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- --[[
- Turtle Control OS
- Originally created by ottomated, modified by PrintedScript
- ]]
- -- Settings
- local websocketServer = ""
- local type = type
- local next = next
- local error = error
- local tonumber = tonumber
- local tostring = tostring
- local utf8_char = string.char
- local table_concat = table.concat
- local table_sort = table.sort
- local string_char = string.char
- local string_byte = string.byte
- local string_find = string.find
- local string_match = string.match
- local string_gsub = string.gsub
- local string_sub = string.sub
- local string_format = string.format
- local setmetatable = setmetatable
- local getmetatable = getmetatable
- local huge = math.huge
- local tiny = -huge
- local json = {}
- json.object = {}
- function math_type(number)
- if math.floor(number) == number then
- return "integer"
- else
- return "float"
- end
- end
- -- json.encode --
- local statusVisited
- local statusBuilder
- local encode_map = {}
- local encode_escape_map = {
- [ "\"" ] = "\\\"",
- [ "\\" ] = "\\\\",
- [ "/" ] = "\\/",
- [ "\b" ] = "\\b",
- [ "\f" ] = "\\f",
- [ "\n" ] = "\\n",
- [ "\r" ] = "\\r",
- [ "\t" ] = "\\t",
- }
- local decode_escape_set = {}
- local decode_escape_map = {}
- for k, v in next, encode_escape_map do
- decode_escape_map[v] = k
- decode_escape_set[string_byte(v, 2)] = true
- end
- for i = 0, 31 do
- local c = string_char(i)
- if not encode_escape_map[c] then
- encode_escape_map[c] = string_format("\\u%04x", i)
- end
- end
- local function encode(v)
- local res = encode_map[type(v)](v)
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = res
- end
- encode_map["nil"] = function ()
- return "null"
- end
- local function encode_string(v)
- return string_gsub(v, '[\0-\31\\"]', encode_escape_map)
- end
- function encode_map.string(v)
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = '"'
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = encode_string(v)
- return '"'
- end
- local function convertreal(v)
- local g = string_format('%.16g', v)
- if tonumber(g) == v then
- return g
- end
- return string_format('%.17g', v)
- end
- if string_match(tostring(1/2), "%p") == "," then
- local _convertreal = convertreal
- function convertreal(v)
- return string_gsub(_convertreal(v), ',', '.')
- end
- end
- function encode_map.number(v)
- if v ~= v or v <= tiny or v >= huge then
- error("unexpected number value '" .. tostring(v) .. "'")
- end
- return convertreal(v)
- end
- function encode_map.boolean(v)
- if v then
- return "true"
- else
- return "false"
- end
- end
- function encode_map.table(t)
- local first_val = next(t)
- if first_val == nil then
- if getmetatable(t) == json.object then
- return "{}"
- else
- return "[]"
- end
- end
- if statusVisited[t] then
- error("circular reference")
- end
- statusVisited[t] = true
- if type(first_val) == 'string' then
- local key = {}
- for k in next, t do
- if type(k) ~= "string" then
- error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types")
- end
- key[#key+1] = k
- end
- table_sort(key)
- local k = key[1]
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = '{"'
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = encode_string(k)
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = '":'
- encode(t[k])
- for i = 2, #key do
- local k = key[i]
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = ',"'
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = encode_string(k)
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = '":'
- encode(t[k])
- end
- statusVisited[t] = nil
- return "}"
- else
- local max = 0
- for k in next, t do
- if math_type(k) ~= "integer" or k <= 0 then
- error("invalid table: mixed or invalid key types")
- end
- if max < k then
- max = k
- end
- end
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = "["
- encode(t[1])
- for i = 2, max do
- statusBuilder[#statusBuilder+1] = ","
- encode(t[i])
- end
- statusVisited[t] = nil
- return "]"
- end
- end
- local function encode_unexpected(v)
- if v == json.null then
- return "null"
- else
- error("unexpected type '"..type(v).."'")
