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- Add variable: Money
- Command 1
- (Your prefix)work
- $nomention
- $title[You work as a $randomText[McDonald's cashier;Stripper;Hacker;Gold miner;Teacher;Doctor;Nurse]]
- $description[and earn $$random[25;150]]
- $setUserVar[Money;$sum[$getUserVar[Money];$random[25;150]]]
- $cooldown[5m;sorry you need a little rest -_- wait for 5min]
- $footer[you worked $random[25;55]mins]
- Command 2
- (Your prefix)bal
- $nomention
- $thumbnail[$authorAvatar]
- $color[36393F]
- $title[Current Balance]
- $description[
- You have $$getUserVar[Money]]
- $footer[You can work to get MONEY]
- Command 3
- (Your prefix)resbal
- $nomention
- $suppressErrors
- $deletecommand
- $color[ff9768]
- $description[okay i reseted your money balance $resetUserVar[Money]
- ]
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