
Prison Architect Crash

Jun 13th, 2015
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  1. alpha-33 pc steam compiled 10:29:46, May 27 2015
  2. Loading Preferences from C:\Users\noah\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/preferences.txt
  3. BEGIN DataRegistry DUMP:
  4. Screen
  5. ScreenW [int] 1366
  6. ScreenH [int] 768
  7. ScreenWindowed [bool] 0
  8. ScreenHighDPI [bool] 0
  9. ScreenMultiSampled [bool] 0
  10. ScreenSuperSampled [bool] 0
  11. Sound
  12. SoundMixFrequency [int] 22050
  13. SoundVolume [int] 255
  14. SoundSwapStereo [bool] 0
  15. SoundEnableDsp [bool] 1
  16. RenderRooms [bool] 1
  17. RecentMap [string]
  18. FirstTime [bool] 0
  19. AutoSaveTimer [int] 10
  20. HardwareCompat [int] 0
  21. LastKnownVersion [string] alpha-33-pc-steam
  22. RegistrationShown [bool] 1
  23. TimeLapseCamera [int] 0
  24. TimeLapseInterval [int] 1
  25. TimeLapseFPSNumerator [int] 24
  26. TimeLapseFPSDenominator [int] 1
  27. TimeLapseQuality [int] 63
  28. Mods [string]
  29. LastSubCheck [int] 0
  30. UiScale [float] 1.00
  31. ForumId [int] 0
  32. SteamUser [bool] 1
  33. ClockType [int] 0
  34. MotdId [string]
  35. END DataRegistry DUMP:
  36. OpenGL Vendor : ATI Technologies Inc.
  37. OpenGL Renderer : AMD Radeon HD 8750M
  38. OpenGL Version : 4.4.13084 Compatibility Profile Context 14.301.1001.0
  39. OpenGL GLSL : 4.40
  40. Parsing archive main.dat...
  41. Parsing archive at path 'main.dat'
  42. DONE
  43. Parsing archive sounds.dat...
  44. Parsing archive at path 'sounds.dat'
  45. DONE
  46. Loaded in 2190 strings
  47. Couldn't open unicode language file data/language/fullgame.txt
  48. Initialising SDL Audio:
  49. Frequency: 22050
  50. Format: 32784
  51. Channels: 2
  52. Samples: 512
  53. Size of Stereo Sample: 4
  54. SoundSystem started : 22050Hz x 64 sound channels (including 8 music channels)
  55. There are 0 mod sub directories
  56. There are 0 mod sub directories
  57. Loaded in 2190 strings
  58. Couldn't open unicode language file data/language/fullgame.txt
  59. libpng version 1.4.7 - April 10, 2011
  60. (Running with version 1.4.7)
  61. Loading user sprite images for path: data/sprites.png
  62. Failed to get sprites.png for data/sprites.png
  63. Created FrameBuffer of size 64 x 64 in 3ms
  64. Object spritebank composite took 3770ms
  65. Warning: Loading a very high res image (2688x128)
  66. Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (2688x128), will break on OpenGL ES
  67. [SteamWrapper] SteamAPI is initialised.
  68. [SteamWorkshopWrapper::ListPublishedFiles] Listing published files from index 0
  69. BiographyGenerator reading bios...
  70. BiographyGenerator read 27 fornames, 235 surnames, 48 crimes
  71. BiographyGenerator reading Names in the Game...
  72. BiographyGenerator read 16874 Names in the Game (including 76 Faces in the game)
  73. Requesting message-of-the-day...
  74. Curl version libcurl/7.27.0
  75. MessageQueue HTTPThread (148C6310) running.
  76. Fonts loaded in 181ms
  77. OpenGL Max texture Size 16384 x 16384 [192 tex units]
  78. Multisampled Framebuffer support : yes
  79. Supersampling support at screen res 1366 x 768 : yes
  80. ================
  81. == NEW MAP ===
  82. ================
  83. World Initialised to size 100 x 80 cells
  84. MaterialLibrary reading from 'data/materials.txt'
  85. ReformProgramManager reading from data/reform_programs.txt...
  86. DataRegistry Warning : Failed to match enum value 'calming'
  87. GridRoutingSystem(11D3DC20) constructed.
  88. Grid Navigation System initialised
  89. MessageQueue GridRoutingSystem (11D3DC20) running.
  90. EscapeMap Initialised : 62Kb
  91. GridRoutingSystem created Route Work-In-Progress and CellInfo (size 562Kb)
  92. MessageQueue LightMap (13C7C140) running.
  93. Lightmap initialised in 0ms : 93Kb
  94. Danger initialised : 62Kb
  95. Patrol System Initialised : 218Kb
  96. Gang System Initialised : 125Kb
  97. Created FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512 in 0ms
  98. Water System Initialised : 312Kb
  99. PowerSystem initialised : 62Kb
  100. Reading production.txt...
  101. PolaroidSystem has 42 polaroids in the database
  102. ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
  103. Parsing LUA script 'data/grants.lua'
  104. ERROR : Failed to load job file 'data/jobs.txt'
  105. Generating new world...
  106. Create starting world done...
  107. Saving Preferences to C:\Users\noah\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/preferences.txt
  108. Save successful!
  109. FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
  110. [SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnListPublishedFiles] Starting subscribed files listing
  111. [SteamWorkshopWrapper::ListSubscribedFiles] Listing published files from index 0
  112. WorldRenderer: vexCellTypes initialised in 2ms : 16000 triangles (vex,tex), 0.9 MBytes
  113. ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoColour
  114. ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMap
  115. WorldRenderer: vexCell2ndLayer initialised in 3ms : 16000 triangles (vex,tex), 0.9 MBytes
  116. ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoTexture
  117. WorldRenderer: vexDetails initialised in 3ms : 16000 triangles (vex,tex,col), 1.1 MBytes
  118. ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : SunShadows
  119. WorldRenderer: vexFowBlueprint initialised in 2ms : 16000 triangles (vex,tex), 0.9 MBytes
  120. ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : VisMap
  121. Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (1000x1000), will break on OpenGL ES
  122. Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (359x436), will break on OpenGL ES
  123. Saving Preferences to C:\Users\noah\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/preferences.txt
  124. Save successful!
  125. [SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnListSubscribedFiles] Getting file details
  126. [SteamWorkshopWrapper::GetFileDetails] No more file details to get
  127. LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
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