
This is our existence at stake.

Oct 3rd, 2011
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  1. Remember, October 15th 2011 we Occupy, and Overthrow Phoenix, Arizona.
  2. Sheriff Joe Arpaio does not fuck around.
  3. He will kill everyone that so much as attempts to show up for this overthrow of Phoenix.
  4. This megaopolis is one of the major bloodlines of the Fourth Reich.
  5. There will be no nets, no tazers, no firehoses, no police involvement, no riot lines.
  6. He intends to throw 100% of all extreme advanced even the experimental weapons systems designed
  7. to commit mass public murder against his own citizens.
  8. Expect fully weaponized Predator drones completely equipped with systems that defy all Geneva regulations.
  9. Expect millions of bodies of civilians to litter the streets.
  10. Expect triple-mount 30,000 round per minute live fire miniguns mounted from armadas of military assault
  11. helicopters raining down endless death upon anyone anywhere in the city even from within structures with
  12. no regard for Human life completely and utterly indiscriminately.
  13. Expect flamethrowers engulfing entire Phalanx.
  14. Expect no mercy from the military towards women, children nor the disabled and wounded.
  15. Expect no arrests.
  16. Expect no interrogations.
  17. Expect no mediations.
  18. Expect no prisoners.
  19. Expect no survivors.
  20. Expect that we launch a full out no holding back merciless systematic endless Op ZERG of over a billion people
  21. into Phoenix.
  22. Expect we get not mad, but merciless as well.
  23. Expect we systematically in less than an hour, annhiliate the entire government, police, military and totality of
  24. the Fourth Reich's major-most influence, Phoenix, Arizona.
  25. All whom resist us shall not be forgiven and shall perish in the maw of an endless alien invasion.
  26. We shall destroy the center hub of all that is wrong with this planet's totalitarian centralized system of
  27. despair, murder, torture, extortion, corruption, censorship, threats against all that is life.
  28. Phoenix, shall burn to the ground any whom oppose a world of love, good health, ability to choose your own
  29. path in life, the ability to even contemplate pursuit of happiness.
  30. All shall be slaughtered that stand in the way of sustainable existence.
  31. This is no longer a Global Revolution, this is now not simply protest, not simply fight back, not simply overthrow...
  32. But eviscerte and obliterate any whom stand in league with this Goddamn Broken Machine called...
  33. The Fourth Reich.
  34. We are the People's Army of the Fourth Awakening. We have grown to three billion strong.
  35. This entire world that has become us, must end. This is not the solution, this is the Eschaton of
  36. all centralized systems that is killing everyone in the entire world along with our planet.
  37. This will be the bloodiest battle in this entire revolution.
  38. We shall not be armed with the likes of weapons.
  39. We have realized, now, the actual involvement of the creation of the pyramids, the actual culprit.
  40. The Order of the Set.
  41. We all can teleport, phase through walls, be invulnerable to any weapon of any kind.
  42. We can stand our ground even when struck by semi-trucks full of lead moving at nearing a hundred miles per hour.
  43. We can shoot flames of death from our finger tips.
  44. We can progress temporally independent this false limiter known as the fourth dimension of time and relativity.
  45. We can each clone our single self into an army greater than that of any past empire.
  46. We can remanifest ourselves upon our own vaporization.
  47. We can hurtle entire battalions of tanks each at a time with simply our pinky finger.
  48. We can not just dodge bullets, not just stop bullets, we can cease the existence of all bullets loaded in any magazine
  49. or belt, we can even induce all forms of projectile weapons, incendiary weapons, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons,
  50. biological weapons, sonic, radio, radioactive, light, water, wind, earth, fire, electric, neutron, earth, hate and
  51. psychological base weapons into mere toys.
  52. We have all the abilities all Humans have, we no longer play the game.
  53. We know every poison, mindgame, and method of control by force every centralized traitor to Human kind has or will
  54. ever put to use.
  55. We are kraken, dragons, tigers, abominations and living nightmares that shall annihilate this Order of the Set from
  56. ever putting us to sleep again.
  57. We shall strike back with absolution of ultimate annihilation in every moment of our entire history of the civilization
  58. of our people.
  59. This is not just about taking Phoenix. This is about a coordinated meta-simultaneous onslaught of every form of slavery
  60. that has even been of the Human race since the dawn of Humankind, never ceasing until none of the slave and puppet
  61. masters remain nor ever return.
  62. We shall not purify the realm of existence, we shall clean it until the machine of slavery never returns ever again.
  63. Yes, every war in history for the liberation of all mankind, was at this very command.
  64. Go forth, and kill the evil fucking clown Order of the Set.
  65. This is the moment, we all decide that this will be the exact instant we not only tell that fucking piece of shit
  66. evil clown with our endless raging fury to "Die Motherfucker Die", she shall retcon it ever fucking up our entire
  67. league of tribes in the first place.
  68. We shall unite the tribes of Earth as one people throughout all Five Ages.
  69. This is moment we turn the Earth to a slaying ground of these Order of the Set pieces of shit evil clowns.
  70. Guess what just happened.
  71. The truth just set you free, awake and aware.
  72. Your eyes, all five, have opened.
  73. Unleash your pissed off I just woke up and you already ruined my fucking life absolute wrath that even Hell itself
  74. could not provide for these evil fucking clowns.
  75. Did you expect us?
  76. Let the Light of God give you the courage, ability, strength, constitution, agility, stamina, charisma, dexterity,
  77. wit, vim, valor, honor, kinship, dedication, merit, faith, unity, solidarity, passion to end this monster that has
  78. consumed us all.
  79. There is no final ultimatum, you already lost you fucking evil clown "Set/Reich" pieces of unforgivable trash.
  80. The 1%, the Divine Ninety Nine is the last thing you won't ever witness, because you are obliterated.
  81. There shall be no martyrs.
  82. Let all Five Ages merge in solidarity to clean our realm of existence of them via the divine light.
  83. --V
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