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- # 1. Basics
- import pandas as pd
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- # 1a. Define the traits and their types
- red = ['Επιθετικός', 'Φιλόδοξος', 'Με ισχυρή θέληση', 'Προσανατολισμένος στον στόχο', 'Πιεστικός', 'Καλός στην επίλυση των προβλημάτων', 'Πρωτοπόρος', 'Αποφασιστικός', 'Καινοτόμος', 'Ανυπόμονος', 'Ελεγκτικός', 'Πειστικός', 'Προσανατολισμένος στην απόδοση', 'Δυνατός', 'Προσανατολισμένος στα αποτελέσματα', 'Πρωτεργάτης', 'Ταχύς', 'Συνεπής', 'Έντονος', 'Ισχυρογνώμων', 'Ευθύς', 'Ανεξάρτητος']
- red_types = ['Α', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Α', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Ο', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Θ']
- yellow = ['Ομιλητικός', 'Ενθουσιώδης', 'Πειστικός ', 'Δημιουργικός', 'Αισιόδοξος', 'Κοινωνικός', 'Αυθόρμητος', 'Εκφραστικός', 'Γοητευτικός', 'Γεμάτος ζωτικότητα', 'Εγωκεντρικός', 'Ευαίσθητος', 'Ευπροσάρμοστος', 'Εμπνευσμένος', 'Επιζητά την προσοχή', 'Ενθαρρυντικός', 'Επικοινωνιακός', 'Ευέλικτος', 'Ανοιχτός', 'Φιλικός', 'Ευφάνταστος', 'Καλόβολος']
- yellow_types = ['Ο', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ']
- green = ['Υπομονετικός', 'Χαλαρός', 'Με αυτοέλεγχο', 'Αξιόπιστος', 'Συγκροτημένος', 'Πιστός', 'Σεμνός', 'Με κατανόηση', 'Αργόσυρτος', 'Σταθερός', 'Εγκρατής', 'Διακριτικός', 'Υποστηρικτικός', 'Καλός ακροατής', 'Βοηθητικός', 'Παραγωγός', 'Επίμονος', 'Απρόθυμος', 'Σκεπτικός', 'Κρύβει συναισθήματα', 'Σκέφτεται τους άλλους', 'Στοργικός']
- green_types = ['Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Α', 'Α', 'Ο', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Θ']
- blue = ['Ευσυνείδητος', 'Συστηματικός', 'Απόμακρος', 'Σωστός', 'Συμβατικός', 'Μοιάζει ανασφαλής', 'Αντικειμενικός', 'Συγκροτημένος', 'Αναλυτικός', 'Τελειομανής', 'Χρειάζεται χρόνο', 'Σκεπτικός ', 'Μεθοδικός', 'Αναζητά γεγονότα', 'Προσανατολισμένος στην ποιότητα', 'Ελέγχει εξονυχιστικά', 'Ακολουθεί κανόνες', 'Λογικός', 'Αμφισβητίας', 'Ενδελεχής', 'Στοχαστικός', 'Επιφυλακτικός']
- blue_types = ['Θ', 'Θ', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Ο', 'Α', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Ο', 'Ο', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Ο', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Ο', 'Θ', 'Θ', 'Ο']
- LEN1 = len(red)
- LEN2 = len(yellow)
- LEN3 = len(green)
- LEN4 = len(blue)
- LEN5 = len(red_types)
- LEN6 = len(yellow_types)
- LEN7 = len(green_types)
- LEN8 = len(blue_types)
- LEN = LEN1 + LEN2 + LEN3 + LEN4
- print(80 * "-")
- if LEN1 == LEN5 and LEN2 == LEN6 and LEN3 == LEN7 and LEN4 == LEN8:
- print("Personality traits:\n")
- print(f"{LEN1} red\n{LEN2} yellow\n{LEN3} green\n{LEN4} blue")
- print(f"{LEN} total")
- print(80 * "-", '\n\n')
- # 1b. Concatenate the lists
- traits = red + yellow + green + blue
- colors = ["Κόκκινο" for __ in range(LEN1)] + ["Κίτρινο" for __ in range(LEN1)] + ["Πράσινο" for __ in range(LEN1)] + ["Μπλε" for __ in range(LEN1)]
- types = red_types + yellow_types + green_types + blue_types
- type_dict = {'Α':'Αρνητικό', 'Θ':'Θετικό', 'Ο':'Ουδέτερο'}
- types = [type_dict[type] for type in types]
- # 1c. Create an initial dataframe with 'ΟΧΙ' in the 4th column
- print(80 * "-")
- print(f"\nInitial Dataframe")
- my_dict = {'Trait': traits, 'Color': colors, 'Type': types}
- df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
- print(df)
- print(80 * "-")
- # 2. Random input
- from random import randrange
- name = "Random User"
- ratings = [randrange(11) for _ in range(LEN)]
