any serious gratification.
  66. You possess nothing that could help you accomplish this.
  67. This isn't a text adventure!
  68. Leave the supporter alone!
  69. You can trust me to let you know when something stinks.
  70. That isn't what you should do with it.
  71. You learn nothing new through this act.
  72. %m8your request.
  73. %m7compute.
  74. Say What?
  75. You'll have to go there to do that.
  76. You see no one of interest.
  77. %v13:%v12|2:%v11|2
  78. %s4
  79. Exit Game? (Y/N)
  80. Word not known:
  81. %m140"%w1"
  82. %m140"%w2"
  83. %m140"%w3"
  84. %m140"%w4"
  85. %m140"%w5"
  86. No response to input.
  87. Sierra
  88. About SQ2
  89. Help
  90. File
  91. Save <F5>
  92. Restore <F7>
  93. -------------
  94. Restart <F9>
  95. Quit <Alt-Z>
  96. Action
  97. See Object <F4>
  98. Inventory <Tab>
  99. Special
  100. Sound On/Off <F2>
  101. Color/BW <Ctrl R>
  102. Joystick <Ctrl J>
  103. Pause <Esc>
  104. Speed
  105. Normal
  106. Slow
  107. Fast
  108. Fastest
  109. Joystick/Mouse <Ctrl J>
  110. Space Quest was designed and created by Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy.
  111. >
  112. Type RUN, or some debug command
  113. You are working outside Xenon Orbital Station 4. This area hasn't been completed yet. You have been sent out here to remove construction debris and space dust.
  114. A beep emanates from your wrist watch. You release your grip on the broom.
  115. Due to an obvious lack of common sense you have stepped off the edge, lost your magnetic grip of the ship, and drifted to your death.
  116. You are whisked away to the airlock chamber.
  117. The broom floats away, never to be used again. That makes the third one this week. Wait till your boss finds out.
  118. Press F10 When Done
  119. Nothing happens.
  120. "%s1! Get in here on the double! You've got a mess to clean up in the shuttle which just returned. One of the passengers got space sick on the way down. Besides, you should have been done out there an hour ago. Get a move on!"
  121. With that, the image disappears.
  122. The walls and deck are made of a very strong composite material commonly used in space craft.
  123. You gaze out into the near nothingness. The billions and billions of worlds apparent to the eye make you realize how truly insignificant you are.
  124. You are wearing the latest in EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) wear. The suit provides an oxygenated atmosphere. It is designed to protect the wearer from the extreme temperature differences the suns and shadows can cause, as well as providing a barrier for micrometeoroid traffic.
  125. Didn't you learn anything in the last game? You can't expose bare human to the harshness of space!
  126. Too late for that. You lost it.
  127. The airlock is not much to look at. It is activated when the small platform is stepped on.
  128. Stand on the small platform.
  129. The rails and beams all lead to the unfinished end of the Orbital Station.
  133. Keep up the good work! Today
  134. could bring that big promotion
  135. you think you deserve!
  137. Don't take any wooden
  138. buckazoids!
  139. Good idea!
  140. You are staring at your wrist and, apparently, awaiting some divine guidance.
  141. Orbital Station 4 is one of many orbiting Xenon, your home planet. It is a transfer point for travelers seeking transportation to the various planets in the Earnon system.
  142. As we begin this chapter of our story, we find you, %s1, ace janitor, doing what you do best.
  143. Since you have no messages waiting, there is no response.
  144. Go ahead. You control movement.
  145. A light flashes on the watch's upper left corner. It means you have a caller waiting.
  146. It doesn't glow at this time.
  147. There are three: H, C, & T.
  148. Just press F10 or a button.
  149. Stand by for decontamination.
  150. You can't reach it from this position.
  151. This is the airlock chamber. From here you can gain extra-vehicular access. Spare suits hang on the back wall. Some lockers are mounted on the side wall.
  152. This one is not your size.
  153. On the ceiling is mounted the decontamination mechanism. It cleans any unwanted matter from crewpersons entering the ship through the airlock. Otherwise, the ceiling is plain.
  154. That's not needed for cleaning the shuttle!
  155. You find nothing.
  156. You'll need to get closer to the one you want to search.
  157. There are no controls here. All systems are monitored centrally elsewhere in the orbital station.
  158. The floor looks average except for the non-stationary disk in the middle which is composed of the two halves of the airlock port. It is currently closed.
  159. The suit smells as if the wearer's personal hygiene leaves something to be desired.
  160. It's already open.
  161. You'll need to get closer.
  162. It's already closed.
  163. Ok.
  164. The lockers are all closed. There is nothing too interesting about them.
  165. You'll need x-ray vision for that since they are closed.
  166. You open the only locker for which you have a combination. Phew! Putrid waves of stench waft forth. You can't recall the last cleaning it received.
  167. You bravely peer into the locker to find
  168. %m21 a cubix rube puzzle and your athletic supporter.
  169. %m21 your athletic supporter.
  170. %m21 a cubix rube puzzle.
  171. %m21 it empty. You can only wonder what left behind such a foul fragrance.
  172. There is nothing to get.
  173. You've already performed that act.
  174. It is permanently attached to the EVA suit. You will find it useless inside.
  175. Sorry. The used Nancy Reagan autographed "Just Say No" condom had to be removed for the shipping version.
  176. You can't go back outside. You are expected in the shuttle bay.
  177. My, that could hurt.
  178. It's all attached. You have to change your suit.
  179. You don't own one.
  180. You can't open the airlock.
  181. %m34 Just walk on through the other door.
  182. What, you haven't smelled enough mold, mildew, or fungus in your life?
  183. Just say what you want to get.
  184. You'll need to change suits first.
  185. You're into the game barely %v12 minutes and already you've nimbly stepped to your death. How far down your family tree did knuckles last play an important role in locomotion? Watch your step next time.
  186. "The chief's not happy with you, %s1" the man says. "You'd better get over to the shuttle bay soon."
  187. No one pays you any attention.
  188. "You'd better get moving, %s1!"
  189. You are in the transportation control room of the orbital station. The room is abuzz with activity as technicians monitor XOS 4 operations. A pneumatic transport tube is accessible from the walkway above.
  190. The technicians are seated in front of monitoring consoles. They look like your average crew types.
  191. The consoles contain much monitoring equipment, none of which you understand.
  192. There is nothing special about it. You stand on it and it moves.
  193. "By the way. You still owe me twenty buckazoids. You'd best cough it up soon."
  194. "And don't forget that twenty buckazoids you owe me!"
  195. "It's about time you got in here, %s1. Head for the shuttle bay on the double. I'm warning you. You're on your last leg around here, bud. One more screw-up and you're history."
  196. He then orders the transportation officer to send you directly to the shuttle bay and nowhere else until the job has been completed.
  197. There is only a pile of useless dust here.
  198. "You've got a lot of nerve coming in here with your EVA suit on, %s1" screams your boss. "That's the last straw. Turn in your mop. YOU'RE FIRED!"
  199. Well, %s1, you certainly didn't get off to a very good start. Better luck next shift.
  200. It looks like a small floor, only higher.
  201. A pneumatic transport tube is accessible from the walkway above. The tube is made of plexiglass with a transporter inside it. The physical principles involved are not unlike those which transport a spit wad through a straw.
  202. The boss doesn't appear to be too happy with you. You'd better steer clear for awhile.
  203. Don't bother. %m19.
  204. He's not available for that. Besides, if he sees you, your dead meat. Get to the shuttle bay.
  205. He's a balding man. Luminous veins stand in bold defiance to the planes of his temples. Funny, you think. He looked much healthier when you first came aboard.
  206. Just get in.
  207. Who do you think you are, Greg Steffen? Besides, you can't drop trou in this uniform.
  208. You enter the shuttle and start sniffing around for the mess you must clean.
  209. You are surprised to find that the shuttle is not empty. There are two extremely ugly suckers walking toward you.
  210. "Hey! What the (your favorite expletive here)..."
  211. POW!!
  212. THWACK!!
  213. BINCK!!
  214. THUD!!!
  215. Your protest is cut short as two interstellar ruffians proceed to thump you unconscious. Everything fades.
  216. Time Passes...
  217. More Time Passes...
  218. A strange dream turns into the realization that you are being shaken and talked to by a voice unfamiliar to you. A dull ache triggers a distant memory of a scuffle in which you were the focal point.
  219. Upon awakening from your forced rest, it becomes quite apparent that you aren't in Kansas, er, Xenon anymore. You find that you are being held upright and under physical restraint from both sides by, you guess, the galactic goons you met on the shuttle.
  220. You are in the Orbital Station's shuttle bay. A shuttle, fresh from a passenger drop-off on Xenon, is refueling for its next trip. A pneumatic transport tube is accessible from the walkway. A refueler replenishes the shuttle's supply.
  221. The shuttle craft is your standard 10 passenger short commute vehicle. It was primarily designed to ferry people and supplies between Orbital Stations, Xenon, and other orbiting spacecraft.
  222. It's not much to look at. The refueler is just a rectangular structure which bears a pressure gauge and a hose outlet for the transfer of fuel. The hose is currently hooked to a shuttle.
  223. The stairs are a series of evenly-spaced horizontal planes used for the gradual adjustment of one's relative elevation.
  224. The walkway looks like the floor, only smaller and higher.
  225. Nothing special about the hose. It merely provides a means of routing fuel from the refueler to the vessel.
  226. The gauge seems to register about 3/4 full. The refueling is nearly complete. That's not your job to worry about, though.
  227. You don't have a good view from here.
  228. The ramp leads into the underbelly of the shuttle.
  229. You look at the landing gear and notice that it is doing an admirable job of holding the main body of the shuttle off the floor.
  230. The rocket nozzles on the back of the shuttle clearly show the wear of many flights.
  231. That's not a good idea. Being as unskilled as you are, you would probably cause some sort of firey catastrophe. Leave it alone. It's automatic anyway.
  232. As you try to struggle free, you notice that your hands are tied behind your back.
  233. A pneumatic transport tube is accessible from the walkway above. The tube is made of plexiglass with a transporter inside it. The physical principles involved are not unlike those which transport a spit wad through a straw.
  234. Just get in.
  235. Don't mess with it. It's automatic. Besides, if you can't be trusted with a broom, highly volatile liquids are definitely out of the question.
  236. It's in the shuttle.
  237. As the eyes dial into focus, you make out an oddly disfigured being seated before you.
  238. "Well, well. Did we have a nice nap? I thought we would have to resort to drastic measures to wake you. (sigh) Oh, well."
  239. "Welcome to my humble fortress, %s1. The name's Vohaul, Sludge Vohaul. I was the genius behind the Star Generator when it was still in the concept stages."
  240. "It was to be my ultimate war weapon until some sissy pants scientists decided it would be better used saving lives rather than destroying them. What a waste of technology! Excuse me if I sound bitter."
  241. "Anyway, you ruined my Sarien operation. I was going to use the Star Generator to make Xenon pay for what they did to me. They were going to know my wrath in a big way. You somehow managed to change all that."
  242. "Oh, I suppose I should have known better than to use those mental midget Sariens. That's not the point, however. You are responsible and you shall pay. Besides, I have another plan. And you'll not be around to foil it."
  243. "I have devised a plan so horrible, so frightening, so diabolical, that no one will be able to stop me. Observe my latest creation."
  244. "I intend to infest your planet with thousands of these genetically engineered door-to-door life insurance salesmen. I will at last reap sweet revenge from the scientific community that mocked me."
  245. "My plan was to kill you, but I've had a change of heart. ha, ha, ha... Get it?" He peers down at the hoses protruding from his chest and connected to a life support system. "Forgive me. I'm a kidder."
  246. "I've decided I would get much more enjoyment watching you suffer. My associates will escort you to the surface of Labion where you will perform many painful hours of manual labor in my mines. Be seeing you."
  247. A sagging mass of flesh that appears to have been human at one time, tubes and wires extend from his body leading to machines which keep him alive. Suddenly, his visage stirs and he begins to speak.
  248. An injection renders you unconscious. Your drugged carcass is loaded onto a shuttle. Upon reviving you look through the viewing port to see Vohaul's massive asteroid fortress getting smaller.
  249. You head back down to the lower level. Unfortunately, you are met by an armed guard. You have been quite a headache. To make it up to them, you are strung between two hovercraft. On the command "GO", life leaves you (in two different directions).
  250. After surviving to this point, you are still prone to acts typical of the mentally absent.
  251. Ugghh!
  252. You can't do that from here.
  253. You are at some kind of landing platform. The guards are transferring you to another mode of transportation for the remainder of the trip to the mine.
  254. You are on a landing platform. A shuttle sits quietly nearby. You see lush growth all around.
  255. After touching down on a giant landing platform, you are ushered to a hovercraft waiting to transport you to the mining site. Utter despair sets in.
  256. You recall from when you landed, the entry hatch being on the rear-left of the shuttle. You'll have to move a little.
