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- # SapConnectPlugin
- # Get documentation or code from an SAP system
- # The information can be made available as a link, or directly embedded into the topic
- # See Plugin topic for history and plugin information
- package TWiki::Plugins::SapConnectPlugin;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- # Can be activated for development if running Twiki on Apache w/ mod_perl
- # use Apache2::Reload;
- # Exports an API function for access in scripts or other modules
- use base qw(Exporter);
- our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_data_from_sap);
- # For building URLs
- use URI;
- use URI::QueryParam;
- # For performing the HTTP request
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- use TWiki::Func;
- our ($VERSION,$pluginName);
- # Data for the SAP connections
- our ($scheme,%sapDest,$sapPath,$defaultDest);
- # Parameters which will be routed to SAP
- # Version number, to avoid conflicts in initPlugin()
- $VERSION = '1.000';
- # Plugin name should always be defined
- $pluginName = 'SapConnectPlugin';
- # Parameters which will be routed to SAP
- @ROUTED_PARAMETERS = qw/level noheader expand/;
- }
- # API function for usage in other modules or scripts
- sub get_data_from_sap {
- my %params = @_;
- # External calls have to load the system settings first
- readSapDestinations() unless $defaultDest;
- my $dest = $params{dest} || $defaultDest;
- my $id = $params{id} || "";
- my $args = $params{args} || {};
- my $type = $params{type} or die "Please specify request type\n";
- $args->{_DEFAULT} = $id ? "$type.$id" : $type;
- my $url = get_url_from_dest($params{dest});
- enrich_url_from_tag_args( $url, 'addi', $args );
- return get_request( $url );
- }
- # TWiki hook "initPlugin"
- sub initPlugin {
- # Read the SAP destinations from Main::TWikiPreferences
- readSapDestinations( );
- # No version conflicts: Everything OK
- return 1;
- }
- # TWiki hook "commonTagsHandler"
- sub commonTagsHandler {
- # Common Syntax of all tags handled by this plugin
- # INCLSAPDOCU - Include SAP documentation into TWiki topic
- # INCLSAPCODE - Include SAP code into TWiki topic
- # URLSAPDOCU - Only provide a hyperlink to SAP docu topic
- # URLSAPCODE - Only provide a hyperlink to SAP code topic
- # INCLSAPADDI - Additional function
- $_[0] =~ s/%(INCL|URL)SAP(DOCU|CODE|ADDI)\{(.*?)\}%/handle_single_tag($1,$2,$3)/ge ;
- }
- sub handle_single_tag {
- my $handler = ( $_[0] eq 'INCL' ) ? \&incl_from_sap : \&url_for_sap;
- my $type = lc $_[1];
- my %tag_args = TWiki::Func::extractParameters( $_[2] );
- my $result = eval {
- local $SIG{__DIE__}; # avoiding interference with CGI::Carp
- &$handler( $type, \%tag_args );
- };
- return errorMsg($@) if $@;
- return $result;
- }
- # Include TWiki content from SAP
- sub incl_from_sap {
- my ($type,$tag_args) = @_;
- my $url = get_url_from_dest($tag_args->{dest});
- enrich_url_from_tag_args( $url, $type, $tag_args );
- my $result = get_request( $url );
- preformat( \$result ) if $type eq 'code';
- return $result;
- }
- # Generates an URL for docu or code display
- sub url_for_sap {
- my ($type,$tag_args) = @_;
- my $url = get_topic_url_for_link( $type );
- enrich_url_from_tag_args( $url, '', $tag_args);
- return $url->as_string;
- }
- # Add parameters from TWiki tag args to URL
- sub enrich_url_from_tag_args {
- my ($url,$type,$args) = @_;
- # Handle the default arg first
- enrich_url_from_default_arg( $url, $type, $args->{_DEFAULT} );
- # Handle further arguments
- my @param = $type eq 'addi' ? get_addi_parameters($args) : @ROUTED_PARAMETERS;
- foreach my $name (@param) {
- next unless my $value = $args->{$name};
- for ($value) {
- s/^true$/X/;
- s/^false$/ /;
- };
- $url->query_param( $name, $value );
- }
- }
- # Analyze the default argument of the TWiki tag
- sub enrich_url_from_default_arg {
- my ($url,$type,$default_arg) = @_;
- my ($id,$path_ext);
- if ($type ~~ ['docu','code','']) {
- check_docu_key($default_arg);
- ($path_ext,$id) = ($type,$default_arg);
- }
- else {
- return unless $default_arg;
- ($path_ext,$id) = $default_arg =~ /(.*?)\.(.*)/ ?
