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- --[[
- ui by Ruppet
- ====================================
- ui is Immediate-Mode Gui for Aimware which have "GameSense" cheat style.
- ]]--
- -- Anti multiload
- local gs_fonts = {
- verdana_12 = draw.CreateFont( "Verdana", 13, 0 ),
- verdana_12b = draw.CreateFont( "Verdana", 12.5, 0 ),
- verdana_10 = draw.CreateFont( "Verdana", 10, 400 ),
- astriumtabs = draw.CreateFont( "Astriumtabs2", 41, 400 )
- }
- if ui ~= nil then
- return
- end
- local Senseun_Tab = gui.Tab( gui.Reference("Settings") , "Senseun_Tab", "GameSense UI" );
- gui.Combobox(Senseun_Tab, "ThemeColor", "Theme color", "Green", "Blue", "Red", "Purple", "Orange", "Pink");
- ui = {};
- ui.EnableLogs = false;
- ui.Keys = {
- esc = 27, f1 = 112, f2 = 113, f3 = 114, f4 = 115, f5 = 116,
- f6 = 117, f7 = 118, f8 = 119, f9 = 120, f10 = 121, f11 = 122,
- f12 = 123, tilde = 192, one = 49, two = 50, three = 51, four = 52,
- five = 53, six = 54, seven = 55, eight = 56, nine = 57, zero = 48,
- minus = 189, equals = 187, backslash = 220, backspace = 8,
- tab = 9, q = 81, w = 87, e = 69, r = 82, t = 84, y = 89, u = 85,
- i = 73, o = 79, p = 80, bracket_o = 219, bracket_c = 221,
- a = 65, s = 83, d = 68, f = 70, g = 71, h = 72, j = 74, k = 75,
- l = 76, semicolon = 186, quotes = 222, caps = 20, enter = 13,
- shift = 16, z = 90, x = 88, c = 67, v = 86, b = 66, n = 78,
- m = 77, comma = 188, dot = 190, slash = 191, ctrl = 17,
- win = 91, alt = 18, space = 32, scroll = 145, pause = 19,
- insert = 45, home = 36, pageup = 33, pagedn = 34, delete = 46,
- end_key = 35, uparrow = 38, leftarrow = 37, downarrow = 40,
- rightarrow = 39, num = 144, num_slash = 111, num_mult = 106,
- num_sub = 109, num_7 = 103, num_8 = 104, num_9 = 105, num_plus = 107,
- num_4 = 100, num_5 = 101, num_6 = 102, num_1 = 97, num_2 = 98,
- num_3 = 99, num_enter = 13, num_0 = 96, num_dot = 110, mouse_1 = 1, mouse_2 = 2, mouse_3 = 6, mouse_4 = 4, mouse_5 = 5
- };
- ui.KeyDetection = {
- always_on = 1,
- on_hotkey = 2,
- toggle = 3,
- off_hotkey = 4
- };
- ui.Icons = {
- rage = { "C", 6 },
- legit = { "D", 5 },
- visuals = { "E", 4 },
- settings = { "F", 3 },
- skinchanger = { "G", 2 },
- playerlist = { "H", 1 },
- antiaim = { "I", 0 }
- };
- local gs_windows = {}; -- Contains all windows
- local gs_curwindow = ""; -- Current window ID
- local gs_curgroup = ""; -- Current group ID
- local gs_curtab = ""; -- Current tab
- local gs_curinput = ""; -- Current input
- local gs_curchild = {
- id = "",
- x = 0,
- y = 0,
- elements = {},
- selected = {},
- multiselect = false,
- last_id = "",
- minimal_width = 0
- };
- local gs_isBlocked = false;
- local gs_mx = 0; -- Mouse X
- local gs_my = 0; -- Mouse Y
- local render = {};
- render.outline = function( x, y, w, h, col )
- draw.Color( col[1], col[2], col[3], col[4] );
- draw.OutlinedRect( x, y, x + w, y + h );
- end
- render.rect = function( x, y, w, h, col )
- draw.Color( col[1], col[2], col[3], col[4] );
- draw.FilledRect( x, y, x + w, y + h );
- end
- render.rect2 = function( x, y, w, h )
- draw.FilledRect( x, y, x + w, y + h );
- end
- render.gradient = function( x, y, w, h, col1, col2, is_vertical )
- render.rect( x, y, w, h, col1 );
- local r, g, b = col2[1], col2[2], col2[3];
- if is_vertical then
- for i = 1, h do
- local a = i / h * 255;
- render.rect( x, y + i, w, 1, { r, g, b, a } );
- end
- else
- for i = 1, w do
- local a = i / w * 255;
- render.rect( x + i, y, 1, h, { r, g, b, a } );
- end
- end
- end
- render.text = function( x, y, text, col, font )
- if font ~= nil then
- draw.SetFont( font )
- else
- draw.SetFont( gs_fonts.verdana_12 )
- end
- draw.Color( col[1], col[2], col[3], col[4] );
- draw.Text( x, y, text );
- end
- -- Needed for some actions
- local function gs_clone( orig )
- return { table.unpack( orig ) };
- end
- -- Check if a and b in bounds
- local function gs_inbounds( a, b, mina, minb, maxa, maxb )
- if a >= mina and a <= maxa and b >= minb and b <= maxb then
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- end
- end
- -- Get size of non-array table
- local function gs_tablecount( T )
- local count = 0
- for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
- return count
- end
- -- Just checks if logs are enabled
- local function gs_log( text )
- if ui.EnableLogs then
- print( text );
- end
- end
- -- Clamps value
- local function gs_clamp( val, min, max )
- if val < min then return min end
- if val > max then return max end
- return val;
- end
- -- I'm too lazy to do shit what I moved into this func
- local function gs_newelement()
- local wnd = gs_windows[gs_curwindow];
- local group = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup];
- return wnd, group;
- end
- -- Begins window
- local function gs_beginwindow( id, x, y, w, h )
- -- Check values
- if id == nil or x < 0 or y < 0 or w < 0 or h < 25 then
- return false;
- end
- -- Check if we already have window with id
- local wnd = gs_windows[id];
- if wnd == nil then
- -- Create window
- wnd = {
- -- Position and size
- x = 0,
- y = 0,
- w = 0,
- h = 0,
- -- Needed to work
- is_opened = true,
- alpha = 255,
- dx = 0,
- dy = 0,
- drag = false,
- resize = false,
- dmx = 0,
- dmy = 0,
- tabs = {},
- groups = {},
- -- Settings
- is_movable = false,
- is_sizeable = false,
- open_key = nil,
- draw_texture = false
- };
- wnd.x = x;
- wnd.y = y;
- wnd.w = w;
- wnd.h = h;
- gs_windows[id] = wnd;
- gs_log( "Window " .. id .. " has been created" );
- end
- gs_curwindow = id;
- -- Backend
- if wnd.open_key ~= nil then
- -- Window toggle
- if input.IsButtonPressed( wnd.open_key ) then
- wnd.is_opened = not wnd.is_opened;
- gs_log( "Window " .. id .. " has been toggled" );
- end
- end
- -- Close animation
- local fade_factor = ((1.0 / 0.15) * globals.FrameTime()) * 200; -- Animation takes 150ms to finish. This helps to make it look the same on 200 fps and on 30fps
- if not wnd.is_opened and wnd.alpha ~= 0 then
- wnd.alpha = gs_clamp( wnd.alpha - fade_factor, 0, 255 );
- end
- -- Open animation
- if wnd.is_opened and wnd.alpha ~= 255 then
- wnd.alpha = gs_clamp( wnd.alpha + fade_factor, 0, 255 );
- end
- gs_windows[id] = wnd;
- -- Check if window opened
- if not wnd.is_opened and wnd.alpha == 0 then
- = "";
- gs_isBlocked = false;
- return false;
- end
- -- Movement
- if wnd.is_movable then
- -- If clicked and in bounds
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) then
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if wnd.drag then
- wnd.x = gs_mx - wnd.dx;
- wnd.y = gs_my - wnd.dy;
- wnd.x2 = wnd.x + wnd.w;
- wnd.y2 = wnd.y + wnd.h;
