
weird admin

Jul 20th, 2015
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  1. --Leaked by iiDeadzone (REVEX) Enjoy :) (For script builder)
  2. --Give iiDeadzone credit for getting you this script!
  3. --Please dont take credit for this script because not even i made this, i leaked it.
  5. repeat wait() script.Parent = nil until script.Parent == nil
  6. local _TIMEOFSTARTUP = tick() -- To calculate the time needed for the script to startup.
  7. local REVEX
  9. local function CLerp(p1, p2, percent)
  10. local p1x,p1y,p1z,p1R00,p1R01,p1R02,p1R10,p1R11,p1R12,p1R20,p1R21,p1R22 = p1:components()
  11. local p2x,p2y,p2z,p2R00,p2R01,p2R02,p2R10,p2R11,p2R12,p2R20,p2R21,p2R22 = p2:components()
  12. return*(p2x-p1x), p1y+percent*(p2y-p1y), p1z+percent*(p2z-p1z), p1R00+percent*(p2R00-p1R00), p1R01+percent*(p2R01-p1R01), p1R02+percent*(p2R02-p1R02), p1R10+percent*(p2R10-p1R10), p1R11+percent*(p2R11-p1R11), p1R12+percent*(p2R12-p1R12), p1R20+percent*(p2R20-p1R20), p1R21+percent*(p2R21-p1R21), p1R22+percent*(p2R22-p1R22))
  13. end
  15. REVEX = {
  16. MinimumAccountAge = 0, -- The minimum account age required to join the game.
  17. Ranked = {},
  18. Website = "",
  19. RemoteData = {
  20. Enabled = true,
  21. RawRemoteFile = "/ROBLOX/Remote_Admin/RawCommand.php",
  22. LastData = nil,
  23. },
  24. Ranks = { -- All available ranks, You can add some manually.
  25. {Rank = 10, Description = "Creator"},
  26. {Rank = 9, Description = "Lead Developer"},
  27. {Rank = 8, Description = "Developer"},
  28. {Rank = 7, Description = "Owner"},
  29. {Rank = 6, Description = "Scripter"},
  30. {Rank = 5, Description = "Beta-Tester"},
  31. {Rank = 4, Description = "Administrator"},
  32. {Rank = 3, Description = "???"},
  33. {Rank = 2, Description = "Friend"},
  34. {Rank = 1, Description = "User"},
  35. {Rank = 0, Description = "Unknown"},
  36. {Rank = -1, Description = "Banned."},
  37. {Rank = -2, Description = "BSoD'ed"},
  38. },
  39. Meshes = {
  40. [0] = false,
  41. [""] = false,
  42. ["0"] = false,
  43. Nil = false,
  44. False = false,
  45. Off = false,
  46. None = false,
  47. Diamond = 9756362,
  48. Dominus = 21057410,
  49. Invisible = -1,
  50. Doge = 151778863,
  51. Fedora = 1029012,
  52. Valk = 1365696,
  53. Sword = 67993325,
  54. Kettle = 1376963,
  55. },
  56. BoxTypes = {
  57. True = true,
  58. On = true,
  59. Show = true,
  60. Enabled = true,
  61. },
  62. NotifyTypes = {
  63. True = true,
  64. On = true,
  65. Show = true,
  66. Enabled = true,
  67. },
  68. FullyConnected = false, -- Whether the script has fully started up.
  69. KickedTypes = {
  70. Kicked = false,
  71. Private_Server = false,
  72. Banned = false,
  73. Account_Age = false,
  74. },-- Triggers when a player is kicked.
  75. TabletSize = 2, -- The size of the tablets.
  76. Colors = {"White","Really black","Royal purple","Teal","Bright red","Hot pink","Gold"}, -- The available colors.
  77. Commands = {}, -- To store commands.
  78. Tablets = {}, -- To store parts
  79. Services = { -- Defining services to reduce memory use.
  80. Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace"),
  81. Players = game:GetService("Players"),
  82. NetworkServer = game:GetService("NetworkServer"),
  83. HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService"),
  84. RunService = game:GetService("RunService"),
  85. MarketPlace = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"),
  86. Data = game:GetService("DataStoreService"),
  87. InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService"),
  88. DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("%~!/_REVEX_\5\\!~%"),
  89. MainFolder ="Folder"),
  90. },
  91. DefaultPrefix = "#", -- The prefix for a command.
  92. DefaultSuffix = ";", -- The suffix for a command.
  93. RotationData = {}, -- To store Speed and Values.
  94. Debug = false, -- To debug the script.
  95. ScriptOwner = getfenv().owner or "Unknown", -- Who runs the script.
  96. Debounces = {
  97. Vote = false
  98. },
  99. Logs = { -- All logs
  100. Parsed = {}, -- Chat- & Commandlogs
  101. Errors = {}, -- Errorlogs.
  102. },
  103. Fake = { -- For the sandbox.
  104. _G = {},
  105. shared = {},
  106. Functions = {},
  107. },
  108. Locks = { -- All available locks, Yes you can lock stuff.
  109. LocalScripts = false,
  110. Scripts = false,
  111. Server = false,
  112. },
  113. Settings ={
  114. WiringOffset = 0;
  115. WiringEnabled = true;
  116. },
  117. -- Some checks below
  118. ScriptType = (game:FindService("NetworkServer") and "Server" or "Studio"),
  119. -- LoadstringEnabled = (function() local Enabled, Error = ypcall(function() loadstring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end) if Enabled then return true else table.insert(REVEX.Logs.Errors, tostring(Error)) return false end end)(),
  120. HttpEnabled = (function() local Enabled, Error = ypcall(function() game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("") end) if Enabled then return true else return false end end)(),
