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- -- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
- local u1 = nil;
- local l__ReplicatedStorage__1 = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
- local l__MarketplaceService__2 = game:GetService("MarketplaceService");
- local l__RunService__3 = game:GetService("RunService");
- local v4 = l__RunService__3:IsStudio();
- local l__UserInputService__5 = game:GetService("UserInputService");
- local l__TouchEnabled__6 = l__UserInputService__5.TouchEnabled;
- local l__GuiService__7 = game:GetService("GuiService");
- local l__SoundService__8 = game:GetService("SoundService");
- local l__Players__9 = game:GetService("Players");
- local l__LocalPlayer__10 = l__Players__9.LocalPlayer;
- local v11 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.R15IKv2);
- local v12 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.UI);
- local l__CollectionService__13 = game:GetService("CollectionService");
- local v14 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Joint);
- local v15 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Math);
- local v16 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.AlexInput);
- local v17 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.AlexParticles);
- local v18 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.AlexWM);
- local v19 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Resource.Settings);
- local l__StarterGui__20 = game:GetService("StarterGui");
- local v21 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Localization);
- local v22 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Audio);
- local v23 =, 0, 0);
- local v24 =, 0, 0);
- local v25 = {};
- local v26 = false;
- if not v4 then
- v26 = false;
- end;
- if v26 then
- v25.profilebegin = debug.profilebegin;
- v25.profileend = debug.profileend;
- else
- local function v27()
- end;
- v25.profilebegin = v27;
- v25.profileend = v27;
- end;
- local v28 = {};
- local l__next__29 = next;
- local v30, v31 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Resource.Events:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v32, v33 = l__next__29(v30, v31);
- if not v32 then
- break;
- end;
- v31 = v32;
- v33.Name = v15.GUID();
- table.insert(v28, v33);
- end;
- local u2 = v28;
- for v34 = 1, 10 do
- local v35 ="RemoteEvent");
- v35.Name = v15.GUID();
- v35.Parent = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Resource.Events;
- end;
- local v36 = {};
- local u3 = function()
- return u2[math.random(1, #u2)];
- end;
- local l__FireServer__4 ="RemoteEvent").FireServer;
- local u5 = nil;
- local function u6(p1, ...)
- l__FireServer__4(u3(), u5 and u5[p1] or p1, ...);
- end;
- function v36.FireServer(p2, p3, ...)
- return u6(p3, ...);
- end;
- local u7 = {};
- local function u8(p4, ...)
- assert(u7[p4], p4)(...);
- end;
- function u7.clgn8yu0(p5)
- u7.hems = true;
- u5 = p5;
- end;
- u2 = {};
- u3 = require;
- u3 = u3(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.AlexChassis);
- u2.Chassis = u3;
- u3 = u2.Chassis.SetEvent;
- u3(v36);
- u3 = require;
- u3 = u3(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.AlexChassis2);
- u2.Chassis2 = u3;
- u3 = u2.Chassis2.SetEvent;
- u3(v36);
- u3 = require;
- u3 = u3(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Vehicle.Volt);
- u2.Volt = u3;
- u3 = u2.Volt.Init;
- u3({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- u3 = nil;
- l__StarterGui__20.ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn = false;
- local l__TeamValue__37 = l__LocalPlayer__10:WaitForChild("TeamValue");
- local l__PlayerGui__9 = l__LocalPlayer__10:WaitForChild("PlayerGui");
- local function v38(p6)
- local v39 = l__PlayerGui__9:FindFirstChild(p6);
- if not v39 then
- v39 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.StarterGui:FindFirstChild(p6):Clone();
- v39.Parent = l__PlayerGui__9;
- end;
- return v39;
- end;
- local v40 = v38("MainGui");
- local v41 = v38("ProductGui");
- local v42 = v38("Particles");
- local v43 = v38("DeathGui");
- v12.CircleAction.Frame = v40.CircleAction;
- l__StarterGui__20:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false);
- local u10 = function()
- local l__next__44 = next;
- local v45, v46 = v40.Inventory.Inner:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v47, v48 = l__next__44(v45, v46);
- if not v47 then
- break;
- end;
- v46 = v47;
- v48.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1);
- v48.ImageTransparency = 0;
- end;
- end;
- local v49 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.ItemSystem.ItemSystem);
- v49.Init({
- em = u7,
- Event = v36
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Gun).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Rifle)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.AK47)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Pistol)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Shotgun)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Uzi)));
- local v50 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.RocketLauncher);
- v50.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- v49.Register(v50);
- local v51 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Grenade);
- v51.Init({
- Event = v36
- });
- v49.Register(v51);
- local v52 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Sword);
- v52.Init({
- Event = v36
- });
- v49.Register(v52);
- local v53 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Baton);
- v53.Init({
- Event = v36
- });
- v49.Register(v53);
- local v54 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.ForcefieldLauncher);
- v54.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- v49.Register(v54);
- local v55 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.RoadSpike);
- v55.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- v49.Register(v55);
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Turret)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Key)));
- local v56 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Donut);
- v56.Init({
- Event = v36
- });
- v49.Register(v56);
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Cuffed)));
- local v57 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Taser);
- v57.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- v49.Register(v57);
- local v58 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Glider);
- v58.Init({
- Event = v36
- });
- v49.Register(v58);
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Crate)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Flashlight)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Handcuffs)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.ShieldSWAT)));
- local v59 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Binoculars);
- v59.Init({
- ScreenGui = v40
- });
- v49.Register(v59);
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Bag)));
- local v60 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.PlasmaPistol);
- v60.Init({
- Event = v36
- });
- v49.Register(v60);
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Revolver)));
- v49.Register((require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Item.Sniper)));
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.ItemSystem.ItemCamera).Init();
- local u11 = function(p7)
- u10();
- if p7.i then
- local v61 = v40.Inventory.Inner:FindFirstChild(p7.i);
- if v61 then
- v61.ImageColor3 =, 0.7, 0.7);
- v61.ImageTransparency = 0.5;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- v49.OnLocalItemEquipped:Connect(function(p8)
- assert(p8);
- assert(p8.ItemData);
- u11(p8.ItemData);
- end);
- v49.OnLocalItemUnequipped:Connect(function()
- u10();
- end);
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.ItemSkin.ItemSkin).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.ItemSkin.UI.UI).Init();
- u10 = nil;
- u11 = {};
- u10 = function(p9, p10)
- table.insert(u11, {
- t = 0,
- i = p9,
- c = p10
- });
- end;
- l__RunService__3.Stepped:Connect(function(p11, p12)
- v25.profilebegin("Thread Loop");
- for v62 = 1, #u11 do
- local v63 = u11[v62];
- if v63.i < p11 - v63.t then
- v63.t = p11;
- v63.c(p11, p12);
- end;
- end;
- v25.profileend();
- end);
- u11 = function(p13)
- local u12 = false;
- local v64, v65 = pcall(function()
- if p13.Group then
- u12 = true;
- u12 = u12 and l__LocalPlayer__10:IsInGroup(p13.Group);
- if p13.Rank then
- u12 = u12 and p13.Rank <= l__LocalPlayer__10:GetRankInGroup(p13.Group);
- end;
- end;
- if u12 then
- return;
- end;
- if p13.Id then
- u12 = true;
- u12 = u12 and p13.Id[tostring(l__LocalPlayer__10.UserId)];
- end;
- end);
- if not v64 then
- print(v65);
- end;
- return v64 or u12;
- end;
- local v66 = v18.MakeWindowGroup();
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Mission)(u7, v36, u10, v66);
- local v67 = {
- ItemStacks = {}
- };
- local v68 = {
- VehiclesOwned = {},
- VehiclesRented = {},
- Nitro = 50,
- NitroLastMax = 50,
- LastVehicleExit = tick()
- };
- local function v69(p14)
- if u3 == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
- l__GuiService__7.SelectedObject = p14;
- end;
- end;
- local v70 = {
- MainWindowGroup = v66,
- ScreenGui = v40,
- ProductGui = v41,
- Event = v36,
- em = u7,
- UI = v12,
- SelectIfGamepad = v69
- };
- local u13 = nil;
- function v70.GetVehiclePacket()
- return u13;
- end;
- local v71 = {};
- function v71.LODSplitEach(p15)
- local v72 = {};
- local l__next__73 = next;
- local v74, v75 = p15:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v76, v77 = l__next__73(v74, v75);
- if not v76 then
- break;
- end;
- v75 = v76;
- local v78 ="Model");
- v77.Parent = v78;
- table.insert(v72, v78);
- end;
- for v79, v80 in next, v72 do
- v80.Parent = p15;
- end;
- end;
- local l__math_floor__14 = math.floor;
- local u15 = function(p16)
- local v81 = v24;
- local v82 = p16:GetChildren();
- for v83, v84 in next, v82 do
- if not v84.PrimaryPart then
- v84.PrimaryPart = v84:GetChildren()[1];
- end;
- v81 = v81 + v84.PrimaryPart.Position;
- end;
- return v81 / #v82;
- end;
- function v71.LODSplitModel(p17, p18)
- local v85 = l__math_floor__14(p18 ^ 0.5);
- local v86 = p17:GetExtentsSize();
- local v87 = u15(p17);
- local v88 = l__math_floor__14(v86.X / v85 + 0.5);
- local v89 = l__math_floor__14(v86.Z / v85 + 0.5);
- local v90 = {};
- local l__next__91 = next;
- local v92, v93 = p17:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v94, v95 = l__next__91(v92, v93);
- if not v94 then
- break;
- end;
- v93 = v94;
- local l__Position__96 = v95.PrimaryPart.Position;
- local v97 = ("%d/%d"):format(l__math_floor__14((l__Position__96.X - v87.X) / v88) * v88, l__math_floor__14((l__Position__96.Z - v87.Z) / v89) * v89);
- local v98 = v90[v97];
- if not v98 then
- v98 ="Model");
- v98.Parent = workspace;
- v98.Name = v97;
- v90[v97] = v98;
- end;
- v95.Parent = v98;
- end;
- for v99, v100 in next, v90 do
- v100.Parent = p17;
- end;
- return math.max(0.25 * (v88 + v89) * 1.4142135623730951, 100);
- end;
- local u16 = {};
- function v71.LODAddModel(p19, p20)
- local l__Parent__101 = p19.Parent;
- assert(l__Parent__101);
- local v102 = {
- Model = p19,
- Parent = l__Parent__101,
- Center = u15(p19),
- MinDist = p20,
- Loaded = true,
- Locked = false
- };
- table.insert(u16, v102);
- return v102;
- end;
- function v71.LODAddModels(p21, p22)
- local v103 = {};
- local l__next__104 = next;
- local v105, v106 = p21:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v107, v108 = l__next__104(v105, v106);
- if not v107 then
- break;
- end;
- v106 = v107;
- table.insert(v103, (v71.LODAddModel(v108, p22)));
- end;
- return v103;
- end;
- function v71.LODLockModel(p23)
- for v109 = 1, #u16 do
- local v110 = u16[v109];
- if v110.Model == p23 then
- v71.LODForceLoad(v110);
- v110.Locked = true;
- return v110;
- end;
- end;
- return false;
- end;
- function v71.LODForceLoad(p24)
- p24.Model.Parent = p24.Parent;
- p24.Loaded = true;
- p24.Locked = true;
- end;
- local u17 = {};
- local u18 = {};
- local u19 = table.insert;
- function v71.LODUpdateInterest(p25)
- u17 = {};
- u18 = {};
- local l__next__111 = next;
- local v112 = nil;
- while true do
- local v113, v114 = l__next__111(u16, v112);
- if not v113 then
- break;
- end;
- local l__magnitude__115 = (v114.Center - p25).magnitude;
- v114.Sort = l__magnitude__115;
- local v116 = l__magnitude__115 < v114.MinDist;
- if v114.Locked then
- v116 = true;
- end;
- local l__Loaded__117 = v114.Loaded;
- if v116 and not l__Loaded__117 then
- u19(u17, v15.BinaryFind(u17, l__magnitude__115), v114);
- elseif not v116 and l__Loaded__117 then
- u19(u18, v15.BinaryFind(u18, l__magnitude__115), v114);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local u20 = table.remove;
- local function u21()
- if #u17 > 0 then
- local v118 = u20(u17, 1);
- v118.Model.Parent = v118.Parent;
- v118.Loaded = true;
- end;
- if #u18 > 0 then
- local v119 = u20(u18);
- v119.Model.Parent = nil;
- v119.Loaded = false;
- end;
- end;
- function v71.LODStart(p26)
- u10(p26, u21, "LOD Queue");
- end;
- u19 = workspace;
- u16 = "Streetlights";
- u20 = u19;
- u19 = u19.FindFirstChild;
- u19 = u19(u20, u16);
- if u19 and not v4 then
- u20 = v71.LODSplitModel;
- u16 = u19;
- u15 = 100;
- u20 = u20(u16, u15);
- u16 = v71.LODAddModels;
- u15 = u19;
- u16(u15, u20 * 3);
- end;
- u20 = workspace;
- u15 = "Bush";
- u16 = u20;
- u20 = u20.FindFirstChild;
- u20 = u20(u16, u15);
- if u20 then
- u16 = v71.LODSplitModel;
- u15 = u20;
- u16 = u16(u15, 100);
- u15 = v71.LODAddModels;
- u15(u20, u16 * 2.5);
- end;
- u16 = workspace;
- u15 = u16;
- u16 = u16.FindFirstChild;
- u16 = u16(u15, "Cells");
- if u16 then
- u15 = v71.LODSplitEach;
- u15(u16);
- u15 = v71.LODAddModels;
- u15(u16, 200);
- end;
- u15 = workspace;
- u15 = u15.FindFirstChild;
- u15 = u15(u15, "Roads");
- if u15 then
- local v120 = v71.LODSplitModel(u15, 150);
- v71.LODAddModels(u15, 1000);
- end;
- local l__Railroad__121 = workspace:FindFirstChild("Railroad");
- if l__Railroad__121 then
- local v122 = v71.LODSplitModel(l__Railroad__121, 150);
- v71.LODAddModels(l__Railroad__121, 800);
- end;
- v71.LODStart(0.06666666666666667);
- local l__CurrentCamera__22 = workspace.CurrentCamera;
- u10(1, function()
- if l__CurrentCamera__22.CameraType == Enum.CameraType.Scriptable then
- v71.LODUpdateInterest(l__CurrentCamera__22.CFrame.p);
- return;
- end;
- local l__Character__123 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__123 then
- v71.LODUpdateInterest(l__CurrentCamera__22.CFrame.p);
- return;
- end;
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__124 = l__Character__123:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- if not l__HumanoidRootPart__124 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__125 = l__Character__123:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__125 then
- return;
- end;
- if l__Humanoid__125.Health <= 0 then
- return;
- end;
- v71.LODUpdateInterest(l__HumanoidRootPart__124.Position);
- end, "LOD Interest Update");
- function u7.q8r9yw1z(p27)
- v71.LODUpdateInterest(p27);
- end;
- u19 = nil;
- u16 = require;
- u15 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.RoundedBackingBuilder;
- u16 = u16(u15);
- u20 =;
- u20 = u20();
- u15 = u20;
- u16 = u20.Create;
- u16(u15, v41.Gamepass.ContainerFrame);
- u16 = 0;
- u19 = function(p28)
- local v126 = u16 + 1;
- u16 = v126;
- if p28.OldPassId then
- l__MarketplaceService__2:PromptPurchase(l__LocalPlayer__10, p28.OldPassId);
- else
- l__MarketplaceService__2:PromptGamePassPurchase(l__LocalPlayer__10, p28.PassId);
- end;
- v41.Gamepass.ContainerFrame.TextLabel.Text = p28.Text;
- delay(0.2, function()
- if u16 ~= v126 then
- return;
- end;
- v41.Gamepass.Visible = true;
- end);
- end;
- u15 = function(p29, p30, p31)
- local v127 = u16 + 1;
- u16 = v127;
- delay(0.1, function()
- if u16 ~= v127 then
- return;
- end;
- v41.Gamepass.Visible = false;
- end);
- end;
- l__MarketplaceService__2.PromptGamePassPurchaseFinished:Connect(u15);
- l__MarketplaceService__2.PromptPurchaseFinished:Connect(u15);
- v70.PromptPurchase = u19;
- u20 = nil;
- local v128 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Time);
- v128.Init();
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Confirmation).Init({
- ScreenGui = v40
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Apartment)(v70);
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.Minimap).Init(v70);
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.StarterPack)(v70);
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.NetSync).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.TrainSystem).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.TrackSwitch).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- u2.Heli = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Vehicle.Heli)(v70);
- spawn(function()
- if v4 or u11(v19.Perm.Dev) then
- local v129 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.StarterGui.AdminHax:Clone();
- v129.Parent = l__PlayerGui__9;
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.AdminHax)(v70, v129);
- end;
- end);
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Museum)(v70, v49);
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.GunShop)(v70, v67);
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.L18n)({
- ScreenGui = v40,
- ProductGui = v41
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Turbines).Init();
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Level).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7,
- ScreenGui = v40,
- Team = l__TeamValue__37
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.AirDrop).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Hologram).Init({
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Codes).Init({
- ProductGui = v41,
- MainWindowGroup = v66,
- Event = v36
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.SecretBases).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.GameMode.GameMode).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.GameMode.Modes.BR).Init({
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.GameMode.Modes.Alien).Init({
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.GameMode.Modes.JetSki).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Robbery.RobberyBank).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Robbery.RobberyJewelry).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Robbery.RobberyCargoTrain).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Robbery.RobberyPassengerTrain).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7,
- ScreenGui = v40
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Robbery.RobberyCargoPlane).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7,
- Inventory = v67,
- Team = l__TeamValue__37,
- ScreenGui = v40
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Cell).Init({
- Inventory = v67,
- Event = v36,
- em = u7,
- LOD = v71,
- ScreenGui = v40
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.MilitaryBase).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Vehicle).Init({
- GetVehiclePacket = v70.GetVehiclePacket
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Garage.GarageUI).Init({
- GetScreenGui = v38,
- Event = v36,
- em = u7,
- ScreenGui = v40,
- PromptPurchase = u19
