
suicide pact

Sep 22nd, 2022
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  1. I stopped and looked around, taking inventory.
  2. Two bodies, naked, male and female, still intertwined in the act. One little pistol, illegal in Chicago, lying upon the limp fingers of the woman. Two gunshot wounds to the temples, one each. There were two overlapping fanshaped splatters of blood, and more had soaked into the carpet. The bodies stank like hell. Some very unromantic things had happened to them after death.
  3. I walked a little farther into the room and looked around. Somewhere in the apartment, an old vinyl was playing Queen. Freddie wondered who wanted to live forever. As I listened, the song ended and began again a few seconds later, popping and scratching nostalgically.
  4. The walls were covered in photographs.
  5. I don’t mean there were a lot of pictures on the wall, like at Greatgrandma’s house. I mean covered in photographs. Entirely. Completely papered.
  6. I glanced up. So was the ceiling.
  7. I took a moment to walk slowly around, looking at pictures. All of them, every single one of them, featured the two dead people together, posed somewhere and looking deliriously happy. I walked and peered. Plenty of the pictures were near-duplicates in most details, except that the subjects wore different sets of clothing—generally cutesy matching T-shirts. Most of the sites were tourist spots within Chicago.
  8. It was as if the couple had gone on the same vacation tour every day, over and over again, collecting the same general batch of pictures each time.
  9. “Matching T-shirts,” I said. “Creepy.” Murphy’s smile was unpleasant. She was a tiny, compactly muscular woman with blond hair and a button nose. I’d say she was so cute, I just wanted to put her in my pocket, but if I tried to do it, she’d break my arm. Murph knows martial arts.
  10. She waited and said nothing.
  11. “Another suicide pact. That’s the third one this month.” I gestured at the pictures. “Though the others weren’t quite so cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Or, ah, in medias res.” I shrugged and gestured at the obsessive photographs. “This is just crazy.”
  12. Murphy lifted one pale eyebrow ever so slightly. “Remind me—how much do we pay you to give us advice, Sherlock?”
  13. I grimaced. “Yeah, yeah. I know.” I was quiet for a while and then said, “What were their names?”
  14. “Greg and Cindy Bardalacki,” Murphy said.
  15. “Seemingly unconnected dead people, but they share similar patterns of death. Now we’re upgrading to irrational and obsessive behavior as a precursor. ...” I frowned. I checked several of the pictures and went over to eye the bodies. “Oh,” I said. “Oh, hell’s bells.”
  16. Murphy arched an eyebrow.
  17. “No wedding rings any where,” I said. “No wedding pictures. And ...” I finally found a framed family picture, which looked to have been there for a while, among all the snapshots. Greg and Cindy were both in it, along with an older couple and a younger man.
  18. “Jesus, Murph,” I said. “They weren’t a married couple. They were brother and sister.”
  19. Murphy eyed the intertwined bodies. There were no signs of struggle. Clothes, champagne flutes, and an empty bubbly bottle lay scattered. “Married, no,” she said. “Couple, yes.” She was unruffled. She’d already worked that out for herself.
  20. “Ick,” I said. “But that explains it.”
  21. “Explains what?”
  22. “These two. They were together—and they went insane doing it. This has the earmarks of someone tampering with their minds.”
  23. Murphy squinted at me. “Why?”
  24. I spread my hands. “Let’s say Greg and Cindy bump into Bad Guy X. Bad Guy X gets into their heads and makes them fall wildly in love and lust with each other. There’s nothing they can do about the feelings—which seem perfectly natural—but on some level they’re aware that what they’re doing is not what they want, and dementedly wrong besides. Their compromised conscious minds clash with their subconscious”—I gestured at the pictures —“and it escalates until they can’t handle it anymore, and bang.” I shot Murphy with my thumb and forefinger.
  25. “If you’re right, they aren’t the deceased,” Murphy said. “They’re the victims. Big difference. Which is it?”
  26. “Wish I could say,” I said. “But the only evidence that could prove it one way or another is leaking out onto the floor. If we get a survivor, maybe I could take a peek and see, but barring that, we’re stuck with legwork.”
  27. Murphy sighed and looked down. “Two suicide pacts could—technically—be a coincidence. Three of them, no way it’s natural. This feels more like something’s MO. Could it be another one of those Skavis vampires?”
  28. “They gun for loners,” I said, shaking my head. “These deaths don’t fit their profile.”
  31. Side Jobs, Love Hurts, Page 305-307
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