  257. It looks just like the shuttle that brought you here.
  258. You open the hatch and head on in.
  259. Through the heavily tinted viewport you see two empty pilot seats.
  260. You don't have a clear view from here.
  261. You can't see the forest for the trees.
  262. Things look small down there.
  263. The sky is quite clear and blue.
  264. "Oh, great. I suppose we're out of fuel. Way to go, Gorf breath!"
  265. "Don't blame me. It was your turn to fill up. You're always forgetting to do it! Wait till the Master finds out. You're in big trouble."
  266. "Hey! Don't talk to me that way, you slime bucket! I filled it last time, dip..." The argument between the two guards is cut short as gravity reasserts itself.
  267. CRASH ! ! !
  268. "Uh Oh."
  269. Good thing that guard broke your fall. He doesn't look too happy about it, though.
  270. You seem to be in a rather exotic forest. The growth here is unlike anything you are used to. On the ground lies the wreckage of the hovercraft you crashed in.
  271. %m2 Nearby are the bodies of your former captors.
  272. The hovercraft has been reduced to a mound of twisted wreckage. Everything that was straight is bent. Everything that was bent is benter. There appear to be no salvageable parts.
  273. The guard appears to be less thick than you remember him. Many of his formerly contained body fluids seem to be at large.
  274. You notice that some smoke is escaping from a fractured energy cell in the wrecked hovercraft.
  275. The smoke smells like something that might be emitted from a burning object.
  276. You attempt to lift the hovercraft. As you heave and grunt you feel something give way in the groin region. You wisely give up.
  277. You aren't strong enough to carry the guard. Besides, in his present state, it would be quite a challenge.
  278. What an amusing idea. Pardon me while I liberate my most recent meal.
  279. You search the grotesque body and find
  280. %m11 a small, thin magnetic card. It looks like a keycard. You seem to recall seeing one somewhere in the past.
  281. %m11 nothing.
  282. Everything inside is twisted and bent.
  283. %m15 You do notice a button with a flashing light next to it. It seems to be emitting a high pitched beep.
  284. You press the button.
  285. %m17 Nothing happens.
  286. %m17 The light goes dark and you no longer notice the high pitched beep.
  287. You see a normal button and light. The light is currently
  288. %m20 on. You didn't notice it during the flight. It must have come on as a result of the crash.
  289. %m20 off.
  290. You are not where you should be to do that.
  291. This guard's body has been fatally damaged by the fall.
  292. You can't see that from here.
  293. You have no need for the uniform as it is damaged beyond use. Many of the seams are split and most of the fabric is soaked with a generous cross section of body fluids.
  294. Not necessary. There is nothing important under him.
  295. The hovercraft is a twisted wreck. Jagged metal protrudes in such a way that entry would be hazardous.
  296. Aaaghh! You fall to the bottom of a concealed pit. You might have survived the fall had you not come in contact with the several 30 centimeter long spikes planted vertically along the bottom of the pit.
  297. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  298. Ok.
  299. That's not here.
  300. Ok. To save time later, you turn it on.
  301. You hear a high pitched beep. It seems to be emanating from the wrecked hovercraft.
  302. Get closer!
  303. You're one twisted mofo. The only other person I know who would try that is Mark Crowe.
  304. The sounds of escaping gases are the only audible offerings from these two.
  305. Trap? Trap? What trap? I don't see a trap! Hey, do you guys see a trap? I didn't think so! You must be mistaken! None of us sees a trap!
  306. You detect no unusual fragrance, at least not yet. Soon though, these bodies may be generating some serious bouquet.
  307. That isn't necessary.
  308. There is nothing there to read.
  309. You are in a strange looking stand of woods.
  310. Suddenly, from somewhere to the east you hear a TWANG followed by a high pitched shriek.
  311. This is as uncool as uncool can be. It looks like you've adhered yourself to this tree like a fly to fly paper. And speaking of insects, here comes a swarm now.
  312. You'll be proud to know that you have filled today's nutritional requirements for many of the local carnivorous insects. Adventuring is not always pretty.
  313. The trees around the perimeter of the area have a shiny, slick look. The two in the middle have a duller kind of sheen.
  314. You are not in a good place to do that.
  315. Now isn't a good time for that!
  316. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  317. You are in another area of forest. The growth seems to be getting heavier here.
  318. You're too far away.
  319. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  320. Before disappearing through a tiny hole in the brush, the little creature gives you a long glance.
  321. In what way?
  322. The rope looks brown and long.
  323. The rope is in use right now.
  324. Without the weight of the little creature on the rope, it is not within your reach.
  325. There is no need to do that. It poses no threat at this time.
  326. This isn't a playground.
  327. The little creature caught in the snare has thick-looking pinkish skin. He looks to be less than a meter tall. He doesn't seem too thrilled with his predicament.
  328. It might be a good idea to leave before the individual who set this trap returns.
  329. He doesn't respond.
  330. You really aren't attracted to it.
  331. What do you think this is, Lovers Leap?
  332. That's ineffective here.
  333. You are standing at the edge of the forest near an eerie swamp.
  334. You are standing at the edge of an eerie swamp. You can hear the croaks and moans of swamp life, none of which you are eager to encounter.
  335. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  336. You see a small fleshy being.
  337. %m4 He appears to be rubbing something on his body.
  338. %m4 He seems to be in a hurry to leave.
  339. You startle the small creature causing him to bolt into the underbrush.
  340. You notice some odd eyes barely protruding from the water.
  341. He doesn't seem interested in what you say.
  342. You are hip deep in swamp. Murky water surrounds you on all sides. A few slimey trees reach from the quagmire.
  343. You have stepped into a deeper area of the swamp. You are forced to swim.
  344. You have gotten out of the deep spot and are back on your soggy feet.
  345. You take a deep breath, filling your lungs to near bursting, and head for the depths below.
  346. The foliage on the edges is much too dense for you to pass through.
  347. You already are.
  348. It's too darn shallow here.
  349. Dive down there if you want to see.
  350. %m7 Nothing to see.
  351. You are at the east end of swamp area. Forest extends to the east.
  352. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  353. Being less than careful, you lose your balance and slide off the log. %m10
  354. This tree is dead and seems to be free of the slick secretions some of the others generate. You begin to shinny your way up the snag.
  355. The tree is slick with some sort of residue making it impossible to climb.
  356. You are not close enough to a tree.
  357. You are in a lightly forested area. A large fissure nearby seems to lead straight down.
  358. CRACK!!!
  359. You can't do that from here.
  360. OOOFF!!
  361. Holy logjams, Batman! You almost ate the big one!
  362. Gravity has its way with you and you are sucked to the depths of the fissure at a very high rate of speed. Needless to say, you hit the bottom and your mortal remains are redimensioned to the point where life is no longer an option.
  363. You smoothly step off the edge of the fissure. %m10 Will you never learn?
  364. The fissure appears to be very deep with sheer sides. You can make out no detail as it darkens toward the bottom.
  365. You do not possess the skills or equipment to achieve such a feat safely.
  366. You head over the edge and down the rope.
  367. You are not near a good place to tie the rope.
  368. You'll have to specify whether you want to attach the rope to the stump or the log.
  369. Ok.
  370. You have climbed back up the rope from the fissure below.
  371. %m5 A log lies across it. A stump stands guard at the edge.
  372. A rope is tied to the
  373. %m20 log.
  374. %m20 stump.
  375. You'll have to specify whether wou want to look at the stump or the log.
  376. The log is firmly seated between the sides of the fissure.
  377. The rotted stump is only a reminder of the healthy tree which once stood here.
  378. %m24 There is a rope tied to it.
  379. %m25 There is a rope tied to it.
  380. This tree is dead. The bark must have fallen off years ago. It bears no foliage.
  381. The rope is already tied to something.
  382. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  383. You have to secure the rope to somthing first.
  384. It looks rotted and empty.
  385. That would advance the game in no way.
  386. You'll have to decide between the stump and the log.
  387. This tree is too slick for that.
  388. You are in a thinly forested area just east of the fissure.
  389. TWANG!
  390. Yikes! You have been snared. Suspended above the ground you are unable to move freely.
  391. As you hang here helplessly, the blood makes its way to your head.
  392. After awhile, the cerebral fireworks begin. Capillaries begin to burst under the strain. You pass out.
  393. Once again, time passes...
  394. And then, some more time passes...
  395. While unconscious, you have the strangest of dreams.
  396. Just then, consciousness begins to creep in.
  397. Yikes!
  398. Swinging the rope while hanging upside down would only promote nausea.
  399. You are unable to climb the rope hanging like this.
  400. You imagine that your name is Larry. You are wearing something known as a "Leisure Suit", apparently made of 100\% synthetic materials and proven to generate large amounts of static electricity.
  401. While prowling a locale known as "The Land of the Lounge Lizards", you spend your time badgering women of the area to participate in bizarre mating rituals such as...
  402. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  403. Intrigued with gravity, you take another terminal ride to solid ground. Watch your step, %s1.
  404. It's a long way down and you can't see anything of note.
  405. Get closer.
  406. Forget it.
  407. Way to go, pathfinder! As you plunge toward the base of the cliff, "mommy" escapes your lips.
  408. Drats! Vohaul's troops have tracked you down and passed sentence for your escape. Tough luck, eh?
  409. %v100,%v101
  410. You are at the edge of a forest. The boundary is a sheer cliff at the east side of the area. In the distance you see a landing platform, possibly the one which welcomed you to this strange, lush world.
  411. The landing platform, raised slightly above the nearby tree tops, appears to be an active place with shuttles coming and going. The forest between the base of the cliff and the platform is densely populated with all manner of flora.
  412. The cliff is sheer. There looks to be no way down without the direct aid of gravity.
  413. There is nothing solid enough to anchor the rope to. Besides, it would be too short.
  414. You'll need to be closer to the edge.
  415. The shuttle in the distance looks like it would be a nice thing to have right now.
  416. Don't you wish you had one to throw?
  417. You have caused the guard to be paralyzed. I don't think he's too pleased with you.
  418. The hunter seems to ignore you.
  419. The hunter stands and takes a long look in your direction. His face, though strange in its own right, bears an expression one might see on a freak show patron. He moves closer.
  420. You reach through the bars and take possession of the key.
  421. You already have it.
  422. You can't reach it. The hunter is too far away.
  423. How are you going to manage that?
  424. It's not available to you from here.
  425. You grab the rope.
  426. You slip the key into the lock and give it a turn. The lock snaps open.
  427. You open the cage door.
  428. You close the cage door.
  429. You snap the lock closed.
  430. You need to be closer.
  431. You don't have a key.
  432. The door is locked.
  433. That's been done already.
  434. That wouldn't be helpful now.
  435. You don't have anything to do that with.
  436. You should be closer to the door.
  437. Too late.
  438. Your head begins to clear and you realize that you have been imprisoned. Your captor appears to be that large oaf sitting near the fire.
  439. The hunter has decided that it's a perfect day for a barbecue. As he slowly turns you over the fire, you begin to turn a beautiful golden brown. Death follows at an agonizingly long distance.
  440. That's not helpful now.
  441. You are in a well hidden clearing. It is surrounded on three sides by large, smooth rock formations with brush to the north. A cage is below one of the formations.
  442. In the center a campfire burns. One has to wonder about the purpose of a fire during a warm day such as this.
  443. A campfire ring, fire extinguished, is located in the center.
  444. (You are currently in it.)
  445. A rope sits on one of the boulders.
  446. %m26 %m29
  447. %m27 %m30 %m34
  448. %m28 %m30
  449. A large beast is nearby.
  450. A large beast is lying on the ground.
  451. %m27 %m30 %m35
  452. %m27 %m34
  453. %m27 %m35
  454. %m27 %m30
  455. You'll have to get his permission first.
  456. That's not to be accomplished from here.
  457. You search the large, not to mention uncleansed, body of the hunter.
  458. %m42 You find a key which might unlock the cage. Other than that, you find only a few assorted parasites clinging to him.
  459. %m42 There is nothing of interest unless tiny parasites do something for you.
  460. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  461. Upon impact with the ground, the spore opens and spews its dust into the air. The hunter falls to the ground paralyzed.
  462. What a waste of a perfectly good rope. In his state, he will not prove an impedence.
  463. The spent spore would be of no use to you now.
  464. The hunter looks hungry.
  465. The hunter is looking right at you, and he's salivating just a tad.
  466. The hunter is lying on the ground unable to move.
  467. %m60 A feeling you can relate to.
  468. %m60 It looks as though the spore proved quite effective in this instance.