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.GameMode.Storm).Init({
- em = u7
- });
- local v130 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.VehicleSystem.JetSki);
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Plane.Plane).Init();
- local v131 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Plane.Jet);
- v131.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- local v132 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Plane.Stunt);
- local v133 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.VehicleSystem);
- v133.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- v133.RegisterModule(v130);
- v133.RegisterModule(v131);
- v133.RegisterModule(v132);
- local u23 = v133;
- function u7.uiugkfqr(p32, p33)
- local v134, v135 = u23.GetVehiclePacket(l__LocalPlayer__10);
- if v134 == nil then
- error("No vehicle exists for LocalPlayer");
- end;
- v134:UpdateMissileUI(p32, p33);
- end;
- local u24 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Missile);
- function u7.qjh3dc5z(p34, p35, p36, p37)
- u24.LaunchMissile(p34, p35, p36, p37);
- end;
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Robbery.PuzzleFlow).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Robbery.RobberyPowerPlant).Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- u20 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.JetPack.JetPack);
- u20.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- u20.Signal.OnEquipped:Connect(function()
- if v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v49.Unequip();
- end;
- end);
- local v136 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Knockable);
- v136.AddGroup(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Resource:WaitForChild("Streetlights"));
- u10(0.1, v136.Update);
- local u25 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Streetlights);
- function u7.m82blwlg()
- u25.Flicker();
- end;
- function u7.awzkxx6r(p38)
- u25.SetEnabled(p38);
- end;
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.RoadSpikeSystem).Init({
- Event = v36
- });
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.WorldMarker.WorldMarkerSystem).Init();
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.LightningSystem).Init({
- em = u7
- });
- local v137 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Falling);
- v137.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7,
- ScreenGui = v40
- });
- local v138 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Paraglide);
- v138.Init({
- Event = v36,
- em = u7
- });
- function u7.jlt98eds()
- local v139 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.StarterGui.KickGui:Clone();
- v139.Parent = l__PlayerGui__9;
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Module.KickGui)(v70, v139);
- end;
- local function u26(p39)
- local v140, v141, v142 = string.match(p39, "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$");
- return v140 .. v141:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,"):reverse() .. v142;
- end;
- local l__math_abs__27 = math.abs;
- u23 = 0;
- local u28 = {};
- u24 = function(p40, p41, p42)
- local l__Source__143 = p42.Source;
- local v144 = p42.MaxTime and 1;
- local l__TimeStart__145 = p42.TimeStart;
- local l__Delay__146 = p42.Delay;
- if p42.TimeStop then
- v144 = l__TimeStart__145 + p42.TimeStop;
- end;
- local v147 = u23 + 1;
- u23 = v147;
- local v148 = p42.Multi and ("%s_%s_%d"):format(p40, p41, v147) or ("%s_%s"):format(p40, p41);
- local v149 = u28[v148];
- if v149 then
- v149.Object:Stop();
- v149.Object:Destroy();
- u28[v148] = nil;
- end;
- if not p42.Play then
- return;
- end;
- if not l__Source__143 then
- return;
- end;
- local v150 = v19.Sounds[p41];
- if not v150 then
- return;
- end;
- local v151 ="Sound");
- v151.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. v150;
- if l__TimeStart__145 then
- v151.TimePosition = l__TimeStart__145;
- end;
- if p42.SoundGroup then
- v151.SoundGroup = p42.SoundGroup;
- end;
- v151.Name = v148;
- v151.Looped = p42.Looped;
- v151.Volume = p42.Volume and 0.5;
- v151.PlaybackSpeed = p42.Pitch and 1;
- v151.EmitterSize = p42.EmitterSize and 10;
- v151.MaxDistance = 400;
- v151.Parent = l__Source__143;
- if l__Delay__146 then
- delay(l__Delay__146, function()
- v151:Play();
- end);
- else
- v151:Play();
- end;
- u28[v148] = {
- Object = v151,
- Proxy = v147
- };
- delay(v144, function()
- local v152 = u28[v148];
- if not v152 then
- return;
- end;
- if v147 < v152.Proxy then
- return;
- end;
- v152.Object:Stop();
- v152.Object:Destroy();
- u28[v148] = nil;
- end);
- end;
- u7.kq2ystrr = u24;
- local function u29(p43, p44, p45)
- if not p44.Source then
- return;
- end;
- p44.Play = true;
- if not p45 then
- v36:FireServer("kq2ystrr", p43, p44);
- end;
- u7.kq2ystrr(l__LocalPlayer__10.Name, p43, p44);
- end;
- local l__Vector3_new__30 =;
- u28 = function(p46)
- local v153 = v17.MakeState();
- v153.Frame = v42.Particles;
- v17.EasySimulate(v153, 4);
- local l__AbsoluteSize__154 = v153.Frame.AbsoluteSize;
- local l__X__155 = l__AbsoluteSize__154.X;
- local l__Y__156 = l__AbsoluteSize__154.Y;
- local function v157(p47)
- if p46 <= 4 or math.random() > 0.2 then
- u29("FireworkBang", {
- Source = v40,
- Volume = 0.2 + math.random() * 0.3,
- Multi = true
- }, true);
- end;
- end;
- for v158 = 1, p46 do
- local v159 = math.random();
- local v160 = l__Vector3_new__30(0, -400, 0) + v15.Uniform2D(150);
- local v161 = v17.Firework(v153, l__Vector3_new__30(math.random() * l__X__155, l__Y__156, 0), v160, v24);
- v161.ttl = (l__Y__156 - (l__Y__156 * 0.3 + l__Y__156 * 0.6 * v159)) / v160.magnitude;
- v161.OnDestroy = v157;
- wait(0.1 + math.random() * 0.1 * 0.5);
- end;
- end;
- function u7.vaaxt89e(p48)
- assert(p48 <= 50);
- u28(p48);
- end;
- v70.Fireworks = u28;
- require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.Party).Init({
- Fireworks = u28
- });
- function u7.g96494um(p49)
- if p49.Bribed then
- u7.lhc4plp0({
- Title = "Arrest",
- Text = ("You are bribed! Wait %d seconds."):format(p49.Bribed)
- });
- end;
- end;
- function u7.tv2c4mp4(p50)
- if p50.Cooldown then
- u7.lhc4plp0({
- Title = "Breakout",
- Text = ("Wait %d seconds."):format(p50.Cooldown)
- });
- end;
- end;
- local u31 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.ItemSystem.DisplayDamage);
- function u7.j1vv3dsj(p51)
- for v162, v163 in next, p51 do
- local v164 = l__Players__9:FindFirstChild(v162);
- if v164 then
- local l__Character__165 = v164.Character;
- if l__Character__165 and l__Character__165:FindFirstChild("Head") then
- u31(v162, l__Character__165.Head, math.floor(v163 + 0.5));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- u31 = nil;
- u31 = function()
- return {
- StartPosition = nil,
- Position = v24,
- TargetPosition = nil,
- LookVector = l__Vector3_new__30(0, 0, -1),
- TargetFocus = nil,
- TargetLookVector = nil
- };
- end;
- local l__CFrame_new__32 =;
- local u33 = false;
- local u34 = tick();
- local u35 = tick();
- local function u36()
- if u33 then
- u33 = false;
- v36:FireServer("uga8o144", tick() - u34);
- end;
- end;
- local function u37(p52, p53)
- local v166 = {};
- if not p53 then
- v36:FireServer("kq2ystrr", p52, v166);
- end;
- u7.kq2ystrr(l__LocalPlayer__10.Name, p52, v166);
- end;
- function u7.zkdvjtxr(p54, p55)
- v68.Nitro = p54;
- v68.NitroLastMax = p55;
- v68.NitroForceUIUpdate = true;
- v41.Nitro.Body.Bar.Value.Size = / v19.Scalar.NitroMax, 0, 1, 0);
- v41.Nitro.Body.Bar.TextLabel.Text = ("%d/%d Fuel"):format(p54, v19.Scalar.NitroMax);
- end;
- local u38 = nil;
- l__RunService__3.Stepped:Connect(function(p56, p57)
- local v167 = tick();
- local v168 = u38 and v167 - u38 or 0;
- u38 = v167;
- if u13 and not u13.Passenger then
- if u13.Type == "Chassis" then
- u2.Chassis.UpdatePrePhysics(u13, v168);
- return;
- end;
- if u13.Type == "Motorcycle" or u13.Type == "DuneBuggy" then
- u2.Chassis2.UpdateHQ(u13, v168);
- return;
- end;
- if u13.Type == "Custom" and u13.Make == "Volt" then
- u2.Volt.UpdatePrePhysics(u13, v168);
- end;
- end;
- end);
- l__RunService__3.RenderStepped:Connect(function(p58)
- v12.CircleAction.Update(p58);
- end);
- local u39 = nil;
- local u40 = v24;
- local u41 = v24;
- local u42 = false;
- local l__CFrame_Angles__43 = CFrame.Angles;
- local u44 = 0;
- local u45 = {};
- local function u46()
- u37("NitroLoop");
- if u13 and not u13.Passenger then
- u13.Nitro = false;
- if u13.Nitrous then
- for v169, v170 in next, u13.Nitrous do
- v170.Enabled = false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- u36();
- v36:FireServer("rp9pk4d1");
- end;
- l__RunService__3.Heartbeat:connect(function()
- local v171 = tick();
- local v172 = u39 and v171 - u39 or 0;
- u39 = v171;
- v25.profilebegin("Vehicle Updates");
- if u13 and not u13.Passenger then
- if u13.Type == "Chassis" then
- u2.Chassis.UpdatePostPhysics(u13, v172);
- elseif u13.Type == "Heli" then
- u2.Heli.Update(u13, v172);
- end;
- end;
- v25.profileend();
- v25.profilebegin("Camera Looking");
- local v173 = l__CurrentCamera__22:ScreenPointToRay(u40.X, u40.Y);
- u41 = u41 + (v173.Origin + v173.Direction * 30 - u41) * 0.2;
- local l__Character__174 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if l__Character__174 then
- local l__Humanoid__175 = l__Character__174:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if l__Humanoid__175 and (not u13 or u13.Type ~= "Chassis3") then
- local l__RootPart__176 = l__Humanoid__175.RootPart;
- if l__RootPart__176 then
- local l__Head__177 = l__Character__174:FindFirstChild("Head");
- local l__UpperTorso__178 = l__Character__174:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso");
- if l__Head__177 and l__UpperTorso__178 then
- local l__Waist__179 = l__UpperTorso__178:FindFirstChild("Waist");
- local l__Neck__180 = l__Head__177:FindFirstChild("Neck");
- if l__Waist__179 and l__Neck__180 then
- local v181 = 0;
- local v182 = 0;
- v25.profilebegin("Calculate looking");
- if not u42 then
- local v183 = (l__CurrentCamera__22.CFrame * l__CFrame_Angles__43(0.2, 0, 0)).LookVector;
- if v15.IsNaNv3(v183) then
- v183 = l__Vector3_new__30(0, 0, -1);
- end;
- local v184 = l__RootPart__176.CFrame.lookVector:Dot(v183:Cross(l__Vector3_new__30(0, 1, 0)));
- local v185 = math.asin(v183.Y);
- if u13 then
- if not u13.Passenger or not (not u13.NoLook) or v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v184 = 0;
- v185 = 0;
- end;
- elseif v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v184 = 0;
- v185 = 0;
- end;
- if v15.IsNaN(v184) then
- v184 = 0;
- end;
- if v15.IsNaN(v182) then
- v182 = 0;
- end;
- local v186 = l__CFrame_new__32(l__Waist__179.C1.p) * l__CFrame_Angles__43(0, -v181 * 0.5 * 1, 0) * l__CFrame_Angles__43(-v182 * 0.2 * 1, 0, 0);
- local v187 = l__CFrame_new__32(l__Neck__180.C1.p) * l__CFrame_Angles__43(-v182 * 0.5 * 1, 0, 0) * l__CFrame_Angles__43(0, -v181 * 0.5 * 1, 0);
- else
- v186 = l__CFrame_new__32(l__Waist__179.C1.p);
- v187 = l__CFrame_new__32(l__Neck__180.C1.p);
- end;
- if v15.IsNaNcf(v186) then
- v186 = l__CFrame_new__32(l__Waist__179.C1.p);
- end;
- if v15.IsNaNcf(v187) then
- v187 = l__CFrame_new__32(l__Neck__180.C1.p);
- end;
- l__Waist__179.C1 = v186;
- l__Neck__180.C1 = v187;
- if v171 - u44 >= 0.4 then
- u44 = v171;
- if v15.IsNaN(v181) then
- v181 = 0;
- end;
- if v15.IsNaN(v182) then
- v182 = 0;
- end;
- if u7.hems then
- v36:FireServer("uulfvtnn", v181, v182);
- end;
- end;
- v25.profileend();
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local l__next__188 = next;
- local v189 = nil;
- while true do
- local v190, v191 = l__next__188(u45, v189);
- if not v190 then
- break;
- end;
- local v192, v193 = v15.Spring(v191.HeadingSpring);
- local v194, v195 = v15.Spring(v191.PitchSpring);
- local l__Waist__196 = v191.Waist;
- if l__Waist__196 then
- local v197 = l__CFrame_new__32(l__Waist__196.C1.p) * l__CFrame_Angles__43(-v194 * 0.2, -v192 * 0.5, 0);
- if v15.IsNaNcf(v197) then
- v197 = v23;
- end;
- l__Waist__196.C1 = v197;
- end;
- local l__Neck__198 = v191.Neck;
- if l__Neck__198 then
- local v199 = l__CFrame_new__32(l__Neck__198.C1.p) * l__CFrame_Angles__43(-v194 * 0.5, -v192 * 0.5, 0);
- if v15.IsNaNcf(v199) then
- v199 = v23;
- end;
- l__Neck__198.C1 = v199;
- end;
- end;
- v25.profileend();
- if u13 and not u13.Passenger and u13.Type ~= "Heli" and u13.Type ~= "Chassis3" then
- local v200 = false;
- if u13.Type ~= "Heli" and not v40.Nitro.Visible then
- v40.Nitro.Visible = true;
- v200 = true;
- end;
- if v68.NitroForceUIUpdate then
- v68.NitroForceUIUpdate = false;
- v200 = true;
- end;
- if u13.Nitro then
- v200 = true;
- v68.Nitro = v68.Nitro - v172 * 5;
- end;
- if v68.Nitro < 0 then
- v200 = true;
- v68.Nitro = 0;
- u46();
- end;
- if v200 then
- local v201 = v68.Nitro / v19.Scalar.NitroMax;
- v40.Nitro.Value.Size =, 0, v201, 0);
- v40.Nitro.Value.Position =, 0, 1 - v201, 0);
- return;
- end;
- elseif v40.Nitro.Visible then
- v40.Nitro.Visible = false;
- end;
- end);
- local u47 = {
- tire_pop = 4534995816,
- tire_leak = 4534995685
- };
- local function u48(p59, p60)
- assert(p59);
- assert(p60 ~= nil);
- local l__Model__202 = p59.Model;
- if p59.Type == "Chassis" and p59.Make ~= "Volt" then
- if p60 then
- local l__WheelFrontRight__203 = l__Model__202:FindFirstChild("WheelFrontRight");
- if l__WheelFrontRight__203 then
- l__WheelFrontRight__203.Wheel.Transparency = 1;
- end;
- local l__WheelFrontLeft__204 = l__Model__202:FindFirstChild("WheelFrontLeft");
- if l__WheelFrontLeft__204 then
- l__WheelFrontLeft__204.Wheel.Transparency = 1;
- end;
- local l__WheelBackRight__205 = l__Model__202:FindFirstChild("WheelBackRight");
- if l__WheelBackRight__205 then
- l__WheelBackRight__205.Wheel.Transparency = 1;
- end;
- local l__WheelBackLeft__206 = l__Model__202:FindFirstChild("WheelBackLeft");
- if l__WheelBackLeft__206 then
- l__WheelBackLeft__206.Wheel.Transparency = 1;
- return;
- end;
- else
- local l__WheelFrontRight__207 = l__Model__202:FindFirstChild("WheelFrontRight");
- if l__WheelFrontRight__207 then
- l__WheelFrontRight__207.Wheel.Transparency = 0;
- end;
- local l__WheelFrontLeft__208 = l__Model__202:FindFirstChild("WheelFrontLeft");
- if l__WheelFrontLeft__208 then
- l__WheelFrontLeft__208.Wheel.Transparency = 0;
- end;
- local l__WheelBackRight__209 = l__Model__202:FindFirstChild("WheelBackRight");
- if l__WheelBackRight__209 then
- l__WheelBackRight__209.Wheel.Transparency = 0;
- end;
- local l__WheelBackLeft__210 = l__Model__202:FindFirstChild("WheelBackLeft");
- if l__WheelBackLeft__210 then
- l__WheelBackLeft__210.Wheel.Transparency = 0;
- return;
- end;
- end;
- elseif (p59.Type == "Motorcycle" or p59.Type == "DuneBuggy") and p59.Wheels then
- for v211, v212 in next, p59.Wheels do
- if p60 then
- local v213 = 1;
- else
- v213 = 0;
- end;
- v212.VisualModelRoot.Parent.MeshPart.Transparency = v213;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- u47 = function(p61, p62)
- local l__Model__214 = p61.Model;
- if not l__Model__214 then
- return;
- end;
- if not l__Model__214:FindFirstChild("Engine") then
- return;
- end;
- if p61.HasProp then
- u2.Heli.SpinProp(p61, p62);
- end;
- end;
- local u49 = 0;
- local u50 = 0;
- local u51 = v40:WaitForChild("Radio");
- local function v215()
- u51.Visible = false;
- end;
- local v216 = v18.MakeWindow();
- function v216.OpenFun()
- u51.Visible = true;
- end;
- v216.CloseFun = v215;
- v18.WindowGroupAdd(v66, v216);
- local function u52()
- local v217 = u51.TextBox.Text:match("%d+");
- if not v217 then
- return;
- end;
- if not l__LocalPlayer__10.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- return;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("s8ag5il2", v217);
- end;
- u51.Play.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if l__MarketplaceService__2:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(l__LocalPlayer__10.UserId, v19.Gamepass.Stereo.PassId) then
- return u52();
- end;
- u19(v19.Gamepass.Stereo);
- end);
- u51.Stop.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if not l__LocalPlayer__10.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- return;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("t0kvpif8");
- end);
- u51.Close.MouseButton1Down:connect(v215);
- local u53 = {
- Bass = {
- Scalar = 0.5
- }
- };
- local u54 = 0;
- l__UserInputService__5.InputEnded:connect(function(p63)
- if p63.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- u54 = u54 + 1;
- end;
- end);
- local l__Music__55 = l__SoundService__8.Music;
- (function(p64, p65)
- local v218 = u51[p64 .. "Level"];
- local u56 = u53[p64];
- v218.TextButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(p66, p67)
- u56.MinY = v218.AbsolutePosition.Y + 5;
- u56.MaxY = u56.MinY + v218.AbsoluteSize.Y - v218.TextButton.AbsoluteSize.Y + 5;
- local v219 = u54 + 1;
- u54 = v219;
- while u54 == v219 do
- local v220 = u40.y + 5;
- local v221 = v220 < u56.MinY and u56.MinY or (u56.MaxY < v220 and u56.MaxY or v220);
- local v222 = (v221 - u56.MinY) / (u56.MaxY - u56.MinY);
- u56.Scalar = v222;
- p65(p64, v222);
- v218.TextButton.Position =, -15, 0, v221 - u56.MinY - 5);
- l__RunService__3.Stepped:wait();
- end;
- end);
- end)("Bass", function(p68, p69)
- p69 = (2 * p69 - 1) ^ 3 * 0.5 + 0.5;
- local v223 = 1 - p69;
- if p68 == "Bass" then
- l__Music__55.EqualizerSoundEffect.LowGain = p69 * -5 + v223 * 5;
- l__Music__55.EqualizerSoundEffect.MidGain = v223 * -1.5 + p69 * 1.5;
- l__Music__55.EqualizerSoundEffect.HighGain = v223 * -1.5 + p69 * 1.5;
- end;
- end);
- v70.RadioWindow = v216;
- u51 = nil;
- local u57 = 0;
- u51 = function()
- local v224 = tick();
- if v224 - u57 < 0.15 then
- return;
- end;
- u57 = v224;
- if u13 and not u13.Passenger then
- if not u11(v19.Perm.InjanHorn) then
- u29("Horn", {
- Source = u13.Model.Engine,
- Volume = 0.3,
- Pitch = 0.96,
- MaxTime = 8
- });
- return;
- end;
- else
- return;
- end;
- u29("InjanHorn", {
- Source = u13.Model.Engine,
- Volume = 1
- });
- end;
- local v225 ="Animation");
- v225.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://685258011";
- local v226 = {};
- local v227 ="Animation");
- v227.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://758003506";
- table.insert(v226, v227);
- local v228 ="Animation");
- v228.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://758005053";
- table.insert(v226, v228);
- local u58 = false;
- local u59 = nil;
- local u60 = tick();
- local u61 = { 0, 0, 0 };
- local u62 = tick();
- local u63 = nil;
- local function u64()
- if tick() - u35 < 0.1 then
- return;
- end;
- u35 = tick();
- if u33 then
- u36();
- end;
- u33 = true;
- u34 = tick();
- if u13 and not u13.Passenger then
- u13.Nitro = true;
- u29("Nitro1", {
- Source = u13.Nitrous[1].Parent,
- TimeStart = 0.5,
- Volume = 1
- });
- u29("NitroLoop", {
- Source = u13.Nitrous[1].Parent,
- Looped = true,
- MaxTime = 30,
- Volume = 1,
- Delay = 0.3
- });
- for v229, v230 in next, u13.Nitrous do
- v230.Enabled = true;
- end;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("zba6rkps");
- if v68.Nitro / v68.NitroLastMax <= 0.01 then
- u7.zjbb4hv0(true, true);
- end;
- end;
- local function u65()
- if u13 and not u13.Passenger then
- u37("Horn");
- end;
- end;
- local function v231(p70, p71, p72)
- local v232 = nil;
- v232 = p70.Name;
- if p71 then
- if v232 == "Sprint" then
- u58 = true;
- return;
- end;
- if v232 == "Crawl" then