- end
- end
- encode_map[ "function" ] = encode_unexpected
- encode_map[ "userdata" ] = encode_unexpected
- encode_map[ "thread" ] = encode_unexpected
- function json.encode(v)
- statusVisited = {}
- statusBuilder = {}
- encode(v)
- return table_concat(statusBuilder)
- end
- json._encode_map = encode_map
- json._encode_string = encode_string
- -- json.decode --
- local statusBuf
- local statusPos
- local statusTop
- local statusAry = {}
- local statusRef = {}
- local function find_line()
- local line = 1
- local pos = 1
- while true do
- local f, _, nl1, nl2 = string_find(statusBuf, '([\n\r])([\n\r]?)', pos)
- if not f then
- return line, statusPos - pos + 1
- end
- local newpos = f + ((nl1 == nl2 or nl2 == '') and 1 or 2)
- if newpos > statusPos then
- return line, statusPos - pos + 1
- end
- pos = newpos
- line = line + 1
- end
- end
- local function decode_error(msg)
- error(string_format("ERROR: %s at line %d col %d", msg, find_line()))
- end
- local function get_word()
- return string_match(statusBuf, "^[^ \t\r\n%]},]*", statusPos)
- end
- local function next_byte()
- local pos = string_find(statusBuf, "[^ \t\r\n]", statusPos)
- if pos then
- statusPos = pos
- return string_byte(statusBuf, pos)
- end
- return -1
- end
- local function consume_byte(c)
- local _, pos = string_find(statusBuf, c, statusPos)
- if pos then
- statusPos = pos + 1
- return true
- end
- end
- local function expect_byte(c)
- local _, pos = string_find(statusBuf, c, statusPos)
- if not pos then
- decode_error(string_format("expected '%s'", string_sub(c, #c)))
- end
- statusPos = pos
- end
- local function decode_unicode_surrogate(s1, s2)
- return utf8_char(0x10000 + (tonumber(s1, 16) - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (tonumber(s2, 16) - 0xdc00))
- end
- local function decode_unicode_escape(s)
- return utf8_char(tonumber(s, 16))
- end
- local function decode_string()
- local has_unicode_escape = false
- local has_escape = false
- local i = statusPos + 1
- while true do
- i = string_find(statusBuf, '["\\\0-\31]', i)
- if not i then
- decode_error "expected closing quote for string"
- end
- local x = string_byte(statusBuf, i)
- if x < 32 then
- statusPos = i
- decode_error "control character in string"
- end
- if x == 34 --[[ '"' ]] then
- local s = string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos + 1, i - 1)
- if has_unicode_escape then
- s = string_gsub(string_gsub(s
- , "\\u([dD][89aAbB]%x%x)\\u([dD][c-fC-F]%x%x)", decode_unicode_surrogate)
- , "\\u(%x%x%x%x)", decode_unicode_escape)
- end
- if has_escape then
- s = string_gsub(s, "\\.", decode_escape_map)
- end
- statusPos = i + 1
- return s
- end
- --assert(x == 92 --[[ "\\" ]])
- local nx = string_byte(statusBuf, i+1)
- if nx == 117 --[[ "u" ]] then
- if not string_match(statusBuf, "^%x%x%x%x", i+2) then
- statusPos = i
- decode_error "invalid unicode escape in string"
- end
- has_unicode_escape = true
- i = i + 6
- else
- if not decode_escape_set[nx] then
- statusPos = i
- decode_error("invalid escape char '" .. (nx and string_char(nx) or "<eol>") .. "' in string")
- end
- has_escape = true
- i = i + 2
- end
- end
- end
- local function decode_number()
- local num, c = string_match(statusBuf, '^([0-9]+%.?[0-9]*)([eE]?)', statusPos)
- if not num or string_byte(num, -1) == 0x2E --[[ "." ]] then
- decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'")
- end
- if c ~= '' then
- num = string_match(statusBuf, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)[ \t\r\n%]},]', statusPos)
- if not num then
- decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'")
- end
- end
- statusPos = statusPos + #num
- return tonumber(num)
- end
- local function decode_number_zero()
- local num, c = string_match(statusBuf, '^(.%.?[0-9]*)([eE]?)', statusPos)
- if not num or string_byte(num, -1) == 0x2E --[[ "." ]] or string_match(statusBuf, '^.[0-9]+', statusPos) then
- decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'")
- end
- if c ~= '' then
- num = string_match(statusBuf, '^([^eE]*[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)[ \t\r\n%]},]', statusPos)
- if not num then
- decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'")
- end
- end
- statusPos = statusPos + #num
- return tonumber(num)
- end
- local function decode_number_negative()
