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- /*=================================================================
- _ ____ _____ __ __
- (_) _ \ ___ |_ _|__ __ _| \/ |
- | | |_) / __| | |/ _ \/ _` | |\/| |
- | | __/\__ \ | | __/ (_| | | | |
- |_|_| |___/ |_|\___|\__,_|_| |_|
- Created by Bruno da Silva
- Stremaer Objects [iPs]Streamer
- =================================================================*/
- #include <a_samp>
- #include IPS/foreach
- #include IPS/ips_ini
- #define MAX_STREAM 10000
- #define MIN_INTERVAL 00500
- #define MAX_DRAW 350.0
- #define function%0(%1) %0(%1); public %0(%1)
- // ===================== [ Declarar Variaveis ] ================================
- stock static
- bool:objetoDeletado[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_STREAM],
- Float:objetoDistancia[MAX_PLAYERS],
- Iterator:structObject<MAX_STREAM>,
- Float:dataObject[MAX_STREAM][7],
- objetoConfigs[MAX_STREAM][2],
- objetosCriados[MAX_PLAYERS],
- objetoNumero[MAX_PLAYERS],
- objetoCriado[MAX_STREAM],
- objectModel[MAX_STREAM],
- objetoIdd[MAX_STREAM],
- objCriados = 0;
- // ========================== [ Funções ] ======================================
- public OnFilterScriptInit()
- {
- // createObjectsFromMAPFile("");
- // createObjectsFromTXTFile("mapa.txt", '|');
- return SetTimer("ObjectUpdate", MIN_INTERVAL, true);
- }
- stock getMapXMLParam(string[], param[])
- {
- new
- tempString[128],
- paramInt = strfind(string, param, true)
- ;
- if(-1 != paramInt)
- {
- paramInt += strlen(param);
- for(new j = -1; string[paramInt] != '"'; ++paramInt)
- {
- tempString[++j] = string[paramInt];
- }
- }
- return tempString;
- }
- function createObjectsFromMAPFile(arquivo[])
- {
- new
- File:arquivoFopen = fopen(arquivo, io_read),
- string[256]
- ;
- while(fread(arquivoFopen, string))
- {
- if(strlen(getMapXMLParam(string, "id=\"object")) < 2) continue;
- createObject
- (
- strval(getMapXMLParam(string, "model=\"")),
- floatstr(getMapXMLParam(string, "posX=\"")),
- floatstr(getMapXMLParam(string, "posY=\"")),
- floatstr(getMapXMLParam(string, "posZ=\"")),
- floatstr(getMapXMLParam(string, "rotX=\"")),
- floatstr(getMapXMLParam(string, "rotY=\"")),
- floatstr(getMapXMLParam(string, "rotZ=\"")),
- MAX_DRAW, strval(getMapXMLParam(string, "interior=\"")), 0
- );
- }
- return true;
- }
- function createObjectsFromTXTFile(arquivo[], split)
- {
- static
- fileFormat[24],
- string[64],
- modelid,
- interior,
- worldids
- ;
- new
- File:arquivoFopen = fopen(arquivo, io_read)
- ;
- enum E_OBJECTF
- {
- Float:float1,
- Float:float2,
- Float:float3,
- Float:float4,
- Float:float5,
- Float:float6,
- Float:float7
- };
- new
- Float:dataFloat[E_OBJECTF]
- ;
- format(fileFormat, 24, "p<%c>de<fffffff>dd", split);
- while(fread(arquivoFopen, string))
- {
- sscanf(string, fileFormat, modelid, dataFloat,interior, worldids);
- if(!dataFloat[float7])
- {
- dataFloat[float7] = 350.0;
- }
- createObject(modelid, dataFloat[float1], dataFloat[float2], dataFloat[float3], dataFloat[float4], dataFloat[float5], dataFloat[float6], dataFloat[float7], interior, worldids);
- }
- #pragma unused modelid
- #pragma unused dataFloat
- #pragma unused string
- #pragma unused split
- #pragma unused fileFormat
