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- USE [AdventureWorks2019]
- GO
- /* Exercise 1
- Create a stored procedure called "NameSearch" that allows users to search the Person.Person table for a pattern provided by the user.
- The user should be able to search by either first name, last name, or middle name.
- You can return all columns from the table; that is to say, feel free to user SELECT *.
- The stored procedure should take two arguments:
- @NameToSearch: The user will be expected to enter either "first", "middle", or "last". This way, they do not have to remember exact column names.
- @SearchPattern: The user will provide a text string to search for. */
- CREATE or ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.NameSearch(@NameToSearch VARCHAR(100), @SearchPattern VARCHAR(100))
- AS
- DECLARE @DynamicVariable VARCHAR(MAX)
- SET @DynamicVariable = 'SELECT * FROM Person.Person
- where '
- SET @DynamicVariable = @DynamicVariable + ' ' + @NameToSearch + 'Name'
- SET @DynamicVariable = @DynamicVariable + ' LIKE ' + '''' + '%' + @SearchPattern + '%' + ''''
- EXEC(@DynamicVariable)
- dbo.NameSearch 'FIRST', 'KEN'
- dbo.NameSearch 'MIDDLE', 'T'
- dbo.NameSearch 'LAST', 'SHE'
- /* Exercise 2
- Modify your "NameSearch" procedure to accept a third argument - @MatchType, with an INT datatype - that specifies the match type:
- 1 means "exact match"
- 2 means "begins with"
- 3 means "ends with"
- 4 means "contains" */
- CREATE or ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.NameSearch(@NameToSearch VARCHAR(100), @SearchPattern VARCHAR(100), @MatchType INT)
- AS
- DECLARE @DynamicVariable VARCHAR(MAX)
- SET @DynamicVariable = 'SELECT * FROM Person.Person
- where '
- SET @DynamicVariable = @DynamicVariable + ' ' + @NameToSearch + 'Name'
- IF @MatchType = 1
- SET @DynamicVariable = @DynamicVariable + ' LIKE ' + '''' + @SearchPattern + ''''
- ELSE IF @MatchType = 2
- SET @DynamicVariable = @DynamicVariable + ' LIKE ' + '''' + @SearchPattern + '%' + ''''
- ELSE IF @MatchType = 3
- SET @DynamicVariable = @DynamicVariable + ' LIKE ' + '''' + '%' + @SearchPattern + ''''
- ELSE IF @MatchType = 4
- SET @DynamicVariable = @DynamicVariable + ' LIKE ' + '''' + '%' + @SearchPattern + '%' + ''''
- EXEC(@DynamicVariable)
- dbo.NameSearch 'FIRST', 'KEN', 1
- dbo.NameSearch 'MIDDLE', 'T', 2
- dbo.NameSearch 'LAST', 'HE', 3
- dbo.NameSearch 'FIRST', 'KEN', 4
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