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- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Threading;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using Data;
- using Data.Enum;
- using Data.Model;
- using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
- using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
- using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
- using Newtonsoft.Json;
- namespace DanbooruDownloader.HostedServices
- {
- public class FindWaifuService : IHostedService
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Фильтр фажества. Минимальный процент
- /// </summary>
- private const double MAX_FAG_POINTS_PER_CHARACTER = 10;
- private const double FAG_POINTS_LOG10_MULTIPLIER = 0.15;
- private const int MIN_CHAR_COUNT_TO_CREATE_STAT = 10;
- private readonly NFContextFactory NFContextFactory;
- // ReSharper disable once NotAccessedField.Local
- private readonly IConfiguration Configuration;
- private readonly CancellationTokenSource CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
- private CancellationToken CancellationToken => CancellationTokenSource.Token;
- private Task MainTaskItself;
- private Task Count123MeanTaskItself;
- public FindWaifuService(
- NFContextFactory nfContextFactory,
- IConfiguration configuration
- )
- {
- NFContextFactory = nfContextFactory;
- Configuration = configuration;
- }
- public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- MainTaskItself = Task.Run(SearchForWaifu, cancellationToken);
- Count123MeanTaskItself = Task.CompletedTask; // Task.Run(CalculateMeanCount123, cancellationToken);
- return Task.CompletedTask;
- }
- public async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- CancellationTokenSource.Cancel();
- await MainTaskItself;
- await Count123MeanTaskItself;
- }
- #region SearchForWaifu
- private DanbooruTag[] tags;
- private Dictionary<int, DanbooruTag> tagDictionary;
- private Dictionary<int, int> countsByTagId;
- private ICollection<int> tagArtistIds;
- private ICollection<int> tagCharacterIds;
- private ICollection<DanbooruTagIntersect> intersects;
- private IDictionary<int, int> parentImages;
- private int GetRealImageId(int imageId)
- {
- return parentImages.ContainsKey(imageId) ? parentImages[imageId] : imageId;
- }
- private IDictionary<int, int> characterToCopyright;
- private int tagOriginalId;
- private async Task SearchForWaifu_GenerateCopyright(NFContext context)
- {
- var tagCopyrightIds = tags
- .Where(x => x.type == DanbooruTagType.Copyright)
- .Where(x => != tagOriginalId)
- .Select(t =>
- .ToHashSet();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\ttagCopyrightIds.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- tagCopyrightIds.Count()
- );
- var i1 = await context
- .DanbooruTagIntersect
- .Where(x => tagCopyrightIds.Contains(x.tag_id))
- .ToArrayAsync();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tDb: i1.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- i1.Count()
- );
- i1 = i1
- .Select(t => (art_id: GetRealImageId(t.art_id), t.tag_id))
- .Distinct()
- .Select(t => new DanbooruTagIntersect() {art_id = t.art_id, tag_id = t.tag_id})
- .ToArray();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tParented: i1.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- i1.Count()
- );
- var franchisesByArtId = i1
- .GroupBy(t => t.art_id)
- .Select(t => (art_id: t.Key, copyrights: t.Select(t1 => t1.tag_id).Distinct().ToArray()))
- .Where(x => x.copyrights.Length == 1)
- .ToDictionary(
- t => t.art_id,
- t => t.copyrights.First()
- );
- var charCounts1 = intersects
- .Where(x => tagCharacterIds.Contains(x.tag_id))
- .GroupBy(t => t.tag_id)
- .ToDictionary(
- t => t.Key,
- t => t.Count()
- );
- var charCounts2 = intersects
- .Where(x => franchisesByArtId.ContainsKey(x.art_id) && tagCharacterIds.Contains(x.tag_id))
- .GroupBy(t => t.tag_id)
- .ToDictionary(
- t => t.Key,
- t => t.Count()
- );
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tfranchisesByArtId.Length = {1,7}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tcharCounts1.Length = {2,7}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tcharCounts2.Length = {3,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- franchisesByArtId.Count(),
- charCounts1.Count(),
- charCounts2.Count()
- );
- characterToCopyright = intersects
