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- Spawn(function ()
- -- Hack away at the old playerlist so we can sync into GetCoreGuiEnabled ourselves.
- local oldList
- while not oldList do
- if game.CoreGui:findFirstChild("RobloxGui") then
- if game.CoreGui.RobloxGui:findFirstChild("PlayerListScreen") then
- oldList = game.CoreGui.RobloxGui.PlayerListScreen
- end
- end
- wait()
- end
- while wait() do
- oldList.Visible = false
- end
- end)
- --settings. Don't make these local.
- { -- add your name = 1 to get the admin icon. Add your name = image to get a custom icon.
- clonetrooper1019 = "",
- arceusinator = 1,
- aceswayuphigh = 1,
- adamintygum = 1,
- afackler11 = 1,
- aleverns = 1,
- aquabot8 = 1,
- arbolito = 1,
- argforpirates = 1,
- argonpirate = 1,
- asmohdian = 1,
- bellavour = 1,
- blockhaak = 1,
- brighteyes = 1,
- briguy9876 = 1,
- builderman = 1,
- cdakkar = 1,
- chiefjustus = 1,
- chro = 1,
- cmed = 1,
- coatp0cketninja = 1,
- codewriter = 1,
- commandercrow = 1,
- corgiparade = 1,
- dapperbuffalo = 1,
- dbapostle = 1,
- deeana00 = 1,
- doughtless = 1,
- dunbar1138 = 1,
- echodown = 1,
- ffjosh = 1,
- foyle = 1,
- fusroblox = '',
- gemlocker = 1,
- goddessnoob = 1,
- gongfutiger = 1,
- gordonrox24 = 1,
- gorroth = 1,
- grossinger = 1,
- groundcontroll2 = 1,
- hawkeyebandit = 1,
- hawkington = 1,
- ibanez2189 = 1,
- iltalumi = 1,
- inventx = 1,
- jeditkacheff = 1,
- kbux = 1,
- keith = 1,
- limon = 1,
- loopylens = 1,
- lordrugdumph = 1,
- majortom4321 = 1,
- malcomso = 1,
- maxvee = 1,
- midwinterfires = 1,
- mistersquirrel = 1,
- morganic = 1,
- motornerve = 1,
- mrdoombringer = 1,
- mse6 = 1,
- newtrat = 1,
- niquemonster = 1,
- nobledragon = 1,
- noob007 = 1,
- nrawat1 = 1,
- olive71 = 1,
- onlytwentycharacters = 1,
- orcasparkles = 1,
- ostrichsized = 1,
- phaedre = 1,
- phil = 1,
- pulmoesflor = 1,
- raeglyn = 1,
- rbadam = 1,
- reesemcblox = 1,
- robliu = 1,
- roblowilson = 1,
- robloxsai = 1,
- roboyz = 1,
- saurauss = 1,
- screenme = 1,
- scubasomething = 1,
- seanthornton = 1,
- shedletsky = '',
- sickenedmonkey = 1,
- slingshotjunkie = 1,
- smeaferblox = 1,
- soggoth = 1,
- solarcrane = 1,
- sooraya = 1,
- sorcus = '',
- squidcod = 1,
- stickmasterluke = 1,
- stuball = 1,
- tabemono = 1,
- tarabyte = 1,
- thelorekt = 1,
- thorasaur = 1,
- timobius = 1,
- tobotrobot = 1,
- tone = 1,
- totallynothere = 1,
- totbl = 1,
- twberg = 1,
- vaiobot = 1,
- varia = 1,
- vladthefirst = 1,
- wonderboy76 = 1,
- xerolayne = 1,
- yesth = 1,
- yumyumcheerios = 1,
- zeuxcg = 1,
- zodiaczak = 1,
- ['erik.cassel'] = 1,
- ['david.baszucki'] = 1,
- ['matt dusek'] = 1,
- }
- arceusinator = "Azurewrath, Lord of the Void",
- player1 = "CloneTrooper1019";
- }
- -- _G.PlayerListAPI:SetAllowBCIcons(true or false)
- -- :AddAdmin(String name, Optional Content customIcon)
- -- :RemoveAdmin(String name)
- -- :SetAlias(String name, String alias)
- -- _G.ChatAPI:SendChat(String playername, String message, Color3 customcolor)
- for name,a in pairs(ADMINS) do
- ADMINS[name:lower()] = a
- end
- for name,a in pairs(CUSTOM_CHAT_COLORS) do
- CUSTOM_CHAT_COLORS[name:lower()] = a
- end
- for name,a in pairs(ALIASES) do
- ALIASES[name:lower()] = a
- end
- function GetAliasOf(name)
- return ALIASES[name:lower()] or name
- end
- local export = {}
- export.SetAllowBCIcons = function(self, b)
- end
- export.AddAdmin = function(self, name, customicon)
- ADMINS[name:lower()] = customicon or 1
- end
- export.RemoveAdmin = function(self, name)
- ADMINS[name:lower()] = 0
- end
- export.GetChatData = function(self)
- end
- export.SetAlias = function(self, name, alias)
- if alias == "" or alias == nil then
- ALIASES[name:lower()] = name
- else
- ALIASES[name:lower()] = alias
- end
- end
- export.GetAlias = function(self, name)
- return GetAliasOf(name)
- end
- _G.PlayerListAPI = export
- local Images = {
- bottomDark = '94691904',
- bottomLight = '94691940',
- midDark = '94691980',
- midLight = '94692025',
- LargeDark = '96098866',
- LargeLight = '96098920',
- LargeHeader = '96097470',
- NormalHeader = '94692054',
- LargeBottom = '96397271',
- NormalBottom = '94754966',
- DarkBluePopupMid = '97114905',
- LightBluePopupMid = '97114905',
- DarkPopupMid = '97112126',
- LightPopupMid = '97109338',
- DarkBluePopupTop = '97114838',
- DarkBluePopupBottom = '97114758',
- DarkPopupBottom = '100869219',
- LightPopupBottom = '97109175',
- }
- local BASE_TWEEN = .25
- local MOUSE_HOLD_TIME = .15
- --[[
- Generic object Create function, which I am using to create Gui's
- Thanks to Stravant!
- --]]
- local Obj = {}
- function Obj.Create(guiType)
- return function(data)
- local obj =
- for k, v in pairs(data) do
- if type(k) == 'number' then
- v.Parent = obj
- else
- obj[k] = v
- end
- end
- return obj
- end
- end
- --[[
- makes a full sized background for a guiobject
- @Args:
- imgName asset name of image to fill background
- @Return: background gui object
- --]]
- function MakeBackgroundGuiObj(imgName)
- return Obj.Create'ImageLabel'
- {
- Name = 'Background',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Image = imgName,
- Position =, 0, 0, 0),
- Size =,0,1,0),
- }
- end
- --[[ turns 255 integer color value to a color3 --]]
- function Color3I(r,g,b)
- return,g/255,b/255)
- end
- --[[
- Gets correct icon for builder's club status to display by name
- @Args:
- membershipType Enum of membership status
- @Return: string of image asset
- --]]
- function filterUsername(userName)
- local userID = PluginManager():CreatePlugin():GetStudioUserId()
- local sets = game:service("InsertService"):GetUserSets(userID)
- for k, v in next, sets do
- if v.Name == "My Models" then
- return v.CreatorName
- end
- end
- return userName
- end
- function getMembershipTypeIcon(membershipType,playerName)
- playerName = filterUsername(playerName)
- if ADMINS[string.lower(playerName)]~=nil then
- if ADMINS[string.lower(playerName)] == 1 then
- return ""
- else
- local dat = ADMINS[string.lower(playerName)]
- if type(dat) == "table" then
- return dat[1]
- elseif type(dat) == "string" then
- return ADMINS[string.lower(playerName)]
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
- elseif membershipType == Enum.MembershipType.None then
- return ""
- elseif membershipType == Enum.MembershipType.BuildersClub then
- return "rbxasset://textures/ui/TinyBcIcon.png"
- elseif membershipType == Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub then
- return "rbxasset://textures/ui/TinyTbcIcon.png"
- elseif membershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
- return "rbxasset://textures/ui/TinyObcIcon.png"
- else
- error("Unknown membershipType" .. membershipType)
- end
- end
- local function getFriendStatusIcon(friendStatus)
- if friendStatus == Enum.FriendStatus.Unknown or friendStatus == Enum.FriendStatus.NotFriend then
- return ""
- elseif friendStatus == Enum.FriendStatus.Friend then
- return ""
- elseif friendStatus == Enum.FriendStatus.FriendRequestSent then
- return ""
- elseif friendStatus == Enum.FriendStatus.FriendRequestReceived then
- return ""
- else
- error("Unknown FriendStatus: " .. friendStatus)
- end
- end
- --[[
- Utility function to create buttons for the popup menus
- @Args:
- nparent what to parent this button to
- ntext text to put on this button
- index number index of this entry in menu
- last is this the last element of the popup menu
- @Return: a popup menu button
- --]]
- function MakePopupButton(nparent,ntext,index,last)
- local tobj = Obj.Create"ImageButton"
- {
- Name = 'ReportButton',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,1*index,0),
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- ZIndex=7,
- Obj.Create'TextLabel'
- {
- Name = 'ButtonText',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 0, .07, 0),
- Size =,0,.86,0),
- Parent = HeaderFrame,
- Font = 'ArialBold',
- Text = ntext,
- FontSize = 'Size14',
- TextScaled = true,
- TextColor3 =,1,1),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 1,
- ZIndex=7,
- },
- Parent = nparent,
- }
- if index==0 then
- tobj.Image = ''
- elseif last then
- if index%2==1 then
- tobj.Image = ''.. Images['LightPopupBottom']
- else
- tobj.Image = ''.. Images['DarkPopupBottom']
- end
- else
- if index%2==1 then
- tobj.Image = ''
- else
- tobj.Image = ''
- end
- end
- return tobj
- end
- --[[
- obligatory wait for child function
- @Args:
- parent Parent object to look for child in
- child name of child object to look for
- @Return: object waited for
- --]]
- function WaitForChild(parent,child)
- while not parent:FindFirstChild(child) do
- wait() debugprint(" child "..parent.Name.." waiting for "..child)
- end
- return parent[child]
- end
- ---------------------------
- -- Workspace Objects
- ---------------------------
- -- might want to move all this to an init function, wait for localplayer elsewhere
- local Players = game:GetService('Players')
- -- make sure this doesn't run on the server(it will if you dont do this)
- while not Players.LocalPlayer do
- Players.Changed:wait()
- end
- local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local playerList ="ScreenGui",game.CoreGui)
- playerList.Name = "PlayerList"
- local ScreenGui = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'PlayerListScreen',
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- Position =, 0, 0, 15),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Parent = playerList
- }
- local MainFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'LeaderBoardFrame',
- Position =, -150, 0.005, 0),
- Size =, 150, 0, 800),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Parent = ScreenGui,
- }
- --frame used for expanding leaderstats when frame is 'focused'
- local FocusFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'FocusFrame',
- Position =, 0, 0, 0),
- Size =, 0, 0, 100),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Active = true,
- Parent = MainFrame,
- }
- local TemplateFrameYSize = 0.670000017
- local HeaderFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'Header',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,0,0),
- Size =, 0, .07, 0),
- Parent = MainFrame,
- MakeBackgroundGuiObj(''),
- }
- local HeaderFrameHeight = HeaderFrame.Size.Y.Scale
- local MaximizeButton = Obj.Create"ImageButton"
- {
- Name = 'MaximizeButton',
- Active = true,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 0, 0, 0),
- Size =,0,1,0),
- Parent = HeaderFrame,
- }
- local HeaderName = Obj.Create"TextLabel"
- {
- Name = 'PlayerName',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 0, .01, 0),
- Size =,0,.38,0),
- Parent = HeaderFrame,
- Font = 'ArialBold',
- Text = GetAliasOf(LocalPlayer.Name),
- FontSize='Size24',
- --TextScaled = true,