- statusPos = statusPos + 1
- local c = string_byte(statusBuf, statusPos)
- if c then
- if c == 0x30 then
- return -decode_number_zero()
- elseif c > 0x30 and c < 0x3A then
- return -decode_number()
- end
- end
- decode_error("invalid number '" .. get_word() .. "'")
- end
- local function decode_true()
- if string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos, statusPos+3) ~= "true" then
- decode_error("invalid literal '" .. get_word() .. "'")
- end
- statusPos = statusPos + 4
- return true
- end
- local function decode_false()
- if string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos, statusPos+4) ~= "false" then
- decode_error("invalid literal '" .. get_word() .. "'")
- end
- statusPos = statusPos + 5
- return false
- end
- local function decode_null()
- if string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos, statusPos+3) ~= "null" then
- decode_error("invalid literal '" .. get_word() .. "'")
- end
- statusPos = statusPos + 4
- return json.null
- end
- local function decode_array()
- statusPos = statusPos + 1
- local res = {}
- if consume_byte "^[ \t\r\n]*%]" then
- return res
- end
- statusTop = statusTop + 1
- statusAry[statusTop] = true
- statusRef[statusTop] = res
- return res
- end
- local function decode_object()
- statusPos = statusPos + 1
- local res = {}
- if consume_byte "^[ \t\r\n]*}" then
- return setmetatable(res, json.object)
- end
- statusTop = statusTop + 1
- statusAry[statusTop] = false
- statusRef[statusTop] = res
- return res
- end
- local decode_uncompleted_map = {
- [ string_byte '"' ] = decode_string,
- [ string_byte "0" ] = decode_number_zero,
- [ string_byte "1" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "2" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "3" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "4" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "5" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "6" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "7" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "8" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "9" ] = decode_number,
- [ string_byte "-" ] = decode_number_negative,
- [ string_byte "t" ] = decode_true,
- [ string_byte "f" ] = decode_false,
- [ string_byte "n" ] = decode_null,
- [ string_byte "[" ] = decode_array,
- [ string_byte "{" ] = decode_object,
- }
- local function unexpected_character()
- decode_error("unexpected character '" .. string_sub(statusBuf, statusPos, statusPos) .. "'")
- end
- local function unexpected_eol()
- decode_error("unexpected character '<eol>'")
- end
- local decode_map = {}
- for i = 0, 255 do
- decode_map[i] = decode_uncompleted_map[i] or unexpected_character
- end
- decode_map[-1] = unexpected_eol
- local function decode()
- return decode_map[next_byte()]()
- end
- local function decode_item()
- local top = statusTop
- local ref = statusRef[top]
- if statusAry[top] then
- ref[#ref+1] = decode()
- else
- expect_byte '^[ \t\r\n]*"'
- local key = decode_string()
- expect_byte '^[ \t\r\n]*:'
- statusPos = statusPos + 1
- ref[key] = decode()
- end
- if top == statusTop then
- repeat
- local chr = next_byte(); statusPos = statusPos + 1
- if chr == 44 --[[ "," ]] then
- return
- end
- if statusAry[statusTop] then
- if chr ~= 93 --[[ "]" ]] then decode_error "expected ']' or ','" end
- else
- if chr ~= 125 --[[ "}" ]] then decode_error "expected '}' or ','" end
- end
- statusTop = statusTop - 1
- until statusTop == 0
- end
- end
- function json.decode(str)
- if type(str) ~= "string" then
- error("expected argument of type string, got " .. type(str))
- end
- statusBuf = str
- statusPos = 1
- statusTop = 0
- local res = decode()
- while statusTop > 0 do
- decode_item()
- end
- if string_find(statusBuf, "[^ \t\r\n]", statusPos) then
- decode_error "trailing garbage"
- end
- return res
- end
- -- Generate a lightuserdata
- json.null = 12897345879
- -- I stole this from you :)
- function getItemIndex(itemName)
- for slot = 1, 16, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- if(item["name"] == itemName) then
- return slot
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- check if we are running on a disk
- if fs.exists("/disk/startup") then
- if not fs.exists("/startup") then
- fs.copy("/disk/startup", "/startup")
