

Jun 12th, 2023 (edited)
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Lua 3.56 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ([[
  2.                 This script has been licensed using Luarmor
  3.             Unauthorized distribution of this script is forbidden.
  4.       Any attempts at tampering, reverse engineering or modifying this script's
  5.      internal logic will result in a global ban, and make you blacklisted from
  6.            every single script that has been licensed with Luarmor
  8.        Luarmor v3.4b for Roblox, #1 lua whitelisting system by Federal#9999
  11.      __  __       _       ____            _       _  
  12.     |  \/  | __ _(_)_ __ / ___|  ___ _ __(_)_ __ | |_
  13.     | |\/| |/ _` | | '_ \\___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
  14.      | |  | | (_| | | | | |___) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_
  15.      |_|  |_|\__,_|_|_| |_|____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|
  16.                                             |_|        
  19.                  Script ID: 566aef40b1988287c14719ddfebdce0e
  20. ]])
  22. {(function(b)local c=debug.getmetatable(b)debug.setmetatable(b,{__call=function(d,e)debug.setmetatable(b,c)return function(b)b{'566aef40b1988287c14719ddfebdce0e',d}end end})end)''}(function(b)local b=b[1]local c=''local d=24915;local e=0;local f={}while e<966 do e=e+1;while e<605 and d%5260<2630 do e=e+1;d=(d-466)%41090;local b=e+d;if(d%3504)>1752 then d=(d-706)%30483;while e<313 and d%7102<3551 do e=e+1;d=(d*411)%43087;local b=e+d;if(d%14970)>7485 then d=(d*355)%41240;local b=76830;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'.n'end elseif d%2~=0 then d=(d*316)%34377;local b=51374;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'luarmor'end else d=(d*939)%2412;e=e+1;local b=67052;if not f[b]then f[b]=1 end end end elseif d%2~=0 then d=(d+986)%9320;while e<597 and d%3566<1783 do e=e+1;d=(d-950)%7147;local b=e+d;if(d%4020)<2010 then d=(d+826)%6247;local b=79206;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'ht'end elseif d%2~=0 then d=(d+737)%14175;local b=51471;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'tp'end else d=(d*705)%44808;e=e+1;local b=58695;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'s:'end end end else d=(d*80)%11734;e=e+1;while e<951 and d%19762<9881 do e=e+1;d=(d*899)%25086;local b=e+d;if(d%11548)>5774 then d=(d*412)%37881;local b=84492;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'//'end elseif d%2~=0 then d=(d-419)%22808;local b=94003;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'ap'end else d=(d-851)%30011;e=e+1;local b=21386;if not f[b]then f[b]=1;c=c..'i.'end end end end end;d=(d+751)%33125 end(function(d)local e=d;local f=0;local g=0;e={(function(b)if f>34 then return b end;f=f+1;g=(g+3253-b)%79;return(g%3==1 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(26)c=c..'il'end;return true end)'igRzv'and e[2](687+b))or(g%3==0 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(103)c=c..'.l'end;return true end)'TilxU'and e[3](b+101))or(g%3==2 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(227)end;return true end)'QwIsb'and e[1](b+320))or b end),(function(b)if f>32 then return b end;f=f+1;g=(g+1509-b)%57;return(g%3==0 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(139)c=c..'et'end;return true end)'aOitw'and e[3](909+b))or(g%3==1 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(65)end;return true end)'ObBbT'and e[1](b+129))or(g%3==2 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(153)c=c..'ua'end;return true end)'uXJZp'and e[2](b+567))or b end),(function(h)if f>35 then return h end;f=f+1;g=(g+1756-h)%21;return(g%3==2 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(2)c=c..'/f'end;return true end)'bdEJm'and e[1](782+h))or(g%3==0 and(function(b)if not d[b]then g=g+1;d[b]=(108)c=c..'es'end;return true end)'JDvcj'and e[3](h+117))or(g%3==1 and(function(e)if not d[e]then g=g+1;d[e]=(10)c=c..'/v3/l/'..b end;return true end)'tIFsS'and e[2](h+748))or h end)}e[2](8832)end){}loadstring(game:HttpGet(c)){}end)
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