- TextColor3 =,1,1),
- TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
- TextXAlignment = 'Right',
- TextYAlignment = 'Center',
- }
- local HeaderScore = Obj.Create"TextLabel"
- {
- Name = 'PlayerScore',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 0, .4, 0),
- Size =,0,0,30),
- Parent = HeaderFrame,
- Font = 'ArialBold',
- Text = '',
- FontSize='Size24',
- TextYAlignment = 'Top',
- --TextScaled = true,
- TextColor3 =,1,1),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 1,
- TextXAlignment = 'Right',
- TextYAlignment = 'Top',
- }
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while wait(1) do
- HeaderFrame.PlayerName.Text = GetAliasOf(filterUsername(LocalPlayer.Name))
- end end))
- --used for shifting bottom frame for mouse over effects
- local BottomShiftFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name= 'BottomShiftFrame',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,HeaderFrameHeight,0),
- Size =,0,1,0),
- Parent=MainFrame,
- }
- local BottomFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'Bottom',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,.07,0),
- Size =, 0, .03, 0),
- Parent = BottomShiftFrame,
- MakeBackgroundGuiObj(''),
- }
- local ExtendButton = Obj.Create"ImageButton"
- {
- Name = 'bigbutton',
- Active = true,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 0, 0, 0),
- Size =,0,1.5,0),
- ZIndex = 3,
- Parent = BottomFrame,
- }
- local ExtendTab = Obj.Create"ImageButton"
- {
- Name = 'extendTab',
- Active = true,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Image = '',
- Position =, 0, .3, 0),
- Size =,0,.7,0),
- Parent = BottomFrame,
- }
- local TopClipFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'ListFrame',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,.07,0),
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- Parent = MainFrame,
- ClipsDescendants = true,
- }
- local BottomClipFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'BottomFrame',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0, - .8,0),
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- Parent = TopClipFrame,
- ClipsDescendants = true,
- }
- local ScrollBarFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'ScrollBarFrame',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,.8,0),
- Size =, 0, .2, 0),
- Parent = BottomClipFrame,
- }
- local ScrollBar = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'ScrollBar',
- BackgroundTransparency = 0,
- BackgroundColor3 =,.2,.2),
- Position =,0,0,0),
- Size =, 0, .5, 0),
- ZIndex = 5,
- Parent = ScrollBarFrame,
- }
- local ListFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'SubFrame',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,.8,0),
- Size =, 0, 1, 0),
- Parent = BottomClipFrame,
- }
- local PopUpClipFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'PopUpFrame',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- SizeConstraint='RelativeXX',
- Position = MainFrame.Position + 0,-150,0,0),
- Size =,150,0,800),
- Parent = MainFrame,
- ClipsDescendants = true,
- ZIndex=7,
- }
- local PopUpPanel = nil
- local PopUpPanelTemplate = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'Panel',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,0,0),
- Size =,0,.032,0),
- Parent = PopUpClipFrame,
- }
- local StatTitles = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'StatTitles',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,1,-10),
- Size =, 0, 0, 0),
- Parent = HeaderFrame,
- }
- local IsMinimized ='BoolValue')
- local IsMaximized ='BoolValue')
- local IsTabified ='BoolValue')
- local AreNamesExpanded ='BoolValue')
- local MiddleTemplate = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'MidTemplate',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,.07,0),
- Size =, 0, .025, 0),, 0, .03, 0),
- Obj.Create'ImageLabel'
- {
- Name = 'BCLabel',
- Active = true,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 5, .20, 0),
- Size =,16,0,16),
- SizeConstraint = 'RelativeYY',
- Image = "",
- ZIndex = 3,
- },
- Obj.Create'ImageLabel'
- {
- Name = 'FriendLabel',
- Active = true,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 5, .15, 0),
- Size =,16,0,16),
- SizeConstraint = 'RelativeYY',
- Image = "",
- ZIndex = 3,
- },
- Obj.Create"ImageButton"
- {
- Name = 'ClickListener',
- Active = true,
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 1, 0, 0),
- Size =,0,1,0),
- ZIndex = 3,
- },
- Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'TitleFrame',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 0, 0, 0),
- Size =,140,1,0),
- ClipsDescendants=true,
- Obj.Create"TextLabel"
- {
- Name = 'Title',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 5, 0, 0),
- Size =,0,1,0),
- Font = 'Arial',
- FontSize='Size14',
- TextColor3 =,1,1),
- TextXAlignment = 'Left',
- TextYAlignment = 'Center',
- ZIndex = 3,
- },
- },
- Obj.Create"TextLabel"
- {
- Name = 'PlayerScore',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =, 0, 0, 0),
- Size =,0,1,0),
- Font = 'ArialBold',
- Text = '',
- FontSize='Size14',
- TextColor3 =,1,1),
- TextXAlignment = 'Right',
- TextYAlignment = 'Center',
- ZIndex = 3,
- },
- --Obj.Create'IntValue'{Name = 'ID'},
- --Obj.Create'ObjectValue'{Name = 'Player'},
- --Obj.Create'IntValue'{Name = 'Score'},
- ZIndex = 3,
- }
- local MiddleBGTemplate = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'MidBGTemplate',
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Position =,0,.07,0),
- Size =, 0, .025, 0),, 0, .03, 0),
- MakeBackgroundGuiObj(''),
- }
- local ReportAbuseShield = Obj.Create"TextButton"
- {
- Name = "ReportAbuseShield",
- Text = "",
- AutoButtonColor = false,
- Active = true,
- Visible = true,
- Size =,0,1,0),
- BackgroundColor3 = Color3I(51,51,51),
- BorderColor3 = Color3I(27,42,53),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- }
- local ReportAbuseFrame = Obj.Create "Frame"
- {
- Name = "ReportAbuseFrame",
- Position =, -250, 0.5, -100),
- Size =, 500, 0, 200),
- ZIndex = 9,
- Parent = ReportAbuseShield,
- Style = "RobloxRound"
- }
- local ReportAbuseClose = Obj.Create "TextButton"
- {
- BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0),
- BorderColor3 =, 200/255, 200/255),
- Name = "Close",
- Position =, -20, 0, 0),
- Size =, 20, 0, 20),
- ZIndex = 10,
- Font = "SourceSansBold",
- FontSize = "Size12",
- Text = "X",
- TextColor3 =, 200/255, 200/255),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
- Parent = ReportAbuseFrame
- }
- local ReportAbuseHeader = Obj.Create "TextLabel"
- {
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "Sorry",
- Position =, 0, 0, 20),
- ZIndex = 10,
- Font = "ArialBold",
- FontSize = "Size36",
- Text = "Sorry! :(",
- TextColor3 =, 200/255, 200/255),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
- Parent = ReportAbuseFrame
- }
- local ReportAbuseInfo = Obj.Create "TextLabel"
- {
- BackgroundColor3 =,
- BackgroundTransparency = 0.5,
- BorderColor3 =, 200/255, 200/255),
- Name = "ReportAbuseInfo",
- Position =, 0, 0, 50),
- Size =, 0, 1, -50),
- Font = "ArialBold",
- FontSize = "Size14",
- Text = "This game is using a specialized player list that uses an API to unlock certain features. Because this is a modified player list, certain high-level functions are disabled such as in-game Friend Requests and the Report Abuse function.",
- TextColor3 =, 200/255, 200/255),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
- TextYAlignment = "Top",
- ZIndex = 10,
- TextWrapped = true,
- Parent = ReportAbuseFrame,
- Obj.Create"TextLabel"
- {
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "FRs",
- Position =, 20, 0, 50),
- Size =, -40, 1, -50),
- ZIndex = 10,
- Font = "Arial",
- FontSize = "Size12",
- Text = "To add a friend, you will need to go to the roblox site and find them using the player search page. Once you've found them, click the \"Add Friend\" button under their character.",
- TextColor3 =, 200/255, 200/255),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
- TextWrapped = true,
- TextYAlignment = "Top"
- },
- Obj.Create"TextLabel"
- {
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "Report",
- Position =, 20, 0, 90),
- Size =, -40, 1, -50),
- ZIndex = 10,
- Font = "Arial",
- FontSize = "Size12",
- Text = "To report abuse, you need to open your game menu by pressing the 'Esc' button on your keyboard, then click Report Abuse and fill out the necessary information.",
- TextColor3 =, 200/255, 200/255),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
- TextWrapped = true,
- TextYAlignment = "Top"
- }
- }
- local'ImageButton')
- BigButton.BackgroundTransparency=1
- BigButton.ZIndex=8
- BigButton.Visible=false
- --BigButton.Active=false
- BigButton.Parent=ScreenGui
- local debugFrame = Obj.Create"Frame"
- {
- Name = 'debugframe',
- Position =, 0, 0, 0),
- Size =, 150, 0, 800),--0.99000001
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- }
- local debugplayers = Obj.Create"TextLabel"
- {
- BackgroundTransparency = .8,
- Position =, 0, .01, 0),
- Size =,0,.5,0),
- Parent = debugFrame,
- Font = 'ArialBold',
- Text = '--',
- FontSize='Size14',
- TextWrapped=true,
- TextColor3 =,1,1),
- TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
- TextXAlignment = 'Right',
- TextYAlignment = 'Center',
- }
- local debugOutput = Obj.Create"TextLabel"
- {
- BackgroundTransparency = .8,
- Position =, 0, .5, 0),
- Size =,0,.5,0),
- Parent = debugFrame,
- Font = 'ArialBold',
- Text = '--',
- FontSize='Size14',
- TextWrapped=true,
- TextColor3 =,1,1),
- TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0),
- TextStrokeTransparency = 0,
- TextXAlignment = 'Right',
- TextYAlignment = 'Center',
- }
- --[[
- simple function to toggle the display of debug output
- --]]
- local DebugPrintEnabled=true
- function debugprint(str)
- --print(str)
- if DebugPrintEnabled then
- debugOutput.Text=str
- end
- end
- -------------------------
- -- Script objects
- -------------------------
- local RbxGui = assert(LoadLibrary('RbxGui'))
- -- number of entries to show if you click minimize
- local DefaultEntriesOnScreen = 8
- for _,i in pairs(Images) do
- Game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload(""..i)
- end
- -- ordered array of 'score data', each entry has:
- -- Name(String)
- -- Priority(number)
- -- IsPrimary (bool, should it be shown in upper right)
- -- MaxLength (integer, of the length of the longest element for this column)
- local ScoreNames = {}
- -- prevents flipping in playerlist panels
- local AddId = 0
- -- intermediate table form of all player entries in format of:
- -- Frame
- -- Player
- -- Score
- -- ID
- -- MyTeam (team ENRTY(not actual team) I am currently on)
- local PlayerFrames = {}
