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- os.sleep(2)
- speaker = peripheral.wrap("bottom")
- m = peripheral.wrap("right")
- m.setTextScale(5)
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.clear()
- button = {}
- currentStatus = "up"
- frameController = 456
- reactorComputer = 458
- alarm = false
- reacteur = false
- reactemp = 0
- reacout = 0
- reacinv = {}
- warnedAboutOpenReac = false
- warnedAboutUnexpectedWork = false
- isDrawModeMissing = true
- modifyDrawModeT = 0
- isModifyDrawmodeTimerDone = true
- isMoving = false
- currentMode = 0
- local f ="nominal","r")
- actualNom = textutils.unserialize(f.readAll())
- f.close()
- s = "Wait"
- messages = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}
- mx,my = m.getSize()
- m.setCursorPos(math.ceil(mx/2)-math.ceil(#s/2), math.ceil(my/2))
- m.write(s)
- rednet.send(frameController, "up")
- local w = true
- while w do
- e,a,b = os.pullEvent("rednet_message")
- if a == frameController and b == "doneMoving" then w = false end
- end
- redstone.setOutput("back", alarm)
- function logMessage(msg)
- local t = {}
- t.level = "message"
- t.msg = msg
- table.insert(messages, t)
- print(textutils.serialize(messages))
- redraw()
- end
- function logWarning(msg)
- speaker.playNote(0,18)
- local t = {}
- t.level = "warning"
- t.msg = msg
- table.insert(messages, t)
- redraw()
- end
- function logAlert(msg)
- enableAlarm()
- local t = {}
- t.level = "alert"
- t.msg = msg
- table.insert(messages, t)
- redraw()
- end
- function clear()
- m.setTextScale(1)
- setColorScheme()
- m.clear()
- mx,my = m.getSize()
- end
- function disableButton(name)
- if button[name] then button[name]["valid"] = false end
- redraw()
- end
- function drawButtons()
- for n,d in pairs(button) do
- if d["valid"] == true then
- if d["active"] then m.setBackgroundColor(buttonActiveB) m.setTextColor(buttonActiveT)
- else m.setBackgroundColor(buttonInactiveB) m.setTextColor(buttonInactiveT) end
- for i=d["ymin"], d["ymax"] do
- local str = ""
- for j=d["xmin"], d["xmax"] do
- str = str .. " "
- end
- m.setCursorPos(d["xmin"], i)
- m.write(str)
- end
- m.setCursorPos(math.ceil((d["xmin"]+d["xmax"])/2)-math.ceil(#n/2), math.ceil((d["ymin"]+d["ymax"])/2))
- m.write(n)
- end
- end
- end
- function redraw()
- clear()
- for i=1, mx do
- m.setCursorPos(i,1)
- m.write("-")
- m.setCursorPos(i,my)
- m.write("-")
- end
- for i=2, my-1 do
- m.setCursorPos(1, i)
- m.write("|")
- m.setCursorPos(mx, i)
- m.write("|")
- m.setCursorPos(math.ceil(mx/3), i)
- m.write("|")
- end
- for i=math.ceil(mx/3)+1, mx-1 do
- m.setCursorPos(i, my-7)
- m.write("-")
- end
- m.setCursorPos(math.ceil(mx/3)+2, my-6)
- m.write("Derniers messages")
- local cnt = 6
- for i=#messages, #messages-3, -1 do
- cnt = cnt - 1
- local cmsg = messages[i]
- if cmsg.level == "message" then
- setColorScheme()
- elseif cmsg.level == "warning" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(
- elseif cmsg.level == "alert" then
- if alarm then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(
- else
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- end
- end
- local oldx,oldy = m.getCursorPos()
- m.setCursorPos(math.ceil(mx/3)+1, my-cnt)
- if cmsg.msg then m.write(cmsg.msg) end
- setColorScheme()
- m.setCursorPos(oldx,oldy)
- end
- if reacteur then
- m.setTextColor(
- m.setCursorPos(mx-2,2)
- m.write("On")
- else
- if alarm then m.setTextColor( else m.setTextColor( end
- m.setCursorPos(mx-3,2)
- m.write("Off")
- end
- local temp = reactemp.." degres"
- m.setCursorPos(mx-#temp,3)
- m.write(temp)
- local out = reacout.." EU/t"
- m.setCursorPos(mx-#out,4)
- m.write(out)
- local baseX = math.ceil(mx/3)+2
- local baseY = 2
- m.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- for i=baseX, baseX+19 do
- m.setCursorPos(i, baseY)
- m.write("-")
- m.setCursorPos(i, baseY+7)
- m.write("-")
- end
- for i=baseY+1, baseY+6 do
- m.setCursorPos(baseX, i)
- m.write("|")
- m.setCursorPos(baseX+19, i)
- m.write("|")
- end
- print(reactemp)
- local asd = ""
- local cnt = 1
- for cY = baseY+1, baseY+6 do
- for cX = baseX+1, baseX+17,2 do
