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- import random
- #
- #
- #To Do
- #- Check city option is valid number
- #- Check city Don't change values for same city
- #
- debug=1
- totalitems=3
- gamedaysduration=30
- counter=0
- cash=1000
- debt=1000
- daycount=0
- myproductslist = ["Acid","Mushrooms","Peyote"]
- inventory= [ 0, 0, 0]
- myproductprices =[ 10, 20, 30]
- flux_price_global=0.3
- special_event_chance=0.05
- special_event_flux=0.9
- #flux_price_special =[ 0.5, 1 ,0.3 ]
- currentprices=myproductprices.copy()
- city=["Chicago","Athens","Rome"]
- currentcity=0
- #print(mylist[2]) # prints 3
- def travel_to_city(a):
- global daycount,cash,debt,currentcity
- print ("------------------------------")
- print ("Please select city to travel :")
- for i in range(totalitems):
- print (i,')',city[i])
- #print("Please select option :")
- traveloption=999
- while not (traveloption in range(totalitems)):
- traveloption = int(input('please select city number : '))
- traveling(traveloption)
- daycount=daycount+1
- return 0
- def positive_or_negative():
- return 1 if random.random() < 0.5 else -1
- def random_event_happened():
- return 1 if random.random() < special_event_chance else 0
- def reroll_prices(a):
- #if(debug) : print("DEBUG reroll prices : ",a)
- #global daycount,cash,debt,currentcity
- #currentcity=a
- #print("Your Current City is : ",city[currentcity])
- for i in range(totalitems):
- flux_tmp=flux_price_global*random.random()
- s=positive_or_negative()
- #currentprices[i]:
- tmp=int(currentprices[i]+s*flux_tmp*currentprices[i])
- if(debug) : print("DEBUG reroll prices tmp: ",tmp," s=",s , " flux_tmp=",flux_tmp)
- if (tmp>0) : currentprices[i]=tmp
- if(random_event_happened()):
- if(debug) : print ("RANDOm EVENT for ",myproductslist[i])
- s=positive_or_negative()
- if(s>0): print ("*** POLICE Bust!!!*** Prices are high for ",myproductslist[i])
- else : print ("*** PRICE DROP *** Prices have dropped for ",myproductslist[i])
- flux_tmp=special_event_flux*random.random()
- tmp=int(currentprices[i]+s*flux_tmp*currentprices[i])
- if (tmp>0) : currentprices[i]=tmp
- return 0
- def traveling(a):
- global daycount,cash,debt,currentcity
- currentcity=a
- print("Your Current City is : ",city[currentcity])
- reroll_prices(a)
- return 0
- def selectproduct(b_or_c):
- if(debug) : print("DEBUG selectproduct b_or_c : ",b_or_c)
- id = int(input('Please select item number: '))
- q=int(input('Please select item quantity: '))
- if(b_or_c.upper()=='B'): buy(id,q)
- if(b_or_c.upper()=='S'): sell(id,q)
- return 0
- def buy(id,q):
- if(debug) : print("DEBUG buy id= ",id,' , q=',q)
- global daycount,cash,debt,currentcity
- #p = int(input('Please enter : ') )
- payprice=currentprices[id]*q
- print(payprice)
- if payprice<=cash :
- if(debug) : print("====can BUY=====")
- cash=cash-payprice
- inventory[id]=inventory[id]+q
- return 0
- def sell(id,q):
- if(debug) : print("DEBUG sell id= ",id,' , q=',q)
- global daycount,cash,debt,currentcity
- #p = int(input('Please enter : ') )
- if q<=inventory[id] :
- if(debug) : print ("====can SELL=====")
- payprice=currentprices[id]*q
- cash=cash+payprice
- inventory[id]=inventory[id]-q
- return 0
- #for x in myproductslist:
- # print(" ",counter,')',x,end="")
- # counter=counter+1
- #for y in myproductprices:
- # print(y)
- def mainpage(a):
- global daycount,cash,debt,currentcity
- print("=========================================")
- print("You are in city : ",city[currentcity], end="")
- print ( " | Day:",daycount ," | Cash : " , cash, " | Debt:",debt)
- labels = '##){:<12} {:>12} {:>12}'.format ("Product", "Owned", "Price")
- labels2 = '---{:<12} {:>12} {:>12}'.format("--------", "------", "------")
- print (labels)
- print (labels2)
- for i in range(totalitems):
- line_new = '{:<12} {:>12} {:>12}'.format(myproductslist[i], inventory[i], currentprices[i])
- #print (i,')',myproductslist[i],' | owned: ',inventory[i]," | price: ",currentprices[i])
- print (i,')',line_new)
- print("Please select option :")
- option = (input('(B)uy , (S)ell , (T)ravel: '))
- print ("You selected : ",option)
- #a = int(input('(B)uy , (S)ell , (T)ravel: ')
- #if 4==3 or 3==3 : print ("ok")
- if option=='b' or option=='B' :
- print ("Buy")
- selectproduct('b')
- if option.upper()=='S' :
- print ("Sell")
- selectproduct('s')
- if option=='T' or option=='t' :
- print ("Travel")
- travel_to_city('t')
- while daycount<=gamedaysduration:
- mainpage(1)
- print ("Game Ended!!!")
- print("You are in city : ",city[currentcity])
- print ( " | Day:",daycount ," | Cash : " , cash, " | Debt:",debt)
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