  121. Functions = {-- All the functions the script uses.
  122. Main = {
  123. Output = function(Player, Text, Color, Time, Function) -- To create a tablet.
  124. local Player = tostring(Player or "Unknown"):lower()
  125. local ActualPlayer = REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayer(Player)
  126. local Table = REVEX.Tablets[Player]
  127. local Text = tostring(Text or "")
  128. local Time = tonumber(Time or 0)
  129. local Color = tostring(Color or REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Color"))
  130. local Mesh = REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Mesh")
  131. local SelectionBoxEnabled = REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "BoxEnabled")
  132. if Player ~= "Unknown" and ActualPlayer and ActualPlayer.Character and ActualPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  133. local Distance = 2
  134. for Arg in Text:gmatch("\n") do Distance = Distance + .5 end
  135. local PartCFrame = (ActualPlayer.Character and ActualPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and ActualPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame *, -10, 0) or
  136. local Clicked = false
  137. local Hovering = false
  138. local Part = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("Part", {Name = "REVEX Output~"..tick()*math.tan(os.time()), Locked = true, CFrame = PartCFrame, BrickColor =, FormFactor = "Custom", TopSurface = "Smooth", BottomSurface = "Smooth", Transparency = 0, Material = "Plastic",Anchored = true, CanCollide = false, Size =, REVEX.TabletSize, REVEX.TabletSize)})
  139. local Gui = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("BillboardGui", {Parent = Part, Name = "Gui", StudsOffset =, Distance, 0), Size =,0,10,0), Adornee = Part})
  140. local TextLabel = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("TextLabel", {Parent = Gui, Name = "Text", Text = "[ REVEX ]:\n"..(Text:gsub("","éá")), FontSize = "Size24", TextColor3 =,255,255), TextStrokeColor3 = Part.Color, Font = "SourceSansBold", FontSize = "Size18", BackgroundTransparency = 1, Size =,0,1,0), TextStrokeTransparency = 1, TextTransparency = 1})
  141. local CustomMesh
  142. local Box
  143. if Mesh then
  144. CustomMesh = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("SpecialMesh", {Parent = Part, Name = "Mesh", MeshType = "FileMesh", MeshId = "rbxassetid://"..tostring(Mesh), Scale = Part.Size})
  145. end
  146. if SelectionBoxEnabled then
  147. Box = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("SelectionBox", {Parent = Part, Name = "Box", Color = Part.BrickColor, Adornee = Part,Transparency = .9})
  148. end
  149. local ClickDetector = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("ClickDetector", {Parent = Part, MaxActivationDistance = 1/0,
  150. MouseHoverEnter = function(Click)
  151. local ScreenGuiTextShow = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("ScreenGui",{Parent = Player.PlayerGui, Name = "REVEX Screen Gui"})
  152. local TextGui = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("TextLabel",{Parent = ScreenGuiTextShow, Text = Text, Font = "SourceSansBold",Size =, 0, 0.1 ,0), BackgroundTransparency = 1, TextStrokeColor3 = Part.Color, FontSize = "Size24"})
  153. local Clicker = tostring(Click):lower()
  154. if Clicker == Player:lower() and not Hovering then
  155. Hovering = true
  156. Part.Size =,3,3)
  157. if Box then
  158. Box.Transparency = .6
  159. end
  160. if Mesh then
  161. CustomMesh.Scale = Part.Size
  162. end
  163. end
  164. end,
  165. MouseHoverLeave = function(Click)
  166. local Clicker = tostring(Click):lower()
  167. if Clicker == Player:lower() and Hovering and not Part:FindFirstChild("REVEX~REMOVE") then
  168. Hovering = false
  169. Part.Size =,2,2)
  170. if Box then
  171. Box.Transparency = .9
  172. end
  173. if Mesh then
  174. CustomMesh.Scale = Part.Size
  175. end
  176. end
  177. end,
  178. MouseClick = function(Click)
  179. local Clicker = tostring(Click):lower()
  180. if Clicker == Player:lower() and not Clicked then
  181. Clicked = true
  182. if type(Function) == "function" then
  183. Function(Click)
  184. else
  185. REVEX.Functions.Main.DismissTablet(Part)
  186. end
  187. end
  188. end,
  189. })
  190. if Time > 0 then
  191. delay(Time, function()
  192. REVEX.Functions.Main.DismissTablet(Part)
  193. end)
  194. end
  195. delay(0.5, function()
  196. for Transparency = 1, 0, -.1 do
  197. if not Part:FindFirstChild("REVEX~REMOVE") then
  198. TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = Transparency + .5
  199. TextLabel.TextTransparency = Transparency
  200. REVEX.Services.RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  201. else
  202. break
  203. end
  204. end
  205. end)
  206. Part.Parent = REVEX.Services.Workspace
  207. local AntiRemove
  208. AntiRemove = Part.Parent.ChildRemoved:connect(function(Change)
  209. if Part.Parent == nil and not Part:FindFirstChild("REVEX~REMOVE") then
  210. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, Text, Color, Time, Function)
  211. elseif Part:FindFirstChild("REVEX~REMOVE") and Part["REVEX~REMOVE"].Value then
  212. AntiRemove:disconnect()
  213. end
  214. end)
  215. table.insert(Table, Part)
  216. end
  217. end,
  218. InitiateRemote = function()
  219. if REVEX.RemoteData.Enabled then
  220. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  221. while wait(.3) do
  222. local RetrievedData = REVEX.Services.HttpService:GetAsync(REVEX.Website..REVEX.RemoteData.RawRemoteFile)
  223. local Success, DataTable = pcall(function() return REVEX.Services.HttpService:JSONDecode(RetrievedData) end)
  224. if type(DataTable) == "table" then print("Retrieved Remote Data: \n"..RetrievedData) end
  225. if Success and RetrievedData ~= REVEX.RemoteData.LastData and type(DataTable) == "table" then
  226. REVEX.RemoteData.LastData = RetrievedData
  227. REVEX.Functions.Parse.Chat(DataTable.Command,DataTable.Player)
  228. end
  229. end
  230. end))
  231. end
  232. end,
  233. DismissTablet = function(Part,Time)
  234. if not Part:FindFirstChild("REVEX~REMOVE") then
  235. REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("BoolValue", {Name = "REVEX~REMOVE", Parent = Part, Value = true})
  236. delay(Time or 0, function()
  237. local Box = Part:FindFirstChild("Box",true)
  238. local TextLabel = Part:FindFirstChild("Text",true)
  239. local Mesh = Part:FindFirstChild("Mesh", true)
  240. for Size = Part.Size.X, Part.Size.X + .5, .1 do
  241. Part.Size =, Size, Size)
  242. if Mesh then Mesh.Scale = Part.Size end
  243. REVEX.Services.RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  244. end
  245. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  246. for Transparency = 0, 1, .1 do
  247. if TextLabel then TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = Transparency TextLabel.TextTransparency = Transparency end
  248. REVEX.Services.RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  249. end
  250. end))
  251. for Size = Part.Size.X, 0, -.1 do
  252. Part.Size =, Size, Size)
  253. if Mesh then Mesh.Scale = Part.Size end
  254. REVEX.Services.RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  255. end
  256. Part:Destroy()
  257. end)
  258. end
  259. end,
  260. Dismiss = function(Player)
  261. local Player = REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayer(tostring(Player))
  262. local Table = REVEX.Tablets[tostring(Player):lower()]
  263. if Table and Player and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  264. local Character = Player.Character
  265. local Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
  266. local DismissNumber = (#Table > 3 and #Table or 35)
  267. for _, Part in pairs(Table) do
  268. REVEX.Functions.Main.DismissTablet(Part,(math.random(#Table)/#Table)/2)
  269. end
  270. end
  271. end,
  272. AdminOutput = function(Text, Color, Time, Function) -- Create a tablet to all ranked players.
  273. for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  274. if REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank") > 4 and REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Notify") then
  275. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, Text, Color, Time, Function)
  276. end
  277. end
  278. end,
  279. GlobalOutput = function(Text) -- Create a tablet to all players.
  280. for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  281. if REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Notify") then
  282. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,tostring(Text))
  283. end
  284. end
  285. end,
  286. Wire = function(PartA, PartB)
  287. local Distance = (PartA.Position-PartB.Position).magnitude
  288. local Parent = PartA.Parent
  289. if not Parent:findFirstChild("Wire") then
  290. local Wire = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("Part",{Parent = Parent, Anchored = true, CanCollide = false, TopSurface = 0, BottomSurface = 0, FormFactor = "Custom", Size =,0,Distance), Name = "[REVEX WIRE ATTACHMENT]", CFrame =, PartB.Position)*,0,-distance/2), Color = PartA.Color})
  291. else
  292. Parent.Wire.Size =,0,distance)
  293. Parent.Wire.CFrame =,PartB.Position)*,0,-distance/2)
  294. end
  295. end,
  296. Rotate = function()
  297. for Player, Tablets in pairs(REVEX.Tablets) do
  298. local Player = REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayer(Player)
  299. local PlayerData = REVEX.RotationData[tostring(Player):lower()]
  300. if Player and (Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or PlayerData.LastKnownPosition) then
  301. local Character = Player.Character
  302. local Torso do
  303. if Character and PlayerData then
  304. Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
  305. if Torso then
  306. PlayerData.LastKnownPosition = Torso.CFrame
  307. elseif not Torso and not PlayerData.LastKnownPosition then
  308. PlayerData.LastKnownPosition =,5,0)
  309. end
  310. end
  311. end
  312. local LastKnownPosition = PlayerData.LastKnownPosition
  313. for Index = 1, #Tablets do
  314. local Tablet = Tablets[Index]
  315. if Tablet and Tablet.Parent and not Tablet:FindFirstChild("REVEX~REMOVE") then
  316. local newCFrame = CLerp(Tablet.CFrame,
  317. * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad((360/#PlayerTablets*I+(tick())*60/(#PlayerTablets ~= 0 and #PlayerTablets or 1))%360), 0)
  318. *, math.sin(-tick()*4), (5+#Tablets)*.35+Tablet.Size.X), .2)
  319. Tablet.CFrame =,Torso.CFrame.p)
  320. * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.sin(tick()*4)*20)/Index,0,math.rad(math.sin(tick()*4)*20))
  321. else
  322. table.remove(Tablets, Index)