- end
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, wnd.x, wnd.y, wnd.x + wnd.w, wnd.y + 20 ) and wnd.h > 30 then
- wnd.drag = true;
- wnd.dx = gs_mx - wnd.x;
- wnd.dy = gs_my - wnd.y;
- end
- gs_windows[id] = wnd;
- else
- gs_windows[id].drag = false;
- end
- end
- local size_changing = false;
- if wnd.is_sizeable then
- -- If clicked and in bounds
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) then
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if wnd.resize then
- wnd.w = gs_mx - wnd.dmx;
- wnd.h = gs_my - wnd.dmy;
- if wnd.w < 50 then
- wnd.w = 50;
- end
- if wnd.h < 50 then
- wnd.h = 50;
- end
- end
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, wnd.x + wnd.w - 5, wnd.y + wnd.h - 5, wnd.x + wnd.w - 1, wnd.y + wnd.h - 1 ) then
- wnd.resize = true;
- size_changing = true;
- wnd.dmx = gs_mx - wnd.w;
- wnd.dmy = gs_my - wnd.h;
- end
- gs_windows[id] = wnd;
- else
- gs_windows[id].resize = false;
- end
- end
- -- Begin draw
- local lmd_outlinehelp = function( off, col )
- render.outline( wnd.x - off, wnd.y - off, wnd.w + off * 2, wnd.h + off * 2, col );
- end
- -- Window base
- render.rect( wnd.x, wnd.y, wnd.w, wnd.h, { 14, 14, 14, wnd.alpha } );
- if wnd.draw_texture then -- This thing is very shitty rn, waiting till polak will add textures into draw.
- draw.Color( 16, 16, 16, wnd.alpha );
- for i = 1, wnd.h, 4 do
- local y1 = wnd.y+i;
- local y2 = y1-2;
- for j=0, wnd.w, 4 do
- local x1 = wnd.x+j;
- render.rect2( x1 - 2, y1, 1, 3);
- render.rect2( x1 , y2, 1, 3);
- end
- end
- end
- -- Window border
- lmd_outlinehelp( 0, { 31, 31, 31, wnd.alpha } );
- if size_changing then
- lmd_outlinehelp( 1, { 149, 184, 6, wnd.alpha } );
- else
- lmd_outlinehelp( 1, { 60, 60, 60, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- lmd_outlinehelp( 2, { 40, 40, 40, wnd.alpha } );
- lmd_outlinehelp( 3, { 40, 40, 40, wnd.alpha } );
- lmd_outlinehelp( 4, { 40, 40, 40, wnd.alpha } );
- lmd_outlinehelp( 5, { 60, 60, 60, wnd.alpha } );
- lmd_outlinehelp( 6, { 31, 31, 31, wnd.alpha } );
- -- If sizeable, draw litte triangle
- if wnd.is_sizeable then
- if size_changing then
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 5, wnd.y + wnd.h - 1, 5, 1, { 149, 184, 6, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 4, wnd.y + wnd.h - 2, 4, 1, { 149, 184, 6, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 3, wnd.y + wnd.h - 3, 3, 1, { 149, 184, 6, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 2, wnd.y + wnd.h - 4, 2, 1, { 149, 184, 6, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 1, wnd.y + wnd.h - 5, 1, 1, { 149, 184, 6, wnd.alpha } );
- else
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 5, wnd.y + wnd.h - 1, 5, 1, { 60, 60, 60, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 4, wnd.y + wnd.h - 2, 4, 1, { 60, 60, 60, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 3, wnd.y + wnd.h - 3, 3, 1, { 60, 60, 60, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 2, wnd.y + wnd.h - 4, 2, 1, { 60, 60, 60, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + wnd.w - 1, wnd.y + wnd.h - 5, 1, 1, { 60, 60, 60, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- end
- return true;
- end
- local function gs_addgradient( )
- local wnd = gs_windows[gs_curwindow];
- render.gradient( wnd.x, wnd.y, wnd.w / 2, 1, { 59, 175, 222, wnd.alpha }, { 202, 70, 205, wnd.alpha }, false );
- render.gradient( wnd.x + ( wnd.w / 2 ), wnd.y, wnd.w / 2, 1, { 202, 70, 205, wnd.alpha }, { 201, 227, 58, wnd.alpha }, false );
- end
- local function gs_endwindow( )
- if ~= "" then
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- local highest_w = 0;
- draw.SetFont( gs_fonts.verdana_12b );
- for i = 1, #gs_curchild.elements do
- local textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( gs_curchild.elements[i] );
- if highest_w < textw then
- highest_w = textw;
- end
- end
- if highest_w < gs_curchild.minimal_width then
- highest_w = gs_curchild.minimal_width;
- end
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) and not gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, gs_curchild.x, gs_curchild.y - 20, gs_curchild.x + 20 + highest_w, gs_curchild.y + 20 * #gs_curchild.elements + #gs_curchild.elements ) then
- = "";
- gs_curchild.minimal_width = 0;
- gs_isBlocked = false;
- end
- render.rect( gs_curchild.x, gs_curchild.y, 20 + highest_w, 20 * #gs_curchild.elements + #gs_curchild.elements, { 36, 36, 36, 255 } );
- local text_offset = 0;
- for i = 1, #gs_curchild.elements do
- local r, g, b = 181, 181, 181;
- local speed = 3
- local fnt = gs_fonts.verdana_12;
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, gs_curchild.x, gs_curchild.y + text_offset, gs_curchild.x + 20 + highest_w, gs_curchild.y + text_offset + 20 ) then
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) then
- if gs_curchild.multiselect then
- if gs_curchild.selected[gs_curchild.elements[i]] == nil then
- gs_curchild.selected[gs_curchild.elements[i]] = true;
- else
- if gs_curchild.selected[gs_curchild.elements[i]] then
- gs_curchild.selected[gs_curchild.elements[i]] = false;
- else
- gs_curchild.selected[gs_curchild.elements[i]] = true;
- end
- end
- else
- gs_curchild.selected = { i };
- gs_curchild.minimal_width = 0;
- gs_curchild.last_id =;
- = "";
- gs_isBlocked = false;
- end
- end
- render.rect( gs_curchild.x, gs_curchild.y + text_offset, 20 + highest_w, 21, { 28, 28, 28, 255 } );
- fnt = gs_fonts.verdana_12b;
- end
- local r12, g12, b12 = 149, 184, 6;
- if not gs_curchild.multiselect then
- for k = 1, #gs_curchild.selected do
- if gs_curchild.selected[k] == i then
- fnt = gs_fonts.verdana_12b;
- end
- end
- else
- if gs_curchild.selected[gs_curchild.elements[i]] ~= nil and gs_curchild.selected[gs_curchild.elements[i]] == true then
- fnt = gs_fonts.verdana_12b;
- end
- end
- render.text( gs_curchild.x + 10, gs_curchild.y + text_offset + 4, gs_curchild.elements[i], { r, g, b, 255 }, fnt );
- text_offset = text_offset + 20 + 1;
- end
- render.outline( gs_curchild.x, gs_curchild.y, 20 + highest_w, 20 * #gs_curchild.elements + #gs_curchild.elements, { 5, 5, 5, 255 } );
- end
- gs_curwindow = "";
- end
- local function gs_setwindowmovable( val )
- if gs_windows[gs_curwindow].is_movable ~= val then
- gs_windows[gs_curwindow].is_movable = val;
- if val then val = "true" else val = "false" end
- gs_log("SetWindowMoveable has been set to " .. val);
- end
- end
- local function gs_setwindowsizeable( val )
- if gs_windows[gs_curwindow].is_sizeable ~= val then
- gs_windows[gs_curwindow].is_sizeable = val;
