

May 8th, 2012
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  1. TG: okya dirk well gl w/taht
  2. TG: ill totes b here to be ur reboudn and all ;3
  3. TT: Uh. Thanks I guess, Rox.
  4. -- timaeusTestified [TT] has ceased bothering tipsyGnostalgic [TG] --
  6. Roxy leaned back from her computer, heaving quite the sigh. For two reasons. First of all, her martini glass was distressingly empty. Second of all, it was really fucking difficult to be so supportive of someone's decisions when they were a deep infraction on your own feelings. Ugh. Sighing again in a more melodramatic way, she spun around in her computer chair drunkenly. And once more. ...and once more after that. Satisfied with her minute dizziness, she stood, kicking at one of her pink cat stuffed animals.
  8. "Good luck, Dirk." She laughed in spite of herself. "Yeah. Good luck my drunk ass." It was really unfair of her to think like that. Like, super-bad-for-her-girl-cred unfair. It was unfair for Roxy to seem so unsupportive when really, she shouldn't have been so in love with him to begin with. She couldn't help it though, you know? The way he spoke to her - even though it was usually crisp; buisiness-like, and unfeeling - really moved her. It was like he was the only one that'd actually tolerate her being drunk all the time. In his own way. Jake and Jane were wonderful and all, but they were so... oblivious? No. Turning the other cheek. Condescendingly patting her on the head, 'haha-oh-you're-so-silly-Roxy'ing it up. Dirk talked to her. He didn't dress it up with gradeschool nonsensities. He treated her like an equal.
  10. It made her so fucking enamoured with him she couldn't even stand it. It made her wildly fucking jealous of Jake. And that made her feel guilty!
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