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- ; ===========================================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Subroutine to perform Homing Attack
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sonic_HomingAttack:
- cmpi.b #2,($FFFFFFEB).w ; already Homing?
- beq.s @Homing_Process ; if yes, branch
- tpress A+B+C,(SonicControl)
- bne.s @Homing_Perform
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @Homing_Process:
- subq.b #1,$1F(a0) ; is timer over?
- bne.s @SetSpeeds ; if not, branch
- clr.b ($FFFFFFEB).w
- rts
- @SetSpeeds:
- movea.w $3A(a0),a1 ; load object to follow
- move.w $C(a1),d1
- sub.w $C(a0),d1 ; d1 -> Ydist
- move.w 8(a1),d2
- sub.w 8(a0),d2 ; d2 -> Xdist
- jsr (CalcAngle).l ; Calcuate Angle
- jsr (CalcSine).l ; Get Sine
- move.w #$1000,d3 ; d3 -> Homing Attack Speed
- muls.w d3,d0
- muls.w d3,d1
- asr.l #8,d0
- asr.l #8,d1
- move.w d1,$12(a0) ; set speed
- move.w d0,$10(a0) ; set speed
- move.w d0,$14(a0)
- rts
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @Homing_Perform:
- moveq #-1,d3 ; d3 will contain the direct distance for current d4,d5 (Piphagor yay)
- moveq #-1,d4 ; d4 will contain the shortest X-dist
- moveq #-1,d5 ; d5 will contain the shortest Y-dist
- move.w #$5F,d6
- lea ($FFFFD800).w,a1 ; Load in-level objects RAM
- move.w #$5F,d6 ; do $60 objects
- @ObjectsLoop:
- tst.b 1(a1) ; is object on-screen?
- bpl.s @NextObject ; if yes, branch
- tst.b $20(a1) ; load touch response
- bne.s @Homing_TestObject ; if touch response is not zero, branch
- @NextObject:
- lea $40(a1),a1 ; load next object slot
- dbf d6,@ObjectsLoop ; repeat for all objects in RAM
- cmpi.l #$A0*$A0,d3 ; if Distance ^ 2 > $A0 ^ 2, quit
- bhi.w Sonic_JumpDash
- move.b #60,$1F(a0) ; follow object for 60 frames
- move.b #2,($FFFFFFEB).w ; set flag as #2 (Homming Attack)
- move.w #$BC,d0 ; play JD sound
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l ;
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @Homing_TestObject:
- lea @Homing_ObjectList(pc),a2
- move.b (a1),d0
- @CheckID:
- cmp.b (a2)+,d0 ; compare current obj ID to one in list
- beq.s @CalcXDist ; if object is in list, branch
- bhi.s @CheckID ; if current obj ID is higer, go on looking
- bra.s @NextObject ; the object is not in list, quit
- @CalcXDist:
- move.w 8(a1),d1 ; d1 -> ObjX
- sub.w 8(a0),d1 ; d1 -> ObjX - SonX
- bpl.s @ObjAhead
- ; Object is behind Sonic
- btst #0,$22(a0) ; is Sonic faced left?
- beq.s @NextObject ; if not, we can't home at object
- bra.s @CalcYDist
- @ObjAhead:
- btst #0,$22(a0) ; is Sonic faced right?
- bne.s @NextObject ; if not, we can't home at object
- @CalcYDist:
- move.w $C(a1),d2 ; d2 -> ObjY
- sub.w $C(a0),d2 ; d2 -> ObjY - SonY
- ; Calculate absolute distance ( d1 * d1 + d2 * d2 )
- move.w d2,d0 ; d0 -> d2
- swap d0
- move.w d1,d0 ; d0 -> d2 d1
- muls.w d1,d1 ; d1 -> d1 * d1
- muls.w d2,d2 ; d2 -> d2 * d2
- add.l d1,d2 ; d2 -> d1 * d1 + d2 * d2
- cmp.l d3,d2 ; is new distance shorter after all?
- bcc.w @NextObject ; if not, branch
- move.l d2,d3 ; set new distance
- move.w d0,d4 ; set new Xdist
- swap d0
- move.w d0,d5 ; set new Ydist
- move.w a1,$3A(a0) ; save obj ID
- bra.w @NextObject
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Object ids that are available for homming
- ; NOTE: They should go in increasing order (1,2,3..)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @Homing_ObjectList:
- dc.b $1E, $1F, $22, $26, $2B, $2C, $2D, $40, $42, $43
- dc.b $50, $55, $60, $78
- dc.b -1 ; mark end of list
- even
- ; ===========================================================================
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Subroutine to perform Jump Dash
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sonic_JumpDash:
- tst.b ($FFFFFFEB).w ; already Jump Dashing?
- bne.s @Return ; if yes, branch
- move.b #1,($FFFFFFEB).w
- move.w #$A00,d0 ; set Jump Dash speed
- btst #6,$22(a0) ; is Sonic underwater
- beq.s @ChkShoes
- move.w #$600,d0 ; set JD speed for underwater
- @ChkShoes:
- tst.b ($FFFFFE2E).w ; does Sonic have speed shoes?
- beq.s @ChkOrientation ; if not, branch
- addi.w #$200,d0
- @ChkOrientation:
- btst #0,$22(a0)
- beq.s @SetSpeeds
- neg.w d0
- @SetSpeeds:
- move.w d0,$10(a0)
- move.w d0,$14(a0)
- move.w #0,$12(a0)
- move.w #$BC,d0 ; play JD sound
- jmp (PlaySound_Special).l ;
- @Return:
- rts
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Subroutine to stop Sonic, bounce him up and to give him the ability to
- ; Jumpdash again when he has performed a Jumpdash
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BounceJD:
- cmp.b #2,($FFFFFFEB).w; was HA flag set?
- bne.s BounceJD_End ; if not, branch
- clr.b ($FFFFFFEB).w ; if yes, clear HA flag (allow Sonic to HA again)
- clr.w $10(a0) ; clear X-velocity (stop sonic)
- move.w #-$5F0,$12(a0) ; move sonic upwards
- btst #6,$22(a0) ; is sonic underwater?
- beq.s BounceJD_Shoes ; if not, branch
- move.w #-$320,$12(a0)
- BounceJD_Shoes:
- tst.b ($FFFFFE2E).w ; does sonic has speed shoes?
- beq.s BounceJD_End ; if not, branch
- move.w #-$620,$12(a0) ; use -$620 for Y-velocity (move sonic upwards)
- BounceJD_End:
- rts ; return
- ; End of function BounceJD
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