- local l__Character__233 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__233 then
- return;
- else
- local l__Humanoid__234 = l__Character__233:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__234 then
- return;
- elseif not u59 and l__Humanoid__234.Sit then
- return;
- else
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__235 = l__Character__233:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- if not l__HumanoidRootPart__235 then
- return;
- elseif v137.IsRagdolling() then
- return;
- elseif v138.IsFlying() then
- return false;
- else
- local v236 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if v236 and v236.ItemData.Locked then
- return;
- elseif tick() - u60 < 0.1 then
- return;
- elseif tick() - u61[#u61] < 2 then
- return;
- else
- u60 = tick();
- if u59 then
- table.remove(u61);
- table.insert(u61, 1, u60);
- end;
- u42 = not u59;
- local l__UpperTorso__66 = l__Character__233:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso");
- local l__LowerTorso__67 = l__Character__233:FindFirstChild("LowerTorso");
- local u68 = {};
- local function u69(p73)
- local l__next__237 = next;
- local v238, v239 = p73:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v240, v241 = l__next__237(v238, v239);
- if not v240 then
- break;
- end;
- v239 = v240;
- if v241:IsA("JointInstance") and (v241.Part1 == l__UpperTorso__66 or v241.Part1 == l__LowerTorso__67 or v241.Part0 == l__UpperTorso__66 or v241.Part0 == l__LowerTorso__67) then
- table.insert(u68, {
- Motor = v241,
- Part0 = v241.Part0,
- Part1 = v241.Part1
- });
- v241.Part0 = nil;
- v241.Part1 = nil;
- end;
- u69(v241);
- end;
- end;
- u69(l__Character__233);
- if u42 then
- local v242 ="Part");
- v242.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball;
- v242.Size =, 1, 4);
- v242.Name = "Ball";
- v242.CanCollide = true;
- v242.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0, 0, 1, 1);
- v242.CFrame = l__HumanoidRootPart__235.CFrame *, 0, 1);
- v242.Transparency = 1;
- v242.Parent = l__Character__233;
- v14.CustomWeld(v242, l__HumanoidRootPart__235,, 1, 0), v23);
- else
- local l__Ball__243 = l__Character__233:FindFirstChild("Ball");
- if l__Ball__243 then
- l__Ball__243:Destroy();
- end;
- end;
- local l__Size__244 = l__UpperTorso__66.Size;
- l__UpperTorso__66.Size = u42 and, l__Size__244.y, math.min(l__Size__244.z, 0.8)) or l__UpperTorso__66.OriginalSize.Value;
- l__UpperTorso__66.CanCollide = not u42;
- local l__Size__245 = l__LowerTorso__67.Size;
- l__LowerTorso__67.Size = u42 and, l__Size__245.y, math.min(l__Size__245.z, 0.8)) or l__LowerTorso__67.OriginalSize.Value;
- l__LowerTorso__67.CanCollide = not u42;
- for v246, v247 in next, u68 do
- v247.Motor.Part0 = v247.Part0;
- v247.Motor.Part1 = v247.Part1;
- end;
- l__Character__233.HumanoidRootPart.CanCollide = not u42;
- if u59 then
- u59:Stop();
- u59 = nil;
- return;
- else
- if v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v49.Unequip();
- end;
- u59 = l__Humanoid__234:LoadAnimation(v225);
- u59:Play();
- return;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- elseif v232 == "Punch" then
- if tick() - u62 < 0.5 then
- return;
- else
- local l__Character__248 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__248 then
- return;
- else
- local l__Humanoid__249 = l__Character__248:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__249 then
- return;
- elseif v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- return;
- else
- if u63 then
- u63:Stop();
- end;
- local v250 = table.remove(v226, 1);
- table.insert(v226, v250);
- u63 = l__Humanoid__249:LoadAnimation(v250);
- u63:Play();
- u62 = tick();
- v36:FireServer("it0nxzhc");
- return;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- else
- if v232 == "Horn" then
- u51();
- return;
- end;
- if v232 == "Radio" then
- if u13 then
- v18.WindowToggle(v216);
- return;
- end;
- elseif v232 == "Flip" then
- if u13 then
- v36:FireServer("dhaekadz", u13.Model);
- return;
- end;
- elseif v232 == "Nitro" and u13 and not u13.Passenger then
- u64();
- return;
- end;
- end;
- else
- if v232 == "Sprint" then
- u58 = false;
- return;
- end;
- if v232 == "Horn" then
- u65();
- return;
- end;
- if v232 == "Nitro" then
- u46();
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local v251 = v16.MakeUI();
- v16.UpdateUI(v251);
- v251.Container.Parent = v40.ActionButtons;
- local v252 = {};
- local v253 = v16.MakeBindA("Crawl", v231, Enum.KeyCode.C, Enum.KeyCode.Z, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL3);
- v253.Image = v19.Images.Crawl;
- local v254 = v16.MakeBindA("Punch", v231, Enum.KeyCode.F, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB);
- v254.Image = v19.Images.Punch;
- local v255 = v16.MakeBindA("Sprint", v231, Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift, Enum.KeyCode.RightShift, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2);
- v255.Image = v19.Images.Sprint;
- local v256 = v16.MakeGroupA(v253, v254, v255);
- v256.UI = v251;
- local v257 = v16.MakeBindA("Horn", v231, Enum.KeyCode.H, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL3);
- v257.Image = v19.Images.Horn;
- local v258 = v16.MakeBindA("Drift", u2.Chassis.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift, Enum.KeyCode.RightShift, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX);
- v258.Image = v19.Images.Drift;
- local v259 = v16.MakeBindA("Lights", u2.Chassis.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.L, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY);
- v259.Image = v19.Images.Headlights;
- local v260 = v16.MakeBindA("Sirens", u2.Chassis.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.F, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB);
- v260.Image = v19.Images.Siren;
- v260.Hidden = true;
- local v261 = v16.MakeBindA("Radio", v231, Enum.KeyCode.R);
- v261.Image = v19.Images.Radio;
- local v262 = v16.MakeBindA("Flip", v231, Enum.KeyCode.V, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1);
- v262.Image = v19.Images.CarFlip;
- local v263 = v16.MakeBindA("Nitro", v231, Enum.KeyCode.Q, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1);
- v263.Image = v19.Images.Nitro;
- local v264 = v16.MakeBindA("CamToggle", u2.Chassis.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.C, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2);
- v264.Image = v19.Images.CamToggle;
- local v265 = v16.MakeBindA("Action", u2.Chassis.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.G, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY);
- v265.Image = v19.Images.Action;
- v265.Hidden = true;
- local v266 = v16.MakeGroupA(v258, v263, v257, v259, v261, v262, v264, v260, v265);
- v266.UI = v251;
- local v267 = v16.MakeGroupA(v258, v263, v257, v259, v261, v262);
- v267.UI = v251;
- spawn(function()
- if u11(v19.Perm.Autopilot) then
- local v268 = v16.MakeBindA("Autopilot", u2.Chassis.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.T);
- v268.Hidden = true;
- table.insert(v266.Binds, v268);
- end;
- end);
- local v269 = v16.MakeBindA("Up", u2.Heli.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.E, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2);
- v269.Image = v19.Images.HeliUp;
- local v270 = v16.MakeBindA("Down", u2.Heli.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.Q, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2);
- v270.Image = v19.Images.HeliDown;
- local v271 = v16.MakeBindA("Missile", u2.Heli.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.F, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX);
- v271.Image = v19.Images.HeliMissile;
- local v272 = v16.MakeBindA("Bomb", u2.Heli.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.B, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB);
- v272.Image = v19.Images.HeliMissile;
- local v273 = v16.MakeBindA("Rope", u2.Heli.OnAction, Enum.KeyCode.G, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY);
- v273.Image = v19.Images.HeliRope;
- local v274 = v16.MakeGroupA(v257, v269, v270, v273, v271, v272, v261);
- v274.UI = v251;
- local v275 = v16.MakeGroupA(v273);
- v275.UI = v251;
- local v276 = v16.MakeGroupA();
- v276.UI = v251;
- v16.BindGroup(v256);
- v252.Bind_Sirens = v260;
- v252.Bind_Missile = v271;
- v252.Bind_Action = v265;
- local u70 = "Yard";
- function u7.mevi0utf(p74, p75)
- u70 = p74;
- if p75 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Banner__277 = v40.Banner;
- l__Banner__277.Visible = true;
- l__Banner__277.Title.Text = v21:FormatByKey("Schedule." .. p74);
- l__Banner__277.Desc.Text = v21:FormatByKey("Banner." .. p74 .. "Desc");
- delay(8, function()
- l__Banner__277.Visible = false;
- end);
- end;
- function u7.uulfvtnn(p76, p77, p78)
- local v278 = u45[p76];
- if not v278 then
- v278 = {
- HeadingSpring = v15.MakeSpring(0, 10, 0.8),
- PitchSpring = v15.MakeSpring(0, 10, 0.8)
- };
- u45[p76] = v278;
- end;
- local v279 = l__Players__9:FindFirstChild(p76);
- if not v279 then
- u45[p76] = nil;
- return;
- end;
- local l__Character__280 = v279.Character;
- if not l__Character__280 then
- u45[p76] = nil;
- return;
- end;
- local l__UpperTorso__281 = l__Character__280:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso");
- if not l__UpperTorso__281 then
- u45[p76] = nil;
- return;
- end;
- v278.Waist = l__UpperTorso__281:FindFirstChild("Waist");
- v278.Neck = l__Character__280.Head:FindFirstChild("Neck");
- v15.SpringSetTarget(v278.HeadingSpring, p77);
- v15.SpringSetTarget(v278.PitchSpring, p78);
- end;
- local function u71(p79)
- if u13 then
- p79 = true;
- local v282 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if v282 and v282.IsLeaning then
- v282:SetLeaning(false);
- end;
- v36:FireServer("e5i2v5is");
- v68.LastVehicleExit = tick();
- end;
- if not p79 then
- delay(0.1, function()
- u71(true);
- end);
- end;
- end;
- local u72 = nil;
- local function u73(p80, p81, p82)
- local v283 = {};
- local l__next__284 = next;
- local v285 = nil;
- while true do
- local v286 = nil;
- local v287 = nil;
- local v288, v289 = l__next__284(p81, v285);
- if not v288 then
- break;
- end;
- v285 = v288;
- v287 = v289;
- v286 = p80[v288];
- if type(v289) == "number" then
- local v290 = (1 - p82) * v286 + p82 * v287;
- else
- v290 = v286:lerp(v287, p82);
- end;
- v283[v288] = v290;
- end;
- return v283;
- end;
- local u74 = nil;
- function u7.uzvjw90q()
- wait();
- local l__Character__291 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__291 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__292 = l__Character__291:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__292 then
- return;
- end;
- l__Humanoid__292.Seated:connect(function(p83)
- if p83 and u42 then
- v231({
- Name = "Crawl"
- }, true);
- end;
- end);
- if u72 then
- local u75 = nil;
- local l__ColorCorrection__76 = game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("ColorCorrection");
- local l__Blur__77 = game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("Blur");
- local u78 = 0;
- local function u79()
- if u75 then
- u75:Disconnect();
- end;
- local v293 = u73(u72, u74, 1);
- l__ColorCorrection__76.Saturation = v293.Saturation;
- l__Blur__77.Size = v293.Blur;
- l__Blur__77.Enabled = false;
- end;
- u75 = l__RunService__3.RenderStepped:connect(function(p84)
- u78 = u78 + p84 * 2;
- if u78 >= 1 then
- return u79();
- end;
- local v294 = u73(u72, u74, 1);
- l__ColorCorrection__76.Saturation = v294.Saturation;
- l__Blur__77.Size = v294.Blur;
- end);
- v43.Frame:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 40, 0, 0),, -20, 0.5, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.1, true, function()
- v43.Frame.Visible = false;
- end);
- end;
- end;
- local u80 = false;
- function u7.o3cu8cd4(p85)
- u42 = false;
- u58 = false;
- u80 = false;
- v70.HasEscaped = false;
- u71(true);
- if p85 then
- return;
- end;
- v43.Frame.TextLabel.Text = v21:FormatByKey("DeathMessage." .. math.random(0, 13));
- local l__Blur__295 = game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("Blur");
- l__Blur__295.Enabled = true;
- u74 = {
- Blur = 0,
- Saturation = 0
- };
- u72 = {
- Blur = 8,
- Saturation = -1
- };
- local u81 = nil;
- local l__ColorCorrection__82 = game.Lighting:FindFirstChild("ColorCorrection");
- local u83 = 0;
- local function u84()
- if u81 then
- u81:Disconnect();
- end;
- local v296 = u73(u74, u72, 1);
- l__ColorCorrection__82.Saturation = v296.Saturation;
- l__Blur__295.Size = v296.Blur;
- end;
- u81 = l__RunService__3.RenderStepped:connect(function(p86)
- u83 = u83 + p86 * 1;
- if u83 >= 1 then
- return u84();
- end;
- local v297 = u73(u74, u72, u83);
- l__ColorCorrection__82.Saturation = v297.Saturation;
- l__Blur__295.Size = v297.Blur;
- end);
- delay(0.5, function()
- v43.Frame.Size =, 40, 0, 0);
- v43.Frame.Position =, -20, 0.5, 0);
- v43.Frame:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 40, 0, 150),, -20, 0.5, -75), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.5, true);
- v43.Frame.Visible = true;
- end);
- end;
- function u7.lnue6neb()
- u80 = true;
- v137.StartRagdolling(v19.Time.Stunned);
- wait(v19.Time.Stunned);
- u80 = false;
- end;
- function u7.lhc4plp0(p87)
- u29("Notification", {
- Source = l__StarterGui__20,
- Volume = 0.3
- }, true);
- pcall(function()
- l__StarterGui__20:SetCore("SendNotification", p87);
- end);
- end;
- v70.Notification = u7.lhc4plp0;
- function u7.ygc1smrf(p88)
- pcall(function()
- l__StarterGui__20:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {
- Text = ("[Server] %s"):format(p88),
- Color =, 0.8588235294117647, 0.06274509803921569)
- });
- end);
- end;
- local function u85(p89)
- if p89 >= 0 then
- local v298 = "";
- else
- v298 = "-";
- end;
- return v298 .. v21:FormatByKey("General.Cash", { u26(l__math_abs__27(p89)) });
- end;
- function u7.wqcgdi21(p90)
- local v299 = u85(p90.Cash);
- v41.Safe.Money.Text = v299;
- v41.DevProduct.Money.Text = v299;
- v40.BuyVehicle.Money.Text = v299;
- v40.MissilesBuy.Money.Text = v299;
- end;
- function u7.zn034kym(p91, p92)
- if p91 > 0 then
- u28(2);
- v40.PlusCash.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(68, 194, 93);
- v40.PlusCash.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(33, 97, 44);
- else
- v40.PlusCash.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(240, 30, 30);
- v40.PlusCash.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(180, 0, 0);
- end;
- v40.PlusCash.Text = ("%s Cash"):format(u85(p91));
- if p92 then
- v40.PlusCash.Desc.Text = p92;
- v40.PlusCash.Desc.Visible = true;
- else
- v40.PlusCash.Desc.Visible = false;
- end;
- v40.PlusCash.Visible = true;
- delay(3, function()
- v40.PlusCash.Visible = false;
- end);
- end;
- local u86 = nil;
- function u7.wy1rr9qe(p93, p94)
- if p94 then
- if p94.Sounds then
- for v300, v301 in next, p94.Sounds do
- v301.Volume = 0;
- end;
- end;
- if p94.Type == "Heli" then
- p94.PropAlpha = 0;
- u47(p94, 0);
- end;
- end;
- u86 = p93;
- end;
- function u7.tr0539ur(p95)
- u45[p95] = nil;
- end;
- local u87 = 0;
- local u88 = require(l__LocalPlayer__10.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule):GetCameras();
- local function u89(p96, p97, p98, p99)
- if p96.TargetPosition then
- if p96.StartPosition then
- p96.Position = p96.StartPosition * (1 - p98) + p96.TargetPosition * p98;
- else
- p96.Position = p96.Position + (p96.TargetPosition - p96.Position) * p97 * p98;
- end;
- end;
- local v302 = p96.TargetLookVector;
- if p96.TargetFocus then
- v302 = (p96.TargetFocus - p96.Position).unit;
- end;
- if v302 then
- p96.LookVector = p96.LookVector + (v302 - p96.LookVector) * p97 * p99;
- end;
- l__CurrentCamera__22.CFrame = l__CFrame_new__32(v24, p96.LookVector) + p96.Position;
- end;
- local l__BuyVehicle__90 = v40.BuyVehicle;
- local u91 = nil;
- local function u92()
- l__BuyVehicle__90.Visible = false;
- u71();
- end;
- local u93 = nil;
- local function v303()
- u92();
- u93();
- end;
- l__BuyVehicle__90.Buy.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if not u91 then
- u92();
- return;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("rg6zuplp", u91);
- end);
- l__BuyVehicle__90.Cancel.MouseButton1Down:connect(u92);
- l__BuyVehicle__90.Rent.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if not u91 then
- u92();
- return;
- end;
- l__MarketplaceService__2:PromptProductPurchase(l__LocalPlayer__10, 437705749);
- v36:FireServer("ea9hg4qw", u91);
- end);
- l__BuyVehicle__90.BuyCash.MouseButton1Down:connect(v303);
- function u7.rg6zuplp(p100)
- if p100.Success then
- l__BuyVehicle__90.Visible = false;
- u28(5);
- return;
- end;
- if p100.NotEnoughMoney then
- v303();
- return;
- end;
- if not p100.LowLevel then
- u92();
- return;
- end;
- u7.lhc4plp0({
- Title = "Vehicle",
- Text = ("This requires level %d."):format(p100.LowLevel)
- });
- end;
- function u7.tbizq11h(p101)
- v68.VehiclesOwned = p101;
- end;
- function u7.ucycins5(p102)
- v68.VehiclesRented = p102;
- end;
- function u7.xzlcloze(p103, p104, p105)
- u91 = p103;
- if p104 then
- u19(p104);
- return;
- end;
- if v19.Price[p103] then
- local l__BuyVehicle__304 = v40.BuyVehicle;
- l__BuyVehicle__304.TextLabel.Text = ("Buy %s for %s?"):format(p103, u85(v19.Price[p103]));
- l__BuyVehicle__304.Rent.Visible = p105;
- l__BuyVehicle__304.Visible = true;
- v69(l__BuyVehicle__304.Buy);
- end;
- end;
- function u7.uz8g4dsh()
- local l__SimpleMessage__305 = v40.SimpleMessage;
- l__SimpleMessage__305.Visible = true;
- l__SimpleMessage__305.Text = v21:FormatByKey("Vehicle.Locked");
- delay(1, function()
- l__SimpleMessage__305.Visible = false;
- end);
- end;
- local function u94()
- if not u13 or u13.Passenger then
- v40.Lock.Visible = false;
- return;
- end;
- local l__Locked__306 = u13.Locked;
- v40.Lock.Visible = true;
- v40.Lock.TextLabel.Text = l__Locked__306 and v21:FormatByKey("Vehicle.Unlock") or v21:FormatByKey("Vehicle.Lock");
- v40.Lock.ImageColor3 = l__Locked__306 and Color3.fromRGB(82, 149, 208) or, 0.6, 0.6);
- v40.Lock.TextLabel.TextColor3 = l__Locked__306 and Color3.fromRGB(51, 93, 130) or, 0.4, 0.4);
- end;
- v40.Lock.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- if not u13 or u13.Passenger then
- v40.Lock.Visible = false;
- return;
- end;
- u13.Locked = not u13.Locked;
- v36:FireServer("idhzhwor", u13.Locked);
- u94();
- end);
- local function u95(p106, p107, p108, p109, p110, p111, p112)
- local v307 = u87 + 1;
- u87 = v307;
- local v308 = u31();
- v308.Position = l__CurrentCamera__22.CFrame.p;
- v308.LookVector = l__CurrentCamera__22.CFrame.lookVector;
- l__CurrentCamera__22.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable;
- local u96 = 0;
- local function u97()
- l__RunService__3:UnbindFromRenderStep("MoveTransitionCamera" .. v307);
- if u87 ~= v307 then
- return;
- end;
- l__CurrentCamera__22.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom;
- if u88 then
- local l__activeCameraController__309 = u88.activeCameraController;
- if l__activeCameraController__309 then
- l__activeCameraController__309:SetCameraToSubjectDistance(p110);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local u98 = p112 or p106.CFrame - p106.CFrame.p;
- l__RunService__3:BindToRenderStep("MoveTransitionCamera" .. v307, Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 1, function()
- u96 = u96 + 0.016666666666666666 * (1 / p107);