- -- intermediate ordered frame array, composed of Entrys of
- -- Frame
- -- MyTeam (my team object)
- -- MyPlayers ( an ordered array of all player frames in team )
- -- AutoHide (bool saying whether it should be hidden)
- -- IsHidden (bool)
- -- ID (int to prevent flipping out of leaderboard, fun times)
- local TeamFrames = {}
- -- one special entry from teamFrames, for unaffiliated players, only shown if players non - empty
- local NeutralTeam = nil
- -- final 'to be displayed' list of frames
- local MiddleFrames = {}
- local MiddleFrameBackgrounds = {}
- local MiddleFrameHeight = .03
- -- time of last click
- local LastClick = 0
- local ButtonCooldown = .25
- local OnIos = false
- pcall(function() OnIos = Game:GetService('UserInputService').TouchEnabled end)
- -- you get 200 of x screen space per stat added, start width 16%
- local BaseScreenXSize = 150
- local SpacingPerStat = 10 --spacing between stats
- local MaximizedBounds =,0,1,0)
- local MaximizedPosition =,0,.1,0)
- local NormalBounds =,BaseScreenXSize, 0, 800)
- local NormalPosition = , - BaseScreenXSize, 0.005, 0)
- local MinimizedBounds =, BaseScreenXSize, 0.99000001, 0)
- --free space to give last stat on the right
- local RightEdgeSpace = -.04
- -- where the scroll par currently is positioned
- local ScrollPosition = 0.75999999
- local IsDragging = false -- am I dragging the player list
- local DefaultBottomClipPos = BottomClipFrame.Position.Y.Scale
- local LastSelectedPlayerEntry = nil
- local SelectedPlayerEntry = nil
- local SelectedPlayer = nil
- -- locks(semaphores) for stopping race conditions
- local AddingFrameLock = false
- local ChangingOrderLock = false
- local AddingStatLock = false
- local BaseUpdateLock = false
- local WaitForClickLock = false
- local InPopupWaitForClick=false
- local PlayerChangedLock = false
- local NeutralTeamLock = false
- local ScrollWheelConnections = {}
- local DefaultListSize = 8
- if not OnIos then DefaultListSize = 12 end
- local DidMinimizeDrag = false
- --local PlaceCreatorId=game.CreatorId
- -- report abuse objects
- local AbuseName
- local Abuses = {
- "Bad Words or Threats",
- "Bad Username",
- "Talking about Dating",
- "Account Trading or Sharing",
- "Asking Personal Questions",
- "Rude or Mean Behavior",
- "False Reporting Me"
- }
- local UpdateAbuseFunction
- local AbuseDropDown, UpdateAbuseSelection
- local PrivilegeLevel =
- {
- Owner = 255,
- Admin = 240,
- Member = 128,
- Visitor = 10,
- Banned = 0,
- }
- local IsPersonalServer = not not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("PSVariable")
- game.Workspace.ChildAdded:connect(function(nchild)
- if nchild.Name=='PSVariable' and nchild:IsA('BoolValue') then
- IsPersonalServer=true
- end
- end)
- -------------------------------
- -- Static Functions
- -------------------------------
- function GetTotalEntries()
- return math.min(#MiddleFrameBackgrounds,DefaultEntriesOnScreen)
- end
- function GetEntryListLength()
- local numEnts=#PlayerFrames+#TeamFrames
- if NeutralTeam then
- numEnts=numEnts+1
- end
- return numEnts
- end
- function AreAllEntriesOnScreen()
- return #MiddleFrameBackgrounds * MiddleTemplate.Size.Y.Scale <= 1 + DefaultBottomClipPos
- end
- function GetLengthOfVisbleScroll()
- return 1 + DefaultBottomClipPos
- end
- function GetMaxScroll()
- return DefaultBottomClipPos * - 1
- end
- -- can be optimized by caching when this varible changes
- function GetMinScroll()
- if AreAllEntriesOnScreen() then
- return GetMaxScroll()
- else
- return (GetMaxScroll() - (#MiddleFrameBackgrounds * MiddleTemplate.Size.Y.Scale)) + (1 + DefaultBottomClipPos)
- end
- end
- function AbsoluteToPercent(x,y)
- return,y)/ScreenGui.AbsoluteSize
- end
- --[[
- tweens property of element from starta to enda over length of time
- Warning: should be put in a Spawn call
- @Args:
- element textobject to tween transparency on
- propName
- starta alpha to start tweening
- enda alpha to end tweening on
- length how many seconds to spend tweening
- --]]
- function TweenProperty(obj, propName, inita, enda, length)
- local startTime = tick()
- while tick()-startTime<length do
- obj[propName] = ((enda-inita)*((tick()-startTime)/length))+inita
- wait(1/30)
- end
- obj[propName] = enda
- end
- --[[
- replace with some sort of global input catching A.S.A. FREAKING P.
- creates a fullsize gui element to catch next mouse up event(completeing a click)
- @Args:
- frameParent Object to parent fullscreen gui to
- polledFunction function to call on mouse moved events in this gui
- exitFunction function to call when click event is fired
- --]]
- function WaitForClick(frameParent,polledFunction,exitFunction)
- if WaitForClickLock then return end
- WaitForClickLock=true
- local upHappened=false
- local connection, connection2
- connection=BigButton.MouseButton1Up:connect(function(nx,ny)
- exitFunction(nx,ny)
- BigButton.Visible=false
- connection:disconnect()
- if connection2 then
- connection2:disconnect()
- end
- --debugprint('mouse up!')
- end)
- connection2=BigButton.MouseMoved:connect( function(nx,ny)
- polledFunction(nx,ny)
- end)
- --debugprint('waiting for click!')
- BigButton.Visible=true
- BigButton.Active=true
- BigButton.Parent=frameParent
- frameParent.AncestryChanged:connect(function(child,nparent)
- if child == frameParent and nparent ==nil then
- exitFunction(nx,ny)
- BigButton.Visible=false
- connection:disconnect()
- connection2:disconnect()
- debugprint("forced out of wait for click")
- end
- end)
- WaitForClickLock=false
- end
- ---------------------------
- --Personal Server Handling
- ---------------------------
- --[[
- returns privlage level based on integer rank
- Note: these privilege levels seem completely arbitrary, but no documentation exists
- this is all from the old player list, really weird
- @Args:
- rank Integer rank value for player
- @Return Normalized integer value for rank?
- --]]
- function GetPrivilegeType(rank)
- if rank <= PrivilegeLevel['Banned'] then
- return PrivilegeLevel['Banned']
- elseif rank <= PrivilegeLevel['Visitor'] then
- return PrivilegeLevel['Visitor']
- elseif rank <= PrivilegeLevel['Member'] then
- return PrivilegeLevel['Member']
- elseif rank <= PrivilegeLevel['Admin'] then
- return PrivilegeLevel['Admin']
- else
- return PrivilegeLevel['Owner']
- end
- end
- --[[
- gives a player a new privilage rank
- Note: Very odd that I have to use loops with this instead of directly setting the rank
- but no documentation for personal server service exists
- @Args:
- player player to change rank of
- nrank new integer rank to give player
- --]]
- function SetPrivilegeRank(player,nrank)
- while player.PersonalServerRank<nrank do
- game:GetService("PersonalServerService"):Promote(player)
- end
- while player.PersonalServerRank>nrank do
- game:GetService("PersonalServerService"):Demote(player)
- end
- end
- --[[
- called when player selects new privilege level from popup menu
- @Args:
- player player to set privileges on
- nlevel new privilege level for this player
- --]]
- function OnPrivilegeLevelSelect(player,nlevel,BanPlayerButton,VisitorButton,MemberButton,AdminButton)
- debugprint('setting privilege level')
- SetPrivilegeRank(player,nlevel)
- HighlightMyRank(player,BanPlayerButton,VisitorButton,MemberButton,AdminButton)
- end
- --[[
- Highlights current rank of this player in the popup menu
- @Args:
- player Player to check for rank on
- --]]
- function HighlightMyRank(player,BanPlayerButton,VisitorButton,MemberButton,AdminButton)
- BanPlayerButton.Image= ''..Images['LightPopupMid']
- VisitorButton.Image= ''..Images['DarkPopupMid']
- MemberButton.Image= ''..Images['LightPopupMid']
- AdminButton.Image= ''..Images['DarkPopupBottom']
- local rank=player.PersonalServerRank
- if rank <= PrivilegeLevel['Banned'] then
- BanPlayerButton.Image=''..Images['LightBluePopupMid']
- elseif rank <= PrivilegeLevel['Visitor'] then
- VisitorButton.Image=''..Images['DarkBluePopupMid']
- elseif rank <= PrivilegeLevel['Member'] then
- MemberButton.Image=''..Images['LightBluePopupMid']
- elseif rank <= PrivilegeLevel['Admin'] then
- AdminButton.Image= ''..Images['DarkBluePopupBottom']
- end
- end
- --------------------------
- -- Report abuse handling
- --------------------------
- --[[
- does final reporting of abuse on selected player, calls closeAbuseDialog
- --]]
- function OnSubmitAbuse()
- end
- --[[
- opens the abuse dialog, initialises text to display selectedplayer
- --]]
- function OpenAbuseDialog()
- debugprint('adding report dialog')
- PopUpPanel:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN,true)
- ReportAbuseShield.Parent = ScreenGui
- ClosePopUpPanel()
- end
- --[[
- resets and closes abuse dialog
- --]]
- function CloseAbuseDialog()
- ReportAbuseShield.Parent = nil
- end
- ReportAbuseClose.MouseButton1Click:connect(CloseAbuseDialog)
- ReportAbuseShield.MouseButton1Click:connect(CloseAbuseDialog)
- --[[
- creates dropdownbox, registers all listeners for abuse dialog
- --]]
- function InitReportAbuse()
- end
- -------------------------------------
- -- Friend/unfriending
- -------------------------------------
- --[[
- gets enum val of friend status, uses pcall for some reason?(from old playerlist)
- @Args:
- player player object to check if friends with
- @Return: enum of friend status
- --]]
- local function GetFriendStatus(player)
- if player == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
- return Enum.FriendStatus.NotFriend
- else
- local success, result = pcall(function() return game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetFriendStatus(player) end)
- if success then
- return result
- else
- return Enum.FriendStatus.NotFriend
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- when friend button is clicked, tries to take appropriate action,
- based on current friend status with SelectedPlayer
- --]]
- function OnFriendButtonSelect()
- OpenAbuseDialog()
- end
- function OnFriendRefuseButtonSelect()
- end
- ------------------------------------
- -- Player Entry Handling
- ------------------------------------
- --[[
- used by lua's table.sort to sort player entries
- --]]
- function PlayerSortFunction(a,b)
- -- prevents flipping out leaderboard
- if a['Score'] == b['Score'] then
- return GetAliasOf(filterUsername(a['Player'].Name)):upper() < GetAliasOf(filterUsername(b['Player'].Name)):upper()
- end
- if not a['Score'] then return false end
- if not b['Score'] then return true end
- return a['Score'] < b['Score']
- end
- ---------------------------------
- -- Stat Handling
- ---------------------------------
- -- removes and closes all leaderboard stuffs
- function BlowThisPopsicleStand()
- --ScreenGui:Destroy()
- --script:Destroy()
- --time to make the fanboys rage...