- if val then val = "true" else val = "false" end
- gs_log("SetWindowSizeable has been set to " .. val);
- end
- end
- local function gs_setwindowdrawtexture( val )
- if gs_windows[gs_curwindow].draw_texture ~= val then
- gs_windows[gs_curwindow].draw_texture = val;
- if val then val = "true" else val = "false" end
- gs_log("SetWindowDrawTexture has been set to " .. val);
- end
- end
- local function gs_setwindowopenkey( val )
- if gs_windows[gs_curwindow].open_key ~= val then
- gs_windows[gs_curwindow].open_key = val;
- local txt = "nil";
- if val ~= nil then
- txt = val;
- end
- gs_log("SetWindowOpenKey has been set to " .. txt);
- end
- end
- local function gs_begingroup( id, title, x, y, w, h )
- local wnd = gs_windows[gs_curwindow];
- local tab = wnd.tabs[gs_curtab];
- local tx = 0;
- if tab ~= nil then
- tx = 80;
- end
- -- Checks
- if id == nil then return false end
- -- Check if we already have window with id
- local group = wnd.groups[id];
- if group == nil then
- -- Create window
- group = {
- -- Position and size
- x = 0,
- y = 0,
- w = 0,
- h = 0,
- -- Other stuff
- title = nil,
- is_moveable = false,
- is_sizeable = false,
- -- Stuff needed to work
- is_nextline = true,
- nextline_offset = 15,
- dx = 0,
- dy = 0,
- drag = false,
- resize = false,
- highest_w = 0,
- highest_h = 0,
- last_y = 20
- };
- group.x = x + tx;
- group.y = y;
- group.w = w;
- group.h = h;
- group.title = title;
- wnd.groups[id] = group;
- gs_log( "Group " .. id .. " has been created" );
- end
- if group.x + wnd.x < wnd.x or group.y + wnd.y < wnd.y or wnd.x + group.x + group.w + 15 > wnd.x + wnd.w or wnd.y + group.y + group.h + 15 > wnd.y + wnd.h then
- return false;
- end
- gs_curgroup = id;
- draw.SetFont( gs_fonts.verdana_12b );
- local textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( group.title );
- local oldw, oldh = draw.GetTextSize( title );
- local groupaftertext = group.w - 18 - textw - 3;
- local groupaftertext_n = group.w - 18 - oldw - 3;
- local size_changing = false;
- -- Movement
- if not gs_isBlocked then
- if group.is_moveable then
- -- If clicked and in bounds
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) then
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if group.drag then
- group.x = gs_mx - group.dx;
- group.y = gs_my - group.dy;
- if group.x < 25 then
- group.x = 25;
- end
- if wnd.w < group.x + group.w + 25 then
- group.x = group.x - ((group.x + group.w + 25) - wnd.w);
- end
- if wnd.h < group.y + group.h + 25 then
- group.y = group.y - ((group.y + group.h + 25) - wnd.h);
- end
- if group.y < 25 then
- group.y = 25;
- end
- end
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, wnd.x + group.x + 15, wnd.y + group.y, wnd.x + group.x + 15 + textw, wnd.y + group.y + texth ) and group.h > 30 then
- group.drag = true;
- size_changing = true;
- group.dx = gs_mx - group.x;
- group.dy = gs_my - group.y;
- end
- wnd.groups[id] = group;
- else
- wnd.groups[id].drag = false;
- end
- end
- if group.is_sizeable then
- -- If clicked and in bounds
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) then
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if group.resize then
- group.w = gs_mx - group.dmx;
- group.h = gs_my - group.dmy;
- if group.w < 50 then
- group.w = 50;
- end
- if group.w < group.highest_w + 50 then
- group.w = group.highest_w + 50;
- end
- if group.h < 50 then
- group.h = 50;
- end
- if group.h < group.highest_h + 25 then
- group.h = group.highest_h + 25;
- end
- if group.w + group.x + 25 > wnd.w then
- group.w = group.w - ((group.w + group.x + 25) - wnd.w);
- end
- if group.h + group.y + 25 > wnd.h then
- group.h = group.h - ((group.h + group.y + 25) - wnd.h);
- end
- end
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, wnd.x + group.x + group.w - 5, wnd.y + group.y + group.h - 5, wnd.x + group.x + group.w - 1, wnd.y + group.y + group.h - 1 ) then
- group.resize = true;
- size_changing = true;
- group.dmx = gs_mx - group.w;
- group.dmy = gs_my - group.h;
- end
- wnd.groups[id] = group;
- else
- wnd.groups[id].resize = false;
- end
- end
- end
- wnd.groups[id].highest_h = 0;
- -- Draw
- if groupaftertext_n > 15 then
- group.title = title;
- end
- -- Subtract title if width more than 15
- if groupaftertext < 15 then
- while groupaftertext < 15 do
- group.title = group.title:sub( 1, -2 );
- textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( group.title );
- groupaftertext = w - 18 - textw - 3;
- end
- group.title = group.title:sub( 1, -5 );
- group.title = group.title .. "...";
- end
- local r, g, b = 65, 65, 65;
- if size_changing then
- r, g, b = 149, 184, 6;
- end
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x, wnd.y + group.y, group.w, group.h, { 19, 19, 19, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x, wnd.y + group.y, 1, group.h, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x - 1, wnd.y + group.y - 1, 1, group.h + 2, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x, wnd.y + group.y + group.h, group.w + 1, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x - 1, wnd.y + group.y + group.h + 1, group.w + 3, 1, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + group.w, wnd.y + group.y, 1, group.h, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + group.w + 1, wnd.y + group.y - 1, 1, group.h + 2, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- if group.title ~= nil and groupaftertext >= 15 then
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x, wnd.y + group.y, 15, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + 1, wnd.y + group.y - 1, 14, 1, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- if size_changing then
- render.text( wnd.x + group.x + 18, wnd.y + group.y - 6, group.title, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha }, gs_fonts.verdana_12b );
- else
- render.text( wnd.x + group.x + 18, wnd.y + group.y - 6, group.title, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha }, gs_fonts.verdana_12b );
- end
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + 18 + textw + 3, wnd.y + group.y, groupaftertext, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + 18 + textw + 3, wnd.y + group.y - 1, groupaftertext + 1, 1, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- else
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x, wnd.y + group.y, group.w, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + 1, wnd.y + group.y - 1, group.w + 1, 1, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- -- If sizeable, draw litte triangle
- if group.is_sizeable then