  323. end
  324. end
  325. else
  326. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  327. end
  328. end
  329. end,
  330. Create = function(ClassName, Properties) -- A function to create instances.
  331. local Instance =
  332. local Properties = Properties or {}
  333. local ConnectionIndexes = {"MouseClick","MouseHoverEnter","MouseHoverLeave","MouseButton1Down","MouseButton2Down"}
  334. local CheckConnection = function(Index)
  335. local Index = tostring(Index)
  336. for _, Connect in pairs(ConnectionIndexes) do
  337. if Index:lower() == Connect:lower() then
  338. return true
  339. end
  340. end
  341. return false
  342. end
  343. for Index, Value in pairs(Properties) do
  344. if not CheckConnection(Index) then
  345. Instance[Index] = Value
  346. else
  347. Instance[Index]:connect(Value)
  348. end
  349. end
  350. return Instance
  351. end,
  352. },
  353. Set = { -- Creating Data
  354. Rank = function(Player, Rank, Description, Color, Mesh, BoxEnabled, Prefix, Suffix, Notify) REVEX.Ranked[tostring(Player):lower()] = {Rank = Rank, Description = Description, Color = Color, Mesh = Mesh, BoxEnabled = BoxEnabled, Prefix = Prefix, Suffix = Suffix, Notify = Notify} end,
  355. Mesh = function(Player, Input) local Player, Input = tostring(Player), tostring(Input) for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do if Name:lower() == Player:lower() then Data.Mesh = (function() for Name, Id in pairs(REVEX.Meshes) do if Input:lower() == tostring(Name):lower() then return Id end end return Input end)() end end end,
  356. Prefix = function(Player, Input) local Player, Input = tostring(Player), tostring(Input) for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do if Name:lower() == Player:lower() then Data.Prefix = Input end end end,
  357. Suffix = function(Player, Input) local Player, Input = tostring(Player), tostring(Input) for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do if Name:lower() == Player:lower() then Data.Suffix = Input end end end,
  358. Box = function(Player, Input) local Player, Input = tostring(Player), tostring(Input) for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do if Name:lower() == Player:lower() then Data.Box = (function() for Name, Value in pairs(REVEX.BoxTypes) do if Input:lower() == tostring(Name):lower() then return Value end end return false end)() end end end,
  359. Notify = function(Player, Input) local Player, Input = tostring(Player), tostring(Input) for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do if Name:lower() == Player:lower() then Data.Notify = (function() for Name, Value in pairs(REVEX.NotifyTypes) do if tostring(Name):lower() == Name:lower() then return Value end end return false end)() end end end,
  360. Color = function(Player, Input) local Player, Input = tostring(Player), tostring(Input) for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do if Name:lower() == Player:lower() then Data.Color = Input end end end,
  361. Description = function(Player, Input) local Player = tostring(Player) for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do if Name:lower() == Player:lower() then Data.Description = Input end end end,
  362. Command = function(Description, Usages, Type, Rank, Function) REVEX.Commands[Usages] = {Description = Description,Type = Type, Rank = Rank, Function = Function} end,
  363. },
  364. Get = { -- Retrieving Data.
  365. PlayerData = function(Player, Index)
  366. local Player = tostring(Player)
  367. local Index = tostring(Index)
  368. for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do
  369. if Name:lower() == Player:lower() and Data[Index] ~= nil then
  370. if Index == "Mesh" and REVEX.Meshes[Data[Index]] then return REVEX.Meshes[Data[Index]] end
  371. if Index == "BoxEnabled" and REVEX.BoxTypes[Data[Index]] then return REVEX.BoxTypes[Data[Index]] end
  372. if Index == "Notify" and REVEX.NotifyTypes[Data[Index]] then return REVEX.NotifyTypes[Data[Index]] end
  373. return Data[Index]
  374. end
  375. end
  376. if Index == "Rank" then return 0
  377. elseif Index == "Mesh" then return false
  378. elseif Index == "Prefix" then return REVEX.DefaultPrefix
  379. elseif Index == "Suffix" then return REVEX.DefaultSuffix
  380. elseif Index == "BoxEnabled" then return true
  381. elseif Index == "Notify" then return true
  382. elseif Index == "Color" then return "White"
  383. elseif Index == "Description" then return "None"
  384. end
  385. return nil
  386. end,
  387. Classes = function(Class,obj)
  388. local Data = {}
  389. for _, Child in pairs(obj:GetChildren()) do
  390. pcall(function()
  391. if Child:IsA(Class) then table.insert(Data,Child) end
  392. pcall(function()
  393. for _, NewData in pairs(GetClasses(Class,Child)) do table.insert(Data,NewData) end
  394. end)
  395. end)
  396. end
  397. return Data
  398. end,
  399. NumberToBit = function(Bit) local BitString = tostring(Bit):reverse() local Status = 0 local Output = 0 for Character = 1, #BitString do Status = (Status == 0 and 1 or Status * 2) local SelectedNumber = BitString:sub(Character, Character) if SelectedNumber == "1" then Output = Output + Status end end return Output end,
  400. },
  401. Lock = {
  402. Table = function(Table)
  403. setmetatable(Table, {
  404. __metatable = "[ Sandbox ]:\nLocked",
  405. })
  406. for Index, Value in pairs(Table) do
  407. if type(Index) == "table" then REVEX.Functions.Lock.Table(Index) end
  408. if type(Value) == "table" then REVEX.Functions.Lock.Table(Value) end
  409. end
  410. end
  411. },
  412. Connect = { -- Connection Functions.
  413. Player = function(Player, Type)
  414. if Player.AccountAge < REVEX.MinimumAccountAge and REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank") == 0 then
  415. REVEX.KickedTypes.Account_Age = true
  416. REVEX.Functions.Extra.Kick_No_Log(Player)
  417. return "Kicked"
  418. elseif REVEX.Locks.Server and REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank") < 2 and REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank") >= 0 then
  419. REVEX.KickedTypes.Private_Server = true
  420. REVEX.Functions.Extra.Kick_No_Log(Player)
  421. return "Kicked"
  422. elseif REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank") < 0 then
  423. REVEX.KickedTypes.Banned = true
  424. REVEX.Functions.Extra.Kick_No_Log(Player)
  425. return "Banned"
  426. end
  427. if REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank") == 0 then
  428. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank(Player, 1, "Newly added player", "White", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  429. end
  430. if REVEX.Services.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(Player)) then
  431. if Type == "Join" then
  432. REVEX.Functions.Main.AdminOutput(tostring(Player).." has joined!", "Lime green")
  433. end
  434. REVEX.Tablets[tostring(Player):lower()] = {}
  435. REVEX.RotationData[tostring(Player):lower()] = {RotationIncrease = 2, Rotation = 0, LastKnownPosition = nil}
  436. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Welcome:\n"..tostring(Player)..".")
  437. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Made by:\nVexue and LordRevorius\nThanks to Jillmiles1 for the rotation function.")
  438. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"REVEX Tablet administration.\nGeneration: I.")
  439. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"You are rank:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank")))
  440. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
  441. local MainFunction, MainError = ypcall(REVEX.Functions.Parse.Chat, Message, Player)
  442. if not MainFunction then
  443. table.insert(REVEX.Logs.Errors, tostring(MainError))
  444. end
  445. end)
  446. end
  447. end,
  448. },
  449. Disconnect = { -- Disconnection Functions.
  450. Player = function(Player)
  451. local Reason, Type = nil, "left"
  452. if REVEX.KickedTypes.Kicked then
  453. REVEX.KickedTypes.Kicked = false
  454. Type = "Kicked"
  455. Reason = "Kicked by an Administrator"
  456. elseif REVEX.KickedTypes.Account_Age then
  457. REVEX.KickedTypes.Account_Age = false
  458. Type = "Kicked"
  459. Reason = "Too low AccountAge"
  460. elseif REVEX.KickedTypes.Private_Server then
  461. REVEX.KickedTypes.Private_Server = false
  462. Type = "Kicked"
  463. Reason = "Server Lock Enabled"
  464. elseif REVEX.KickedTypes.Banned then
  465. REVEX.KickedTypes.Banned = false
  466. Type = "Banned"
  467. Reason = REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Description")
  468. end
  469. REVEX.Functions.Main.AdminOutput(tostring(Player).." has " .. (Type ~= "left" and "been " or Type) .. (Type ~= "left" and Type .. " for:\n " or "") .. (Type ~= "left" and (Reason ~= nil and Reason or "Undisclosed Reason.") or ""),
  470. ((Type == "Banned" and "Really red" or Type == "Kicked" and "Bright orange") or "Lime green"),
  471. (Type == "left" and 5 or 0),
  472. (Type == "Banned" and function(Administrator)
  473. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Administrator)
  474. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Administrator,"Would you like to unban\n"..tostring(Player).."?","Really red",nil,function()
  475. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Administrator)
  476. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank(Player, 0, "Unbanned",REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Color"))
  477. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Administrator,"Unbanned "..tostring(Player))
  478. end)
  479. end)
  480. )