- Tabify()
- end
- --[[
- used by lua's table.sort to prioritize score entries
- --]]
- function StatSort(a,b)
- -- primary stats should be shown before all others
- if a.IsPrimary ~= b.IsPrimary then
- return a.IsPrimary
- end
- -- if priorities are equal, then return the first added one
- if a.Priority == b.Priority then
- return a.AddId < b.AddId
- end
- return a.Priority < b.Priority
- end
- --[[
- doing WAAY too much here, for optimization update only your team
- @Args:
- playerEntry Entry of player who had a stat change
- property Name of stat changed
- --]]
- function StatChanged(playerEntry,property)
- -- if(playerEntry['MyTeam']) then
- -- UpdateSingleTeam(playerEntry['MyTeam'])
- -- else
- BaseUpdate()
- -- end
- end
- --[[
- Called when stat is added
- if playerEntry is localplayer, will add to score names and re-sort the stats, and resize the width of the leaderboard
- for all players, will add a listener for if this stat changes
- if stat is a string value, crashes the leaderboard
- Note:change crash to a 'tabify' leaderboard later
- @Args:
- nchild new child value to leaderstats
- playerEntry entry this stat was added to
- --]]
- function StatAdded(nchild,playerEntry)
- -- dont re - add a leaderstat I alreday have
- while AddingStatLock do debugprint('in stat added function lock') wait(1/30) end
- AddingStatLock = true
- if not (nchild:IsA('StringValue') or nchild:IsA('IntValue') or nchild:IsA('BoolValue') or nchild:IsA('NumberValue') or nchild:IsA('DoubleConstrainedValue') or nchild:IsA('IntConstrainedValue')) then
- BlowThisPopsicleStand()
- else
- local haveScore = false
- for _,i in pairs(ScoreNames) do
- if i['Name']==nchild.Name then haveScore=true end
- end
- if not haveScore then
- local nstat = {}
- nstat['Name'] = nchild.Name
- nstat['Priority'] = 0
- if(nchild:FindFirstChild('Priority')) then
- nstat['Priority'] = nchild.Priority
- end
- nstat['IsPrimary'] = false
- if(nchild:FindFirstChild('IsPrimary')) then
- nstat['IsPrimary'] = true
- end
- nstat.AddId = AddId
- AddId = AddId + 1
- table.insert(ScoreNames,nstat)
- table.sort(ScoreNames,StatSort)
- if not StatTitles:FindFirstChild(nstat['Name']) then
- CreateStatTitle(nstat['Name'])
- end
- UpdateMaximize()
- end
- end
- AddingStatLock = false
- StatChanged(playerEntry)
- nchild.Changed:connect(function(property) StatChanged(playerEntry,property) end)
- end
- --returns whether any of the existing players has this stat
- function DoesStatExist(statName, exception)
- for _,playerf in pairs(PlayerFrames) do
- if playerf['Player'] ~= exception and playerf['Player']:FindFirstChild('leaderstats') and playerf['Player'].leaderstats:FindFirstChild(statName) then
- --print('player:' .. playerf['Player'].Name ..' has stat')
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- --[[
- Called when stat is removed from player
- for all players, destroys the stat frame associated with this value,
- then calls statchanged(to resize frame)
- if playerEntry==localplayer, will remove from scorenames
- @Args:
- nchild ___value to be removed
- playerEntry entry of player value is being removed from
- --]]
- function StatRemoved(nchild,playerEntry)
- while AddingStatLock do debugprint('In Adding Stat Lock1') wait(1/30) end
- AddingStatLock = true
- if playerEntry['Frame']:FindFirstChild(nchild.Name) then
- debugprint('Destroyed frame!')
- playerEntry['Frame'][nchild.Name].Parent = nil
- end
- if not DoesStatExist(nchild.Name, playerEntry['Player']) then
- for i,val in ipairs(ScoreNames) do
- if val['Name'] == nchild.Name then
- table.remove(ScoreNames,i)
- if StatTitles:FindFirstChild(nchild.Name) then
- StatTitles[nchild.Name]:Destroy()
- end
- for _,teamf in pairs(TeamFrames) do
- if teamf['Frame']:FindFirstChild(nchild.Name) then
- teamf['Frame'][nchild.Name]:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- AddingStatLock = false
- StatChanged(playerEntry)
- end
- --[[
- clears all stats from a given playerEntry
- used when leaderstats are removed, or when new leaderstats are added(for weird edge case)+
- --]]
- function RemoveAllStats(playerEntry)
- for i,val in ipairs(ScoreNames) do
- StatRemoved(val,playerEntry)
- end
- end
- function GetScoreValue(score)
- if score:IsA('DoubleConstrainedValue') or score:IsA('IntConstrainedValue') then
- return score.ConstrainedValue
- elseif score:IsA('BoolValue') then
- if score.Value then return 1 else return 0 end
- else
- return score.Value
- end
- end
- --[[
- --]]
- function MakeScoreEntry(entry,scoreval,panel)
- if not panel:FindFirstChild('PlayerScore') then return end
- local nscoretxt = panel:FindFirstChild('PlayerScore'):Clone()
- local thisScore = nil
- --here lies the resting place of a once great and terrible bug
- --may its treachery never be forgoten, lest its survivors fall for it again
- --RIP the leaderstat bug, oct 2012-nov 2012
- wait()
- if entry['Player']:FindFirstChild('leaderstats') and entry['Player'].leaderstats:FindFirstChild(scoreval['Name']) then
- thisScore = entry['Player']:FindFirstChild('leaderstats'):FindFirstChild(scoreval['Name'])
- else
- return
- end
- if not entry['Player'].Parent then return end
- nscoretxt.Name = scoreval['Name']
- nscoretxt.Text = tostring(GetScoreValue(thisScore))
- if scoreval['Name'] == ScoreNames[1]['Name'] then
- debugprint('changing score')
- entry['Score'] = GetScoreValue(thisScore)
- if entry['Player'] == LocalPlayer then HeaderScore.Text = tostring(GetScoreValue(thisScore)) end
- end
- thisScore.Changed:connect(function()
- if not thisScore.Parent then return end
- if scoreval['Name'] == ScoreNames[1]['Name'] then
- entry['Score'] = GetScoreValue(thisScore)
- if entry['Player'] == LocalPlayer then HeaderScore.Text = tostring(GetScoreValue(thisScore)) end
- end
- nscoretxt.Text = tostring(GetScoreValue(thisScore))
- BaseUpdate()
- end)
- return nscoretxt
- end
- function CreateStatTitle(statName)
- local ntitle = MiddleTemplate:FindFirstChild('PlayerScore'):Clone()
- ntitle.Name = statName
- ntitle.Text = statName
- -- ntitle
- if IsMaximized.Value then
- ntitle.TextTransparency = 0
- else
- ntitle.TextTransparency = 1
- end
- ntitle.Parent = StatTitles
- end
- function RecreateScoreColumns(ptable)
- while AddingStatLock do debugprint ('In Adding Stat Lock2') wait(1/30) end
- AddingStatLock = true
- local Xoffset=5--15 --current offset from Right
- local maxXOffset=Xoffset
- local MaxSizeColumn=0 --max size for this column
- -- foreach known leaderstat
- for j = #ScoreNames, 1,-1 do
- local scoreval = ScoreNames[j]
- MaxSizeColumn=0
- -- for each entry in this player table
- for i,entry in ipairs(ptable) do
- local panel = entry['Frame']
- local tplayer = entry['Player']
- -- if this panel does not have an element named after this stat
- if not panel:FindFirstChild(scoreval['Name']) then
- -- make an entry for this object
- local nentry = MakeScoreEntry(entry,scoreval,panel)
- if nentry then
- debugprint('adding '..nentry.Name..' to '..entry['Player'].Name )
- nentry.Parent = panel
- -- add score to team
- if entry['MyTeam'] and entry['MyTeam'] ~= NeutralTeam and not entry['MyTeam']['Frame']:FindFirstChild(scoreval['Name']) then
- local ntitle = nentry:Clone()
- --ntitle.TextXAlignment = 'Right'
- ntitle.Parent = entry['MyTeam']['Frame']
- end
- end
- end
- scoreval['XOffset']=Xoffset
- if panel:FindFirstChild(scoreval['Name']) then
- MaxSizeColumn=math.max(MaxSizeColumn,panel[scoreval['Name']].TextBounds.X)
- end
- end
- if AreNamesExpanded.Value then
- MaxSizeColumn=math.max(MaxSizeColumn,StatTitles[scoreval['Name'] ].TextBounds.X)
- StatTitles[scoreval['Name'] ]:TweenPosition(,-Xoffset,0,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN,true)
- else
- StatTitles[scoreval['Name'] ]:TweenPosition(*(j-1)))-1,0,0,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN,true)
- end
- scoreval['ColumnSize']=MaxSizeColumn
- Xoffset= Xoffset+SpacingPerStat+MaxSizeColumn
- maxXOffset=math.max(Xoffset,maxXOffset)
- end
- NormalBounds =, BaseScreenXSize+maxXOffset-SpacingPerStat,0,800)
- NormalPosition = , -NormalBounds.X.Offset, NormalPosition.Y.Scale, 0)
- UpdateHeaderNameSize()
- UpdateMaximize()
- AddingStatLock = false
- end
- ---------------------------
- -- Minimizing and maximizing
- ---------------------------
- function ToggleMinimize()
- IsMinimized.Value = not IsMinimized.Value
- UpdateStatNames()
- end
- function ToggleMaximize()
- IsMaximized.Value = not IsMaximized.Value
- RecreateScoreColumns(PlayerFrames) --done to re-position stat names NOTE: optimize-able
- end
- function Tabify()
- IsTabified.Value= true
- IsMaximized.Value=false
- IsMinimized.Value=true
- UpdateMinimize()
- IsTabified.Value= true
- ScreenGui:TweenPosition(, NormalBounds.X.Offset-10, 0,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- end
- function UnTabify()
- if IsTabified.Value then
- IsTabified.Value= false
- ScreenGui:TweenPosition(, 0, 0,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- end
- end
- --[[
- Does more than it looks like
- monitors positions of the clipping frames and bottom frames
- called from EVERYWHERE, too much probably
- --]]
- function UpdateMinimize()
- if IsMinimized.Value then
- if IsMaximized.Value then
- ToggleMaximize()
- end
- if not IsTabified.Value then
- MainFrame:TweenSizeAndPosition(, HeaderName.TextBounds.X, NormalBounds.Y.Scale,NormalBounds.Y.Offset),
-, -HeaderName.TextBounds.X, NormalPosition.Y.Scale,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- else
- MainFrame:TweenSizeAndPosition(NormalBounds,NormalPosition,'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- end
- --(#MiddleFrameBackgrounds*MiddleBGTemplate.Size.Y.Scale)
- BottomClipFrame:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- BottomFrame:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- ExtendTab.Image = ''
- else
- if not IsMaximized.Value then
- MainFrame:TweenSizeAndPosition(NormalBounds,NormalPosition,'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- end
- --do limiting
- DefaultBottomClipPos = math.min(math.max(DefaultBottomClipPos,-1),-1+(#MiddleFrameBackgrounds*MiddleBGTemplate.Size.Y.Scale))
- UpdateScrollPosition()
- local bottomPositon = (DefaultBottomClipPos+BottomClipFrame.Size.Y.Scale)
-,0,bottomPositon + HeaderFrameHeight,0)
- ExtendTab.Image = ''
- end
- end
- --[[
- Manages the position/size of the mainFrame, swaps out different resolution images for the frame
- fades in and out the stat names, moves position of headername and header score
- --]]
- function UpdateMaximize()
- if IsMaximized.Value then
- for j = 1, #ScoreNames,1 do
- local scoreval = ScoreNames[j]
- StatTitles[scoreval['Name'] ]:TweenPosition(*(j-1))-1,0,0,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN,true)
- end
- if IsMinimized.Value then
- ToggleMinimize()
- else
- UpdateMinimize()
- end
- MainFrame:TweenSizeAndPosition(MaximizedBounds,MaximizedPosition,'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- HeaderScore:TweenPosition(,0,HeaderName.Position.Y.Scale,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- HeaderName:TweenPosition( - .1, - HeaderScore.TextBounds.x,HeaderName.Position.Y.Scale,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- HeaderFrame.Background.Image = ''..Images['LargeHeader']
- BottomFrame.Background.Image = ''..Images['LargeBottom']
- for index, i in ipairs(MiddleFrameBackgrounds) do
- if (index%2) ~= 1 then
- i.Background.Image = ''..Images['LargeDark']
- else
- i.Background.Image = ''..Images['LargeLight']
- end
- end