- #pragma unused interior
- #pragma unused worldids
- return fclose(arquivoFopen);
- }
- function createObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ, Float:DrawDistance, interior, worldids)
- {
- if(MAX_STREAM - 1 == objCriados)
- {
- print("[ERRO] Informação acessada inválida (objeto numero " #MAX_STREAM - 1 " ) (limite excedido)");
- return false;
- }
- ++objCriados;
- objectModel[objCriados] = modelid;
- dataObject[objCriados][0] = X;
- dataObject[objCriados][1] = Y;
- dataObject[objCriados][2] = Z;
- dataObject[objCriados][3] = rX;
- dataObject[objCriados][4] = rY;
- dataObject[objCriados][5] = rZ;
- objetoConfigs[objCriados][0] = worldids;
- objetoConfigs[objCriados][1] = interior;
- dataObject[objCriados][6] = DrawDistance;
- Iter_Add(structObject, objCriados);
- return objCriados;
- }
- function deleteObject(objectid)
- {
- foreach(Player, i)
- {
- DestroyPlayerObject(i, objectid);
- dataObject[objectid][0] = 0;
- dataObject[objectid][1] = 0;
- dataObject[objectid][2] = 0;
- dataObject[objectid][3] = 0;
- dataObject[objectid][4] = 0;
- dataObject[objectid][5] = 0;
- dataObject[objectid][6] = 0;
- objetoIdd[objectid] = 0;
- objectModel[objectid] = 0;
- objetoConfigs[objectid][0] = 0;
- objetoConfigs[objectid][1] = 0;
- Iter_Remove(structObject, objectid);
- }
- return true;
- }
- function moveObject(objectid, Float:pX, Float:pY, Float:pZ, Float:Speed, Float:rotX, Float:rotY, Float:rotZ)
- {
- foreach(Player, i) {
- dataObject[objectid][0] = pX;
- dataObject[objectid][1] = pY;
- dataObject[objectid][2] = pZ;
- #if defined PlayAudioStreamForPlayer
- {
- MovePlayerObject(i, objectid, pX, pY, pZ, Speed, rotX, rotY, rotZ);
- }
- #else
- {
- MovePlayerObject(i, objectid, pX, pY, pZ, Speed);
- }
- #endif
- }
- return 1;
- }
- function ObjectUpdate()
- {
- static objetoPerto;
- foreach(Player, i) foreach(structObject, o)
- {
- objetoPerto = IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, dataObject[o][6], dataObject[o][0], dataObject[o][1], dataObject[o][2]);
- if(objetoPerto && !objetoCriado[o] && GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i) == objetoConfigs[o][0] && GetPlayerInterior(i) == objetoConfigs[o][1])
- {
- static
- Float: px,
- Float: py,
- Float: pz,
- Float: pd;
- GetPlayerPos(i, px, py, pz);
- px -= dataObject[o][0];
- py -= dataObject[o][1];
- pz -= dataObject[o][2];
- pd = floatsqroot((px * px) + (py * py) + (pz * pz));
- if(pd > objetoDistancia[i]) {
- objetoDistancia[i] = pd;
- objetoNumero[i] = o;
- }
- // criar ojeto
- ++objetoCriado[o];
- ++objetosCriados[i];
- objetoIdd[o] = CreatePlayerObject(i, objectModel[o], dataObject[o][0], dataObject[o][1], dataObject[o][2], dataObject[o][3], dataObject[o][4], dataObject[o][5], dataObject[o][6]);
- // tirar objeto caso limite for ultrapssado
- if(objetosCriados[i] > MAX_OBJECTS - 50) { // PREVENT CRASH
- DestroyPlayerObject(i, objetoIdd[objetoNumero[i]]);
- objetoDistancia[i] = 0.0;
- --objetosCriados[i];
- --objetoCriado[o];
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(objetoPerto && !objetoCriado[o]) {
- DestroyPlayerObject(i, objetoIdd[o]);
- --objetoCriado[o];
- --objetosCriados[i];
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- sscanf(string[], format[],{Float,_}:...)