  481. end,
  482. },
  483. Parse = { -- Parsing and Returning stuff, Pretty useful.
  484. CompareRanks = function(Speaker,Target)
  485. return REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Rank") >= REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Target, "Rank")
  486. end,
  487. GetPlayer = function(Name)
  488. local Len = #Name
  489. for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  490. if Player.Name:lower():sub(1,Len) == Name:lower() then return Player
  491. end
  492. end
  493. return nil
  494. end,
  495. GetPlayers = function(Name,Speaker)
  496. if Speaker == nil then return {} end
  497. local Name = Name:lower()
  498. local Players = {}
  499. if Name == "all" then for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do table.insert(Players, Player) end
  500. elseif Name == "others" then for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player ~= Speaker then table.insert(Players, Player) end end
  501. elseif Name == "admins" then for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do if REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank") > 4 then table.insert(Players, Player) end end
  502. elseif Name == "nonadmins" then for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do if REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank") <= 4 then table.insert(Players, Player) end end
  503. elseif Name == "random" then table.insert(Players, REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,(#REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()))])
  504. elseif Name == "me" then table.insert(Players, Speaker)
  505. else table.insert(Players,REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayer(Name))
  506. end
  507. return Players
  508. end,
  509. Chat = function(Message, Speaker)
  510. table.insert(REVEX.Logs.Parsed, {Player = tostring(Speaker), Message = Message})
  511. local Prefix, Suffix = REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Prefix"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Suffix")
  512. local Message = Message:gsub("^/e?m?o?t?e?%s?","")
  513. print(Speaker,Message)
  514. if Message:sub(1, #Prefix) == Prefix then
  515. local Message = Message:sub(1 + #Prefix)
  516. for Usages, Data in pairs(REVEX.Commands) do
  517. for _, Usage in pairs(Usages) do
  518. if REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Rank") >= Data.Rank then
  519. if Message:lower():sub(1,#Usage) == Usage:lower() and Message:sub(1 + #Usage,#Usage + #Suffix) == Suffix then
  520. local Message = Message:sub(1 + #Usage + #Suffix)
  521. local Arguments = {}
  522. for Argument in Message:gmatch("[^"..Suffix.."]+") do
  523. table.insert(Arguments,Argument)
  524. end
  525. if REVEX.Debug then
  526. print(Data.Function(Arguments,Speaker,Message))
  527. else
  528. local MainFunction, MainError = ypcall(Data.Function, Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  529. if not MainFunction then
  530. table.insert(REVEX.Logs.Errors, tostring(MainError))
  531. end
  532. end
  533. return "Executed"
  534. end
  535. elseif REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Rank") < Data.Rank and Message:lower():sub(1,#Usage) == Usage:lower() and Message:sub(1 + #Usage,#Usage + #Suffix) == Suffix then
  536. return REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Your rank is too low to execute this command")
  537. end
  538. end
  539. end
  540. end
  541. end,
  542. },
  543. Simulate = { -- Things that are simulated
  544. Table = function(Table)
  545. local SimulatedTable = {}
  546. for Index, Value in pairs(Table) do
  547. SimulatedTable[Index] = Value
  548. end
  549. return SimulatedTable
  550. end,
  551. },
  552. Clear = {
  553. Scripts = function(Object)
  554. REVEX.Functions.Clear.Scripts(Child)
  555. if Object:IsA("Script") then
  556. Object:ClearAllChildren()
  557. Object.Disabled = true
  558. Object:Destroy()
  559. end
  560. end,
  561. LocalScripts = function(Object)
  562. REVEX.Functions.Clear.LocalScripts(Child)
  563. if Object:IsA("LocalScript") then
  564. Object:ClearAllChildren()
  565. Object.Disabled = true
  566. Object:Destroy()
  567. end
  568. end,
  569. },
  570. Extra = { -- Stuff that can not be categorized
  571. Kick = function(Player)
  572. REVEX.KickedTypes.Kicked = true
  573."RemoteEvent", Player):FireClient(Player, {[string.rep("Goodbye!",2e5+5)] = "Kicked"})
  574. end,
  575. Kick_No_Log = function(Player)
  576."RemoteEvent", Player):FireClient(Player, {[string.rep("Goodbye!",2e5+5)] = "Kicked"})
  577. end,
  578. Ban = function(Player, Reason)
  579. local Reason = ((Reason == "nil" and "Undisclosed Reason" or Reason == nil and "Undisclosed Reason") or Reason)
  580. REVEX.KickedTypes.Banned = true
  581. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank(Player, -1, Reason)
  582. REVEX.Functions.Extra.Kick_No_Log(Player)
  583. end,
  584. PlayAudio = function(Player,Id)
  585. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  586. for _, Child in pairs(REVEX.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if Child:IsA("Sound") then Child:stop() Child:Destroy() end end
  587. local Sound = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("Sound",{Parent = REVEX.Services.Workspace,Volume = 1, Pitch = 1, SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..Id})
  588. Sound:Play()
  589. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Now playing:\n"..REVEX.Services.MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(Id).Name,"Lime green"),0)
  590. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Creator:\n"..REVEX.Services.MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(Id).Creator.Name,"Really red"),0)
  591. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Sales:\n"..REVEX.Services.MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(Id).Sales,"Toothpaste"),0)
  592. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Buy:\n"..REVEX.Services.MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(Id).Name.."?",nil,0,function() REVEX.Services.MarketPlace:PromptPurchase(Player,Id) end)
  593. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Music settings",nil,nil,function()
  594. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  595. local Return
  596. Return = function()
  597. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  598. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, "Set Volume", nil, 0, function()
  599. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  600. for Volume = 0, 1, .1 do
  601. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, Volume, nil, 0, function()
  602. Sound.Volume = Volume
  603. end)
  604. end
  605. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, "Back", "Bright red", 0, Return)
  606. end)
  607. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Pitch +1",nil,0,function()
  608. Sound.Pitch = Sound.Pitch + .1
  609. end)
  610. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Pitch -1",nil,0,function()
  611. Sound.Pitch = Sound.Pitch - .1
  612. end)
  613. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, "Stop Song", nil, 0, function()
  614. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  615. Sound:Stop()
  616. wait()
  617. Sound:Destroy()
  618. end)
  619. end
  620. Return()
  621. end)
  622. end,
  623. HttpGet = function(URL)
  624. return (REVEX.HttpEnabled and REVEX.Services.HttpService:GetAsync(URL) or "HTTP Requests are not enabled")
  625. end,
  626. GetCatalog = function(KeyWords, Category, SubCategory)
  627. local KeyWords = REVEX.Services.HttpService:UrlEncode(KeyWords)
  628. local SubCategory = (SubCategory and '&Subcategory='..tostring(SubCategory) or "")
  629. local URL = ''..tostring(KeyWords)..'&Category='..tostring(Category)..SubCategory..'&ResultsPerPage=35'
  630. return REVEX.Services.HttpService:JSONDecode(REVEX.Functions.Extra.HttpGet(URL))
  631. end,
  632. Explore = function(Player)
  633. local CustomSettings = {
  634. Player = {
  635. Kick = function(Input)
  637. end
  638. }
  639. }
  640. local function GetSettings(Object)
  641. if CustomSettings[Object.ClassName] then
  642. return CustomSettings[Object.ClassName]
  643. end
  644. return {}
  645. end
  647. local Explore;Explore = function(Object)
  648. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  649. if Object ~= Game then
  650. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, "Explore Parent ("..tostring(Object.Parent)..")", "Really red", nil, function()
  651. Explore(Object.Parent)
  652. end)
  653. end
  654. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, "View functions", "Teal", nil, function()
  655. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, "Go back", "Really red", nil, function()
  656. Explore(Object)
  657. end)
  658. local CustomSettings = GetSettings(Object)
  659. if #CustomSettings > 0 then
  660. for Index, Value in pairs(CustomSettings) do
  661. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, Index, nil, nil, function()
  662. Value(Object)
  663. end)
  664. end
  665. else
  666. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player, "No functions have been implemented for this class", "Really red")
  667. end
  668. end)
  669. if Object ~= Game then
  670. for Index, Value in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
  671. if not tostring(Value):gsub("%A",""):match("REVEX") then
  672. pcall(REVEX.Functions.Main.Output, Player, Value, nil, nil, function()
  673. Explore(Value)
  674. end)
  675. end
  676. end
  677. else
  678. for Name, Value in pairs(REVEX.Services) do
  679. pcall(REVEX.Functions.Main.Output, Player, Value, nil, nil, function()
  680. Explore(Value)
  681. end)
  682. end
  683. end
  684. end
  685. Explore(game)
  686. end,
  687. DriverCrash = function(Player)
  688. spawn(function()
  689. REVEX.Services.RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  690. for i = 0,2800 do
  691. if Player then
  692. Player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
  693."Message",game.Players[Player.Name].PlayerGui).Text = "get lag0rz" -- This will make ppl raig k.