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + group.w - 5, wnd.y + group.y + group.h - 1, 5, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + group.w - 4, wnd.y + group.y + group.h - 2, 4, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + group.w - 3, wnd.y + group.y + group.h - 3, 3, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + group.w - 2, wnd.y + group.y + group.h - 4, 2, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + group.x + group.w - 1, wnd.y + group.y + group.h - 5, 1, 1, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- return true;
- end
- local function gs_endgroup( )
- local wnd = gs_windows[gs_curwindow];
- local group = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup];
- if group.w + group.x + 25 > wnd.w then
- group.w = gs_clamp( group.w - ((group.w + group.x + 25) - wnd.w), 50, wnd.w - 50 );
- end
- if group.h + group.y + 25 > wnd.h then
- group.h = gs_clamp( group.h - ((group.h + group.y + 25) - wnd.h), 50, wnd.h - 50 );
- end
- if wnd.x + wnd.w < wnd.x + group.x + group.w + 25 then
- group.x = group.x - ((group.x + group.w + 25) - wnd.w);
- end
- if wnd.y + wnd.h < wnd.y + group.y + group.h + 25 then
- group.y = group.y - ((group.y + group.h + 25) - wnd.h);
- end
- if group.x < 25 then
- group.x = 25;
- end
- if group.y < 25 then
- group.y = 25;
- end
- if group.is_sizeable then
- if group.w < group.highest_w + 50 then
- group.w = group.highest_w + 50;
- end
- if group.h < group.highest_h + 25 then
- group.h = group.highest_h + 25;
- end
- if group.h + 15 < group.x + group.nextline_offset then
- group.h = group.nextline_offset + 15;
- end
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup] = group;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = 15;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h + 20;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = 20;
- gs_curgroup = "";
- end
- local function gs_setgroupmoveable( val )
- local wnd = gs_windows[gs_curwindow];
- if wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_moveable ~= val then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_moveable = val;
- if val then val = "true" else val = "false" end
- gs_log("SetGroupMoveable has been set to " .. val);
- end
- end
- local function gs_setgroupsizeable( val )
- local wnd = gs_windows[gs_curwindow];
- if wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_sizeable ~= val then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_sizeable = val;
- if val then val = "true" else val = "false" end
- gs_log("SetGroupSizeable has been set to " .. val);
- end
- end
- local function gs_checkbox( title, var , is_alt)
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( title );
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + 10, wnd.y + group.y + group.nextline_offset;
- -- Backend
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) and gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y, x + 15 + textw, y + texth ) and not gs_isBlocked then
- -- Update value
- var = not var;
- end
- -- Draw
- render.outline( x, y, 8, 8, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- local r12, g12, b12 = gui.GetValue("");
- local r11, g11, b11 = gui.GetValue("");
- if var then
- render.gradient( x + 1, y + 1, 6, 5, { r12, g12, b12, wnd.alpha }, { r11, g11, b11, wnd.alpha }, true );
- else
- render.gradient( x + 1, y + 1, 6, 5, { 65, 65, 65, wnd.alpha }, { 45, 45, 45, wnd.alpha }, true );
- end
- local r1, g1, b1 = 181, 181, 181;
- if is_alt then
- r1, g1, b1 = 190, 190, 110;
- end
- render.text( x + 13, y - 2, title, { r1, g1, b1, wnd.alpha } );
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + 17;
- if group.highest_w < 15 + textw then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_w = 15 + textw;
- end
- if group.highest_h < wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset - wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset / 2;
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = y;
- return var;
- end
- ---------
- -----
- local function gs_button( title, w, h )
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( title );
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + 25, wnd.y + group.y + group.nextline_offset;
- -- Backend
- local var = false;
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) and gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y, x + w, y + h ) and not gs_isBlocked then
- var = true;
- end
- -- Draw
- render.outline( x, y, w, h, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- render.outline( x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2, { 65, 65, 65, wnd.alpha } );
- local r, g, b = 181, 181, 181;
- if var then
- r, g, b = 255, 255, 255;
- render.gradient( x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 5, { 45, 45, 45, wnd.alpha }, { 55, 55, 55, wnd.alpha }, true );
- else
- render.gradient( x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 5, { 55, 55, 55, wnd.alpha }, { 45, 45, 45, wnd.alpha }, true );
- end
- render.text( x + (w / 2 - textw / 2), y + (h / 2 - texth / 2), title, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha }, gs_fonts.verdana_12b );
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + h + 5;
- if group.highest_w < w then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_w = w;
- end
- if group.highest_h < wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset - wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset / 2;
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = y;
- return var;
- end
- local function gs_slider( title, min, max, fmt, min_text, max_text, show_buttons, var )
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + 25, wnd.y + group.y + group.nextline_offset - 3;
- local textw, texth = 0, 0;
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if title ~= nil then
- textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( title );
- texth = texth + 2;
- end
- -- Backend
- local m = 0;
- if min ~= 0 then
- m = min;
- var = var - m;
- min = min - m;
- max = max - m;
- end
- if not gs_isBlocked then
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) and gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y + texth, x + 155, y + texth + 8 ) then
- local relative_x = gs_clamp( gs_mx - x, 0, 153 );
- local ratio = relative_x / 153;
- var = math.floor( min + ((max - min) * ratio) );
- end
- -- Handle -/+ buttons
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) and gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x - 5, y + texth + 1, x - 2, y + texth + 4 ) and show_buttons then
- var = var - 1;
- end