- .Where(x => tagCharacterIds.Contains(x.tag_id) && charCounts1.ContainsKey(x.tag_id))
- .Select(t =>
- {
- // ReSharper disable once ConvertToLambdaExpression
- return (charId: t.tag_id,
- copyright: franchisesByArtId.ContainsKey(t.art_id) ? franchisesByArtId[t.art_id] : -1);
- })
- .Where(x => x.copyright != -1)
- .GroupBy(t => t.charId)
- .Select(t =>
- {
- var charId = t.Key;
- var minCount = charCounts1[charId] * MIN_CHAR_FRANCHISE_INTERSECT_FOR_AFFILIATION;
- var (copyright, count) = t
- .GroupBy(t1 => t1.copyright)
- .Select(t1 => (t1.Key, count: t1.Count()))
- .OrderByDescending(t1 => t1.count)
- .First();
- // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToReturnStatement
- if (count >= minCount)
- {
- return (charId, copyright: copyright);
- }
- if (!charCounts2.ContainsKey(charId))
- {
- return (charId, copyright: -1);
- }
- // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToReturnStatement
- if (count >= minCount)
- {
- return (charId, copyright: copyright);
- }
- return (charId, copyright: -1);
- })
- .Where(x => x.copyright != -1)
- .OrderBy(t => t.charId)
- .ToDictionary(
- t => t.charId,
- t => t.copyright
- );
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tcharacterToCopyright.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- characterToCopyright.Count()
- );
- }
- private async Task SearchForWaifu_Step1()
- {
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tSearchForWaifu_Step1",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
- );
- await using var context = NFContextFactory.CreateContext();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tDB connected",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
- );
- parentImages = await context
- .DanbooruImage
- .Where(x => x.parent_id != null)
- .ToDictionaryAsync(
- t =>,
- t => t.parent_id!.Value
- );
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tparentImages.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- parentImages.Count()
- );
- tags = await context
- .DanbooruTag
- .ToArrayAsync();
- tagDictionary = tags.ToDictionary(t =>, t => t);
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\ttags.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- tags.Count()
- );
- tagOriginalId = tags.First(x => x.tag == "original").id;
- tagArtistIds = tags
- .Where(x => x.type == DanbooruTagType.Artist)
- .Select(t =>
- .ToHashSet();
- tagCharacterIds = tags
- .Where(x => x.type == DanbooruTagType.Character)
- .Select(t =>
- .ToHashSet();
- var artistCharacterIds = tagArtistIds.Concat(tagCharacterIds).ToArray();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\ttagArtistIds.Length = {1,7}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\ttagCharacterIds = {2,7}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tOriginal tag = {3,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- tagArtistIds.Count(),
- tagCharacterIds.Count(),
- tagOriginalId
- );
- var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- intersects = await context
- .DanbooruTagIntersect
- .Where(x => artistCharacterIds.Contains(x.tag_id))
- .ToArrayAsync();
- sw.Stop();
- var intersectsRawCount = intersects.Count;
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tDb: intersects.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- intersects.Count()
- );
- intersects = intersects
- .Select(t => (art_id: GetRealImageId(t.art_id), t.tag_id))
- .Distinct()
- .Select(t => new DanbooruTagIntersect()
- {
- art_id = t.art_id,
- tag_id = t.tag_id,
- })
- .ToArray();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tParented: intersects.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- intersects.Count()
- );
- await SearchForWaifu_GenerateCopyright(context);
- {
- var artId1 = intersects
- .Where(x => tagArtistIds.Contains(x.tag_id))
- .Select(t => t.art_id)
- .ToHashSet();
- artId1 = intersects
- .Where(x => tagCharacterIds.Contains(x.tag_id))
- .Select(t => t.art_id)
- .Where(x => artId1.Contains(x))
- .ToHashSet();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tClear artId1 with characters and artists = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- artId1.Count()
- );
- intersects = intersects
- .Where(x => artId1.Contains(x.art_id))
- .ToArray();
- }
- ClearIntersectsFromMultipleChars();
- await ClearIntersectsFromBadTags(context);
- countsByTagId = intersects
- .GroupBy(t => t.tag_id)
- .ToDictionary(
