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- ---------------------------------
- Sub Loop_Through_Tables_Collect_Data_To_Master_Sheet()
- Dim a, sh As Worksheet, tbl As ListObject, x As Byte, i As Long, m As Long, n As Long, lr As Long
- Application.ScreenUpdating = False
- Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
- Set tbl = sh.ListObjects(1)
- If tbl.ListRows.Count >= 1 Then tbl.DataBodyRange.Delete
- sh.ListObjects(1).ListRows.Add
- For i = 2 To 13 'Sheets Index
- With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(i)
- m = LastRow(.ListObjects(1), 2)
- n = LastRow(sh.ListObjects(1), 2)
- If m <> -1 Then
- lr = IIf(n = -1, 3, n + 1)
- a = .Range("B3:E" & m).Value
- sh.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(lr - 2, 2).Resize(UBound(a, 1), UBound(a, 2)).Value = a
- End If
- End With
- Next i
- If n <> -1 Then
- With sh.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(1).Resize(n - 2)
- .Value = Evaluate("ROW(1:" & .Count & ")")
- End With
- End If
- Application.ScreenUpdating = True
- MsgBox "Done...", 64
- End Sub
- Function LastRow(tbl As ListObject, col As Long)
- Dim rng As Range
- On Error GoTo Skipper
- Set rng = tbl.ListColumns(col).DataBodyRange.Find(What:="*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious)
- LastRow = rng.Row
- Exit Function
- Skipper:
- LastRow = -1
- End Function
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