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) and gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x + 155 + 2, y + texth + 1, x + 155 + 5, y + texth + 4 ) and show_buttons then
- var = var + 1;
- end
- end
- -- Clamp final value
- var = math.ceil( gs_clamp( var, min, max ) );
- local w = 153 / max * var;
- var = var + m;
- min = min + m;
- max = max + m;
- -- Draw
- if title ~= nil then
- render.text( x, y - 1, title, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- local r12, g12, b12 = 149, 184, 6;
- local r11, g11, b11 = 80, 99, 3;
- render.outline( x, y + texth + 3, 155, 7, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- render.gradient( x + 1, y + texth + 4, 153, 4, { 45, 45, 45, wnd.alpha }, { 65, 65, 65, wnd.alpha }, true );
- render.gradient( x + 1, y + texth + 4, w, 4, { r12, g12, b12, wnd.alpha }, { r11, g11, b11, wnd.alpha }, true );
- if show_buttons then
- if var ~= min then
- render.rect( x - 5, y + texth + 3, 3, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- if var ~= max then
- render.rect( x + 155 + 2, y + texth + 3, 3, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 155 + 3, y + texth + 2, 1, 3, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- end
- local vard = var;
- if fmt ~= nil then
- vard = vard .. fmt;
- end
- if min_text ~= nil and var == min then
- vard = min_text;
- end
- if max_text ~= nil and var == max then
- vard = max_text;
- end
- draw.SetFont( gs_fonts.verdana_12b );
- local varw, varh = draw.GetTextSize( vard );
- render.text( x + w - varw / 2 + 10, y + texth + varh / 6, vard, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha }, gs_fonts.verdana_12b );
- draw.Color(181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha)
- draw.TextShadow( x + w - varw / 2 + 10, y + texth + varh / 6, vard)
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + texth + 14;
- if group.highest_w < 155 then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_w = 155;
- end
- if group.highest_h < wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset - wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset / 2;
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = y;
- return var;
- end
- --
- --
- local function gs_label( text, is_alt )
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + 25, wnd.y + group.y + group.nextline_offset - 3;
- local textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( text );
- local r, g, b = 181, 181, 181;
- if is_alt then
- r, g, b = 190, 190, 120;
- end
- render.text( x, y, text, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha } );
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + 17;
- if group.highest_w < textw then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_w = textw;
- end
- if group.highest_h < wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset - wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset / 2;
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = y;
- end
- local gs_curbind = {
- id = "",
- is_selecting = false
- };
- local gs_keytable = {
- esc = { 27, "[ESC]" }, f1 = { 112, "[F1]" }, f2 = { 113, "[F2]" }, f3 = { 114, "[F3]" }, f4 = { 115, "[F4]" }, f5 = { 116, "[F5]" },
- f6 = { 117, "[F6]" }, f7 = { 118, "[F7]" }, f8 = { 119, "[F8]" }, f9 = { 120, "[F9]" }, f10 = { 121, "[F10]" }, f11 = { 122, "[F11]" },
- f12 = { 123, "[F12]" }, tilde = { 192, "[~]" }, one = { 49, "[1]" }, two = { 50, "[2]" }, three = { 51, "[3]" }, four = { 52, "[4]" },
- five = { 53, "[5]" }, six = { 54, "[6]" }, seven = { 55, "[7]" }, eight = { 56, "[8]" }, nine = { 57, "[9]" }, zero = { 48, "[0]" },
- minus = { 189, "[_]" }, equals = { 187, "[=]" }, backslash = { 220, "[\\]" }, backspace = { 8, "[BKSP]" },
- tab = { 9, "[TAB]" }, q = { 81, "[Q]" }, w = { 87, "[W]" }, e = { 69, "[E]" }, r = { 82, "[R]" }, t = { 84, "[T]" }, y = { 89, "[Y]" }, u = { 85, "[U]" },
- i = { 73, "[I]" }, o = { 79, "[O]" }, p = { 80, "[P]" }, bracket_o = { 219, "[[]" }, bracket_c = { 221, "[]]" },
- a = { 65, "[A]" }, s = { 83, "[S]" }, d = { 68, "[D]" }, f = { 70, "[F]" }, g = { 71, "[G]" }, h = { 72, "[H]" }, j = { 74, "[J]" }, k = { 75, "[K]" },
- l = { 76, "[L]" }, semicolon = { 186, "[;]" }, quotes = { 222, "[']" }, caps = { 20, "[CAPS]" }, enter = { 13, "[RETN]" },
- shift = { 16, "[SHI]" }, z = { 90, "[Z]" }, x = { 88, "[X]" }, c = { 67, "[C]" }, v = { 86, "[V]" }, b = { 66, "[B]" }, n = { 78, "[N]" },
- m = { 77, "[M]" }, comma = { 188, "[,]" }, dot = { 190, "[.]" }, slash = { 191, "[/]" }, ctrl = { 17, "[CTRL]" },
- win = { 91, "[WIN]" }, alt = { 18, "[ALT]" }, space = { 32, "[SPC]" }, scroll = { 145, "[SCRL]" }, pause = { 19, "[PAUS]" },
- insert = { 45, "[INS]" }, home = { 36, "[HOME]" }, pageup = { 33, "[PGUP]" }, pagedn = { 34, "[PGDN]" }, delete = { 46, "[DEL]" },
- end_key = { 35, "[END]" }, uparrow = { 38, "[UP]" }, leftarrow = { 37, "[LEFT]" }, downarrow = { 40, "[DOWN]" },
- rightarrow = { 39, "[RGHT]" }, num = { 144, "[NUM]" }, num_slash = { 111, "[/]" }, num_mult = { 106, "[*]" },
- num_sub = { 109, "[-]" }, num_7 = { 103, "[7]" }, num_8 = { 104, "[8]" }, num_9 = { 105, "[9]" }, num_plus = { 107, "[+]" },
- num_4 = { 100, "[4]" }, num_5 = { 101, "[5]" }, num_6 = { 102, "[6]" }, num_1 = { 97, "[1]" }, num_2 = { 98, "[2]" },
- num_3 = { 99, "[3]" }, num_enter = { 13, "[ENT]" }, num_0 = { 96, "[0]" }, num_dot = { 110, "[.]" }, mouse_1 = { 1, "[M1]" }, mouse_2 = { 2, "[M2]" }, mouse_6 = { 6, "[M5]" } , mouse_4 = { 4, "[M3]" }, mouse_5 = { 5, "[M4]" }
- };
- local function gs_key2name( key )
- local ktxt = "[-]";
- for k, v in pairs( gs_keytable ) do
- if v[1] == key then
- ktxt = v[2];
- end
- end
- return ktxt;
- end
- local function gs_bind( id, detect_editable, var, key_held, detect_type )
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + group.w - 10, group.last_y;
- local r, g, b = 96, 96, 96;
- if == id then
- if gs_curbind.is_selecting then
- r, g, b = 255, 100, 0;
- end
- end
- local did_select = false;
- -- Backend
- if == id and gs_curbind.is_selecting and not gs_isBlocked then
- for k, v in pairs( ui.Keys ) do
- if input.IsButtonPressed( v ) and v ~= ui.Keys.esc then
- var = v;
- gs_curbind.is_selecting = false;
- did_select = true;
- break;
- else
- if input.IsButtonPressed( v ) and v == ui.Keys.esc then
- var = nil;
- gs_curbind.is_selecting = false;
- did_select = true;
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- if not did_select then
- gs_curbind.is_selecting = true;
- end
- end
- local text = gs_key2name( var );
- draw.SetFont( gs_fonts.verdana_10 );
