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- local offReac = 9902 --температура перегрева реактора до отключения
- local perDamage = 90 --процент износа конденсатора при котором он меняется
- local com = require("component")
- local computer = require("computer")
- local event = require("event")
- local gpu = com.gpu
- local w,h = gpu.getResolution()
- local per,noFuel,lowEu,toReac,run = 0,0,0,1,true
- local sideReac,sideInv,sideRed,OutputEUt,StartEUt
- local slotReac = {}
- if not com.isAvailable("transposer") then
- print("нет транспозера")
- os.exit()
- end
- local tr = com.transposer
- if not com.isAvailable("redstone") then
- print("нет контроллера красного камня")
- os.exit()
- end
- local red =
- if not com.isAvailable("reactor_chamber") then
- print("камера реактора не найдена")
- os.exit()
- end
- local reactor = com.reactor_chamber
- if reactor.producesEnergy() then
- print("\n".."остановите реактор !")
- for i = 0,5 do
- if red.getOutput(i) > 0 then
- red.setOutput(i, 0)
- end
- end
- os.exit()
- end
- if reactor.getHeat() > offReac then
- print("\n".."перегрев реактора !")
- os.exit()
- end
- print("поиск реактора и сундука")
- for i = 0,5 do
- local vr = tr.getInventorySize(i)
- if vr ~= nil then
- if vr == 58 then
- print("реактор в стороне: "..i)
- sideReac = i
- else
- sideInv = i
- print("сундук в стороне: "..i)
- end
- end
- end
- if not sideReac then
- print("\n".."камера реактора не найдена")
- os.exit()
- end
- if not sideInv then
- print("\n".."сундук не найден")
- os.exit()
- end
- local slotsReac = tr.getInventorySize(sideReac)
- local slotsInv = tr.getInventorySize(sideInv)
- local function getAllStacks(side)
- local temp = {}
- local tmp = false
- for i = 1, tr.getInventorySize(side) do
- tmp = tr.getStackInSlot(side, i)
- if tmp ~= nil then
- temp[i-1] = tmp
- end
- end
- return temp
- end
- print("сохранение конденсаторов")
- local data = getAllStacks(sideReac)
- for i = 0,slotsReac do
- if data[i] and data[i].name then
- if string.find(data[i].name,"ondensator") then
- local per = math.ceil(100*data[i].damage/data[i].maxDamage)
- print("слот: "..(i+1).." износ: "..per.." %")
- if per >= perDamage then
- print("\n".."замените конденсатор в слоте: "..(i+1))
- os.exit()
- end
- table.insert(slotReac, i+1)
- end
- end
- end
- print("пробный запуск")
- for k,n in pairs({3,2,4,5,0,1}) do
- red.setOutput(n, 15)
- if reactor.producesEnergy() then
- os.sleep(1)
- StartEUt = math.ceil(reactor.getReactorEUOutput())
- print("StartEUt = "..StartEUt)
- sideRed = n
- red.setOutput(n, 0)
- print("редстоун в стороне: "..sideRed)
- break
- else
- red.setOutput(n, 0)
- end
- if k == 6 then
- print("\n".."реактор не запускается")
- os.exit()
- end
- end
- print("настройка завершена".."\n".."старт...")
- --os.sleep(2)
- local function gui()
- gpu.setResolution(28,15)
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- gpu.fill(1,1,28,15," ")
- gpu.setForeground(0x669999)
- gpu.set(1,1,"┌──────────────────────────┐")
- gpu.set(1,2,"│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │")
- gpu.set(1,3,"│──────────────────────────│")
- gpu.set(1,4,"│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │")
- gpu.set(1,5,"│──────────────────────────│")
- gpu.set(1,6,"│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │")
- gpu.set(1,7,"│──────────────────────────│")
- gpu.set(1,8,"│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │")
- gpu.set(1,9,"│──────────────────────────│")
- gpu.set(1,10,"│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │")
- gpu.set(1,11,"│──────────────────────────│")
- gpu.set(1,12,"│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │")
- gpu.set(1,13,"└──────────────────────────┘")
- end
- local xy = {
- {"2","2"},{"5","2"},{"8","2"},{"11","2"},{"14","2"},{"17","2"},{"20","2"},{"23","2"},{"26","2"},
- {"2","4"},{"5","4"},{"8","4"},{"11","4"},{"14","4"},{"17","4"},{"20","4"},{"23","4"},{"26","4"},
- {"2","6"},{"5","6"},{"8","6"},{"11","6"},{"14","6"},{"17","6"},{"20","6"},{"23","6"},{"26","6"},
- {"2","8"},{"5","8"},{"8","8"},{"11","8"},{"14","8"},{"17","8"},{"20","8"},{"23","8"},{"26","8"},
- {"2","10"},{"5","10"},{"8","10"},{"11","10"},{"14","10"},{"17","10"},{"20","10"},{"23","10"},{"26","10"},
- {"2","12"},{"5","12"},{"8","12"},{"11","12"},{"14","12"},{"17","12"},{"20","12"},{"23","12"},{"26","12"},
- }
- local function stop(wait)
- local e = ({event.pull(wait,"key_down")})[4]
- if e == 18 or e == 20 then
- red.setOutput(sideRed, 0)
- gpu.setResolution(w, h)
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
- gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ")
- print("программа завершена")
- os.sleep(1)
- if reactor.producesEnergy() then
- print("ВНИМАНИЕ реактор по прежнему активен !!!")