- df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
- df['Rating (?/10)'] = ratings
- print(df)
- # 3. Input from the user (88 ratings in personality traits)
- ratings = []
- name = input("Enter your name here: ")
- for trait in traits:
- rating = float(input(f"{trait} (?/10) ----> "))
- while rating < 0 or rating > 10:
- print("Invalid input")
- rating = float(input(f"{trait} (?/10) ----> "))
- ratings.append(rating)
- df = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
- df['Rating (?/10)'] = ratings
- print(df)
- # 4. Pretty Print
- def pretty_print(my_dict, print_LENS=False, print_decimals=False, is_perc=False, print_rating=False):
- for key, value in my_dict.items():
- if is_perc:
- value = 100 * value
- if key == 'Μπλε':
- print(f"{key} ---> ", end='')
- if print_decimals:
- print(f"{value:.2f}", end='')
- else:
- print(f"{value}", end='')
- if is_perc:
- print(f" %", end='')
- if print_LENS:
- print(f" / 22", end='')
- if print_rating:
- print(f" / 10.00", end='')
- else:
- print(f"{key} ---> ", end='')
- if print_decimals:
- print(f"{value:.2f}", end='')
- else:
- print(f"{value}", end='')
- if is_perc:
- print(f" %", end='')
- if print_LENS:
- print(f" / 22", end='')
- if print_rating:
- print(f" / 10.00", end='')
- print()
- # 5. Create the 3 basic dictionaries
- LENS = [LEN1, LEN2, LEN3, LEN4]
- num_colors = df['Color'].nunique()
- colors = list(df['Color'].unique())
- # First dictionary: Add +1 in each color "counter", when a trait rating is above 5
- # example = {red:20, yellow:15, green:12, blue:14}
- colors_dict = {color:0 for color in colors}
- # Second dictionary: Find the mean rating of every trait in a color
- # example = {red:9.5, yellow:7.5, green:6.2, blue:7.0}
- colors_avg_dict = {color:5 for color in colors}
- for color in colors:
- df2 = df[df['Color'] == color]
- for i, rating in enumerate(df2['Rating (?/10)']):
- if rating >= 5:
- colors_dict[color] = colors_dict[color] + 1
- avg = df2['Rating (?/10)'].mean()
- colors_avg_dict[color] = avg
- colors_perc_dict = {color:colors_dict[color]/LENS[i] for i, color in enumerate(colors)}
- # 6. Some easy statistics
- import numpy as np
- df_good_total = df[df['Type'] == 'Θετικό']
- df_bad_total = df[df['Type'] == 'Αρνητικό']
- df_neutral_total = df[df['Type'] == 'Ουδέτερο']
- num_good_total = len(df_good_total)
- num_bad_total = len(df_bad_total)
- num_neutral_total = len(df_neutral_total)
- # print(f"Number of good traits: {num_good_total}")
- # print(f"Number of bad traits: {num_bad_total}")
- # print(f"Number of neutral traits: {num_neutral_total}")
- df_good_user = df[(df['Type'] == 'Θετικό') & (df['Rating (?/10)'] >= 5)]
- df_bad_user = df[(df['Type'] == 'Αρνητικό') & (df['Rating (?/10)'] >= 5)]
- df_neutral_user = df[(df['Type'] == 'Ουδέτερο') & (df['Rating (?/10)'] >= 5)]
- num_good_user = len(df_good_user)
- num_bad_user = len(df_bad_user)
- num_neutral_user = len(df_neutral_user)
- # print(f"Number of good traits (user): {num_good_user}")
- # print(f"Number of bad traits (user): {num_bad_user}")
- # print(f"Number of neutral traits (user): {num_neutral_user}")
- print(f"For user '{name}':\n")
- print(80 * "-")
- print(f"Positive traits: {num_good_user:2d} / {num_good_total:2d} = {100*num_good_user/num_good_total:.2f}%")
- print(f"Negative traits: {num_bad_user:2d} / {num_bad_total:2d} = {100*num_bad_user/num_bad_total:.2f}%")
- print(f"Neutral traits: {num_neutral_user:2d} / {num_neutral_total:2d} = {100*num_neutral_user/num_neutral_total:.2f}%")
- print(80 * "-", '\n')
- print(80 * "-")
- print("Interpretation 1 - Which traits do I have?")