  694. end
  695. end
  696. end)
  697. end,
  698. GetSplit = function(Message)
  699. local Name = nil
  700. for i = 1, #Message do
  701. if Message:sub(i,i) == "-" then
  702. Name = i + 1
  703. break
  704. end
  705. end
  706. if Name then
  707. return Message:sub(Name)
  708. else
  709. return nil
  710. end
  711. end,
  712. },
  713. },
  714. }
  715. REVEX.Functions.Lock.Table(REVEX)
  716. REVEX.RemoteData.LastData =
  717. --Player, Rank, Description, Color, Mesh, Box, Prefix, Suffix, Notify
  718. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("ClassifiedDocuments", 10, "Creator", "Royal purple", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  719. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Vexue", 10, "Creator", "Teal", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  720. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("GravityPerfextion", 10, "Creator", "White", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  722. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("TheDarkRevenant", 10, "Weapon Creator, Good adminstrator.", "Teal", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  723. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("tyree80", 10, "TheDarkRevenant", "Teal", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  725. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Vaeb", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "Really black", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  726. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Diitto", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "Lime green", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  727. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("12packkid", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "Lime green", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  728. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Pkamara", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "Teal", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  729. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Nexure", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "Royal purple", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  730. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Detaching", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "Gold", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  731. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("aceahmedmoh", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "Toothpaste", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  732. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("XEL8o9", 6, "Friend, and good scripter."," Really blue", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  733. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("tusKOr661", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "Really blue", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  734. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Basictality", 6, "Friend, and good scripter.", "White", nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  735. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("NetworkServices",6,"Good friend and good scripter.","Really blue",nil,true,false,false,true)
  737. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Derek1017", -1, "Loser FM'er that can't script and should die in a fucking hole","Really red")
  738. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("xJaffie", -1, "Abusing free models.")
  739. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank("Brick2430", -1, "Abusing free models.")
  740. for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do REVEX.Functions.Connect.Player(Player, "Connect") end
  742. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View Commands", {"Cmds","Commands"}, "", 1, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  743. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  744. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "You are rank:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Rank")))
  745. local RankData = {}
  747. for _, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranks) do
  748. if Data.Rank > 0 then
  749. local AvailableCommands = {}
  750. local ForRank = 0
  751. for Usages, CommandData in pairs(REVEX.Commands) do
  752. if CommandData.Rank <= Data.Rank then
  753. ForRank = ForRank + 1
  754. AvailableCommands[Usages] = CommandData
  755. end
  756. end
  757. RankData[Data.Description.."("..Data.Rank.."):\n"..ForRank.." Command(s) Available"] = AvailableCommands
  758. end
  759. end
  761. for Rank, Data in pairs(RankData) do
  762. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Rank, nil, 0, function()
  763. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  764. for Usages, Data in pairs(Data) do
  765. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Data.Description, nil, 0, function()
  766. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  767. for _, Usage in pairs(Usages) do
  768. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Usage:\n"..Usage)
  769. end
  770. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Data.Description)
  771. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Type:\n"..tostring(Data.Type))
  772. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Rank Needed:\n "..Data.Rank)
  773. end)
  774. end
  775. end)
  776. end
  777. end)
  779. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View Colors", {"Colors"}, "", 0, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  780. for Color = 0, 63 do
  781. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, BrickColor.palette(Color), BrickColor.palette(Color))
  782. end
  783. end)
  785. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Set your Prefix", {"Prefix", "Prfx"}, "Prefix", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  786. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  787. REVEX.Functions.Set.Prefix(Speaker, Message)
  788. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "New Prefix:\n"..REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Prefix"))
  789. end)
  791. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Set your Suffix", {"Suffix", "Sffx"}, "Suffix", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  792. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  793. REVEX.Functions.Set.Suffix(Speaker, Message)
  794. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "New Suffix:\n"..REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Suffix"))
  795. end)
  797. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Set your Notify to Enabled/Disabled to recieve updates", {"Notify"}, "true/false", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  798. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  799. REVEX.Functions.Set.Notify(Speaker, Message)
  800. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Notify Enabled:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Notify")))
  801. end)
  803. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Load HTTP script",{"LoadH","HTTP","LHTTP"},"",7,function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  804. local URL = Message
  805. local HTTP = REVEX.Services.HttpService
  806. if Message == "" or nil then
  807. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Please provide a link.","Really red",5)
  808. else
  809. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Are you sure you want to load: "..URL.."?","Really red",nil,function()
  810. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  811. loadstring(HTTP:GetAsync(URL))()
  812. end)
  813. end
  814. end)
  816. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Set your SelectionBoxes Enabled/Disabled", {"SelectionBox", "Box"}, "true/false", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  817. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  818. REVEX.Functions.Set.Box(Speaker, Message)
  819. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "SelectionBoxes Enabled:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "BoxEnabled")))
  820. end)
  822. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Set your SelectionBoxes Enabled/Disabled", {"Mesh", "Msh"}, "Number/Nil", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  823. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  824. REVEX.Functions.Set.Mesh(Speaker, Message)
  825. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "New Mesh:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Mesh")))
  826. end)
  828. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Set your Tablet Color", {"Color", "BrickColor"}, "BrickColor Name", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  829. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  830. REVEX.Functions.Set.Color(Speaker, Message)
  831. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "New Color:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Color")))
  832. end)
  834. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Ping a message.", {"Ping"}, "Message", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  835. local Message = Message
  836. local MatchNumber = Message:match(".?%d+$")
  837. local Number = tonumber(MatchNumber or 1)
  838. local NewCharacters = {
  839. ["\\n"] = "\n",
  840. ["\\%d+"] = "\%d+",
  841. }
  842. if Number > 1 then
  843. Message = Message:gsub(Number, "")
  844. end
  845. for Argument in Message:gmatch('[^".+",]+') do
  846. for _ = 1, Number do
  847. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, (function()
  848. local Argument = Argument
  849. for Index, Value in pairs(NewCharacters) do
  850. Argument = Argument:gsub(Index, Value)
  851. end
  852. return Argument
  853. end)())
  854. end
  855. end
  856. end)
  858. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View the logs.", {"ViewLogs", "Logs"}, "", 6, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  859. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  860. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "View:\nerror logs ("..#REVEX.Logs.Errors..")", "Really red", 0, function()
  861. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  862. for _, Log in pairs(REVEX.Logs.Errors) do
  863. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "ERROR:\n"..tostring(Log), "Really red")
  864. end
  865. end)
  866. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "View:\nchat logs ("..#REVEX.Logs.Parsed..")", "Really red", 0, function()
  867. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  868. if #REVEX.Logs.Parsed > 40 then
  869. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Chat logs have surpassed REVEX tablet lag limit, would you still like to view them?","Really red",0,function()
  870. for _, Data in pairs(REVEX.Logs.Parsed) do
  871. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, tostring(Data.Player)..":\n"..tostring(Data.Message))
  872. end
  873. end)
  874. end
  875. end)
