

Jun 23rd, 2016
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  1. [6/23/16, 2:32:42 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: sorry i went to lunch!
  2. about class-learndash!
  3. [6/23/16, 2:33:22 PM] Jack Arturo: yeah. did you get the meta box to show up?
  4. [6/23/16, 2:35:31 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: no but i'm add_meta_boxes and save_post as you told me to do
  5. [6/23/16, 2:35:58 PM] Jack Arturo: what's the 4th parameter in the add_meta_box() function?
  6. [6/23/16, 2:37:00 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: should i change it on meta_box_content function i changed to tags
  7. [6/23/16, 2:37:17 PM] Jack Arturo: just answer the question...
  8. [6/23/16, 2:37:22 PM] Jack Arturo: what's the 4th parameter?
  9. [6/23/16, 2:37:34 PM] Jack Arturo: "tags"?
  10. [6/23/16, 2:37:35 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: string|array|WP_Screen $screen = null,
  11. [6/23/16, 2:38:00 PM] Jack Arturo: and you have it set to "tags"?
  12. [6/23/16, 2:38:30 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: well on class edd its 'download'
  13. [6/23/16, 2:38:47 PM] Jack Arturo: so what is it in learndash?
  14. [6/23/16, 2:38:55 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: so i guess that
  15. [6/23/16, 2:39:35 PM] Jack Arturo: I just need to know what you have for the 4th parameter in that function
  16. [6/23/16, 2:39:52 PM] Jack Arturo: it needs to be the post type that you want the box to appear on
  17. [6/23/16, 2:40:03 PM] Jack Arturo: did you leave it as "download"? because that won't work
  18. [6/23/16, 2:40:27 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: nop i changed to 'tags'
  19. [6/23/16, 2:40:31 PM] Jack Arturo: why tags?
  20. [6/23/16, 2:40:36 PM] Jack Arturo: that's not the name of the post type
  21. [6/23/16, 2:40:49 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: but now you say that that wont work either
  22. [6/23/16, 2:41:14 PM] Jack Arturo: the 4th parameter has to be the name of the post type
  23. [6/23/16, 2:41:45 PM] Jack Arturo: so go to the All Courses list for Courses and check the URL to get the post type
  24. [6/23/16, 2:42:13 PM] Jack Arturo: it should be something like sfwd-course
  25. [6/23/16, 2:43:13 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: ?post_type=sfwd-courses
  26. [6/23/16, 2:44:16 PM] Jack Arturo: so the fourth parameter has to be “sfwd-courses"
  27. [6/23/16, 2:44:30 PM] Jack Arturo: just like it says on
  28. [6/23/16, 2:44:45 PM] Yosved Villar Lopez: ok now it appears
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