- if u87 ~= v307 then
- u97();
- return;
- end;
- if p111 then
- local v310 = u98 + p106.CFrame.p;
- else
- v310 = p106.CFrame;
- end;
- v308.TargetPosition = v310 * p108;
- v308.TargetFocus = v310 * p109;
- u89(v308, 0.016666666666666666, 6 + 50 * u96 * u96, 10 + 50 * u96 * u96);
- if u96 >= 1 then
- u97();
- end;
- end);
- end;
- function u7.olsbvs2f(p113)
- if u42 then
- v231({
- Name = "Crawl"
- }, true);
- end;
- local l__Type__311 = p113.Type;
- local l__Make__312 = p113.Make;
- u58 = false;
- v16.UnbindGroup(v256);
- local v313 = false;
- if p113.Passenger and p113.Seat:FindFirstChild("Items") then
- v313 = true;
- end;
- if not v313 and v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v49.Unequip();
- end;
- if p113.Model:FindFirstChild("Camera") then
- u95(p113.Model.Camera, 0.5, l__Vector3_new__30(0, 7, 24), l__Vector3_new__30(0, 0, 0), 25);
- end;
- if p113.Type == "Chassis" then
- if l__Make__312 == "Ambulance" or l__Make__312 == "Firetruck" or l__Make__312 == "Jeep" then
- v252.Bind_Action.Hidden = false;
- else
- v252.Bind_Action.Hidden = true;
- end;
- if p113.Model.Model:FindFirstChild("Lights") then
- v252.Bind_Sirens.Hidden = false;
- else
- v252.Bind_Sirens.Hidden = true;
- end;
- if p113.Passenger then
- v16.BindGroup(v276);
- else
- v16.BindGroup(v266);
- end;
- u2.Chassis.VehicleEnter(p113);
- if p113.Seat:FindFirstChild("Turret") and p113.Turret then
- v49.Equip(l__LocalPlayer__10, {
- Type = "Turret",
- Name = "Turret",
- VerticalMotor = p113.Turret.VerticalMotor,
- HorizontalMotor = p113.Turret.HorizontalMotor,
- BarrelMotor = p113.Turret.BarrelMotor,
- Model = p113.Turret.Model,
- Heat = p113.Turret.Heat,
- Locked = true
- });
- end;
- elseif p113.Type == "Heli" then
- if p113.IsBlackHawk then
- v252.Bind_Missile.Hidden = false;
- else
- v252.Bind_Missile.Hidden = true;
- end;
- if p113.Passenger then
- v16.BindGroup(v275);
- else
- v16.BindGroup(v274);
- end;
- u2.Heli.VehicleEnter(p113);
- elseif p113.Type == "Motorcycle" or p113.Type == "DuneBuggy" then
- if p113.Passenger then
- v16.BindGroup(v276);
- else
- v16.BindGroup(v267);
- end;
- u2.Chassis2.VehicleEnter(p113);
- elseif p113.Type == "Custom" and p113.Make == "Volt" then
- v16.BindGroup(v266);
- u2.Volt.VehicleEnter(p113);
- end;
- if p113.Passenger then
- p113.Nitro = false;
- end;
- u13 = p113;
- u94();
- end;
- function u7.suplbwfz()
- if not u13 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Type__314 = u13.Type;
- u13 = nil;
- if u13.Nitro then
- u46();
- end;
- u13.Nitro = false;
- if u13.Nitrous then
- for v315, v316 in next, u13.Nitrous do
- v316.Enabled = false;
- end;
- end;
- if l__Type__314 == "Chassis" then
- v16.UnbindGroup(v266);
- u2.Chassis.VehicleLeave(u13);
- local v317 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if v317 and v317.__ClassName == "Turret" then
- v36:FireServer("jgrw4shg", u13.Model, v317.ItemData.Heat);
- v49.Unequip();
- end;
- elseif l__Type__314 == "Heli" then
- v16.UnbindGroup(v274);
- u2.Heli.VehicleLeave(u13);
- elseif l__Type__314 == "Motorcycle" or l__Type__314 == "DuneBuggy" then
- v16.UnbindGroup(v267);
- u2.Chassis2.VehicleLeave(u13);
- elseif l__Type__314 == "Custom" and u13.Make == "Volt" then
- v16.UnbindGroup(v266);
- u2.Volt.VehicleLeave(u13);
- end;
- v16.BindGroup(v256);
- v18.WindowClose(v216);
- local l__activeCameraController__318 = u88.activeCameraController;
- if l__activeCameraController__318 then
- l__activeCameraController__318:SetCameraToSubjectDistance(15);
- end;
- u94();
- end;
- function u7.k6jyujyj(p114)
- if not u13 then
- return;
- end;
- for v319, v320 in next, p114 do
- u13[v319] = v320;
- end;
- end;
- function u7.nnevse39()
- if not u13 then
- return;
- end;
- if u13.Type ~= "Heli" then
- return;
- end;
- u2.Heli.FallOutOfSky(u13);
- end;
- function u7.q9kc1ltq(p115, p116)
- if u13 ~= nil and not u13.Passenger and u13.Model == p115 then
- u13.TiresLastPop = p116;
- return true;
- end;
- for v321, v322 in pairs(u86) do
- if v322.Model == p115 then
- v322.TiresLastPop = p116;
- return true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function u7.prm10gb9()
- v40.FaultyAction.Visible = true;
- wait(4);
- v40.FaultyAction.Visible = false;
- end;
- local u99 = false;
- local u100 = 0;
- l__UserInputService__5.InputEnded:Connect(function(p117)
- if p117.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or p117.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
- u100 = u100 + 1;
- end;
- end);
- local function u101(p118)
- local v323 = tick();
- if v323 - u49 < 0.1 then
- return false;
- end;
- u49 = v323;
- u50 = p118;
- local v324 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if v324 then
- assert(v324.ItemData);
- if v324.ItemData.Locked then
- return false;
- end;
- end;
- if u42 then
- return false;
- end;
- if v137.IsRagdolling() then
- return false;
- end;
- if u20.IsFlying() then
- return false;
- end;
- local l__Character__325 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__325 then
- return false;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__326 = l__Character__325:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__326 then
- return false;
- end;
- if l__Humanoid__326.Health <= 0 then
- return false;
- end;
- local v327 = v67.ItemStacks[p118];
- local v328 = false;
- local v329 = false;
- local v330 = true;
- if u13 then
- v330 = false;
- if u13.Seat:FindFirstChild("Items") then
- v330 = true;
- elseif u13.Seat:FindFirstChild("Lean") and v327 then
- v328 = true;
- v329 = u13.Model.Engine.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(u13.Seat.Position).X > 0;
- v330 = true;
- end;
- end;
- if not v330 then
- return false;
- end;
- if v324 and (not v327 or v324.__ClassName == v327.Name) then
- if v324.IsLeaning == true then
- v324:SetLeaning(false);
- end;
- v49.Unequip();
- return;
- end;
- if v327 then
- local v331 = v49.Equip(l__LocalPlayer__10, v327);
- if v328 and v331.IsLeaning == false then
- v331:SetLeaning(true, v329);
- end;
- if l__Character__325 then
- u29("Equip", {
- Source = l__Character__325:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"),
- Volume = 0.8
- });
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local function u102(p119)
- u99 = true;
- for v332 = 1, #v67.ItemStacks do
- v67.ItemStacks[v332].j = v332;
- end;
- local u103 = nil;
- local l__j__104 = p119.j;
- local u105 = l__RunService__3.Heartbeat:Connect(function(p120)
- local v333 = math.floor((l__UserInputService__5:GetMouseLocation().X - v40.Inventory.AbsolutePosition.X) / 80) + 1;
- if v333 < 1 then
- v333 = 1;
- end;
- if #v67.ItemStacks < v333 then
- v333 = #v67.ItemStacks;
- end;
- u103 = v333;
- for v334, v335 in next, v67.ItemStacks do
- local v336 = 0;
- if l__j__104 < v333 then
- if l__j__104 < v334 and v334 <= v333 then
- v336 = -1;
- end;
- elseif v333 <= l__j__104 and v334 < l__j__104 and v333 <= v334 then
- v336 = 1;
- end;
- v335.Frame.Position =, 80 * (v334 - 1 + v336), 0, 0);
- end;
- p119.Frame.Position =, 80 * (v333 - 1), 0, 0);
- end);
- local u106 = nil;
- u106 = l__UserInputService__5.InputEnded:Connect(function(p121)
- if p121.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or p121.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then
- u105:Disconnect();
- u106:Disconnect();
- assert(u103, "No LastIndex set");
- if l__j__104 ~= u103 then
- table.insert(v67.ItemStacks, u103, (table.remove(v67.ItemStacks, l__j__104)));
- end;
- u99 = false;
- u7.akkkrlms(nil, nil, nil, true);
- end;
- end);
- end;
- function u7.akkkrlms(p122, p123, p124, p125)
- if p124 then
- v67.ItemData = p124;
- end;
- if p122 then
- local v337 = {};
- for v338, v339 in next, v67.ItemStacks do
- v337[v339.i] = v339;
- end;
- local v340 = {};
- for v341, v342 in next, p122.ItemStacks do
- v340[v342.i] = true;
- end;
- for v343 = #v67.ItemStacks, 1, -1 do
- if not v340[v67.ItemStacks[v343].i] then
- table.remove(v67.ItemStacks, v343);
- end;
- end;
- for v344 = 1, #p122.ItemStacks do
- local v345 = p122.ItemStacks[v344];
- local v346 = v337[v345.i];
- if not v346 then
- table.insert(v67.ItemStacks, v345);
- else
- for v347, v348 in next, v345 do
- v346[v347] = v348;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local v349 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if v349 and not p125 then
- local v350 = false;
- for v351, v352 in next, v67.ItemStacks do
- if v352.i == v349.i then
- v350 = true;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if not v350 then
- v49.Unequip();
- end;
- end;
- local l__Inner__353 = v40.Inventory.Inner;
- local l__ItemPreset__354 = v40.Inventory.ItemPreset;
- local v355 = {};
- local l__next__356 = next;
- local l__ItemStacks__357 = v67.ItemStacks;
- local v358 = nil;
- while true do
- local v359, v360 = l__next__356(l__ItemStacks__357, v358);
- if not v359 then
- break;
- end;
- local l__Name__361 = v360.Name;
- local v362 = l__Inner__353:FindFirstChild(v360.i);
- if not v362 then
- v362 = l__ItemPreset__354:Clone();
- v362.Name = v360.i;
- v362.Parent = l__Inner__353;
- v362.Visible = true;
- v362.MouseButton1Up:Connect(function()
- u100 = u100 + 1;
- if u99 then
- return;
- end;
- local v363 = nil;
- for v364 = 1, #v67.ItemStacks do
- if v67.ItemStacks[v364].i == v360.i then
- v363 = v364;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- assert(v363);
- u101(v363);
- end);
- v362.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- local v365 = u100 + 1;
- u100 = v365;
- delay(0.3, function()
- if u100 == v365 then
- u102(v360);
- end;
- end);
- end);
- end;
- v362.Position =, 80 * (v359 - 1), 0, 0);
- v362.TextLabel.Text = v359;
- local v366 = nil;
- if l__Name__361 == "Rifle" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Rifle;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Pistol" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Pistol;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Shotgun" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Shotgun;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "AK47" then
- v366 = v19.Images.AK47;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Flashlight" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Flashlight;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Sword" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Knife;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Taser" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Taser;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Handcuffs" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Handcuffs;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Key" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Key;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "ShieldSWAT" then
- v366 = v19.Images.ShieldSWAT;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Donut" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Donut;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Binoculars" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Binoculars;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Glider" then
- v366 = v19.Images.Glider;
- elseif l__Name__361 == "RocketLauncher" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Grenade" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Uzi" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- elseif l__Name__361 == "ForcefieldLauncher" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Baton" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- elseif l__Name__361 == "RoadSpike" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- elseif l__Name__361 == "PlasmaPistol" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Revolver" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- elseif l__Name__361 == "Sniper" then
- v366 = v19.Images[l__Name__361];
- end;
- v362.ImageLabel.Image = v366 and "";
- if l__TeamValue__37.Value == "Prisoner" then
- v362.Image = v19.Images.CirclePrisoner;
- v362.TextLabel.TextColor3 = v19.Images.CirclePrisonerColor;
- elseif l__TeamValue__37.Value == "Police" then
- v362.Image = v19.Images.CirclePolice;
- v362.TextLabel.TextColor3 = v19.Images.CirclePoliceColor;
- end;
- v360.Frame = v362;
- v355[v362] = true;
- end;
- local l__next__367 = next;
- local v368, v369 = l__Inner__353:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v370, v371 = l__next__367(v368, v369);
- if not v370 then
- break;
- end;
- v369 = v370;
- if not v355[v371] then
- v371:Destroy();
- end;
- end;
- local v372 = 80 * #v67.ItemStacks - 40;
- v40.Inventory.Size =, v372, 0, 60, 0);
- v40.Inventory.Position =, -v372 * 0.5, 0.97, -84);
- if p123 then
- local v373 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if u13 then
- return;
- end;
- if v373 and v373.ItemData.Locked then
- return;
- end;
- v49.Equip(l__LocalPlayer__10, p123);
- end;
- end;
- local v374 = {};
- local u107 = {};
- function v374.AddPart(p126, p127, p128, p129)
- local v375 = {
- Part = p126,
- Distance = p127,
- f = p128,
- Meta = p129
- };
- table.insert(u107, v375);
- return v375;
- end;
- function v374.RemoveTag(p130)
- for v376 = #u107, 1, -1 do
- if u107[v376].Meta.Tag == p130 then
- table.remove(u107, v376);
- return true;
- end;
- end;
- return false;
- end;
- local function u108()
- local l__Character__377 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__377 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__378 = l__Character__377:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- if not l__HumanoidRootPart__378 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__379 = l__Character__377:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__379 then
- return;
- end;
- if l__Humanoid__379.Health <= 0 then
- return;
- end;
- v374.UpdateInterest(l__HumanoidRootPart__378.Position);
- end;
- local u109 = {};
- local u110 = {};
- local u111 = table.insert;
- function v374.UpdateInterest(p131)
- u108();
- u109 = {};
- u110 = {};
- for v380 = #u107, 1, -1 do
- if not u107[v380].Part then
- table.remove(u107, v380);
- end;
- end;
- local l__next__381 = next;
- local v382 = nil;
- while true do
- local v383, v384 = l__next__381(u107, v382);
- if not v383 then
- break;
- end;
- v384.Center = v384.Part.Position;
- local l__magnitude__385 = (v384.Center - p131).magnitude;
- v384.Sort = l__magnitude__385;
- local v386 = l__magnitude__385 < v384.Distance;
- if v384.Locked then
- v386 = true;
- end;
- local l__Loaded__387 = v384.Loaded;
- if v386 and not l__Loaded__387 then
- u111(u109, v384);
- elseif not v386 and l__Loaded__387 then
- u111(u110, v384);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local u112 = table.remove;
- local function u113()
- while #u109 > 0 do
- local v388 = u112(u109, 1);
- v388.Loaded = true;
- v388:f(v388.Loaded);
- end;
- while #u110 > 0 do
- local v389 = u112(u110);
- v389.Loaded = false;
- v389:f(v389.Loaded);
- end;
- end;
- function v374.Run(p132)
- u10(p132, u113, "Proximity Queue");
- end;
- v374.Run(0.1);
- u111 = nil;
- u112 = nil;
- u107 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Resource.ButtonY;
- u107 = u107.Clone;
- u107 = u107(u107);
- local u114 = {};
- local u115 = function(p133, p134)
- if p134 then
- table.insert(u114, v15.BinaryFind(u114, p133.Sort), p133);
- else
- for v390 = #u114, 1, -1 do
- if u114[v390] == p133 then
- table.remove(u114, v390);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local v391 = u114[1];
- if not v391 or u3 ~= Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
- u107.Parent = nil;
- return;
- end;
- u107.Parent = v391.Meta.Button;
- end;
- u111 = function(p135, p136, p137, p138)
- return v374.AddPart(p135, p136, u115, {
- Callback = p137,
- Tag = p138
- });
- end;
- u112 = function(p139)
- local v392 = false;
- if p139.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
- if p139.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY then
- v392 = true;
- end;
- elseif p139.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and p139.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Y then
- v392 = true;
- end;
- if not v392 then
- return;
- end;
- local v393 = u114[1];
- if not v393 then
- return;
- end;
- for v394, v395 in next, u114 do
- if v395.Meta.Button == v393.Meta.Button then
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- v395.Meta.Callback(l__LocalPlayer__10);
- end));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- u107 = function(p140, p141)
- if p141 then
- return;
- end;
- u112(p140);
- end;
- u114 = l__UserInputService__5.InputBegan;
- u115 = u114;
- u114 = u114.connect;
- u114(u115, u107);
- local function u116(p142, p143, p144, p145)
- p142 = p142 / p145 * 2;
- if p142 < 1 then
- return p144 * 0.5 * p142 * p142 + p143;
- end;
- return -p144 * 0.5 * ((p142 - 1) * (p142 - 3) - 1) + p143;
- end;
- u114 = function(p146)
- local l__Model__396 = p146.Model;
- local v397 = l__Model__396.Model:FindFirstChild("light");
- if not v397 then
- v397 = l__Model__396:FindFirstChild("Light");
- if v397 and v397:IsA("ObjectValue") then
- if v397.Value then
- v397 = v397.Value.Parent:FindFirstChild("light");
- else
- v397 = nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local l__Open__117 = p146.State.Open;
- local l__OpenCFrame__118 = p146.OpenCFrame;
- local l__ClosedCFrame__119 = p146.ClosedCFrame;
- local function v398()
- if l__Open__117 then
- l__Model__396.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(l__OpenCFrame__118);
- return;
- end;
- l__Model__396.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(l__ClosedCFrame__119);
- if v397 then
- v397.BrickColor ="Dusty Rose");
- end;
- end;
- if p146.State.NoAnimate then
- p146.State.NoAnimate = false;
- return v398();
- end;
- if l__Open__117 and v397 then
- v397.BrickColor ="Bright green");
- end;
- local u120 = 0;
- local l__Duration__121 = p146.Settings.Duration;
- local u122 = nil;
- u122 = l__RunService__3.Stepped:connect(function(p147, p148)
- u120 = u120 + p148 * 1 / l__Duration__121;
- local v399 = u116(u120, 0, 1, 1);
- if not l__Open__117 then
- v399 = 1 - v399;
- end;
- l__Model__396.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(l__ClosedCFrame__119:lerp(l__OpenCFrame__118, v399));
- if u120 >= 1 then
- u122:disconnect();
- v398();
- end;
- end);
- end;
- u115 = function(p149)
- local l__Model__400 = p149.Model;
- local v401 = l__Model__400.Model:FindFirstChild("light");
- if not v401 then
- v401 = l__Model__400:FindFirstChild("Light");
- if v401 and v401:IsA("ObjectValue") then
- if v401.Value then
- v401 = v401.Value.Parent:FindFirstChild("light");
- else
- v401 = nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local l__Open__123 = p149.State.Open;
- local l__ClosedCFrame__124 = p149.ClosedCFrame;
- local l__HingeRelativeCFrame__125 = p149.HingeRelativeCFrame;
- local u126 = l__Vector3_new__30(0, math.pi * 0.55 * (p149.State.Direction * p149.Direction), 0);
- local function v402()
- if not l__Open__123 then
- l__Model__400.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(l__ClosedCFrame__124);
- if v401 then
- v401.BrickColor ="Dusty Rose");
- end;
- return;
- end;
- l__Model__400.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(l__ClosedCFrame__124 * l__HingeRelativeCFrame__125 * v15.CFrameFromAxisAngle(u126) * l__HingeRelativeCFrame__125:inverse());
- end;
- if p149.State.NoAnimate then
- p149.State.NoAnimate = false;