  469. You see just an empty fire ring.
  470. There are flames dancing above the embers of the fire.
  471. The cage is made of some very hard branches. They might as well be welded steel bars.
  472. Interesting, but wrong.
  473. You'd only hurt yourself throwing it halfway there.
  474. Pretty darn solid construction, eh?
  475. Don't bother now.
  476. It's too heavy for you to get any power behind.
  477. It's too cramped in here.
  478. Who are you, Smokey the Bear? Leave it alone. It won't help.
  479. Nice guy you are!
  480. An interesting idea, but no good here.
  481. He'd soon figure out that it wasn't food, and you'd be in trouble.
  482. It's crude looking but effective. The rust would prevent anything but the correct key from turning it.
  483. Leave the hunter alone and get on with the adventure.
  484. That would accomplish nothing.
  485. Who do you think you are, Roy Rogers?
  486. I think I speak for everyone when I say that's a bad idea.
  487. This is another clearing in the otherwise heavily wooded area of the forest. There is a plateau near the back.
  488. The ground looks like everywhere else, with the exception of some growths which look like spores or pods.
  489. You need to be closer.
  490. The spores are light blue and bulb shaped. They seem to be loosely attached to the ground.
  491. The empty spores would serve no purpose.
  492. You take possession of one of the spores being careful not to mistakenly break it open.
  493. %m4 Some appear to have been popped.
  494. You can't safely carry more than one of the fragile spores.
  495. You seem to have kicked one of these strange little spores.
  496. Your kick caused some spores to open and spray a fine powder into the air. As a result you are paralyzed from head to toe, unable to move a single muscle.
  497. Fortunately, the paralysis wears off and you seem to be back to normal.
  498. You don't have that.
  499. You drop the order form into the box.
  500. The mailbox looks typical for a mailbox. There is a slot, a tray, and a sign.
  501. The sign says "Radical Express - When it totally, no doubt for sure has to be there awhile previously."
  502. The slot looks much like an opening in the exterior of the mailbox through which a thin piece of mail might pass.
  503. There is nothing there.
  504. Ok.
  505. The mailbox hums and buzzes for awhile. Then, an object of some sort drops into the tray at the base of the box. The machine goes silent.
  506. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  507. It is like the other areas, only raised a little. A mail box sits up there.
  508. The tray is actually a small indentation in the lower part of the machine. It is currently
  509. %m23 empty.
  510. %m23 bearing what looks to be a whistle.
  511. It's too small for that.
  512. Get closer to the edge.
  513. You don't need that.
  514. Good. You've succeeded in establishing contact with one of this planet's life forms, and it looks like you'll get to examine it up close and personal. The giant root-looking thing is giving you a guided tour of it's digestive system.
  515. What you experience next is too horrible to describe. Let's just say that you die as a result. You are dead. Trust me.
  516. It may please you to know that, during the night, you didn't digest well. For awhile, gastric distress made it extremely unpopular with the other root monsters.
  517. You are not in a suitable location for that.
  518. You snag some of the odoriferous red berries.
  519. You already bear a quantity of the pungent foliage.
  520. You are in another clearing in the forest. This one seems to be occupied by a type of growth you are not familiar with.
  521. All the bushes look the same except for the one at the far end of the clearing which has small berries growing on it.
  522. The berries hanging on the bush look quite juicy and smell very pungent.
  523. It appears to be some kind of over-developed root. There is a pulsating growth near the middle which is connected to several meters of root-like appendages.
  524. Get real.
  525. You should be more specific about how you want to do that.
  526. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  527. You can see a little guy across the clearing picking some sort of berries from a bush.
  528. You startle the small creature causing him to bolt into the underbrush.
  529. The odd little pink dude is running away.
  530. They look like ordinary berries from here.
  531. It doesn't respond.
  532. That would be too hazardous.
  533. That's a waste of time.
  534. Get closer.
  535. You need to be further down the rope to cause a good swing.
  536. F6 to release grip on rope
  537. Your timing causes you to jump when the rope is at its least helpful point. Gravity beckons.
  538. Due to the unyielding nature of solid ground, especially when struck from 50 meters, you now bear the dimensions of a manhole cover.
  539. You reach the end of the rope. %m11
  540. You carelessly step from the ledge to the bottom of the fissure. As should be expected from such a stupid stunt, you die.
  541. It looks like that stump wasn't a good thing to tie on to.
  542. He who hesitates is lost. You gave that guy one chance too many and he seized the opportunity, not to mention you. You are consumed in two quick bites.
  543. You release your grip on the rope. %m11
  544. This has a negative effect on your resistance to the urging of gravity.
  545. You are in a sheer-sided gorge
  546. suspended on a rope between the two rock faces.
  547. standing on a small ledge.
  548. There is a mammoth member of the local fauna to the right. It looks to be in constant need of nourishment, hence the look being cast you.
  549. %m12 %m13 %m15
  550. %m12 %m14 %m15
  551. He's a hearty sized fellow. You would guess him to be quite an energy guzzler. His stare suggests serious caloric lust.
  552. You can see nothing but darkness in there.
  553. There is a cave entrance on the west ledge. %m22
  554. You see nothing reassuring down there.
  555. It hasn't changed lately. It's still long and thin.
  556. The only response from it is a stomach growl.
  557. You've done that.
  558. How do you intend to do that?
  559. It just kinda sticks out.
  560. The towering cliff walls are sheer and unclimbable.
  561. The rocks and cliffs are too sheer to attempt a climb. Give up.
  562. That won't do any good here.
  563. It looks hard and useless.
  564. You've no time for that. There's adventuring to be done.
  565. That was a rather spectacular entrance. All systems seem to be intact, though.
  566. The cave becomes much too steep to continue further.
  567. Got it.
  568. You're not near it.
  569. These rocks can't be gotten. We're talking hernia material here.
  570. You notice nothing special here.
  571. You see a glowing gem.
  572. Yow! These guys seem to dislike you intensely. Using slings and very hard and sharp rocks, they have reduced you to a battered corpse.
  573. The dwellers mumble something.
  574. The translator responds with "Follow us, beanpole!" They hurry away.
  575. While tumbling to the base of the canyon, the spore you were carrying is crushed releasing the disabling powder. You are paralyzed.
  576. You are paralyzed. Until that changes, you can do nothing but displace air.
  577. You are at the bottom of the steep gorge almost totally surrounded by impassable rock. There is an opening to the south-east. The walls extend up a great distance.
  578. %m13 There are two more of those pink guys here. You wonder what they are up to.
  579. You notice the glowing gem lying near the cave opening.
  580. It kind of looks like a boulder dam.... get it? Boulder Dam!? Sorry, bad joke.
  581. These guys are quite fleshy and pink looking.
  582. The rocks and cliffs are too tall and steep for you to climb. Give up.
  583. They don't respond.
  584. The towering cliff walls are sheer and unclimbable.
  585. That helps nothing.
  586. You don't have that.
  587. You already are.
  588. That's not a good idea now.
  589. It already is.
  590. Once back in the light, you put the gem away.
  591. You take out the gem and hold it in your palm. The room is illuminated by its glow. You hear a small shriek and the sound of many footsteps moving away from you.
  592. The ground below your feet disappears! You tumble down through the darkness.
  593. You hear the sound of many small, scratchy footsteps moving toward you!
  594. Owww!!
  595. GNASH!
  596. GROWL!
  597. CRUNCH!
  598. SNAP!
  599. You have just been felled by a killer Cave Beaver! You now know the meaning of excruciating when used in reference to level of pain.
  600. Being as dark as it is in here, there isn't much to see. You do see light coming from the east.
  601. The glow of the gem allows you to make out the rough walls of the cave and not much else. It is brighter to the east.
  602. Not much to see except dark cave.
  603. That's not how to do it.
  604. That will help you not.
  605. You're not equipped for such an undertaking.
  606. The walls feel rough.
  607. To your amazement, you find yourself in an underwater cavern. The water here is much clearer here than in the swamp above.
  608. They look like a normal plant, only wet.
  609. You wouldn't impress the babes with those. Do something constructive.
  610. You know the way.
  611. Once again, you wisely take in a load of air and head below.
  612. You take the glowing gem.
  613. You already have one.
  614. Get closer.
  615. You have paddled into another portion of the underwater cavern. Your lungs tell you that you'll be in need of air darn soon.
  616. A strange light dances off the walls of this cave. Its origin -- a glowing gem situated on top of a boulder.
  617. You are in a small grotto below the swamp.
  618. Get in first.
  619. Dive down there and give it a look.
  620. It seems to be coming from that gem.
  621. The walls of the room radiate a gentle light.
  622. Just swim on out.
  623. That wouldn't be the correct action now.
  624. C'mon!
  625. The boulder just sits there staunchly.
  626. A glowing gem gently spreads light througout the cave.
  627. Where are you now?
  628. It looks wet down there.
  629. There is a huge boulder in the way.
  630. You are.
  631. You need to be closer to the top of the ladder.
  632. "Welcome to our canyon. You look to be from out of town."
  633. "On behalf of all of us, I would like to thank you for saving our compadre from the hunters."
  634. "You are welcome to stay in the canyon as long as you like. When you are ready to leave, simply say the word and my assistants will show you the only way out for a being of your size."
  635. "When you leave, however, we must seal the exit behind you for our own protection. Goodbye and good luck!"
  636. You don't need that just yet.
  637. %m8 Besides, you can barely walk and wink at the same time. Climbing the ladder while holding something would be certain death for you.
  638. You already did that.
  639. You are at the south end of the gorge bottom. There are more odd rock formations here. There are still more of those little pink folks.
  640. A rock moved to the side reveals an underground exit.
  641. %m11 %m13
  642. You see a ladder descending into a featureless abyss. Not much one can say to describe a black hole.
  643. I'm sorry. You must be mistaken.
  644. You don't have much of a view from here.
  645. The rock walls are too tall and solid to pass through.
  646. They don't speak, they just giggle.
  647. These guys are quite fleshy and pink looking.
  648. You are not constructed in a manner that will allow you to do anything to the boulders. You might get those little pink guys to move one of them.
  649. The towering cliff walls are sheer and unclimbable.
  650. The rocks and cliffs are too tall and steep for you to climb. Give up.
  651. You don't possess that.
  652. Control your hormones!
  653. How typical. The simple mind resorting to violence in time of frustration.
  654. That will not be helpful.
  655. I wouldn't be sitting back on my keister if I were you.
  656. You see hard-packed dirt.
  657. Oh my. Now you know why they wanted to close the hole behind you. You have become the unwilling victim of the dreaded Cave Squid! Tough luck.
  658. Apparently, you weren't paying attention when the chief cliff dweller explained that they would need to seal the opening behind you. You can no longer travel in that direction as a result.
  659. No, don't adjust your monitor. We have taken control. There is no light source in the vicinity. You couldn't see guano if it was pasted to your proboscis.
  660. Ah. Better. Not a great deal better, but better.
  661. Yuck! A horrible aroma permeates the air. The sounds of suction and slithering reverberate thoughout the tunnel.
  662. Oh crud! The warm and inviting feel of suction cup laden tentacles encompasses you. A sharp, probing pain is your introduction to death.
  663. You can't maneuver with the gem in your hand.
  664. Wise up! You're holding it in your mouth already.
  665. Suddenly, an inhuman guttural moan echoes through the narrow caves. You're not sure which direction it came from. The only thing you do know for sure is that you've just soiled your undergarment.
  666. That's not the right move now.
  667. You have an opportunity to stand and spare your tender knees. The crystal clear water gives off a gentle glow. In abundance, it is able to light the room. You take the glowing gem from between your aching jaws. You notice it is overly moist as you slip it into your pocket.
  668. You pop the gem between your teeth while dropping down onto the raw tissue which covers your knees.
  669. This place is amazing. Beautiful subterranean waterfalls and cascades drop before you filling the air with billions and billions of tiny misty droplets which tickle the cilia. The air is thick with a revitalizing humid freshness. This message is also getting a little thick.
  670. The water is clear except for a very slight cloudiness. It appears to be luminous. In fact, the water's soft glow seems to be providing the light here.
  671. Aaahh! This is better than a shower massage.
  672. There is no place to get a hand hold.
  673. Just swim out.
  674. There is nothing of interest below the surface of the water. Besides, the undercurrent might drown you.
  675. Just walk in.
  676. You're not fooling me with that phoney stupid act. You know you're in the water already.
  677. You see the water. Head for it.
  678. Beautiful subterranean waterfalls and cascades drop before. The luminous liquid churns at the base before flowing downstream.
  679. Attempting to scale the sharp, moisture laden walls of rock would be too dangerous.
  680. You are swimming in the swiftly moving water of this underground river. The river forks near the back of the cave. The glow from the water softly illuminates the room.
  681. SPLAT
  682. After caroming off of a pair of rock outcroppings, you find a final resting place at the base of the falls.
  683. You are in another chamber of the undergound river. This area seems a little more alive with sights and sounds of falling water. However, you don't detect much noise at all coming from the back of the cave.
  684. You swirl toward the center of the whirlpool.
  685. Your body is sucked down until, finally, you are able to resist no more and must yield to the overwhelming force.
  686. As you enter another of the mysterious subterranean chambers you realize that the water is now racing toward a giant whirlpool in the middle of the area. You are caught in the strong current, powerless to alter your course!
