

Apr 5th, 2024
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. # Filename:
  4. # Version: 0.0.2
  5. # Author: Jeoi Reqi
  6. # Date: February 2024
  8. """
  9. This script provides functionality to retrieve and display related topics, including top and rising queries, for specified keywords using the Google Trends API.
  11. Functions:
  12.    - display_related_data(pytrends, keywords, num_related_top, num_related_rising): Retrieves and displays related topics, including top and rising queries, for specified keywords.
  13.    - get_ports_name(pid): Retrieves the process name associated with a given process ID (PID).
  14.    - display_ports_in_use(ports_in_use): Displays the list of ports currently in use along with their associated processes and programs.
  16. Features:
  17.    - Uses the Google Trends API (via pytrends library) to retrieve related topics, top queries, and rising queries for specified keywords.
  18.    - Supports input of up to 5 topics/keywords.
  19.    - Allows users to specify the number of months to gather data and the number of top and rising related topics to display.
  20.    - Provides the option to save the displayed data to a text file.
  22. Requirements:
  23.    - Python 3.x
  24.    - pytrends library (install via pip: pip install pytrends)
  25.    - tabulate library (install via pip: pip install tabulate)
  27. Usage:
  28.    1. Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system.
  29.    2. Install the pytrends library by running: pip install pytrends
  30.    3. Install the tabulate library by running: pip install tabulate
  31.    4. Save the script as ''.
  32.    5. Execute the script using the command: python
  33.    6. Follow the prompts to input topics, number of months, and related topics to display.
  35. Notes:
  36.    - This script relies on the pytrends library to interact with the Google Trends API.
  37.    - The script prompts the user to input topics, the number of months to gather data, and the number of related topics to display.
  38.    - It uses the tabulate library to format and display the related data in a tabular format.
  39.    - The displayed data includes both top and rising related queries for each specified keyword.
  40.    - The script provides the option to save the displayed data to a text file for later reference.
  41. """
  43. from pytrends.request import TrendReq
  44. from tabulate import tabulate
  45. from typing import List
  46. import sys
  48. # [CONSTANTS]
  49. # Set the constant max values for topics & results
  50. max_topics = 5
  51. max_top = 24
  52. max_rising = 24
  53. max_months = 240
  56. def display_related_data(pytrends, keywords, num_related_top, num_related_rising):
  57.     """
  58.    Display related topics, including top and rising queries, for specified keywords.
  60.    Parameters:
  61.    - pytrends (TrendReq): Google Trends API object.
  62.    - keywords (List[str]): List of keywords to retrieve related data for.
  63.    - num_related_top (int): Number of top related queries to display.
  64.    - num_related_rising (int): Number of rising related queries to display.
  66.    Returns:
  67.    - str: 'return' if user chooses to return to the main program, 'end' if user chooses to end the program.
  68.    """
  69.     # Display related topics
  70.     print("\n\t\t\t::GATHERING RELATED TOPICS::\n\t\t    This may take some time to process...\n")
  72.     terminal_output = ""  # Store the terminal output in a variable
  74.     for keyword in keywords:
  75.         try:
  76.             # Create pytrends object inside the function
  77.             pytrends_local = TrendReq(hl='en-US', tz=-480)
  78.             pytrends_local.build_payload([keyword], timeframe=f'today {num_months}-m')  # Use user input for timeframe
  79.             related_queries_top = pytrends_local.related_queries()[keyword]['top'].head(num_related_top)
  80.             if not related_queries_top.empty:
  81.                 terminal_output += f"\nTop queries for '{keyword}':\n"
  82.                 # Store top related queries in tabular form
  83.                 terminal_output += tabulate(related_queries_top, headers='keys', tablefmt='pretty') + '\n'
  84.             else:
  85.                 terminal_output += f"\nNo top related queries found for '{keyword}'.\n"
  86.         except Exception as e:
  87.             terminal_output += f"Failed to get top related queries. Error: {e}\n"
  89.         try:
  90.             related_queries_rising = pytrends_local.related_queries()[keyword]['rising'].head(num_related_rising)
  91.             if not related_queries_rising.empty:
  92.                 terminal_output += f"\nRising queries for '{keyword}':\n"
  93.                 # Store rising related queries in tabular form
  94.                 terminal_output += tabulate(related_queries_rising, headers='keys', tablefmt='pretty') + '\n'
  95.             else:
  96.                 terminal_output += f"\nNo rising related queries found for '{keyword}'.\n"
  97.         except Exception as e:
  98.             terminal_output += f"Failed to get rising related queries. Error: {e}\n"
  100.     # Display the stored terminal output
  101.     print(terminal_output)
  103.     # Ask if the user wants to save the data
  104.     save_option = input("\nDo you want to save the displayed data?\n1: Yes\n2: No\nYour Choice (1 or 2): ")
  105.     if save_option == '1':
  106.         # Save output to a dynamic named file
  107.         filename = '_'.join(keywords) + '_related_data.txt'
  108.         with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
  109.             f.write("\n::DISPLAYED RELATED DATA::\n\n")
  110.             f.write(f"Number of related top queries displayed: {num_related_top}\n")
  111.             f.write(f"Number of related rising queries displayed: {num_related_rising}\n")
  112.             f.write("\n::TERMINAL OUTPUT::\n\n")
  113.             f.write(terminal_output)
  114.         print(f"\nOutput saved to file: {filename}")
  115.         print("Program Exiting, Goodbye!")