- pretty_print(colors_dict, True, False, False, False)
- print("\nInterpretation 1 - Which traits do I have (percentage)?")
- pretty_print(colors_perc_dict, False, True, True, False)
- print(80 * "-")
- print('\n')
- print(80 * "-")
- print("Interpretation 2 - Mean rating of color traits")
- pretty_print(colors_avg_dict, False, True, False, True)
- print(80 * "-")
- # 7. Normalization - Create 2 auxiliary dictionaries
- # Normalization processes
- SUM1 = 0
- for value in colors_perc_dict.values():
- SUM1 = SUM1 + value
- normalized1 = {color:value/SUM1 for color, value in colors_perc_dict.items()}
- SUM2 = 0
- for value in colors_avg_dict.values():
- SUM2 = SUM2 + value
- normalized2 = {color:value/SUM2 for color, value in colors_avg_dict.items()}
- # Displays
- print(80 * "-")
- print("Normalization - Interpretation 1 - Which traits do I have?")
- pretty_print(normalized1, False, True, True, False)
- print(80 * "-", '\n\n')
- print(80 * "-")
- print("Normalization - Interpretation 2 - Mean rating of color traits")
- pretty_print(normalized2, False, True, True, False)
- print(80 * "-", '\n\n')
- # 8. Bar diagrammes and pie charts
- import seaborn as sns
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- colors_for_plot = ['#FF0000', '#FFFF00','#00FF00', '#0000FF']
- # Interpretation 1
- print(colors_perc_dict, '\n', normalized1, '\n')
- fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- mylabels1 = [f"{100*elem:.2f}%" for elem in list(colors_perc_dict.values())]
-, colors_perc_dict.values(), color=colors_for_plot, label=mylabels1)
- plt.ylabel('Ποσοστό')
- plt.title(f"Interpretation 1 for {name}")
- plt.legend(mylabels1)
- ax.plot([-0.5, 4.5], [1, 1], "k--")
- print('\n')
- y1 = np.array(list(normalized1.values()))
- mylabels1 = [f"{100*elem:.2f}%" for elem in y1]
- plt.pie(y1, colors=colors_for_plot)
- plt.legend(mylabels1)
- plt.title(f"Interpretation 1 for {name}")
- # Interpretation 2
- print(colors_avg_dict, '\n', normalized2, '\n')
- fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- mylabels2 = [f"{elem:.2f}" for elem in list(colors_avg_dict.values())]
-, colors_avg_dict.values(), color=colors_for_plot, label=mylabels2)
- plt.ylabel('Ποσοστό')
- plt.title(f"Interpretation 2 for {name}")
- plt.legend(mylabels2)
- ax.plot([-0.5, 4.5], [10, 10], "k--")
- print('\n')
- y2 = np.array(list(normalized2.values()))
- mylabels2 = [f"{100*elem:.2f}%" for elem in y2]
- plt.pie(y2, colors=colors_for_plot)
- plt.legend(mylabels2)
- plt.title(f"Interpretation 2 for {name}")
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