  687. This cave is large. A whirlpool is attracting you, and all the water around you, to the center. You are feverishly attempting to resist it but to no avail.
  688. There is no place to get a hand hold.
  689. There is nothing of interest below the surface of the water. Besides, I don't think I could bare to see that underwater free-style of yours again.
  690. Geez! That was quite a trip. Peering around, you find yourself back in the open again.
  691. You are in a pool. It is fed by a waterfall which spews from a strange rock face. An actual face, an ugly one at that, is carved into the rock. It must be hundreds of years old.
  692. The strange ugly face has a look of disgust etched into it. The waterfall streams from the open, contorted mouth. This must have been carved by members of an early civilization. If this was their god, imagine how ugly the common man looked!
  693. They are strangely square, but not significant.
  694. The water is clear except for a very slight cloudiness. It appears to be luminous. In fact the water's soft glow seems to be providing the light here.
  695. There is no place to get a hand hold.
  696. There is nothing of interest below the surface of the water. Besides, the undercurrent might drown you.
  697. While it looks refreshing in a way, you are slightly reluctant to drink water that glows. Maybe some other time.
  698. You're not fooling me with that phoney stupid act. You know you're in the water already.
  699. You see the water. Head for it.
  700. You can't pull yourself out of the water here.
  701. Messing with the rocks will yield nothing.
  702. The waterfall races from the face to collide with the relatively smooth surface of the pool.
  703. The only reply is a stony stare.
  704. Other rocks in view include some large, square boulders. They are unusual looking, but not significant.
  705. Well, ain't that a hoot. That guy reduced you to a multi-colored mound of cole slaw-like matter. Better than a Murphco Slice-O-Matic. You are dead, however.
  706. You give the whistle a toot. It makes an odd sound.
  707. You hear an incredible whirring and grinding sound coming from the north.
  708. You chuck the Cubix Rube puzzle over to the beast.
  709. You don't possess it.
  710. You can't do that while swimming. You're lucky if you can think and breathe simultaneously.
  711. The beast appears interested in your offering.
  712. Curiosity gets the better of him as he reaches down for it.
  713. He seems quite perplexed by the puzzling plastic polyhedron.
  714. A good idea, but not just yet.
  715. You've got one already.
  716. You need to be closer.
  717. You are in a little clearing which is surrounded by large boulders and impenetrable brush. There is water, in which you entered, at the bottom left. You can just see a landing platform in the distance.
  718. %m13 There is a hole bored in one of the boulders with a small pile of debris beneath it.
  719. %m14 A bizarre beast is nearby.
  720. The ground looks quite ordinary except for the pile of debris near one of the boulders.
  721. It looks kind of wet.
  722. You pick up a small rock generated during the terror beast's grand entrance.
  723. The foliage is too dense for you to go through.
  724. If only you could make it to that platform. You might have a chance of stopping Vohaul.
  725. There is only a pile of dust left.
  726. In the pile of debris lies a stone.
  727. And he looks like he could do as much damage as one.
  728. The Labion Terror Beast is spinning around like a tornado.
  729. Suddenly, a Labion Terror Beast buzzes into the room like a tornado! %m23
  730. %m24 %m23
  731. Boy! He certainly seems interested in that puzzle.
  732. The ugly beast seems to be surveying the area.
  733. It's not much of a talker.
  734. The debris that is left won't help you.
  735. %m18 You leave the rest alone.
  736. There seems to be a nice, cleanly bored shaft running through the boulder.
  737. You'd better come up with a brighter idea than that. He'll chew you up and spit you out in 2 seconds.
  738. Maybe the acoustics are bad in this spot.
  739. You notice some writing on one of the left-most boulders.
  740. You can't make it out from here.
  741. The writing says "BEWARE: Labion Terror Best zone. Use extreme caution!"
  742. It looks wet.
  743. There is nothing down there to mess with.
  744. That's not necessary now.
  745. Other rocks in view include many large boulders, one with a hole bored through it.
  746. Dang. Allowing the guard to observe you was not very swift. He has disassembled you, probably adding a little excitement to his otherwise dull day.
  747. Nothing happens.
  748. The elevator is nothing spectacular to look at. On the left side is a thin slot.
  749. You should be a little closer for that.
  750. You slide the keycard into the slot, then remove it.
  751. It appears, however, that the elevator is in use at this time.
  752. You can't do that from here.
  753. You send the rock flying into the bushes. You hear it land.
  754. You send the stone flying into the bushes. You hear it land.
  755. You throw the rock in the direction of the guard. Unfortunately, it falls well short of its target. The guard responds by firing in the direction he thought it came from.
  756. Doesn't that bite!?. The guard caught a glimpse when you chucked the rock and, with impressive accuracy, wasted you.
  757. You cleverly use the athletic supporter to sling the rock at the guard. It makes serious contact with the side of his head. (We like the way you think.)
  758. With the guard being out of your line of sight, the rock sails harmlessly into the brush.
  759. He drops like a lead parakeet. The ripe thud of impact is momentarily sickening. He is perfectly still.
  760. From here the guard looks quite similar to the ones which you traveled with.
  761. The guard is quite unconscious. It looks like he'll be out for awhile.
  762. You find nothing.
  763. You find a small, thin magnetic card. It looks like a keycard. You seem to recall seeing one somewhere in the past.
  764. From where do you wish to get another one of those?.
  765. Ok.
  766. You don't have one of those.
  767. "Hey!. What the heck's the deal here?" As the guard wonders, the elevator begins moving you upward.
  768. You are in a cramped elevator. The door is closed and you are moving.
  769. As soon as the elevator door closes behind you, the platform on which you rest begins to rise.
  770. He's too near. You would be shot before you could let it go. Keep quiet.
  771. You don't have anything to sling.
  772. You don't have one to throw.
  773. You don't have anything to sling with.
  774. You call out a universal expletive.
  775. That would not be effective now.
  776. The being fires in the general direction of the sound. Unfortunately, that happens to be where you are. You know the rest.
  777. You are in a small clearing. Before you stands a large elevated platform, much like the one on which you landed when arriving on this planet. On one leg of the platform is an elevator door.
  778. A guard patrols the midlevel.
  779. An unconscious guard lies at the base of the platform.
  780. %m32 %m34
  781. %m32 %m33
  782. You don't see one here.
  783. The growth is too thick for you to travel through.
  784. It's a tall impressive structure.
  785. %m42 There's a guard posted on the lower level.
  786. That doesn't seem necessary right now.
  787. The only visible means of opening the door is a keycard slot.
  788. You just can't bear to part with your glowing gem. It's too heavy anyway. If only you had a small stone.
  789. Good idea! If only you had a small stone to sling.
  790. Strolling south you run into the guard from the tower. He doesn't seem to appreciate your comments regarding todays weather.
  791. BANG!
  792. It was pretty dumb to follow a non-friend bearing a lethal weapon. As you should have expected, he still desired you non-functional. Keep trying, %s1.
  793. Be more specific about that.
  794. It's very narrow.
  795. %m42 %m33
  796. That won't help.
  797. %m32 A guard patrols nearby.
  798. as far as it goes!
  799. You can see
  800. It's there already!
  801. Everything looks automatic. The panel is loaded with clusters of system status indicators. There is a POWER button, an Attitude dial, and an Ascent Thruster button.
  802. Ascent is already in progress!
  803. %m3the local tree tops.
  804. You are inside a shuttle cockpit. There is an instrument panel before you. Between your legs is a throttle. %m7
  805. %m3a variety of celestial bodies neatly placed in the cold black of space.
  806. That has no effect now.
  807. You're just along for the ride now as Vohaul controls the shuttle to his desired destination.
  808. Through the window you see your apparent destination, Vohaul's asteroid.
  809. is merely of the push-type.
  810. The Attitude dial sets throttle control to either VAC (Vertical Attitude Control) or HAC (Horizontal Attitude Control). It is currently set to
  811. %m14 HAC.
  812. %m14 VAC.
  813. The throttle between your legs is positioned for easy reach. It controls ascent/descent or advance/reverse, depending upon the position of the Attitude dial.
  814. It is blank.
  815. That's been done already.
  816. The ascent engines are now powered-up.
  817. The Attitude dial is now set to
  818. %m22 VAC
  819. %m22 HAC
  821. Vertical Control
  822. Horizontal Control
  824. Ready
  825. Not Ready
  826. Forward =
  827. Back =
  828. %m31 Descend
  829. %m32 Ascend
  830. %m31 Ahead
  831. %m32 Reverse
  832. Not now.
  833. A tone sounds. A soft, synthesized voice notes that adequate altitude has been achieved. Ascent thrusters are now ineffective. The monitor draws your attention again.
  834. %m5 A monitor glows on the left third of the console.
  835. %g31
  836. The Power button %m13
  837. The Ascent button %m13
  838. There is no horizontal control until minimum altitude has been achieved.
  840. Achieved
  841. The screens are suddenly splashed with the incredibly horrible image of Sludge Vohaul!
  842. "Hello, %s1! I've been waiting for you. Once again my subordinates have failed me. Anyway, it looks like you'll be visiting me again soon."
  843. "Don't bother trying to pilot the vehicle. I have taken control. You will be arriving at my command post shortly. I anxiously await your arrival." He closes with a chilling laugh.
  844. Vertical controls are now ineffective.
  845. As Vohaul stated, nothing works.
  846. His image is frozen on the screens. The ship changes course as if it had a life of its own. All you can do is hang on.
  847. You feel the ship bank.
  848. That won't help. Stay seated.
  849. At this point it will yield no important info.
  850. The deep, clear sky is disturbed only by the occasional brilliance of a cloud.
  851. The shuttle begins to vibrate as the ascent thrusters ignite.
  852. (Press a Key)
  853. You're off the planet! Good work, %s1!
  854. It's up%m2
  855. It's back%m2
  856. You are standing in a dark and damp portion of the forest. There are some very large mushroom-like growths here.
  857. The foliage here is much too dense for you to pass through.
  858. You'll need to get closer.
  859. Aside from their enormous size, they appear to be your average garden variety mushrooms.
  860. Ambitious aren't we? These things are heavy and well rooted and would, most likely, tear you a new one.
  861. Holy geez, boy! That mushroom thing sucked you clean up! You can't move a muscle nor see a speck of light.
  862. You begin feeling waves of tingling, warmth, and moisture. Suddenly, it's not so bad in here. Wow. Check out the colors, dude.
  863. Your body and mind enjoy the short-lived buzz that is a side effect of the lethal poison you now marinate in. You are oblivious to the end. Not a bad way to go, actually.
  864. But it sure is early in the game. I had high hopes for you. They said "Who? %s1? Not a chance! That chump won't last twenty minutes!"
  865. I said "No way! %s1 isn't THAT lame!" So anyway, don't make ME look stupid TOO.
  866. It's a good listener and that's about it.
  867. Like other trees you have known, these struggle valiantly to defy gravity's influence.
  868. This is the outside of a modified asteroid. A large diaphragm-type door stands open, ready to accept the shuttle.
  869. The massive bay doors meet, jarring the entire vehicle bay.
  870. Don't be a geek!
  871. It's a short step to the end of the game for you. You're no Buddy Ebsen.
  872. You are standing on a suspended platform inside the cavernous vehicle bay which has been carved out of the asteroid. Narrow walkways lead off in almost all directions. Watch your step!
  873. Please do not exit the vehicle until it has come to a complete stop and the bay doors are closed.
  874. You climb out of the shuttle to inspect your new environment.
  875. As you step down, the shuttle door slams shut behind you.
  876. The door is locked. You cannot enter the shuttle.
  877. You are not close enough.
  878. You are quite surprised not to find several of Vohaul's guards waiting to greet you. You begin to ponder what the twisted scientist might have in store for you.
  879. The platform is somehow suspended in the vehicle bay. It's a long drop over the edge.
  880. The bay doors are securely sealed.
  881. Nothing new about it. It just sits there unuseable.
  882. Sorry, Can't do.
  883. Through the heavily tinted viewport you see two empty pilot seats.
  884. You don't have a clear view from here.
  885. It's a long way down, but it seems short if you're falling.
  886. Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.
  887. As is common, they lead up or down.
  888. Smooth move, Exlax! You now know that artificial gravity can be equally effective as natural gravity. Due to the long fall and sudden stop your body has become a two-dimensional object. You're dead, of course.
  889. You are in a rather large room to the east of the Vehicle Bay. There are two elevated walkways here. One leads to an elevator in the middle. The other leaves the room to the left and right.
  890. It looks like it's waiting to take you for a ride.
  891. Nice F/X, huh!?
  892. It's a long way down, but it seems short if you're falling.
  893. Oooh. It looks deep in there.
  894. Smooth move, Exlax! You now know that artificial gravity can be equally effective as natural gravity. Due to the long fall and sudden stop your body has become a two-dimensional object. You're dead, of course.
