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- %------------------------
- % Resume Template
- % Author: Anubhav Singh
- % Github:
- % License: MIT
- %------------------------
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- %-----------------------------
- %%%%%% CV STARTS HERE %%%%%%
- \begin{document}
- %----------HEADING-----------------
- \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
- \textbf{{\LARGE Rajesh Bammidi}} & {Mobile:~~+1 716-9073693}\\
- \href{}{LinkedIn:} &
- Email: \href{mailto:}{}\\
- \end{tabular*}
- \vspace{-8pt}
- %-----------EDUCATION-----------------
- \section{Education}
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeSubheading
- {University at Buffalo, The State University of New York}{Buffalo, USA}
- {Master's in Computer Science; GPA: 3.9/4.0}{Aug. 2022 -- Dec 2023}
- \vspace{-2pt}
- \resumeSubheading
- {Lovely Professional University}{Jalandhar, India}
- {Bachelor of Technology - Computer Science and Engineering, CGPA: 9.32/10.00}{Aug. 2016 -- May 2020}
- %{\scriptsize \textit{ \footnotesize{\newline{}\textbf{Courses:} Programming Languages, OOPS, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Data Base Management Systems, Computer Networks}}}
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
- %\vspace{-5pt}
- \section{Technical Skills}
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeSubItem{Programming}{~Java({\bf Oracle Certified Java Programmer}), C/C++, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin,HTML/CSS}
- \resumeSubItem{Database}{~PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySql, Firebase, T-SQL, Azure}
- \resumeSubItem{Development}{~MicroServices, SpringBoot, Android Development, ExpressJS, Nodejs, ReactJS, Material-UI, Hadoop}
- \resumeSubItem{Dev Tools}{~Git, Jmeter, CI/CD, Docker, Agile, SCRUM, JIRA, VS Code, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Linux}
- \resumeSubItem{Others}{~DataStructures And Algorithms, Parallel Algorithms, Object Oriented Design, Design Patterns, MPI, Open MP}
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
- %\vspace{-1pt}
- \section{Experience}
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeSubheading{University at Buffalo}{Jan. 2023 -- Present} {Graduate Teaching Assistant} {Buffalo, US}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Guiding students in mastering {\bf Data Structures and Algorithms (CSE 250)}, enabling them to formulate optimized solutions through the application of diverse problem-solving techniques and advanced algorithms such as {\bf Graphs, Trees, and Dynamic Programming} to address real-world challenges.}
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Instructing online learners from diverse backgrounds in {\bf Core Java and JavaFx} programming concepts, facilitating their understanding and growth.}
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Working with Professor.Sreyasee Das for the course Data Model and Query Language (CSE 560) to enhance students understanding of {\bf PostgreSQL} and providing support in designing scalable SQL databases.}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \vspace{-2pt}
- \resumeSubheading{Urban Company }{Dec 2020 -- Aug 2022}
- {Software Development Engineer 1}{Banglore, India}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Created scalable backend microservices with {\bf NodeJs}, {\bf ExpressJs}, {\bf TypeScript}, and {\bf MongoDB} for provider matchmaking system. These microservices expedite the process of finding the best-suited provider for the customer, thereby enhancing the overall {\bf CX}.}
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Improved slot capacity service performance by reducing critical API response times through optimization, achieving {\bf P99} and {\bf P95} times of under {\bf 150ms} and {\bf 50ms}, respectively, from previous values of around {\bf 350ms} and {\bf 150ms}.}
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Migrated native Provider {\bf Android App} screens to {\bf React Native} using the in-house framework called Orion, resulting in consistent {\bf UX} across multiple platforms (Android, iOS). This migration significantly reduced deployment wait time by {\bf 45\%} by implementing {\bf OTA} feasibility.}
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Created a dashboard to configure the provider calendar metrics at city level to handle the supply and demand, which helps to make informed business decisions and also integrated {\bf Airflow} workflow to fill 1M data points in {\bf MongoDB} for the dashboard.}
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Automated the existing microservices deployment process by seamlessly integrating services into the {\bf CI/CD } deployment pipeline, resulting in an {\bf 84\% } enhancement in deployment efficiency. Utilized {\bf Jenkins, Jira, and GitLab } to accomplish this achievement.}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- % \vspace{-2pt}
- % \resumeSubheading{Internshala}{Remote}{Java \& Android SME}{Jan 2019 - Present}
- % \resumeItemListStart
- % % \resumeItem{Trade Here – A Trading Web Application}{An app where users can buy/sell stocks, analyze, and manage their portfolio. \textbf {Tech:} HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Angular, Spring Boot Framework, Restful Web Services, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, MYSQL, Microsoft Azure, Trading Algorithms, }
- % \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Instruct online learners from diverse backgrounds in Core Java and JavaFx programming concepts, facilitating their understanding and growth.}
- % \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Conduct weekly live coding sessions, engaging students in hands-on programming, and reinforcing lecture materials, resulting in a 95\% attendance rate and improved comprehension.}
- % \resumeItemListEnd
- \vspace{-2pt}
- \resumeSubheading{NCR Corporation}{Dec 2020 -- Aug 2022}{Software Engineer 1}{Bangalore, India}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Developed robust web applications for financial banks, leveraging {\bf ReactJS} and {\bf Spring Boot(Java)} to create responsive and scalable user interfaces and backend services with 100\% test coverage.}
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Improved response time of critical backend APIs in banking applications from {\bf 180ms} to {\bf 70ms} through API profiling and optimization, and conducted load testing on the optimized APIs using {\bf JMeter}.}
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Led a team of interns in the end-to-end development of an organizational hiring platform, utilizing ReactJS and SpringBoot (Java), from concept inception through deployment. Achieved the successful creation of a product that fully satisfied employee onboarding needs and delivered substantial value to the organization.}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
- %-----------PROJECTS-----------------
- \vspace{-10pt}
- \section{Projects}
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{Parallelization of KMP string matching algorithm} $|$ \emph{C/C++, MPI, SLURM}}{}
- %\resumeSubItem{IPL Data Analysis}{Relational Databases, Tableau, Python, PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{I developed a parallel KMP string matching algorithm guided by Prof. Dr. Russ Miller, employing {\bf OpenMP} and {\bf MPI} frameworks. My emphasis was on enhancing inter-processor communication to optimize performance. I conducted experiments on substantial DNA datasets at Buffalo's Centre for Computational Research facility, resulting in notably improved runtime. I also assessed performance across diverse network bands like {\bf TCP/IP} and {\bf IB}. This project bolstered my proficiencies in high-performance computing, algorithm design, and optimization.}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \vspace{-3pt}
- \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{Project Enigma} $|$ \emph{PostgreSQL, Node.js, TypeScript, ReactJs, Git}}{}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Designed and developed Buffalo's groundbreaking home services web app using {\bf React} for frontend development and Node.js with {\bf PostgreSQL} for scalable backend systems. Successful campus trials impressed investors, leading to encouragement for widespread deployment. Transformed the home services industry in Buffalo, optimizing convenience and efficiency for service providers and customers alike.}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \vspace{-3pt}
- \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{mPokket} $|$ \emph{Android, SQLite, Firebase}}{}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Designed, developed an Android e-wallet app tailored for LPU students, streamlining the process of requesting funds from verified lenders following successful student verification. Implemented {\bf MVVM and MVC} design patterns for optimal structure and utilized {\bf Material Design } principles to ensure an intuitive user interface. Employed {\bf SQLite and Firebase }for robust data management. Successfully deployed the application on the Google Play Store, where it has served a user base exceeding 5,000 students. }
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
- \vspace{-10pt}
- \end{document}
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