- local textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( text );
- x = x - textw;
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) then
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y, x + textw, y + texth ) then
- = id;
- gs_curbind.is_selecting = true;
- end
- end
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 2 ) and detect_editable and not gs_isBlocked then
- if not gs_curbind.is_selecting then
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y, x + textw, y + texth ) then
- gs_curchild.minimal_width = 0;
- = id .. "_child";
- gs_curchild.x = x;
- gs_curchild.multiselect = false;
- gs_curchild.y = y + texth + 2;
- gs_curchild.elements = { "Always on", "On hotkey", "Toggle", "Off hotkey" };
- gs_curchild.selected = { detect_type };
- gs_isBlocked = true;
- end
- end
- end
- if gs_curchild.last_id == id .. "_child" then
- detect_type = gs_curchild.selected[1];
- end
- local held_done = false;
- if detect_type == 3 or detect_type == 1 then
- held_done = true;
- end
- if var ~= nil and var ~= 0 then
- if detect_type == 2 and input.IsButtonDown( var ) then
- held_done = true;
- key_held = true;
- end
- if detect_type == 4 and input.IsButtonDown( var ) then
- held_done = true;
- key_held = false;
- end
- if detect_type == 3 and input.IsButtonPressed( var ) then
- key_held = not key_held;
- end
- if detect_type == 1 then
- key_held = true;
- end
- if not held_done then
- if detect_type ~= 4 then
- key_held = false;
- else
- key_held = true;
- end
- end
- end
- -- Draw
- render.text( x, y, text, { r, g, b, wnd.alpha }, gs_fonts.verdana_10 );
- return var, key_held, detect_type;
- end
- function gs_drawtabbar( )
- local wnd = gs_newelement();
- local tab = nil;
- for k, v in pairs( wnd.tabs ) do
- if v.selected then
- tab = v;
- end
- end
- if tab ~= nil then
- local tabNumeric = 0;
- for k, v in pairs( wnd.tabs ) do
- if == then
- tabNumeric = v.numID;
- end
- end
- render.rect( wnd.x, wnd.y, 79, 24 + tabNumeric * 80, { 12, 12, 12, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x, wnd.y + 24 + (tabNumeric + 1) * 80, 79, wnd.h - (24 + (tabNumeric + 1) * 80), { 12, 12, 12, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + 80, wnd.y, 1, 25 + tabNumeric * 80, { 75, 75, 75, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x, wnd.y + 25 + tabNumeric * 80, 81, 1, { 75, 75, 75, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x, wnd.y + 25 + (tabNumeric + 1) * 80, 80, 1, { 75, 75, 75, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( wnd.x + 80, wnd.y + 25 + (tabNumeric + 1) * 80, 1, wnd.h - (25 + (tabNumeric + 1) * 80), { 75, 75, 75, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- end
- function gs_begintab( id, icon )
- local wnd = gs_newelement();
- if wnd.tabs[id] == nil then
- local gs_tab = {
- id = "",
- icon = "",
- numID = 0,
- selected = false,
- groups = {}
- };
- = id;
- gs_tab.icon = icon;
- gs_tab.numID = gs_tablecount( wnd.tabs );
- wnd.tabs[id] = gs_tab;
- end
- gs_curtab = id;
- local tab = wnd.tabs[gs_curtab];
- -- Backend
- local r, g, b = 90, 90, 90;
- if tab.selected then
- r, g, b = 210, 210, 210;
- end
- local tabNumeric = 0;
- for k, v in pairs( wnd.tabs ) do
- if == id then
- tabNumeric = v.numID;
- end
- end
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, wnd.x, wnd.y + (25 + tabNumeric * 80), wnd.x + 80, wnd.y + (25 + tabNumeric * 80) + 80 ) and not gs_isBlocked then
- r, g, b = 210, 210, 210;
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) then
- for k, v in pairs( wnd.tabs ) do
- wnd.tabs[k].selected = false;
- if == id then
- wnd.tabs[k].selected = true;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Draw
- draw.SetFont( gs_fonts.astriumtabs );
- local textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( tab.icon[1] );
- render.text( wnd.x + (40 - textw / 2), wnd.y + (25 + tabNumeric * 80) + (40 - texth / 2) - tab.icon[2], tab.icon[1], { r, g, b, wnd.alpha }, gs_fonts.astriumtabs );
- return tab.selected;
- end
- local function gs_endtab( )
- local wnd = gs_newelement();
- local smthselected = false;
- for k, v in pairs( wnd.tabs ) do
- if v.selected then
- smthselected = true;
- break;
- end
- end
- if not smthselected then
- wnd.tabs[gs_curtab].selected = true;
- end
- gs_curtab = "";
- end
- local function gs_combo( title, elements, var )
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + 25, wnd.y + group.y + group.nextline_offset - 3;
- local bg_col = { 26, 26, 26, wnd.alpha };
- local textw, texth = 0, 0;
- if title ~= nil then
- draw.GetTextSize( title );
- end
- local is_up = false;
- local ltitle = elements[1] .. var;
- if title ~= nil then
- ltitle = title;
- end
- -- Backend
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y + texth + 2, x + 155, y + texth + 22 ) and not gs_isBlocked then
- bg_col = { 36, 36, 36, wnd.alpha };
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) then
- = ltitle .. "_child";
- gs_curchild.x = x;
- gs_curchild.y = y + texth + 22;
- gs_curchild.minimal_width = 135;
- gs_curchild.multiselect = false;
- gs_curchild.elements = elements;
- gs_curchild.selected = { var };
- gs_isBlocked = true;
- end
- end
- if == ltitle .. "_child" then
- is_up = true;
- end
- if gs_curchild.last_id == ltitle .. "_child" then
- var = gs_curchild.selected[1];
- gs_curchild.last_id = "";
- end
- -- Drawing
- if title ~= nil then
- --render.text( x, y-15, title, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- render.gradient( x, y + texth + 2, 155, 19, bg_col, { 36, 36, 36, wnd.alpha }, true );
- render.outline( x, y + texth + 2, 155, 20, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- render.text( x + 10, y + 6 + texth , elements[var], { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- if not is_up then
- render.rect( x + 150 - 9, y + texth + 11, 5, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 8, y + texth + 12, 3, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 7, y + texth + 13, 1, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- else
- render.rect( x + 150 - 7, y + texth + 11, 1, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 8, y + texth + 12, 3, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 9, y + texth + 13, 5, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + texth + 27;
- if group.highest_w < 155 then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_w = 155;
- end
- if group.highest_h < wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset - wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset / 2;
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = y;