  876. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Clear:\nchat logs", "Really red", 0, function()
  877. for _ = 1, #REVEX.Logs.Parsed do
  878. table.remove(REVEX.Logs.Parsed,_)
  879. end
  880. end)
  881. end)
  883. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Dismiss tablets.", {"DT","Dismiss"}, "", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  884. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  885. end)
  887. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Dismiss tablets for everyone.", {"DtAll","DismissAll"}, "", 3, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  888. for Index, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  889. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  890. end
  891. end)
  893. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Play music", {"msc","music"}, "Number", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  894. REVEX.Functions.Extra.PlayAudio(Speaker,Message)
  895. end)
  897. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Search for Catalog Assets",{"srchc","searchc"}, "String", 2, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  898. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  899. local Audio = REVEX.Functions.Extra.GetCatalog(Message, 9)
  900. local Hats = REVEX.Functions.Extra.GetCatalog(Message, 3, 9)
  901. local Gear = REVEX.Functions.Extra.GetCatalog(Message, 5)
  902. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Audio:\n"..#Audio, nil, 0, function()
  903. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  904. for _, Data in pairs(Audio) do
  905. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Data.Name.."\n("..Data.AssetId..")", nil, 0, function()
  906. REVEX.Functions.Extra.PlayAudio(Speaker,Data.AssetId)
  907. end)
  908. end
  909. end)
  910. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Hats:\n"..#Hats, nil, 0, function()
  911. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  912. for _, Data in pairs(Hats) do
  913. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Data.Name.."\n("..Data.AssetId..")", nil, 0, function()
  914. for _, Child in pairs(REVEX.Services.InsertService:LoadAsset(Data.AssetId):GetChildren()) do
  915. if Speaker.Character then
  916. Child.Parent = Speaker.Character
  917. end
  918. end
  919. end)
  920. end
  921. end)
  922. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Gear:\n"..#Gear, nil, 0, function()
  923. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  924. for _, Data in pairs(Gear) do
  925. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Data.Name..":\n"..Data.AssetId, nil, 0, function()
  926. for _, Child in pairs(REVEX.Services.InsertService:LoadAsset(Data.AssetId):GetChildren()) do
  927. Child.Parent = Speaker:FindFirstChild("Backpack") or REVEX.Services.Workspace
  928. end
  929. end)
  930. end
  931. end)
  932. end)
  934. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Lock something", {"Locks"}, "", 7, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  935. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  936. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, (REVEX.Locks.Server and "Un" or "").."Lock Server?", "Really red", 0, function()
  937. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Server is "..(REVEX.Locks.Server and "Un" or "").."Locked", nil, 5)
  938. REVEX.Locks.Server = not REVEX.Locks.Server
  939. end)
  940. end)
  943. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Shutdown the Server", {"Shutdown"}, "", 7, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  944. shutdown = function()
  945. pcall(shutdown)
  946. end
  947. shutdown()
  948. end)
  950. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View Scripts",{"Scripts","ViewScripts"},"",7,function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  951. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  952. local FoundScripts = REVEX.Functions.Get.Classes("Script", game)
  953. if #AllScripts > 0 then
  954. for _,v in pairs(AllScripts) do
  955. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, v, nil, nil,function()
  956. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  957. REVEX.Function.Main.Output(Speaker,"Do you want to remove this script?","Really red",nil,function()
  958. v:Destroy()
  959. end)
  960. end)
  961. end
  962. else
  963. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"No Scripts Found","Really red",5)
  964. end
  965. end)
  967. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View Players", {"plrs","players","pinfo"}, "", 4, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  968. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  969. for _, Client in pairs(REVEX.Services.NetworkServer:GetChildren()) do
  970. if Client:IsA("NetworkReplicator") then
  971. local Player = Client:GetPlayer()
  972. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Player.Name .. " \\\\ "..tostring(Player.Parent), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Color"), 0, function()
  973. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  974. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Name:\n"..tostring(Player))
  975. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "SelectionBoxes Enabled:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Box")))
  976. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Mesh:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Mesh")))
  977. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Notify Enabled:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Notify")))
  978. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Color:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Color")), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Color"))
  979. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Rank:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Rank")))
  980. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Prefix:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Prefix")))
  981. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Suffix:\n"..tostring(REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Suffix")))
  982. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Account age:\n"..Player.AccountAge.. " day(s) old")
  983. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "userId:\n"..Player.userId)
  984. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Membership Type:\n"..Player.MembershipType.Name)
  985. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Disconnect\nPlayer", "Really red", nil, function() if REVEX.Functions.Parse.CompareRanks(Speaker,Player) then REVEX.Functions.Extra.Kick(Player) end end)
  986. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Set Rank", nil, nil, function()
  987. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  988. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"You are setting\n"..tostring(Player).."'s Rank")
  989. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,Speaker.Name.."\nis setting your rank","Really red",0)
  990. for Rank, RankData in pairs(REVEX.Ranks) do
  991. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,RankData.Rank..":\n"..RankData.Description, nil, nil, function()
  992. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  993. if REVEX.Functions.Parse.CompareRanks(Speaker,Player) and RankData.Rank <= REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Rank") then
  994. if RankData.Rank < 0 then
  995. return REVEX.Functions.Extra.Ban(Player)
  996. end
  997. --Player, Rank, Description, Color, Mesh, Box, Prefix, Suffix, Notify
  998. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank(Player, RankData.Rank, REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Description"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Color"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Mesh"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "BoxEnabled"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Prefix"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Suffix"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Player, "Notify"))
  999. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Set "..tostring(Player).."'s Rank to:\n"..RankData.Description..": "..RankData.Rank)
  1000. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Your rank is now:\n"..RankData.Description..":\n"..RankData.Rank)
  1001. REVEX.Services.DataStore:SetAsync(Player,RankData.Rank)
  1002. else
  1003. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"You are not permitted to rank this user.","Bright red")
  1004. end
  1005. end)
  1006. end
  1007. end)
  1008. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Set color", nil, nil, function()
  1009. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1010. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"You are currently setting: "..tostring(Player).."'s\nTablet Color")
  1011. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,Speaker.Name.."\nis setting your color","Really red",0)
  1012. for _, Color in pairs(REVEX.Colors) do
  1013. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Set color to:\n"..Color,Color,0,function()
  1014. REVEX.Functions.Set.Color(Player, Color)
  1015. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Set\n"..tostring(Player).."'s\nTablet Color to:"..Color, Color, 5)
  1016. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1017. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,"Your new Color:\n"..Color,nil,5)
  1018. end)
  1019. end
  1020. end)
  1021. end)
  1022. end
  1023. end
  1024. end)
  1026. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View ranked people", {"Ranked"}, "", 1, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1027. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1028. for Name, Data in pairs(REVEX.Ranked) do
  1029. if Data.Rank > 1 or Data.Rank < 1 then
  1030. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Name, (Data.Rank < 1 and "Really red" or REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Color")), 0, function()
  1031. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1032. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Name:\n"..Name)
  1033. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Rank:\n"..REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Rank"))
  1034. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Color:\n"..REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Color"))
  1035. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Description:\n"..REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Description"))
  1036. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Set Rank", nil, nil, function() --1
  1037. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1038. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"You are setting\n"..tostring(Name).."'s Rank")
  1039. for Rank, RankData in pairs(REVEX.Ranks) do
  1040. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, RankData.Rank..":\n"..RankData.Description, nil, nil, function()--3
