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- -- MADE BY bruhmoments#5852
- -- send issues or suggestions to my discord: bruhmoments#5852
- if not _G.Ignore then
- _G.Ignore = {} -- Add Instances to this table to ignore them (e.g. _G.Ignore = {workspace.Map, workspace.Map2})
- end
- if not _G.WaitPerAmount then
- _G.WaitPerAmount = 500 -- Set Higher or Lower depending on your computer's performance
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications == nil then
- _G.SendNotifications = true -- Set to false if you don't want notifications
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs == nil then
- _G.ConsoleLogs = false -- Set to true if you want console logs (mainly for debugging)
- end
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- end
- if not _G.Settings then
- _G.Settings = {
- Players = {
- ["Ignore Me"] = true,
- ["Ignore Others"] = true,
- ["Ignore Tools"] = true
- },
- Meshes = {
- NoMesh = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Images = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Explosions = {
- Smaller = true,
- Invisible = false, -- Not recommended for PVP games
- Destroy = false -- Not recommended for PVP games
- },
- Particles = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- TextLabels = {
- LowerQuality = false,
- Invisible = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- MeshParts = {
- LowerQuality = true,
- Invisible = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- NoMesh = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Other = {
- ["FPS Cap"] = 240, -- Set this true to uncap FPS
- ["No Camera Effects"] = true,
- ["No Clothes"] = true,
- ["Low Water Graphics"] = true,
- ["No Shadows"] = true,
- ["Low Rendering"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Parts"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Models"] = true,
- ["Reset Materials"] = true,
- ["Lower Quality MeshParts"] = true
- }
- }
- end
- local Players, Lighting, StarterGui, MaterialService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("MaterialService")
- local ME, CanBeEnabled = Players.LocalPlayer, {"ParticleEmitter", "Trail", "Smoke", "Fire", "Sparkles"}
- local function PartOfCharacter(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= ME and v.Character and Instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function DescendantOfIgnore(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(_G.Ignore) do
- if Instance:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckIfBad(Instance)
- if not Instance:IsDescendantOf(Players) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"] and not PartOfCharacter(Instance) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"] and ME.Character and not Instance:IsDescendantOf(ME.Character) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"] and not Instance:IsA("BackpackItem") and not Instance:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BackpackItem") or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"])--[[not PartOfCharacter(Instance)]] and (_G.Ignore and not table.find(_G.Ignore, Instance) and not DescendantOfIgnore(Instance) or (not _G.Ignore or type(_G.Ignore) ~= "table" or #_G.Ignore <= 0)) then
- if Instance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoMesh and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoTexture and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.TextureId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.Destroy or _G.Settings["No Meshes"] then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("FaceInstance") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.LowDetail then
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Graphic = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif table.find(CanBeEnabled, Instance.ClassName) then
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Particles"] or _G.Settings["No Particles"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Invisible) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- end
- if (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("PostEffect") and (_G.Settings["No Camera Effects"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Camera Effects"])) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- elseif Instance:IsA("Explosion") then
- if _G.Settings["Smaller Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Smaller Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Smaller) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Invisible) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Clothing") or Instance:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or Instance:IsA("BaseWrap") then
- if _G.Settings["No Clothes"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Clothes"]) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("BasePart") and not Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Parts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Parts"]) then
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") and Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- if _G.Settings["Lower Quality TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Lower Quality TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Instance.TextScaled = false
- Instance.RichText = false
- Instance.TextSize = 14
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Invisible) then
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Model") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Models"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Models"]) then
- Instance.LevelOfDetail = 1
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Invisible) then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoTexture then
- Instance.TextureID = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoMesh then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings["No MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "Loading FPS Booster...",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if (_G.Settings["Low Water Graphics"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Water Graphics"])) then
- if not workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain") then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain")
- end
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSize = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterReflectance = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterTransparency = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain"), "Decoration", false)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "Low Water Graphics Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Water Graphics Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["No Shadows"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Shadows"]) then
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- Lighting.FogEnd = 9e9
- Lighting.ShadowSoftness = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(Lighting, "Technology", 2)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "No Shadows Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("No Shadows Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Low Rendering"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Rendering"]) then
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = 1
- settings().Rendering.MeshPartDetailLevel = Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel.Level04
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "Low Rendering Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Rendering Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Reset Materials"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Reset Materials"]) then
- for i, v in pairs(MaterialService:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- MaterialService.Use2022Materials = false
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "Reset Materials Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Reset Materials Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) then
- if setfpscap then
- if type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "string" or type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "number" then
- setfpscap(tonumber(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])),
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- end
- elseif _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) == true then
- setfpscap(1e6)
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "FPS Uncapped",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Uncapped")
- end
- end
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "FPS Cap Failed",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Cap Failed")
- end
- end
- end)
- game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- wait(_G.LoadedWait or 1)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)
- local Descendants = game:GetDescendants()
- local StartNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- local WaitNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Best Fps Booster Loaded!",
- Text = "Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...",
- Duration = 15,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...")
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Descendants) do
- CheckIfBad(v)
- if i == WaitNumber then
- task.wait()
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- print("Loaded " .. i .. "/" .. #Descendants)
- end
- WaitNumber = WaitNumber + StartNumber
- end
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Made By bruhmoments#5852",
- Text = "FPS Booster Loaded!",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Booster Loaded!")
- --game.DescendantAdded:Connect(CheckIfBad)
- --[[game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)]]
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