- else
- print("реактор остановлен")
- end
- run = false
- end
- end
- local function alert(message)
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF9900)
- gpu.set(1,14," для завершения нажмите E ")
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000)
- gpu.set(1,15,message)
- computer.beep(500, 1)
- stop(3)
- end
- local function ReactorControl()
- local data = getAllStacks(sideReac)
- for i = 1,#slotReac do
- data = tr.getStackInSlot(sideReac, slotReac[i])
- if data.damage then
- per = math.ceil(100*data.damage/data.maxDamage)
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF9900)
- gpu.set(tonumber(xy[slotReac[i]][1]),tonumber(xy[slotReac[i]][2]),tostring(per))
- else
- per = 0
- end
- if per == 100 then
- red.setOutput(sideRed, 0)
- alert(" снизте % замены конденсат. ")
- while run do
- computer.beep(500, 1)
- stop(3)
- end
- os.exit()
- end
- if per >= perDamage or per == 0 then
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF9900)
- gpu.set(1,15," замена конденсаторов ")
- if red.getOutput(sideRed) > 0 then
- red.setOutput(sideRed, 0)
- os.sleep(0.5)
- end
- tr.transferItem(sideReac, sideInv, 1, slotReac[i])
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000)
- gpu.set(tonumber(xy[slotReac[i]][1]),tonumber(xy[slotReac[i]][2]),"██")
- os.sleep(0.5)
- local data1 = getAllStacks(sideInv)
- for i1 = 0,slotsInv do
- if data1[i1] and data1[i1].name then
- local per = math.ceil(100*data1[i1].damage/data1[i1].maxDamage)
- if string.find(data1[i1].name,"ondensator") and per < 90 then
- toReac = tr.transferItem(sideInv, sideReac, 1, i1+1, slotReac[i])
- gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00)
- gpu.set(tonumber(xy[slotReac[i]][1]),tonumber(xy[slotReac[i]][2]),"██")
- break
- else
- toReac = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function circuitCheck()
- local data = getAllStacks(sideReac)
- local sh = 0
- for i = 1,#slotReac do
- if data[slotReac[i]-1].damage then
- sh = sh + 1
- end
- end
- if sh == #slotReac then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- if reactor.getHeat() > offReac then
- red.setOutput(sideRed, 0)
- alert(" перегрев реактора ! ")
- elseif not circuitCheck() then
- alert(" нет целых конденсаторов ! ")
- elseif toReac == 0 then
- alert(" в сундуке нет места ! ")
- elseif noFuel >= 5 then
- alert(" нет топлива ! ")
- else
- red.setOutput(sideRed, 15)
- if not reactor.producesEnergy() then
- alert(" реактор не запускается ! ")
- else
- OutputEUt = math.ceil(reactor.getReactorEUOutput())
- gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00)
- gpu.set(1,14," eu/t = "..OutputEUt.." ")
- gpu.set(1,15," реактор активен ")
- end
- end
- stop(0.1)
- if reactor.producesEnergy() and reactor.getReactorEUOutput() == 0 then
- noFuel = noFuel + 1
- else
- noFuel = 0
- if OutputEUt and OutputEUt < StartEUt then
- lowEu = lowEu + 1
- else
- lowEu = 0
- end
- end
- if noFuel == 3 or lowEu == 3 then
- local data2 = getAllStacks(sideReac)
- local data3 = getAllStacks(sideInv)
- for i2 = 0,slotsReac do
- if data2[i2] and data2[i2].name then
- if string.find(data2[i2].name,"depleted") then
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF9900)
- gpu.set(1,15," замена стержней ")
- tr.transferItem(sideReac, sideInv, 1, i2+1)
- for i3 = 0,slotsInv do
- if data3[i3] and data3[i3].name then
- if string.find(data3[i3].name,"MOX") or string.find(data3[i3].name,"Uran") then
- if not string.find(data3[i3].name,"depleted") then
- tr.transferItem(sideInv, sideReac, 1, i3+1, i2+1)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- StartEUt = math.ceil(reactor.getReactorEUOutput())
- lowEu = 0
- end
- if OutputEUt and OutputEUt > StartEUt then
- StartEUt = math.ceil(reactor.getReactorEUOutput())
- end
- end
- gui()
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF9900)
- gpu.set(1,14," для завершения нажмите E ")
- os.sleep(1)
- while run do
- local ok,err = pcall(ReactorControl)
- if not ok then
- red.setOutput(sideRed, 0)
- gpu.setResolution(w, h)
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
- os.execute("cls")
- print("программа аварийно завершена")
- if type(err) == "table" then
- io.stderr:write(table.unpack(err))
- else
- io.stderr:write(err)
- end
- run = false
- end
- end
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