- return var;
- end
- local function gs_multicombo( title, elements, var )
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + 25, wnd.y + group.y + group.nextline_offset - 3;
- local bg_col = { 26, 26, 26, wnd.alpha };
- local textw, texth = draw.GetTextSize( title );
- local is_up = false;
- -- Backend
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y + texth + 2, x + 155, y + texth + 22 ) and not gs_isBlocked then
- bg_col = { 36, 36, 36, wnd.alpha };
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) then
- = title .. "_child";
- gs_curchild.x = x;
- gs_curchild.y = y + texth + 22;
- gs_curchild.minimal_width = 135;
- gs_curchild.multiselect = true;
- gs_curchild.elements = elements;
- gs_curchild.selected = var;
- gs_isBlocked = true;
- end
- end
- if == title .. "_child" then
- is_up = true;
- end
- if gs_curchild.last_id == title .. "_child" then
- var = gs_curchild.selected;
- gs_curchild.last_id = "";
- end
- -- Drawing
- render.text( x, y, title, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.gradient( x, y + texth + 2, 155, 19, bg_col, { 36, 36, 36, wnd.alpha }, true );
- render.outline( x, y + texth + 2, 155, 20, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- local fmt = "";
- for i = 1, #elements do
- local f_len = #fmt < 16;
- local f_frst = #fmt <= 0;
- if var[elements[i]] and f_len then
- if not f_frst then
- fmt = fmt .. ", ";
- end
- fmt = fmt .. elements[i];
- else
- if not f_len then
- local selected = 0;
- for k = 1, #elements do
- if var[elements[k]] then
- selected = selected + 1;
- end
- end
- fmt = selected .. " selected";
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- if fmt == "" then
- fmt = "-";
- end
- render.text( x + 10, y + 6 + texth , fmt, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- if not is_up then
- render.rect( x + 150 - 9, y + texth + 11, 5, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 8, y + texth + 12, 3, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 7, y + texth + 13, 1, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- else
- render.rect( x + 150 - 7, y + texth + 11, 1, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 8, y + texth + 12, 3, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 9, y + texth + 13, 5, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + texth + 27;
- if group.highest_w < 155 then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_w = 155;
- end
- if group.highest_h < wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset - wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset / 2;
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = y;
- return var;
- end
- -- it's like
- -- [ normal, with shift ]
- local gs_textTable = {
- [ui.Keys.tilde] = { "`", "~" },
- [] = { "1", "!" },
- [ui.Keys.two] = { "2", "@" },
- [ui.Keys.three] = { "3", "#" },
- [ui.Keys.four] = { "4", "$" },
- [ui.Keys.five] = { "5", "%" },
- [ui.Keys.six] = { "6", "^" },
- [] = { "7", "&" },
- [ui.Keys.eight] = { "8", "*" },
- [ui.Keys.nine] = { "9", "(" },
- [] = { "0", ")" },
- [ui.Keys.minus] = { "-", "_" },
- [ui.Keys.equals] = { "=", "+" },
- [ui.Keys.backslash] = { "\\", "|" },
- [ui.Keys.q] = { "q", "Q" },
- [ui.Keys.w] = { "w", "W" },
- [ui.Keys.e] = { "e", "E" },
- [ui.Keys.r] = { "r", "R" },
- [ui.Keys.t] = { "t", "T" },
- [ui.Keys.y] = { "y", "Y" },
- [ui.Keys.u] = { "u", "U" },
- [ui.Keys.i] = { "i", "I" },
- [ui.Keys.o] = { "o", "O" },
- [ui.Keys.p] = { "p", "P" },
- [ui.Keys.bracket_o] = { "[", "{" },
- [ui.Keys.bracket_c] = { "]", "}" },
- [ui.Keys.a] = { "a", "A" },
- [ui.Keys.s] = { "s", "S" },
- [ui.Keys.d] = { "d", "D" },
- [ui.Keys.f] = { "f", "F" },
- [ui.Keys.g] = { "g", "G" },
- [ui.Keys.h] = { "h", "H" },
- [ui.Keys.j] = { "j", "J" },
- [ui.Keys.k] = { "k", "K" },
- [ui.Keys.l] = { "l", "L" },
- [ui.Keys.semicolon] = { ";", ":" },
- [ui.Keys.quotes] = { "'", "\"" },
- [ui.Keys.z] = { "z", "Z" },
- [ui.Keys.x] = { "x", "X" },
- [ui.Keys.c] = { "c", "C" },
- [ui.Keys.v] = { "v", "V" },
- [ui.Keys.b] = { "b", "B" },
- [ui.Keys.n] = { "n", "N" },
- [ui.Keys.m] = { "m", "M" },
- [ui.Keys.comma] = { ",", "<" },
- [] = { ".", ">" },
- [ui.Keys.slash] = { "/", "?" },
- [] = { " ", " " }
- };
- local function gs_listbox( elements, maxElements, showSearch, var, searchVar, scrollVar )
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + 25, wnd.y + group.y + group.nextline_offset - 3;
- if showSearch then
- render.outline( x, y, 155, 20, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- render.outline( x + 1, y + 1, 153, 18, { 28, 28, 28, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 2, y + 2, 151, 16, { 36, 36, 36, wnd.alpha } );
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) then
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y, x + 155, y + 20 ) then
- gs_curinput = elements[1] .. maxElements .. var .. elements[#elements];
- gs_isBlocked = true;
- elseif not gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y, x + 155, y + 20 ) and gs_curinput == elements[1] .. maxElements .. var .. elements[#elements] then
- gs_curinput = "";
- gs_isBlocked = false;
- end
- end
- if gs_curinput == elements[1] .. maxElements .. var .. elements[#elements] then
- if input.IsButtonPressed( ui.Keys.esc ) then
- gs_curinput = "";
- gs_isBlocked = false;
- end
- if input.IsButtonPressed( ui.Keys.backspace ) then
- searchVar = searchVar:sub( 1, -2 );
- end
- for k, v in pairs( gs_textTable ) do
- if input.IsButtonPressed( k ) then
- if input.IsButtonDown( ui.Keys.shift ) then
- if draw.GetTextSize( searchVar .. v[2] ) <= 135 then
- searchVar = searchVar .. v[2];
- end
- else
- if draw.GetTextSize( searchVar .. v[1] ) <= 135 then
- searchVar = searchVar .. v[1];
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if gs_curinput == elements[1] .. maxElements .. var .. elements[#elements] then
- render.text( x + 8, y + 4, searchVar .. "_", { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- else
- render.text( x + 8, y + 4, searchVar, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- -- Do search thingy
- if searchVar ~= "" then
- local newElements = {};
- for i = 1, #elements do
- if elements[i]:sub( 1, #searchVar ) == searchVar then
- newElements[#newElements + 1] = elements[i];
- end
- end
- elements = newElements;
- end
- y = y + 20;
- end
- -- Prevent bugs here
- if ( #elements - maxElements ) * 20 >= maxElements * 20 then
- while ( #elements - maxElements ) * 20 >= maxElements * 20 do
- maxElements = maxElements + 1;
- end
- end
- local h = maxElements * 20;
