

Sep 10th, 2022
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  1. There was no more time. I flung myself across the grass, gripped my staff in both hands, and swung it like a baseball bat at Cowl's head.
  2. The blow connected, right on what felt like the tip of his upturned jaw, snapping his mouth shut and knocking him to the ground. The vortex abruptly screamed and filled with a furious red light. I choked out a cry and fell down on my right side to the ground, bringing up my shield bracelet and holding it over me in an effort to protect myself from the vast forces now flying free from the botched spell.
  3. There was more sound, so loud that no word could accurately describe it, incandescent lightning, screaming faces, and forms of spirits and ghosts, and trembling earth beneath me.
  4. And blackness fell.
  6. Dead Beat Chapter 42, Page 385
  9. When I came to my senses there was darkness and steady, cold rain, and I had sunk up to my neck in a deep well of aching pain. Neither lightning nor thunder played through the skies. I lay there for a moment, gathering my wits, and as I did the lights of the city began to come on, bit by bit, as the power grids went back online.
  10. A booted foot pressed into the ground beside my face, and I followed it up, up and up, until I saw the horned helmet of the Erlking outlined against the brightening Chicago skyline.
  11. "Wizard. Called you forth a mighty hunter tonight. One that has not walked this earth since time gone and forgotten."
  12. "Yeah," I said. "Pretty nifty, huh?"
  13. There was a low, wild laugh from that helmet. "Daring. Arrogant. It pleases me." He tilted his head. "And you are poor game at the moment. Because of that, and because you pleased me with your calling of the old hunter, this night you may go free. But beware, mortal. The next time our paths cross, it shall be my very great pleasure to run you down."
  14. There was a gust of cold autumn wind, and the Erlking was gone.
  15. I looked around blearily. Every tree in the area was gone, torn off about a foot from the earth. The picnic tables had been torn to splinters. The buildings of the college, especially the museum, looked as if they had been ravaged by a tornado that had torn out great chunks and sections of them.
  16. My ribs hurt. I looked down and saw that I had fallen around Bob the skull and curled my body around him as I had shielded myself. Orange flame flickered to life in the eye sockets.
  17. "Some show, huh?" Bob said. He sounded exhausted.
  18. "You had to go get the dinosaur, eh?" I said. "I figured you'd just grab a handy zombie."
  19. "Why settle for wieners when you can have steak?" the skull said brightly. "Pretty good idea, Harry, talking to me once Cowl sat me on the ground. I didn't want to work for him anyway, but as long as he had the skull... well. You know how it is."
  20. I grunted. "Yeah. What happened?"
  21. "The spell backlashed when you slugged Cowl," Bob said. "Did just a bit of property damage."
  23. Dead Beat Chapter 43, Page 386
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