
td dialogue

Oct 19th, 2013
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  1. 1: "King! We've received word that our neighbors in the north are under attack."
  2. 2: "Yeah, well. I didn't really care for them anyway."
  3. 1: "We could be next! We should increase our defensive capabilities!"
  4. 2: "Oh... I'm sure we're safe. Just because they're under attack doesn't mean we will be."
  5. 1: "Uh, yeah. Just to be on the safe side we should probably build a tower."
  6. *build tower* *Click start*
  7. 1: "Sir! We've spotted a hostile force on the horizon!"
  8. *wave 1*
  9. 2: "It was probably just a few bandits. I'm sure it was a one time thing."
  10. 1: "Yeah... Sure, but since we already have this fancy tower, we might as well upgrade it some."
  11. *upgrade tower*
  12. 1: "Sir! More hostile forces are on their way here."
  13. *wave 2*
  14. 2: "Ok, so it wasn't a one time thing. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about though."
  15. 1: "Oh yeah. Obviously this is completely unrelated to the attacks on the kingdom in the north."
  16. *wave 3*
  17. 2: "I'm sure it's almost over now."
  18. 1: "Yeah... there's no reason to think this is a pattern or anything."
  19. *wave 4-6*
  20. 2: "They'll realize this is pointless and give up soon, I'm sure of it."
  21. 1: "Anyway... We should probably just keep building and upgrading towers."
  22. *wave 7-9*
  23. 2: "That had to be the end of it, I'm positive."
  24. 1: "Sir! We've spotted a large enemy headed this way. We need to prepare!"
  25. *wave 10*
  26. 2: "I'm sure that was the worst of it. It's definitely going to start slowing down now."
  27. 1: "..."
  28. *wave 11*
  29. 1: "Sir! Our scientists and engineers have made a breakthrough. By placing towers next to each other and upgrading them, they can share technology allowing them to create new defenses. Try different combinations and see what they come up with."
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