  895. You are in a rather large room to the west of the Vehicle Bay. There are two elevated walkways here. One leads to an elevator in the middle. The other leaves the room to the right and left.
  896. It looks like it's waiting to take you for a ride.
  897. Nice F/X, huh!?
  898. It's a long way down, but it seems short if you're falling.
  899. Oooh. It looks deep in there.
  900. You are somewhere.
  901. Nice F/X, huh!?
  902. Well, I'll be! I didn't know Stevie Wonder played graphic adventure games!
  903. You will have to make a location adjustment first.
  904. That's been done already. Are you sure that your monitor is turned on?
  905. It's just another section of hall. There is a door on the back wall.
  906. It looks much like the other wall panels, except for the button.
  907. It's just another button.
  908. All you can see are billions and billions of stars.
  909. Here's a hint: Messing with the window is a waste of time!
  910. Except for some small windows, this area is much like all the other interior sections of the asteroid.
  911. Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.
  912. You are not near enough to one.
  913. That's already been done.
  914. Sorry. This one is out of order.
  915. You are already in one.
  916. You are not close enough to a working pod.
  917. This one is not currently open.
  918. Upon entering the escape pod, you quickly take your seat.
  919. Forget it! The situation here is deteriorating rapidly! You'd best leave now!
  920. You are seated inside one of the emergency escape vehicles. Before you lies a control panel and a viewport.
  921. You are in a section of hallway. On the back wall is a bank of four escape pods.
  922. %m10 One of them is open.
  923. Oh yes. There is also some sort of homicidal automaton nearby as well.
  924. The only outstanding feature on the panel is the clearly marked launch button.
  925. Through the viewport, you can see portions of the asteroid breaking up from the intense heat due to orbital decay. It's only a matter of time before you burn up with it.
  926. There's no visible way of closing the pod doors. Apparently, they're automatic.
  927. Warning! Emergency escape vehicle launch sequence has begun!
  928. That's not how to do it.
  929. They are of the push type.
  930. You are somewhere.
  931. Nice F/X, huh!?
  932. It's quite dark in here.
  933. %m1 You do find a plunger, however.
  934. You are in a tubular hallway. There is a door on the side wall.
  935. Okay.
  936. You can't get that here.
  937. That isn't here anymore.
  938. Not from here!
  939. There is a button situated next to it.
  940. The door is closed. %m8
  941. The door is open.
  942. The door is open. %m8
  943. Ah, ha! You know a janitorial closet when you smell one. Almost at once you sense an emptiness, a melancholy longing. You begin to feel homesick.
  944. It's quite dark in here. You can find no light switch.
  945. Oh, sure! Like you've never seen a button before.
  946. It doesn't look like much from here.
  947. It's not dark enough here to be effective.
  948. That isn't how to do it.
  949. All you can see are billions and billions of stars.
  950. Here's a hint: Messing with the window is a waste of time.
  951. Except for some small windows, this area is much like all the other interior sections of the asteroid.
  952. Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.
  953. You feel the floor shift below you! It's moving to the left!
  954. Imagine, if you will, taking a bath in sulphuric acid and using pumice for a washcloth. After that bit of displeasure passes, it gets much worse as the acid slowly eats its way to the last critical organs. Finally, mercifully, death takes you.
  955. The door behind you closes solidly!
  956. A barrier springs up before you!
  957. Another barrier stands in your way!
  958. You are in an attractive tube-shaped region of the asteroid.
  959. %m7 At the moment, walls, doors, and barriers seem to be surrounding you.
  960. %m8 The floor is moving. Beneath it is a brightly colored liquid.
  961. That wouldn't be helpful now.
  962. You need to be by an area with a smoother surface.
  963. You've already done that!
  964. You release your grip and drop back down.
  965. Not right now.
  966. Using formerly uncharacteristic creativity, you apply the suction cup-like plunger to the smooth metal finish and hang on for dear life! Once a janitor, always a janitor!
  967. You can hang on no longer. Your grip weakens...
  968. The ceiling looks ordinary except for some fixtures that look like sprinklers.
  969. They appear to be heat sensitive sprinklers.
  970. The floor is moving. Beneath it is, what you guess to be, a pool of highly lethal liquid.
  971. Explain further.
  972. The barriers look very sturdy. The bear a smooth finish.
  973. The doors are huge and rough looking.
  974. Not much to see right now.
  975. Who are you, the human fly?
  976. Forget it!
  977. No one's home.
  978. Interesting, but not correct.
  979. They go up and down.
  980. You're too busy right now!
  981. They won't budge.
  982. Your fire and subsequent shower seems to have shorted out the burnished bullies.
  983. This section of the corridor is lined with Wallbots.
  984. The ceiling is average with the possible exception of some type of sprinklers.
  985. The sprinklers look to be of the fire suppresion type, possibly triggered by excessive heat.
  986. The huge metal menaces are specifically designed to secure a given area. When not busy, they are plugged into the wall, recharging. (Imagine what the nicads would cost for those puppies.)
  987. %m2 They have been rendered inoperative.
  988. Your fire and subsequent shower seems to have shorted out the burnished bullies.
  989. This section of the corridor is lined with Wallbots. There is a door to the right.
  990. The ceiling is average with the possible exception of some type of sprinklers.
  991. The sprinklers look to be of the fire suppresion type, possibly triggered by excessive heat.
  992. It looks very door-like.
  993. Get closer.
  994. The huge metal menaces are specifically designed to secure a given area. When not busy, they are plugged into the wall, recharging. (Imagine what the nicads would cost for those puppies.)
  995. %m2 They have been rendered inoperative.
  996. It's quite dark in here.
  997. %m1 On the floor you notice a glass cutter.
  998. You are in a tubular hallway. There is a door on the side wall.
  999. Okay.
  1000. You can't get that here.
  1001. That isn't here anymore.
  1002. Not from here!
  1003. There is a button situated next to it.
  1004. The door is closed. %m8
  1005. The door is open.
  1006. The door is open. %m8
  1007. Ah, ha! You know a janitorial closet when you smell one. Almost at once you sense an emptiness, a melancholy longing. You begin to feel homesick.
  1008. It's quite dark in here. You can find no light switch.
  1009. Oh, sure! Like you've never seen a button before.
  1010. It doesn't look like much from here.
  1011. It's not dark enough here to be effective.
  1012. You are not near enough to one.
  1013. That's been done.
  1014. It's another one of those tubular halls. There are two doors.
  1015. The doors bear icons, one male, the other, female. Each has a button next to it.
  1016. They're just more buttons.
  1017. That isn't how to do it.
  1018. You have stepped into a porcelain palace of sorts. It is obviously a rest room. A place which, in an interesting fashion, serves to exhibit the physical diversity of the universe.
  1019. The walls are covered in an easy-to-hose-down synthetic material. Attached to them in various locations are devices designed to efficiently collect waste products from the life forms which are able to physically match up to them.
  1020. On the back wall are stalls. Three of them are in use judging by the various feet which show beneath the stall doors. To the left are sinks.
  1021. As you can see, that's already been handled.
  1022. The door won't budge.
  1023. The stall door is marked "Out of Order."
  1024. The inside of the stall is a sight to behold. There is writing of various languages etched on the walls. The floor has an interesting coating of some type of congealed dreck. It appears that the toilet may have been white once. A toilet paper dispenser hangs on one wall.
  1025. The writing etched on the wall is in various languages. One large message you can read says "Vohaul Sucks!" Someone has tried, in vain, to cross it out.
  1026. The toilet looks very much like the ones you were used to back on Xenon, at least the ones YOU were responsible for cleaning. It has a handle which hasn't been used in awhile.
  1027. The grimy wall has writing on it.
  1028. A closer look makes you believe the paper should have a grit rating.
  1029. The toilet paper dispenser is of the single sheet variety. %m12
  1030. OK.
  1031. You already have that.
  1032. Your urge is more serious than that.
  1033. You slide your uniform pants down and settle onto the cool ring.
  1034. What are you, livestock? Be civilized. Try using a toilet.
  1035. You've satisfied that urge for now.
  1036. You go through whatever motions might be normal for you during this act.
  1037. During your close encounter with the toilet paper, you theorize that this brand of wipe was designed to thwart overuse and theft.
  1038. Refreshed, you grab your pants and compose yourself.
  1039. Have some decency, man! Close the door!
  1040. Well %s1, I guess you'll be paying methane a little more respect in the future. If Mr. Science were here, he would have explained that open flame and high concentrations of methane gas don't mix. Since you're dead you'd best get to restoring.
  1041. There are several stalls on the east wall, none of which are designed to accommodate humans.
  1042. This one looks like a quadport high performance urinal manifold. Especially useful for those multitudinously equipped. Also used in a pinch by up to four single digit beings when the place is really packed.
  1043. This one is interesting. It has a bi-level arrangement, with the upper opening about chin height on you. You might be careful about getting too close. Hopefully, you'll not run into the being this fits.
  1044. There are fixtures of many types scattered throughout the room, all designed to efficiently collect waste.
  1045. PFFFFT
  1046. The sound comes from one of the occupied stalls, you think.
  1047. Suddenly, one of your senses down-loads an extremely negative air quality report. For some reason, the name John springs to mind.
  1048. Severe grunting from the stalls indicates that this is an inappropriate time to strike up any conversations. Maybe they've got a case of Vohaul's Revenge. VOHAUL'S REVENGE, get it!?
  1049. The dispenser doesn't need to be opened.
  1050. There's a giant space herpe sitting on the seat. It takes one look at you and flees in terror.
  1051. The herpe is huge and somewhat gelatinous. It looks at you once and flees in terror.
  1052. You don't see one.
  1053. The writing etched on the wall is in various languages. One large message reads
  1054. %m39 "Vohaul's mother wears Stellar Patrol boots!"
  1055. %m39 "Vohaul plays text adventures!"
  1056. %m39 "Ken was here! (So was Al, but we had to repaint afterward.)"
  1057. %m39 "Vohaul Sucks!"
  1058. %m39 "Here I sit lonely hearted, had to bolt but only darted."
  1059. %m39 "Came in here to unleash a beast, just to find my colon creased!"
  1060. %m39 "For a good time, call Jerry! Ask for Leonard."
  1061. %m39 "You're right, R.D.! Sierra is an alien outpost! (And it certainly puts to rest some myths regarding superior life forms.)"
  1062. %m39 "Sir Graham Cross Dresses!"
  1063. %m39 "T. Bendrohiezehn Was Here."
  1064. %m39 "For a good time, call the Helmet Master!"
  1065. %m39 "Beware! The Tadpole Master Lurks!"
  1066. %m39 "Scott? Is it done yet? Get outta the head and back to work. Christmas doesn't move!"
  1067. Oh, No! That was a mistake. It's more gross than anything I've described to you in the past. Let's just say that it's a good thing you didn't chow down recently.
  1068. You notice nothing of particular disgust from here.
  1069. (Did you ever wonder how your boss looks doing this?)
  1070. (Did you ever wonder why people look afterward?)
  1071. The sinks are nice sinks, nothing fancy. Faucets sit above them.
  1072. The faucets aren't operational. Vohaul didn't seem big on personal hygiene.
  1073. Darn! Another pimple.
  1074. Get closer.
  1075. PHEWW!! It smells worse than John Williams' office in here! You glance around the room for dead Canaries.
  1076. The floor has an interesting coating of some type of congealed dreck. Imbedded within it you see everything from tiny fish-type scales to short curly hairs to dandruff flakes the size of toe nails. (And don't even bother to try getting any of it.) In the middle is a drain.
  1077. The drain has a cover welded in place. You can see nothing in the darkness below.
  1078. Why? Is it the stench or did you look in the mirror?
  1079. Why? No one else has. And it would probably be risky to attempt without a flotation device handy.
  1080. You're not in a good place for that.
  1081. They run into the ceiling and disappear.
  1082. Sorry. You can't do that.
  1083. That isn't necessary now.
  1084. It looks real door-like.
  1085. Leave the mirror alone.
  1086. There is nothing in here that a mere plunger can help.
  1087. GO AWAY!
  1088. That's not possible.
  1089. Youch! You feel alarmingly dense!
  1090. Apparently, you were a prime focal point for some aggression channeling by one of the caged creatures. Your compressed composition indicates that your attacker possesses considerable strength, a good guy to avoid in the future.
  1091. Of course, you are damaged beyond repair and the game must end. You've made quite a bit of progress, though. Don't start screwing up now.
  1092. The hallways on this level are the same as above with the exception of some type of cages. An occasional strange noise is heard. The smell here is stifling. Apparently, the holding cells are not well kept.
  1093. You can't see much but can hear something stirring in the darkness.
  1094. As is common in all periods of cage design, vertical bars of a sturdy nature dominate the appearance. They look quite impenetrable. One of them has some fur wrapped around a couple sections of bar.