- return v402();
- end;
- if l__Open__123 and v401 then
- v401.BrickColor ="Bright green");
- end;
- local u127 = 0;
- local l__Duration__128 = p149.Settings.Duration;
- local u129 = nil;
- u129 = l__RunService__3.Stepped:connect(function(p150, p151)
- u127 = u127 + p151 * 1 / l__Duration__128;
- local v403 = u116(u127, 0, 1, 1);
- if not l__Open__123 then
- v403 = 1 - v403;
- end;
- l__Model__400.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(l__ClosedCFrame__124 * l__HingeRelativeCFrame__125 * v15.CFrameFromAxisAngle(v24:lerp(u126, v403)) * l__HingeRelativeCFrame__125:inverse());
- if not (u127 >= 1) then
- return;
- end;
- u129:disconnect();
- return v402();
- end);
- end;
- local function u130(p152, p153)
- if p152.Resolved then
- if p153 then
- p152.State.NoAnimate = true;
- end;
- p152.State.Open = true;
- if not p152.OpenFun then
- return;
- end;
- else
- p152.AwaitingDoorOpen = true;
- p152.AwaitingDoorClose = false;
- return;
- end;
- p152:OpenFun();
- end;
- local function u131(p154, p155, p156, p157)
- if p154.Settings.ServerOnly then
- return false;
- end;
- if p154.Settings.Locked then
- return false;
- end;
- local v404 = false;
- if p156:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Sit or p156:FindFirstChild("InVehicle") then
- v404 = true;
- end;
- local v405 = false;
- if p154.Settings.Vehicle and not p154.Settings.Character then
- v405 = v404;
- elseif p154.Settings.Character and not p154.Settings.Vehicle then
- v405 = not v404;
- elseif p154.Settings.Character and p154.Settings.Vehicle then
- v405 = true;
- end;
- if p157 then
- v405 = true;
- end;
- local v406 = l__TeamValue__37.Value == v19.Team.Police;
- for v407, v408 in next, v67.ItemStacks do
- if v408.Name == "Key" then
- v406 = true;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if p154.Settings.Key then
- v405 = v405 or v406;
- end;
- if p154.Settings.Team then
- v405 = v405 and p155.TeamValue.Value == p154.Settings.Team;
- end;
- if p154.Settings.TeamBlacklist then
- v405 = v405 and p155.TeamValue.Value ~= p154.Settings.TeamBlacklist;
- end;
- return v405;
- end;
- local function u132(p158)
- if p158.Settings.SequenceRequireState and p158.State.Open then
- return;
- end;
- u130(p158);
- v36:FireServer("un3fk0xa", p158);
- end;
- local u133 = {};
- local function v409(p159)
- local u134 = 0;
- table.insert(u133, {
- Part = p159,
- Fun = function(p160)
- if tick() - u134 < 1 then
- return;
- end;
- u134 = tick();
- v36:FireServer("rshn1c3j", p159.Name);
- end
- });
- end;
- local l__next__410 = next;
- local v411, v412 = l__CollectionService__13:GetTagged("TouchTrigger");
- while true do
- local v413, v414 = l__next__410(v411, v412);
- if not v413 then
- break;
- end;
- v412 = v413;
- v409(v414);
- end;
- l__CollectionService__13:GetInstanceAddedSignal("TouchTrigger"):Connect(v409);
- l__CollectionService__13:GetInstanceRemovedSignal("TouchTrigger"):Connect(function(p161)
- for v415 = #u133, 1, -1 do
- if u133[v415].Part == p161 then
- table.remove(u133, v415);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- return true;
- end);
- local u135 = v12.CircleAction;
- local function v416(p162)
- local l__SewerHatch__136 = p162:FindFirstChild("SewerHatch");
- local function v417(p163, p164)
- if p164 then
- v36:FireServer("bd20x18m", "SewerHatch", l__SewerHatch__136);
- end;
- return true;
- end;
- if p162:FindFirstChild("FromTop").Value then
- u135.Add({
- Part = l__SewerHatch__136,
- Name = "Pull Open",
- Timed = true,
- Duration = 3,
- Dist = 10,
- Callback = v417
- }, l__SewerHatch__136);
- end;
- table.insert(u133, {
- Tag = l__SewerHatch__136,
- Part = p162:FindFirstChild("Touch"),
- Fun = function()
- return v417(nil, true);
- end
- });
- end;
- local l__next__418 = next;
- local v419, v420 = l__CollectionService__13:GetTagged("SewerHatch");
- while true do
- local v421, v422 = l__next__418(v419, v420);
- if not v421 then
- break;
- end;
- v420 = v421;
- v416(v422);
- end;
- l__CollectionService__13:GetInstanceAddedSignal("SewerHatch"):Connect(v416);
- l__CollectionService__13:GetInstanceRemovedSignal("SewerHatch"):Connect(function(p165)
- local l__SewerHatch__423 = p165:FindFirstChild("SewerHatch");
- u135.Remove(l__SewerHatch__423);
- for v424 = #u133, 1, -1 do
- if u133[v424].Tag == l__SewerHatch__423 then
- table.remove(u133, v424);
- return;
- end;
- end;
- end);
- u135 = function()
- local l__Character__425 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__425 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__426 = l__Character__425:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- if not l__HumanoidRootPart__426 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Position__427 = l__HumanoidRootPart__426.Position;
- local v428 = l__Vector3_new__30(4, 6, 4);
- for v429, v430 in next, u133 do
- if (l__Position__427 - v430.Part.Position).Magnitude < 50 and v15.IsPointInPrism(l__Position__427, v430.Part.CFrame, v430.Part.Size + v428) then
- v430.Fun(l__HumanoidRootPart__426);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- u10(0.16666666666666666, u135);
- local u137 = {};
- local function u138(p166, p167)
- if p166.Resolved then
- if p167 then
- p166.State.NoAnimate = true;
- end;
- p166.State.Open = false;
- p166.State.CloseTime = os.time();
- if not p166.CloseFun then
- return;
- end;
- else
- p166.AwaitingDoorOpen = false;
- p166.AwaitingDoorClose = true;
- return;
- end;
- p166:CloseFun();
- end;
- local function u139(p168)
- assert(p168.Resolved);
- local u140 = tick();
- local l__Model__141 = p168.Model;
- local u142 = tick();
- local function u143(p169)
- local v431 = tick();
- local l__Character__432 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__432 then
- return;
- end;
- if not l__Character__432:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- return;
- end;
- if v431 - u140 < 0.1 then
- return;
- end;
- u140 = v431;
- if p168.State.Open then
- return;
- end;
- if os.time() - p168.State.CloseTime < p168.Settings.Duration then
- return;
- end;
- local v433 = u131(p168, l__LocalPlayer__10, l__Character__432, p169);
- if p168.Settings.Character then
- if v433 then
- u29("Door", {
- Source = l__Model__141.Closed,
- TimeStart = 1,
- Volume = 0.2
- });
- else
- u29("Door", {
- Source = l__Model__141.Closed,
- TimeStart = 0,
- MaxTime = 0.6,
- Volume = 0.2
- });
- end;
- end;
- if not v433 then
- return;
- end;
- if p168.Settings.Type == "Swing" then
- if (p168.Model.Closed.Position - l__Character__432.HumanoidRootPart.Position).unit:Dot(p168.Model.Closed.CFrame.lookVector) > 0 then
- local v434 = 1;
- else
- v434 = -1;
- end;
- p168.State.Direction = v434;
- end;
- u132(p168);
- end;
- local function v435(p170)
- local v436 = tick();
- if v436 - u142 < 0.03333333333333333 then
- return;
- end;
- u142 = v436;
- u143(l__LocalPlayer__10);
- end;
- local function v437(p171)
- if p171 ~= l__LocalPlayer__10 then
- return;
- end;
- u143(l__LocalPlayer__10, true);
- end;
- local l__next__438 = next;
- local v439, v440 = l__Model__141:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v441, v442 = l__next__438(v439, v440);
- if not v441 then
- break;
- end;
- v440 = v441;
- if v442:IsA("BasePart") and v442.Name == "Touch" then
- table.insert(u133, {
- Tag = p168.Tag,
- Part = v442,
- Fun = v435
- });
- elseif v442:IsA("ObjectValue") and v442.Name == "Touch" then
- table.insert(u133, {
- Tag = p168.Tag,
- Part = v442.Value,
- Fun = v435
- });
- elseif v442:IsA("ObjectValue") and v442.Name == "Button" then
- local v443 = v442.Value;
- if v443:IsA("Part") then
- v443 = v443.Parent;
- end;
- if v443:IsA("Model") then
- v443 = v443:FindFirstChild("Click").ClickDetector;
- end;
- u111(v443.Parent, v443.MaxActivationDistance, v437).Meta.Button = v443.Parent;
- v443.MouseClick:connect(v437);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local function v444(p172)
- local l__Value__445 = p172:WaitForChild("Tag", 5).Value;
- for v446, v447 in next, u137 do
- if v447.Tag == l__Value__445 then
- v447.Resolved = true;
- v447.Model = p172;
- if v447.AwaitingDoorOpen or v447.State.Open then
- u130(v447, true);
- elseif v447.AwaitingDoorClose or not v447.State.Open then
- u138(v447, true);
- end;
- u139(v447);
- return true;
- end;
- end;
- return false;
- end;
- local function u144(p173)
- assert(not p173.Resolved);
- local l__Tag__448 = p173.Tag;
- for v449 = #u133, 1, -1 do
- if u133[v449].Tag == l__Tag__448 then
- table.remove(u133, v449);
- end;
- end;
- v374.RemoveTag(l__Tag__448);
- end;
- local l__next__450 = next;
- local v451, v452 = l__CollectionService__13:GetTagged("Door");
- while true do
- local v453, v454 = l__next__450(v451, v452);
- if not v453 then
- break;
- end;
- v452 = v453;
- v444(v454);
- end;
- l__CollectionService__13:GetInstanceAddedSignal("Door"):Connect(v444);
- l__CollectionService__13:GetInstanceRemovedSignal("Door"):Connect(function(p174)
- for v455, v456 in next, u137 do
- if v456.Model == p174 then
- v456.Resolved = false;
- v456.Model = nil;
- u144(v456);
- return true;
- end;
- end;
- return false;
- end);
- local function u145(p175)
- for v457, v458 in next, u137 do
- if v458.Tag == p175 then
- return v458;
- end;
- end;
- return false;
- end;
- local u146 = {};
- local function u147(p176, p177)
- assert(p176.Tag);
- local v459 = u145(p176.Tag);
- if not v459 then
- if p176.Settings.Type == "Swing" then
- p176.OpenFun = u115;
- p176.CloseFun = u115;
- elseif p176.Settings.Type == "Slide" then
- p176.OpenFun = u114;
- p176.CloseFun = u114;
- end;
- if p176.State.Open then
- p176.AwaitingDoorOpen = true;
- else
- p176.AwaitingDoorClose = true;
- end;
- table.insert(u137, p176);
- else
- p176 = v459;
- p176.Settings = p176.Settings;
- p176.AwaitingDoorOpen = p176.AwaitingDoorOpen;
- p176.AwaitingDoorClose = p176.AwaitingDoorClose;
- end;
- local v460 = u146[p176.Tag];
- u146[p176.Tag] = nil;
- if v460 then
- p176.State = v460.State;
- p176.Settings = v460.Settings;
- p176.AwaitingDoorOpen = v460.AwaitingDoorOpen;
- p176.AwaitingDoorClose = v460.AwaitingDoorClose;
- end;
- if not p177 then
- local l__next__461 = next;
- local v462, v463 = l__CollectionService__13:GetTagged("Door");
- while true do
- local v464, v465 = l__next__461(v462, v463);
- if not v464 then
- break;
- end;
- v463 = v464;
- v444(v465);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function u7.wim0hi5g(p178)
- local l__Tag__466 = p178.Tag;
- local v467 = u145(l__Tag__466);
- if not v467 then
- p178.AwaitingDoorOpen = true;
- p178.AwaitingDoorClose = false;
- u146[l__Tag__466] = p178;
- return;
- end;
- v467.State = p178.State;
- v467.Settings = p178.Settings;
- u130(v467);
- end;
- function u7.pv3uyl6w(p179)
- local l__Tag__468 = p179.Tag;
- local v469 = u145(l__Tag__468);
- if not v469 then
- p179.AwaitingDoorOpen = false;
- p179.AwaitingDoorClose = true;
- u146[l__Tag__468] = p179;
- return;
- end;
- v469.State = p179.State;
- v469.Settings = p179.Settings;
- u138(v469);
- end;
- function u7.zdvzydxv(p180)
- u147(p180);
- end;
- local function u148(p181)
- for v470, v471 in next, p181 do
- u147(v471, true);
- end;
- local l__next__472 = next;
- local v473, v474 = l__CollectionService__13:GetTagged("Door");
- while true do
- local v475, v476 = l__next__472(v473, v474);
- if not v475 then
- break;
- end;
- v474 = v475;
- v444(v476);
- end;
- end;
- function u7.bklsgtv9(p182)
- u148(p182);
- end;
- local l__Safe__477 = v41:WaitForChild("Safe");
- local v478 = 480;
- if l__TouchEnabled__6 then
- v478 = 250;
- end;
- local v479 = v478 * 1.6;
- l__Safe__477.Size =, v479, 0, v478);
- l__Safe__477.Position =, -v479 * 0.5, 0.5, -v478 * 0.5);
- if l__TouchEnabled__6 then
- local v480 = 0.4;
- else
- v480 = 0.323;
- end;
- v40.Sidebar.Size = * 0.242, 0, v480, 0);
- if l__TouchEnabled__6 then
- local v481 = 0.1;
- else
- v481 = 0;
- end;
- v40.Sidebar.Position =, 0, 0.5 - v480 * 0.5 - v481, 0);
- local u149 = 0;
- local u150 = l__Safe__477;
- local u151 = { "Legendary", "Ultra Rare", "Rare", "Uncommon", "Common" };
- local u152 = {};
- local u153 = "Inventory";
- local u154 = nil;
- local function u155(p183)
- local v482 = v19.Safes.Weights[p183];
- local v483 = u149 + 1;
- u149 = v483;
- local l__Inner__484 = u150.Sidebar.Buy.Inner;
- local v485 = v19.Safes.Names[p183];
- local v486 = v485:match("Tier #(%d)");
- if v486 then
- v485 = v21:FormatByKey("Safes.Tier", { tonumber(v486) });
- end;
- l__Inner__484.Title.Text = v485;
- l__Inner__484.Price.Text = u85(v19.Safes.Price[p183]);
- l__Inner__484.Icon.Image = v19.Images[("Safe%d"):format(p183)];
- local v487 = 0;
- for v488, v489 in next, v482 do
- v487 = v487 + v489;
- end;
- for v490, v491 in next, u151 do
- local v492 = l__Inner__484.Stats:FindFirstChild(v491);
- local u156 = v492.Percent.Text:match("%d+");
- local u157 = l__math_floor__14(v482[v490] / v487 * 100 + 0.5);
- spawn(function()
- for v493 = 0, 1, 0.1 do
- if u149 ~= v483 then
- return;
- end;
- v492.Percent.Text = ("%d%%"):format((l__math_floor__14((1 - v493) * u156 + v493 * u157 + 0.5)));
- l__RunService__3.Stepped:wait();
- end;
- v492.Percent.Text = ("%d%%"):format(u157);
- end);
- end;
- end;
- local function u158()
- if not (#u152 > 0) then
- if u153 ~= "Inventory" then
- return;
- end;
- u154("Buy");
- end;
- end;
- u154 = function(p184)
- if p184 == "Inventory" then
- v41.SafeSlider.Visible = false;
- u150.Visible = true;
- u150.Body.Buy.Visible = false;
- u150.Body.Inventory.Visible = true;
- u150.Body.Back.Visible = false;
- u150.Body.BuySafes.Visible = true;
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Visible = false;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Gift.Visible = false;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Buy.Visible = false;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Open.Visible = true;
- if u153 ~= p184 then
- if #u152 > 0 then
- u155(u152[1].Type);
- end;
- u158();
- end;
- v69(u150.Body.Inventory.Inner:GetChildren()[1]);
- elseif p184 == "Slider" then
- v41.SafeSlider.Visible = true;
- u150.Visible = false;
- elseif p184 == "Buy" then
- u150.Body.Buy.Visible = true;
- u150.Body.Inventory.Visible = false;
- u150.Body.Back.Visible = true;
- u150.Body.BuySafes.Visible = false;
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Visible = false;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Visible = true;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Gift.Visible = true;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Buy.Visible = true;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Open.Visible = false;
- u155(1);
- v69(u150.Body.Buy.Tier1);
- end;
- u153 = p184;
- u158();
- end;
- function u7.jwz1x5ha()
- u28(12);
- end;
- local u159 = function(p185, p186, p187)
- return / 255, p186 / 255, p187 / 255);
- end;
- function u7.kzp6cwso(p188)
- u154("Slider");
- local l__SafeSlider__494 = v41.SafeSlider;
- local l__next__495 = next;
- local v496 = nil;
- while true do
- local v497, v498 = l__next__495(p188, v496);
- if not v497 then
- break;
- end;
- local v499 = l__SafeSlider__494.Preset:Clone();
- if v498.Image then
- v499.ImageLabel.Image = v498.Image;
- elseif v498.BackgroundColor then
- v499.ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 0;
- v499.ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 = v498.BackgroundColor;
- end;
- local v500 = v498.Desc;
- local v501 = v500:gsub("%s", "");
- if v498.Type == "WindowColor" or v498.Type == "WheelColor" or v498.Type == "BodyColor" or v498.Type == "Glow" then
- v500 = v21:FormatByKey("Color." .. v501);
- elseif v498.Type == "Texture" then
- v500 = v21:FormatByKey("GarageTexture." .. v501);
- elseif v498.Type == "Rim" then
- v500 = v21:FormatByKey("GarageRim." .. v501);
- end;
- v499.TextLabel.Text = v500;
- v499.Patch.Inner.BackgroundColor3 = v498.Color;
- v499.Parent = l__SafeSlider__494.Inner;
- v498.Frame = v499;
- end;
- local v502 = math.random() * 90 + 5;
- local u160 = 0.12;
- local v503 = l__SafeSlider__494.Skip.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- u160 = 1;
- end);
- v69(l__SafeSlider__494.Skip);
- local u161 = 0;
- local function u162(p189)
- return -(p189 - 2) * p189;
- end;
- local u163 = l__SafeSlider__494.AbsoluteSize.X * 0.5 - 138 + v502;
- local u164 = -2;
- local u165 = nil;
- local function u166()
- v503:disconnect();
- p188[30].Frame.BackgroundColor3 = u159(0, 0, 0);
- v36:FireServer("asxio3m9");
- wait(1.5);
- u154("Inventory");
- for v504, v505 in next, p188 do
- v505.Frame:Destroy();
- end;
- end;
- u165 = l__RunService__3.Heartbeat:connect(function(p190)
- u161 = u161 + p190 * u160;
- if u161 >= 1 then
- u161 = 1;
- end;
- local v506 = u162(u161);
- for v507 = 1, #p188 do
- local l__Frame__508 = p188[v507].Frame;
- l__Frame__508.Position =, (v507 - v506 * 30) * 138 + u163, 0, 0);
- l__Frame__508.Visible = true;
- end;
- local v509 = l__math_floor__14(v506 * 30 - u163 / 138 + 0.5);
- if u164 ~= v509 then
- u164 = v509;
- v40.Tick.PlaybackSpeed = 1 + (1 - v506) * 0.05;
- v40.Tick:Play();
- end;
- if u161 >= 1 then
- u165:disconnect();
- u166();
- end;
- end);
- end;
- local u167 = 0;
- local u168 = false;
- local l__math_sin__169 = math.sin;
- local u170 = nil;
- local function u171(p191, p192)
- return p192.Type < p191.Type;
- end;
- local function u172()
- if not u170 then
- return;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("kzp6cwso", u170);
- end;
- local u173 = 0;
- local u174 = u150.Visible;
- local function u175()
- local v510 = u167 + 1;
- u167 = v510;
- while not u168 do
- if v510 ~= u167 then
- return;
- end;
- local v511 = l__math_sin__169(tick() * 8) * 0.2 + 0.8;
- v40.Sidebar.ToggleSafes.ImageColor3 =, v511, v511);
- wait();
- end;
- v40.Sidebar.ToggleSafes.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1);
- end;
- function u7.e63rlwx1(p193, p194)
- table.sort(p193, u171);
- u152 = p193;
- u158();
- local l__next__512 = next;
- local v513, v514 = u150.Body.Inventory.Inner:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v515, v516 = l__next__512(v513, v514);
- if not v515 then
- break;
- end;
- v514 = v515;
- v516:Destroy();
- end;
- local l__Preset__517 = u150.Body.Inventory.Preset;
- local l__X__518 = l__Preset__517.AbsoluteSize.X;
- local l__Y__519 = l__Preset__517.AbsoluteSize.Y;
- u150.Body.Inventory.Inner.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, l__Y__519 * (l__math_floor__14((#u152 - 1) / 3) + 1));
- local l__next__520 = next;
- local v521 = nil;
- while true do
- local v522, v523 = l__next__520(u152, v521);
- if not v522 then
- break;
- end;
- local l__Type__524 = v523.Type;
- local v525 = l__Preset__517:Clone();
- v525.Visible = true;
- v525.ImageLabel.Image = v19.Images[("Safe%d"):format(l__Type__524)];
- v525.Size =, l__X__518, 0, l__Y__519);
- v525.Position =, l__X__518 * ((v522 - 1) % 3), 0, l__Y__519 * l__math_floor__14((v522 - 1) / 3));
- v525.Parent = u150.Body.Inventory.Inner;
- v525.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- u170 = v523;
- u155(l__Type__524);
- if u3 == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
- u172();
- end;
- end);
- if v522 == 1 then
- u170 = v523;
- if u153 == "Inventory" then
- u155(v523.Type);
- v69(v525);
- end;
- end;
- if v522 % 3 == 0 then
- v525.NextSelectionRight = u150.Sidebar.Buy.Open;
- end;
- end;
- v40.Sidebar.ToggleSafes.Label.Visible = p194 > 0;
