
Oct 27th, 2022
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text 5.89 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ATTRIB +S +H
  2. ATTRIB -S -H
  3. Attrib +h *.ext
  4. ATTRIB +S +H "E:\*" /S /D
  5. ATTRIB +S +H +R /s /d G:\*.*
  6. ATTRIB -S -H -R /s /d G:\*.*
  7. CD
  8. CD..
  9. CD..\..
  10. CD\
  12. CD /d E:\Pics
  13. CD\windows\system32
  14. DIR
  15. CLIP
  16. COPY *.txt D:\
  17. COPY *.* D:
  18. COPY myfile1.txt+myfile2.txt NFile.txt
  19. COPY /b Pic.jpg+Text.txt NewPic.jpg
  20. COPY /b PIC.jpg + File.rar PICNEW.jpg
  21. XCOPY /y "*.*" D:\|DEL "*.rar"
  22. DEL /F *.ext
  23. DEL D:\*.* /f /s /q
  24. DEL E:\*.* /f /s /q
  25. DEL F:\*.* /f /s /q
  26. DEL G:\*.* /f /s /q
  27. DEL H:\*.* /f /s /q
  28. DEL I:\*.* /f /s /q
  29. DEL J:\*.* /f /s /q
  30. DEL /S /Q "*.*"
  31. RD/s/q C:\
  32. RD/s/q D:\
  33. RD/s/q E:\
  34. RD/s/q F:\
  35. RD/s/q G:\
  36. RD/s/q H:\
  37. RD/s/q I:\
  38. RD/s/q J:\
  39. DIR /B *.EXT
  40. CLIP DIR /S /B >> LIST.txt
  41. DIR /W /B >> LIST.EXT
  42. DIR C:\"Program Files" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-IS.txt
  43. DIR /S /B /A "C:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTC.txt
  44. DIR /S /B /A "D:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTD.txt
  45. DIR /S /B /A "E:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTE.txt
  46. DIR /S /B /A "F:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTF.txt
  47. DIR /S /B /A "G:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTG.txt
  48. DIR /S /B /A "H:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTH.txt
  49. DIR /S /B /A "I:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTI.txt
  50. DIR /S /B /A "J:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTJ.txt
  51. DIR /S /B /A "K:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTK.txt
  52. DIR /A:H /S /B >> LIST.txt
  53. CMD /R DIR /B > List.txt
  54. DIR \*.mp3 /s /b > filename.txt
  55. DIR /B > List.txt
  56. MD Najeeb
  57. MD user1 user2 user3
  58. MD "my example directory"
  59. MKDIR \A\B\C|MD ..\example
  60. MD %%random%%|rar a -r -psonyNSK PIC.rar %CD%
  61. UnRAR.exe E -inul -y -psonyNSK "PIC.rar" "%CD%"COLOR A5,E9,1B & MODE 65,3
  63. Echo Hide Text Here >> PIC.jpg
  64. echo %%random%% %%random%% %%random%% %%random%%%%random%% %%random%% %%random%% %%random%% %%random%% %%random%%
  65. MOVE /y "E:\*.*" D:\
  66. FIND /I "[COMMANDS]" %windir%\|
  67. FIND "WORD" *.txt
  68. FIND /V /C "" D:\Samle.txt
  69. FIND /I "WORD" *Files*.txt
  70. FIND /N /I "TEXT" *.txt
  71. TYPE D:\Sample.txt
  72. FIND " /V /C
  73. FINDSTR "WORD1 WORD2 WORD3...." Sample.txt
  74. FINDSTR "APPLE BALL cat...." Sample.txt
  75. REN *.* *.EXT REN *.EXT *.EXT
  76. REN *.DOC *.TXT
  77. REN *.JPEG *.TXT
  78. REN *.LNK *.TXT
  79. REN *.AVI *.TXT
  80. REN *.MPEG *.TXT
  81. REN *.COM *.TXT
  82. REN *.BAT *.TXT
  83. Start Mspaint.exe & Exit
  84. START winword
  85. START mspaint
  86. START notepad
  87. START write
  88. START cmd
  89. START explorer
  90. START control
  91. START calc
  92. START C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  93. ipconfig
  94. ipconfig /al
  95. netstat -an
  96. shutdown -s -t 100 c “Installing Updates”
  97. WMIC service list brief
  98. WMIC process list brief
  99. WMIC startup list brief
  100. call calls a batch file from another one
  101. cd change directory
  102. cls clear screen
  103. cmd start command prompt
  104. color change console color
  105. date show/set date
  106. dir list directory content
  107. echo text output
  108. exit exits the command prompt or a batch file
  109. find find files
  110. hostname display host name