- t => t.Key,
- t => t.Count()
- );
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tGet intersects: {6}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tArtists count = {1,6}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tCharacter count = {2,6}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tIntersects {3,7} ({4,7} {5:P1})" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tcountsByTagId.Length = {7,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- tagArtistIds.Count,
- tagCharacterIds.Count,
- intersects.Count,
- intersectsRawCount,
- intersects.Count * 1d / intersectsRawCount,
- sw.Elapsed,
- countsByTagId.Count()
- );
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Delete game_cg & Delete official art
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="context"></param>
- private async Task ClearIntersectsFromBadTags(NFContext context)
- {
- var gameCG = tags.First(x => x.tag == "game_cg").id;
- var officialArt = tags.First(x => x.tag == "official_art").id;
- var a = new[] {gameCG, officialArt};
- ICollection<int> badArtIds = await context
- .DanbooruTagIntersect
- .Where(x => a.Contains(x.tag_id))
- .Select(t => t.art_id)
- .Distinct()
- .ToArrayAsync();
- badArtIds = badArtIds.ToHashSet();
- intersects = intersects
- .Where(x => !badArtIds.Contains(x.art_id))
- .ToArray();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tClearIntersectsFromBadTags: badArtIds.Length = {1,7}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tintersects.Length = {2,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- badArtIds.Count(),
- intersects.Count()
- );
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Delete multi-characters (4+) arts
- /// </summary>
- private void ClearIntersectsFromMultipleChars()
- {
- var badArtIds = intersects
- .Where(x => tagCharacterIds.Contains(x.tag_id))
- .GroupBy(t => t.art_id)
- .Select(t => (art_id: t.Key, count: t.Count()))
- .Select(t => t.art_id)
- .ToHashSet();
- intersects = intersects
- .Where(x => !badArtIds.Contains(x.art_id))
- .ToArray();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tClearIntersectsFromMultipleChars: badArtIds.Length = {1,7}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tintersects.Length = {2,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- badArtIds.Count(),
- intersects.Count()
- );
- }
- private async Task SearchForWaifu()
- {
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tSearchForWaifu",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
- );
- await SearchForWaifu_Step1();
- var byArts = intersects
- .GroupBy(t => t.art_id)
- .Select(t =>
- {
- var a = t.Select(t1 => t1.tag_id).ToArray();
- var artists = a.Where(tagArtistIds.Contains).ToArray();
- var characters = a.Where(tagCharacterIds.Contains).ToArray();
- return (artId: t.Key, artists, characters);
- })
- .Where(x => x.artists.Any() && x.characters.Any())
- .ToDictionary(
- t => t.artId,
- t => t
- );
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tbyArts.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- byArts.Count()
- );
- var semiRawData = byArts
- .Values
- .SelectMany(t =>
- {
- var (_, artists, characters) = t;
- return artists
- .SelectMany(t1 => characters.Select(t2 => (artist: t1, character: t2)));
- })
- .GroupBy(t => t)
- .Select(t => (key: t.Key, count: t.Count()))
- .Select(t => (key: t.key, count: t.count, countP: t.count * 1d / countsByTagId[t.key.artist]))
- .ToArray();
- var countDictionary = semiRawData
- .OrderByDescending(t => t.countP + Math.Log10(t.count) * FAG_POINTS_LOG10_MULTIPLIER)
- .ToDictionary(
- t => t.key,
- t => t.count
- );
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tsemiRawData.Length = {1,7}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tcountDictionary = {2,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- semiRawData.Count(),
- countDictionary.Count()
- );
- {
- // ReSharper disable once NotAccessedVariable
- var realCount = 0;
- var lines = new List<string>();
- foreach (var ((artist, character), count) in countDictionary /*.TakeWhile(_ => realCount < 5000)*/)
- {
- var artistCount = countsByTagId[artist];
- var characterCount = countsByTagId[character];
- if (characterCount - count < MIN_COUNT_BY_ARTIST_TO_CHARACTER_FOR_FAGGING)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (count < artistCount * 0.1)
- {
- continue;
- }