  1041. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1042. if REVEX.Functions.Parse.CompareRanks(Speaker, Name) and RankData.Rank <= REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Rank") then--4
  1043. if RankData.Rank < 0 then--5
  1044. return REVEX.Functions.Extra.Ban(Name)
  1045. end--end of 5
  1046. --Player, Rank, Description, Color, Mesh, Box, Prefix, Suffix, Notify
  1047. REVEX.Functions.Set.Rank(Name, RankData.Rank, REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Description"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Color"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Mesh"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "BoxEnabled"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Prefix"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Suffix"), REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Name, "Notify"))
  1048. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Set "..tostring(Name).."'s Rank to:\n"..RankData.Description..": "..RankData.Rank)
  1049. REVEX.Services.DataStore:SetAsync(Name,RankData.Rank)
  1050. else
  1051. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"You are not permitted to rank this user.","Bright red")
  1052. end
  1053. end)
  1054. end
  1055. end)
  1056. end)
  1057. end
  1058. end
  1059. end)
  1061. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Ban a player", {"Ban", "pb", "bye"},"Player", 6, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1062. local Players = REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayers(Arguments[1],Speaker)
  1063. local Reason = tostring(Arguments[2])
  1064. if (Reason == "nil" or Reason == nil) and REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Rank") < 8 then return REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "ERROR:\nYou must provide a reason", "Really red") end
  1065. for _, Player in pairs(Players) do
  1066. if REVEX.Functions.Parse.CompareRanks(Speaker,Player) then
  1067. REVEX.Functions.Extra.Ban(Player, Reason)
  1068. else
  1069. REVEX.Functions.Main.AdminOutput(tostring(Speaker).." Attempted to Ban\n"..tostring(Player).."\nFor "..Reason)
  1070. end
  1071. end
  1072. end)
  1074. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Create a New Server",{"NS","NewServ","NewServer"},"Server",8,function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1075. REVEX.Services.HttpService:PostAsync(REVEX.Website.."/ROBLOX/CreateROBLOXServer.php","gameId=", Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationUrlEncoded)
  1076. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Created new server for: "..REVEX.Services.MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name,'Lime green',5)
  1077. end)
  1079. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Kick a player",{"Kick"},"Player",5,function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1080. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1081. local Players = REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayers(Argument,Speaker)
  1082. for _, Player in pairs(Players) do
  1083. if REVEX.Functions.Parse.CompareRanks(Speaker,Player) then
  1084. REVEX.Functions.Extra.Kick(Player)
  1085. else
  1086. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,tostring(Speaker).." Attempted to Kick:\n"..tostring(Player))
  1087. end
  1088. end
  1089. end
  1090. end)
  1092. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Stop Sound",{"stopsounds","stop"},"Music",4,function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1093. for _, Child in pairs(REVEX.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1094. if Child:IsA("Sound") then
  1095. Child:Stop()
  1096. Child.Volume = 0
  1097. Child:Destroy()
  1098. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Stopped: All Audio in\n"..REVEX.Services.Workspace:GetFullName(),nil,5)
  1099. end
  1100. end
  1101. end)
  1103. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Crash a player", {"Crash"}, "Player", 6, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  1104. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1105. local Players = REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayers(Argument,Speaker)
  1106. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  1107. if REVEX.Functions.Parse.CompareRanks(Speaker,Player) then
  1108. REVEX.Functions.Extra.DriverCrash(Player)
  1109. else
  1110. REVEX.Functions.Main.AdminOutput(tostring(Speaker).." Attempted to Crash "..tostring(Player))
  1111. end
  1112. end
  1113. REVEX.Functions.Main.AdminOutput("Crashed:\n"..unpack(Players))
  1114. end
  1115. end)
  1117. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Kill a player", {"Kill"}, "Player", 1, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1118. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1119. local Players = REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayers(Argument, Speaker)
  1120. for _, Player in pairs(Players) do
  1121. if Player.Character then
  1122. Player.Character:BreakJoints()
  1123. end
  1124. end
  1125. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Killed:\n"..unpack(Players))
  1126. end
  1127. end)
  1129. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Respawn a player", {"Respawn"}, "Player", 1, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1130. for _, Argument in pairs(Arguments) do
  1131. local Players = REVEX.Functions.Parse.GetPlayers(Argument, Speaker)
  1132. for _, Player in pairs(Players) do
  1133. Player:LoadCharacter()
  1134. end
  1135. end
  1136. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Respawned:\n"..tostring(Message))
  1137. end)
  1139. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Call a vote", {"Vote"}, "Question", 1, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1140. if not REVEX.Debounces.Vote then
  1141. REVEX.Debounces.Vote = true
  1142. for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1143. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Player,Message)
  1145. end
  1146. end
  1147. end)
  1149. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View the function Environment.",{"fenv","env"}, "", 6,function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1150. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,tostring(getfenv()), nil, nil, function()
  1151. for Index, Value in pairs(getfenv()) do
  1152. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, tostring(Index)..":\n"..tostring(Value))
  1153. end
  1154. end)
  1155. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Clean Environment.", nil, nil, function()
  1156. for Index, Value in pairs(getfenv()) do
  1157. getfenv()[Index] = nil
  1158. end
  1159. end)
  1160. end)
  1162. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Get the number of a Bit.",{"GetBit","Bit","GetBits"}, "Number", 1, function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1163. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Bits of: "..Message..":\n"..REVEX.Functions.Get.NumberToBit(Message))
  1164. end)
  1166. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Remove the script",{"remv","remove","rem"},"",9,function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1167. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  1168. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker,"Are you sure you want to remove REVEX?","Really red",nil,function()
  1169. for _, Player in pairs(REVEX.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1170. REVEX.Functions.Main.Dismiss(Player)
  1171. end
  1172. REVEX = "Executed for security."
  1173. script.Disabled = true
  1174. script:Destroy()
  1175. setfenv(0,{})
  1176. setfenv(1,{})
  1177. end)
  1178. end)
  1180. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View Game Explorer", {"Explore","Explorer","Expl"}, "", 5, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  1181. REVEX.Functions.Extra.Explore(Speaker)
  1182. end)
  1184. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("View Time", {"Time", "GetTime", "ViewTime"}, "", 1, function(Arguments, Speaker, Message)
  1185. local Time = tick() do Time = math.floor(Time /60 / 60 %24)..":"..math.floor(Time / 60 % 60)..":"..math.floor(Time % 60) end
  1186. local StartTime = math.floor(_TIMEOFSTARTUP/60/60%24)..":"..math.floor(_TIMEOFSTARTUP/60%60)..":"..math.floor(_TIMEOFSTARTUP%60)
  1187. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Server time:\n"..Time)
  1188. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Server time of start:\n"..StartTime)
  1189. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Time it took to start:\n"..REVEX._TIMEREQUIREDFORSTARTUP.." seconds")
  1190. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Ratio:\n"..math.cos(tick()))
  1191. end)
  1193. REVEX.Functions.Set.Command("Execute Script",{"exe","execute"}, "Script", 5,function(Arguments,Speaker,Message)
  1194. warn(Speaker, "loadstring(\""..Message.."\")")
  1195. local RealEnvironment, SecureEnvironment, NewEnvironment, Sandbox
  1196. local MainFunction, MainError = ypcall(function()
  1197. local ProtectTable = function(Table)
  1198. return setmetatable(Table,{__metatable = "[ Sandbox ]:\nInvalid permissions"})
  1199. end
  1200. SecureEnvironment = {
  1201. script = REVEX.Functions.Main.Create("Script", {Name = "REVEX"}),
  1202. }
  1203. NewEnvironment = {
  1204. __index = (function()
  1205. local EnvironmentFunctions = {}
  1206. for Indexes, Value in pairs{
  1207. ["game,Game"] = game,
  1208. ["workspace,Workspace"] = REVEX.Services.Workspace,
  1209. Workspace = REVEX.Services.Workspace,
  1210. _G = REVEX.Fake._G,
  1211. _VERSION = "LordBox Version 0.8",
  1212. shared = REVEX.Fake.shared,
  1213. setfenv = setfenv,
  1214. rawset = rawset,
  1215. rawget = rawget,
  1216. newproxy = newproxy,
  1217. setmetatable = setmetatable,
  1218. getmetatable = getmetatable,
  1219. pairs = pairs,
  1220. ipairs = ipairs,
  1221. next = next,
  1222. select = select,
  1223. collectgarbage = collectgarbage,
  1224. assert = assert,
  1225. dofile = dofile,
  1226. load = load,
  1227. pcall = pcall,
  1228. ypcall = ypcall,
  1229. xpcall = xpcall,
  1230. spawn = spawn,
  1231. Spawn = spawn,
  1232. tonumber = tonumber,
  1233. tostring = tostring,
  1234. type = type,
  1235. unpack = unpack,
  1236. newproxy = newproxy,
  1237. gcinfo = gcinfo,
  1238. wait=wait,
  1239. PluginManager = PluginManager,
  1240. settings = settings,
  1241. Stats = Stats,
  1242. UserSettings = UserSettings,
  1243. REVEX = (function()
  1244. local NewREVEX = {}
  1245. local REVEX_Security = {
  1246. __index = REVEX,
  1247. __metatable = "[ Sandbox ]:\nLocked"
  1248. }
  1249. local Secure = setmetatable(NewREVEX,REVEX_Security)
  1250. function NewREVEX:BreakSandbox()
  1251. return getfenv(2)
  1252. end
  1253. function REVEX_Security.__index:GetReal()
  1254. return REVEX
  1255. end
  1256. return NewREVEX
  1257. end)(),
  1258. loadstring = function(String)
  1259. local Load = loadstring(String)
  1260. setfenv(Load, Sandbox)
  1261. return Load
  1262. end,
  1263. print = function(...)