- end
- end
- function undergoMitosis()
- if not then
- return nil
- end
- turtle.drop()
- if not turtle.up() then
- return nil
- end
- if not then
- return nil
- end
- turtle.drop(math.floor(turtle.getItemCount() / 2))
- os.sleep(1)
-"front", "turnOn")
- local cloneId ="front", "getID")
- if not turtle.down() then
- return nil
- end
- if not turtle.suck() then
- return nil
- end
- if not turtle.dig() then
- return nil
- end
- return cloneId
- end
- function GetGPSLocation()
- local X, Y, Z = gps.locate(5)
- if X == nil then
- return nil,nil,nil
- end
- return X, Y, Z
- end
- function mineTunnel(obj, ws)
- local file
- local blocks = {}
- for i=1,obj.length,1 do
- if obj.direction == 'forward' then
- turtle.dig()
- local success = turtle.forward()
- if not success then
- return res
- end
- ws.send(json.encode({move="f", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- blocks[i] = {}
- blocks[i][1] = select(2,turtle.inspectDown())
- blocks[i][2] = select(2,turtle.inspectUp())
- turtle.turnLeft()
- ws.send(json.encode({move="l", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- blocks[i][3] = select(2,turtle.inspect())
- turtle.turnRight()
- ws.send(json.encode({move="r", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- turtle.turnRight()
- ws.send(json.encode({move="r", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- blocks[i][4] = select(2,turtle.inspect())
- turtle.turnLeft()
- ws.send(json.encode({move="l", blocks=blocks[i], nonce=obj.nonce}))
- else
- if obj.direction == 'up' then
- turtle.digUp()
- local success = turtle.up()
- if not success then
- return res
- end
- ws.send(json.encode({move="u", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- else
- turtle.digDown()
- local success = turtle.down()
- if not success then
- return res
- end
- ws.send(json.encode({move="d", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- end
- blocks[i] = {}
- blocks[i][1] = select(2,turtle.inspect())
- turtle.turnLeft()
- ws.send(json.encode({move="l", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- blocks[i][2] = select(2,turtle.inspect())
- turtle.turnLeft()
- ws.send(json.encode({move="l", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- blocks[i][3] = select(2,turtle.inspect())
- turtle.turnLeft()
- ws.send(json.encode({move="l", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- blocks[i][4] = select(2,turtle.inspect())
- ws.send(json.encode({blocks=blocks[i], nonce=obj.nonce}))
- end
- end
- return blocks
- end
- local X,Y,Z = 0,0,0
- function websocketLoop()
- local ws, err = http.websocket(websocketServer)
- if err then
- print(err)
- elseif ws then
- while true do
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Turtle Control OS, originally created by Ottomated. Modified by PrintedScript")
- print("View the project on github!")
- local message = ws.receive()
- if message == nil then
- break
- end
- local obj = json.decode(message)
- if obj.type == 'eval' then
- local func = loadstring(obj['function'])
- local result = func()
- ws.send(json.encode({data=result, nonce=obj.nonce}))
- elseif obj.type == 'mitosis' then
- local status, res = pcall(undergoMitosis)
- if not status then
- ws.send(json.encode({data="null", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- elseif res == nil then
- ws.send(json.encode({data="null", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- else
- ws.send(json.encode({data=res, nonce=obj.nonce}))
- end
- elseif obj.type == 'mine' then
- local status, res = pcall(mineTunnel, obj, ws)
- ws.send(json.encode({data="end", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- elseif obj.type == 'location' then
- X,Y,Z = GetGPSLocation()
- if X == nil then
- ws.send(json.encode({data="null", nonce=obj.nonce}))
- else
- ws.send(json.encode({data={X,Y,Z}, nonce=obj.nonce}))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if ws then
- ws.close()
- end
- end
- while true do
- local status, res = pcall(websocketLoop)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- if res == 'Terminated' then
- print("Turtle Control OS terminated")
- break
- end
- print("Sleeping for 5 seconds before attempting reconnection - Turtle Control OS -")
- os.sleep(5)
- end
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