- realCount++;
- lines.Add(string.Format(
- "+------T------+\tartist = {0,-30}\tcharacter = {1}",
- tagDictionary[artist].tag,
- tagDictionary[character].tag
- ));
- lines.Add(string.Format(
- "|{0,6}|{1,6}|",
- 0,
- artistCount - count
- ));
- lines.Add("+------+------+");
- lines.Add(string.Format(
- "|{0,6}|{1,6}|",
- characterCount - count,
- count
- ));
- lines.Add("+------+------+");
- lines.Add(string.Format(
- "Arts by the artist to this character: {0,-6:P1}\n" +
- "Arts with the char by this artist: {1,-6:P1}",
- count * 1d / artistCount,
- count * 1d / characterCount
- ));
- lines.Add("=============================================");
- }
- await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(@"waifu-list.txt", lines, CancellationToken);
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\twaifu-list.txt done",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
- );
- }
- {
- // 1й, 2й, 3й персонаж для каждого художника
- var count123 = semiRawData
- .GroupBy(t => t.key.artist)
- .Select(t =>
- {
- var sum = t.Sum(t1 => t1.count);
- {
- return Array.Empty<double>();
- }
- var r = 1d / sum;
- var a = t
- .OrderByDescending(t1 => t1.count)
- .Take(3)
- .Select(t1 => t1.count * r)
- .ToArray();
- return a.Length switch
- {
- 3 => a,
- 1 => a.Concat(new[] {0d, 0d}).ToArray(),
- 2 => a.Concat(new[] {0d}).ToArray(),
- _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
- };
- })
- .Where(x => x.Any())
- .ToArray();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tcount123.Length = {1,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- count123.Count()
- );
- // TODO 1й, 2й, 3й персонаж для каждого художника
- var textInput = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(count123);
- await File.WriteAllTextAsync(@"count123-input.json", textInput);
- }
- {
- var rawCharFag = semiRawData
- .Select(t => (fagPoint: t.countP + Math.Log10(t.count) * FAG_POINTS_LOG10_MULTIPLIER,
- t.key.character))
- .ToArray();
- var fagCharacters = rawCharFag
- .GroupBy(t => t.character)
- .Select(t => (character: t.Key, sum: t.Sum(t1 => t1.fagPoint), count: t.Count()))
- .OrderByDescending(t => t.sum)
- .ToArray();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\trawCharFag.Length = {1,7}" +
- "\n\t\t\t\tfagCharacters = {2,7}",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
- rawCharFag.Count(),
- fagCharacters.Count()
- );
- var lines = new List<string>();
- foreach (var (charId, sum, count) in fagCharacters)
- {
- var character = tagDictionary[charId];
- lines.Add(string.Format("{0}\t{1:F2}\t{2}", character.tag, sum, count));
- }
- await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(@"character-fag-list.txt", lines, CancellationToken);
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tfag-list.txt done",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
- );
- //
- var franchiseFagDic = fagCharacters
- .Select(t =>
- {
- var (charId, fagPoint, _) = t;
- if (!characterToCopyright.ContainsKey(charId))
- {
- return (copyright: -1, fagPoint: 0d);
- }
- var copyright = characterToCopyright[charId];
- return (copyright, fagPoint);
- })
- .Where(x => x.copyright != -1)
- .GroupBy(t => t.copyright)
- .ToDictionary(
- t => t.Key,
- t => (
- tag: tagDictionary[t.Key],
- rawSum: t.Sum(t1 => t1.fagPoint),
- limitedSum: t.Sum(t1 => Math.Min(MAX_FAG_POINTS_PER_CHARACTER, t1.fagPoint)),
- charCount: t.Count()
- )
- );
- var lines1 = franchiseFagDic
- .OrderByDescending(t => t.Value.rawSum)
- .Take(100)
- .Select(t =>
- {
- var fagPoint = t.Value.rawSum;
- return string.Format("{0}\t{1:F2}\t{2}", t.Value.tag.tag, fagPoint, t.Value.charCount);
- })
- .ToArray();
- await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(@"franchise-fag-list1.txt", lines1, CancellationToken);
- var lines2 = franchiseFagDic
- .OrderByDescending(t => t.Value.limitedSum)
- .Take(100)
- .Select(t =>
- {
- var fagPoint = t.Value.limitedSum;
- return string.Format("{0}\t{1:F2}\t{2}", t.Value.tag.tag, fagPoint, t.Value.charCount);
- })
- .ToArray();
- await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(@"franchise-fag-list2.txt", lines2, CancellationToken);
- Console.WriteLine(
- "{0}\tfranchise-fag-list [both].txt done",
- DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
- );
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region CalculateMeanCount123
- private async Task CalculateMeanCount123()
