
warden cloak

Sep 20th, 2022
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  1. Blood leaves no stain on a Warden's grey cloak. I didn't know that until the day I watched Morgan, second in command of the White Council's Wardens, lift his sword over the kneeling form of a young man guilty of the practice of black magic. The boy, sixteen years old at the most, screamed and ranted in Korean underneath his black hood, his mouth spilling hatred and rage, convinced by his youth and power of his own immortality. He never knew it when the blade came down.
  2. Which I guess was a small mercy. Microscopic, really.
  3. His blood flew in a scarlet arc. I wasn't ten feet away. I felt hot droplets strike one cheek, and more blood covered the left side of the cloak in blotches of angry red. The head fell to the ground, and I saw the cloth over it moving, as if the boy's mouth were still screaming imprecations.
  4. The body fell onto its side. One calf muscle twitched spasmodically and then stopped. After maybe five seconds, the head did too.
  6. Proven Guilty Chapter 1, Page 1
  9. She tilted her head, staring at me. "Us? That's the first time I've heard you reference the White Council with yourself included in it."
  10. I wasn't sure what to say to that, so I drank the rest of my Coke. Murphy went on washing for a minute, set the robe aside, and reached for the grey cloak. She dropped it into the sink, frowned, and then held it up. "Look at this," she said. "The blood came out when it hit the water All by itself."
  11. "It's like that kid never died. Cool," I said quietly.
  13. Proven Guilty Chapter 5, Page 28
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