- render.outline( x, y, 155, h + 2, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 1, y + 1, 153, h, { 36, 36, 36, wnd.alpha } );
- local bottomElements = 0;
- local topElements = 0;
- local shouldDrawScroll = false;
- for i = 1, #elements do
- local r, g, b = 181, 181, 181;
- local font = gs_fonts.verdana_12;
- local elementY = ( y + i * 20 - 19 ) - scrollVar * 20;
- local shouldDraw = true;
- if elementY > y + h then
- shouldDraw = false;
- bottomElements = bottomElements + 1;
- shouldDrawScroll = true;
- elseif elementY < y then
- shouldDraw = false;
- topElements = topElements + 1;
- shouldDrawScroll = true;
- end
- if shouldDraw then
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x + 1, elementY, x + 149, elementY + 20 ) and not gs_isBlocked then
- font = gs_fonts.verdana_12b;
- render.rect( x + 1, elementY, 153, 20, { 28, 28, 28, wnd.alpha } );
- if input.IsButtonPressed( 1 ) then
- var = i;
- end
- end
- if var == i then
- font = gs_fonts.verdana_12b;
- render.rect( x + 1, elementY, 153, 20, { 28, 28, 28, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- render.text( x + 10, elementY + 3, elements[i], { r, g, b, wnd.alpha }, font );
- end
- end
- if shouldDrawScroll then
- render.rect( x + 149, y + 1, 5, h, { 32, 32, 32, wnd.alpha } );
- local c = 38;
- local scrY = y + scrollVar + scrollVar * 20 + 1;
- local scrH = ( h - ( ( #elements - maxElements ) * 20 ) ) - scrollVar;
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x + 149, scrY, x + 154, scrY + scrH ) and not gs_isBlocked then
- c = 46;
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) then
- c = 28;
- end
- end
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x + 149, y, x + 154, y + h ) and input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) and not gs_isBlocked then
- local relative_y = gs_clamp( gs_my - y, 0, h );
- local ratio = relative_y / h + ( relative_y / h ) / 2;
- scrollVar = gs_clamp( math.floor( ( #elements - maxElements ) * ratio ), 0, #elements - maxElements );
- end
- render.outline( x + 149, scrY, 5, scrH, { c, c, c, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150, scrY + 1, 3, scrH - 1, { c + 8, c + 8, c + 8, wnd.alpha } );
- if bottomElements ~= 0 then
- render.rect( x + 150 - 9, y + h - 18 + 11, 5, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 8, y + h - 18 + 12, 3, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 7, y + h - 18 + 13, 1, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- if topElements ~= 0 then
- render.rect( x + 150 - 7, y - 5 + 11, 1, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 8, y - 5 + 12, 3, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 150 - 9, y - 5 + 13, 5, 1, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + h + 5;
- if showSearch then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + 20;
- end
- if group.highest_w < 155 then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_w = 155;
- end
- if group.highest_h < wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset - wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset / 2;
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = y;
- if showSearch then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y - 20;
- end
- return var, scrollVar, searchVar;
- end
- local function gs_textbox( id, title, var )
- local wnd, group = gs_newelement();
- local x, y = wnd.x + group.x + 25, wnd.y + group.y + group.nextline_offset;
- if title ~= nil then
- render.text( x, y, title, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- y = y + 13;
- end
- render.outline( x, y, 155, 20, { 5, 5, 5, wnd.alpha } );
- render.outline( x + 1, y + 1, 153, 18, { 28, 28, 28, wnd.alpha } );
- render.rect( x + 2, y + 2, 151, 16, { 36, 36, 36, wnd.alpha } );
- gs_mx, gs_my = input.GetMousePos();
- if input.IsButtonDown( 1 ) then
- if gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y, x + 155, y + 20 ) then
- gs_curinput = id;
- gs_isBlocked = true;
- elseif not gs_inbounds( gs_mx, gs_my, x, y, x + 155, y + 20 ) and gs_curinput == id then
- gs_curinput = "";
- gs_isBlocked = false;
- end
- end
- if gs_curinput == id then
- if input.IsButtonPressed( ui.Keys.esc ) then
- gs_curinput = "";
- gs_isBlocked = false;
- end
- if input.IsButtonPressed( ui.Keys.backspace ) then
- var = var:sub( 1, -2 );
- end
- for k, v in pairs( gs_textTable ) do
- if input.IsButtonPressed( k ) then
- if input.IsButtonDown( ui.Keys.shift ) then
- if draw.GetTextSize( var .. v[2] ) <= 135 then
- var = var .. v[2];
- end
- else
- if draw.GetTextSize( var .. v[1] ) <= 135 then
- var = var .. v[1];
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if gs_curinput == id then
- render.text( x + 8, y + 4, var .. "_", { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- else
- render.text( x + 8, y + 4, var, { 181, 181, 181, wnd.alpha } );
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].is_nextline = true;
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + 28;
- if title ~= nil then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset + 13;
- end
- if group.highest_w < 155 then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_w = 155;
- end
- if group.highest_h < wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].highest_h = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset - wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].nextline_offset / 2;
- end
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = y;
- if title ~= nil then
- wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y = wnd.groups[gs_curgroup].last_y + 13;
- end
- return var;
- end
- --API
- ui.BeginWindow = gs_beginwindow;
- ui.AddGradient = gs_addgradient;
- ui.EndWindow = gs_endwindow;
- ui.SetWindowMoveable = gs_setwindowmovable;
- ui.SetWindowOpenKey = gs_setwindowopenkey;
- ui.SetWindowDrawTexture = gs_setwindowdrawtexture;
- ui.BeginGroup = gs_begingroup;
- ui.EndGroup = gs_endgroup;
- ui.Checkbox = gs_checkbox;
- ui.SetWindowSizeable = gs_setwindowsizeable;
- ui.SetGroupMoveable = gs_setgroupmoveable;
- ui.SetGroupSizeable = gs_setgroupsizeable;
- ui.Button = gs_button;
- ui.Slider = gs_slider;
- ui.Label = gs_label;
- ui.Bind = gs_bind;
- ui.BeginTab = gs_begintab;
- ui.DrawTabBar = gs_drawtabbar;
- ui.EndTab = gs_endtab;
- ui.Combo = gs_combo;
- ui.MultiCombo = gs_multicombo;
- ui.Listbox = gs_listbox;
- ui.Textbox = gs_textbox;
- --
- ui.ColorPicker = gs_ColorPicker;
- -- Let's add some useless hook here to make aimware think that script loaded
- callbacks.Register( "CreateMove", "ui", function
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