- ($1,$2) : ($default_arg,"");
- }
- $url->path( $url->path . lc $path_ext );
- $url->query_param('id',$id) if $id;
- }
- # Returns an URI object for the connection to SAP,
- # Ready for adding path extension and further query params
- sub get_url_from_dest {
- my $dest = uc ( shift || $defaultDest );
- my $domainAndPort = $sapDest{$dest} or die "Unknown system $dest\n";
- return URI->new("$scheme://$domainAndPort$sapPath");
- }
- # Create URL for Topic names
- # These topics should be general-purpose,
- # containing an %INCLSAPDOCU% or #INCLSAPCODE# tag, respectively
- sub get_topic_url_for_link {
- my $type = shift;
- # Map :
- # 'docu' to TWiki.SapDocu
- # 'code' to TWiki.SapCode
- my @topic = ('TWiki','Sap'.ucfirst lc $type);
- return URI->new( TWiki::Func::getScriptUrl(@topic,"view") );
- }
- # Is the argument a valid docu key, like e.g. "RE.ZZ_REPORT"?
- sub check_docu_key {
- my $arg = shift;
- $arg =~ /^(\w\w)\.([^.]+)/i or
- die "Illegal key for docu object: $arg\n";
- }
- # The parameters of an INCLSAPADDI tag which are to be routed to SAP
- sub get_addi_parameters {
- my $args = shift;
- my @param;
- for my $name (keys %$args) {
- next if $name eq '_DEFAULT' or $name eq 'dest';
- push @param, $name;
- }
- return @param;
- }
- # Perform the actual HTTP request
- sub get_request {
- my $url = shift;
- my $client = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- $client->timeout(10);
- $client->env_proxy;
- my $response = $client->get($url);
- if ($response->is_success) {
- return $response->decoded_content;
- }
- else {
- die "HTTP request error: ".$response->status_line."\n";
- }
- }
- # For code display: Preformats argument
- sub preformat {
- my $content = shift;
- for ($$content) {
- # Encode HTML-Tags and escape symbol
- s/\&/\&/sg;
- s/</\</sg;
- # Different style for ABAP comments
- s/^(\*.*)$/<span style="color:blue">$1<\/span>/sg;
- # Wrap everything in a <PRE> ... </PRE>
- $_ = "<pre>\n$_\n</pre>";
- }
- }
- # Read the available SAP systems and the request path (once, early)
- sub readSapDestinations {
- # We constantly use the scheme http (dynamize here if necessary)
- $scheme = 'http';
- my $systemsParameter = TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( "SYSTEMS" );
- # First system in parameter =: default
- ($defaultDest) = $systemsParameter =~ /(\w+)/;
- # %sapDest: Hash containing system infos: domain and port
- %sapDest = $systemsParameter =~ /(\w+):([\w.]+:\d{4})\s*(?:,|$)\s*/g;
- # Get request path for SAP system
- $sapPath = TWiki::Func::getPluginPreferencesValue( "PATH" ) || "/sap/bc/twiki/";
- # Patch path with / if necessary
- $sapPath .= "/" unless $sapPath =~ /\/$/;
- $sapPath = "/" . $sapPath unless $sapPath =~ /^\//;
- }
- # Produce an HTML-formatted error string
- sub errorMsg {
- my $theMsg = shift;
- $theMsg =~ s/&/&/g;
- $theMsg =~ s/</</g;
- $theMsg = '<pre style="color:red;font-weight:bold">' .
- $theMsg .
- '</pre>' ;
- return $theMsg;
- }
- 1;
- # EOF
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