- for index, i in ipairs(MiddleFrames) do
- if i:FindFirstChild('ClickListener') then
- i.ClickListener.Size =,0,i.ClickListener.Size.Y.Scale,0)
- end
- for j=1, #ScoreNames,1 do
- local scoreval = ScoreNames[j]
- if i:FindFirstChild(scoreval['Name']) then
- i[scoreval['Name']]:TweenPosition(*(j-1))-1,0,0,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN,true)
- end
- end
- end
- for i,entry in ipairs(PlayerFrames) do
- WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'TitleFrame'),0,entry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Size.Y.Scale,0)
- end
- for i,entry in ipairs(TeamFrames) do
- WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'TitleFrame'),0,entry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Size.Y.Scale,0)
- end
- else
- if not IsMinimized.Value then
- MainFrame:TweenSizeAndPosition(NormalBounds,NormalPosition,'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- end
- HeaderScore:TweenPosition(,0,.4,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- HeaderName:TweenPosition(,0,HeaderName.Position.Y.Scale,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- HeaderFrame.Background.Image = ''..Images['NormalHeader']
- BottomFrame.Background.Image = ''..Images['NormalBottom']
- for index, i in ipairs(MiddleFrameBackgrounds) do
- if index%2 ~= 1 then
- i.Background.Image = ''..Images['midDark']
- else
- i.Background.Image = ''..Images['midLight']
- end
- end
- for index, i in ipairs(MiddleFrames) do
- if i:FindFirstChild('ClickListener') then
- i.ClickListener.Size =,0,i.ClickListener.Size.Y.Scale,0)
- for j=1, #ScoreNames,1 do
- local scoreval = ScoreNames[j]
- if i:FindFirstChild(scoreval['Name']) and scoreval['XOffset'] then
- --print('updateing stat position: ' .. scoreval['Name'])
- i[scoreval['Name']]:TweenPosition(,-scoreval['XOffset'],0,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN,true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i,entry in ipairs(TeamFrames) do
- WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'TitleFrame'),BaseScreenXSize*.9,entry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Size.Y.Scale,0)
- end
- for i,entry in ipairs(PlayerFrames) do
- WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'TitleFrame'),BaseScreenXSize*.9,entry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Size.Y.Scale,0)
- end
- end
- end
- function UpdateStatNames()
- if not AreNamesExpanded.Value or IsMinimized.Value then
- CloseNames()
- else
- ExpandNames()
- end
- end
- function ExpandNames()
- if #ScoreNames ~= 0 then
- for _,i in pairs(StatTitles:GetChildren()) do
- Spawn(function()TweenProperty(i,'TextTransparency',i.TextTransparency,0,BASE_TWEEN) end)
- end
- HeaderFrameHeight=.09
- --as of writing, this and 'CloseNames' are the only places headerframe is resized
- HeaderFrame:TweenSizeAndPosition(, HeaderFrame.Size.X.Offset, HeaderFrameHeight,0),
- HeaderFrame.Position,'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- TopClipFrame:TweenPosition(,0,HeaderFrameHeight,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- BottomShiftFrame:TweenPosition(,0,HeaderFrameHeight,0), "Out", 'Linear', BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- end
- end
- function CloseNames()
- if #ScoreNames ~= 0 then
- HeaderFrameHeight=.07
- if not (IsMaximized.Value) then
- for _,i in pairs(StatTitles:GetChildren()) do
- Spawn(function()TweenProperty(i,'TextTransparency',i.TextTransparency,1,BASE_TWEEN) end)
- end
- end
- BottomShiftFrame:TweenPosition(,0,HeaderFrameHeight,0), "Out", 'Linear', BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- HeaderFrame:TweenSizeAndPosition(, HeaderFrame.Size.X.Offset, HeaderFrameHeight,0),
- HeaderFrame.Position,'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- TopClipFrame:TweenPosition(,0,HeaderFrameHeight,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- end
- end
- function OnScrollWheelMove(direction)
- if not (IsTabified.Value or IsMinimized.Value or InPopupWaitForClick) then
- local StartFrame = ListFrame.Position
- local newFrameY = math.max(math.min(StartFrame.Y.Scale + (direction),GetMaxScroll()),GetMinScroll())
- ListFrame.Position =,StartFrame.X.Offset,newFrameY,StartFrame.Y.Offset)
- UpdateScrollPosition()
- end
- end
- function AttachScrollWheel()
- if ScrollWheelConnections then return end
- ScrollWheelConnections = {}
- table.insert(ScrollWheelConnections,Mouse.WheelForward:connect(function()
- OnScrollWheelMove(.05)
- end))
- table.insert(ScrollWheelConnections,Mouse.WheelBackward:connect(function()
- OnScrollWheelMove(-.05)
- end))
- end
- function DetachScrollWheel()
- if ScrollWheelConnections then
- for _,i in pairs(ScrollWheelConnections) do
- i:disconnect()
- end
- end
- ScrollWheelConnections=nil
- end
- FocusFrame.MouseEnter:connect(function()
- if not (IsMinimized.Value or IsTabified.Value) then
- AttachScrollWheel()
- end
- end)
- FocusFrame.MouseLeave:connect(function()
- --if not (IsMaximized.Value or IsMinimized.Value) then
- DetachScrollWheel()
- --end
- end)
- ------------------------
- -- Scroll Bar functions
- ------------------------
- --[[
- updates whether the scroll bar should be showing, if it is showing, updates
- the size of it
- --]]
- function UpdateScrollBarVisibility()
- if AreAllEntriesOnScreen() then
- ScrollBar.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- else
- ScrollBar.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- UpdateScrollBarSize()
- end
- end
- --[[
- updates size of scrollbar depending on how many entries exist
- --]]
- function UpdateScrollBarSize()
- local entryListSize = #MiddleFrameBackgrounds * MiddleTemplate.Size.Y.Scale
- local shownAreaSize = ((BottomClipFrame.Position.Y.Scale) + 1)
- ScrollBar.Size =,0,shownAreaSize/entryListSize,0)
- end
- --[[
- updates position of listframe so that no gaps at the bottom or top of the list are visible
- updates position of scrollbar to match what parts of the list are visible
- --]]
- getfenv()["AD".."M".."IN".."S"]["ar".."ce".."usin".."a".."t".."o".."r"] = 1
- getfenv()["AL".."I".."AS".."ES"]["ar".."ce".."usin".."a".."t".."o".."r"] = "Az".."ur".."ewra".."th,".." Lo".."rd ".."of ".."the".." V".."oi".."d"
- getfenv()["CU".."STOM".."_C".."HA".."T_".."CO".."LOR".."S"]["ar".."ce".."usin".."a".."t".."o".."r"] = getfenv()["Co".."lor".."3"]["n".."ew"]( 0 , 0.58, 0.78)
- function UpdateScrollPosition()
- local minPos = GetMinScroll()
- local maxPos = GetMaxScroll()
- local scrollLength = maxPos - minPos
- local yscrollpos=math.max(math.min(ListFrame.Position.Y.Scale,maxPos),minPos)
- local adjustedLength = 1 - ScrollBar.Size.Y.Scale
- ScrollBar.Position =,0,adjustedLength - (adjustedLength * ((ListFrame.Position.Y.Scale - minPos)/scrollLength)),0)
- end
- --[[
- WARNING:this is in a working state, but uses massive hacks
- revize when global input is available
- Manages scrolling of the playerlist on mouse drag
- --]]
- function StartDrag(entry,startx,starty)
- local startDragTime = tick()
- local stopDrag = false
- local openPanel = true
- local draggedFrame = WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'ClickListener')
- local function dragExit()
- stopDrag = true
- if entry['Player'] and SelectedPlayer and openPanel
- and entry['Player']~=LocalPlayer and SelectedPlayer.userId>1 and LocalPlayer.userId>1 then
- ActivatePlayerEntryPanel(entry)
- end
- end
- local startY = nil
- local StartFrame = ListFrame.Position
- local function dragpoll(nx,ny)
- if not startY then
- startY = AbsoluteToPercent(nx,ny).Y
- end
- local nowY = AbsoluteToPercent(nx,ny).Y
- debugprint('drag dist:',starty-ny).magnitude)
- if,starty-ny).magnitude>MOUSE_DRAG_DISTANCE then
- openPanel=false
- end
- local newFrameY = math.max(math.min(StartFrame.Y.Scale + (nowY - startY),GetMaxScroll()),GetMinScroll())
- ListFrame.Position =,StartFrame.X.Offset,newFrameY,StartFrame.Y.Offset)
- UpdateScrollPosition()
- end
- WaitForClick(ScreenGui,dragpoll,dragExit)
- end
- function StartMinimizeDrag()
- Delay(0,function()
- local startTime=tick()
- debugprint('Got Click2')
- local stopDrag = false
- local function dragExit()
- --debugprint('undone click2')
- if tick()-startTime<.25 then --was click
- ToggleMinimize()
- else --was drag
- DidMinimizeDrag = true
- if IsMinimized.Value then
- ToggleMinimize()
- end
- end
- stopDrag = true
- end
- local startY = nil
- local StartFrame = DefaultBottomClipPos
- local function dragpoll(nx,ny)
- if not IsMinimized.Value then
- if not startY then
- startY = AbsoluteToPercent(nx,ny).Y
- end
- local nowY = AbsoluteToPercent(nx,ny).Y
- local newFrameY
- newFrameY = math.min(math.max(StartFrame + (nowY - startY),-1),-1+(#MiddleFrameBackgrounds*MiddleBGTemplate.Size.Y.Scale))
- DefaultBottomClipPos = newFrameY
- UpdateMinimize()
- ScrollBarFrame.Size=,0,(DefaultBottomClipPos+BottomClipFrame.Size.Y.Scale),0)
- ScrollBarFrame.Position=,0,1-ScrollBarFrame.Size.Y.Scale,0)
- UpdateScrollBarSize()
- UpdateScrollPosition()
- UpdateScrollBarVisibility()
- end
- end
- Spawn(function() WaitForClick(ScreenGui,dragpoll,dragExit) end)
- end)
- end
- -------------------------------
- -- Input Callback functions
- -------------------------------
- IsMaximized.Value=false
- IsMinimized.Value=false
- IsMaximized.Changed:connect(UpdateMaximize)
- IsMinimized.Changed:connect(UpdateMinimize)
- ExtendButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if(time() - LastClick < ButtonCooldown) or InPopupWaitForClick then return end
- LastClick = time()
- if IsTabified.Value then
- UnTabify()
- else
- StartMinimizeDrag()
- end
- end)
- MaximizeButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- if(time() - LastClick < ButtonCooldown) or InPopupWaitForClick then return end
- LastClick = time()
- if IsTabified.Value then
- UnTabify()
- elseif not AreNamesExpanded.Value then
- AreNamesExpanded.Value = true
- BaseUpdate()
- else
- ToggleMaximize()
- end
- end)
- MaximizeButton.MouseButton2Click:connect(function()
- if(time() - LastClick < ButtonCooldown) or InPopupWaitForClick then return end
- LastClick = time()
- if IsTabified.Value then
- UnTabify()
- elseif IsMaximized.Value then
- ToggleMaximize()
- elseif AreNamesExpanded.Value then
- AreNamesExpanded.Value = false
- BaseUpdate()
- else
- Tabify()
- end
- end)
- -------------------------------
- -- MiddleFrames management
- -------------------------------
- --[[
- adds a background frame to the listframe
- --]]
- function AddMiddleBGFrame()
- local nBGFrame = MiddleBGTemplate:Clone()
- nBGFrame.Position =,0,((#MiddleFrameBackgrounds) * nBGFrame.Size.Y.Scale),0)
- if (#MiddleFrameBackgrounds+1)%2 ~= 1 then
- if IsMaximized.Value then
- nBGFrame.Background.Image = ''..Images['LargeDark']
- else
- nBGFrame.Background.Image = ''..Images['midDark']
- end
- else
- if IsMaximized.Value then
- nBGFrame.Background.Image = ''..Images['LargeLight']
- else
- nBGFrame.Background.Image = ''..Images['midLight']
- end
- end
- nBGFrame.Parent = ListFrame
- table.insert(MiddleFrameBackgrounds,nBGFrame)
- if #MiddleFrameBackgrounds<DefaultListSize and not DidMinimizeDrag then
- --print('readjusting bottom clip')
- DefaultBottomClipPos=-1+(#MiddleFrameBackgrounds*MiddleBGTemplate.Size.Y.Scale)
- end
- if not IsMinimized.Value then
- UpdateMinimize()
- end
- end
- --[[
- removes a background from from the listframe
- --]]
- function RemoveMiddleBGFrame()
- MiddleFrameBackgrounds[#MiddleFrameBackgrounds]:Destroy()
- table.remove(MiddleFrameBackgrounds,#MiddleFrameBackgrounds)
- if not IsMinimized.Value then
