
eac3to crashing on incomplete stream

Jan 2nd, 2013
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  1. eac3to v3.24
  2. command line: "C:\MeGUI33\tools\eac3to\eac3to.exe"  "T:\Transcend2\Disney2\NEMO\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls_3.thd" "T:\Transcend2\Disney2\NEMO\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls_3.thd_.flac" -progressnumbers -log="C:\MeGUI33\tools\eac3to\UsEac3To.log"
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. TrueHD, 7.1 channels, 48kHz
  5. Decoding with libav/ffmpeg...
  6. Remapping channels...
  7. Encoding FLAC with libFlac...
  8. [libav] Substream 0 parity check failed  <WARNING>
  9. [libav] Substream 0 checksum failed  <WARNING>
  10. [libav] Substream 0 length mismatch.  <WARNING>
  11. The libav decoder reported error -1 while decoding.  <ERROR>
  12. Creating file "T:\Transcend2\Disney2\NEMO\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls_3.thd_.flac"...
  13. Aborted at file position 262144.  <ERROR>
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