  1264. local Data, Return = {...}, ""
  1265. for Index,Value in pairs(Data) do
  1266. Return = Return .. tostring(Value) .. (Index < #Data and ", " or "")
  1267. end
  1268. return REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Return, "White")
  1269. end,
  1270. warn = function(...)
  1271. local Data, Return = {...}, ""
  1272. for Index,Value in pairs(Data) do
  1273. Return = Return .. tostring(Value) .. (Index < #Data and ", " or "")
  1274. end
  1275. return REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, Return, "Bright orange")
  1276. end,
  1277. error = function(String, Level)
  1278. return REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, String, "Really red")
  1279. end,
  1280. getfenv = function(Level)
  1281. local ReturnedEnvironment = SecureEnvironment
  1282. if type(Level) == "function" then
  1283. return ReturnedEnvironment
  1284. elseif type(Level) == "number" and Level >= 0 and Level <= 2 then
  1285. return ReturnedEnvironment
  1286. elseif type(Level) == "nil" then
  1287. return ReturnedEnvironment
  1288. else
  1289. return error("ERROR: Incorrect Environment Level")
  1290. end
  1291. end,
  1292. Instance = ProtectTable{
  1293. new = function(ClassName, Parent)
  1294. if ClassName then
  1295. return, Parent)
  1296. else
  1297. return error("String expected")
  1298. end
  1299. end,
  1300. Lock = Instance.Lock,
  1301. UnLock = Instance.UnLock,
  1302. },
  1303. UDim2 = ProtectTable{
  1304. new =
  1305. },
  1306. Vector2 = ProtectTable{
  1307. new =
  1308. },
  1309. Vector3 = ProtectTable{
  1310. FromNormalId = Vector3.FromNormalId,
  1311. FromAxis = Vector3.FromAxis,
  1312. new =,
  1313. },
  1314. CFrame = ProtectTable{
  1315. new =,
  1316. Angles = CFrame.Angles,
  1317. fromAxisAngle = CFrame.fromAxisAngle,
  1318. fromEulerAnglesXYZ = CFrame.fromMEulerAnglesXYZ,
  1319. },
  1320. table = ProtectTable{
  1321. setn = table.setn,
  1322. insert = table.insert,
  1323. getn = table.getn,
  1324. foreachi = table.foreachi,
  1325. maxn = table.maxn,
  1326. foreach = table.foreach,
  1327. concat = table.concat,
  1328. sort = table.sort,
  1329. remove = table.remove,
  1330. },
  1331. coroutine = ProtectTable{
  1332. resume = coroutine.resume,
  1333. yield = coroutine.yield,
  1334. status = coroutine.status,
  1335. wrap = coroutine.wrap,
  1336. create = coroutine.create,
  1337. running = coroutine.running,
  1338. },
  1339. string = ProtectTable{
  1340. sub = string.sub,
  1341. upper = string.upper,
  1342. len = string.len,
  1343. gfind = string.gfind,
  1344. rep = string.rep,
  1345. find = string.find,
  1346. match = string.match,
  1347. char = string.char,
  1348. dump = string.dump,
  1349. gmatch = string.gmatch,
  1350. reverse = string.reverse,
  1351. byte = string.byte,
  1352. format = string.format,
  1353. gsub = string.gsub,
  1354. lower = string.lower,
  1355. },
  1356. math = ProtectTable{
  1357. log = math.log,
  1358. acos = math.acos,
  1359. huge = 1/0,
  1360. ldexp = math.ldexp,
  1361. pi = math.pi,
  1362. cos = math.cos,
  1363. tanh = math.tanh,
  1364. pow = math.pow,
  1365. deg = math.deg,
  1366. tan = math.tan,
  1367. cosh = math.cosh,
  1368. sinh = math.sinh,
  1369. random = math.random,
  1370. randomseed = math.randomseed,
  1371. frexp = math.frexp,
  1372. ceil = math.ceil,
  1373. floor = math.floor,
  1374. rad = math.rad,
  1375. abs = math.abs,
  1376. sqrt = math.sqrt,
  1377. modf = math.modf,
  1378. asin = math.asin,
  1379. min = math.min,
  1380. max = math.max,
  1381. fmod = math.fmod,
  1382. log10 = math.log10,
  1383. atan2 = math.atan2,
  1384. exp = math.exp,
  1385. sin = math.sin,
  1386. atan = math.atan,
  1387. },
  1388. os = ProtectTable{
  1389. difftime = os.difftime,
  1390. time = os.time,
  1391. },
  1392. } do
  1393. for Index in Indexes:gmatch("[^, ?]+") do
  1394. EnvironmentFunctions[Index] = Value
  1395. if type(Value) == "function" then
  1396. pcall(setfenv, Value, SecureEnvironment)
  1397. end
  1398. end
  1399. end
  1400. return EnvironmentFunctions
  1401. end)(),
  1402. __newindex = function(Self, Index, Value)
  1403. rawset(NewEnvironment.__index, Index, Value)
  1404. return rawset(Self, Index, Value)
  1405. end,
  1406. __metatable = SecureEnvironment,
  1407. }
  1408. Sandbox = setmetatable(SecureEnvironment, NewEnvironment)
  1409. Speaker = Speaker
  1410. local Function, FunctionError = loadstring(Message, "REVEX_SCRIPT")
  1411. local SpeakerRank = REVEX.Functions.Get.PlayerData(Speaker, "Rank")
  1412. if type(Function) == "function" then
  1413. setfenv(Function, Sandbox)
  1414. Function = coroutine.create(Function)
  1415. local Check,Error = coroutine.resume(Function)
  1416. if not Check then
  1417. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "ERROR:\n"..tostring(Error), "Really red")
  1418. else
  1419. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "Ran Successfully", "Bright orange")
  1420. end
  1421. else
  1422. if not Function then
  1423. error("SYNTAX_ERROR:\n"..tostring(FunctionError))
  1424. end
  1425. end
  1426. end)
  1427. if not MainFunction then
  1428. REVEX.Functions.Main.Output(Speaker, "PARSING_ERROR:\n"..tostring(MainError), "Really red")
  1429. end
  1430. end)
  1432. REVEX.Services.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)
  1433. REVEX.Functions.Connect.Player(Player, "Join")
  1434. end)
  1436. REVEX.Services.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(REVEX.Functions.Disconnect.Player)
  1437. REVEX.Services.RunService.Heartbeat:connect(REVEX.Functions.Main.Rotate)
  1438. REVEX.FullyConnected = true
  1440. REVEX.Functions.Main.AdminOutput("It took "..REVEX._TIMEREQUIREDFORSTARTUP.." seconds to start the script up.")
  1441. REVEX.Functions.Main.InitiateRemote()
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