- m.setCursorPos(cX, cY)
- local cE = reacinv[cnt]
- cnt = cnt+1
- if currentMode == 0 then
- if cE ~= nil then
- if cE.Name == "item.reactorHeatSwitchDiamond" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("<>")
- elseif cE.Name == "item.reactorVentDiamond" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("VA")
- elseif cE.Name == "item.360k_NaK_Coolantcell" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("Na")
- elseif cE.Name == "item.360k_Helium_Coolantcell" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow)
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("He")
- elseif cE.Name == "item.reactorCoolantSix" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("Co")
- elseif cE.Name == "item.Quad_Plutoniumcell" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lime)
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Pl")
- elseif cE.Name == "item.reactorUraniumSimple" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lime)
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Ur")
- else
- local lolcnt = cnt-1
- if actualNom[lolcnt] ~= nil then
- local lolnom = actualNom[lolcnt]
- print(lolnom)
- print(lolcnt)
- if isDrawModeMissing then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("??")
- else
- if lolnom == "item.reactorHeatSwitchDiamond" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("<>")
- elseif lolnom == "item.reactorVentDiamond" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("VA")
- elseif lolnom == "item.360k_NaK_Coolantcell" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("Na")
- elseif lolnom == "item.360k_Helium_Coolantcell" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow)
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("He")
- elseif lolnom == "item.reactorCoolantSix" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("Co")
- elseif lolnom == "item.Quad_Plutoniumcell" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lime)
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Pl")
- elseif lolnom == "item.reactorUraniumSimple" then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lime)
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Ur")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif currentMode == 1 then
- if cE ~= nil then
- if cE["nbt"] ~= nil then
- local h = cE.nbt.heat
- if h ~= nil then
- if h > reactemp+(5*reactemp) then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(
- elseif h > reactemp then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(
- elseif h < reactemp-(5*reactemp) then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(
- elseif h <= reactemp then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- m.setTextColor(colors.lightBlue)
- end
- asd = asd .. h .. " "
- m.write("--")
- end
- end
- end
- elseif currentMode == 2 then
- if cE ~= nil then
- if cE.DamageValue ~= nil then
- local n = cE.Name
- local d = cE.DamageValue
- if n == "item.360k_Helium_Coolantcell" or n == "item.360k_NaK_Coolantcell" then
- if d < 80 then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- m.setTextColor(colors.lightBlue)
- elseif d >= 80 and d < 90 then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(
- elseif d >= 90 and d < 97 then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(
- elseif d >= 97 then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(
- end
- m.write("--")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- print(asd)
- drawButtons()
- end
- function setTable(name, func, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
- button[name] = {}
- button[name]["func"] = func
- button[name]["active"] = false
- button[name]["valid"] = true
- button[name]["xmin"] = xmin
- button[name]["ymin"] = ymin
- button[name]["xmax"] = xmax
- button[name]["ymax"] = ymax
- redraw()
- end
- function createButtons()
- setTable("Reacteur", toggleReacteur, 3, 19, 2, 6)
- setTable("Ouvrir", openPanel, 3, 19, 8, 12)
- setTable("Sauver", saveReacteur, 23, 31, 10, 10)
- setTable("Mode", modeButton, 34, 42, 10, 10)
- end
- function setColorScheme()