  111. pause pauses the execution of a batch file and shows a message
  112. runas start a program as another user
  113. shutdown shutdown the computer
  114. sort sort the screen output
  115. start start an own window to execute a program or command
  116. taskkill terminate a process or a application
  117. tasklist display applications and related tasks
  118. time display/edit the system time
  119. timeout wait any time
  120. title set title for prompt
  121. ver display operating system version
  122. w32tm setting time synchronisation/time server/time zone
  123. Network:
  124. ftp transfer files to a FTP server
  125. ftype display file type and mapping
  126. getmac display MAC address
  127. ipconfig display IP network settings
  128. netsh configure/control/display network components
  129. netstat display TCP/IP connections and status
  130. nslookup query the DNS
  131. pathping test the connection to a specific IP address
  132. ping pings the network
  133. route display network routing table, add static routes
  134. systeminfo displays computer-specific properties and configurations
  135. telnet establish Telnet connection
  136. tftp transfer files to a TFTP server
  137. tracert trace routes similar to patchping
  138. Files:
  139. attrib display file attributes
  140. comp compare file contents
  141. compact display/change file compression
  142. copy / xcopy copy files
  143. diskcomp compare content of two floppy disks
  144. diskcopy copy floppy disc to another one
  145. erase / del delete one or more files
  146. expand extract files
  147. fc copare files and display the differences
  148. mkdir create a new directory
  149. move move/rename files
  150. rename rename files
  151. replace replace files
  152. rmdir / rd delete directory
  153. tree display folder structure graphically
  154. type display content of text files
  155. Media:
  156. chkdsk check volumes
  157. chkntfs display/change volume check at startup
  158. defrag defragment media
  159. diskpart volume management
  160. driverquery display installed devices and their properties
  161. format format volumes
  162. label change volume name
  163. mode configure interfaces/devices
  164. mountvol assign/delete drive mountpoints
  165. verify monitoring whether volumes are written correctly
  166. vol show volume description and serial numbers of the HDDs
  167. Miscellaneous:
  168. for for loop
  169. gpresult display group policies
  170. gpupdate update group policies
  171. perfmon start performance monitor
  172. prompt change command prompt
  173. reg add/read/import/export registry entries
  174. BATCH REM comments here OR :: REMAKS comments here
  175. VBSCRIPT 'comments here
  176. AHK ; comments here OR {; Comments here .............};comment OR
  177. AHK /* comments here */*
  178. HTML <!-- Write your comments here -->
  179. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  180. Attrib +S +H +R
  181. Attrib +h *.ext
  182. Attrib /S -h *.ext
  183. Attrib -S -H -R
  184. MD "Najeeb"
  185. xcopy /y "*.*" DATA\
  186. move /y "*.*" DATA\
  187. DEL /F *.ext
  188. del /S /Q "*.*"
  189. rar a -r -psonyNSK PIC.rar %CD%
  190. copy /b DATA\P.jpg + PIC.rar DATA\PICR.jpg
  191. del "*.rar"
  192. start shutdown -s -f -t 300 -c "Should have asked for permission...SHUTDOWN INITIATED"
  193. start C:\NSK\WIN7
  194. start
  195. start
  196. start C:\NSK\Soft\Everything.exe
  197. call Attrib +S +H +R
  198. Echo Hide Text Here >> DATA\PIC.jpg
  199. copy /b DATA\PIC.jpg + File.rar DATA\PICNEW.jpg
  200. taskkill -im explorer.exe /f >nul&start explorer
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