- v40.Sidebar.ToggleSafes.Label.Amount.Text = p194;
- if p194 ~= u173 and not u174 then
- u168 = false;
- spawn(u175);
- end;
- u173 = p194;
- end;
- local u176 = 0;
- function u7.lvh8ioxw(p195)
- local l__SafeSlider__526 = v41.SafeSlider;
- local v527 = u176 + 1;
- u176 = v527;
- l__SafeSlider__526.Message.Text = p195;
- l__SafeSlider__526.Message.Visible = true;
- delay(2, function()
- if v527 < u176 then
- return;
- end;
- l__SafeSlider__526.Message.Visible = false;
- end);
- end;
- local v528 = 1;
- local v529 = #v19.Safes.Price;
- local v530 = 1 - 1;
- while true do
- local v531 = u150.Body.Buy:FindFirstChild(("Tier%d"):format(v530));
- v531.Price.Text = u85(v19.Safes.Price[v530]);
- assert(v531);
- u1 = v528;
- local u177 = v530;
- v531.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- u1 = u177;
- u155(u177);
- v69(u150.Sidebar.Buy.Buy);
- end);
- if 0 <= 1 then
- if not (u177 < v529) then
- break;
- end;
- elseif not (v529 < u177) then
- break;
- end;
- u177 = u177 + 1;
- end;
- local function u178()
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Visible = true;
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Visible = false;
- end;
- local u179 = 0;
- local u180 = 0;
- local function u181(p196, p197)
- local v532 = v17.MakeState();
- v532.Frame = v42.Particles;
- v17.Explosion(v532, l__Vector3_new__30(p196, p197 - 36, 0));
- v17.EasySimulate(v532, 3);
- end;
- local u182 = nil;
- function u7.jzdcmadr(p198)
- if p198.Success then
- u181(u179, u180);
- return;
- end;
- if p198.NotEnoughMoney then
- u182();
- u93();
- end;
- end;
- local function v533()
- u154("Inventory");
- end;
- local function u183(p199)
- return (""):format(p199);
- end;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Buy.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(p200, p201)
- u179 = p200;
- u180 = p201;
- v36:FireServer("s4lkvb9v", u1);
- end);
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Gift.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Inner.ImageLabel.Image = "";
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Visible = true;
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Visible = false;
- end);
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Back.MouseButton1Down:connect(u178);
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Gift.MouseButton1Up:connect(function(p202, p203)
- u179 = p202;
- u180 = p203;
- v36:FireServer("n85auae8", u1, u150.Sidebar.Gift.Inner.Username.Text);
- u178();
- end);
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Inner.Username.Changed:connect(function(p204)
- if p204 == "Text" then
- local u184 = nil;
- local l__Text__185 = u150.Sidebar.Gift.Inner.Username.Text;
- u150.Sidebar.Gift.Inner.ImageLabel.Image = pcall(function()
- u184 = l__Players__9:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(l__Text__185);
- end) and u183(u184) or "";
- end;
- end);
- u150.Body.Back.MouseButton1Down:connect(v533);
- u150.Body.BuySafes.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- u154("Buy");
- end);
- u150.Sidebar.Buy.Open.MouseButton1Down:connect(u172);
- u182 = function()
- if not u174 then
- return;
- end;
- u174 = false;
- u150.Visible = u174;
- end;
- local v534 = v18.MakeWindow();
- function v534.OpenFun()
- u168 = true;
- if u174 then
- return;
- end;
- v533();
- u174 = true;
- u150.Visible = u174;
- end;
- v534.CloseFun = u182;
- v18.WindowGroupAdd(v66, v534);
- v40.Sidebar.ToggleSafes.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- v18.WindowToggle(v534);
- end);
- u150.Close.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- v18.WindowClose(v534);
- end);
- u150 = false;
- u159 = v40.Sidebar.ToggleMute;
- local l__MouseButton1Down__535 = u159.MouseButton1Down;
- u159 = l__MouseButton1Down__535;
- l__MouseButton1Down__535.connect(u159, function()
- u150 = not u150;
- if u150 then
- l__SoundService__8.Music.Volume = 0;
- v40.Sidebar.ToggleMute.Image = v19.Images.Mute;
- return;
- end;
- l__SoundService__8.Music.Volume = 1;
- v40.Sidebar.ToggleMute.Image = v19.Images.Unmute;
- end);
- local u186 = v40:WaitForChild("Team");
- local u187 = nil;
- local u188 = nil;
- local u189 = 0;
- local u190 = {
- Prisoner_Foodcourt = {
- p =, 43.06, -1781.28),
- LookVector =, -0.51, -0.66)
- },
- Prisoner_Yard = {
- p =, 25.55, -1674.95),
- LookVector =, 0, -0.7)
- },
- Prisoner_Cells = {
- p =, 1.31, -1821.21),
- LookVector =, -0.05, 0)
- },
- City1_Stop = {
- p =, 225.09, 1044.37),
- LookVector =, -0.99, -0)
- },
- City1_Start = {
- p =, 149.04, 1051.92),
- LookVector =, -0.99, -0)
- },
- City2_Start = {
- p =, 157.85, 769.55),
- LookVector =, -0.99, 0.15)
- },
- City2_Stop = {
- p =, 168.76, 1331.03),
- LookVector =, -0.99, 0.15)
- },
- City3_Start = {
- p =, 144.84, 1375.17),
- LookVector =, -0.99, -0)
- },
- City3_Stop = {
- p =, 163.42, 1375.19),
- LookVector =, -0.99, -0)
- },
- PoliceBase2 = {
- p =, 41.47, 1053.65),
- LookVector =, 0.09, 0.71)
- },
- PoliceBase1 = {
- p =, 75.81, -1479.05),
- LookVector =, -0.36, -0.77)
- }
- };
- local u191 = u31();
- local function u192()
- l__CurrentCamera__22.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable;
- if u188 == "Neutral" then
- u189 = u189 % 3 + 1;
- local v536 = u190["City" .. u189 .. "_Start"];
- local v537 = u190["City" .. u189 .. "_Stop"];
- local v538 =, v536.LookVector) + v536.p;
- u191.StartPosition = v538.p;
- u191.TargetPosition = (, v537.LookVector) + v537.p).p;
- u191.LookVector = v538.LookVector;
- u191.TargetLookVector = nil;
- return;
- end;
- if u188 ~= "Prisoner" then
- if u188 == "Police" then
- local l__PoliceBase2__539 = u190.PoliceBase2;
- local v540 =, l__PoliceBase2__539.LookVector) + l__PoliceBase2__539.p;
- u191.StartPosition = nil;
- u191.Position = (v540 * l__CFrame_new__32(0, 0, -10) + l__Vector3_new__30(0, -5, 0)).p;
- u191.TargetPosition = v540.p;
- u191.LookVector = (v540 * l__CFrame_Angles__43(-math.pi * 0.1, 0, 0)).lookVector;
- u191.TargetLookVector = v540.LookVector;
- end;
- return;
- end;
- local v541 = "Yard";
- if u70 == "Cells" then
- v541 = "Cells";
- elseif u70 == "Breakfast" or u70 == "Dinner" then
- v541 = "Foodcourt";
- end;
- local v542 = u190["Prisoner_" .. v541];
- local v543 =, v542.LookVector) + v542.p;
- u191.StartPosition = nil;
- u191.Position = (v543 * l__CFrame_new__32(0, 0, -10) + l__Vector3_new__30(0, -5, 0)).p;
- u191.TargetPosition = v543.p;
- u191.LookVector = (v543 * l__CFrame_Angles__43(-math.pi * 0.1, 0, 0)).lookVector;
- u191.TargetLookVector = v543.LookVector;
- end;
- local u193 = game.Lighting:WaitForChild("ColorCorrection");
- u186.Police.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- u186.Confirm.Visible = true;
- v69(u186.Confirm);
- if u188 == v19.Team.Police then
- return;
- end;
- u188 = v19.Team.Police;
- u193.TintColor =, 1, 1);
- u192();
- end);
- u186.Prisoner.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- u186.Confirm.Visible = true;
- v69(u186.Confirm);
- if u188 == v19.Team.Prisoner then
- return;
- end;
- u188 = v19.Team.Prisoner;
- u193.TintColor =, 1, 1);
- u192();
- end);
- u186.Confirm.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- v36:FireServer("mugm8jzb", u188);
- end);
- local function u194()
- l__CurrentCamera__22.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable;
- if u187 then
- u187:disconnect();
- end;
- local u195 = 0;
- u187 = l__RunService__3.Heartbeat:connect(function(p205)
- u195 = u195 + p205;
- if l__CurrentCamera__22.CameraType ~= Enum.CameraType.Scriptable then
- l__CurrentCamera__22.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable;
- end;
- if u188 ~= "Neutral" then
- u89(u191, p205, 1, 2);
- return;
- end;
- if u195 >= 24 then
- u192();
- u195 = 0;
- end;
- local v544 = u195 / 24;
- if v544 <= 0.1 then
- local v545 = v544 / 0.1;
- u193.TintColor =, v545, v545);
- elseif v544 >= 0.9 then
- local v546 = 1 - (v544 - 0.9) / 0.1;
- u193.TintColor =, v546, v546);
- end;
- u89(u191, p205, v544, 0.1);
- end);
- u186.Visible = true;
- v40.MenuText.Visible = true;
- v69(u186.Police);
- end;
- function u7.mugm8jzb()
- u188 = "Neutral";
- u186.Confirm.Visible = false;
- v40.Inventory.Visible = false;
- u192();
- u194();
- end;
- if not v4 or not (not v19.Test.ChooseTeam) then
- u7.mugm8jzb();
- end;
- function u7.uxdjiia2()
- local l__Full__547 = u186.Full;
- l__Full__547.Visible = true;
- delay(1, function()
- l__Full__547.Visible = false;
- end);
- end;
- local function u196()
- l__CurrentCamera__22.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom;
- u186.Visible = false;
- v40.MenuText.Visible = false;
- if u187 then
- u187:disconnect();
- end;
- end;
- function u7.jb0v3939()
- u193.TintColor =, 1, 1);
- u196();
- v40.Inventory.Visible = true;
- end;
- local u197 = 0;
- local u198 = nil;
- local u199 = nil;
- local function u200()
- if v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v49.Unequip();
- end;
- u71();
- u7.o3cu8cd4(true);
- v36:FireServer("hjp5vtss");
- u7.mugm8jzb();
- end;
- local function u201()
- local v548 = tick();
- if v548 - u197 < v19.Time.BetweenTeamChange then
- v40.Confirm.Later.Visible = true;
- v40.Confirm.Later.Text = ("You're doing that too much. Try again in %s seconds."):format(u26(math.ceil(v19.Time.BetweenTeamChange - v548 + u197)));
- delay(1, function()
- v40.Confirm.Later.Visible = false;
- end);
- return;
- end;
- u197 = tick();
- if u198 then
- u198:Disconnect();
- end;
- if u199 then
- u199:Disconnect();
- end;
- v40.Confirm.Visible = false;
- u200();
- end;
- local function u202()
- if u198 then
- u198:Disconnect();
- end;
- if u199 then
- u199:Disconnect();
- end;
- v40.Confirm.Visible = false;
- end;
- local v549 = v18.MakeWindow();
- function v549.OpenFun()
- v40.Confirm.Visible = true;
- u198 = v40.Confirm.Yes.MouseButton1Down:connect(u201);
- u199 = v40.Confirm.No.MouseButton1Down:connect(u202);
- end;
- v549.CloseFun = u202;
- v18.WindowGroupAdd(v66, v549);
- v40.Sidebar.SwitchTeams.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if u186.Visible then
- return;
- end;
- v18.WindowToggle(v549);
- end);
- u193 = {};
- if v4 then
- if v4 then
- u190 = v19.Test;
- u186 = u190.Ambient;
- if u186 then
- u186 = next;
- u190 = v19.AmbientIds;
- for v550, v551 in u186, u190 do
- local v552 ="Sound");
- v552.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. v551;
- v552.Name = v550;
- v552.Looped = true;
- v552.SoundGroup = l__SoundService__8.Ambient;
- v552.Parent = l__SoundService__8.Ambient;
- u193[v550] = v552;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- else
- u186 = next;
- u190 = v19.AmbientIds;
- for v550, v551 in u186, u190 do
- v552 ="Sound");
- v552.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. v551;
- v552.Name = v550;
- v552.Looped = true;
- v552.SoundGroup = l__SoundService__8.Ambient;
- v552.Parent = l__SoundService__8.Ambient;
- u193[v550] = v552;
- end;
- end;
- u186 = function(p206)
- local l__next__553 = next;
- local v554 = nil;
- while true do
- local v555, v556 = l__next__553(u193, v554);
- if not v555 then
- break;
- end;
- local v557 = p206[v555] and 0;
- if not v556.IsPlaying and v557 > 0.01 then
- v556:Play();
- elseif v556.IsPlaying and v557 <= 0.01 then
- v556:Stop();
- end;
- v556.Volume = v557;
- end;
- end;
- u190 = u186;
- u190(u73(v19.Ambient.Day, v19.Ambient.Day, 1));
- u190 = function(p207, p208)
- local v558 = nil;
- local l__Main__559 = l__PlayerGui__9:FindFirstChild("Main");
- if l__Main__559 then
- v558 = l__Main__559.Frame.Vig;
- end;
- local u203 = 0;
- local u204 = nil;
- u204 = l__RunService__3.Stepped:connect(function(p209, p210)
- u203 = u203 + p210 * 1 / 4;
- if u203 >= 1 then
- u203 = 1;
- u204:disconnect();
- end;
- local v560 = u73(p207, p208, u203);
- u186(v560);
- if v558 then
- v558.ImageColor3 = v560.Vig;
- end;
- v40.Minimap.ImageLabel.ImageColor3 = v560.Minimap;
- end);
- end;
- local u205 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Resource.Rain;
- local u206 = nil;
- local u207 = "Day";
- local function u208()
- u205.Parent = workspace;
- local u209 =;
- u206 = l__RunService__3.Stepped:Connect(function(p211, p212)
- local v561 = false;
- if l__LocalPlayer__10.Character then
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__562 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- if l__HumanoidRootPart__562 then
- u209 = l__HumanoidRootPart__562.Position + l__HumanoidRootPart__562.Velocity * l__Vector3_new__30(1, 0, 1) * p212 * 2;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__563 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if l__Humanoid__563 then
- v561 = l__Humanoid__563.Sit;
- end;
- end;
- local l__Rain__564 = u205.RainFall:FindFirstChild("Rain");
- local l__Rain__565 = u205.RainDroplets:FindFirstChild("Rain");
- u205.RainFall.CFrame = +, 80, 0);
- local v566, v567 = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(,, -1, 0) * 10), { workspace.Vehicles, l__LocalPlayer__10.Character, u205 });
- u205.RainDroplets.CFrame = + l__Vector3_new__30(0, 1.5, 0);
- local v568, v569 = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(,, 1, 0) * 200), { workspace.Vehicles, l__LocalPlayer__10.Character, u205, workspace:FindFirstChild("Clouds") });
- if l__Rain__564 then
- l__Rain__564.Enabled = not v568;
- end;
- l__SoundService__8.Ambient.CompressorSoundEffect.Enabled = not (not v568);
- if l__Rain__565 then
- l__Rain__565.Enabled = not (not v566) and (not v568 and not v561);
- end;
- end);
- end;
- local function u210()
- u205.Parent = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Resource;
- if u206 then
- u206:Disconnect();
- end;
- u206 = nil;
- end;
- function u7.rcrnjaiv(p213)
- if p213 == u207 then
- return;
- end;
- if p213 == "Day" then
- u190(v19.Ambient[u207], v19.Ambient.Day);
- elseif p213 == "Night" then
- u190(v19.Ambient[u207], v19.Ambient.Night);
- elseif p213 == "Storm" then
- u208();
- u190(v19.Ambient[u207], v19.Ambient.Storm);
- end;
- if p213 ~= "Storm" then
- u210();
- end;
- u207 = p213;
- end;
- u193 = v41.DevProduct;
- u186 = 260;
- if l__TouchEnabled__6 then
- u186 = 125;
- end;
- u205 = 4.03846154;
- u190 = u186 * u205;
- u205 =;
- u205 = u205(0, u190, 0, u186);
- u193.Size = u205;
- u205 =;
- u205 = u205(0.5, -u190 * 0.5, 0.5, -u186 * 0.5);
- u193.Position = u205;
- u93 = function()
- u193.Visible = true;
- v69(u193.Body.Buy:GetChildren()[1]);
- end;
- u7.k5c9jv5t = u93;
- u205 = v18.MakeWindow;
- u205 = u205();
- u205.OpenFun = u93;
- function u205.CloseFun()
- u193.Visible = false;
- end;
- v18.WindowGroupAdd(v66, u205);
- v40.Sidebar.ToggleDevProducts.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- v18.WindowToggle(u205);
- end);
- u193.Close.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- v18.WindowClose(u205);
- end);
- local v570 = v18.MakeWindow();
- function v570.OpenFun()
- v41.Nitro.Visible = true;
- v69(v41.Nitro.Body.Purchase.Tier1.Buy);
- end;
- function v570.CloseFun()
- v41.Nitro.Visible = false;
- end;
- v18.WindowGroupAdd(v66, v570);
- v41.Nitro.Close.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- v18.WindowClose(v570);
- end);
- v68.AtGasStation = false;
- function u7.zjbb4hv0(p214, p215)
- if not p214 then
- v68.AtGasStation = false;
- v18.WindowClose(v570);
- return;
- end;
- if not p215 then
- v68.AtGasStation = true;
- end;
- v18.WindowOpen(v570);
- end;
- v40.Nitro.Purchase.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- u7.zjbb4hv0(true, true);
- end);
- local function u211()
- if not v19.FetchedMarketplace then
- return false;
- end;
- local l__next__571 = next;
- local v572, v573 = u193.Body.Buy:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v574, v575 = l__next__571(v572, v573);
- if not v574 then
- break;
- end;
- v573 = v574;
- local v576 = v19.DevProduct[tonumber((v575.Name:match("Tier(%d+)")))];
- if v576 then
- v575.Price.Text = u85(v576.Cash);
- v575.Robux.Text = ("%s R$"):format(u26(v576.Robux));
- v575.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- l__MarketplaceService__2:PromptProductPurchase(l__LocalPlayer__10, v576.Id);
- end);
- end;
- end;
- for v577, v578 in next, v19.DevProduct do
- if v578.Type == "Nitro" then
- local v579 = v41.Nitro.Body.Purchase:FindFirstChild(v578.Name);
- if v579 then
- v579.Buy.TextLabel.Text = ("+%d Fuel"):format(v578.Fuel);
- v579.Buy.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if v19.Scalar.NitroMax - 25 <= v68.Nitro then
- u7.lhc4plp0({
- Title = "Rocket Fuel",
- Text = "You have a lot of fuel, go use it!"
- });
- return;
- end;
- local v580 = true;
- if not v68.AtGasStation and not l__MarketplaceService__2:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(l__LocalPlayer__10.UserId, v19.Gamepass.MobileGarage.PassId) then
- v580 = false;
- u19(v19.Gamepass.MobileGarage);
- end;
- if v580 then
- l__MarketplaceService__2:PromptProductPurchase(l__LocalPlayer__10, v578.Id);
- end;
- end);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- return true;
- end;
- spawn(function()
- while not u211() do
- wait(1);
- end;
- end);
- u193 = v40.Banner;
- u186 = function()
- v70.HasEscaped = true;
- u193.Title.Text = v21:FormatByKey("Banner.Escaped");
- u193.Desc.Text = v21:FormatByKey("Banner.EscapedDesc");
- u193.Visible = true;
- wait(6);
- u193.Visible = false;
- end;
- u7.b1d5lk8t = u186;
- u193 = function()
- if u13 then
- u13.TireHealth = 0;
- end;
- end;
- u7.gofi968b = u193;
- u193 = v40.CollectMoney;
- u186 = function(p216, p217)
- local l__Type__581 = p216.Type;
- u193.Visible = true;
- u193.Message.Text = p216.Message;
- u193.Money.Text = u85(p216.Money);
- u193.Maximum.Text = ("/ %s"):format(u85(p216.Maximum));
- u193.DuffelBag.Text = ("Upgrade Bag to Hold %s"):format(u85(p216.UpgradeMaximum));
- u193.DuffelBag.Visible = math.abs(p216.UpgradeMaximum - p216.Maximum) > 1;
- if l__Type__581 == "Bank" or l__Type__581 == "Train" or l__Type__581 == "Jewelry" then
- u193.Progress.Frame:TweenSize( / p216.Maximum, 0, 1, 0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.5, true);
- end;
- if not p217 then
- u193.Time.Visible = false;
- return;
- end;
- u193.Time.Visible = true;
- u193.Time.Text = ("%ds"):format(math.max(p217, 0));
- end;
- u7.hogh1u5q = u186;
- u186 = function()
- u193.Visible = false;
- u193.Progress.Frame.Size =, 0, 1, 0);
- v40.CrateCollectMoney.Visible = false;
- end;
- u7.cehe6k5k = u186;
- u186 = function()
- u19(v19.Gamepass.DuffelBag);
- end;
- u205 = u193.DuffelBag;
- u190 = u205.MouseButton1Down;
- u205 = u190;
- u190 = u190.connect;
- u190(u205, u186);
- u193 = function(p218)
- u19(p218);
- end;
- u7.ci8onshv = u193;
- u193 = function(p219)
- v40.Sidebar.Bounty.Visible = p219 == "Criminal";
- end;
- u7.t0vjd6kc = u193;
- u193 = function(p220)
- v40.Sidebar.Bounty.Text = u85(p220);
- end;
- u7.ondhrb4n = u193;
- u193 = 1;
- u186 = function()
- local v582 = nil;
- local v583 = nil;
- if l__TeamValue__37.Value == v19.Team.Prisoner then
- v582 = "Prisoner";
- v583 = 3;
- elseif l__TeamValue__37.Value == v19.Team.Police then
- v582 = "Police";
- v583 = 5;
- end;
- if not v582 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Help__584 = v40.Inventory.Help;
- u193 = u193 % v583 + 1;
- l__Help__584.Text = v21:FormatByKey("Help." .. v582 .. u193 - 1);
- l__Help__584.Visible = true;
- end;
- u190 = u10;
- u205 = v19.Time.HelpMessageCycle;
- u190(u205, u186, "Cycle Help Message");
- function u7.cvh6okoe(p221, ...)