- {
- #if !defined isNull
- #define isNull(%0) (!%0[0] || %0[0] == '\1' && !%0[1])
- #endif
- #if defined strcpy
- #undef strcpy
- #endif
- #if !defined foreach
- #define foreach(%0,%1) for (new %1 = 0; %1 != MAX_PLAYERS; ++%1) if(IsPlayerConnected(%1))
- #endif
- #define strcpy(%0,%1) strcat((%0[0] = '\0', %0), %1, sizeof(%0))
- #define MAX_BUFFER 128
- if(isNull(string))
- {
- return false;
- }
- new
- formatCount = -1,
- stringCount = -1,
- paramsCount = 2,
- delim = 0x20,
- bool:silentMod = false,
- totalParams = numargs()
- ;
- static
- temporaria[MAX_BUFFER]
- ;
- strcpy(temporaria, string);
- #pragma unused string
- while(format[++formatCount])
- {
- switch(format[formatCount])
- {
- case '{':
- {
- silentMod = true;
- continue;
- }
- case '}':
- {
- silentMod = false;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if(silentMod)
- {
- continue;
- }
- switch(format[formatCount])
- {
- case 'i', 'd':
- {
- new
- numero,
- caractere = temporaria[stringCount + 1],
- negativo = 1 ;
- if(caractere == '-')
- {
- ++stringCount;
- negativo = -1;
- }
- while((caractere = temporaria[++stringCount]) != delim && caractere)
- {
- if ('0' <= caractere <= '9')
- {
- numero = (numero * 10) + (caractere - '0');
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- setarg(paramsCount, 0, numero * negativo);
- ++paramsCount;
- continue;
- }
- case 'f':
- {
- new sscanfValor = -1;
- new
- stringFloat[15]
- ;
- while(temporaria[++stringCount] != delim && temporaria[stringCount])
- {
- stringFloat[++sscanfValor] = temporaria[stringCount];
- }
- if(sscanfValor != -1)
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, 0, _:floatstr(stringFloat));
- ++paramsCount;
- }
- #pragma unused sscanfValor
- continue;
- }
- case 'u':
- {
- new
- texto,
- tempVal = stringCount,
- stringTemp[MAX_BUFFER],
- caractere = temporaria[stringCount + 1] ;
- while((caractere = temporaria[++tempVal]) != delim && temporaria[stringCount]) if ('0' > caractere || '9' < caractere)
- {
- texto = 1;
- break;
- }
- if(!texto)
- {
- while((caractere = temporaria[++stringCount])!= delim && caractere)
- {
- texto = (texto * 10) + (caractere - '0');
- }
- texto = 10;
- setarg(paramsCount, 0, texto);
- }
- else
- {
- texto = -1;
- while(temporaria[++stringCount] != delim && temporaria[stringCount])
- {
- stringTemp[++texto] = temporaria[stringCount];
- }
- foreach(Player, i)
- {
- static
- ;
- GetPlayerName(i, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
- if(-1 != strfind(name, stringTemp, true))
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, 0, i);
- texto = 10;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(10 != texto)
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, 0, -1);
- }
- ++paramsCount;
- continue;
- }
- case 's', 'z':
- {
- new
- sscanfValor = -1
- ;
- while(temporaria[++stringCount] != delim && temporaria[stringCount])
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, ++sscanfValor, temporaria[stringCount]);
- }
- if(sscanfValor != -1)
- {
- ++paramsCount;
- }
- #pragma unused sscanfValor
- continue;
- }
- case 'c':
- {
- if(!temporaria[++stringCount]) return false;
- setarg(paramsCount, 0, temporaria[stringCount]);
- continue;
- }
- case '(':
- {
- switch(format[formatCount - 1])
- {
- case 'g':
- {
- new
- findString[MAX_BUFFER],
- sscanfValor = -1
- ;
- while(format[++formatCount] != ')')
- {
- findString[++sscanfValor] = format[formatCount];
- }
- if(-1 != sscanfValor)
- {
- sscanfValor = strfind(temporaria, findString, true);
- if(-1 != sscanfValor)
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, 0, sscanfValor);
- stringCount = sscanfValor+strlen(findString)+1;
- setarg(++paramsCount, 0, stringCount);
- }
- }
- ++paramsCount;
- #pragma unused sscanfValor
- continue;
- }
- case 'r':
- {
- while(format[++formatCount] )
- {
- switch(format[formatCount])
- {
- case ')':