- {
- List<(double[] v, int count)[]> count123Chunks;
- const int CHUNK_SIZE = 1000;
- const int MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = 500;
- {
- var text = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(@"count123-input.json");
- var rawCount123 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<double[][]>(text);
- var rnd = new Random();
- var lists = new List<(double[] v, int count)[]>();
- var currentList = new List<(double[] v, int count)>();
- foreach (var values in rawCount123.OrderBy(_ => rnd.NextDouble()))
- {
- currentList.Add((values, 1));
- if (currentList.Count() >= CHUNK_SIZE)
- {
- lists.Add(currentList
- .OrderByDescending(t => t.v[0])
- .ThenByDescending(t => t.v[1])
- .ToArray());
- currentList = new List<(double[] v, int count)>();
- }
- }
- if (currentList.Any())
- {
- lists.Add(currentList
- .OrderByDescending(t => t.v[0])
- .ThenByDescending(t => t.v[1])
- .ToArray());
- }
- count123Chunks = lists.ToList();
- }
- var fullCount = count123Chunks.Sum(t => t.Sum(t1 => t1.count));
- (double[] v, int count)[] count123 = count123Chunks.First();
- count123Chunks.RemoveAt(0);
- var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
- while (count123.Length > 2)
- {
- var len = count123.Length;
- Console.WriteLine(
- "\ncount123.Length = {0} + {1,4} * {2,5}",
- count123.Length,
- count123Chunks.Count(),
- );
- var calculatedPairs = Enumerable
- .Range(1, len - 1)
- .SelectMany(index1 =>
- {
- return Enumerable
- .Range(0, index1)
- .Select(index2 => (index1, index2));
- })
- .AsParallel()
- .Select(t =>
- {
- var (index1, index2) = t;
- // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure
- var item1 = count123[index1];
- // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure
- var item2 = count123[index2];
- var sqrt = 0d;
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- sqrt += Math.Pow(item1.v[i] - item2.v[i], 2);
- }
- sqrt = Math.Sqrt(sqrt / 3d);
- return (index1: index1, index2: index2, sqrt);
- })
- .OrderBy(t => t.sqrt)
- .ToArray();
- var bestPair = calculatedPairs.First();
- Console.WriteLine(bestPair);
- if (bestPair.sqrt > 0.05)
- {
- break;
- }
- {
- var item1 = count123[bestPair.index1];
- var item2 = count123[bestPair.index2];
- var r1 = item1.count * 1d / (item1.count + item2.count);
- var r2 = 1 - r1;
- var newItem = (
- v: Enumerable.Range(0, 3).Select(i => item1.v[i] * r1 + item2.v[i] * r2).ToArray(),
- count: item1.count + item2.count
- );
- Console.WriteLine("\tnew item\t{1,-5}\t{0}",
- newItem.v.Select(t => t.ToString("F3")).Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b),
- newItem.count);
- count123 = count123
- .Select((t, index) => (t, index))
- .Where(x => (x.index != bestPair.index1) && (x.index != bestPair.index2))
- .Select(t => t.t)
- .Concat(new[] {newItem})
- .OrderByDescending(t => t.count)
- .ToArray();
- }
- if ((count123.Length <= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) && (count123Chunks.Any()))
- {
- var elapsed = sw.Elapsed;
- var leftCount = count123.Length + count123Chunks.Count * CHUNK_SIZE;
- var p = 1d - leftCount * 1d / fullCount;
- Console.WriteLine(
- "--------------------------\t{0,-7:P1} (elapsed: {1})\tETA: {2}",
- p,
- elapsed,
- (1 - p) / p * elapsed
- );
- var r = 1d / count123.Sum(t => t.count);
- for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(10, count123.Length); i++)
- {
- var (v, count) = count123[i];
- Console.WriteLine("\t{1,-5}\t{0}\t{2,6:P1}",
- v.Select(t => t.ToString("F3")).Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b),
- count,
- count * r
- );
- }
- count123 = count123
- .Concat(count123Chunks.First())
- .ToArray();
- count123Chunks.RemoveAt(0);
- }
- }
- Console.WriteLine("==================================================");
- Console.WriteLine("==================================================");
- Console.WriteLine("==================================================");
- var rFullCount = 1d / fullCount;
- for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(20, count123.Length); i++)
- {
- var (v, count) = count123[i];
- Console.WriteLine("\t{1,-5}\t{0}\t{2,6:P1}",
- v.Select(t => t.ToString("F3")).Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b),
- count,
- count * rFullCount
- );
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
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