  1095. You'll need to get closer.
  1096. There is no possible way for you to do that.
  1097. They look like large amounts of fur. No other features are evident from here.
  1098. They look like big paws.
  1099. You hear deep breathing.
  1100. Oh, No! One of the cells is opening. Who knows what unspeakable horror waits behind those steel bars?
  1101. This section is composed solely of cages. An occasional strange noise is heard. The smell here is stifling. Apparently, the holding cells are not well kept.
  1102. %m2 One of them is opening.
  1103. %ms Also, there is an alien nearby.
  1104. You can't see much but can hear something stirring in the darkness.
  1105. As is common in all periods of cage design, vertical bars of a sturdy nature dominate the appearance. They look quite impenetrable.
  1106. You'll need to get closer.
  1107. There is no possible way for you to do that.
  1108. It's quite dark in here.
  1109. %m1 There is a small wastebasket. On the floor next to it is a pair of crusty work overalls.
  1110. The hallways on this level are the same as above with the exception of some type of cages. An occasional strange noise is heard. The smell here is stifling. Apparently, the holding cells are not well kept. There is a door on the side wall.
  1111. Ok.
  1112. You can't get that here.
  1113. That isn't here anymore.
  1114. Not from here!
  1115. Aren't you amazed by how much stuff an adventure game hero can carry? You've just got to know how to pack.
  1116. They won't fit you.
  1117. That doesn't seem to be available.
  1118. Youch! You feel alarmingly dense!
  1119. Apparently, you were a prime focal point for some aggression channeling by one of the caged creatures. Your compressed composition indicates that your attacker possesses considerable strength, a good guy to avoid in the future.
  1120. Of course, you are damaged beyond repair and the game must end. You've made quite a bit of progress, though. Don't start screwing up now.
  1121. You pick up the overalls. They are very small and quite worn out, not to mention filthy, and of no use to you. You toss them back on the floor.
  1122. %m14 As you set them down, something falls to the floor.
  1123. They are wadded up on the floor.
  1124. You see some filthy overalls
  1125. %m17 and a lighter.
  1126. a wastebasket
  1127. %m17, %m19, and a lighter.
  1128. %m17 and %m19.
  1129. %m17.
  1130. %m14 You put them back.
  1131. %m1 On the floor is a pair of crusty work overalls.
  1132. %m24 There is a lighter near those.
  1133. %m2 There is a lighter near those.
  1134. There is a button situated next to it.
  1135. The door is closed. %m8
  1136. The door is open.
  1137. The door is open. %m8
  1138. Ah, ha! You know a janitorial closet when you smell one. Almost at once you sense an emptiness, a melancholy longing. You begin to feel homesick.
  1139. It's quite dark in here. You can find no light switch.
  1140. Oh, sure! Like you've never seen a button before.
  1141. You can't see much but can hear something stirring in the darkness.
  1142. As is common in all periods of cage design, vertical bars of a sturdy nature dominate the design. They look quite impenetrable. One of them has some fur wrapped around a couple sections of bar.
  1143. You'll need to get closer.
  1144. There is no possible way for you to do that.
  1145. They look like large amounts of fur. No other features are evident from here.
  1146. They look like big paws.
  1147. That's not possible from in here.
  1148. It doesn't look like much from here.
  1149. That would be easier to do if you had it.
  1150. It's not dark enough here to be effective.
  1151. That isn't how to do it.
  1152. Well, %s1, you've found one more way to snatch humiliation from the jaws of heroism.
  1153. You have just entered Vohaul's secret chamber. The evil one himself is seated before a large console high on a platform in the center of the room.
  1154. Standing obliviously ready are many of the dreaded salesman clones.
  1155. "So, %s1, we meet again. I must say, I'm quite impressed with your resourcefulness and tenacity. I'd love to chat but I'm busy preparing the last of my salesman clones for their trip to Xenon."
  1156. "Feel free to stick around and observe the downfall of your civilization, HA, HA, HA!"
  1157. As soon as you step on the platform you are struck by a beam of light emitted from a unit in the ceiling. In a matter of seconds you are broken down into micro-particles and extracted from the air.
  1158. Again the beam strikes, this time blasting into a glass jar on the console. It is there that you are molecularly reconstructed in a miniaturized form.
  1159. Get closer.
  1160. An examination of his repulsively turgid, fabric-encased mass reveals nothing other than the tubes which supplied him with blood and oxygen. You do notice the letters SHSR written in pen on the back of his left hand.
  1161. This is the keyboard area you visited while much smaller. It is of no importance now.
  1162. You notice the jar you escaped from earlier.
  1163. You see a screen with some text on it, just above a keyboard.
  1164. The console is loaded with indicator lights. Except one on the left, the screens are filled with numbers which would only make sense to Vohaul.
  1165. You can't make out much detail from here.
  1166. Most of the screens seem to be filled with meaningless numbers. The one on the left is flashing.
  1167. Vohaul's overweight, mechanically-maintained self is seated in a chair in the center of his control room. His pudgy, sallow, features sport no hair. He is truly a vision of ugliness.
  1168. Vohaul's dead hulking slab of flesh is loosely arranged at the base of the chair.
  1169. You are once again reconstituted, this time to the correct size. You notice that the clones are gone.
  1170. General Status: Orbit Decaying
  1171. Prognosis: TERMINAL
  1172. Interior Environment: OK
  1173. External Temperature: CRITICAL
  1174. Auxilary Operations:
  1175. Clone Launch: GO
  1176. Clone Launch: ABORTED
  1177. To Abort Launch Enter Code Below:
  1178. Abort Denied
  1179. Abort Granted
  1181. Way to go, %s1! You've stopped the launch of the salesman. Now get off this rock while there's still time.
  1182. An eerie glow illuminates the large chamber. Through the massive window you can see out into deep space. Lighted consoles adorn the area behind Vohaul's perch.
  1183. Vohaul awaits at the top of the stairway.
  1184. %m36 %m37
  1185. Vohaul's motionless mass is heaped loosely at the base of his chair.
  1186. %m36 %m39
  1187. He doesn't appear to be in a talking mood.
  1188. The narrow stairway leads up to Vohaul's platform, then continues to who knows where.
  1189. These guys are your worst nightmare come true. Imagine hundreds of John Davidsons in magnetically hazardous polyester suits, the color alone capable of rendering helpless the infirm.
  1190. Topped with permabond hair, the face splashed with that let-me-win-you-over smile, he's a master Guiltsmith programmed with one intent. SELL, SELL, SELL!! Each are encased in pre-programmed, impervious transport capsules.
  1191. They're gone!
  1192. From down here?
  1193. After viewing the condition of the chair that Vohaul sat in for who knows how long, you opt not to.
  1194. -->
  1195. >
  1196. 0
  1197. 1
  1198. 2
  1199. 3
  1200. 4
  1201. 5
  1202. 6
  1203. 7
  1204. 8
  1205. 9
  1207. :
  1208. Launch Countdown
  1209. >>
  1210. <<
  1211. It looks like a darn nice chair. However, there does seem to be a distinct outline where Vohaul's bloated bulk once nestled.
  1212. Through the massive window you can see out into the depths of space, toward distant systems. So many other places out there to be, but here YOU are.
  1213. "Going somewhere? Ha Ha Ha!"
  1214. There is no sense in messing with that now. It will not prolong your survival.
  1215. Go Away!
  1216. Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.
  1217. You don't have access to them from here.
  1218. You can't cut this super-hard glass.
  1219. There is no way to do that.
  1220. They sure are pretty.
  1221. The beached mass is fine where it is.
  1222. You can't.
  1223. That's been done.
  1224. You now know for a fact that less weight does not equal less pain at the onset of deceleration trauma. You've come so far only to die in a dumb way. What a geek.
  1225. "Well, I'll be darned! My miniaturization beam DOES work," Vohauls voice booms.
  1226. "In the old days, I'd test these things on myself. But, as you may have noticed by my appearance, being my own guinea pig has had its disadvantages."
  1227. "I guess this will keep you out of my way once and for all. You'll make a nice conversation piece." With that, Vohaul turns away to put finishing touches on Xenon's fate.
  1228. You are on Vohaul's control console in a miniaturized form.
  1229. You are currently inside a glass container.
  1230. There is a hole cut in the glass.
  1231. The now familiar beam is shooting into the jar.
  1232. Get closer.
  1233. You don't have anything capable of cutting it.
  1234. The newly cut pane of glass falls to the counter. Apparently, Vohaul doesn't notice.
  1235. You aren't in a good place to do that.
  1236. You wiggle your slim carcass through the vent.
  1237. You sneak back out into the open.
  1238. You can see Vohaul struggling to take his last few breaths. "Not YOU again? You think you have won," he wheezes, "but all you have done is to seal your own fate!"
  1239. He reaches up and flips a switch on the far end of the console before dropping to the floor, dead.
  1240. By already being in a miniaturized form and setting the beam to reduce, you are now too small to exist. That wasn't too swift on your part. Too bad.
  1241. He's really into his work. You're probably the last thing on his mind right now.
  1242. Dead men tell no tales.
  1243. You are trapped in a glass jar sitting on the surface of Vohaul's control console.
  1244. You are inside a glass jar. A hole has been cut in one side.
  1245. A beam of light penetrates through the top.
  1246. %m30 %m31
  1247. You are on the surface of a console. A large (compared to you) jar sits in the middle. A hole has been cut in the side. There are some vents near the back.
  1248. As you turn your attention to the vent, you notice it to be quite dark.
  1249. You hear a rythmic hum of some sort of mechanical device and something that sounds like industrial strength breathing. It might be coming from the vent.
  1250. %m34 %m35
  1251. It's darn quiet.
  1252. It's hard to see the rest of the console from this vantage point.
  1253. It's big, heavy, and quite content on the counter.
  1254. The beam has a mystifying yellow depth. The air around it feels electrified.
  1255. He still reeks repulsion, but in a much larger quantity now. He seems rather occupied by his work.
  1256. You can't see it.. I mean him, from here.
  1257. From here all you can see is vent exterior.
  1258. The jar is huge and glassy.
  1259. There is a hole cut in it.
  1260. %m44 %m45 %m31
  1261. %m44 %m45
  1262. The glass is too thick to break.
  1263. You can't do that.
  1264. A serious lack of oxygen causes you to black out and eventually die. Too bad Vohaul didn't see fit to punch some air holes for you. That's all for now, %s1.
  1265. Judging from those two hoses coming in from outside, you guess that this is the inner workings of Vohaul's life support system. A respirator pumps oxygen into his lungs while a pump on the back wall forces blood through filters.
  1266. You'll need to be closer.
  1267. That does nothing.
  1268. Way to go, %s1! You've just disconnected Vohaul's life support system! He's a goner without it.
  1269. See the bladder go up. See the bladder go down. Up. Down. Up. Down.
  1270. You are in the inner workings of Vohaul's formerly functional life support system. The pump and respirator are quiet now.
  1271. It is inactive now.
  1272. It kinda looks like a slurpy machine. And it's mixing your favorite flavor, Cherry! MMMMM!
  1273. Get with the program! That's been handled.
  1274. Easier said than done.
  1275. The walls are featureless except for the large button on the back wall underneath a sign.
  1276. It is typical of most buttons, except, very large.
  1277. That's a waste of time.
  1278. That won't work.
  1279. There is also a sign on the back wall.
  1280. The sign says "CAUTION: Press Button For Emergency Shut Off."
  1281. You now know for a fact that less weight does not equal less pain at the onset of deceleration trauma. You've come so far only to die in a dumb way. What a geek.
  1282. Darn, %s1. I guess His Lardness got a little fed up with your meddling. You've been redesigned once again revealing a permanent overhead view. You resemble one of those wonderfully colorful mosaics commonly found on windshields.
  1283. That's already been done.
  1284. Get closer to the
  1285. %m4 keyboard.
  1286. %m4 switch.
  1287. You are walking on another section of the control console. There is a large switch on the back panel. A keyboard is at your feet.
  1288. It's just your typical keyboard. Keys with normal letters on them.
  1289. The switch is the toggle type. It is currently
  1290. %m9 on.
  1291. %m9 off.
  1292. The side walls are non-descript. The back one has a switch and two displays. You can see what they are displaying.
  1293. There they are. What you see is what they display.
  1294. The two hoses originate from Vohaul's chest region and lead into this portion of the console.
  1295. The diameter combined with the slick composition of the tubes makes it an obvious bad risk. Besides, just looking at the floor below makes you dizzy.
  1296. They are securely fixed to their respective junctions.
  1297. You are not capable of damaging or inhibiting the performance of these tubes with your physical status being what it is.
  1298. The typing's been taken care of, thank you.
  1299. "Type" the word you want.
  1300. He's really into his work. You're probably the last thing on his mind right now.
  1301. Dead men tell no tales.
  1302. Get closer.
  1303. He still reeks repulsion, but in a much larger quantity now. He seems rather occupied by his work.
  1304. You can't see it.. I mean him, from here.
  1305. You should either lower or raise the switch.
  1306. The switch should be 'On' first.
  1307. You are walking through a clear tubular passageway which seems to wind in and out along the outer perimeter of the asteroid.