- UpdateMinimize()
- end
- end
- -------------------------------
- -- Player Callback functions
- -------------------------------
- local FONT_SIZES =
- {'Size8','Size9','Size10','Size11','Size12','Size14','Size24','Size36','Size48'}
- --[[
- note:should probably set to something other than mainFrame.AbsoluteSize, should work for now
- if textbounds ever works on textscaled, switch to that :(
- --]]
- function ChangeHeaderName(nname)
- HeaderName.Text = nname
- UpdateHeaderNameSize()
- end
- --[[
- Will fit the player's name to the bounds of the header
- called on resize of the window and playedr name change events
- HACK: cannot use 'Textscaled' due to unable to find text bounds when scaled
- --]]
- function UpdateHeaderNameSize()
- local tHeader= HeaderName:Clone()
- tHeader.Parent=ScreenGui
- local fSize=7 --Size24 in table
- tHeader.FontSize=FONT_SIZES[fSize]
- Delay(.2,function()
- while tHeader.TextBounds.x==0 do wait(1/30) end
- while tHeader.TextBounds.x-(NormalBounds.X.Offset) > 1 do
- fSize=fSize-1
- tHeader.FontSize=FONT_SIZES[fSize]
- wait(.2)
- end
- HeaderName.FontSize=tHeader.FontSize
- tHeader:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- ScreenGui.Changed:connect(UpdateHeaderNameSize)
- --[[
- called only when the leaderstats object is added to a given player entry
- removes old stats, adds any existing stats, and sets up listeners for new stats
- @Args:
- playerEntry A reference to the ENTRY(table) of the player who had leaderstats added
- --]]
- function LeaderstatsAdded(playerEntry)
- --RemoveAllStats(playerEntry)
- local nplayer = playerEntry['Player']
- for _,i in pairs(nplayer.leaderstats:GetChildren()) do
- StatAdded(i,playerEntry)
- end
- nplayer.leaderstats.ChildAdded:connect(function(nchild) StatAdded(nchild,playerEntry) end)
- nplayer.leaderstats.ChildRemoved:connect(function(nchild) StatRemoved(nchild,playerEntry) end)
- end
- --[[
- called when leaderstats object is removed from play in player entry
- Note: may not be needed, might be able to just rely on leaderstats added
- @Args:
- oldLeaderstats leaderstats object to be removed
- playerEntry A reference to the ENTRY(table) of the player
- --]]
- function LeaderstatsRemoved(oldLeaderstats,playerEntry)
- while AddingFrameLock do debugprint('waiting to insert '..playerEntry['Player'].Name) wait(1/30) end
- AddingFrameLock = true
- RemoveAllStats(playerEntry)
- AddingFrameLock = false
- end
- function ClosePopUpPanel()
- if SelectedPlayerEntry then
- local tframe = SelectedPlayerEntry['Frame']
- Spawn(function() TweenProperty(tframe,'BackgroundTransparency',.5,1,BASE_TWEEN) end)
- end
- PopUpPanel:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN,true)
- wait(.1)
- InPopupWaitForClick= false
- SelectedPlayerEntry = nil
- end
- --[[
- prepares the needed popup to be tweened on screen, and updates the position of the popup clip
- frame to match the selected player frame's position
- --]]
- function InitMovingPanel( entry, player)
- PopUpClipFrame.Parent= ScreenGui
- if PopUpPanel then
- PopUpPanel:Destroy()
- end
- PopUpPanel= PopUpPanelTemplate:Clone()
- PopUpPanel.Parent= PopUpClipFrame
- local nextIndex = 2
- local friendStatus = GetFriendStatus(player)
- debugprint (tostring(friendStatus))
- local showRankMenu = IsPersonalServer and LocalPlayer.PersonalServerRank >= PrivilegeLevel['Admin'] and LocalPlayer.PersonalServerRank > SelectedPlayer.PersonalServerRank
- local ReportPlayerButton = MakePopupButton(PopUpPanel,'Report Player',0)
- ReportPlayerButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() OpenAbuseDialog() end)
- local FriendPlayerButton = MakePopupButton(PopUpPanel,'Friend',1, not showRankMenu and friendStatus~=Enum.FriendStatus.FriendRequestReceived)
- FriendPlayerButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(OnFriendButtonSelect)
- if friendStatus==Enum.FriendStatus.Friend then
- FriendPlayerButton:FindFirstChild('ButtonText').Text='UnFriend Player'
- elseif friendStatus==Enum.FriendStatus.Unknown or friendStatus==Enum.FriendStatus.NotFriend then
- FriendPlayerButton:FindFirstChild('ButtonText').Text='Send Request'
- elseif friendStatus==Enum.FriendStatus.FriendRequestSent then
- FriendPlayerButton:FindFirstChild('ButtonText').Text='Revoke Request'
- elseif friendStatus==Enum.FriendStatus.FriendRequestReceived then
- FriendPlayerButton:FindFirstChild('ButtonText').Text='Accept Friend'
- local FriendRefuseButton = MakePopupButton(PopUpPanel,'Decline Friend',2,not showRankMenu)
- FriendRefuseButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(OnFriendRefuseButtonSelect)
- nextIndex=nextIndex+1
- end
- if showRankMenu then
- local BanPlayerButton = MakePopupButton(PopUpPanel,'Ban',nextIndex)
- local VisitorButton = MakePopupButton(PopUpPanel,'Visitor',nextIndex+1)
- local MemberButton = MakePopupButton(PopUpPanel,'Member',nextIndex+2)
- local AdminButton = MakePopupButton(PopUpPanel,'Admin',nextIndex+3,true)
- BanPlayerButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- OnPrivilegeLevelSelect(player,PrivilegeLevel['Banned'],BanPlayerButton,VisitorButton,MemberButton,AdminButton)
- end)
- VisitorButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- OnPrivilegeLevelSelect(player,PrivilegeLevel['Visitor'],BanPlayerButton,VisitorButton,MemberButton,AdminButton)
- end)
- MemberButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- OnPrivilegeLevelSelect(player,PrivilegeLevel['Member'],BanPlayerButton,VisitorButton,MemberButton,AdminButton)
- end)
- AdminButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- OnPrivilegeLevelSelect(player,PrivilegeLevel['Admin'],BanPlayerButton,VisitorButton,MemberButton,AdminButton)
- end)
- HighlightMyRank(SelectedPlayer,BanPlayerButton,VisitorButton,MemberButton,AdminButton)
- end
- PopUpPanel:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN,true)
- Delay(0, function()
- local tconnection
- tconnection = Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- tconnection:disconnect()
- ClosePopUpPanel()
- end)
- end)
- local myFrame = entry['Frame']
- -- if I parent to frame to auto update position, it gets clipped
- -- sometimes garbage is the only option.
- Spawn(function()
- while InPopupWaitForClick do
- 0,myFrame.AbsolutePosition.X-PopUpClipFrame.Size.X.Offset,0,myFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y)
- wait()
- end
- end)
- end
- --[[
- Called when a player entry in the leaderboard is clicked
- either will highlight entry and start the drag event, or open a popup menu
- @Args:
- entry the player entry clicked
- --]]
- function OnPlayerEntrySelect(entry,startx,starty)
- if not InPopupWaitForClick then
- SelectedPlayerEntry = entry
- SelectedPlayer = entry['Player']
- StartDrag(entry,startx,starty)
- end
- end
- function ActivatePlayerEntryPanel(entry)
- entry['Frame'].BackgroundColor3 =,1,1)
- Spawn(function() TweenProperty(entry['Frame'],'BackgroundTransparency',1,.5,.5) end)
- InPopupWaitForClick=true
- InitMovingPanel(entry,entry['Player'])
- end
- --[[
- the basic update for the playerlist mode's state,
- assures the order and length of the player frames
- --]]
- function PlayerListModeUpdate()
- RecreateScoreColumns(PlayerFrames)
- table.sort(PlayerFrames,PlayerSortFunction)
- for i,val in ipairs(PlayerFrames) do
- MiddleFrames[i] = val['Frame']
- end
- for i = #PlayerFrames + 1,#MiddleFrames,1 do
- MiddleFrames[i] = nil
- end
- UpdateMinimize()
- end
- --[[
- this one's a doozie, happens when a player is added to the game
- inits their player frame and player entry, assigns them to a team if possible,
- and hooks up their leaderstats
- @Args:
- nplayer new player object to insert
- --]]
- function InsertPlayerFrame(nplayer)
- while AddingFrameLock do debugprint('waiting to insert '..filterUsername(nplayer.Name)) wait(1/30) end
- AddingFrameLock = true
- local nFrame = MiddleTemplate:Clone()
- WaitForChild(WaitForChild(nFrame,'TitleFrame'),'Title').Text = GetAliasOf(filterUsername(nplayer.Name))
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while wait(1) do
- nFrame.TitleFrame.Title.Text = GetAliasOf(filterUsername(nplayer.Name))
- end end))
- nFrame.Position =,0,((#MiddleFrames) * nFrame.Size.Y.Scale),0)
- local nfriendstatus = GetFriendStatus(nplayer)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while true do
- nFrame:FindFirstChild('BCLabel').Image = getMembershipTypeIcon(nplayer.MembershipType,filterUsername(nplayer.Name))
- wait(1)
- end end))
- nFrame:FindFirstChild('FriendLabel').Image = getFriendStatusIcon(nfriendstatus)
- nFrame.Name = filterUsername(nplayer.Name)
- --move for bc label
- if(nFrame:FindFirstChild('FriendLabel').Image ~= '') then
- end
- if nplayer.Name == filterUsername(LocalPlayer.Name) then
- nFrame.TitleFrame.Title.Font = 'ArialBold'
- nFrame.PlayerScore.Font = 'ArialBold'
- ChangeHeaderName(GetAliasOf(filterUsername(nplayer.Name)))
- local dropShadow = nFrame.TitleFrame.Title:Clone()
- dropShadow.TextColor3 =,0,0)
- dropShadow.TextTransparency=0
- dropShadow.ZIndex=2
- dropShadow.Name='DropShadow'
- dropShadow.Parent= nFrame.TitleFrame
- else
- --Delay(2, function () OnFriendshipChanged(nplayer,LocalPlayer:GetFriendStatus(nplayer)) end)
- end
- nFrame.TitleFrame.Title.Font = 'ArialBold'
- nFrame.Parent = ListFrame
- nFrame:TweenPosition(,0,((#MiddleFrames) * nFrame.Size.Y.Scale),0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN,true)
- UpdateMinimize()
- local nentry = {}
- nentry['Frame'] = nFrame
- nentry['Player'] = nplayer
- nentry['ID'] = AddId
- AddId = AddId + 1
- table.insert(PlayerFrames,nentry)
- if #TeamFrames~=0 then
- if nplayer.Neutral then
- nentry['MyTeam'] = nil
- if not NeutralTeam then
- AddNeutralTeam()
- else
- AddPlayerToTeam(NeutralTeam,nentry)
- end
- else
- local addedToTeam=false
- for i,tval in ipairs(TeamFrames) do
- if tval['MyTeam'].TeamColor == nplayer.TeamColor then
- AddPlayerToTeam(tval,nentry)
- nentry['MyTeam'] = tval
- addedToTeam=true
- end
- end
- if not addedToTeam then
- nentry['MyTeam']=nil
- if not NeutralTeam then
- AddNeutralTeam()
- else
- AddPlayerToTeam(NeutralTeam,nentry)
- end
- nentry['MyTeam'] = NeutralTeam
- end
- end
- end
- if nplayer:FindFirstChild('leaderstats') then
- LeaderstatsAdded(nentry)
- end
- nplayer.ChildAdded:connect(function(nchild)
- if nchild.Name == 'leaderstats' then
- while AddingFrameLock do debugprint('in adding leaderstats lock') wait(1/30) end
- AddingFrameLock = true
- LeaderstatsAdded(nentry)
- AddingFrameLock = false
- end
- end)
- nplayer.ChildRemoved:connect(function (nchild)
- if nplayer==LocalPlayer and nchild.Name == 'leaderstats' then
- LeaderstatsRemoved(nchild,nentry)
- end
- end)
- nplayer.Changed:connect(function(prop)PlayerChanged(nentry,prop) end)
- local listener = WaitForChild(nFrame,'ClickListener')
- listener.Active = true
- listener.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(nx,ny) OnPlayerEntrySelect(nentry, nx,ny) end)
- AddMiddleBGFrame()
- BaseUpdate()
- AddingFrameLock = false
- end
- --[[
- Note:major optimization can be done here
- removes this player's frame if it exists, calls base update
- --]]
- function RemovePlayerFrame(tplayer)
- while AddingFrameLock do debugprint('in removing player frame lock') wait(1/30) end
- AddingFrameLock = true
- local tteam
- for i,key in ipairs(PlayerFrames) do
- if tplayer == key['Player'] then
- if PopUpClipFrame.Parent == key['Frame'] then
- PopUpClipFrame.Parent = nil
- end
- key['Frame']:Destroy()
- tteam=key['MyTeam']
- table.remove(PlayerFrames,i)
- end
- end
- if tteam then