- if p221 == "ems" then
- delay(0.5, function()
- v36:FireServer("cvh6okoe", p221);
- end);
- else
- v36:FireServer("cvh6okoe", p221);
- end;
- assert(u7[p221], p221)(...);
- end;
- (function()
- for v585, v586 in next, u2 do
- v586.OnClientEvent:Connect(u8);
- end;
- end)();
- local u212 = function(p222)
- local l__Character__587 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__587 then
- return;
- end;
- if not l__Character__587:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- return;
- end;
- local v588 = {};
- local l__next__589 = next;
- local v590, v591 = p222.Model:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v592, v593 = l__next__589(v590, v591);
- if not v592 then
- break;
- end;
- v591 = v592;
- if v593.Name == "Seat" or v593.Name == "Passenger" then
- local l__Player__594 = v593:FindFirstChild("Player");
- local l__PlayerName__595 = v593:FindFirstChild("PlayerName");
- if l__Player__594 and l__Player__594.Value and l__PlayerName__595 then
- table.insert(v588, {
- Part = v593,
- PlayerName = l__PlayerName__595.Value
- });
- end;
- end;
- end;
- table.sort(v588, function(p223, p224)
- return p223.PlayerName < p224.PlayerName;
- end);
- return v588;
- end;
- u10(0.1, function()
- local l__Eject__596 = v40.Eject;
- if u13 and not u13.Passenger then
- l__Eject__596.Visible = true;
- local v597 = {};
- local v598 = u212(u13);
- if v598 then
- local v599 = 0;
- for v600, v601 in next, v598 do
- local l__PlayerName__602 = v601.PlayerName;
- if l__PlayerName__602 ~= l__LocalPlayer__10.Name then
- v599 = v599 + 1;
- v597[l__PlayerName__602] = true;
- local v603 = l__Eject__596.Inner:FindFirstChild(l__PlayerName__602);
- if not v603 then
- v603 = l__Eject__596.Preset:Clone();
- v603.Name = l__PlayerName__602;
- v603.TextLabel.Text = l__PlayerName__602;
- v603.Parent = l__Eject__596.Inner;
- v603.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- v36:FireServer("g1mnpehz", l__PlayerName__602);
- end);
- end;
- v603.Visible = true;
- v603.Position =, 0, 1 - v599);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local l__next__604 = next;
- local v605, v606 = l__Eject__596.Inner:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v607, v608 = l__next__604(v605, v606);
- if not v607 then
- break;
- end;
- v606 = v607;
- if not v597[v608.Name] then
- v608:Destroy();
- end;
- end;
- else
- l__Eject__596.Visible = false;
- end;
- local l__Character__609 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__609 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__610 = l__Character__609:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- if not l__HumanoidRootPart__610 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__next__611 = next;
- local v612, v613 = workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren();
- while true do
- local v614, v615 = l__next__611(v612, v613);
- if not v614 then
- break;
- end;
- v613 = v614;
- local l__Seat__616 = v615:FindFirstChild("Seat");
- local l__BoundingBox__617 = v615:FindFirstChild("BoundingBox");
- local l__Make__618 = v615:FindFirstChild("Make");
- if l__BoundingBox__617 and l__Seat__616 then
- local l__Player__619 = l__Seat__616:FindFirstChild("Player");
- local l__MoneyBillboard__620 = l__BoundingBox__617:FindFirstChild("MoneyBillboard");
- if l__MoneyBillboard__620 and l__Make__618 and l__Player__619 then
- local v621 = false;
- if (l__HumanoidRootPart__610.Position - l__BoundingBox__617.Position).magnitude < 50 then
- v621 = not l__Player__619.Value and (not v68.VehiclesOwned[l__Make__618.Value] and not v68.VehiclesRented[l__Make__618.Value]);
- end;
- l__MoneyBillboard__620.Enabled = v621;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end);
- function u7.yxrhh6ac()
- wait();
- v12.CircleAction.NotAllowed();
- end;
- u212 = nil;
- local l__math_log__213 = math.log;
- local l__math_max__214 = math.max;
- local u215 = require(l__ReplicatedStorage__1.Game.CharacterUtil);
- u212 = function()
- local l__Character__622 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__622 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__623 = l__Character__622:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__623 then
- return;
- end;
- local v624 = l__math_max__214(l__math_log__213(l__Humanoid__623.Health + 1) / l__math_log__213(101), 0.5);
- local v625 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if v625 then
- if v625.ItemData.Name == "Cuffed" then
- v624 = 0;
- elseif v625.ItemData.Name == "ShieldSWAT" then
- v624 = v624 * 0.75;
- end;
- end;
- if u80 then
- v624 = 0;
- end;
- local v626 = v624 * 16;
- if u42 then
- v626 = v626 * 0.4;
- end;
- if v137.IsSkydiving() then
- v626 = v626 * 4;
- elseif u58 then
- v626 = v626 * 1.5;
- end;
- local v627 = u215.WalkSpeedSpring:Update();
- if v627 < 0 then
- v627 = 0;
- end;
- if v627 > 10 then
- v627 = 10;
- end;
- local v628 = v626 * v627;
- if l__math_abs__27(v628 - l__Humanoid__623.WalkSpeed) > 0.1 then
- l__Humanoid__623.WalkSpeed = v628;
- end;
- if u59 then
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__629 = l__Character__622:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- if l__HumanoidRootPart__629 then
- u59:AdjustSpeed(-l__Character__622.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:vectorToObjectSpace(l__HumanoidRootPart__629.Velocity).Z / 6);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- u215 =;
- u215 = u215(1, 0, 1);
- local u216 = function(p225)
- local v630 = not u13;
- local l__Part__631 = p225.Part;
- if l__Part__631 and l__Part__631.Parent then
- local v632 = nil;
- local v633 = nil;
- local v634 = nil;
- if l__TeamValue__37.Value == v19.Team.Prisoner then
- local l__TeamRestrict__635 = l__Part__631.Parent:FindFirstChild("TeamRestrict");
- if l__TeamRestrict__635 and l__Part__631.Name == "Seat" and l__TeamRestrict__635.Value ~= l__TeamValue__37.Value then
- v632 = true;
- end;
- elseif l__TeamValue__37.Value == v19.Team.Police then
- local v636 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if v636 and v636.__ClassName == "Handcuffs" then
- v633 = true;
- end;
- end;
- if not v632 and not v633 then
- v634 = true;
- end;
- local v637 = 10;
- if p225.ShouldHotwire ~= v632 then
- p225.ShouldHotwire = v632;
- if v632 then
- p225.Name = v21:FormatByKey("Action.Hijack");
- p225.Timed = true;
- p225.Duration = 8;
- end;
- end;
- if p225.ShouldEject ~= v633 then
- p225.ShouldEject = v633;
- if v633 then
- p225.Name = v21:FormatByKey("Action.Eject");
- p225.Timed = false;
- p225.Duration = 1;
- v637 = 12;
- end;
- end;
- if p225.ShouldAllowEntry ~= v634 then
- p225.ShouldAllowEntry = v634;
- if v634 then
- p225.Timed = false;
- local l__Player__638 = l__Part__631:FindFirstChild("Player");
- if l__Player__638 and l__Player__638.Value then
- v630 = false;
- end;
- p225.Name = l__Part__631.Name == "Seat" and v21:FormatByKey("Action.EnterDriver") or v21:FormatByKey("Action.EnterPassenger");
- end;
- end;
- p225.Dist = v637;
- end;
- if v630 ~= p225.Enabled then
- p225.Enabled = v630;
- end;
- end;
- local u217 = function(p226)
- local v639 = nil;
- local v640 = nil;
- local v641 = nil;
- local v642 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if v642 and v642.__ClassName == "Handcuffs" then
- if l__TeamValue__37.Value == v19.Team.Police then
- local v643 = l__Players__9:FindFirstChild(p226.PlayerName);
- if v643 and v643.TeamValue.Value == v19.Team.Prisoner and v643.Character and (not v643.Character:FindFirstChild("Handcuffs") and not v643.Character.Humanoid.Sit) then
- v639 = true;
- end;
- end;
- elseif l__TeamValue__37.Value == v19.Team.Prisoner then
- local v644 = l__Players__9:FindFirstChild(p226.PlayerName);
- if v644 then
- if v644.TeamValue.Value == v19.Team.Police then
- if v644.Character and l__LocalPlayer__10.Character then
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__645 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- local l__HumanoidRootPart__646 = v644.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- if l__HumanoidRootPart__645 and l__HumanoidRootPart__646 then
- local l__CFrame__647 = l__HumanoidRootPart__645.CFrame;
- local l__CFrame__648 = l__HumanoidRootPart__646.CFrame;
- if l__CFrame__647.lookVector:Dot(l__CFrame__648.lookVector) >= 0.3333333333333333 and l__CFrame__648.lookVector:Dot((l__CFrame__648.p - l__CFrame__647.p).unit) >= 0.3333333333333333 then
- v640 = true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- elseif v644.TeamValue.Value == v19.Team.Prisoner and v70.HasEscaped and v644.Character and l__LocalPlayer__10.Character and (v644.Character:FindFirstChild("Handcuffs") and not l__LocalPlayer__10.Character:FindFirstChild("Handcuffs")) then
- v641 = true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if v639 ~= p226.ShouldArrest then
- p226.ShouldArrest = v639;
- if v639 then
- p226.Duration = 0.5;
- p226.Timed = not l__TouchEnabled__6;
- p226.Dist = 12;
- p226.Name = v21:FormatByKey("Action.Arrest");
- end;
- end;
- if v640 ~= p226.ShouldPickpocket then
- p226.ShouldPickpocket = v640;
- if v640 then
- p226.Duration = 2;
- p226.Timed = true;
- p226.Dist = 10;
- p226.Name = v21:FormatByKey("Action.Pickpocket");
- end;
- end;
- if v641 ~= p226.ShouldBreakout then
- p226.ShouldBreakout = v641;
- if v641 then
- p226.Duration = 2;
- p226.Timed = true;
- p226.Dist = 10;
- p226.Name = v21:FormatByKey("Action.Breakout");
- end;
- end;
- local v649 = v639 or (v640 or v641);
- if v649 ~= p226.Enabled then
- p226.Enabled = v649;
- end;
- p226.Enabled = v639 or (v640 or v641);
- end;
- local u218 = function(p227)
- local v650 = l__TeamValue__37.Value == v19.Team.Prisoner;
- if p227.Enabled ~= v650 then
- p227.Enabled = v650;
- end;
- end;
- local u219 = function(p228)
- for v651, v652 in next, v12.CircleAction.Specs do
- if v652.IsVehicle then
- u216(v652);
- elseif v652.IsPlayer then
- u217(v652);
- elseif v652.IsRob then
- u218(v652);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- local function u220(p229, p230)
- local l__Model__653 = p229.Model;
- local l__Height__654 = p229.Height;
- local v655 = p229.IKP;
- if not l__Model__653 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Engine__656 = l__Model__653:FindFirstChild("Engine");
- if not l__Engine__656 then
- return;
- end;
- if (l__Engine__656.Position - l__CurrentCamera__22.CFrame.p).magnitude > 350 then
- return false;
- end;
- local v657 = l__Engine__656.CFrame:vectorToObjectSpace(l__Engine__656.Velocity);
- local v658 = (p229.WheelRotation + v657.Z * p230 / (l__Model__653.WheelFrontRight.Wheel.Size.Y * 0.5 * math.pi)) % (2 * math.pi);
- p229.WheelRotation = v658;
- u2.Chassis.UpdateWheelLowQuality(l__Model__653, l__Height__654, p229.PartFrontRight, v658);
- u2.Chassis.UpdateWheelLowQuality(l__Model__653, l__Height__654, p229.PartFrontLeft, v658);
- u2.Chassis.UpdateWheelLowQuality(l__Model__653, l__Height__654, p229.PartBackRight, v658);
- u2.Chassis.UpdateWheelLowQuality(l__Model__653, l__Height__654, p229.PartBackLeft, v658);
- u2.Chassis.UpdateSoundLowQuality(p229, p229.Gears, v657);
- local v659 = l__math_abs__27(v657.X);
- if v659 > 10 then
- p229.Sounds.DriftSqueal.Volume = math.min((v659 - 10) / 4, 0.3);
- else
- p229.Sounds.DriftSqueal.Volume = 0;
- end;
- if not v655 then
- local v660 = l__Players__9:FindFirstChild(p229.PlayerName);
- if not v660 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Character__661 = v660.Character;
- if not l__Character__661 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__662 = l__Character__661:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__662 then
- return false;
- end;
- if not l__Humanoid__662.RootPart then
- return false;
- end;
- v655 = v11.BuildPacketArms(l__Character__661);
- p229.IKP = v655;
- end;
- local v663 = 0.7 * l__Engine__656.RotVelocity.Y;
- if p229.WeldSteer and v655 then
- p229.WeldSteer.C0 = l__CFrame_Angles__43(0, v663, 0);
- local l__CFrame__664 = l__Model__653.Steer.CFrame;
- v655.RightArm = l__CFrame__664 * l__Vector3_new__30(0.8, 0.1, 0);
- v655.RightAngle = -v663;
- v655.LeftArm = l__CFrame__664 * l__Vector3_new__30(-0.8, 0.1, 0);
- v655.LeftAngle = -v663;
- v11.Arms(v655);
- end;
- local l__TirePopDuration__665 = p229.TirePopDuration;
- local l__TiresLastPop__666 = p229.TiresLastPop;
- local v667 = v128.GetNowSync();
- local v668 = (math.min((v667 - l__TiresLastPop__666[1]) / l__TirePopDuration__665, 1) + math.min((v667 - l__TiresLastPop__666[2]) / l__TirePopDuration__665, 1) + math.min((v667 - l__TiresLastPop__666[3]) / l__TirePopDuration__665, 1) + math.min((v667 - l__TiresLastPop__666[4]) / l__TirePopDuration__665, 1)) / 4 < 0.999;
- if p229.AreTiresPopped ~= v668 then
- if v668 then
- local v669 = {
- Volume = 1
- };
- v22.ObjectLocal(l__Engine__656, u47.tire_pop, v669);
- v22.ObjectLocal(l__Engine__656, u47.tire_leak, v669);
- end;
- p229.AreTiresPopped = v668;
- u48(p229, v668);
- end;
- end;
- local function u221(p231, p232)
- u2.Chassis2.UpdateLQ(p231, p232);
- end;
- local u222 = 0;
- local u223 = 0;
- l__RunService__3.Stepped:connect(function(p233, p234)
- local v670 = tick();
- if l__LocalPlayer__10.Character then
- u219();
- end;
- v25.profilebegin("Vehicle LQ Update");
- if u86 and l__LocalPlayer__10.Character then
- local l__p__671 = l__CurrentCamera__22.CFrame.p;
- for v672, v673 in next, u86 do
- if v672 ~= l__LocalPlayer__10.Name then
- local l__Model__674 = v673.Model;
- if l__Model__674 then
- local l__BoundingBox__675 = l__Model__674:FindFirstChild("BoundingBox");
- if l__BoundingBox__675 and (l__p__671 * u215 - l__BoundingBox__675.Position * u215).Magnitude < 600 then
- if v673.Type == "Chassis" then
- u220(v673, p234);
- elseif v673.Type == "Heli" then
- u47(v673, p234);
- elseif v673.Type == "Motorcycle" or v673.Type == "DuneBuggy" then
- u221(v673, p234);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- v25.profileend();
- u212();
- v25.profilebegin("Time/UI");
- local l__Time__676 = workspace:FindFirstChild("Time");
- if l__Time__676 then
- local l__Value__677 = l__Time__676.Value;
- local v678 = l__Value__677 % 1;
- local v679 = l__Value__677 - v678;
- local v680 = l__math_floor__14(l__math_floor__14(v678 * 60 + 0.5) / 15) * 15;
- if v680 >= 60 then
- v680 = v680 - 60;
- v679 = v679 + 1;
- end;
- if v679 > 12 then
- v679 = v679 - 12;
- end;
- if v679 == 0 then
- v679 = 12;
- end;
- if v679 ~= u222 or v680 ~= u223 then
- u222 = v679;
- u223 = v680;
- if l__Value__677 >= 12 then
- local v681 = "PM";
- else
- v681 = "AM";
- end;
- v40.Schedule.Text = ("%d:%02d %s %s"):format(v679, v680, v681, (v21:FormatByKey("Schedule.Schedule", { v21:FormatByKey("Schedule." .. u70) })));
- end;
- end;
- local v682 = (l__math_sin__169(v670) + 1) * 0.5;
- local v683 = Color3.fromHSV(v682, 0.8, 0.8);
- v41.Safe.Money.TextStrokeColor3 = v683;
- v41.DevProduct.Money.TextStrokeColor3 = v683;
- local v684 = Color3.fromHSV(0, (l__math_sin__169(4 * v670) + 1) * 0.5, 0.7 + v682 * 0.3);
- v41.Safe.Sidebar.Buy.Inner.Stats.Legendary.TextStrokeColor3 = v684;
- v41.Safe.Sidebar.Buy.Inner.Stats.Legendary.Percent.TextStrokeColor3 = v684;
- local v685 = Color3.fromRGB(207 + l__math_sin__169(8 * v670) * 20, l__math_sin__169(7 * v670 + 4) * 20 + 20, 235 + l__math_sin__169(6 * v670 + 8) * 20);
- v41.Nitro.Body.Bar.Value.BackgroundColor3 = v685;
- v40.Nitro.Value.BackgroundColor3 = v685;
- v40.LevelJoin.Background.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(102 + l__math_sin__169(8 * v670) * 20, 149 + l__math_sin__169(7 * v670 + 4) * 20, 228 + l__math_sin__169(6 * v670 + 8) * 20);
- v25.profileend();
- end);
- u215 = function(p235)
- local v686 = nil;
- if p235.NotEnoughMoney then
- v686 = "You don't have that much money.";
- elseif p235.TooLittleQuantity then
- v686 = ("Drop more than %s."):format(u85(p235.TooLittleQuantity));
- elseif p235.TooMuchQuantity then
- v686 = ("Drop less than %s."):format(u85(p235.TooMuchQuantity));
- elseif p235.Debounce then
- v686 = ("Wait %d seconds."):format(p235.Debounce);
- elseif p235.Daily then
- v686 = ("Can only donate %s per day."):format(u85(p235.Quantity));
- elseif p235.SmallVIP then
- v686 = "Donations disabled in small private servers.";
- end;
- if v686 then
- u7.lhc4plp0({
- Title = "Donation",
- Text = v686
- });
- end;
- end;
- u7.re5lccxf = u215;
- u215 = v41.DevProduct.Drop.Input.Box.Changed;
- u215 = u215.connect;
- u215(u215, function(p236)
- if p236 == "Text" then
- v41.DevProduct.Drop.Input.Box.Text = v41.DevProduct.Drop.Input.Box.Text:gsub("[^%d]+", "");
- end;
- end);
- u215 = v41.DevProduct.Drop.Button.Submit.MouseButton1Down;
- u215 = u215.connect;
- u215(u215, function()
- local v687 = tonumber(v41.DevProduct.Drop.Input.Box.Text);
- if not v687 then
- return;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("erqm88bm", v687);
- end);
- u215 = function(p237)
- if u13 then
- if u13.Type == "Chassis" then
- u2.Chassis.InputChanged(p237, u3);
- elseif u13.Type == "Heli" then
- u2.Heli.InputChanged(p237, u3);
- elseif u13.Type == "Custom" and u13.Make == "Volt" then
- u2.Volt.InputChanged(p237, u3);
- end;
- end;
- if p237.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- u40 = p237.Position;
- end;
- end;
- l__UserInputService__5.InputBegan:connect(function(p238, p239)
- if p239 and (p238.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 or p238.KeyCode ~= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA) then
- return;
- end;
- if u13 then
- if u13.Type == "Chassis" then
- u2.Chassis.InputBegan(p238);
- elseif u13.Type == "Heli" then
- u2.Heli.InputBegan(p238);
- elseif u13.Type == "Custom" and u13.Make == "Volt" then
- u2.Volt.InputBegan(p238);
- end;
- end;
- if p238.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
- local l__KeyCode__688 = p238.KeyCode;
- local l__Value__689 = l__KeyCode__688.Value;
- if l__Value__689 >= 49 and l__Value__689 <= 57 then
- u101(l__Value__689 - 49 + 1);
- return;
- end;
- if l__KeyCode__688 == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- if u13 then
- u71();
- end;
- if u2.Heli.Roped then
- u2.Heli.AttemptRopeDetach();
- return;
- end;
- elseif l__KeyCode__688 == Enum.KeyCode.E and u13 and u13.Type ~= "Heli" then
- u71();
- return;
- end;
- elseif p238.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
- local l__KeyCode__690 = p238.KeyCode;
- if l__KeyCode__690 == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA then
- if not l__GuiService__7.SelectedObject then
- u71();
- return;
- end;
- elseif l__KeyCode__690 == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1 then
- u50 = u50 - 1;
- if u50 < 0 then
- u50 = 0;
- if v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v49.Unequip();
- return;
- end;
- else
- if not (#v67.ItemStacks < u50) then
- u101(u50);
- return;
- end;
- u50 = #v67.ItemStacks + 1;
- if v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v49.Unequip();
- return;
- end;
- end;
- elseif l__KeyCode__690 == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1 then
- u50 = u50 + 1;
- if u50 < 0 then
- u50 = 0;
- if v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v49.Unequip();
- return;
- end;
- elseif #v67.ItemStacks < u50 then
- u50 = #v67.ItemStacks + 1;
- if v49.GetLocalEquipped() then
- v49.Unequip();
- return;
- end;
- else
- u101(u50);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end);
- l__UserInputService__5.InputEnded:connect(function(p240, p241)
- if p241 then
- return;
- end;
- if u13 then
- if u13.Type == "Chassis" then
- u2.Chassis.InputEnded(p240);
- return;
- end;
- if u13.Type == "Heli" then
- u2.Heli.InputEnded(p240);
- return;
- end;
- if u13.Type == "Custom" and u13.Make == "Volt" then
- u2.Volt.InputEnded(p240);
- end;
- end;
- end);
- l__UserInputService__5.InputChanged:connect(u215);
- local function v691(p242)
- if p242 ~= (Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 or Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad2) and p242 ~= Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
- return;
- end;
- u3 = p242;
- local v692 = nil;
- if u3 == Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1 then
- v692 = "Gamepad";
- elseif u3 == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
- v692 = "Desktop";
- end;
- if v251.Style ~= v692 then
- v251.Style = v692;
- v16.UpdateUI(v251);
- end;
- end;
- u216 = v691;
- l__UserInputService__5.LastInputTypeChanged:connect(u216);
- u216 = function()
- v691(Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1);
- end;
- l__UserInputService__5.GamepadConnected:connect(u216);
- if l__UserInputService__5.GamepadEnabled then
- v691(Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1);
- end;
- local function u224(p243)
- v36:FireServer("kmfobsy9", p243);
- end;
- local function u225(p244)
- v36:FireServer("kl0r6smv", p244);
- end;
- local function u226(p245)
- if u13 then
- return;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("jxaknw1t", p245.Parent, p245);
- end;
- local u227 = function(p246, p247)
- if not p247 then
- if p246.ShouldHotwire then
- u7.lhc4plp0({
- Title = "Vehicle",
- Text = "You can't drive this. Hold to hijack it."