  1308. You open the box and, noticing an oxygen mask, remove it and close the box.
  1309. Opening the box you notice it is empty. You close it.
  1310. You aren't in the right place to do that.
  1311. The box is actually an oxygen mask receptacle. It is currently closed.
  1312. You are already wearing it.
  1313. No longer needing the mask, you remove and stow it for later.
  1314. There is a box mounted on the west end of this tube.
  1315. Nothing much you can say about clear stuff.
  1316. %m17 There is a box attached to the wall at the west end.
  1317. It looks darn cold and lonely out there. You can only wonder how far you are from home, or if you will ever see it again.
  1318. It looks like all the other flooring in the place.
  1319. It looks cold and hard.
  1320. Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.
  1321. You are walking through a clear tubular passageway which seems to wind in and out along the outer perimeter of the asteroid. The planet of Labion spins nearby.
  1322. You can see evidence of the decaying orbit of the asteroid. The exterior of the asteroid is heating up from ever increasing collisions with atmospheric molecules.
  1323. %m2 The glass tubes will not bear this heat much longer.
  1324. A section of the glass tubing has fractured from combined stress. The pressurized atmosphere rushes for the relative vacuum of space.
  1325. %m2 %m4
  1326. Due to the effect of the air rushing by you to get out the hole, the air in your lungs is sucked out and you find it impossible to get more. Hence you struggle, but die. You only had %v3 points anyway. No big loss.
  1327. Fortunately, wearing the mask protects you from suffocation.
  1328. You aren't in the right place to do that.
  1329. You are already wearing it.
  1330. No longer needing the mask, you remove and stow it for later.
  1331. You slide the oxygen mask back on your face.
  1332. Nothing much you can say about clear stuff.
  1333. It looks darn cold and lonely out there. You can only wonder how far you are from home, or if you will ever see it again.
  1334. It looks like all the other flooring in the place.
  1335. You don't have a good view from here.
  1336. It's thin but growing you best get moving.
  1337. Labion draws closer as the asteroid falls to the whims of it's gravitational pull. Things are really heating up.
  1338. It seems to be heating up a tad.
  1339. Obviously, we didn't learn our lesson in the first chapter about the effects of vacuum on the human body. There are other ways to kill yourself. Try one of them if you want to end it all.
  1340. You are somewhere.
  1341. LAUNCH TIME:
  1342. T-Minus
  1343. %m2 TEN
  1344. %m2 NINE
  1345. %m2 EIGHT
  1346. %m2 SEVEN
  1347. %m2 SIX
  1348. %m2 FIVE
  1349. %m2 FOUR
  1350. %m2 THREE
  1351. %m2 TWO
  1352. %m2 ONE
  1353. %m2 ZERO
  1354. You are somewhere.
  1355. PHEWWW!! You're going to have to stop cutting these escapes so close, %s1.
  1356. Well, you must feel pretty good right now. You stopped Vohaul from carrying out his threat of salesman infestation, ultimately destroying the twisted scientist himself.
  1357. You also managed to save your own skin. And just look at that score. Pretty darned impressive!
  1358. Suddenly, a warning signal draws your attention to the oxygen meter on the front panel. It reads low and dropping fast!
  1359. This is just great! You knew it was all too good to be true. You have, maybe, five minutes of air left. Well, %s1, it was nice knowing you.
  1360. Now you take the time to view the interior of the pod in more detail. You see a sleep chamber against one wall.
  1361. The chamber is a bed, of sorts, enclosed in a large plexiglass cylinder. The occupant of such a chamber would be placed in suspended animation and kept alive for an indefinite period of time.
  1362. You make the split second decision to enter the sleep chamber. It seals automatically.
  1363. Soon, you are overcome by a pleasant drowsiness. This is certainly better than suffocating. You begin to drift away into a deep sleep with the satisfaction of having accomplished your task. You've come through in the clutch and you deserve a nice long rest. (Now if someone would just pick you up somewhere along the way.)
  1364. So long, %s1, and thanks again for saving your people.
  1365. Unfortunately, you failed to stop the launch of the clones dooming Xenon to the most horrible of fates! Way to go, %s1.
  1366. Get closer.
  1367. That's been handled.
  1368. You need to open the chamber.
  1369. You turn back the plexiglass cover.
  1370. Thanks For Playing Space Quest II
  1371. Sorry. You've run out of oxygen and are now dead. Your death is a lonely event occurring in an utterly desolate setting. Alone in the knowledge that you have spared Xenon an incredibly horrible fate, you now must deal with the down side of self-sacrifice.
  1372. Good Idea!
  1373. Unfortunately, as you begin to put it on you notice that the tank is empty. Sorry.
  1374. Space Quest was designed and created by Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe.
  1375. You are inside one of the emergency escape vehicles. Before you lies a control panel and a viewport.
  1376. The only outstanding features on the panel are a launch button and an oxygen meter.
  1377. Through the viewport you are once again impressed by the empty vastness of space.
  1378. It is a push-type launch button.
  1379. That is not helpful now.
  1380. No way. That would be instant death.
  1381. It reads empty.
  1382. You are.
  1383. Why? You just got comfortable.
  1384. Congratulations!!! You're the most bitchen adventure game player in the world! No, make that the entire Universe!! While all those other silly saps struggle and toil through puzzle after puzzle, you have found a way to cheat yourself to the end. Is America great, or what?!
  1385. Thank you for playing Space Quest ][
  1387. Bad news, %s1. The clone launch has progressed flawlessly. Life is now hopeless, your civilization doomed. There is no need to go on.
  1388. More bad news, %s1. The asteroid's orbit has finally decayed to the point where contact with the molecular contents of Labion's upper atmosphere has been achieved.
  1389. The result of this friction is a tremendous heat build-up. Despite being a very dense chunk of matter, the asteroid flames out, broiling you with it. Another victim in the heartless universe of adventure.
  1390. Keep up the good work, %s1.
  1391. Because you are terminally weak above the shoulders, you guide the ship into the ground.
  1392. Welcome Aboard XOS 4
  1393. To log on for duty
  1394. please enter your name below
  1395. (up to 18 characters):
  1396. Name:
  1397. Roger Wilco
  1398. new room:
  1399. x:
  1400. y:
  1401. object number:
  1402. var number:
  1403. var value:
  1404. object #:
  1405. var %v79: %v80
  1406. flag number:
  1407. flag %v79 is set
  1408. flag %v79 is not set
  1409. Word not known:
  1410. %m12%w1
  1411. %m12%w2
  1412. %m12%w3
  1413. No response to input.
  1414. You are dead! You can only restore, restart, or quit the game.
  1415. Thank you for playing Space Quest. Too bad you've failed miserably and doomed all your people to a horrible death.
  1416. Way to go, wing nut! Once again, you've demonstrated your inability to sustain life. You quickly glance around the room to see if anyone saw you blow it. Thank you for playing Space Quest ][, %s1. You've been swell to watch. Have a nice day.
  1417. Thank you for playing Space Quest ][
  1418. Space Quest was designed and created by Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe. We hope you're not looking for someone to blame just because you died.
  1419. Another senseless tragedy. You can help prevent this. Vote Yes on Lobotomies for Adventure Game Designers. Thank you for playing Space Quest ][, %s1. You've been most entertaining.
  1420. It has been a pleasure watching you play Space Quest ][.
  1421. Thanks for playing. You've been very entertaining.
  1422. discard.view(%v18):%m30
  1423. set.view(%v18,_):%m26
  1424. set.view(_,%v18):%m30
  1425. set.loop(%v18,_):%m26
  1426. set.loop(%v18,_):
  1427. Bad loop #.%m25
  1428. set.loop(%v18,_):%m31
  1429. set.cel(%v18,_):%m26
  1430. set.cel(%v18,_):
  1431. Bad cel #.%m25
  1432. sound(%v18):
  1433. Sound not loaded.%m25
  1434. set.cel(%v18,_):%m31
  1435. Script buffer overflow.
  1436. Maximum size = %v18%m25
  1437. erase(%v18):%m26
  1438. animate.obj(%v18):%m26
  1439. stop.update(%v18):%m28
  1440. Bad test: %v18%m25
  1441. Bad action: %v18%m25
  1442. start.update(%v18):%m28
  1443. draw.pic(%v18):%m32
  1444. draw(%v18):%m26
  1445. draw(%v18):%m31
  1446. discard.pic(%v18):%m32
  1447. get(%v18) or put(%v18):%m26
  1449. Press ESC to quit.
  1450. %m27.%m25
  1452. Bad object number
  1453. %m27 or object not drawn.%m25
  1455. View not
  1456. %m29loaded.%m25
  1457. %m29set.%m25
  1458. Picture not loaded.%m25
  1459. increment
  1460. decrement
  1461. assignn
  1462. assignv
  1463. addn
  1464. addv
  1465. subn
  1466. subv
  1467. lindirectv
  1468. rindirect
  1469. lindirectn
  1470. set
  1471. reset
  1472. toggle
  1473. set.v
  1474. reset.v
  1475. toggle.v
  1478. load.logics
  1479. load.logics.v
  1480. call
  1481. call.v
  1482. load.pic
  1483. draw.pic
  1484. show.pic
  1485. discard.pic
  1486. overlay.pic
  1487. show.pri.screen
  1488. load.view
  1489. load.view.v
  1490. discard.view
  1491. animate.obj
  1492. unanimate.all
  1493. draw
  1494. erase
  1495. position
  1496. position.v
  1497. get.posn
  1498. reposition
  1499. set.view
  1500. set.view.v
  1501. set.loop
  1502. set.loop.v
  1503. fix.loop
  1504. release.loop
  1505. set.cel
  1506. set.cel.v
  1507. last.cel
  1508. current.cel
  1509. current.loop
  1510. current.view
  1511. number.of.loops
  1512. set.priority
  1513. set.priority.v
  1514. release.priority
  1515. get.priority
  1516. stop.update
  1517. start.update
  1518. force.update
  1519. ignore.horizon
  1520. observe.horizon
  1521. set.horizon
  1522. object.on.water
  1524. object.on.anything
  1525. ignore.objs
  1526. observe.objs
  1527. distance
  1528. stop.cycling
  1529. start.cycling
  1530. normal.cycle
  1531. end.of.loop
  1532. reverse.cycle
  1533. reverse.loop
  1534. cycle.time
  1535. stop.motion
  1536. start.motion
  1537. step.size
  1538. step.time
  1539. move.obj
  1540. move.obj.v
  1541. follow.ego
  1542. wander
  1543. normal.motion
  1544. set.dir
  1545. get.dir
  1546. ignore.blocks
  1547. observe.blocks
  1548. block
  1549. unblock
  1550. get
  1551. get.v
  1552. drop
  1553. put
  1554. put.v
  1556. load.sound
  1557. sound
  1558. stop.sound
  1559. print
  1560. print.v
  1561. display
  1562. display.v
  1563. clear.lines
  1564. text.screen
  1565. graphics
  1566. set.cursor.char
  1567. set.text.attribute
  1568. shake.screen
  1569. configure.screen
  1570. status.line.on
  1572. set.string
  1573. get.string
  1575. parse
  1576. get.num
  1577. prevent.input
  1578. accept.input
  1579. set.key
  1582. status
  1585. init.disk
  1587. show.obj
  1588. random
  1589. program.control
  1590. player.control
  1591. obj.status.v
  1592. quit
  1593. show.mem
  1594. pause
  1595. echo.line
  1596. cancel.line
  1598. toggle.monitor
  1599. version
  1600. script.size
  1602. log
  1603. set.scan.start
  1604. reset.scan.start
  1607. trace.on
  1611. discard.view.v
  1612. clear.text.rect
  1613. set.upper.left
  1617. enable.item
  1618. disable.item
  1619. menu.input
  1620. show.obj.v
  1621. open.dialogue
  1622. close.dialogue
  1623. mul.n
  1624. mul.v
  1625. div.n
  1626. div.v
  1627. close.window
  1628. equaln
  1629. equalv
  1630. lessn
  1631. lessv
  1632. greatern
  1633. greaterv
  1634. isset
  1635. isset.v
  1636. has
  1638. posn
  1639. controller
  1640. have.key
  1641. said
  1642. compare.strings
  1644. center.posn
  1645. right.posn
  1646. SPACE QUEST ][
  1647. Help
  1648. F1 Displays this message.
  1649. F2 Turns the sound off and on.
  1650. F3 Retypes the last line typed.
  1651. F5 Saves your current game.
  1652. F7 Restores a saved game.
  1653. F9 Restarts the game.
  1654. TAB Shows the status screen.
  1655. ESC Pops up menus/Pauses the game.
  1656. Ctrl-J Sets up your joystick.
  1657. Ctrl-R Toggles RGB monitor modes.
  1658. F1 or HELP Displays this message.
  1659. Ctrl-J Sets up your joystick/mouse.
  1660. ,
  1661. as does the joystick button
  1662. or the right mouse button.