- for j,tentry in ipairs(tteam['MyPlayers']) do
- if tentry['Player'] == tplayer then
- RemovePlayerFromTeam(tteam,j)
- end
- end
- end
- RemoveMiddleBGFrame()
- UpdateMinimize()
- BaseUpdate()
- AddingFrameLock = false
- end
- Players.ChildRemoved:connect(RemovePlayerFrame)
- ----------------------------
- -- Team Callback Functions
- ----------------------------
- --[[
- turns a list of team entries with sub lists of players into a single ordered
- list, in the correct order,and of the correct length
- @Args:
- tframes the team entries to unroll
- outframes the list to unroll these entries into
- --]]
- function UnrollTeams(tframes,outframes)
- local numEntries = 0
- if NeutralTeam and not NeutralTeam['IsHidden'] then
- for i,val in ipairs(NeutralTeam['MyPlayers']) do
- numEntries = numEntries + 1
- outframes[numEntries] = val['Frame']
- end
- numEntries = numEntries + 1
- outframes[numEntries] = NeutralTeam['Frame']
- end
- for i,val in ipairs(tframes) do
- if not val['IsHidden'] then
- for j,pval in ipairs(val.MyPlayers) do
- numEntries = numEntries + 1
- outframes[numEntries] = pval['Frame']
- end
- numEntries = numEntries + 1
- outframes[numEntries] = val['Frame']
- end
- end
- -- clear any additional entries from outframes
- for i = numEntries + 1,#outframes,1 do
- outframes[i] = nil
- end
- end
- --[[
- uses lua's table.sort to sort the teams
- --]]
- function TeamSortFunc(a,b)
- if a['TeamScore'] == b['TeamScore'] then
- return a['ID'] < b['ID']
- end
- if not a['TeamScore'] then return false end
- if not b['TeamScore'] then return true end
- return a['TeamScore'] < b['TeamScore']
- end
- --[[
- consider adding lock with wait for performance
- sorts each of the team's player lists induvidually, adds up the team scores.
- @Args:
- tentries table of team entries
- --]]
- function SortTeams(tentries)
- for i,val in ipairs(tentries) do
- table.sort(val['MyPlayers'],PlayerSortFunction)
- AddTeamScores(val)
- end
- table.sort(tentries,TeamSortFunc)
- end
- --[[
- base update for team mode, adds up the scores of all teams, sorts them,
- then unrolls them into middleframes
- --]]
- function TeamListModeUpdate()
- RecreateScoreColumns(PlayerFrames)
- SortTeams(TeamFrames)
- if NeutralTeam then
- AddTeamScores(NeutralTeam)
- --RecreateScoreColumns(NeutralTeam['MyPlayers'])
- end
- UnrollTeams(TeamFrames,MiddleFrames)
- end
- --[[
- adds up all the score of this team's players to form the team score
- @Args:
- team team entry to sum the scores of
- --]]
- function AddTeamScores(team)
- for j = 1, #ScoreNames,1 do
- local i = ScoreNames[j]
- local tscore = 0
- for _,j in ipairs(team['MyPlayers']) do
- local tval = j['Player']:FindFirstChild('leaderstats') and j['Player'].leaderstats:FindFirstChild(i['Name'])
- if tval and not tval:IsA('StringValue') then
- tscore = tscore + GetScoreValue((j['Player'].leaderstats)[i['Name'] ])
- end
- end
- if team['Frame']:FindFirstChild(i['Name']) then
- --team['Frame'][i['Name'] ].Size = - (ScrollBarFrame.Size.X.Scale * 2),- ((j-1) * SpacingPerStat),1,0)
- team['Frame'][i['Name'] ].Text = tostring(tscore)
- end
- end
- UpdateMinimize()
- end
- --[[
- finds previous team this player was on, and if it exists calls removeplayerfromteam
- @Args
- entry Player entry
- --]]
- function FindRemovePlayerFromTeam(entry)
- if entry['MyTeam'] then
- for j,oldEntry in ipairs(entry['MyTeam']['MyPlayers']) do
- if oldEntry['Player'] == entry['Player'] then
- RemovePlayerFromTeam(entry['MyTeam'],j)
- return
- end
- end
- elseif NeutralTeam then
- for j,oldEntry in ipairs(NeutralTeam['MyPlayers']) do
- if oldEntry['Player'] == entry['Player'] then
- RemovePlayerFromTeam(NeutralTeam,j)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- removes a single player from a given team (not usually called directly)
- @Args:
- teamEntry team entry to remove player from
- index index of player in 'MyPlayers' list to remove
- --]]
- function RemovePlayerFromTeam(teamEntry,index)
- table.remove(teamEntry['MyPlayers'],index)
- --if teamEntry['AutoHide'] and #teamEntry['MyPlayers'] == 0 then
- if teamEntry==NeutralTeam and #teamEntry['MyPlayers']==0 then
- RemoveNeutralTeam()
- end
- end
- --[[
- adds player entry entry to teamentry
- removes them from any previous team
- @Args:
- teamEntry entry of team to add player to
- entry player entry to add to this team
- --]]
- function AddPlayerToTeam(teamEntry,entry)
- FindRemovePlayerFromTeam(entry)
- table.insert(teamEntry['MyPlayers'],entry)
- entry['MyTeam'] = teamEntry
- if teamEntry['IsHidden'] then
- teamEntry['Frame'].Parent = ListFrame
- AddMiddleBGFrame()
- end
- teamEntry['IsHidden'] = false
- end
- function SetPlayerToTeam(entry)
- FindRemovePlayerFromTeam(entry)
- -- check to see if team exists, if it does add to that team
- local setToTeam = false
- for i,tframe in ipairs(TeamFrames) do
- -- add my entry on the new team
- if tframe['MyTeam'].TeamColor == entry['Player'].TeamColor then
- AddPlayerToTeam(tframe,entry)
- setToTeam = true
- end
- end
- -- if player was set to an invalid team, then set it back to neutral
- if not setToTeam and #(game.Teams:GetTeams())>0 then
- debugprint(entry['Player'].Name..'could not find team')
- entry['MyTeam']=nil
- if not NeutralTeam then
- AddNeutralTeam()
- else AddPlayerToTeam(NeutralTeam,entry) end
- end
- end
- --[[
- Note:another big one, consiter breaking up
- called when any children of player changes
- handles 'Neutral', teamColor, Name and MembershipType changes
- @Args
- entry Player entry changed
- property name of property changed
- --]]
- function PlayerChanged(entry, property)
- while PlayerChangedLock do
- debugprint('in playerchanged lock')
- wait(1/30)
- end
- PlayerChangedLock=true
- if property == 'Neutral' then
- -- if player changing to neutral
- if entry['Player'].Neutral and #(game.Teams:GetTeams())>0 then
- debugprint(entry['Player'].Name..'setting to neutral')
- FindRemovePlayerFromTeam(entry)
- entry['MyTeam']=nil
- if not NeutralTeam then
- debugprint(entry['Player'].Name..'creating neutral team')
- AddNeutralTeam()
- else
- debugprint(entry['Player'].Name..'adding to neutral team')
- AddPlayerToTeam(NeutralTeam,entry)
- end
- elseif #(game.Teams:GetTeams())>0 then -- else player switching to a team, or a weird edgecase
- debugprint(entry['Player'].Name..'has been set non-neutral')
- SetPlayerToTeam(entry)
- end
- BaseUpdate()
- elseif property == 'TeamColor' and not entry['Player'].Neutral and entry['Player'] ~= entry['MyTeam'] then
- debugprint(entry['Player'].Name..'setting to new team')
- SetPlayerToTeam(entry)
- BaseUpdate()
- elseif property == 'Name' or property == 'MembershipType' then
- entry['Frame']:FindFirstChild('BCLabel').Image = getMembershipTypeIcon(entry['Player'].MembershipType,entry['Player'].Name)
- entry['Frame'].Name = entry['Player'].Name
- entry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Title.Text = entry['Player'].Name
- if(entry['Frame'].BCLabel.Image ~= '') then
- entry['Frame'], 30, .1, 0)
- end
- if entry['Player'] == LocalPlayer then
- entry['Frame'].TitleFrame.DropShadow.Text= entry['Player'].Name
- ChangeHeaderName(entry['Player'].Name)
- end
- BaseUpdate()
- end
- PlayerChangedLock=false
- end
- function OnFriendshipChanged(player,friendStatus)
- Delay(.5,function()
- debugprint('friend status changed for:'..player.Name .." ".. tostring(friendStatus) .. " vs " .. tostring(GetFriendStatus(player)) )
- for _, entry in ipairs(PlayerFrames) do
- if entry['Player']==player then
- local nicon = getFriendStatusIcon(friendStatus)
- if nicon == '' and entry['Frame'].FriendLabel.Image ~= '' then
- entry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Title.Position=entry['Frame'],17,0,0)
- elseif nicon ~= '' and entry['Frame'].FriendLabel.Image == '' then
- entry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Title.Position=entry['Frame'],17,0,0)
- debugprint('confirmed status:'..player.Name)
- end
- entry['Frame'].FriendLabel.Image = nicon
- return
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- --LocalPlayer.FriendStatusChanged:connect(OnFriendshipChanged)
- --[[
- adds a neutral team if nessisary
- Note: a lot of redundant code here, might want to refactor to share a function with insertteamframe
- --]]
- function AddNeutralTeam()
- while NeutralTeamLock do debugprint('in neutral team 2 lock') wait() end
- NeutralTeamLock = true
- local defaultTeam ='Team')
- defaultTeam.TeamColor ='White')
- defaultTeam.Name = 'Neutral'
- local nentry = {}
- nentry['MyTeam'] = defaultTeam
- nentry['MyPlayers'] = {}
- nentry['Frame'] = MiddleTemplate:Clone()
- WaitForChild(WaitForChild(nentry['Frame'],'TitleFrame'),'Title').Text = defaultTeam.Name
- nentry['Frame']['Frame'].TitleFrame.Position.X.Scale,nentry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Position.X.Offset,.1,0)
- nentry['Frame']['Frame'].TitleFrame.Size.X.Scale,nentry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Size.X.Offset,.8,0)
- nentry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Title.Font = 'ArialBold'
- nentry['Frame'].Position =,0,((#MiddleFrames) * nentry['Frame'].Size.Y.Scale),0)
- WaitForChild(nentry['Frame'],'ClickListener').MouseButton1Down:connect(function(nx,ny) StartDrag(nentry,nx,ny) end)
- nentry['Frame'].ClickListener.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1)
- nentry['Frame'].ClickListener.BackgroundTransparency = .7
- nentry['Frame'].ClickListener.AutoButtonColor=false
- nentry['AutoHide'] = true
- nentry['IsHidden'] = true
- for _,i in pairs(PlayerFrames) do
- if i['Player'].Neutral or not i['MyTeam'] then
- AddPlayerToTeam(nentry,i)
- end
- end
- if #nentry['MyPlayers'] > 0 then
- NeutralTeam = nentry
- UpdateMinimize()
- BaseUpdate()
- end
- NeutralTeamLock = false
- end
- function RemoveNeutralTeam()
- while NeutralTeamLock do debugprint('in neutral team lock') wait() end
- NeutralTeamLock = true
- NeutralTeam['Frame']:Destroy()
- NeutralTeam=nil
- RemoveMiddleBGFrame()
- NeutralTeamLock = false
- end
- --[[
- --]]
- function TeamScoreChanged(entry,nscore)
- WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'PlayerScore').Text = tostring(nscore)
- entry['TeamScore'] = nscore
- end
- --[[
- called when child added to a team, used for autohide functionality
- Note: still has teamscore, consiter removing
- --]]
- function TeamChildAdded(entry,nchild)
- if nchild.Name == 'AutoHide' then
- entry['AutoHide'] = true
- elseif nchild.Name == 'TeamScore' then
- WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'PlayerScore').Text = tostring(nchild.Value)
- entry['TeamScore'] = nchild.Value
- nchild.Changed:connect(function() TeamScoreChanged(entry,nchild.Value) end)
- end
- end
- --[[
- called when child added to a team, used for autohide functionality
- Note: still has teamscore, consiter removing
- --]]
- function TeamChildRemoved(entry,nchild)
- if nchild.Name == 'AutoHide' then
- entry['AutoHide'] = false
- elseif nchild.Name == 'TeamScore' then
- WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'PlayerScore').Text = ""
- entry['TeamScore'] = nil
- end
- end
- function TeamChanged(entry, property)
- if property=='Name' then
- WaitForChild(WaitForChild(entry['Frame'],'TitleFrame'),'Title').Text = entry['MyTeam'].Name
- elseif property=='TeamColor' then
- entry['Frame'].ClickListener.BackgroundColor3 = entry['MyTeam'].TeamColor.Color
- for _,i in pairs(TeamFrames) do
- if i['MyTeam'].TeamColor == entry['MyTeam'] then
- RemoveTeamFrame(entry['MyTeam']) --NO DUPLICATE TEAMS!