- });
- end;
- return;
- end;
- if p246.ShouldHotwire then
- u224(p246.Part.Parent);
- elseif p246.ShouldEject then
- u225(p246.Part.Parent);
- else
- u226(p246.Part);
- end;
- return true;
- end;
- local u228 = v12.CircleAction;
- u216 = function(p248)
- u228.Add({
- Part = p248,
- ValidRoot = p248.Parent,
- Name = "Enter",
- Timed = false,
- Duration = 1,
- Dist = 10,
- Callback = u227,
- IsVehicle = true
- }, p248);
- end;
- u217 = function(p249)
- u228.Remove(p249);
- end;
- u218 = next;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13.GetTagged;
- u219, v693 = u219(l__CollectionService__13, "VehicleSeat");
- while true do
- local v694, v695 = u218(u219, v693);
- if not v694 then
- break;
- end;
- v693 = v694;
- u216(v695);
- end;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceAddedSignal;
- u218 = u218(u219, "VehicleSeat");
- u219 = u218;
- u218 = u218.Connect;
- u218(u219, u216);
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceRemovedSignal;
- u218 = u218(u219, "VehicleSeat");
- u219 = u218;
- u218 = u218.Connect;
- u218(u219, u217);
- u228 = v12.CircleAction;
- local function u229(p250)
- v36:FireServer("qgyfxslq", p250.Name);
- end;
- u227 = function(p251)
- local v696 = v49.GetLocalEquipped();
- if not v696 then
- return;
- end;
- if v696.__ClassName ~= "Handcuffs" then
- return;
- end;
- if v696.Reloading then
- return;
- end;
- if l__TeamValue__37.Value ~= v19.Team.Police then
- return;
- end;
- local v697 = l__Players__9:FindFirstChild(p251.PlayerName);
- if not v697 then
- return;
- end;
- if u13 then
- return;
- end;
- if v697.TeamValue.Value ~= v19.Team.Prisoner then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Character__698 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__698 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__699 = l__Character__698:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__699 then
- return;
- end;
- if l__Humanoid__699.Health <= 0 then
- return;
- end;
- u229(v697);
- return true;
- end;
- local function u230(p252)
- v36:FireServer("mv6za2h6", p252.Name);
- end;
- u216 = function(p253)
- local v700 = l__Players__9:FindFirstChild(p253.PlayerName);
- if not v700 then
- return;
- end;
- u230(v700);
- return true;
- end;
- local function u231(p254)
- v36:FireServer("flh6hdle", p254.Name);
- end;
- u217 = function(p255)
- local v701 = l__Players__9:FindFirstChild(p255.PlayerName);
- if not v701 then
- return;
- end;
- u231(v701);
- return true;
- end;
- u218 = function(p256, p257)
- if not p257 then
- return true;
- end;
- if p256.ShouldArrest then
- return u227(p256);
- end;
- if p256.ShouldPickpocket then
- return u216(p256);
- end;
- if not p256.ShouldBreakout then
- return false;
- end;
- return u217(p256);
- end;
- u219 = function(p258)
- if p258 ~= l__LocalPlayer__10.Character then
- u228.Add({
- Part = p258:WaitForChild("UpperTorso", 3),
- ValidRoot = p258,
- Name = "Player",
- Timed = true,
- Duration = 0.5,
- Dist = 15,
- Priority = 2,
- Callback = u218,
- PlayerName = p258.Name,
- IsPlayer = true
- }, p258);
- end;
- end;
- local l__next__702 = next;
- local v703, v704 = l__CollectionService__13:GetTagged("Player");
- while true do
- local v705, v706 = l__next__702(v703, v704);
- if not v705 then
- break;
- end;
- v704 = v705;
- u219(v706);
- end;
- l__CollectionService__13:GetInstanceAddedSignal("Player"):Connect(u219);
- l__CollectionService__13:GetInstanceRemovedSignal("Player"):Connect(function(p259)
- if p259 ~= l__LocalPlayer__10.Character then
- u228.Remove(p259);
- end;
- end);
- u228 = v12.CircleAction;
- u227 = function(p260, p261)
- if not p261 then
- return;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("b6omoit8", p260.Part.Parent);
- return true;
- end;
- u216 = function(p262)
- u228.Add({
- Part = p262.PrimaryPart,
- ValidRoot = p262,
- Name = ("Collect %s from %s"):format(u85(p262:WaitForChild("Amount", 2).Value), p262:WaitForChild("PlayerName", 2).Value),
- Timed = true,
- Duration = 1,
- Dist = 10,
- Callback = u227
- }, p262);
- end;
- u217 = function(p263)
- u228.Remove(p263);
- end;
- u218 = next;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13.GetTagged;
- u219, v707 = u219(l__CollectionService__13, "CashDrop");
- while true do
- local v708, v709 = u218(u219, v707);
- if not v708 then
- break;
- end;
- v707 = v708;
- u216(v709);
- end;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceAddedSignal;
- u218 = u218(u219, "CashDrop");
- u219 = u218;
- u218 = u218.Connect;
- u218(u219, u216);
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceRemovedSignal;
- u218 = u218(u219, "CashDrop");
- u219 = u218;
- u218 = u218.Connect;
- u218(u219, u217);
- u228 = v12.CircleAction;
- u227 = function(p264, p265)
- if p265 then
- v36:FireServer("p4d2kjbk", p264.Part);
- else
- v36:FireServer("dbhiqsyx", p264.Part);
- end;
- return true;
- end;
- u216 = function(p266)
- u228.Add({
- Part = p266,
- Name = "Rob",
- Timed = true,
- Duration = 10,
- Dist = 8,
- Callback = u227,
- IsRob = true
- }, p266);
- end;
- u217 = function(p267)
- u228.Remove(p267);
- end;
- u218 = next;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13.GetTagged;
- u219, v710 = u219(l__CollectionService__13, "SmallStore");
- while true do
- local v711, v712 = u218(u219, v710);
- if not v711 then
- break;
- end;
- v710 = v711;
- u216(v712);
- end;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceAddedSignal;
- u218 = u218(u219, "SmallStore");
- u219 = u218;
- u218 = u218.Connect;
- u218(u219, u216);
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceRemovedSignal;
- u218 = u218(u219, "SmallStore");
- u219 = u218;
- u218 = u218.Connect;
- u218(u219, u217);
- u228 = v12.CircleAction;
- u227 = function(p268, p269)
- if not p269 then
- return;
- end;
- v36:FireServer("v5fx4akc", p268.Part.Parent);
- return true;
- end;
- u216 = function(p270)
- local l__Parent__713 = p270.Parent;
- u228.Add({
- Part = p270,
- ValidRoot = l__Parent__713,
- Name = ("Pick up %s"):format(l__Parent__713.Name),
- Timed = true,
- Duration = 0.5,
- Dist = 5,
- Callback = u227
- }, p270);
- end;
- u217 = next;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetTagged;
- u218, u219 = u218(u219, "ItemDrop");
- while true do
- local v714, v715 = u217(u218, u219);
- if not v714 then
- break;
- end;
- u219 = v714;
- u216(v715);
- end;
- u219 = "ItemDrop";
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u217 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceAddedSignal;
- u217 = u217(u218, u219);
- u219 = u216;
- u218 = u217;
- u217 = u217.Connect;
- u217(u218, u219);
- u219 = "ItemDrop";
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u217 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceRemovedSignal;
- u217 = u217(u218, u219);
- u219 = u228.Remove;
- u218 = u217;
- u217 = u217.Connect;
- u217(u218, u219);
- u228 = v12.CircleAction;
- u227 = function(p271)
- u228.Add({
- Part = p271,
- Name = "Lift Gate",
- Timed = true,
- Duration = 2,
- Dist = 8,
- Callback = function(p272, p273)
- if p273 then
- v36:FireServer("bd20x18m", "LiftGate");
- end;
- return true;
- end
- }, p271);
- end;
- u216 = function(p274)
- u228.Add({
- Part = p274,
- Name = "Explode Wall",
- Timed = true,
- Duration = 8,
- Dist = 5,
- Callback = function(p275, p276)
- if p276 then
- v36:FireServer("bd20x18m", "ExplodeWall");
- end;
- return true;
- end
- }, p274);
- end;
- u217 = function(p277)
- if p277.Name == "LiftGate" then
- u227(p277);
- return;
- end;
- if p277.Name == "ExplodeWall" then
- u216(p277);
- return;
- end;
- assert(false, p277.Name);
- end;
- u218 = next;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13.GetTagged;
- u219, v716 = u219(l__CollectionService__13, "EscapeRoute");
- while true do
- local v717, v718 = u218(u219, v716);
- if not v717 then
- break;
- end;
- v716 = v717;
- u217(v718);
- end;
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceAddedSignal;
- u218 = u218(u219, "EscapeRoute");
- u219 = u218;
- u218 = u218.Connect;
- u218(u219, u217);
- u219 = l__CollectionService__13;
- u218 = l__CollectionService__13.GetInstanceRemovedSignal;
- u218 = u218(u219, "EscapeRoute");
- u219 = u218;
- u218 = u218.Connect;
- u218(u219, u228.Remove);
- if l__TouchEnabled__6 then
- u228 = tick;
- u228 = u228();
- u227 = function()
- local v719 = tick();
- if v719 - u228 < 0.1 then
- return false;
- end;
- u228 = v719;
- u71();
- end;
- u216 = l__UserInputService__5.JumpRequest;
- u218 = u227;
- u217 = u216;
- u216 = u216.connect;
- u216(u217, u218);
- end;
- u228 =;
- u227 = "BindableEvent";
- u228 = u228(u227);
- u227 = u228.Event;
- u217 = function()
- v36:FireServer("b3liuwhk");
- end;
- u216 = u227;
- u227 = u227.connect;
- u227(u216, u217);
- u227 = delay;
- u216 = 2;
- u217 = function()
- local v720, v721 = pcall(function()
- l__StarterGui__20:SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", u228);
- end);
- if not v720 then
- print(v721);
- end;
- end;
- u227(u216, u217);
- u228 =;
- u227 = "Part";
- u228 = u228(u227);
- u227 = true;
- u228.Anchored = u227;
- u227 = 1;
- u228.Transparency = u227;
- u227 = false;
- u228.CanCollide = u227;
- u227 = l__Vector3_new__30;
- u216 = 1;
- u217 = 1;
- u218 = 1;
- u227 = u227(u216, u217, u218);
- u228.Size = u227;
- u227 = false;
- u228.Archivable = u227;
- u227 = workspace;
- u228.Parent = u227;
- u227 = function()
- while true do
- end;
- end;
- u218 = "Archivable";
- u217 = u228;
- u216 = u228.GetPropertyChangedSignal;
- u216 = u216(u217, u218);
- u218 = u227;
- u217 = u216;
- u216 = u216.connect;
- u216(u217, u218);
- u228 = delay;
- u227 = 10;
- u216 = function()
- local l__KreeksTimeMachine__722 = workspace:FindFirstChild("KreeksTimeMachine");
- if l__KreeksTimeMachine__722 and l__LocalPlayer__10.UserId == 140258990 then
- l__KreeksTimeMachine__722:Destroy();
- end;
- end;
- u228(u227, u216);
- u228 = false;
- u227 = nil;
- u216 = 0;
- u217 = 0;
- u218 = false;
- u219 = function(p278)
- local l__Humanoid__723 = p278:WaitForChild("Humanoid", 1);
- if not l__Humanoid__723 then
- return;
- end;
- if not p278:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 1) then
- return;
- end;
- u218 = false;
- u217 = v15.TimeAccumAdd(u217, 2);
- if u227 then
- u227:Disconnect();
- u227 = nil;
- end;
- u227 = l__Humanoid__723.StateChanged:Connect(function(p279, p280)
- if p280 == Enum.HumanoidStateType.StrafingNoPhysics then
- u216 = v15.TimeAccumAdd(u216, 1);
- if v15.TimeAccumDiff(u216) > 10 then
- u216 = 0;
- if u228 then
- return;
- end;
- u228 = true;
- u6("rbq8dfg5", "NoClip StrafingNoPhysics", false);
- end;
- end;
- end);
- end;
- if l__LocalPlayer__10.Character then
- u219(l__LocalPlayer__10.Character);
- end;
- l__LocalPlayer__10.CharacterAdded:Connect(u219);
- spawn(function()
- local v724, v725 = pcall(function()
- l__LocalPlayer__10:WaitForChild("Backpack", 20).ChildAdded:Connect(function(p281)
- if p281:IsA("BackpackItem") then
- if u228 then
- return;
- end;
- u228 = true;
- u6("rbq8dfg5", "BackpackTool", false);
- end;
- end);
- end);
- if not v724 then
- warn("BACKPACK FAIL", v725);
- end;
- end);
- local u232 = { "T", "o", "r", "s", "o" };
- local u233 = { "U", "p", "p", "e", "r", "T", "o", "r", "s", "o" };
- local u234 = { "L", "o", "w", "e", "r", "T", "o", "r", "s", "o" };
- local l__FindFirstChildWhichIsA__235 ="Model").FindFirstChildWhichIsA;
- local u236 = { "B", "o", "d", "y", "P", "o", "s", "i", "t", "i", "o", "n" };
- local u237 = { "B", "o", "d", "y", "G", "y", "r", "o" };
- local u238 = {};
- local l__xpcall__239 = xpcall;
- local u240 = getfenv();
- local function u241()
- if u228 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Character__726 = l__LocalPlayer__10.Character;
- if not l__Character__726 then
- return;
- end;
- local l__Humanoid__727 = l__Character__726:FindFirstChild("Humanoid");
- if not l__Humanoid__727 then
- return;
- end;
- if l__Humanoid__727.Health <= 0.001 then
- if not u218 then
- u217 = v15.TimeAccumAdd(u217, 3);
- end;
- u218 = true;
- return;
- end;
- local v728 = false;
- local v729 = nil;
- if not l__Character__726:FindFirstChild(table.concat(u232), true) and not l__Character__726:FindFirstChild(table.concat(u233), true) and not l__Character__726:FindFirstChild(table.concat(u234), true) and (l__Character__726:FindFirstChild("Head") or l__Character__726:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "NoClip " .. table.concat(u232) .. "Change";
- end;
- if l__FindFirstChildWhichIsA__235(l__Character__726, table.concat(u236), true) then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "BodyPosition";
- elseif l__FindFirstChildWhichIsA__235(l__Character__726, table.concat(u237), true) and not v138.IsFlying() and not u20.IsFlying() then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "BodyGyro";
- end;
- if l__Humanoid__727.JumpPower > 60 then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "JumpPower";
- end;
- local l__next__730 = next;
- local v731 = { { "MainNitro", l__PlayerGui__9:FindFirstChild("Nitro"), "Inf Nitro" }, { "ProductNitro", v41:FindFirstChild("Nitro"), "Inf Nitro" } };
- local v732 = nil;
- while true do
- local v733 = nil;
- local v734, v735 = l__next__730(v731, v732);
- if not v734 then
- break;
- end;
- v732 = v734;
- v733 = v735[1];
- if v735[2] then
- u238[v733] = true;
- elseif u238[v733] then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = v735[3];
- end;
- end;
- for v736, v737 in next, { "Workspace", "Players", "ReplicatedStorage" } do
- if game:GetService(v737).Name ~= v737 then
- u238[v737] = true;
- elseif u238[v737] then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "Renamed Service";
- end;
- end;
- local v738, v739 = pcall(function()
- local l__GetObjects__740 = game.GetObjects;
- end);
- if not v4 and v738 then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "game.GetObjects";
- end;
- if _G.antiarrest ~= nil then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "_G.antiarrest";
- end;
- if xpcall ~= l__xpcall__239 then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "Xpcall pointer changed";
- end;
- local u242 = false;
- xpcall(function()
- return game[{}];
- end, function()
- u242 = true;
- end);
- if not u242 then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "VisDetect";
- end;
- local u243 = false;
- xpcall(function()
- return game[{}];
- end, function()
- for v741 = 2, 10 do
- if getfenv(v741) ~= u240 then
- u243 = true;
- return;
- end;
- end;
- end);
- if u243 then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "Xpcall Climb";
- end;
- if debug.getupvalues then
- v728 = true;
- v729 = "Getupvalues";
- end;
- if v728 then
- u228 = true;
- u6("rbq8dfg5", v729, false);
- end;
- end;
- u10(1, function()
- local v742, v743 = pcall(u241);
- if not v742 then
- u228 = true;
- u6("rbq8dfg5", "FailedPcall", false);
- end;
- end);
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