  116.         sys.exit(0)
  117.     elif save_option == '2':
  118.         print("Program Exiting, Goodbye!")
  119.         sys.exit(0)
  120.     else:
  121.         print("\nInvalid option. Data not saved.")
  123. # Allow the user to input up to 5 topics
  124. keywords: List[str] = []
  125. while True:
  126.     try:
  127.         num_topics = int(input(f"\nEnter the number of topics (1 to {max_topics}): "))
  128.         if 1 <= num_topics <= max_topics:
  129.             for i in range(num_topics):
  130.                 keyword = input(f"Enter topic/query {i+1}: ")
  131.                 keywords.append(keyword)
  132.         else:
  133.             print(f"\nInvalid number of topics. Please enter a number between 1 and {max_topics}.\n")
  134.     except ValueError:
  135.         print("\nInvalid input. Please enter a valid number.\n")
  136.     if 1 <= len(keywords) <= max_topics:
  137.         break
  139. # Allow the user to input the number of months to gather
  140. try:
  141.     num_months = int(input(f"\nEnter the number of months to gather data (1 to {max_months}): "))
  142.     if 0 < num_months <= max_months:
  143.         # Allow the user to input the number of top and related topics (0 to 240)
  144.         num_top_related_topics = int(input(f"\nEnter the number of Top Related topics to display (0 to {max_top}): "))
  145.         if 0 <= num_top_related_topics <= max_top:
  146.             num_rising_related_topics = int(input(f"\nEnter the number of Rising Related topics to display (0 to {max_rising}): "))
  147.             if 0 <= num_rising_related_topics <= max_rising:
  148.                 if num_top_related_topics > 0 or num_rising_related_topics > 0:
  149.                     # Fetch data for topics
  150.                     try:
  151.                         pytrends = TrendReq(hl='en-US', tz=-480)
  152.                         pytrends.build_payload(keywords, timeframe=f'today {num_months}-m')  # Max: 240 months
  153.                         # Function to display and handle related data
  154.                         result = display_related_data(pytrends, keywords, num_top_related_topics, num_rising_related_topics)
  155.                         if result == 'return':
  156.                             print("Returned from the external script. Continue with the main program.")
  157.                         elif result == 'end':
  158.                             print("Ending the program. Goodbye!")
  159.                             sys.exit(0)
  160.                     except Exception as e:
  161.                         print(f"Failed to fetch data from Google Trends. Error: {e}")
  162.                 else:
  163.                     print("\nNo related topics to display.\n")
  164.             else:
  165.                 print(f"\nInvalid number of Rising Related topics. Please enter a number between 0 and {max_rising}.\n")
  166.         else:
  167.             print(f"\nInvalid number of Top Related topics. Please enter a number between 0 and {max_top}.\n")
  168.     else:
  169.         print(f"\nInvalid number of months. Please enter a number between 1 and {max_months}.\n")
  170. except ValueError:
  171.     print("\nInvalid input. Please enter a valid number.\n")
  173. # DEBUG
  174. # Ignore warnings for redefining variables from the outer scope.
  175. # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
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