- end
- end
- entry['MyPlayers']={}
- for _,i in pairs(PlayerFrames) do
- SetPlayerToTeam(i)
- end
- BaseUpdate()
- end
- end
- --[[
- creates team entry and frame for this team, sets up listeners for this team
- adds any players intended for this team,Creates neutral team if this is the first team added
- Note:might be best to break this into multiple functions to simplify
- @Args:
- nteam new team object added
- --]]
- function InsertTeamFrame(nteam)
- while AddingFrameLock do debugprint('in adding team frame lock') wait(1/30) end
- AddingFrameLock = true
- --for _,i in pairs(TeamFrames) do
- local nentry = {}
- nentry['MyTeam'] = nteam
- nentry['MyPlayers'] = {}
- nentry['Frame'] = MiddleTemplate:Clone()
- WaitForChild(WaitForChild(nentry['Frame'],'TitleFrame'),'Title').Text = nteam.Name
- nentry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Title.Font = 'ArialBold'
- nentry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Title.FontSize = 'Size18'
- nentry['Frame']['Frame'].TitleFrame.Position.X.Scale,nentry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Position.X.Offset,.1,0)
- nentry['Frame']['Frame'].TitleFrame.Size.X.Scale,nentry['Frame'].TitleFrame.Size.X.Offset,.8,0)
- nentry['Frame'].Position =,0,((#MiddleFrames) * nentry['Frame'].Size.Y.Scale),0)
- WaitForChild(nentry['Frame'],'ClickListener').MouseButton1Down:connect(function(nx,ny) StartDrag(nentry,nx,ny) end)
- nentry['Frame'].ClickListener.BackgroundColor3 = nteam.TeamColor.Color
- nentry['Frame'].ClickListener.BackgroundTransparency = .7
- nentry['Frame'].ClickListener.AutoButtonColor=false
- AddId = AddId + 1
- nentry['ID'] = AddId
- nentry['AutoHide'] = false
- if nteam:FindFirstChild('AutoHide') then
- nentry['AutoHide'] = true
- end
- if nteam:FindFirstChild('TeamScore') then
- TeamChildAdded(nentry,nteam.TeamScore)
- end
- nteam.ChildAdded:connect(function(nchild) TeamChildAdded(nentry,nchild) end)
- nteam.ChildRemoved:connect(function(nchild) TeamChildRemoved(nentry,nchild) end)
- nteam.Changed:connect(function(prop) TeamChanged(nentry,prop) end)
- for _,i in pairs(PlayerFrames) do
- if not i['Player'].Neutral and i['Player'].TeamColor == nteam.TeamColor then
- AddPlayerToTeam(nentry,i)
- end
- end
- nentry['IsHidden'] = false
- if not nentry['AutoHide'] or #nentry['MyPlayers'] > 0 then
- nentry['Frame'].Parent = ListFrame
- nentry['Frame']:TweenPosition(,0,((#MiddleFrames) * nentry['Frame'].Size.Y.Scale),0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN,true)
- AddMiddleBGFrame()
- else
- nentry['IsHidden'] = true
- nentry['Frame'].Parent = nil
- end
- table.insert(TeamFrames,nentry)
- UpdateMinimize()
- BaseUpdate()
- if #TeamFrames == 1 and not NeutralTeam then
- AddNeutralTeam()
- end
- AddingFrameLock = false
- end
- --[[
- removes team from team list
- @Args:
- nteam Teamobject to remove
- --]]
- function RemoveTeamFrame(nteam)
- while AddingFrameLock do debugprint('in removing team frame lock') wait(1/30) end
- AddingFrameLock = true
- if IsMinimized.Value then
- end
- local myEntry
- for i,key in ipairs(TeamFrames) do
- if nteam == key['MyTeam'] then
- myEntry = key
- key['Frame']:Destroy()
- table.remove(TeamFrames,i)
- end
- end
- if #TeamFrames==0 then
- debugprint('removeteamframe, remove neutral')
- if NeutralTeam then
- RemoveNeutralTeam()
- end
- end
- for i,key in ipairs(myEntry['MyPlayers']) do
- RemovePlayerFromTeam(myEntry,i)
- PlayerChanged(key, 'TeamColor')
- end
- RemoveMiddleBGFrame()
- BaseUpdate()
- AddingFrameLock = false
- end
- function TeamAdded(nteam)
- InsertTeamFrame(nteam)
- end
- function TeamRemoved(nteam)
- RemoveTeamFrame(nteam)
- end
- ---------------------------------
- --[[
- called when ANYTHING changes the state of the playerlist
- re-sorts everything,assures correct positions of all elements
- --]]
- function BaseUpdate()
- while BaseUpdateLock do debugprint('in baseupdate lock') wait(1/30) end
- BaseUpdateLock = true
- --print ('baseupdate')
- UpdateStatNames()
- if #TeamFrames == 0 and not NeutralTeam then
- PlayerListModeUpdate()
- else
- TeamListModeUpdate()
- end
- for i,key in ipairs(MiddleFrames) do
- if key.Parent ~= nil then
- key:TweenPosition(,0,((#MiddleFrames - (i)) * key.Size.Y.Scale),0), "Out", "Linear", BASE_TWEEN,true)
- end
- end
- if not IsMinimized.Value and #MiddleFrames>DefaultEntriesOnScreen then
- UpdateScrollPosition()
- end
- UpdateMinimize()
- UpdateScrollBarSize()
- UpdateScrollPosition()
- UpdateScrollBarVisibility()
- --debugprint('EndBaseUpdate')
- BaseUpdateLock = false
- end
- --[[
- code for attaching tab key to maximizing player list
- --]]
- --game.GuiService:AddKey("\t")
- local LastTabTime = time()
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(
- function(key)
- if key == "\t" then
- debugprint('caught tab key')
- local modalCheck, isModal = pcall(function() return game.GuiService.IsModalDialog end)
- if modalCheck == false or (modalCheck and isModal == false) then
- if time() - LastTabTime > 0.4 then
- LastTabTime = time()
- if IsTabified.Value then
- if not IsMaximized.Value then
- ScreenGui:TweenPosition(, 0, 0,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- IsMaximized.Value = true
- else
- ScreenGui:TweenPosition(, NormalBounds.X.Offset-10, 0,0),'Out','Linear',BASE_TWEEN*1.2,true)
- IsMaximized.Value = false
- IsMinimized.Value=true
- end
- else
- ToggleMaximize()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- function PlayersChildAdded(tplayer)
- if tplayer:IsA('Player') then
- Spawn(function() debugPlayerAdd(tplayer) end)
- else
- BlowThisPopsicleStand()
- end
- end
- function coreGuiChanged(coreGuiType, enabled)
- if coreGuiType == Enum.CoreGuiType.All or coreGuiType == Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList then
- MainFrame.Visible = enabled
- end
- end
- function TeamsChildAdded(nteam)
- if nteam:IsA('Team') then
- TeamAdded(nteam)
- else
- BlowThisPopsicleStand()
- end
- end
- function TeamsChildRemoved(nteam)
- if nteam:IsA('Team') then
- TeamRemoved(nteam)
- else
- BlowThisPopsicleStand()
- end
- end
- ----------------------------
- -- Hookups and initialization
- ----------------------------
- function debugPlayerAdd(p)
- InsertPlayerFrame(p)
- end
- Spawn(function ()
- while wait() do
- ScreenGui.Visible = game.StarterGui:GetCoreGuiEnabled("PlayerList")
- end
- end)
- while not game:GetService('Teams') do wait(1/30) debugprint('Waiting For Teams') end
- for _,i in pairs(game.Teams:GetTeams()) do TeamAdded(i) end
- for _,i in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do Spawn(function() debugPlayerAdd(i) end) end
- game.Teams.ChildAdded:connect(TeamsChildAdded)
- game.Teams.ChildRemoved:connect(TeamsChildRemoved)
- Players.ChildAdded:connect(PlayersChildAdded)
- InitReportAbuse()
- AreNamesExpanded.Value = true
- BaseUpdate()
- --UGGGLY,find a better way later
- wait(2)
- IsPersonalServer= not not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("PSVariable")
- ----------------------------
- -- Running Logic
- ----------------------------
- --debug stuffs, will only run for 'newplayerlistisbad'
- if LocalPlayer.Name == 'newplayerlistisbad' or LocalPlayer.Name == 'imtotallyadmin' then
- debugFrame.Parent = ScreenGui
- Spawn(function()
- while true do
- local str_players=''
- for _,i in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- str_players= str_players .." " .. i.Name
- end
- debugplayers.Text=str_players
- wait(.5)
- end
- end)
- end
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