  1663. + Increases volume.
  1664. - Decreases volume.
  1665. >
  1666. _
  1667. Welcome to Space Quest ][
  1668. Roger Wilco
  1669. SQ2
  1670. Ver. 2.0F
  1671. The walls and deck are made of a very strong composite material commonly used in spacecraft.
  1672. You stare at the ceiling which, as usual, is overhead. Nothing exciting is learned through this act.
  1673. You hack up a good one from way down deep. You, carefully, draw in some air and let it fly.
  1674. Using relatively poor judgement... Oh, lets face it... Your an idiot. You have stuccoed the inside of your helmet's face mask with a large, and rather viscous, quantity of throat balm. Nice going.
  1675. Unfortunately, it proves to be a rather viscous one. That being the case, it is unable to clear your lip and strings it's way down the front of your uniform leaving an unsightly mess.
  1676. The pnuematic transport is a large plexiglass tube in which a small transport unit rides. When completed, it will link all areas of the station.
  1677. Besides a door and seat, the inside to the transport is fairly plain since all control is handled remotely.
  1678. You don't own one.
  1679. It's a nice wrist, manly, yet supple.
  1680. Do it yourself.
  1681. Yes. You see before you a tree.
  1682. The bushes seem to be composed of leaves and small branches. Nothing interesting about them.
  1683. The ground is soiled.
  1684. The tree is coated with a thin slimy film making it unclimbable.
  1685. The tree is very solid. You have no implement with which to penetrate it and you're no beaver.
  1686. What ever you say, Mr. Atlas.
  1687. Sunlight filters through the dense, leafy crown of the forest. The sky appears to be clear.
  1688. You are not near any gatherable leaves.
  1689. They're all in use right now. Sorry.
  1690. That won't help you right now.
  1691. Leave the dirt alone.
  1692. You hear the soft music of a million leaves in the gentle breeze.
  1693. You already have some leaves.
  1694. The rocks in this region are all gray and fairly rounded. There appears to be nothing of interest about them.
  1695. You peer into the dense thicket, but see only denser thicket.
  1696. The juicy bark appears fiberous beneath the slick coating.
  1697. You can't remove the bark.
  1698. The vines appear to be very thin and fragile.
  1699. You are unable to reach the vines.
  1700. The rocks here are too large to move.
  1701. The bank is an exposed section of packed brown dirt.
  1702. The bank is too steep to climb.
  1703. The foliage is too dense to travel through.
  1704. The moss on the trees is thick, green, and slimey.
  1705. The moss is too slimey to get.
  1706. The roots of the trees are very uninteresting.
  1707. Leave the root alone.
  1708. You can't see the forest for the trees.
  1709. That wouldn't be helpful.
  1710. Hey, you're no 6 Million Buckazoid man!
  1711. Trying to dig a hole in this solid ground is a waste of time.
  1712. You can't move them to look under them.
  1713. Be more specific.
  1714. Too many leaves in the way.
  1715. There isn't much to see, as you may have noticed.
  1716. It's too thick in there.
  1717. The trees in this area are of two distinct types. Wet ones, and dry ones.
  1718. You are unable to see very far into the murky liquid. It doesn't look too appealing.
  1719. You take a swig of the murky water. The taste is not unlike the squeezings of 100 moist gym socks. You shiver in disgust. Hopefully, no intestinal discomfort is in your future.
  1720. You grab some water, but it gets away.
  1721. Who are you, Lloyd Bridges? You don't know what's down there.
  1722. Glub Glub, eh?
  1723. You're dead. Better luck next time, %s1.
  1724. %m9 and, almost as suddenly, spit you back out. You distinctly hear the sounds of aquatic gagging and retching. Evidently, you had a bad after taste from the berries.
  1725. You feel something slimy clamp down on your leg
  1726. %m9 and pull you beneath the surface! You struggle in vain to free yourself. Unfortunately, your desire to breathe results in the intake of a large quantity of swamp water. If the lack of oxygen hadn't killed you the taste of the putrid water would have.
  1727. (COMING ATTRACTION!!) You duck under the surface of the water and begin to swim downward.
  1728. It's not deep enough to require swimming.
  1729. You can't do that while in the water.
  1730. Those eyes say it all. You're in deep stuff buddy!
  1731. Those are the tell tale bubbles of an unfriendly slime slug.
  1732. Funny. No response.
  1733. That yields nothing.
  1734. Go on in.
  1735. The trees are not climable.
  1736. It's too dense to see anything of form.
  1737. As one might expect, the packed part of the planet directly near your feet is composed of the more broken-down elements of this planet's construct. It might be known as "dirt" to some. It's real hard if come at from a distance. Not desirable stuff.
  1738. YUCKK
  1739. That wouldn't be sucessful.
  1740. You must be seeing things.
  1741. Thanks to some fancy footwork, you are now picking yourself up off the ground after barely surviving a fall down a small cliff.
  1742. You can't go on. You do not have enough oxygen in your lungs. You panic! The need for oxygen causes you to become irrational.
  1743. Your desire for air causes you to inhale large quantities of water, which results in suffocation.
  1744. Drats! Vohaul's troops have tracked you down and passed sentence for your escape. Tough luck, eh?
  1745. You hear something. It sounds not unlike the hovercraft you wrecked in.
  1746. Whew! That was a tense moment. Vohaul's thug failed to spot you and is off to search elsewhere.
  1747. You see a hovercraft much like the one you rode earlier. You hope not to be spotted.
  1748. You see rock walls. The glowing rock is barely effective in cutting the darkness.
  1749. The ladder is made of very strong, welded metal.
  1750. Leave the ladder alone.
  1751. That proves unrewarding.
  1752. That wouldn't help you here.
  1753. It's fine where it is.
  1754. You grow quite weary swimming against the currents.
  1755. You can no longer continue swimming due to exhaustion. You slip beneath the surface.
  1756. The water is clear except for a very slight cloudiness. It appears to be luminous. In fact the water's soft glow seems to be providing the light here.
  1757. The walls are composed of rock.
  1758. There is no place to get a hand hold.
  1759. There is nothing of interest below the surface of the water. Besides, the undercurrent might drown you.
  1760. While it looks refreshing in a way, you are slightly reluctant to drink water that glows. Maybe some other time.
  1761. You're not fooling me with that phoney stupid act. You know you're in the water already.
  1762. You see the water. Head for it.
  1763. Any curiosity you may have harbored regarding the menacing, metallic pest will now be satisfied as you have drawn too close. Your attention is attracted to a decal on the front of the machine. It says "The Vohaul Marrow-Matic." This rouses your curiosity.
  1764. Suddenly you note that each and every bone in your body feels as though it has been transformed into molten matter. Never slow to catch on, you notice that you are cooking from the inside out! Now this is a pain that lingers!
  1765. Every drop of moisture is purged from your system by the intense heat of the internal barbecue. Your dehydrated composition makes it impossible to continue. Better luck next time, %s1.
  1766. The robot has apparently decided that it is permissable for you to be here since you are in the pod already.
  1767. It's a very odd looking robot, balanced on two legs with an odd electric eye scanning back and forth. On it are the words "Vohaul Marrow-Matic."
  1768. You are in a small capsule-shaped enclosure. Above the door is a digital read-out which reads LEVEL %v122. The only other feature is a rectangular panel.
  1769. The panel has a vertical row of four buttons. There is some small engraving at the bottom edge of the panel.
  1770. The buttons look ordinary. Each button has a word next to it. In order, they are "One", "Three", "Four", and "Five".
  1771. The digital read-out shows the number %v122.
  1772. Aren't you glad no one saw that? %m4 The trick here is to push the number of a floor other than this one. Otherwise, it's no fun.
  1773. The engraving reads;
  1778. "IF YOU'RE BOLD, WE'VE
  1779. GOT THE HOLD!"
  1781. GOT THE GRIP!"
  1783. GONE BEFORE!"
  1784. Hey! wake up! There is no button "Two".
  1785. The entire enclosure is made of stainless steel. No features other than the buttons and door are evident.
  1786. Much to your surprise, it looks just like an elevator door!
  1787. You'll have to provide more information than that.
  1788. That's not good enough. Get with the program.
  1789. Sorry. It's busy.
  1790. No.
  1791. It looks like you have been formally introduced to the floor waxer. You now consist of a very thin, yet glossy floor covering. Too bad. You seemed to be making relatively good progress.
  1792. There's an automated floor waxer moving down the corridor. The name plaque reads "The Daledo Buffmaster. Another Fine Product from Helmet Master Enterprises."
  1793. It's no conversationalist.
  1794. There is a surveillance camera mounted on the ceiling. It looks to be quite basic. It appears to be pointing right at you!
  1795. You have the funny feeling you're being watched.
  1796. I think that about wraps-up your I.Q. test.
  1797. No break-throughs in interior design to report. It's just one of many tube-like sections of this custom asteroid.
  1798. All surfaces seem to be composed of pre-fabricated, synthetic panels which have been secured to the sides of the bored-out tube.
  1799. All the panels seem solidly affixed to whatever is behind them.
  1800. This section of hall dead-ends. There is an elevator on the back wall and a camera attached to the ceiling.
  1801. OH, YUCK!! The dark and spiny beast with massive red lips grabs you up and, after a longing glance, proceeds (don't read further if the phrase "French kiss" bothers you) to plant a very moist french kiss on you. You are left quite stunned.
  1802. It leaves, apparently satisfied.
  1803. It's a dark prehistoric-looking beast with plates covering it's body. One outstanding feature is a pair of gigantic red lips.
  1804. They're massive, eh?
  1805. You have made the mistake of getting within what looks to be a cattle-prod's length of the metal menace.
  1806. An electrical contact connected to an extension arm reaches from its body and makes contact with you. That's when you begin feeling the intense burst of electrical current pulsing through your body. You quickly black-out.
  1807. As you can see, you amount to little more than a hill of laser-fried beans. You've come a long way only to be torched. Keep up the fine work.
  1808. The huge metal menace is specifically designed to secure a given area. When not busy, it is plugged into the wall, recharging. (Imagine what nicads would cost for that puppy.)
  1809. They're neatly indented into the wall.
  1810. They don't look so darn tough now. That little shower did the trick.
  1811. Your fire and subsequent shower seems to have shorted-out the burnished bullies.
  1812. There is no need to put an empty basket here.
  1813. You don't have one of those.
  1814. That won't work from here.
  1815. That's not here.
  1816. Didn't you already do that?
  1817. While receiving a nice hosing yourself, the basket fire is extinguished. Seconds later a loud series of pops is followed by the smell of fried electronics.
  1818. The sprinklers sense accomplishment and cease operation.
  1819. It's of no use to you now.
  1820. Not here.
  1821. That can't be done at this time.
  1822. Unfortunately, it's too late for you!
  1823. It wouldn't hold you.
  1824. That won't
  1825. %m14 work.
  1826. %m14 help.
  1827. You are suddenly wracked by excruciatingly violent pain! It feels as if your body is trying to turn inside-out.
  1828. After gaining freedom from its flesh fortress, the odd little alien runs away leaving you lying on the floor like a used, over-sized placenta. A darn tough, yet unique, way to go. That should teach you not be sucking face with alien beings in the future.
  1829. You are somewhere.
  1830. The walls are covered with panels protecting sensitive technical environment control components. They're nothing to mess with.
  1831. It looks like it's waiting to take you for a ride.
  1832. It seems to be in service right now.
  1833. The door can't be opened while in use.
  1834. Apparently your seeing-eye dog didn't bother to mention that the door is already open.
  1835. All surfaces seem to be composed of pre-fabricated synthetic panels which have been secured to the inside perimeter of the bored-out tube.
  1836. %m7 Lights flash in warning.
  1837. All you can see are billions and billions of stars.
  1838. You hear just the usual electrical humms and mechanical groans common to any vessel or complex.
  1839. Do it yourself.
  1840. Can't do that.
  1841. That won't work.
  1842. (C) 1988 Sierra On-Line, Inc.
  1843. %s4
  1844. As you will recall in our last
  1845. chapter, you had just foiled the
  1846. Sariens fiendish plot to rule the
  1847. galaxy by using the Star Generator
  1848. as their weapon of destruction.
  1849. You became a hero by saving countless
  1850. lives and returning the Star Generator
  1851. technology into safe hands.
  1852. Life Was Beautiful
  1853. But heroes come and go and people
  1854. soon forget. Your celebrated herodom
  1855. slowly fades leaving you, once again,
  1856. a janitor.
  1857. The promotion to head janitor was no
  1858. consolation. (Especially since you are
  1859. the ONLY member of the janitorial
  1860. staff.) Nor was the transfer
  1861. to Orbital Station 4.
  1862. Sweating like a pork-beast in a
  1863. pressure suit while relocating space
  1864. debris in zero-gravity, just wasn't
  1865. your idea of a good time.
  1866. Life Sucks.....Again
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