- if alarm then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- buttonInactiveB =
- buttonActiveB =
- buttonInactiveT = colors.white
- buttonActiveT = colors.white
- else
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- buttonInactiveB =
- buttonActiveB =
- buttonInactiveT = colors.white
- buttonActiveT = colors.white
- end
- end
- function enableAlarm()
- redstone.setOutput("back", true)
- alarm = true
- setTable("Reset alarme", disableAlarm, 3, 19, 14, 18)
- redraw()
- end
- function disableAlarm()
- disableButton("Reset alarme")
- redstone.setOutput("back", false)
- alarm = false
- redraw()
- end
- function saveReacteur()
- local nom = {}
- for k,v in pairs(reacinv) do
- table.insert(nom, v.Name)
- end
- local f ="nominal","w")
- f.write(textutils.serialize(nom))
- f.close()
- local f ="nominal","r")
- actualNom = textutils.unserialize(f.readAll())
- f.close()
- logMessage("Sauvegarde effectuee")
- end
- function toggleReacteur(button)
- if not reacteur then
- local nom = {}
- for k,v in pairs(reacinv) do
- table.insert(nom, v.Name)
- end
- local ok = true
- local invalid = {}
- local hecells = 0
- for k,v in pairs(nom) do
- if v == "item.360k_Helium_Coolantcell" then hecells = hecells+1 end
- if v ~= actualNom[k] then
- ok = false
- table.insert(invalid, k)
- end
- end
- if not ok then
- logWarning("Configuration invalide")
- end
- print(hecells)
- if hecells < 9 then
- logWarning("Helium manquant")
- return
- end
- end
- if currentStatus == "down" then
- logWarning("Reacteur desactive: ouvert")
- return
- end
- reacteur = not reacteur
- if button then button["active"] = reacteur end
- redstone.setOutput("top", reacteur)
- if reacteur == true then logMessage("Reacteur on")
- else logMessage("Reacteur off") end
- end
- function openPanel()
- if isMoving then return end
- isMoving = true
- disableButton("Ouvrir")
- disableButton("Reacteur")
- if reacteur == true then
- toggleReacteur(nil)
- logWarning("Reacteur desactive auto.")
- end
- rednet.send(frameController, "down")
- end
- function closePanel()
- if isMoving then return end
- isMoving = true
- disableButton("Fermer")
- rednet.send(frameController, "up")
- end
- function doneMoving()
- isMoving = false
- if currentStatus == "up" then
- currentStatus = "down"
- setTable("Fermer", closePanel, 3, 19, 8, 12)
- else
- currentStatus = "up"
- setTable("Ouvrir", openPanel, 3, 19, 8, 12)
- setTable("Reacteur", toggleReacteur, 3, 19, 2, 6)
- end
- end
- function checkxy(x, y)
- for name, data in pairs(button) do
- if y>=data["ymin"] and y <= data["ymax"] then
- if x>=data["xmin"] and x<= data["xmax"] and data["valid"] == true then
- data["func"](data)
- print(name)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function modeButton()
- currentMode = currentMode + 1
- if currentMode == 3 then currentMode = 0 end
- redraw()
- end
- createButtons()
- while true do
- redraw()
- local e,a,b,c = os.pullEvent()
- isDrawModeMissing = not isDrawModeMissing
- if e == "monitor_touch" then checkxy(b,c) sleep(0.1)
- elseif e == "rednet_message" then
- if a == reactorComputer then
- local t = textutils.unserialize(b)
- reactemp = t.heat
- reacout = t.out
- setColorScheme()
- if t.on and not reacteur and not warnedAboutUnexpectedWork then logWarning("Fonctionnement imprevu") warnedAboutUnexpectedWork = true end
- if not t.on and warnedAboutUnexpectedWork then logWarning("Retour a la normale") warnedAboutUnexpectedWork = false end
- if t.on and warnedAboutUnexpectedWork then m.setCursorPos(mx-6,5) m.write("Erreur") end
- if t.on and currentStatus ~= "up" and not warnedAboutOpenReac then warnedAboutOpenReac = true logAlert("Reacteur ouvert") closePanel() end
- if warnedAboutOpenReac and currentStatus == "up" then logMessage("Panneau ferme") disableAlarm() warnedAboutOpenReac = false end
- if reactemp > 3000 and reacteur then
- logAlert("Reacteur en surchauffe")
- toggleReacteur(button["Reacteur"])
- end
- reacinv = t.inv
- elseif a == frameController and b == "doneMoving" then
- doneMoving()
- end
- end
- end
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