- {
- break;
- }
- case 's' , 'z':
- {
- new
- sscanfValor = -1,
- bufferString[MAX_BUFFER] ;
- while(temporaria[++stringCount] != delim && temporaria[stringCount])
- {
- bufferString[++sscanfValor] = temporaria[stringCount];
- }
- new
- i = sscanfValor
- ;
- sscanfValor = -1;
- for( ; 0xFFFFFFFF != i; --i)
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, ++sscanfValor, bufferString[i]);
- }
- if(sscanfValor != -1)
- {
- ++paramsCount;
- }
- #pragma unused sscanfValor
- }
- case 'f':
- {
- new
- sscanfValor = -1,
- stringFloat[MAX_BUFFER] ;
- while(temporaria[++stringCount] != delim && temporaria[stringCount])
- {
- stringFloat[++sscanfValor] = temporaria[stringCount];
- }
- new
- i = sscanfValor
- ;
- sscanfValor = -1;
- for( ; -1 != i; --i)
- {
- stringFloat[++sscanfValor] = stringFloat[i];
- }
- if(sscanfValor != -1)
- {
- setarg(++paramsCount, 0, _:floatstr(stringFloat));
- }
- #pragma unused sscanfValor
- }
- case 'd' , 'i':
- {
- new
- sscanfValor = -1,
- stringValue[MAX_BUFFER] ;
- while(temporaria[++stringCount] != delim && temporaria[stringCount])
- {
- stringValue[++sscanfValor] = temporaria[stringCount];
- }
- new
- i = sscanfValor
- ;
- sscanfValor = -1;
- for( ; -1 != i; --i)
- {
- stringValue[++sscanfValor] = stringValue[i];
- }
- if(sscanfValor != -1)
- {
- setarg(++paramsCount, 0, strval(stringValue));
- }
- #pragma unused sscanfValor
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- case '<':
- {
- new
- paramEnum = -1
- ;
- switch(format[formatCount-1])
- {
- case 'e' , 'a':
- {
- while(format[++formatCount])
- {
- switch(format[formatCount])
- {
- case '>':
- {
- break ;
- }
- case 'i', 'd':
- {
- new
- numero,
- caractere = temporaria[stringCount + 1],
- negativo = 1 ;
- if(caractere == '-')
- {
- ++stringCount;
- negativo = -1;
- }
- while((caractere = temporaria[++stringCount]) != delim && caractere)
- {
- if ('0' <= caractere <= '9')
- {
- numero = (numero * 10) + (caractere - '0');
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- setarg(paramsCount, ++paramEnum, numero * negativo);
- continue;
- }
- case 'u':
- {
- new
- texto,
- tempVal = stringCount,
- stringTemp[MAX_BUFFER],
- caractere = temporaria[stringCount + 1] ;
- while((caractere = temporaria[++tempVal]) != delim && temporaria[stringCount]) if ('0' > caractere || '9' < caractere)
- {
- texto = 1;
- break;
- }
- if(!texto)
- {
- while((caractere = temporaria[++stringCount])!= delim && caractere)
- {
- texto = (texto * 10) + (caractere - '0');
- }
- texto = 10;
- setarg(paramsCount, ++paramEnum, texto);
- }
- else
- {
- texto = -1;
- while(temporaria[++stringCount] != delim && temporaria[stringCount])
- {
- stringTemp[++texto] = temporaria[stringCount];
- }
- foreach(Player, i)
- {
- static
- ;
- GetPlayerName(i, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
- if(-1 != strfind(name, stringTemp, true))
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, ++paramEnum, i);
- texto = 10;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(10 != texto)
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, ++paramEnum, -1) ;
- }
- continue;
- }
- case 'f':
- {
- new
- sscanfValor = -1,
- stringFloat[15] ;
- while(temporaria[++stringCount] != delim && temporaria[stringCount])
- {
- stringFloat[++sscanfValor] = temporaria[stringCount];
- }
- if(sscanfValor != -1)
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, ++paramEnum, _:floatstr(stringFloat));
- }
- #pragma unused sscanfValor
- continue;
- }
- case 'c':
- {
- setarg(paramsCount, ++paramEnum, temporaria[++stringCount]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- ++paramsCount;
- }
- case 'p':
- {
- delim = format[++formatCount];
- while(format[++formatCount] != '>') continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return paramsCount == totalParams;
- }
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